Carlos Castaneda - "The
Fire From Within", The Explanation of What it is to 'See' Something,
which is not Visible to the Ordinary Eye :
See a human as a field of energy, which looks like a Luminous
Egg. The majority of people, he said, have their fields of energy
divided into two parts.
few men and women have four or
sometimes three parts. Because these people are more resilient, than
the average human, they can become Naguals after learning to
...As a Nagual, don Juan was the leader of a group of
Seers, known
as the Nagual's Party, which was composed of eight female Seers,
Cecilia, Delia, Hermelinda, Carmela, Nelida, Florinda,
Zuleica, and Zoila; three male Seers, Vicente, Silvio Manuel, and
Genaro; and four couriers or messengers, Emilito, John Tuma, Marta,
and Teresa. In addition to leading
the Nagual's Party, don
Juan also taught and guided a group of apprentice Seers, known as the
New Nagual's Party. It consisted of four young men, Pablito,
Nestor, Eligio, and Benigno, along with five women, Soledad, la Gorda,
Lidia, Josefina, and Rosa. I was the nominal leader of the New Nagual's
Party, together with the Nagual-Woman Carol."
Castaneda - "The Power of Silence"
(у обычного человека этого нет)! Всё вместе выглядит как-будто НАГУАЛ
состоит не из одного Светящегося Шара, а из 4х Шаров.
"Then he explained the role of the guide in the lives of sorcerers. He
said, that a guide is called "the Nagual," and that the Nagual is a Man
or a Woman with extraordinary energy, a Teacher, who has
sobriety, endurance, stability; someone Seers see as a Luminous Sphere,
having four compartments, as if four Luminous Balls have been
compressed together. Because of their extraordinary energy, Naguals are
intermediaries. Their energy allows them to channel Peace, Harmony,
Laughter, and Knowledge directly from the Source, from Intent, and
transmit them to their companions. Naguals are responsible for
supplying, what sorcerers call "the minimal chance": the Awareness of
one's connection with Intent..."
"You must recollect the first time your eyes shone," he said, "because,
that was the first time your Assemblage Point reached the place of No
Pity. Ruthlessness possessed you then. Ruthlessness makes Sorcerers'
Eyes Shine, and that Shine beckons (signals) Intent. Each spot, to
which their Assemblage Points move, is indicated by a Specific Shine of
Their Eyes. Since their eyes have their own memory, they can call up
the recollection of any spot by calling up the Specific Shine,
associated with that spot." He explained, that the reason Sorcerers put
so much emphasis on the Shine of Their Eyes and on their gaze, is
because the Eyes are directly connected to Intent. Contradictory, as it
might sound, the Truth is, that the Eyes are only superficially (be
near the surface) connected to the World of Everyday Life.
Their deeper connection is to the Abstract. I could not conceive how my
eyes could store that sort of information, and I said as much. Don
Juan's reply was, that man's possibilities are so vast and
mysterious, that Sorcerers, rather than thinking about them,
had chosen to explore them, with no hope of ever understanding them. I
asked him, if an average man's eyes were also affected by
Intent. "Of course!" he exclaimed. "You know all this. But you know it
at such a deep level, that it is Silent Knowledge. You haven't
sufficient energy to explain it, even to yourself. The average man
knows the same thing about his eyes, but he has even less energy, than
you. The only advantages Sorcerers may have over average men is, that
they have stored their energy, which means a more precise, clearer
Connecting Link with Intent. Naturally, it also means they can
recollect at will, using the shine of their eyes to move their
Assemblage Points." Don Juan stopped talking and fixed me with his
gaze. I clearly felt his eyes guiding, pushing and pulling something
indefinite in me.
I could not break away from his stare. His concentration was so
intense, it actually caused a physical sensation in me: I felt, as if I
were inside a furnace..."To discover the possibility of being in two
places at once is very exciting to the mind," he said."
"I think we've come to the point in NDE research, where it's difficult
to make a distinction between thought and light.
In the near-death experience thought seems to be light, " she
observes...Like OBEers, after NDEers have detached from the physical,
they find themselves in one of two forms, either as a disembodied cloud
of energy, or as a hologram-like body, sculpted by thought..."One man
described it by saying, that if he stopped thinking, he was merely a
cloud in an endless cloud, undifferentiated", he observes. "But as
soon, as he started to think, he became himself"...At first the bodies,
Whitton's subjects assumed, resembled the persons, they had been in
their last life. But as their experience in the between-life state
continued, they gradually became a kind of hologram-like composite of
all of their past lives. This composite identity even had a name,
separate from any of the names, they had used in their physical
incarnations... we are all ultimately just frequency phenomena,
patterns of some unknown vibratory energy enfolded in the greater
matrix of the frequency domain..."I realized, that each person and
thing has its own musical tone range as well, as its own color range
says an Arizona housewife, who had an NDE during childbirth. "If you
can imagine yourself effortlessly moving in and out among prismatic
rays of light and hearing each person's musical notes join and
harmonize with your own, when you touch or pass them, you would have
some idea of the unseen world." The woman, who encountered many
individuals in the afterlife realm, who manifested only as clouds of
colors and sound, believes the mellifluous tones, each soul emanates,
are, what people are describing, when they say, they hear beautiful
music in the ND is the ability to "simultaneously
comprehend the Whole and every part..."
This extract below is about
the Size of the Souls of Naguals and the Role, that Naguals play in
everybodies' lives, esp. in Sorcerers' lives, from Carlos Castaneda's
"The Power of Silence", p. 4-5 :
"...Then he (Don Juan) explained (to Carlos) the Role of the Guide in
the Lives of Sorcerers. He said, that a Guide is called "the Nagual,"
and that the Nagual is a Man or a Woman with Extraordinary Energy, a
Teacher, who has Sobriety, Endurance, Stability; someone Seers Seeas a
Luminous Sphere having Four compartments, as if four Luminous Balls
have been compressed together. Because of their Extraordinary Energy,
Naguals are Intermediaries. Their Energy allows them to channel Peace,
Harmony, Laughter and Knowledge directly from the Source, from Intent
(Law of Intent), and transmit them to their companions. Naguals are
responsible for supplying what Sorcerers call "the minimal chance": the
Awareness of one's connection with Intent...Dreaming is the Vehicle,
that brings Dreamers to this World," the Emissary said, "and
everything, Sorcerers know about Dreaming, was taught to them by us.
Our World is connected to yours by a Door called Dreams. We know how to
go through that Door, but Men don't. They have to learn it...When I
became used to the light, I vaguely distinguished some dark, moving
Shapes. After a while, it seemed to me, that focusing my Dreaming
Attention on those Moving Shapes made them substantial.
I noticed, that
there were three types: some of them were round, like Balls; others
were like Bells; and others yet like gigantic, undulating (wave-like)
Candle Flames. All of them were basically round and the same size. I
judged, that they were three to four feet in diameter. There were
hundreds, perhaps even thousands of them...This is the
the Emissary's Voice said, as soon as I was there. "But, even though we
are Shadows, we shed light. Not only are we Mobile, but we are the
Light in the Tunnels. We are another kind of Inorganic Being,
exists here. There are three kinds: one is like an Immobile Tunnel, the
Other is like a Mobile Shadow. We are the Mobile Shadows. The Tunnels
give us their Energy, and we do their bidding (commands)...
"But what difference does knowing the Shadows' World make?"
"A great deal of difference. Dreamers are taken there only, when the
Inorganic Beings
sure the Dreamers are going to stay in that World.
We know this through the Old Sorcerers' Stories..."

Art of Dreaming", p. 219, 246 and "The Power of Silence", p. 220-221:
"I have already said to you, that to be a natural Man or a natural
Woman is a matter of Positioning the Assemblage Point," don Juan said.
"By natural I mean someone, who was born either Male or Female.
To a Seer, the shiniest part of the Assemblage Point (of our Spirits,
LM) faces outward, in the case of Females and Inward, in the case of
Males. The Tenant's Assemblage Point was originally facing inward
(male), but he changed it by twisting it around and making his egglike
energy shape look like a shell, that has curled up on itself (to face
outside, to become a female, LM)...For example, as average men, we were
blind to the most Crucial Piece of Knowledge, available to a Human
Being: the Existence of the Assemblage Point (Tuning Point of our
Spirits, LM) and the fact, that it could Move. For a rational man it's
unthinkable, that there should be an Invisible (Assemblage) Point (of
our Spirit, LM), where Perception is assembled," he went on. "And yet
more unthinkable, that such a Point is not in the brain, as he might
vaguely expect...
that Sorcery was not incantations (chanting of charms, casting of
spells) and hocus-pocus, but the Freedom to Perceive not only the
World, taken for granted, but everything else, that was humanly
I asked him to explain again what Unbending Intent was. He said,
that... Unbending Intent was also the Force engendered (brought into
existence), when the Assemblage Point was maintained fixed in a
Position, which was not the Usual One. Don Juan then made a meaningful
distinction - which had eluded (escaped) me all these years - between a
Movement and a Shift of the Assemblage Point. A Movement, he said, was
a profound Change of Position, so extreme, that the Assemblage Point
might even reach Other Bands of Energy within our Total Luminous Mass
of Energy Fields. Each Band of Energy represented a completely
Different (Parallel one, LM) Universe to be perceived. A Shift,
however, was a Small movement within the Band of Energy Fields we
perceived as the World of Everyday Life..."
Here is the most
unusual information from "The Active Side of Infinity" (or Intent) by
Carlos Castaneda, p. 168. This Disintegrating Force concerns everyone :
"...In the case of the recapitulation, the secret option, that only
Sorcerers take, is to choose to enhance their True Minds. The haunting
memory of your recollections," Don Juan went on, "could come only from
your True Mind. The other (reptilian) mind, that we all have and share
is, I would say, a cheap reptilian model: economy strength, one size
fits all. But this is a subject, that we will discuss later. What is at
stake now is the advent (arrival) of a Disintegrating Force. But not a
Force, that is disintegrating you - I don't mean it that way. It is
disintegrating what the Sorcerers call the Foreign Reptilian
Installation, which exists in your mind and in every other human being'
mind. The effect of the Force, that is descending on you, which is
disintegrating the Foreign Installation, is that it pulls Sorcerers out
of their syntax (list of rules, LM)... The males, going through it,
suffer infinitely more damage, than the females. I suppose, it's the
condition of women to be more durable. The Sorcerers of ancient Mexico,
acting as a group, tried their best to buttress (withstand) the impact
of this Disintegrating Force. In our day, we have no means of acting as
a group, so we must brace ourselves to face in solitude a Force, that
will sweep us away from language, for there is no way to describe
adequately what is going on."
p. 172-173
"... you have entered an irreversible process. Your true mind is
emerging, waking up from a state of lifelong lethargy. "Infinity is
claiming you," he continued. "Whatever means it uses to
point, that out to you cannot have any other reason, any other cause,
any other value, than that. What you should do, however, is to be
prepared for the onslaughts of infinity. You must be in a state of
continuously bracing yourself for a blow of tremendous magnitude...
p. 175
Your true mind is emerging, and it has nothing to do with the mind,
that is a Foreign Installation..."
