на русском о Неорганических Существах из книг К. Кастанэда
возможно, если хочешь этого с несгибаемым Интэнтом...Борец в
действительности влияет на события Силой своего Сознания и Силой своего
Несгибаемого Интэнта."
что эта Чужеродная Энергия (Неорганических Существ), имеющая
лаконичность, не объясняет мне ничего Дон Хуан. Какая это Энергия:
плохая, хорошая, правильная, неправильная, что это?"
как раз то, что я сказал - Чужеродная Энергия, Безразличная Сила,
которую мы превращаем в очень даже персональную, потому что она имеет
голос. Некоторые Маги в этом могут поклясться, они даже ВИДЯТ ЕЁ. Или,
как это с тобой самим происходило, они просто слышат это как голос
мужчины или женщины.
И этот голос может сказать им о положении вещей, которое они, в
большинстве своём, примут как священный совет."
некоторые из нас слышат это как голос?"
видим или слышим это, потому что сохраняем нашу Точку Восприятия на
определённом новом положении; чем сильнее эта зацепка, тем ярче наше
знакомство с Эмисаром (Эмисар
это - Неорганическое Существо женского рода). Берегись, ты
можешь увидеть или почувствовать это как голую женщину." Дон Хуан
рассмеялся над собственной шуткой, но я был слишком напуган, чтобы
Сила способна материлизоваться?" спросил я.
ответил он."И всё зависит от того насколько закреплена твоя Точка
Восприятия. Но будь уверен, если ты способен сохранять какую-то степень
безразличия, ничего не случится. Эмисар останется тем, что есть:
Безразличная Сила, которая действует на нас из-за фиксации
(закреплённого положения) нашей Точки Восприятия."
на её совет можно положиться?"
не может быть советом. Оно только говорит нам что есть что, а потом мы
делаем для себя выводы." Тогда я сказал Дон Хуану что Голос сказал мне.
как раз я и сказал," отметил Дон Хуан, "Эмисар не сказал тебе ничего
нового, его слова были правильны, но тебе только казалось, что это
открывает какие-то вещи для тебя. Что Эмисар сделал это просто повторил
то, что ты уже знал."
что я не могу доказать, что я знал всё это, Дон Хуан."
ты можешь. Сейчас ты знаешь неизмеримо больше о тайнах Вселенной, чем
ты подозреваешь своей логикой. Но это - наша общая человеческая
"болезнь" знать больше о тайнах Вселенной, чем мы подозреваем."
такого невероятного феноменона без помощи Дон Хуана, ввело меня в
экстаз. Мне хотелось добыть больше информации об Эмисари (женщина) и
начал распрашивать Дон Хуана если он тоже слышал голос Эмисари. Он
перебил меня и, широко улыбаясь, сказаал:"Да, да, Эмисари также
разговаривает со мной. В молодости я бывало ВИДЕЛ его в виде
монаха в чёрной одежде с капюшоном. И каждый раз этот говорящий "монах"
пугал меня до смерти. Потом уже, когда я более менее справился со своим
страхом, Эмисари стал просто голосом без тела, который до сих пор
говорит мне какие-то вещи.
вещи, Дон Хуан?"
на что я фокусирую свой Интэнт, вещи, которыми мне самому неинтересно
заниматься. Например, детали поведения моих учеников, чем они
занимаются когда меня нет рядом. Эмисари рассказывает вещи о тебе, к
примеру, описывает мне всё, что ты делаешь."
тот момент мне было всё равно какой оборот примет наш разговор. Я
старательно искал в уме вопросы на другие темы, пока он задыхался от
Дремлющий Эмисари, Неорганическое Существо?" спросил я.
назовём Дремлющего Эмисари Силой, которая исходит от Неорганических
Существ. Это и есть причина, почему Дремлющие (Dreamers) всегда
сталкиваются с ней."
Хуан, ты имеешь ввиду, что каждый Дремлющий (Dreamer) слышит или видит
слышит Эмисари; но очень немногие видят или чувствуют Эмисари."
ты это как-то объяснить?"
по правде, мне безразличен Эмисари. В какой-то момент своей жизни мне
пришлось сделать выбор: концентрироваться на Неорганических Существах и
следовать той же дорогой как и Древние Колдуны или отказаться от всего
этого. Мой Учитель, Нагуал Джулиан, помог мне принять решение и
отказаться от помощи Неорганических Существ. Я никогда не сожалел об
этом решении."
думаешь мне тоже следует отказаться от Неорганических Существ, Дон
не ответил мне, вместо этого он объяснил, что весь Мир Неорганических
Существ всегда готов учить. Возможно потому, что Неорганические
Существа имеют более обширное Сознание, чем наше (потому, что дольше
нас существовали на Земле! ЛМ). Они чувствуют себя обязанными взять нас
под своё крыло.
не вижу смысла стать их учеником," добавил он, "Их цена слишком высока!"
их цена?"
жизни, наша Энергия, наша привязанность к ним, другими словами, наша
что они учат?"
которые подходят их Мирам. Таким же манером мы сами могли бы учить их,
если бы мы были способны учить их, вроде вещей полезных нашему Миру.
Однако их метод - это взять нашу базовую сущность как стандарт того,
что нам нужно и потом согласно этому учить нас. Наиболее опасная
не вижу в этом никакой опасности."
кто-то собрался взять твою базовую сущность как стандарт, со всеми
твоими страхами, жадностью, завистью и так далее и тому подобное, а
потом учить тебя как достигнуть это ужасное состояние человека, какой,
ты думаешь, был бы результат?"
меня не было слов. Я прекрасно понял причины его отказа от
Неорганических Существ.
Древних Колдунов было то, что они научили прекрасным вещам другую
сторону своего Существа, более низменную (отрицательную)," продолжал
Дон Хуан. "Неорганические Существа стали их Союзниками и, с помощью
откровенных примеров, они учили чудесам Древних Колдунов.
Союзники выполняли действия и учили Древних Колдунов шаг за шагом
копировать действия тех, не меняя свою внутреннюю низменную сущность."
сегодня, существуют ли такие отношения с Неорганическими Существами?"
не могу дать откровенный ответ. Всё, что я могу сказать это то, что я
не могу представить для себя такую дружбу. Отношения такого характера
сокращают наши поиски Свободы, лишая нас всей нашей Энергии. Чтобы
действительно следовать примеру своих Союзников, Древним Колдунам
приходилось тратить свою жизнь в Мире Неорганических Существ.
Количество Энергии, нужной чтобы осуществить такое длительное
путешествие, не поддаётся описанию."
Хуан, ты имеешь ввиду что Древние Колдуны были способны существовать в
тех Мирах, как мы существуем здесь?"
совсем как мы существуем здесь, но они определённо там жили: они
сохраняли своё Сознание, свою индивидуальность. Их Дремлющий Эмисари
стал самой живой Сущностью для тех Колдунов. Если Колдун хочет жить в
Мире Неорганических Существ, Эмисари - прекрасный мост для этого; она с
вами разговаривает и её склонность учить и вести вас."
Хуан, ты когда-нибудь был в их Мире?"
множество раз. Также как и ты. Но нет смысла говорить об этом сейчас.
Ты ещё не освободился от мусора в своём Дремлющем Внимании.
Когда-нибудь мы поговорим об этом Мире."
я понимаю Дон Хуан, что ты не одобряешь и тебе не нравится Эмисари?"
то. чтобы я одобрял или мне он нравился. Это принадлежит другому
настроению, настроению Древних Колдунов. Кроме этого их учения и
лидерство в нашем Мире - сплошная чепуха. И за эту чепуху Эмисари берёт
с нас непомерно в смысле Энергии. Когда-нибудь ты согласишься со мной.
тоне Дон Хуана я уловил завуалированную догадку того, что я с ним не
согласен насчёт Эмисари. Я как раз собирался начать спорить с ним, как
услышал в ушах голос Эмисари.
прав," сказал голос. "Ты похож на меня, потому что не находишь
неправильным исследовать все возможности. Ты хочешь Знания; Знание -
это Могущество. Ты не хочешь оставаться безучастным в рутине и поверьях
своего Ежедневного Мира. Эмисари сказал всё это на английском с
отчётливым говором тихоокеанского побережья. Потом голос перешёл на
испанский и я услышал лёгкий аргентинский акцент. Я никогда не слышал
чтобы Эмисари так до этого разговаривал со мной. Это меня восхитило.
Эмисари рассказаал мне о Знаниях и их применении; о том как далеко я
находился от своего места рождения; о моём страстном желании
приключений и о моём увлечении, почти наваждении, к новым вещам, к
новым горизонтам. Голос даже разговаривал со мной на португальском с
явным акцентом Южных Пампас. Слышать этот голос, изливающий всю эту
лесть, не только испугало меня, но меня чуть не вытошнило! Я сказал Дон
Хуану прямо на месте, что мне придётся прекратить мою тренировку
в Dreaming. Он посмотрел на меня с нескрывемым удивлением. Но
когда я повторил то, что я только что слышал, он согласился с моим
желанием, хотя я чувствовал, что он делает это чтобы доставить мне
Inorganic Beings'
Realm - extracts from the books of C. Castaneda
knew, that I was
having a strange, sophisticated vision, yet those
Shapes were so real, that I found myself reacting with genuine
queasiness (uneasiness). I
got the nauseating
feeling of being over a nest of Giant, Round, Brown and Grayish Bugs.
felt somehow safe, though,
hovering above them. I discarded all these considerations, however, the
moment I realized, that
it was idiotic of me to feel safe or ill at ease, as if my Dream were a
real-life situation.
However, as I observed those Buglike shapes squirm (wriggling, writhe),
I became very disturbed at the idea, that they were about
to touch me. "We
are the Mobile
Unit of Our World," the Emissary's Voice said, all
of a sudden. "Don't be afraid. We are Energy, and, for sure, we're not
intending to touch you.
It would be impossible anyway. We are separated by real boundaries." After
a long pause,
the Voice added, "We want you to join us.
Come down
to where we are. And don't be ill at ease. You are not ill at ease with
the Scouts and
certainly not with me. The Scouts and I are just like the others. I am
Bell-shaped, and Scouts are
like Candle Flames." That
last statement was definitely a cue of sorts for my Energy Body.
On hearing it, my queasiness (nausea) and fear vanished.
I descended to
level, and the Balls
and Bells and Candle Flames surrounded me. They came so close to me,
they would have
touched me,
had I had a physical body. Instead, we went through one another, like
encapsulated air puffs. I had, at that point, an unbelievable
sensation. Although I did not
feel anything with or in my Energy Body, I was feeling and recording
the most unusual tickling
somewhere else; soft, airlike things were definitely going through me,
but not right there. The
sensation was vague and fast and did not give me time to catch it
fully. Instead of focusing my Dreaming Attention on it, I became
entirely absorbed in watching
those oversized Bugs of Energy.
At the level where we were, it seemed to me, that there was a
commonality between the Shadow Entities and myself: size. Perhaps
it was because I judged them to be the same size as my Energy Body,
that I felt almost cozy with them. On examining them, I concluded, that
I did not mind them
at all. They were impersonal, cold, detached, and I liked that
immensely. I
wondered for
an instant, whether my disliking them one minute and liking them the
next was a natural
consequence of Dreaming or a product of some Energetic Influence, those
Entities were exerting (exercising) on me.
are most likable," I said to the Emissary, at the very moment I
was overpowered by a Wave of Profound Friendship or even affection for
them. No sooner had I spoken my Mind, than the Dark Shapes scurried
away, like
bulky guinea pigs,
leaving me alone in
projected too
much feeling and scared them off," the Emissary's
Voice said. "Feeling is too hard for them,
and for me for that matter."
The Emissary actually
laughed shyly.
"This is the Shadows'
World," the Emissary's Voice said, as soon
as I
was there. "But, even though we are Shadows, we shed light. Not
are we Mobile, but we are
the Light in the Tunnels. We are another kind of Inorganic Being, that
exists here. There are
three kinds: one is like an Immobile Tunnel, the Other is like a Mobile
Shadow. We are the Mobile Shadows. The Tunnels give us their Energy,
and we do their bidding (commands)." The
Emissary stopped talking. I
felt it was daring me to ask about the
Third kind of Inorganic Being. I also felt, that if I did not ask, the
Emissary would not tell
"What's the Third
kind of
Inorganic Being?" I said. The
coughed and
chuckled. To me, it sounded like It relished (pleased)
being asked.
"Oh, that's our
most mysterious
feature. The Third kind is
revealed to our visitors only when they choose to stay with us." it said.
"Why is that so?" I
it takes a
great deal
of Energy to see them," the Emissary
answered. "And we would have to provide that
Energy." I knew,
that the
Emissary was
telling me the Truth.
I also knew, that a
horrendous danger was lurking. Yet I was driven by a curiosity without
limits. I wanted to See that Third kind. The
Emissary seemed
to be aware of my mood.
"Would you like to
see them?" it
asked casually.
"Most certainly," I
you have to do
is to say
out loud, that you want to stay with us,"
the Emissary said with a nonchalant (cool) intonation.
"But if I say that,
I have to
stay, right?" I asked.
Emissary said
in a tone of ultimate conviction.
"Everything you say out loud in this World is
for keeps." I
could not help
thinking that,
if the Emissary had wanted to trick me
into staying, all it had to do was lie to me. I would not have known
the difference. "I cannot lie to
you, because a
lie doesn't exist," the Emissary said,
intruding into my thoughts. "I can
tell you only
about what exists. In my World, only Intent
exists; a lie has no intent behind it; therefore, it has no
existence!!!" I wanted to
that there is
Intent even behind lies, but before I
could voice my argument, the Emissary said, that behind lies there is
intention, but that
intention is not Intent. I could not keep my Dreaming Attention,
focused on the argument the Emissary was posing (confusing). It went to the
Beings. Suddenly, I noticed, that they had the
appearance of a herd of strange, childlike animals. The Emissary's
Voice warned me to hold my emotions
in check, for sudden bursts of feelings had the capacity to make them
disperse, like a flock
of birds.
"What do you want
me to do?" I
asked. "Come
down to our
side and try to push or pull us. The
you learn to do that, the quicker you'll
be able to move things
around in your World by merely looking at them," the Emissary's
Voice urged me. My
merchant's Mind
went berserk with anticipation. I was instantly
among them, desperately trying to push them or pull them. After a
while, I thoroughly exhausted
my Energy. I had then the impression, that I had been trying to do
something equivalent to lifting
a house with the strength of my teeth. Another impression I had was,
that the more I exerted myself, the
greater the number of Shadows. It , if they were coming from every
corner to watch me,
or to feed on me. The moment I
that thought, the Shadows again scurried away. "We are
not feeding
on you," the Emissary said. "We all come to feel
your Energy, very much like what you do with Sunlight on a cold day." The
Emissary urged me to open up to them by canceling out my suspicious
thoughts. I heard the Voice, and, as I listened to what it was saying,
I realized, that I
was hearing, feeling, and thinking exactly, as I do in my Daily World.
I slowly turned to See
around me. Taking the clarity of my Perception as a gauge (testing), I
concluded, that I was in a Real World. The Emissary's Voice sounded in
my ears.
said, that for me
the only difference between Perceiving my World
and Perceiving theirs, was, that Perceiving their World started and
ended in the blink
of an eye. Perceiving
mine did not, because my Awareness — together
with the Awareness
of an immense number of Beings like me, who held my World in place with
their Intent — was
fixed on my World. The Emissary added, that Perceiving my World started
and ended the same way for the Inorganic Beings, in the blink of an
eye, but Perceiving their World
did not, because there were Immense Numbers of Them holding it in place
with their Intent. At that
instant the scene started to dissolve. I was like a diver, and Waking Up
from that World
was like swimming up to reach the surface. In
the following session, the Emissary began its dialogue with me by
restating, that a totally coordinated and coactive
relationship existed between Mobile Shadows
and Stationary Tunnels. It finished its statement saying, "We can't
exist without each other."
understand what
you mean," I said. There
was a touch of scorn (despise, contempt) in the Emissary's Voice, when
it retorted (objected),
that I could not possibly understand what it means to be related in
that fashion, which was
infinitely more, than being dependent. I intended to ask the Emissary
to explain, what it meant by
that, but the next instant I was inside of, what I can only describe,
the very tissue of the Tunnel. I saw some grotesquely merged, glandlike
protuberances (bulge, knob), that emitted an opaque light. The
thought crossed my mind, that those were the same protuberances, that
had given me the impression of
being like Braille (system of printing for Blind). Considering, that
they were Energy Blobs three to four feet in diameter,
I began to wonder about the actual size of those Tunnels.
here is not
like size in your World," the Emissary said. "The
Energy of this World is a Different kind of Energy (sizzling); its
features don't
coincide with the features
of the Energy of your World, yet this World is as real, as your own." The Emissary went
on to say,
that it had told me everything about the
Shadow Beings, when it described and explained the protuberances on the
Tunnels' Walls. I
retorted, that I had heard the explanations, but I had not paid
Attention to them, because I believed,
that they did not pertain (belong) directly to Dreaming. "Everything
in this Realm,
pertains directly to Dreaming," the Emissary stated. I wanted to think about the
reason for my misjudgment, but my Mind
became blank.