Castaneda - "The Fire From Within", p.p. 155-156, 189-194
"Don Juan and Genaro found, that statement so hilarious, that they
rolled on the floor laughing. I asked don Juan to explain my experience
with la Catalina. And both of them again howled with laughter. "Women
are definitely more bizarre, than men," don Juan finally said. "The
fact, that they have an extra opening between their legs makes them
fall prey to strange influences. Strange, powerful forces possess them
through that opening (vagina). That's the only way I can understand
their quirks (oddity, whim)." He kept silent for a while, and I asked,
what he meant by that.
"La Catalina came to us as a giant worm," he replied. Don Juan's
expression when he said that, and Genaro's explosion of laughter, took
me into sheer mirth.
I laughed, until I was nearly sick. Don Juan said, that la Catalina's
skill was so extraordinary, that she could do anything she wanted in
the realm of the beast. Her unparalleled display had been motivated by
her affinity (liking) with me. The final result of all that, he said,
was that la Catalina pulled my assemblage point with her.
"What did you two do as worms?" Genaro asked and slapped me on the
back. Don Juan seemed to be close to choking with laughter.
"That's why I've said, that women are more bizarre, than men," he
commented at last.
"I don't agree with you," Genaro said to don Juan. "The Nagual Julian
didn't have an extra hole between his legs and he was more weird, than
la Catalina. I believe she learned the worm image from him. He used to
do that to her." Don Juan jumped up and down, like a child, who is
trying to keep from wetting his pants.
When he had regained a measure of calm, don Juan said, that the Nagual
Julian had a knack for creating and exploiting the most bizarre
situations. He also said, that la Catalina had given me a
superb example of the shift below. She had let me see her as the being,
whose form she had adopted by moving her assemblage point, and she had
then helped me move mine to the same position, that gave her her
monstrous appearance.
"The other teacher, that the Nagual Julian had," don Juan went on,
"taught him how to get to specific spots in that immensity of the area
below. None of us could follow him there, but all the members of his
party did, especially la Catalina and the Woman Seer, who taught her."
Don Juan further said, that a shift below entailed a view, not of
another world proper, but of our same world of everyday life seen from
a different perspective. He added, that in order for me to see another
world, I had to perceive another great band of the Eagle's emanations.
He then brought his explanation to an end. He said, that he had no time
to elaborate on the subject of the great bands of emanations, because
we had to be on our way...

He said, that usually the Organic Beings
(humans), with their greater fields of energy, are the initiators of
communication with Inorganic
Beings, but a subtle and sophisticated
follow-up is always the province of the Inorganic Beings. Once the
barrier is broken, Inorganic Beings change and become what Seers call
Allies. From that moment Inorganic Beings can anticipate the Seers's
most subtle thoughts or moods or fears. "The old Seers became
mesmerized by such devotion from their Allies," he went on. "Stories
are, that the old Seers could make their Allies do anything they
wanted. That was one of the reasons they believed in their own
invulnerability. They got fooled by their self-importance. The Allies
have power only if the Seer, who Sees them, is the paragon of
impeccability; and those old Seers just weren't..."Are there as many
Inorganic Beings, as there are living organisms?" I asked. He said,
that Inorganic Beings are not as plentiful, as Organic Ones, but that
this is offset (compensated) by the greater number of bands of
Inorganic Awareness. Also, the differences among the Inorganic Beings
themselves are more vast, than the differences among organisms, because
organisms belong to only one band, while Inorganic Beings belong to
seven bands. "Besides, Inorganic Beings live infinitely longer, than
organisms," he continued. "This matter is what prompted the old Seers
to concentrate their Seeing on the Allies, for reasons I will tell you
about later on." He said, that the old Seers also came to realize, that
it is the high energy of organisms and the subsequent high development
of their Awareness, that make them delectable morsels (greatly pleasing
snack) for the Eagle..."You must bear in mind, that everything on the
Earth is encased," he continued. "Whatever we perceive is made up of
portions of cocoons or vessels with emanations. Ordinarily, we don't
perceive the containers of Inorganic Beings at all. The total world is
made of the forty-eight bands," he said. "The world, that our
assemblage point assembles for our normal perception, is made up of two
bands; one is the organic band, the other is a band, that has only
structure, but no Awareness. The other forty-six great bands are not
part of the world we normally perceive. There are other complete
worlds, that our assemblage points can assemble," he went on. "The old
Seers counted seven such worlds, one for each band of Awareness. I'll
add, that two of those worlds, besides the world of everyday life, are
easy to assemble; the other five are something else...
"How big are their cocoons?" I asked.
"The cocoon of a giant tree is not much larger, than the tree itself.
The interesting part is, that some tiny plants have a cocoon almost as
big, as a human's body and three times its width. Those are power
plants. They share the largest amount of emanations with man, not the
emanations of Awareness, but other emanations in general. Another thing
unique about plants is, that their Luminosities have different casts.
They are pinkish in general, because their Awareness is pink. Poisonous
plants are a pale yellow pink and medicinal plants are a bright violet
pink. The only ones, that are white pink are power plants; some are
murky white, others are brilliant white. But the real difference
between plants and other Organic Beings is the location of their
assemblage points. Plants have it on the lower part of their cocoon,
while other Organic Beings have it on the upper part of their cocoon."
"What about the Inorganic Beings?" I asked. "Where do they have their
assemblage points?"
"Some have it on the lower part of their containers," he said. "Those
are thoroughly alien to human, but akin to plants. Others have it
anywhere on the upper part of their containers. Those are close to
human and other Organic Creatures." He added, that the old Seers were
convinced, that plants have the most intense communication with
Inorganic Beings; very large trees and very small plants have their
assemblage points extremely low in their cocoon. Because of this, a
great number of the old Seers' sorcery techniques were means (ways) to
harness the Awareness of trees and small plants in order to use them as
guides to descend to, what they called, the deepest levels of the dark
"Don Juan stated, that Genaro, being the indisputable Master of
Awareness, had shown me the Dreaming Body many times, while I was in a
state of normal awareness. The effect, that Genaro was after with his
demonstrations, was to make my assemblage point move, not from a
position of Heightened Awareness, but from its normal setting. Don Juan
told me then, as if he were letting a secret be known, that Genaro was
waiting for us in some fields near the house to show me his Dreaming
Body. He repeated over and over, that I was now in the perfect state of
Awareness to See and understand, what the Dreaming Body really is.Then
he had me get up, and we walked through the front room to reach the
door to the outside. As I was about to open the door, I noticed, that
someone was lying on the pile of floor mats, that the apprentices used
as beds. I thought, that one of the apprentices must have returned to
the house, while don Juan and I were talking in the kitchen. I went up
to him, and then I realized, that it was Genaro. He was sound asleep,
snoring peacefully, lying face down. "Wake him up," don Juan said to
me. "We've got to be going. He must be dead tired." I gently shook
Genaro. He slowly turned around, made the sounds of someone, waking up
from a deep slumber. He stretched his arms, and then he opened his
eyes. I screamed involuntarily and jumped back. Genaro's eyes were not
human eyes at all. They were two points of intense amber light. The
jolt of my fright had been so intense, that I became dizzy. Don Juan
tapped my back and restored my equilibrium. Genaro stood up and smiled
at me. His features were rigid. He moved, as if he were drunk or
physically impaired. He walked by me and headed directly for the wall.
I winced at the imminent crash, but he went through the wall, as if it
were not there at all. He came back into the room through the kitchen
doorway. And then, as I looked in true horror, Genaro walked on the
walls, with his body parallel to the ground, and on the ceiling, with
his head upside down. I fell backwards, as I tried to follow his
movements. From that position I didn't see Genaro anymore; instead I
was looking at a blob of light, that moved on the ceiling above me and
on the walls, circling the room..."
"Then don Juan started his story about the Nagual Julian. He said, that
the Nagual Julian spent many, many years waiting for having an
apprentice Nagual (to replace Nagual Julian when he leave Earth). He
stumbled on don Juan one day while returning home after a short visit
with acquaintances in a nearby village.
He was, in fact, thinking about an apprentice Nagual, as he walked on
the road, when he heard a loud gunshot and saw people scrambling in
every direction. He ran with them into the bushes by the side of the
road and only came out from his hiding place at the sight of a group of
people gathered around someone wounded, lying on the ground. The
wounded person was, of course, don Juan, who had been shot by the
tyrannical foreman. The Nagual Julian Saw instantly, that don Juan was
a special man, whose cocoon was divided into four sections instead of
two; he also realized, that don Juan was badly wounded. He knew, that
he had no time to waste. His wish had been fulfilled, but he had to
work fast, before anyone sensed, what was going on. He held his head
and cried: "They've shot my son!"
He was traveling with one of the Female Seers of his party, a husky
Indian woman, who always officiated publicly as his mean shrewish wife.
They were an excellent team of Stalkers. He cued the Woman Seer, and
she also started weeping and wailing for their son, who was unconscious
and bleeding to death. The Nagual Julian begged the onlookers not to
call the authorities, but rather to help him move his son to his house
in the city, which was some distance away. He offered money to some
strong young men, if they would carry his wounded, dying son. The men
carried don Juan to the Nagual Julian's house. The Nagual was very
generous with them and paid them handsomely. The men were so touched by
the grieving couple, who had cried all the way to the house, that they
refused to take the money, but the Nagual Julian insisted, that they
take it, to give his son luck. For a few days, don Juan did not know,
what to think about the kind couple, who had taken him into their home.