My Dreaming Attention was waning (declined). I was having
trouble focusing it on the World around me. I braced myself for waking
up. The Emissary started to speak again, and
the sound of its voice propped me up (helped). My Dreaming Attention
perked up (regained, cheered) considerably.
is the Vehicle, that brings
Dreamers to
this World and everything Sorcerers know about Dreaming was taught
to them by us. Our World is connected to yours by a Door called Dreams.
We know how to go through that Door, but Men don't. They have to learn
it." The
Emissary's voice went
explaining, what it had already explained
to me before. "The
Protuberances on the
Tunnels' Walls are
Shadow Beings, I am one of them. We move inside the Tunnels, on their
Walls, charging
ourselves with the Energy of the Tunnels, which is Our Energy." An
idle thought crossed my mind:
I was really incapable of conceiving a
symbiotic relationship, such as the one I was witnessing. "If you
would stay
among us, you
would certainly learn to feel, what it
is like to be connected, as we are connected," the Emissary
said. The
Emissary seemed to be waiting for my reply. I had the feeling, that
what It really wanted, was for me to say, that I had decided to stay.
many Shadow
Beings are in
each Tunnel?" I
asked to change
the mood
and immediately regretted it, because the Emissary began to give me a
detailed account
of the numbers and functions of the Shadow Beings in each Tunnel. It
said, that each Tunnel
had a specific number of Dependent Entities, which performed specific
functions, having to do
with the Needs and Expectations of the Supporting Tunnels. I did not
want the Emissary to go into more detail. I reasoned, that the
less I knew about the Tunnel and Shadow Beings, the better off I was.
The instant I formulated
that thought, the Emissary stopped, and my Energy Body jerked, as if it
had been pulled by a cable.
The next moment, I was fully awake, in my bed. From then on, I had no
more fears, that could have interrupted my
practices. Another idea had begun to rule me: the idea, that I had
unparalleled excitation. I
could hardly wait every day to start Dreaming and have the Scout take
me to the Shadows' World. The
added attraction was, that my visions of the Shadows' World became even
more true to life, than
before. Judged by the subjective standards of orderly thoughts, orderly
visual and auditory
sensory input, orderly responses on my part, my experiences, for as
long, as they lasted, were
as real, as any situation in our Daily World. Never had I had perceptual
experiences, in which the
only difference between my visions and my Everyday World, was the
with which my visions
ended. One instant I was in a strange, real World, and the next instant
I was in my bed. I
craved don Juan's commentaries and explanations, but
I was still
marooned (wait idle) in Los Angeles. The more I considered my
situation, the
greater my anxiety; I even
began to sense, that something in the Inorganic Beings' Realm was
brewing at tremendous speed. As my anxiety grew, my body entered into a
State of Profound Fright,
although my Mind was ecstatic in the contemplation (consider
thoughtfully) of the Shadows' World. To make things
worse, the Dreaming Emissary's Voice lapsed into my Daily
Beings from
the most unbelievable corners of the Cosmos stay
with us," the Emissary said, ending its talk. "And they love their stay
with us. In fact, no
one wants to leave."
thought, that
crossed my mind at that moment, was, that
servitude was
definitely antithetical (opposite) to me. I had never been at ease with
or with
being served. The Scout took over and made me glide through many
Tunnels. It
came to
a halt in a Tunnel, that seemed somehow larger, than the others. My
Dreaming Attention became
riveted on the size and configuration of that Tunnel, and it would have
stayed glued there, had
I not been made to turn around. My
Attention focused then on a Blob of Energy a bit
bigger, than the Shadow Entities. It was Blue, like the blue in the
center of a candle's flame.
I knew, that this Energy Configuration was not a Shadow Entity and that
it did not belong there. I became absorbed in sensing it. The Scout
signaled me to leave, but
something was making me impervious (not affected) to its cues. I
remained, uneasily,
where I was. However,
the Scout's signaling broke my concentration, and I lost sight of the
Blue Shape. Suddenly, a considerable force made me spin around and put
me squarely
in front of the Blue Shape. As I gazed at it, it turned into the figure
of a person: very
small, slender, delicate, almost transparent. I desperately attempted
to determine whether it was a man
or a woman, but, hard as I tried, I could not. My attempts to ask the
Emissary failed. It flew away quite abruptly,
leaving me suspended in that Tunnel, facing now an unknown person. I
tried to talk to that
person the way I talked to the Emissary. I got no response. I felt a
wave of frustration at not being
able to break the barrier, that separated us. Then I was besieged
(surrender) by
fear of being alone with
someone, who might have been an enemy. I had a variety of
triggered by the presence of that
stranger. I even felt elation, because I knew, that the Scout had
finally shown me another Human Being,
caught in that World. I only despaired at the possibility, that we were
not able to communicate,
perhaps, because that Stranger was one of the Sorcerers of Antiquity
belonged to a time
different from mine. The
more intense my
elation and curiosity, the heavier I became, until
a moment, in which I was so massive, that I was back in my body, and
back in the World.
found myself in Los Angeles, in a park by the University of California.
I was standing on
the grass, right in the line of people playing golf. The person in
front of me had solidified at the same rate. We stared at
each other for a fleeting instant. It was a girl, perhaps six
seven years old. I thought I
knew her. On seeing her, my elation and curiosity grew so out of
proportion, that they triggered a
reversal. I lost mass so fast, that in another instant I was again a
Blob of Energy in the Inorganic Beings' Realm.
The Scout came back for
me and hurriedly pulled me away.
I woke up with a
jolt of fright.
In the process of surfacing into the
Daily World, something had let a message slip through. My Mind went
into a frenzy (wild excitement), trying to put
together what I knew or thought I knew. I spent more, than forty eight
continuous hours,
attempting to get at a hidden feeling or a hidden knowledge, that had
gotten stuck to me. The only
success I had, was to sense a force — I fancied it to be
outside my Mind
or my body
— that told me not to trust my Dreaming anymore.
After a few days, a
dark and
mysterious certainty began to get hold of
me, a certainty, that grew by degrees, until I had no doubt about its
authenticity: I was sure,
that the Blue Blob of Energy was a prisoner in the Inorganic Beings'
I needed don Juan's advice more
desperately, than ever. I knew, that I
was throwing years of work out the window, but I couldn't help it; I
dropped everything I was
doing and ran to Mexico.
"What do you really
want?" don
Juan asked me as a way to contain my
hysterical babbling (talk). I could not explain to him what I wanted,
because I did not know it
"Your problem must be very
serious to make you run like this," don Juan
said with a pensive (deeply thoughtful) expression.
"It is, in spite of
the fact,
that I can't figure out what my problem
really is," I said. He asked me to describe my Dreaming Practices in
all the detail, that
was pertinent (suitable). I told him about my vision of the little Girl
and how it
had affected me at an
emotional level. He instantly advised me to ignore the event and regard
it as a blatant attempt, on
the part of the Inorganic Beings, to
cater to my fantasies. He
that if Dreaming is
overemphasized, it becomes what it was for the Old Sorcerers: a source
of inexhaustible indulging (satisfying your weaknesses). For some
inexplicable reason, I was
unwilling to tell don Juan about
the Realm of the Shadow Entities. It was only when he discarded my
vision of the little girl,
that I felt obliged to describe to him my visits to that World. He was
silent for a long time, as if he
was overwhelmed. When he finally spoke, he said:
are more alone, than I thought,
because I can't discuss your Dreaming Practices at all. You are at the
Position of the Old Sorcerers. All I can do is to repeat to you, that
you must exercise all the care, you are able to
muster up (summon, gather)."
do you say,
that I am at the Position of the Old Sorcerers?"
told you
repeatedly, that your mood is dangerously like the Old Sorcerers'. They
were very
capable Beings; their flaw was, that they took to the Inorganic Beings'
Realm like fish take to the water. You are in the same boat.
You know
things about it, that none of
us can even conceive (form in Mind). For instance, I never knew about
the Shadows' World; neither did the Nagual
Julian or the Nagual Elias, in spite of the fact, that he spent a long
time in the World of the Inorganic Beings."
what difference
does knowing the Shadows' World make?"
great deal of
difference. Dreamers are taken there only when the
Inorganic Beings are sure the Dreamers are going to stay in that World.
We know this through the Old Sorcerers' Stories."
assure you, don
Juan, that I have no intention whatsoever of staying
there. You talk as if I am just about to be lured by promises of
service or promises of Power.
I am not interested in either, and that's that."
"At this level, it
isn't that easy anymore. You've gone beyond the
point, where you could simply quit. Besides, you had the misfortune of
being singled out by a Watery Inorganic Being. Remember how you tumbled
with it? And how it felt? I told you then, that Watery Inorganic Beings
are the most annoying. They are dependent and possessive, and
once they sink their hooks, they never give up."
what does that mean in my
case, don Juan?"
"It means real
trouble. The
Specific Inorganic Being, who's running the
show, is the one you grabbed that fatal day. Over the years, it has
grown familiar with you.
It knows you intimately."
I sincerely
remarked to don
Juan, that the mere idea, that an Inorganic Being knew me intimately,
made me sick to my stomach.
realize, that the Inorganic Beings have no appeal, it is usually too
late for them, because by then the Inorganic
Beings have them in the
bag." He said. I felt in
depths of me, that
he was talking abstractly, about
dangers, that might exist theoretically, but not in practice. I was
secretly convinced there was
no danger of any sort.
"I am not going to
allow the
Inorganic Beings to lure me in any way, if
that's what you're thinking," I said.
"I am thinking,
that they are
going to trick you," he said. "Like they
tricked the Nagual Rosendo. They are going to set you up, and you won't
see the trap or
even suspect it. They are smooth operators. Now they have even invented
a little girl."
"But there is no
doubt in my
mind, that the little girl exists," I
"There is no little
girl," he
snapped. "That Bluish Blob of Energy is a
Scout. An explorer caught in the Inorganic
Beings' Realm.
said to you,
that the Inorganic Beings are like fishermen; they attract and catch
Don Juan said, that
he believed,
without a doubt, that the
Bluish Blob
of Energy
was from
a dimension entirely different from ours, a
that got stranded
caught like a fly in a spider's web. I did not appreciate his analogy.
It worried me to the point of
physical discomfort. I did mention this to don Juan, and he told me,
that my concern with the
Prisoner Scout
making him feel very close to despair.
"Why does this
bother you?" I
"Something is
brewing in
that confounded (damned, confused) World," he said. "And I can't
figure out what it is." While
I remained
with don Juan
and his companions, I did not Dream at
all about the
Inorganic Beings' World.
As usual, my practice was to focus my Dreaming Attention
on the items of my Dreams and to change Dreams. As a way to offset my
concerns, don Juan
made me gaze at clouds and at faraway mountain peaks. The result was an
immediate feeling of
being level with the clouds, or the feeling, that I was actually at the
faraway mountain
peaks. "I am very
but very
worried," don Juan said as a comment on my
effort. "You are being taught marvels, and you don't even know it. And
I don't mean, that
you are being taught by me."
"You are talking
about the
Inorganic Beings
Inorganic Beings I recommend, that you don't
gaze at
anything; gazing was the Old Sorcerers' technique. They were able to
get to their
Energy Bodies in
the blink of an eye, simply by gazing at objects of their predilection
(preference). A very impressive technique,
but useless to modern Sorcerers. It does nothing to increase our
sobriety or our capacity to
seek Freedom. All it does is
pin us down to
concreteness, a most undesirable state." Don Juan added that,
unless I kept myself in check, by the time I had
merged the Second Attention with the attention of my Everyday Life, I
was going to be an
insufferable man (intolerable).
was, he said, a dangerous gap between my mobility in the Second
Attention and my insistence on immobility in my Awareness of the Daily
World. He remarked, that the gap
between the two was so great, that in my daily state I was nearly an
idiot, and in the Second Attention I was a lunatic.
Before I went home, I took the liberty of discussing my Dreaming
Visions of the
Shadows' World with Carol Tiggs, although don Juan had
me not to discuss
them with anybody. She was most understanding and most interested,
since she was my total
counterpart. Don Juan was definitely annoyed with me for having
revealed my troubles to her.
I felt worse, than ever. Self-Pity possessed me, and I began to
complain about always doing the
wrong thing.
"You haven't done anything yet," don Juan snapped at me. "That much, I
know." Was he right! On my next Dreaming Session, at home, all Hell
loose. I reached
Shadows' World , as I had done on countless
occasions; the
was the presence of the
Bluish Blob
of Energy. It was among the other Shadow
Beings. I felt it was
possible, that the
Bluish Blob
had been there before and I hadn't noticed it. As soon as I spotted it,
my Dreaming Attention was inescapably attracted to that Bluish
of Energy.
In a matter of seconds, I
was next to it. The
other Shadows came to me, as usual, but I paid no
attention to
them. All of a sudden, the
Blue, Round Shape turned into the little girl I
had seen before. She craned her thin, delicate, long neck to one side
and said in a barely audible
whisper, "Help me!" Either she said that or I fantasized, that she said
it. The result was the
same: I stood frozen, galvanized by genuine concern. I experienced a
chill, but not in my Energy Mass. I
felt a chill in another part of me. This was the first time I was
completely aware, that my experience
was thoroughly separate from my sensorial feelings. I was experiencing the
Shadows' World with
all the implications of, what I normally consider experiencing.
I was able to think, to assess,
to make decisions; I had psychological continuity; in other words, I
was myself. The only part
of me, that was missing, was my sensorial self. I had no bodily
sensations. All my input came
through seeing and hearing. My rationality then considered a strange
dilemma: seeing and hearing were
not physical faculties, but qualities of the visions I was having.
"You are really seeing and hearing,"
the Emissary's voice said,
erupting into my thoughts. "That
is the beauty of this place. You can
experience everything
through seeing and hearing, without having to breathe. Think of it! You
don't have to breathe! You
can go anywhere in the Universe and not breathe."
A most disquieting ripple of emotion went through me, and, again, I did
not feel it there, in the
Shadows' World ,
I felt it in another place. I became enormously
agitated by the obvious, yet veiled realization, that there was a live
connection between me, that was
experiencing and a source of Energy, a source of sensorial feeling,
located somewhere else. It
occurred to me, that this somewhere else was my actual physical body,
which was asleep in my bed. At the instant of this thought, the
Shadow Beings
scurried (hurried) away, and
the little girl was alone in my field of vision. I watched her and
became convinced, that I knew her.
She seemed to falter (hesitate, stammer), as if she were about to
faint. A boundless wave of affection for her
enveloped me. I tried to speak to her, but I was incapable of uttering
sounds. It
became clear to me then, that all my dialogues with the Emissary had
been elicited (brought out) and accomplished
by the Emissary's Energy. Left to my own devices, I was helpless. I
attempted next to direct my
thoughts to the little girl. It was useless. We were separated by a
Membrane of Energy (different Wave or Vibration) I could not
pierce. The little girl seemed to understand my despair and actually
communicated with me, directly into my thoughts. She told me,
essentially, what don Juan had already
said: that she was a Scout, caught in the webs of that World.