He said, that to him, the Nagual Julian appeared as an almost senile
man. He was not an Indian, but was married to a young, irascible, fat
Indian wife, who was as physically strong, as she was ill-tempered. Don
Juan thought, that she was definitely a curer, judging by the way she
treated his wound and by the quantities of medicinal plants stashed
away in the room, where they had put him. The woman also dominated the
old man and made him tend to don Juan's wound every day. They had made
a bed for don Juan out of a thick floor mat, and the old man had a
terrible time kneeling down to reach him. Don Juan had to fight not to
laugh at the comical sight of the frail old man trying his best to bend
his knees. Don Juan said, that while the old man washed his wound, he
would mumble incessantly; he had a vacant look in his eyes; his hands
shook, and his body trembled from head to toe. When he was down on his
knees, he could never get up by himself. He would call his wife,
yelling in a raspy voice, filled with contained anger. The wife would
come into the room and both of them would get into a horrible argument.
Often she would walk out, leaving the old man to get up by himself. Don
Juan assured me, that he had never felt so sorry for anyone, as he felt
for that poor, kind old man. Many times he wanted to rise and help him
up, but he could hardly move himself. Once the old man spent half an
hour cursing and yelling, as
he puffed and crawled like a slug, before
he dragged himself to the door and painfully lifted himself up to a
standing position. He explained to don Juan, that his poor health was
due to advanced age, broken bones, that had not mended properly, and
rheumatism. Don Juan said, that the old man raised his eyes toward
heaven and confessed to don Juan, that he was the most wretched man on
earth; he had come to the curer for help and had ended up marrying her
and becoming a slave.
"I asked the old man, why he didn't leave," don
Juan continued.
The old
man's eyes widened
with fear.
He choked on his own saliva, trying to hush me and then he went rigid
and fell down like a log on the floor, next to my bed, trying to make
me stop talking. 'You don't know what you're saying; you don't know
what you're saying. Nobody can run away from this place, ' the old man
kept on repeating with a wild expression in his eyes. And I believed
him. I was convinced, that he was more miserable, more wretched, than I
had ever been myself.
with every day, that passed, I became more
and more uncomfortable in that house. The food was great and the woman
was always out curing people, so I was left with the old man. We talked
a lot about my life. I liked to talk to him. I told him, that I had no
money to pay him for his kindness, but that I would do anything to help
him. He told me, that he was beyond help, that he was ready to die, but
that if I really meant, what I said, he would appreciate it, if I would
marry his wife, after he died. Right then I knew, the old man was nuts.
And right then I also knew, that I had to run away as soon, as
possible." Don Juan said, that when he was well enough to walk around
unaided, his benefactor gave him a chilling demonstration of his
ability, as a Stalker. Without any warning or preamble, he put don Juan
face to face with an Inorganic Living Being. Sensing, that don Juan was
planning to run away, he seized the opportunity to scare him with an
Ally, that was somehow able to look like a monstrous man. "The sight of
that Ally nearly drove me insane," don Juan continued. "I couldn't
believe my eyes, and yet the monster was right in front of me. And the
frail old man was next to me whimpering and begging the monster to
spare his life. You see, my benefactor was like the old Seers; he could
dole out his fear, a piece at a time, and the Ally was reacting to it.
I didn't know that. All I could see with my very own eyes, was a
horrendous creature advancing on us, ready to tear us apart, limb from
limb. The moment the Ally lurched onto us, hissing like a serpent, I
passed out cold. When I came to my senses again, the old man told me,
that he had made a deal with the creature."
He explained to don Juan,
that the man had agreed to let both of them live, provided don Juan
enter the man's service. Don Juan apprehensively asked, what was
involved in the service. The old man replied, that it would be slavery,
but pointed out, that don Juan's life had nearly ended a few days back,
when he had been shot. Had not he and his wife come along to stop the
bleeding, don Juan would surely have died, so there was really very
little to bargain with, or to bargain for. The monstrous man knew that
and had him over a barrel. The old man told don Juan to stop
vacillating and accept the deal, because if he refused, the monstrous
man, who was listening behind the door, would burst in and kill them
both on the spot and be done with it.
"I had enough nerve to ask the
frail old man, who was shaking like a leaf, how the man would kill us,"
don Juan went on. "He said, that the monster planned to break all the
bones in our bodies, starting with our feet, as we screamed in
unspeakable agony, and that it would take at least five days for us to
die. I accepted, that man's conditions instantly. The old man, with
tears in his eyes, congratulated me and said, that the deal wasn't
really that bad. We were going to be more prisoners, than slaves of the
monstrous man, but we would eat at least twice a day; and since we had
life, we could work for our freedom; we could plot, connive, and fight
our way out of that hell...As long, as don Juan faced a scared, frail
old man, who seemed helpless, he was fairly at ease, comfortable. But
one day, soon after they had made the deal with, what don Juan thought
of as a monstrous-looking man, his comfort was shot to pieces, when the
Nagual Julian gave don Juan another unnerving demonstration of his
stalking skills. Although don Juan was quite well by then, the Nagual
Julian still slept in the same room with him, in order to nurse him.
he woke up that day, he announced to don Juan, that their captor
was gone for a couple of days, which meant, that he did not have to act
like an old man. He confided to don Juan, that he only pretended to be
old, in order to fool the monstrous-looking man. Without giving don
Juan time to think, he jumped up from his mat with incredible agility;
he bent over and dunked his head in a pot of water and kept it there
for a while. When he straightened up, his hair was jet black, the gray
hair had washed away, and don Juan was looking at a man, he had never
seen before, a man perhaps in his late thirties. He flexed his muscles,
breathed deeply, and stretched every part of his body, as if he had
been too long inside a constricting cage.
"When I saw the Nagual
Julian, as a young man, I thought, that he was indeed the devil," don
Juan went on. "I closed my eyes and knew, that my end was near.
The Nagual Julian
laughed, until he was crying. Don Juan said, that the Nagual Julian
put him at ease, by making him shift back and forth between the right
side and the left side Awareness. "For two days the young man pranced
(резвился) around the house," don Juan continued. "He told me stories
about his life and jokes, that sent me reeling around the room with
laughter. But, what was even more astounding, was the way his wife had
changed. She was actually thin and beautiful.
I thought she was a
completely different woman. I raved about how complete her change was
and how beautiful she looked. The young man said, that when their
captor was away, she was actually another woman." Don Juan laughed and
said, that his devilish benefactor was telling the truth. The woman was
really another Seer of the Nagual's Party. Don Juan asked the young
man, why they pretended to be, what they were not. The young man looked
at don Juan, his eyes filled with tears, and said, that the mysteries
of the world are indeed unfathomable. He and his young wife had been
caught by inexplicable forces and had to protect themselves with that
pretense. The reason why he carried on, the way he did, as a feeble old
man, was that their captor was always peeking in through cracks in the
doors. He begged don Juan to forgive him for having fooled him. Don
Juan asked, who that monstrous-looking man was. With a deep sigh, the
young man confessed, that he could not even guess. He told don Juan,
that although he himself was an educated man, a famous actor from the
theater in Mexico City, he was at a loss for explanations. All he knew
was, that he had come to be treated for the consumption, that he had
suffered from for many years. He was near death, when his relatives
brought him to meet the curer. She helped him to get well, and he fell
madly in love with the beautiful young Indian and married her. His
plans were to take her to the capital, so they could get rich with her
curing ability. Before they started on the trip to Mexico City, she
warned him, that they had to disguise themselves, in order to escape a
sorcerer. She explained to him, that her mother had also been a curer,
and had been taught curing by that master sorcerer, who had demanded
that she, the daughter, stay with him for life. The young man said,
that he had refused to ask his wife about that relationship. He only
wanted to free her, so he disguised himself, as an old man and
disguised her, as a fat woman. Their story did not end happily. The
horrible man caught them and kept them as prisoners. They did not dare
to take off their disguise in front of that nightmarish man, and, in
his presence, they carried on, as if they hated each other; but in
reality, they pined for each other and lived only for the short times,
when that man was away. Don Juan said, that the young man embraced him
and told him, that the room, where don Juan was sleeping, was the only
safe place in the house. Would he please go out and be on the lockout,
while he made love to his wife? "The house shook with their passion,"
don Juan went on, "while I sat by the door, feeling guilty for
listening and scared to death, that the man would come back any minute.
And sure enough,
I heard him coming into the house. I banged on the
door, and when they didn't answer, I walked in. The young woman was
asleep naked and the young man was nowhere in sight. I had never seen a
beautiful naked woman in my life. I was still very weak. I heard the
monstrous man rattling outside. My embarrassment and my fear were so
great, that I passed out...I went through all that myself. If you feel
the way you do on hearing about the Nagual Julian, think of the way I
must have felt myself living in his house for years. I judged him, I
feared him, and I envied him, in that order. I also loved him, but my
envy was greater, than my love. I envied his ease, his mysterious
capacity to be young or old at will; I envied his flair and above all
his influence on whoever happened to be around. It would drive me up
the walls to hear him engage people in the most interesting
conversation. He always had something to say; I never did, and I always
felt incompetent, left out."
been telling
you all along about the great findings, that the old
Seers made," he said. "Just as they found out, that organic life is not
the only life present on Earth, they also discovered, that the Earth
itself is a Living Being. The old Seers Saw, that the Earth has a
Cocoon," he went on. "They Saw, that there is a Ball, encasing the
Earth, a Luminous Cocoon, that entraps the Eagle's emanations (luminous
fibers). The
Earth is a Gigantic Sentient (conscious) Being, subjected to the same
forces we are." He explained, that the old Seers, on discovering this,
became immediately interested in the practical uses of that knowledge.
The result of their interest was, that the most elaborate categories of
their sorcery had to do with the Earth. They considered the Earth to be
the ultimate source of everything we are. Don Juan reaffirmed, that the
old Seers were not mistaken in this respect, because the Earth is
indeed our ultimate source...The magic key, that opens the Earth's
doors, is made of internal silence plus anything, that shines...He
explained, that what he called the Key to Everything, was the firsthand
Knowledge, that the Earth is a Sentient (conscious) Being and, as such,
can give warriors a tremendous boost; it is an impulse, that comes from
the Awareness of the Earth Itself at the instant, in which the
emanations, inside warriors' cocoons, are aligned with the appropriate
emanations inside the Earth's Cocoon. Since both the Earth and Human
are Sentient Beings, their emanations coincide, or rather, the Earth
has all the emanations, present in human and all the emanations, that
are present in all Sentient Beings, organic and inorganic for that
matter. When a moment of alignment takes place, Sentient Beings use
that Alignment in a limited way and perceive their world. Warriors can
use that alignment either to perceive, like everyone else, or as a
boost, that allows them to enter unimaginable worlds."