Then she
added, that she had adopted
the shape of a little girl, because that shape was familiar to me and
to her, and that she needed my
help as much, as I needed hers. She said this to me in one clump (Rote)
of Energetic Feeling,
which was like words, that came to me all at once. I had no difficulty
understanding her, although
this was the first time anything of the sort had happened to me. I did
not know what to do. I tried to convey to her my sensation of
incapacity. She seemed to comprehend me instantly. She silently
appealed to me with a burning
look. She even smiled, as if to let me know, that she had left it up to
me to
extricate (to release from entanglement) her from her
bonds. When I retorted, in a thought, that
I had no abilities
whatsoever, she gave me the impression
of a hysterical child in the throes (anguish, spasm of pain, violent
pang) of despair. I frantically tried to talk to her. The little girl
actually cried,
like a child her age would cry, out of desperation and fear. I couldn't
stand it. I charged at her, but
with no effective result. My Energy Mass went through her. My idea was
to lift her up and take her
with me. I attempted the same maneuver over and over, until I was
exhausted. I
stopped to consider my next move. I was afraid, that my Dreaming
Attention was going to wane (decrease, decline in intensity),
and then I would lose sight of her. I doubted, that the
Inorganic Beings would bring me
to that specific part of their Realm (World). It seemed to me, that
this was going to be my last visit to them:
the visit that counted. Then I did something unthinkable. Before my
Dreaming Attention
vanished, I yelled loud and clear My Intent to merge My Energy with the
Energy of that Prisoner Scout and set it free.
I was Dreaming an utterly nonsensical Dream. Carol Tiggs was by my
side. She was speaking to me, although I could not understand, what she
said. Don Juan was also
in my Dream, as were all the Members of his Party. They seemed to be
trying to
drag me out of a
foggy, yellowish world. After a serious effort, during
which I
lost and regained sight of them
various times, they succeeded in extricating me from that place. Since
I could not conceive
the sense of all that endeavor, I finally figured, that I was having a
normal, incoherent
inharmonious) dream.
My surprise was staggering when I woke up and found myself in bed, in
don Juan's house. I was incapable of moving. I had no Energy at all. I
did not know what
think, although I immediately sensed the gravity of my situation. I had
the vague
that I had lost my Energy, because of fatigue, caused by Dreaming. Don
Juan's companions seemed to be extremely affected by whatever was
happening to me. They kept on coming into my room, one at a time. Each
stayed for a
moment, in complete silence, until someone else showed up. It appeared
to me, that they were
taking turns watching over me. I was too weak to ask them to explain
their behavior. During the subsequent days,
I began to feel better, and
they started to
talk to me about my Dreaming. At first, I did not know what they wanted
of me. Then it
dawned on me, because of their questions, that
were obsessed with the Shadow Beings.
one of them appeared to be scared and said to me more or less the same
thing. They insisted,
that they had never been in the
Shadows' World.
Some of them even claimed, that they did not know it
existed. Their claims and reactions increased my sense of bewilderment
and my fear. The questions everyone asked were, "Who took you into that
how did you even begin to know how to get there?" When I told them,
that the Scouts had
shown me that World, they could not believe me. Obviously, they had
surmised (make a guess), that
I had been
there, but since it was not possible for them to use their personal
experience as a reference
point, they were unable to fathom (determine the depth) what I was
saying. Yet they still wanted to know all I could
tell them about the
Shadow Beings and their Realm (World). I obliged them. All
them, with the exception
of don Juan, sat by my bed, hanging on every word I said. However,
every time I asked them
about my situation, they scurried (hurried away) away, just like the
Shadow Beings. Another
disturbing reaction, which they never had before, was that they
frantically (frenzied, insane, distraught from worry), avoided any
physical contact with me. They kept their distance, as if I were
carrying the plague.
Their reaction worried me so much, that I felt obliged to ask them
about it.
They denied it. They seemed insulted and even went so far as to insist
on proving to me, that I was
wrong. I laughed heartily at the tense situation, that ensued
(followed). Their bodies went rigid every time
they tried to embrace me. Florinda Grau, don Juan's closest cohort
(associate), was the only member of his
party, who lavished physical attention on me and tried to explain to
me, what was going on.
She told me, that I had been discharged of Energy in the
Inorganic Beings' World and charged
again, but my
New Energetic Charge
was a bit disturbing to the majority of them. Florinda used to put me
to bed every night, as if I were an invalid.
She even spoke to me in baby talk, which all of them celebrated with
gales (explosions) of laughter. But
regardless of how she made fun of me, I appreciated her concern, which
seemed to be real. I have
written about
Florinda before in connection
with my meeting her.
She was by far the most beautiful woman I had ever met. Once I said to
her, and I really
meant it, that she could have been a fashion magazine model.
"Of a
magazine of nineteen ten (1910)," she retorted. Florinda, although she
was old (agewise), was not old at all. She was young and
vibrant. When I asked don Juan about her unusual youthfulness, he
replied, that Sorcery kept
her in a vital state. Sorcerers' Energy, he remarked, was seen by the
eye as Youth and Vigor.
After satisfying their initial curiosity about the
Shadows' World , don
Juan's companions stopped coming into my room, and their conversation
remained at the
level of casual inquiries about my health. Every time I tried to get
up, however, there was
someone around, who gently put me back to bed. I did not want their
ministrations (serving, aiding), yet it seemed, that
I needed them; I was weak. I accepted that. But what really took its
toll on me was not having
anyone explain to me, what I was doing in Mexico, when I had gone to
bed to Dream in Los Angeles. I asked
them repeatedly. Every one of them gave me the same answer, "Ask the
Nagual. He's the only one,
who can explain it."
Finally, Florinda broke the ice. "You were lured into a trap; that's
what happened to you," she said.
"Where was I lured into a trap?"
"In the
Inorganic Beings' World of course. That has been
World, you've been dealing with for years. Isn't that so?"
"Most definitely, Florinda. But can you tell me about the kind of trap
it was?"
"Not really. All I can tell you is, that you lost all your Energy
But you fought very well."
"Why am I sick, Florinda?"
"You are not sick with an illness; you were energetically wounded. You
were critical, but now you are only gravely wounded."
"How did all this happen?"
"You entered into a mortal combat with the
Inorganic Beings
and you
were defeated."
"I don't remember fighting anyone, Florinda."
"Whether you remember or not is immaterial. You fought and were
outclassed (surpassed, left far behind). You
didn't have a chance against those masterful manipulators."
"I fought the
Inorganic Beings ?"
"Yes. You had a mortal encounter with them. I really don't know how you
have survived their Death Blow."
She refused to tell me anything else and hinted, that the Nagual was
coming to see me any day. The next day don Juan showed up. He was very
jovial and supportive. He
jokingly announced, that he was paying me a visit in his capacity of
Energy Doctor. He
examined me by gazing at me from head to toe, "You're almost cured," he
"What happened to me, don Juan?" I asked.
"You fell into a trap the
Inorganic Beings set for
you," he answered.
"The Inorganic Beings are glued together, like the cells of
body," don Juan went on. "When they put their Awareness together, they
are unbeatable. It's nothing for them to yank (push) us out of our
moorings (chains, anchors) and plunge us into Their World.
if we make ourselves conspicuous (easy to notice) and available, like
he did."
Their sighs and gasps echoed against the walls. All of them seemed to
be genuinely frightened and concerned. I wanted to whine and blame don
Juan for not stopping me, but I remembered how he had tried to warn me,
to deviate me, time and time again, to no avail. Don Juan was
definitely aware of what was going on in my mind. He gave a knowing
smile - "The reason you think you're sick," he said, addressing me, "is
that the Inorganic Beings discharged Your Energy and gave
You Theirs.
That should have been enough to kill anyone. As the Nagual, you have
Extra Energy; therefore, you barely survived."
I mentioned to don Juan, that I remembered bits and pieces of quite an
incoherent Dream, in which I was in a Yellow-Fogged World. He,
Tiggs, and his companions were pulling me out. "The Inorganic Beings'
Realm (World) looks like a Yellow-Fogged World to the
physical eye,"
he said.
"When you thought you were having an incoherent Dream, you were
actually looking with your physical eyes, for the first time, at
Inorganic Beings' Universe.
And, strange as it may seem to you, it was also the first time for us.
We knew about the Fog only through Sorcerers' Stories, not through
Nothing, of what he was saying, made sense to me. Don Juan assured me
that, because of my lack of Energy, a more complete explanation was
impossible; I had to be satisfied, he said, with what he was telling me
and how I understood it.
"I don't understand it at all," I insisted.
"Then you haven't lost anything," he said. "When you get stronger, you,
yourself, will answer your questions."
I confessed to don Juan, that I was having Hot Flashes.
My temperature rose suddenly, and, while I felt hot and sweaty, I had
extraordinary, but disturbing insights into my situation. Don Juan
scanned my entire body with his penetrating gaze. He said, that I was
in a state of Energetic Shock. Losing Energy had temporarily affected
me, and what I interpreted as Hot Flashes I momentarily regained
control of My Energy Body and I knew everything, that had happened to
"Make an effort, and tell me yourself what happened to you in the
Inorganic Beings' World" - he ordered me. I told him, that the clear
sensation I got, from time to time, was, that he and his companions had
gone into that World with their Physical Bodies and had snatched me out
of the Inorganic Beings' clutches. "Right!" he exclaimed.
doing fine. Now, turn that sensation into a view of what happened."
I was unable to do what he wanted, hard as I tried. Failing made me
experience an unusual fatigue, which seemed to dry up the inside of my
body. Before don Juan left the room, I remarked to him, that I was
suffering from anxiety.
"That means nothing," he said, unconcerned. "Gain back Your Energy, and
don't worry about nonsense."
More than two weeks went by, during which I slowly gained back My
Energy. However, I kept on worrying about everything. I worried mainly
about being unknown to myself, especially about a streak of coldness in
me, that I had not noticed before, a sort of indifference, a
detachment, that I had attributed to my lack of Energy, until
I regained it.
"How did I end up here?"
"Right there is the big mystery, for sure," he said and smiled
jovially, obviously trying to make light of a serious matter. "The
Inorganic Beings
snatched you,
body and all. First: they took your Energy Body into their Realm, when
you followed one of their Scouts, and then, they took Your Physical
Body." Don Juan's companions seemed to be in a state of shock. One of
asked don Juan whether the
Inorganic Beings could abduct anyone. Don Juan
that they
certainly could.
He reminded them, that the Nagual Elias was taken into that (Parallel)
Universe, and
he definitely did not intend to go there. All of them
express agreement) with a nod. Don
continued speaking to them,
referring to me in the third person. He said, that the Combined
Awareness of a Group of Inorganic Beings had first consumed my Energy
Body by Forcing an Emotional Outburst from me: to
free the Blue Scout. Then the Combined Awareness of the Same Group of
Inorganic Beings had
pulled my inert (sluggish) Physical
Mass into their World. Don
added, that without the Energy Body one
is merely a lump (Mass) of organic matter, that can be easily
manipulated by Awareness.
realized, that it was a new feature of My Being, a feature, that had me
permanently out of synchronization. To
elicit (to produce reaction, emotion, response) the feelings
was accustomed to, I had to summon them up (reawaken) and
actually wait a moment, until
they made their appearance in my mind.
new feature of My Being
was a strange longing, that took hold of
me from time to time. I longed for someone, I did not know. It was such
an overpowering
and consuming feeling that, when I experienced it, I had to move around
the room incessantly
to alleviate it. The longing remained with me, until I made use of
another newcomer in my life: a
rigid control of myself, so new and powerful, that it only added more
fuel to my worrying.
By the end of the fourth week,
everybody felt,
that I was finally cured.
They cut down their visits drastically. I spent much of the time alone,
sleeping. The
and relaxation
I was getting was so complete, that My Energy began to
increase remarkably. I felt
like My Old Self again. I even began to exercise.
One day around
noon, after a
light lunch, I returned to my room to take
a nap. Just before I sank into a deep sleep, I was tossing in my bed,
trying to find a more
comfortable spot, when a strange pressure on my temples made me open my
Little Girl of
the Inorganic Beings' World was standing by the foot of my bed,
at me with her cold,
steel blue eyes. I jumped out of bed and screamed so loudly, that three
of don Juan's
companions were in the room, before I had stopped my scream. They were
aghast (appalled, shocked). They watched in
horror as the little girl came to me and was stopped by the boundaries
of my Luminous (Ball of) Physical Being. We looked at each other for an
Eternity. She was telling me something, which I could
not comprehend at first, but which in the next moment became as clear,
as a bell. She said, that
for me to understand, what she was saying, my Awareness had to be
transferred from my Physical Body into my Energy Body. Don Juan came
into the room at that moment. The little girl and don
Juan stared at each other. Without a word, don Juan turned around and
walked out of the room. The
little girl swished (rustled, moved with a hiss) past the door after
him. The commotion (impact) this scene created among don Juan's
companions was indescribable. They lost all their composure (calmness,
equanimity). Apparently, all of them
had seen the little girl, as she left the room with the Nagual. I
myself seemed to be on the verge of exploding. I felt faint and had
to sit down. I had experienced the presence of the little girl, as a
Blow on my Solar Plexus. She bore an astonishing likeness to my father.
Waves of sentiment hit me. I wondered about the
meaning of this, until I was actually sick. When don Juan returned to
the room, I had gained minimal control over
myself. The expectation of hearing, what he had to say about the little
girl, was
making my breathing very difficult. Everybody was as excited, as I was.
They all talked to don
Juan at once and laughed, when they realized, what they were doing.
main interest was to
find out, whether there was any uniformity in the way, they had
the Scout's appearance.
Everybody was in agreement, that they had seen a little girl, six to
seven years old,
very thin, with angular, beautiful features.
They also agreed,
that her eyes
were steel blue and burning
with a mute emotion; her eyes, they said, expressed gratitude and
loyalty. Every detail, they described about the little girl, I
corroborated (confirmed)
myself. Her eyes were so bright and overpowering, that they had
actually caused me something like Pain.
I had felt the weight of her look on my chest. A serious query, which
don Juan's companions had and which I echoed
myself, was about the implications (problems) of this event. All
agreed, that the Scout was a portion of Foreign Energy, that had
filtered through the walls, separating the Second Attention and the
attention of the Daily World. They asserted (affirm), that since they
were not Dreaming and yet all of them had seen the Alien Energy,
projected into the figure of a Human Child; that Child had existence.
They argued, that there must have been hundreds, if not thousands, of
cases, in which Foreign Energy slips unnoticed through natural barriers
into our Human World, but, that in the history of their Lineage
there was no mention whatsoever of an event of this nature. What
worried them the most was, that there were no Sorcerers' Stories about
"Is this the first time in the History of Humankind, that this has
happened?" one of them asked don Juan.
"I think, it happens all the time," he replied, "but it has never
happened in such an overt (openly), volitional (chosed) way."
"What does it mean to us?" another one of them asked don Juan.
"Nothing to us, but everything to him," he said and pointed at me. All
of them then entered into a most disturbing silence. Don Juan paced
back and forth for a moment.
Then he stopped in front of me and peered at me, giving all the
indications of someone, who cannot find words to express an
overwhelming realization.
"I can't even begin to assess the Scope of what you've done," don Juan
finally said to me in a tone of bewilderment. "You fell into a pitfall,
but it wasn't the kind of pitfall, I was worrying about. Your pitfall
was designed for you alone, and it was deadlier, than anything I could
have thought of. I worried about your falling prey to flattery and
being served.
What I never counted on was, that the Shadow Beings would set a trap,
using your inherent aversion (disgust) to chains." Don Juan had once
made a comparison of his reaction and mine, in the Sorcerers' World, to
the things, that pressed us the most. He said, without making it sound
like a complaint, that, although he wanted and tried to, he had never
been able to inspire the kind of affection his teacher, the Nagual
Julian, inspired in people. "My unbiased reaction, which I am putting
on the table for you to examine, is to be able to say, and mean it:
it's not my fate to evoke blind and total affection. So be it ! Your
unbiased reaction," he went on, "is, that you can't stand chains, and
you would forfeit (surrender) your life to break them." I sincerely
disagreed with him and told him, that he was exaggerating. My views
were not that clear. "Don't worry," he said laughing, "Sorcery is
Action. When the time comes, you'll act your passion the same way I act
mine. Mine is to acquiesce (accepted, complied without protest) to my
fate, not passively, like an idiot, but actively, like a Warrior.