Castaneda "Eagle's Gift", p. 43-45:
The feature of those Luminous Eggs, that had impressed me the most, was
their movements. They did not walk. They moved in a floating manner,
yet they were grounded. The way, they moved, was not pleasing. Their
movements were stilted, wooden, and jerky. When they were in motion,
the whole egg shape became smaller and rounder; they seemed to jump or
jerk, or shake up and down with great speed. The result was a most
annoying nervous shivering. Perhaps the closest,
I can get to describing the physical discomfort, caused by their
motion, would be to say, that I felt, as if the images on a moving
picture screen had been speeded up. Another thing, that had intrigued
me, was that I could not detect any legs. I had once seen a ballet
production, in which the dancers mimicked the movement of soldiers on
ice skates; for that effect they wore loose tunics, that hung all the
way to the floor. There was no way to see their feet: thus the
illusion, that they were gliding on ice. The Luminous Eggs, that
paraded in front of me, gave the impression, that they were sliding on
a rough surface. Their Luminosity shook up and down almost
imperceptibly, yet enough to make me nearly ill. When the Eggs were in
repose (rest) they became elongated. Some of them were so long and
rigid, that they brought to mind the idea of a wooden icon. Another,
even more disturbing feature of the Luminous Eggs, was the Absence of
Eyes. I had never realized so acutely, how we are drawn to the eyes of
Living Beings. The Luminous Eggs were thoroughly alive; they were
observing me with great curiosity. I could see them jerking up and
down, leaning over to watch me, but without any eyes. Many of those
Luminous Eggs had black Spots (Holes) on them, Huge Spots below the
midsection. Others did not. La Gorda had told me, that reproduction
affects the bodies of both Men and Women, by causing a Hole to appear
below the stomach, but the spots on those Luminous Eggs did not seem
like Holes to me. They were areas with no Luminosity, but there was no
depth to them. Those, that had the black Spots, seemed to be mellow,
tired; the crest (ridge, plume, helmet) of their Egg shape was wilted
(became limp, flaccid, droop, less energetic or spirited), it looked
opaque in comparison to the rest of their Glow. The ones without Spots,
on the other hand, were dazzlingly bright. They were vibrant, filled
with Energy and Whiteness...
The Power, that governs the destiny of all living beings is called the
Eagle, not because it is an eagle or has anything to do with an eagle,
but because it appears to the Seer as an immeasurable jet-black eagle,
standing erect, as an eagle stands, its height reaching to Infinity. As
the Seer gazes on the Blackness, that the Eagle is, four blazes of
light reveal, what the Eagle is like. The first blaze, which is like a
bolt of lightning, helps the Seer make out the contours of the Eagle's
body. There are patches of whiteness, that look like an eagle's
feathers and talons. A second blaze of lightning reveals the flapping,
wind-creating Blackness, that looks like an eagle's wings. With the
third blaze of lightning the Seer beholds a piercing, inhuman eye. And
the fourth and last blaze discloses, what the Eagle is doing. The Eagle
is devouring the Awareness of all the creatures, that alive on Earth, a
moment before and now dead, have floated to the Eagle's beak, like a
ceaseless swarm of fireflies, to meet their owner, their reason for
having had life. The Eagle disentangles these tiny flames, lays them
flat, as a tanner stretches out a hide, and then consumes
them; for Awareness is the Eagle's food. The Eagle, that Power, that
governs the destinies of all living things, reflects equally and at
once all those living things. There is no way, therefore, for man to
pray to the Eagle, to ask favors, to hope for grace. The human part of
the Eagle is too insignificant to move the whole. It is only from the
Eagle's actions, that a Seer can tell, what it wants. The Eagle,
although it is not moved by the circumstances of any living thing, has
granted a gift to each of those beings. In its own way and right, any
one of them, if it so desires, has the power to keep the flame of
Awareness, the Power to disobey the summons (request to appear, gather)
to die and be consumed. Every living thing has been granted the power,
if it so desires, to seek an opening to freedom and to go through it.
It is evident to the Seer, who Sees the Opening, and to the creatures,
that go through it, that the Eagle has granted that gift, in order to
perpetuate (prolong the memory) Awareness. For the purpose of guiding
living things to that Opening, the Eagle created the Nagual. The Nagual
is a Double Being, to whom the rule has been revealed. Whether it be in
the form of a human being, an animal, a plant, or anything else, that
lives, the Nagual, by virtue of its Doubleness, is drawn to seek that
hidden passageway. The Nagual comes in pairs, Male and Female. A Double
Man and a Double Woman become the Nagual only after the rule has been
told to each of them, and each of them has understood it and accepted
it in full. To the eye of the Seer, a Nagual Man or Nagual Woman
appears, as a Luminous Egg with four compartments. Unlike the average
human being, who has two sides only, a left and a right, the Nagual has
a left side divided into two long sections, and a right side equally
divided in two. The Eagle created the first Nagual Man and Nagual Woman
as Seers and immediately put them in the world to See. It provided them
with four female warriors, who were Stalkers, three male warriors, and
one male courier, whom they were to nourish, enhance, and lead to
freedom. The female warriors are called the four directions, the four
corners of a square, the four moods, the four winds, the four different
female personalities, that exist in the human race...In order to make
sure, that the first Nagual Man would lead his party to freedom and not
deviate from that path or become corrupted, the Eagle took the Nagual
Woman to the other World to serve as a beacon, guiding the party to the
Castaneda - "The Second Ring Of Power"
"What's the meaning of being INCOMPLETE? Everyone has told me, that
you're the only one, who can explain that," I said.
"It's a very simple matter," she said. "A COMPLETE Person is one, who
has never had children." She paused, as if she were allowing me time to
write down, what she had said. I looked up from my notes. She was
staring at me, judging the effect of her words. "I know, that the
Nagual told you exactly, what I've just said,"
she continued. "You didn't pay any attention to him and you probably
haven't paid any attention to me, either." I read my notes out loud and
repeated what she had said. She giggled. "The Nagual said, that an
INCOMPLETE Person is one, who has had children," she said, as if
dictating to me. She scrutinized me, apparently waiting for a question
or a comment. I had none. "Now I've told you everything about being
Complete and Incomplete," she said. "And I've told you, just like the
Nagual told me. It didn't mean anything to me at that time, and it
doesn't mean anything to you now." I had to laugh at the way she
patterned herself after don Juan.
"An Incomplete Person has a Hole in the stomach," she went on. "A
Sorcerer can See it as plainly, as you can see my head. When the Hole
is on the left side of one's stomach, the child, who created that Hole,
is of the same sex. If it is on the right side, the child is of the
opposite sex. The Hole on the left side is black, the one on the right
is dark brown."
"Can you See that Hole in anyone, who has had children?"
"Sure. There are two ways of Seeing it. A Sorcerer may See it in
Dreaming or by looking directly at a person. A Sorcerer, who Sees, has
no problems in viewing the Luminous Being to find out, if there is a
Hole in the Luminosity of the Body. But even if the Sorcerer doesn't
know how to See, he can look and actually distinguish the darkness of
the Hole through the clothing." She stopped talking. I urged her to go
on. "The Nagual told me, that you write and then you don't remember,
what you wrote," she said with a tone of accusation. I became entangled
in words, trying to defend myself. Nonetheless, what she had said, was
the Truth. Don Juan's words always had had a double effect on me: once,
when I heard for the first time whatever he had said, and then, when I
read at home, whatever I had written down and had forgotten about.
Talking to la Gorda, however, was intrinsically (inherent)
different. Don Juan's apprentices were not in any way as engulfing
(overwhelming), as he was. Their revelations, although
extraordinary, were only missing pieces to a jigsaw puzzle. The unusual
character of those pieces was, that with them the picture did not
become clearer, but that it became more and more complex.
"You had a brown Hole in the right side of your stomach," she
continued. "That means, that a Woman emptied you. You made a Female
child. The Nagual said, that
I had a huge Black Hole myself, because I made two Women. I never saw
the Hole, but I've Seen other people with Holes like mine.
"You said, that I had a Hole; don't I have it anymore?"
"No. It's been patched. The Nagual helped you to patch it. Without his
help, you would be more empty, than you are now."
"What kind of patch is it?"
"A patch in your Luminosity. There is no other way of saying it. The
Nagual said, that a Sorcerer, like himself, can fill up the Hole
But, that filling is only a patch without Luminosity. Anyone, who Sees
or does Dreaming, can tell, that it looks like a lead patch on the
Yellow Luminosity of the rest of the body.
"The Nagual patched you and me and Soledad. But then he left it up to
us to put back the shine, the Luminosity."
"How did he patch us?"
"He's a Sorcerer, he put things in our bodies. He replaced us. We are
no longer the same. The patch is what he put there himself."
"But how did he put those things there and what were they?"
"What he put in our bodies was his own Luminosity and he used his hand
to do that. He simply reached into our bodies and left his fibers
there. He did the same with all of his six children and also with
Soledad. All of them are the same. Except Soledad; she's something
else." La Gorda seemed unwilling to go on. She vacillated (hesitate,
sway from one side to the other) and almost began to stutter (speak
with repetition, prolongation, hesitation).
"What is dona Soledad?" I insisted.
"It's very hard to tell," she said after considerable coaxing (urge,
persuade, plead). "She is the same, as you and me, and yet she's
different. She has the same Luminosity, but she's not together with us.
She goes in the opposite direction. Right now she's more like you. Both
of you have patches, that look like lead. Mine is gone and I'm again a
Complete, Luminous Egg. That is the reason I said, that you and I will
be exactly the same someday, when you become Complete again. Right now,
what makes us almost the same is the Nagual's Luminosity and the fact,
that both of us are going in the same direction and, that we both were
"What does a Complete Person look like to a Sorcerer?" I asked.
"Like a Luminous Egg made out of Fibers," she said. "All the Fibers are
Complete; they look like strings, taut strings. It looks, as if the
strings have been tightened like a drum is tightened. "On an empty
person, on the other hand, the fibers are crumpled up at the edges of
the Hole. When they have had many children, the Fibers don't look like
Fibers anymore. Those People look like two chunks of Luminosity,
separated by blackness. It is an awesome sight. The Nagual made me See
them one day, when we were in a park in the city."
Carlos Castaneda "The Art
of Dreaming" (about Inorganic Beings), p. 99:
When my objective inquiry into the subject of Inorganic Beings no
longer mattered to me, don Juan himself brought up the subject of my
Dream Journey into that Inorganic World. He said, "I don't think you
are aware of the Regularity of your Meetings with Inorganic Beings."
He was right. I had never bothered to think about it. I commented on
the oddity of my oversight.
"It isn't an oversight," he said. "It's the nature of that Realm to
foster (promote) Secretiveness. Inorganic Beings veil themselves in
Mystery, Darkness. Think about their World: Stationary, fixed to draw
us like moths to a light or a fire. There is something the Emissary
hasn't dared to tell you so far: that the Inorganic Beings are after
our Awareness or the Awareness of any Being, that falls into their
nets. They'll give us Knowledge, but they'll extract a payment: our
Total Being."
"Do you mean, don Juan, that the Inorganic Beings are like fishermen?"
"Exactly. At one moment, the Emissary will show you Men, who got caught
in there or other Beings, that are not Human, that also got caught in
Revulsion and fear should have been my response. Don Juan's revelations
affected me deeply, but in the sense of creating uncontainable
curiosity. I was nearly panting.
"Inorganic Beings can't force anyone to stay with them," don Juan went
on. "To live in their World is a voluntary affair. Yet they are capable
of imprisoning any one of us by catering to our desires, by pampering
and indulging us. Beware of Awareness, that is immobile. Awareness like
that has to seek movement, and it does this, as I've told you, by
creating projections, phantasmagorical projections (like in the movie
Men in Black, LM) at times."
I asked don Juan to explain what "phantasmagorical projections" meant.
He said, that Inorganic Beings hook onto Dreamers' innermost Feelings
and play them mercilessly. They create Phantoms to please Dreamers or
frighten them. He reminded me, that I had wrestled with one of those
Phantoms. He explained, that Inorganic Beings are superb
Projectionists, who delight in Projecting themselves like pictures on
the wall.
"The Old Sorcerers were brought down by their inane (silly) trust in
those Projections," he continued. "The Old Sorcerers believed their
Allies had Power. They over
looked the fact, their Allies were Tenuous (lacking substance) Energy,
projected through Worlds, like in a Cosmic Movie (hologram)."
"You are contradicting yourself, don Juan. You yourself said, that the
Inorganic Beings are real. Now you tell me, that they are mere
"I meant to say, that the Inorganic Beings, in our World, are like
moving pictures, projected on a screen; and I may even add, that they
are like moving pictures of rarefied (selective, esoteric) Energy,
projected through the boundaries of two Worlds."
"But what about Inorganic Beings in their World? Are they also like
moving pictures?"
"Not a chance. That World is as real, as our World. The Old Sorcerers
portrayed the Inorganic Beings' World as a Blob of Caverns and Pores,
floating in some Dark Space. And they portrayed the Inorganic Beings,
as Hollow Canes bound together, like the cells of our bodies. The Old
Sorcerers called that Immense Bundle the Labyrinth of Penumbra (partial
Shadow between Dark and Light). The Inorganic Beings are
glued together, like the cells of the body," don Juan went on. "When
they put their Awareness together, they are unbeatable."...He said,
that Sorcerers have seen, that there are two types of Conscious Beings
roaming the Earth, the Organic and the Inorganic, and that in comparing
one with the other, they have seen, that both are Luminous Masses,
crossed from every imaginable angle by millions of the Universe's
Energy Filaments. They are different from each other in their shape and
in their degree of brightness. Inorganic Beings are Long and
Candlelike, but opaque, whereas Organic Beings are round and by far the
brighter. Another noteworthy difference, which don Juan said Sorcerers
have seen, is, that the Life and Consciousness of Organic Beings is
short-lived, because they are made to hurry, whereas the Life of
Inorganic Beings is infinitely longer and their Consciousness
infinitely more calm and deeper."
...I confessed, that something in that World had been giving me all
along the sensation, I was unique. What created this most pleasant and
clear feeling of being exclusive, was not the Voice of the Dreaming
Emissary, or anything I could consciously think about.
"That's exactly, what floored the Old Sorcerers," don Juan said.
"The Inorganic Beings did to them, what they are doing to you now; they
created for them the Sense of being Unique, exclusive, plus a more
pernicious (deadly) Sense yet: the Sense of having Power. Power and
Uniqueness are unbeatable as corrupting forces. Watch out!"
"How did you avoid that danger yourself, don Juan?"
"I went to that World a few times, and then I never went back."
Выдержки из книги Карлоса
Кастанеды "Искусство Выходов из Тела" (Carlos Castaneda "The Art of
"Don Juan was called the Nagual. It was explained to me, that this
concept refers to any person, male or female, who possesses a Specific
Kind of Energy Configuration, which to a Seer appears as a Double
Luminous Ball. Seers believe, that when One of These People enters into
the Sorcerers' World, that extra Load of Energy is turned into a
Measure of Strength and the Capacity for Leadership. Thus, the Nagual
is the Natural Guide, the Leader of a Party of Sorcerers."
Дон Хуан (don Juan): "В общем, Женщины имеют естественную способность
общаться с этим Миром Невидимых Неорганических Существ или НС
(Inorganic Beings); Женщины-Маги, конечно, в этом - Чемпионы, но Карол
Тигс (Женщина) лучше, чем все кого я знаю, потому что как Nagual Woman
- Женщина-Нагуал, она имеет Неиссякаемую Энергию."
Я (Карлос) подумал, что поймал Дон Хуана на слове, имея ввиду серьёзное
противоречие. Раньше он мне говорил, что НС (Неорганические Существа)
совсем не заинтересованы в Женщинах, а сейчас он мне говорит обратное.
"Нет. Я не утверждаю противоположное," ввернул он, когда я прижал его к
стенке. "Я говорил тебе, что НС (Неорганические Существа) не гоняются
за Женщинами; а только за Мужчинами. Но я также говорил тебе, что все
НС (Неорганические Существа) - Женского Рода, и что вся Вселенная - в
основном Женского Рода. А теперь, делай выводы сам."
(Для тех, кто читал
эту книгу Карлоса Кастанэды : The Dreaming Emissary - Спящий Эмиссар
или Неорганическое, нефизическое Существо женского рода ! ЛМ).
"Hold your Dream view of them (Alies) in your Mind. The reason they
have saturated you with their presence in your Dreams is, that they
want to create a memory of their shape in your Mind...What I felt was
an electric discharge, that almost made me drop the dark figure.
Don Juan stressed over and over, that My Energy Body had to unite all
its resources, in order to act.
"But hasn't My Energy Body been acting all along?" I asked.
"Part of it has, otherwise you wouldn't have journeyed to the Inorganic
Beings' Realm," he replied. "Now your Entire Energy Body has to be
engaged to perform the Drill of the Third Gate... At the Third Gate,
then, we need Irrational Fluidity, Irrational Abandon to counteract
that Insistence."... but there had been nothing in my experience,
comparable to the Fear I felt after my bout (wresling match) with the
Inorganic Beings."
To remember, then, means to relocate the Assemblage Point on the exact
position it occupied at the time those entrances into the Second
Attention occurred. Don Juan assured me not only, that sorcerers have
Total and Absolute Recall, but that they relive every experience they
had in the Second Attention by this Act of returning their Assemblage
Point to each of those specific positions. He also assured me, that
Sorcerers dedicate a lifetime to fulfilling this task of
Remembering. In the Second Attention, don Juan gave me very detailed
explanations of Sorcery, knowing, that the Accuracy and Fidelity
(Loyalty) of such instruction will remain with me, faithfully intact,
for the duration of my life. About this quality of faithfulness he
said, "Learning something in the Second Attention is just like
learning, when we were children. What we learn remains with us for
life. "It's second nature with me," we say when it comes to something
we've learned very early in life... Lack of Energy is what has put a
tight lid on Your Memory," Don Juan said. "When you have sufficient
Energy, your Memory will work fine...Energy tends to be cumulative; if
you follow the Warrior's Way impeccably, a Moment will come when Your
Memory Opens Up...
Yet all this wealth of experience was inaccessible to my normal Memory.
Only in the presence of don Juan were those memories at my disposal. I
asked him about this strange situation once, when we were at the
National Museum of Anthropology and History in Mexico City.
"It just happens, that the presence of the Nagual induces a Shift of
the Assemblage Point," he said. He guided me then into one of the
display rooms of the museum (of Anthropology and History in Mexico
City) and said, that my question was apropos (appropriate) to
what he had been planning to tell me.
"My intention was to explain to you, that the Position of the
Assemblage Point is like a Vault (chamber), where Sorcerers keep their
records," he said. "I was tickled pink, when your Energy Body felt my
Intent and you asked me about it. The Energy Body knows immensities
(boundless). Let me show you how much it knows."
He instructed me to enter into Total Silence. He reminded me, that I
was already in a special State of Awareness, because my Assemblage
Point had been made to Shift by his presence. He assured me, that
entering into Total Silence was going to allow the sculptures in that
room to make me See and Hear inconceivable (unbelievable) things. He
added, apparently to increase my confusion, that some of the
archaeological pieces in that room had the capacity to produce, by
themselves, a Shift of the Assemblage Point, and that, if I reached a
state of Total Silence, I would be actually witnessing scenes
pertaining to the lives of the people, who made those pieces. He then
began the strangest tour of a museum I have ever taken. He went around
the room, describing and interpreting astounding details of every one
of the large pieces. According to him, every archaeological piece in
that room was a purposeful record, left by the People of Antiquity, a
record, that don Juan, as a Sorcerer, was reading to me, as one would
read a book. "Every piece here is designed to make the Assemblage Point
Shift," he went on. "Fix your gaze on any of them, Silence Your Mind,
and find out whether or not your Assemblage Point can be made to Shift."
"How would I know, that it has shifted?"
"Because you would See and Feel things, that are beyond your normal
I gazed at the sculptures and Saw and Heard things, that I would be at
a loss to explain. In the past, I had examined all those pieces with
the bias of anthropology, always bearing in mind the descriptions of
scholars in the field. Their descriptions of the functions of those
pieces, rooted in modern man's cognition of the World, appeared to me,
for the first time, to be utterly prejudiced, if not asinine (utterly
stupid). What don Juan said about those pieces and what I heard and saw
myself, gazing at them, was the farthest thing from what I had always
read about them. My discomfort was so great, that I felt obliged to
apologize to don Juan for, what
I thought, was my suggestibility. He did not laugh or make fun of me.
He patiently explained, that Sorcerers were capable of leaving accurate
records of their findings in the Position of the Assemblage Point. He
maintained, that when it comes to getting to the essence of a written
account, we have to use our sense of sympathetic or imaginative
participation to go beyond the mere page, into the experience itself.