Yours is to jump without either capriciousness or premeditation
(plotting in advance) to cut someone else's chains." Don Juan
explained, that upon Merging my Energy with the Scout, I had truthfully
ceased to exist. All my physicalness had then been transported into the
Inorganic Beings' Realm and, had it not been for the Scout, who guided
don Juan and his companions to where I was, I would have died or
remained in that World, inextricably (incapable of being freed) lost.
"Why did the Scout guide you to where I was?" I asked.
"The Scout is a Sentient (Conscious) Being from another dimension," he
said. "It's a little girl now, and as such she told me, that in order
to get the necessary Energy to break the Barrier, that had trapped her
in the Inorganic Beings' World, she had to take all of yours. That's
her Human Part now. Something resembling Gratitude drove her to me.
When I saw her, I knew instantly, that you were done for."
"What did you do then, don Juan?"
"I rounded up everyone I could get hold of, especially Carol Tiggs, and
off we went into the Inorganic Beings' Realm."
"Why Carol Tiggs?"
"In the first place, because she has Endless Energy, and, in the Second
Place, because she had to familiarize herself with the Scout. All of us
got something invaluable out of this experience. You and Carol Tiggs
got the Scout. And the rest of us got a reason to Round up Our
Physicality and Place it on Our Energy Bodies; we became Energy."
"How did all of you do that, don Juan?"
"We Displaced Our Assemblage Points, in Unison. Our Impeccable Intent
to Save You did the Work. The Scout took us, in the blink of an
eye, to
where you were lying, half dead, and Carol Dragged you out." His
explanation made no sense to me. Don Juan laughed when I tried to raise
that point. "How can you understand this, when you don't even have
enough Energy to get out of your bed?" he retorted. I confided
(entrusted) to him, that I was certain, I knew infinitely more, than I
rationally admitted, but that something was keeping a tight lid on My
Memory. "Lack of Energy is what has put a tight lid on Your Memory," he
said. "When you have sufficient Energy, your Memory will work fine."
"Do you mean, that I can remember everything, if I want to?"
"Not quite. You may want as much, as you like, but if your Energy Level
is not on a par (equal) with the Importance of What You Know, you might
as well kiss Your Knowledge good-bye: it'll never be available to you."
"So what's the thing to do, don Juan?"
"Energy tends to be cumulative; if you follow the Warrior's Way
impeccably, a Moment will come when Your Memory Opens Up."
I confessed, that hearing
him talk
gave me the absurd sensation, that I
was indulging in feeling sorry for myself, that there was nothing wrong
with me.
are not just indulging," he said. "You were actually Energetically Dead
four weeks ago. Now you are merely stunned. Being stunned and lacking
Energy is what
makes You Hide Your Knowledge. You certainly know more, than any of us
about the Inorganic Beings' World. That World was the exclusive Concern
of the Old Sorcerers. All of us have
told you, that only through Sorcerers' Stories do we know about it. I
sincerely say, that it is more,
than strange to me, that you've become, in your own right,
another Source of Sorcerers' Stories
for us." I reiterated,
it was
impossible for me to believe, I had done
something, he had not. But I could not believe either, that he was
merely humoring me.
"I am not
flattering or humoring
you," he said, visibly annoyed. "I am
stating a Sorcery fact. Knowing more, than any of us, about that World,
shouldn't be a reason for
feeling pleased. There's No Advantage in that Knowledge; in fact, in
spite of all you know, you
couldn't save yourself. We saved you, because we found you. But without the Aid of the Scout,
there was No Point in even trying to find you.
You were so
infinitely lost in that World, that I
shudder (horrified) at the mere thought." In my state of mind, I did
not find it strange in the least, that I actually saw a Ripple of
Emotion, going through all of don Juan's Companions and Apprentices.
The only one, who remained unaltered was Carol Tiggs. She seemed to
have fully accepted her role. She was One with Me. "You did free the
Scout," don
Juan continued, "but you gave up your
life. Or, worse yet, you gave up your Freedom. The Inorganic Beings let
the Scout go, in Exchange for You."
"I can
hardly believe that, don
Juan. Not
that I doubt you, you
understand, but you describe such an underhanded (secret) maneuver,
that I am stunned."
"Don't consider it
and you have the whole thing in a
nutshell (in brief form). The Inorganic Beings are forever in search of
Awareness and Energy; if you supply
them with the possibility of both, what do you think, they'll do? Blow you kisses from across
street?" I knew, that don
Juan was right.
However, I could not hold that
certainty for too long; clarity kept drifting away from me. Don Juan's
companions continued asking him questions. They wanted to
know, if he had given any thought to what to do with the Scout.
"Yes, I have. It is
a most
serious problem, which the Nagual here has
to resolve," he said, pointing at me. "He and Carol Tiggs are the only
ones, who can free the Scout. And he knows it too." Naturally, I asked
him the only
possible question, "How can I free it?"
"Instead of my
telling you how,
there is a much better and more just
way of finding out," don Juan said with a big smile. "Ask the Emissary.
The Inorganic Beings
cannot lie, you know."
Кастанеда "Искусство Полётов", cтр. 111 (его полёт во
сне в Мир
Электрических Неорганических Существ)
"Привыкнув к свету, я едва различал какие-то тёмные двигающиеся формы.
Потом мне показалось, что если держать фокус своего Внимания на тех
двигающихся формах, то это делало их больше. Я заметил, что они
разделялись на 3 вида: некоторые из них были круглые как Шары (у нас на Земле они - Шаровые Молнии
или каменные шары разного размера, ЛМ) и приблизительно одного
размера 3-4 фута в диаметре; другие имели форму колокола (перевёрнутый
Торнадо, ЛМ); а третьи
выглядели как гигантские извивающиеся Пламя Свечей (Огненные Торнадо, ЛМ). Их
были сотни и даже наверно тысячи..."
Это - очень старые Существа
(возраст исчисляется в тысячах лет), обладающие высоким Сознанием.
Тунгусский и Челябинский "метеориты" в России и светящиеся Шары,
летающиев других странах, не что иное, как живые Электрические
Неорганические Существа разной силы! Они смешиваются с нашей Волнистой
Энергией Земли, что впечатляет! Электрические Шаровидные Неорганические
Существа проникают на Землю и сливаются с нами, и только тогда их
Энергия превращается из Кипящей (Sizzling) в нашу Волнистую (Waving)!
Этот Процесс постепенной Трансформации Энергии из одной в другую
происходит как на Земле, так и на других Планетах и Лун нашей Солнечной
Системы, куда часто пропадают люди уже много лет и многочисленными
способами! Люди меняют их Кипящую Энергию на нашу Волнистую!
Неорганические Существа разделяются на : сухопутные, выглядят как
обычные торнадо-смерчи или как огненные, и водные; водные - намного
более агрессивные, чем другие, и выглядят как Торнадо, или как
крутящиеся на воде, Смерчи. Подвиды: шаро-образные, колоколо-образные и
свече-образные, в смысле пламени. Все Они - живые, но очень Старые
Существа с большим запасом Знаний (Сознания), а также запасом
Электричества Переменного Тока. Души они не имеют, их Энергия - другая
Своими электрическими ударами в наши вулканы (и не только в наши)
Неорганические Существа в виде Молний вызывают их извержения как на
Земле, так и под
водой, вызывают пожары лесов (ударяя в дерево/траву), взрывы/
самолётов, поездов, машин, автобусов, бензоколонок, складов разного
типа, домов/зданий, в людях/животных и т.д., а также разрушения всего
материального, что принадлежит нашей цивилизации. От их действий
разрушаются дома/заводы/гидростанции/плотины/поезда/железные
дороги/туннели/ магистрали/мосты/города/сёла/горы/реки/люди/скот и т.д.