However, in the Sorcerers' World, since there are no written pages,
total records, which can be relived, instead of read, are left in the
Position of the Assemblage Point. To illustrate his argument, don Juan
talked about the Sorcerers' Teachings for the Second Attention. He
said, that they are given, when the apprentice's Assemblage Point is on
a place, other, than the normal one. The Position of the Assemblage
Point becomes, in this manner, the Record of the Lesson.
In order to play the Lesson back, the apprentice has to Return his/her
Assemblage Point to the Position it occupied, when the Lesson was
given. Don Juan concluded his remarks by reiterating, that to Return
the Assemblage Point to All the Positions it Occupied, when the Lessons
were Given, is an Accomplishment of the Highest Magnitude. "The
Recapitulation of our Lives never ends, no matter how well we've done
it once," don Juan said. "The reason average people lack volition
(willing, choosing, deciding) in their Dreams is, that they have never
Recapitulated, and their lives are filled to capacity with heavily
loaded emotions like memories, hopes, fears, et cetera, et cetera...
"How can this be, don Juan? How could I have forgotten all this?" And
he reaffirmed the same things, he always did.
"This type of remembering or forgetting has nothing to do with normal
memory," he assured me. "It has to do with the movement of the
Assemblage Point."
"The Active Side of
"Don Juan said, that the Inorganic Beings, who populated our Twin
were considered, by the Sorcerers of his Lineage, to be our Relatives.
Those shamans believed, that it was futile (useless, vain) to make
friends with our family members, because the demands, levied on us for
such friendships, were always exorbitant (excessive). He said, that
that type of Inorganic Being, who are our first cousins, communicate
with us incessantly, but that their communication with us is not at the
level of Conscious Awareness. In other words, we know all about them in
a subliminal way, while they know all about us in a deliberate,
conscious manner.
"The Energy from our first cousins is a drag (move with great
difficulty)!" don Juan went on. "They are as fucked, up as we are.
Let's say, that the Organic and Inorganic Beings of our Twin Worlds are
the children of two sisters, who live next door to each other. They are
exactly alike although they look different. They cannot help us, and we
cannot help them. Perhaps we could join together, and make a fabulous
family business corporation, but that hasn't happened. Both branches of
the family are extremely touchy and take offense over nothing, a
typical relationship between touchy first cousins. The crux of the
matter, the Sorcerers of ancient Mexico believed, that both, Human
Beings and Inorganic Beings from the Twin Worlds, are profound
egomaniacs (extreme egotism, obsessive preoccupation with the self)."
According to don Juan, another classification, that the Sorcerers of
ancient Mexico made of the Inorganic Beings, was that of Scouts, or
Explorers, and by this they meant Inorganic Beings, that came from the
depths of the Universe and which were possessors of Awareness,
infinitely sharper and faster, than that of Human Beings. Don Juan
asserted, that the Old Sorcerers had spent generations polishing their
Classification schemes, and their conclusions were, that certain types
Inorganic Beings from the category of Scouts or Explorers, because of
their vivaciousness, were akin to Human. They could make liaisons and
establish a symbiotic relation with men. The Old Sorcerers called these
kinds of Inorganic Beings - the Allies. Don Juan explained, that the
crucial mistake of those shamans with reference to this type of
Inorganic Being, was to attribute human characteristics to that
impersonal energy and to believe, that they could harness it. They
thought of those blocks of Energy as their helpers, and they relied on
them without comprehending that, being pure Energy, they didn't have
the power to sustain any effort."
"... I saw then two men approaching. They seemed to be local men,
perhaps Yaqui Indians from one of the Yaqui towns in the vicinity. They
came and stood by me. One of them nonchalantly asked me how I had been.
I wanted to smile at him, laugh, but I couldn't. My face was extremely
rigid. Yet I was ebullient. I wanted to jump up and down, but I
couldn't. I told him, that I had been fine. Then I asked them who they
were. I said to them, that I didn't know them, and yet I sensed an
extraordinary familiarity with them. One of the men said,
matter-of-factly, that they were my Allies. I stared at them, trying to
memorize their features, but their features changed."
"They seemed to mold themselves to the mood of my stare. No thoughts
were involved. Everything was a matter, guided by visceral (derived
from emotions) sensations. I stared at them long enough to erase their
features completely, and finally, I was facing two shiny Blobs of
Luminosity, that vibrated. The Blobs of Luminosity did not have
boundaries. They seemed to sustain themselves cohesively from within.
At times, they became flat, wide. Then they would take on a verticality
again, at the height of a man. Suddenly, I felt don Juan's arm hooking
my right arm and pulling me from the boulder. He said, that it was time
to go. The next moment, I was in his house again, in central Mexico,
more bewildered than ever."
"Today, you found Inorganic Awareness, and then you Saw it, as it
really is," he said. "Energy is the irreducible residue of everything.
As far, as we are concerned, to see Energy directly is the bottom line
for a Human Being. Perhaps there are other things beyond that, but they
are not available to us."
Don Juan asserted all this over and over, and every time he said it,
his words seemed to solidify me more and more, to help me return to my
normal state. I told don Juan everything I had witnessed, everything I
had heard. Don Juan explained to me, that I had succeeded that day in
transforming the anthropomorphic shape of the Inorganic Beings into
their essence: impersonal Energy aware of itself."
"I again had the sensations of being tossed, spinning, and falling down
at a tremendous speed. Then I exploded. I disintegrated. Something in
me gave out; it released something, I had kept locked up all my life. I
was thoroughly aware then, that my secret reservoir had been tapped
and, that it poured out unrestrainedly. There was no longer
the sweet unity I call "me." There was nothing and yet, that nothing
was filled. It was not light or darkness, hot or cold, pleasant or
unpleasant. It was not, that I moved or floated or was
stationary, neither was I a Single Unit, a Self, as I am accustomed to
being. I was a Myriad of Selves, which were all "Me," a colony
of separate Units, that had a special allegiance (loyalty,
fidelity) to one another and would join unavoidably to form one single
Awareness, my Human Awareness. It was not, that I "knew" beyond the
shadow of a doubt, because there was nothing, I could have "known"
with, but all my Single Awarenesses "knew", that the "I",
"the "Me," of my familiar world was a Colony,
a Conglomerate (forming
into adhering mass) of separate and independent feelings, that had an
Unbending Solidarity to one another. The Unbending Solidarity
of my Countless Awarenesses, the Allegiance (loyalty), that those parts
had for one another, was my Life Force. A way of describing
that unified sensation, would be to say, that those Nuggets of
Awareness were scattered; each of them was aware of itself and none was
more predominant, than the other. Then something would stir
them, and they would join and emerge onto an area, where All of Them
had to be pooled in one Clump (clustered mass), the "Me" I
know. As "Me" "Myself" then, I would witness a coherent scene of
worldly activity, or a scene, that pertained (related) to other
worlds and which, I thought, must have been pure imagination,
or a scene, that pertained to "pure thinking," that is, I had views of
intellectual systems, or of ideas strung (string) together,
as verbalizations. In some scenes I talked to myself to my heart's
content. After every one of those coherent views the "Me" would
disintegrate and be nothing once more...You are a Cluster. This is the
Carlos Castaneda - "The
Power of Silence":
"Nagual Seers see as a Luminous Sphere having four compartments, as if
four Luminous Balls have been compressed together. Because of their
extraordinary energy, Naguals are intermediaries. Their energy allows
them to channel Peace, Harmony, Laughter, and Knowledge directly from
the Source, from Intent, and transmit them to their
companions...Dreaming, the Control and Utilization of Dreams; Stalking,
the Control of Behavior."
"Do you know that at this very moment you are surrounded by Eternity?
And do you know, that you can use that Eternity, if you so desire?"
"Do you know that you can extend yourself forever in any of the
directions I have pointed to?"
Carlos Castaneda - "Power
of Silence", p. 98-101 (описание 5го уровня сознания):
"This beautiful prairie was bathed in a Glow that, like Rays of Light,
emanated from the land itself. Wherever I looked, I saw familiar
features: rocks, hills, rivers, forests, canyons, enhanced and
transformed by their inner vibration, their Inner Glow. This Glow, that
was so pleasing to my eyes also tingled out of my very Being...As I
stared at the wondrous sight, Filaments of Light began to radiate from
everything on that prairie. At first it was like the explosion of an
infinite number of short fibers, then the fibers became long Threadlike
Strands of Luminosity, bundled together into Beams of Vibrating Light,
that reached Infinity. There was really no way for me to make sense of
what I was seeing, or to describe it, except as Filaments of Vibrating
Light. The Filaments were not intermingled or entwined. Although they
sprang, and continued to spring, in every direction, each one was
separate, and yet all of them were inextricably (incapable of being
freed) bundled together...Don Juan had explained, that the Universe is
made up of Energy Fields, which defy description or scrutiny
(surveillance). He had said, that they resembled Filaments of ordinary
Light, except, that ordinary electric Light is Lifeless, compared to
the Eagle's Emanations, which exude (come gradually through an opening)
Awareness. I had never, until this night, been able to see them in a
sustained manner, and indeed they were made out of a Light, that was
"...the Art of Dreaming is concerned with the Displacement of the
Assemblage Point. Then he defined Stalking as the Art, that deals with
the Fixation of the Assemblage Point on any location, to which it is
displaced...important to Make it Stay Fixed on its New Position. He
explained, that if the Assemblage Point does not become stationary,
there is no way, that we can Perceive Coherently. We would Experience
then a Kaleidoscope of Disassociated Images... In other words, we can
then be guided to perceive more in Terms of Our System, than in Terms
of Our Senses. He assured me, that Human Perception is Universally
homogeneous (similar), because the Assemblage Points of the Whole Human
Race are Fixed on the Same Spot! The Old Sorcerers preferred the Shifts
of the Assemblage Point, so they were always on more or less known,
predictable ground. We prefer the Movements of the Assemblage Point.
The Old Sorcerers were after the Human Unknown. We are after the
Nonhuman Unknown."
"He patiently explained, that by Staring at the foliage, I would
accomplish a minute Displacement of my Assemblage Point. Then, by
summoning (calling) my Dreaming Attention through Staring at
Individual Leaves, I would actually Fixate that minute Displacement,
and my Cohesion would make me perceive in terms of the Second
Attention. He added, with a chuckle, that the Process was so simple, it
was ridiculous. Don Juan was right. All I needed was to Focus my Sight
on the Leaves, maintain it, and in one instant I was drawn into a
Vortex-like sensation, extremely like the Vortexes in my Dreams. The
Foliage of the mesquite tree became a Universe of Sensory Data. It was
as if the foliage had swallowed me, but it was not only My Sight, that
was engaged; if I touched the leaves, I actually felt them. I could
also smell them. My Dreaming Attention was multisensorial instead of
solely visual, as in my regular Dreaming. What had begun as Gazing at
the foliage of the mesquite tree, had turned into a Dream. I believed I
was in a Dreamt tree, as I had been in trees of countless Dreams. And,
naturally, I behaved in this Dreamt tree as I had learned to behave in
my Dreams; I moved from item to item, pulled by the Force of a Vortex,
that took shape on whatever part of the tree I focused my
multisensorial Dreaming Attention. Vortexes were formed not only on
Gazing, but also on touching anything with any part of my body."
"A sudden motion around me shook everything and virtually made me
from a clump of leaves, as if I had broken away from the tree's
magnetic pull. I was facing then, from an elevation, an
immense horizon. Dark mountains and green vegetation surrounded me.
Another jolt of Energy made me shake from my bones out; then
I was somewhere else. Enormous trees loomed everywhere. They were
bigger, than the Douglas firs of Oregon and Washington State. Never had
I seen a forest like that. The scenery was such a contrast to the
aridness of the Sonoran desert, that it left me with no doubt, that I
was having a Dream. I held on to that extraordinary view,
afraid to let go, knowing, that it was indeed a Dream and would
disappear, once I had run out of Dreaming Attention. But the images
lasted, even when I thought I should have run out of Dreaming
Attention. A horrifying thought crossed my mind then: what if this was
neither a Dream, nor the Daily World?
Frightened, as an animal must experience fright, I recoiled (shrink,
spring back) into the clump of leaves I had emerged from. The momentum
of my backward motion kept me going through the tree foliage and around
the hard branches. It pulled me away from the tree, and in one split
second I was standing next to don Juan, at the door of his house, in
the desert in Sonora."
"All Women are Dreamers...Through the Medium of Awareness, Scouts from
All over the Universe come to us, and vice versa; via Awareness, (all
Women and men-sorcerers) Sorcerers go to the Ends of the
Universe...Awareness is an Energetic Element...For Sorcerers, who See,
Awareness is a Glow. They can hitch (connect, attach) their Energy Body
to that Glow and go with it...Women, in general, have a natural bent
for the Realm (of Inorganic Beings); Sorceresses are, of course, the
Champions...the Inorganic Beings don't pursue Females; they only go
after Males. But I've also said to you, that the Inorganic
Beings are Female, and that the Entire Universe is Female to a large
degree...The Women of your party (group), on the other hand, do it
(visit the Inorganic Beings' World) like changing skirts."
"The Death Defier was unavoidably caught in the nets of the Inorganic
Beings. Carol estimated, that he spent perhaps thousands of years as a
captive, until the moment he was capable of transforming himself into a
Woman. He had clearly seen this, as his way out of that World the day
he found out, that the Inorganic Beings regard the Female Principle as
imperishable (eternal). They believe, that the Female Principle has
such a pliability (adaptation, flexibility) and its Scope is so vast,
that its members are impervious (not affected) to traps and setups and
can hardly be held captive. The Death Defier's Transformation was so
complete and so detailed, that she was instantly spewed out
of the Inorganic Beings' Realm.
"Did she tell you, that the Inorganic Beings are still after her?" I
"Naturally they are after her," Carol assured me. "The Woman told me,
she has to fend off her pursuers every moment of her life."
"What can they do to her?"
"Realize she was a man and pull her back to captivity, I suppose. I
think she fears them more, than you can think it's possible to fear
"...The reason the Nagual (Don Juan) could not reveal all his designs
to you was, because you're INCOMPLETE," la Gorda said all of a sudden.
"You still are, but now after your bouts (wrestle matches) with Soledad
and the sisters, you are stronger, than before."
"What's the meaning of being INCOMPLETE? Everyone has told me, that
you're the only one, who can explain that," I said.
"It's a very simple matter," she said. "A COMPLETE Person is one, who
has never had children." She paused, as if she were allowing me time to
write down what she had said. I looked up from my notes. She was
staring at me, judging the effect of her words. "I know, that the
Nagual (don Juan) told you exactly what I've just said," she continued.
"You didn't pay any attention to him and you probably haven't paid any
attention to me, either. The Nagual said, that an INCOMPLETE Person is
one, who has had children," she said as if dictating to me. She
scrutinized me, apparently waiting for a question or a comment. I had
"Now I've told you everything about being Complete and Incomplete," she
said. "And I've told you just like the Nagual (don Juan)told me. It
didn't mean anything to me at that time, and it doesn't mean anything
to you now...An Incomplete Person has a Hole in the stomach," she went
on. "A Sorcerer can See it as plainly, as you can see my head. When the
Hole is on the left side of one's stomach, the child, who created that
Hole, is of the same sex. If it is on the right side, the child is of
the opposite sex. The Hole on the left side is black, the one on the
right is dark brown."
"Can you See that Hole in anyone, who has had children?"
"Sure. There are two ways of Seeing it. A Sorcerer may See it in
Dreaming or by looking directly at a person. A Sorcerer, who Sees, has
no problems in viewing the Luminous Being to find out if there is a
Hole in the Luminosity of the Body. But even if the Sorcerer doesn't
know how to See, he can look and actually distinguish the darkness of
the Hole through the clothing...You had a brown Hole in the right side
of your stomach," she continued. "That means, that a Woman (a child)
emptied you. You made a Female child. The Nagual said, that I had a
huge Black Hole myself, because I made two Women (children). I never
saw the Hole, but I've Seen other people with Holes like mine.
"You said, that I had a Hole; don't I have it anymore?"
"No. It's been patched. The Nagual helped you to patch it. Without his
help you would be more empty, than you are now."
"What kind of patch is it?"
"A patch in your Luminosity. There is no other way of saying it. The
Nagual said, that a Sorcerer, like himself, can fill up the Hole
anytime. But that filling is only a patch without Luminosity. Anyone,
who Sees or does Dreaming, can tell, that it looks like a lead (metal)
patch on the Yellow (Whitish) Luminosity of the rest of the body. The
Nagual patched you and me and Soledad. But then he left it up to us to
put back the shine, the Luminosity."
"How did he patch us?"
"He's a Sorcerer, he put things in our bodies. He replaced us. We are
no longer the same. The patch is what he put there himself."
"But how did he put those things there and what were they?"
"What he put in our bodies was his own Luminosity and he used his hand
to do that. He simply reached into our bodies and left his fibers
there. He did the same with all of his six children and also with
Soledad. All of them are the same. Except Soledad; she's something
La Gorda seemed unwilling to go on. She vacillated (hesitated) and
almost began to stutter.
"What is dona Soledad?" I insisted.
"It's very hard to tell," she said after considerable coaxing. "She is
the same, as you and me, and yet she's different. She has the same
Luminosity, but she's not together with us. She goes in the opposite
direction. Right now she's more like you. Both of you have patches,
that look like lead. Mine is gone and I'm again a Complete, Luminous
Egg. That is the reason I said, that you and I will be exactly the same
someday, when you become Complete again. Right now what makes us almost
the same is the Nagual's Luminosity and the fact, that both of us are
going in the same direction and that we both were empty."
"What does a Complete Person look like to a Sorcerer?" I asked.
"Like a Luminous Egg made out of Fibers," she said. "All the Fibers are
Complete; they look like strings, taut strings. It looks, as if the
strings have been tightened like a drum is tightened. On an empty
person, on the other hand, the fibers are crumpled up at the edges of
the Hole. When they have had many children, the Fibers don't look like
Fibers anymore. Those People look like two chunks of Luminosity,
separated by Blackness. It is an awesome sight. The Nagual made me See
them one day, when we were in a park in the city."
"Why do you think the Nagual never told me about all this?"
"He told you everything, but you never understood him correctly. As
soon, as he realized, that you were not understanding what he was
saying, he was compelled to change the subject. Your emptiness
prevented you from understanding. The Nagual said, that it was
perfectly natural for you not to understand. Once a Person becomes
Incomplete, he's actually empty like a gourd, that has been hollowed
It didn't matter to you how many times he told you, that you were
empty; it didn't matter, that he even explained it to you. You never
knew what he meant, or worse yet, you didn't want to know..."