Заметьте, что УчОные постоянно упирают на то, что это - метеорит,
объект, феноменон, комета, планета или ещё что-нибудь материальное! Нет
чтобы прямо сказать, что это - Нефизические Существа из нашего
Мира-Двойника! Земные Аномальные Явления связаны с проявления других
форм Жизни Старой Вселенной, смешивающихся с нами в физическом и
нефизическом виде: Молний, Гамма-Лучей-Красных
Спрайтов-Синих Джетов, Торнадо
всяких видов, Вспышек и Светящихся
Шаров (как неподвижных, так и в движении). Существуют целые районы
Сознания Невидимых Существ по всему Миру (на пример у нас в
австралийской деревне), Плазмоидов и Sky-fish, глубинных морских или
воздушных чудовищ и т.д. Эти многочисленные Потоки Новых Существ
(особенно Электрических) на Земле только увеличивают Сознание Всей
Планеты, мы превращаемся всё больше и больше в Human+
(Супер-Человек, вмещающий в себя все формы жизни и Знания/Опыт тысяч
цивилизаций)! Увеличивается размер Внутреннего Солнца Земли,
температура Коры Земли во многих местах нагревается ещё больше
(особенно Арктика-Ант-Арктика), поэтому Планету приходится охлаждать
бесконечными и сильными, мгновенными ветрами, дождями, градом, снегом,
туманом и наводнениями! Для этого и существует океан под корой и под
нашими ногами, части его и появляются во время наводнений (и их только
будет больше)! Теперь становится понятно почему электричество (и
профессии, связанные с ним) стало таким востребованным последние 60
лет. Это чтобы мы привыкали к этой чужеродной (Sizzling) Кипящей
Электрической Энергии (и даже в воде). Понятней стали причины:
неслучайных ударов Молний в человека/в животное или электро-шоки
где-угодно: на
работе, дома; лечение и пытки электро-шоками; присуствие в воде таких
животных как электрические скаты, которые могут ранить и даже убить
человека электрическим зарядом, что и произошло со мной в Австралии.
Здесь же имеются морские вши (sea-lice), которые тоже могут вам дать
неприятный электрический заряд во время купания. Всё это, не что иное,
как Allies - невидимые и видимые Существа из других миров и нашего
Мира-Двойника, и их
количество только будет увеличиваться. Вот это и было предупреждение со
стороны некоторых американских президентов о нашествии иноплпнетян,
только это нельзя считать нашествием, а слиянием разных Энергий с
Энергиями Земли.
Закон Цели/Намерения (Law of
Intent) во Вселенной - очень важен, не знаю как другие, но и я ему
следую и не только ему, но и всем Законам Вселенной, особенно в
вопросах нашего сайта. Поясняю: мои знания Электроники не такие
высокие, несмотря на изучение Электроники в течении 2х лет в Сиднее
(вместе с другими предметами). Я закончила 4х летний курс Телевизионной
Школы в Сиднее, Австралия и хотела
специализироваться в области Звука (Audio) в начале 80х годов, как и
Роберт Монро (звуковой инженер), но со звуком
у меня ничего не вышло. О
Роберте и его книгах я узнала
лишь через 15 лет, после смерти его физ. тела в 1995 году.
Отрывок, переведённый мной, из
книги К.Кастанэда "Искусство Полётов" красочно описывает
Электрическую Энергию Водных Неорганических Существ.
"...Сиди здесь и представь их (Неорганические Существа - Allies)
формы, пока они не будут
такими, как в твоих снах," сказал дон Хуан мне на ухо. "Дай мне знать
когда они будут у тебя в фокусе."
Составить полную ментальную картину их формы, как в моих снах, взяло не
так много времени и усилий. Меня совсем не удивило, что я так быстро
смог это сделать. Но что меня действительно шокировало, что несмотя на
все мои усилия, я не мог дать знать дон Хуану, что я ментально вижу
формы (Allies),
я даже не мог ни говорить, ни открыть глаза. Но я точно не спал и мог
всё слышать. Я уловил что дон Хуан сказал," Сейчас ты можешь открыть
Я их открыл без труда...и увидел прямо передо мной две тёмные фигуры,
как два тонких ствола дерева. Я уставился на них с открытым ртом; они
не были такими высокими как в моих снах: они сжались наполовину меньше
своего размера. Вместо непрозрачного лёгкого свечения, формы
превратились в две плотные, тёмные, почти чёрные, угрожающие палки.
"Встань и схвати одного из них," приказал дон Хуан, "и не выпускай его,
как бы он не тряс тебя."
Естественно, у меня даже не было мысли делать что-то в этом роде, но
какая-то незнакомая сила заставила меня встать против моей
воли...Механически я пошёл прямо к обоим фигурам, моё сердце почти
выпрыгивало из груди. Я схватил того - справа и почувствовал
электро-шок, такой, что я чуть не выронил тёмную фигуру.
Голос дон Хуана донёсся до меня, как-будто он кричал издалека. "Если ты
его выронишь, то тебе - крышка," сказал он.
Я продолжал держать извивающуюся и трясущуюся фигуру. Она не была
массивной как животное, а как что-то совершенно воздушное и лёгое, хотя
и сильно наэлектризованное. Мы катались и переворачивались на песке
ущелья какое-то время (Мексика). Неорганичекое Существо било меня
разрядами какой-то болезненной электрической Энергии, один за другим. Я
думал не справлюсь, потому что мне казалось эта Энергия другой по
сравнению с той, с которой я сталкивался в нашем обычном Мире.
Ударяя моё тело, оно щекотало меня и заставляло меня реветь и выть как
животное, не от страшной боли, а от странной злости. Наконец оно стало
неподвижной, почти твёрдой формой подо мной. Оно лежало без движения и
я спросил у дон Хуана, было ли оно мёртвым, но я не слышал своего
"Ну ещё чего," сказал кто-то смеясь, кто-то, кто не был дон Хуаном. "Ты
только истратил его Энергетический заряд. Но пока не вставай, полежи
там ещё немного."
Я посмотрел вопросительно на дона Хуана. Он осмотрел меня с огромным
любопытством, потом помог мне встать. Тёмная фигура оставалась на
земле. Я побеспокоился, хотел спросить дон Хуана, всё ли в порядке с
тёмной фигурой. И снова я не слышал своего голоса. Тогда я сделал
что-то , выходящее из ряда. Я принял всё за настоящее, так как до сих
пор что-то в моей голове сохраняло мою рациональность, воспринимая всё,
что случилось, как сон, сон спровацированный махинациями дон Хуана. Я
подошёл к фигуре на земле и постарался поднять её. Я не мог обнять её,
так как у неё не было массы. Это меня сбило с толку. Тот же голос, не
дон Хуана, сказал мне лечь поверх Неорганического Существа, что я и
сделал. Мы оба встали одним движением, и Неорганическое Существо
приклеелось ко мне как тень. Оно мягко отделилось от меня и исчезло,
оставив во мне очень приятное чувство завершённости, целостности...Дон
Хуан осматривал меня время от времени, задавая один и тот же Ключевой
вопрос,"Энергия Неорганического Существа была похожа на Огонь или Воду?"
Моё горло казалось сгоревшим, я не мог сказать ему что Энергия Зарядов,
которые я чувствовал, напоминала струи Электрической Воды. Я в жизни не
был знаком со струями Электрической Воды. Я даже не знал что это можно
создать или иметь с этим дело...Дон Хуан заснул, когда я, наконец,
понял что полностью пришёл в себя. Зная, что для него этот вопрос имеет
большое значение, я разбудил его и рассказал что чувствовал.
"У тебя не будет помощников среди Неорганических Существ (Allies), а
только раздражающая зависимость от них," заявил он. "Будь осторожен.
Водяные Неорганические Существа больше подвержены к переизбыткам.
Старые Колдуны верили, что эти Allies более любвиобильные, больше
имитировать, и даже возможно имеют чувства по сравнению с
огненными, кто более серьёзный, замкнутый, чем другие, но также и
большего мнения о себе."
"Что это всё значит для меня Дон Хуан?"
"...исключи страх из своей жизни и из своих выходов из тела...
Неорганическое Существо, Энергию которого ты опустошил, а потом зарядил
своей, был восхищён и придёт за твоей Энергией опять."