Carlos Castaneda - "The
Power of Silence", p. 17-24:
"...our death was a black spot right behind the left shoulder. He said,
that Sorcerers knew, when a person was close to dying, because they
could see the dark spot, which became a moving shadow the exact size
and shape of the person to whom it belonged. As he recognized the
imminent presence of death, the Nagual was plunged into a numbing
perplexity. He wondered, why the Spirit was singling out such a sick
person. He had been taught, that in a natural state replacement, not
repair, prevailed (widespread). And the Nagual doubted, that
he had the ability or the strength to heal this young man, or resist
the black shadow of his death. He even doubted, if he would be able to
discover, why the Spirit had involved him in a display of such obvious
waste. The Nagual could do nothing, but stay with the actor, follow him
around, and wait for the opportunity to see in greater depth. Don Juan
explained, that a Nagual's first reaction, upon being faced with the
manifestations of the Spirit , is to see the persons involved. The
Nagual Elias had been meticulous about seeing the man the moment he
laid eyes on him...He saw, that the actor's black shadow had grown to
almost twice his height. The Nagual deduced from the mysterious hard
look in the young woman's eyes, that she too had felt the black shadow
of death at an intuitive level...Black Shadow struck the actor. It went
like a dagger, with pinpoint accuracy into his gap...he had described
the gap, an Opening in our Luminous Shell at the height of the navel,
where the Force of Death ceaselessly struck. What don Juan now
explained was, that when death hit healthy Beings, it was with a
ball-like blow - like the punch of a fist. But when Beings were dying,
Death struck them with a dagger-like thrust (stab). Thus the Nagual
Elias knew without any question, that the actor was as good, as dead,
and his death automatically finished his own interest in the Spirit's
designs. There were no designs left; death had leveled everything. He
rose from his hiding place and started to leave, when something made
him hesitate. It was the young woman's calmness. She was
nonchalantly (cool, indifferently) putting on the few pieces of
clothing she had taken off and was whistling tunelessly, as if nothing
had happened. And then the Nagual saw, that in relaxing to accept the
presence of death, the man's body had released a protecting veil and
revealed his true nature. He was a double man of tremendous resources,
capable of creating a screen for protection or disguise - a natural
Sorcerer and a perfect candidate for a Nagual-Apprentice, had it not
been for the black Shadow of Death. The Nagual was completely taken
aback by that sight. He now understood the designs of the Spirit, but
failed to comprehend, how such a useless man could fit in the
Sorcerers' Scheme of things. The woman in the meantime had stood up and
without so much as a glance at the man, whose body was contorting with
death spasms, walked away. The Nagual then saw her Luminosity and
realized, that her extreme aggressiveness was the result of an Enormous
Flow of Superfluous (Excessive) Energy. He became convinced, that if
she did not put that energy to sober use, it would get the best of her
and there was no telling, what misfortunes it would cause her. As the
Nagual watched the unconcern, with which she walked away, he realized,
that the Spirit had given him another Manifestation. He
needed to be calm, nonchalant (cool). He needed to act, as if he had
nothing to lose, and intervene for the hell of it. In true Nagual
fashion he decided to tackle the impossible, with noone, except the
Spirit as witness. Don Juan commented, that it took incidents like this
to test, whether a Nagual is the real thing or a fake. Naguals make
decisions. With no regard for the consequences, they take action or
choose not to. Imposters ponder and become paralyzed. The Nagual Elias,
having made his decision, walked calmly to the side of the dying man
and did the first thing his body, not his mind, compelled him to do: he
struck the man's Assemblage Point (Point of Perception) to cause him to
enter into Heightened Awareness. He struck him frantically again and
again, until his Assemblage Point moved. Aided by the Force of Death
itself, the Nagual's blows sent the man's Assemblage Point to a place,
where Death no longer mattered, and there he stoped dying. By the time
the actor was breathing again, the Nagual had become aware of the
magnitude of his responsibility. If the man was to fend off (resist)
the Force of his Death, it would be necessary for him to remain in deep
Heightened Awareness, until death had been repelled. The man's advanced
physical deterioration meant: he could not be moved from the spot or he
would instantly die. The Nagual did the only thing possible under the
circumstances: he built a shack around the body. There, for three
months he nursed the totally immobilized man."..I was aware of the
rural peoples' passion about land ownership and its accompanying
feelings of territoriality. Don Juan admitted, that he had asked the
same question himself. And the Nagual Elias had said, that the Spirit
itself had made it possible. This was the case with everything a Nagual
undertook, providing he followed the Spirit's Manifestations.
The first thing the Nagual Elias did, when the actor was breathing
again, was to run after the young woman. She was an important part of
the Spirit's Manifestations. He caught up with her not too far from the
spot, where the actor lay barely alive...Rather, than talking to her
about the man's plight (difficult situation) and trying to convince her
to help him, he again assumed total responsibility for his actions and
jumped on her like a lion, striking her Assemblage Point a Mighty Blow.
Both she and the actor were capable of sustaining Life or Death Blows.
Her Assemblage Point moved, but began to shift erratically once it was
loose. The Nagual carried the young woman to where the actor lay. Then
he spent the entire day trying to keep her from losing her mind and the
man from losing his life. When he was fairly certain, he had a degree
of control, he went to the woman's father and told him, that lightning
must have struck his daughter and made her temporarily mad. He took the
father to where she lay and said, that the young man, whoever he was,
had taken the whole charge of the lightning with his body, thus saving
the girl from certain death, but injuring himself to the point, that he
could not be moved. The grateful father helped the Nagual build the
shack for the man, who had saved his daughter. And in three months the
Nagual accomplished the impossible. He healed the young man. When the
time came for the Nagual to leave, his sense of responsibility and his
duty required him both: to warn the young woman about her excess energy
and the injurious consequences it would have on her life and well
being, and to ask her to join the Sorcerers' World, as that would be
the only defense against her Self-destructive Strength. The woman did
not respond. And the Nagual Elias was obliged to tell her, what every
Nagual has said to a prospective apprentice throughout the ages: that
Sorcerers speak of Sorcery as magical, mysterious Bird, which has
paused in its flight for a moment, in order to give man hope and
purpose; that Sorcerers live under the wing of that Bird, which they
call the Bird of Wisdom, the Bird of Freedom; that they nourish it with
their dedication and impeccability. He told her, that Sorcerers knew:
the flight of the Bird of Freedom was always a straight line, since it
had no way of making a loop, no way of circling back and returning; and
that the Bird of Freedom could do only two things, take Sorcerers
along, or leave them behind. The Nagual Elias could not talk to the
young actor, who was still mortally ill, in the same way. The young man
did not have much of a choice. Still, the Nagual told him, that if he
wanted to be cured, he would have to follow the Nagual unconditionally.
The actor accepted the terms instantly. The day the Nagual Elias and
the actor started back home, the young woman was waiting silently at
the edge of town. She carried no suitcases, not even a basket. She
seemed to have come merely to see them off. The Nagual kept walking
without looking at her, but the actor, being carried on a stretcher,
strained to say goodbye to her. She laughed and wordlessly merged into
the Nagual's party. She had no doubts and no problem about leaving
everything behind. She had understood perfectly, that there was no
second chance for her, that the Bird of Freedom either took Sorcerers
along or left them behind. Don Juan commented, that that was not
surprising. The force of the Nagual's personality was always so
overwhelming, that he was practically irresistible, and the Nagual
Elias had affected those two people deeply. He had had three months of
daily interaction to accustom them to his consistency, his detachment,
his objectivity. They had become enchanted by his sobriety and, above
all, by his total dedication to them. Through his example and his
actions, the Nagual Elias had given them a sustained view of the
Sorcerers' World: supportive and nurturing, yet utterly demanding. It
was a world, that admitted very few mistakes. Don Juan reminded me then
of something, he had repeated to me often, but which I had always
managed not to think about. He said, that I should not forget, even for
an instant, that the Bird of Freedom had very little patience with
indecision, and when it flew away, it never returned. "That woman was
so powerful, that she could dance circles around anyone," he said. "Her
name was Talia."
Carlos Castaneda "Eagle's
Gift", p. 43-45:
The feature of those Luminous Eggs, that had impressed me the most, was
their movements. They did not walk. They moved in a floating manner,
yet they were grounded. The way, they moved, was not pleasing. Their
movements were stilted, wooden, and jerky. When they were in motion,
the whole egg shape became smaller and rounder; they seemed to jump or
jerk, or shake up and down with great speed. The result was a most
annoying nervous shivering. Perhaps the closest,
I can get to describing the physical discomfort, caused by their
motion, would be to say, that I felt, as if the images on a moving
picture screen had been speeded up. Another thing, that had intrigued
me, was that I could not detect any legs. I had once seen a ballet
production, in which the dancers mimicked the movement of soldiers on
ice skates; for that effect they wore loose tunics, that hung all the
way to the floor. There was no way to see their feet: thus the
illusion, that they were gliding on ice. The Luminous Eggs, that
paraded in front of me, gave the impression, that they were sliding on
a rough surface. Their Luminosity shook up and down almost
imperceptibly, yet enough to make me nearly ill. When the Eggs were in
repose (rest) they became elongated. Some of them were so long and
rigid, that they brought to mind the idea of a wooden icon. Another,
even more disturbing feature of the Luminous Eggs, was the Absence of
Eyes. I had never realized so acutely, how we are drawn to the eyes of
Living Beings. The Luminous Eggs were thoroughly alive; they were
observing me with great curiosity. I could see them jerking up and
down, leaning over to watch me, but without any eyes. Many of those
Luminous Eggs had black Spots (Holes) on them, Huge Spots below the
midsection. Others did not. La Gorda had told me, that reproduction
affects the bodies of both Men and Women, by causing a Hole to appear
below the stomach, but the spots on those Luminous Eggs did not seem
like Holes to me. They were areas with no Luminosity, but there was no
depth to them. Those, that had the black Spots, seemed to be mellow,
tired; the crest (ridge, plume, helmet) of their Egg shape was wilted
(became limp, flaccid, droop, less energetic or spirited), it looked
opaque in comparison to the rest of their Glow. The ones without Spots,
on the other hand, were dazzlingly bright. They were vibrant, filled
with Energy and Whiteness...
The Power, that governs the destiny of all living beings is called the
Eagle, not because it is an eagle or has anything to do with an eagle,
but because it appears to the Seer as an immeasurable jet-black eagle,
standing erect, as an eagle stands, its height reaching to Infinity. As
the Seer gazes on the Blackness, that the Eagle is, four blazes of
light reveal, what the Eagle is like. The first blaze, which is like a
bolt of lightning, helps the Seer make out the contours of the Eagle's
body. There are patches of whiteness, that look like an eagle's
feathers and talons. A second blaze of lightning reveals the flapping,
wind-creating Blackness, that looks like an eagle's wings. With the
third blaze of lightning the Seer beholds a piercing, inhuman eye. And
the fourth and last blaze discloses, what the Eagle is doing. The Eagle
is devouring the Awareness of all the creatures, that alive on Earth, a
moment before and now dead, have floated to the Eagle's beak, like a
ceaseless swarm of fireflies, to meet their owner, their reason for
having had life. The Eagle disentangles these tiny flames, lays them
flat, as a tanner stretches out a hide, and then consumes
them; for Awareness is the Eagle's food. The Eagle, that Power, that
governs the destinies of all living things, reflects equally and at
once all those living things. There is no way, therefore, for man to
pray to the Eagle, to ask favors, to hope for grace. The human part of
the Eagle is too insignificant to move the whole. It is only from the
Eagle's actions, that a Seer can tell, what it wants. The Eagle,
although it is not moved by the circumstances of any living thing, has
granted a gift to each of those beings. In its own way and right, any
one of them, if it so desires, has the power to keep the flame of
Awareness, the Power to disobey the summons (request to appear, gather)
to die and be consumed. Every living thing has been granted the power,
if it so desires, to seek an opening to freedom and to go through it.
It is evident to the Seer, who Sees the Opening, and to the creatures,
that go through it, that the Eagle has granted that gift, in order to
perpetuate (prolong the memory) Awareness. For the purpose of guiding
living things to that Opening, the Eagle created the Nagual. The Nagual
is a Double Being, to whom the rule has been revealed. Whether it be in
the form of a human being, an animal, a plant, or anything else, that
lives, the Nagual, by virtue of its Doubleness, is drawn to seek that
hidden passageway. The Nagual comes in pairs, Male and Female. A Double
Man and a Double Woman become the Nagual only after the rule has been
told to each of them, and each of them has understood it and accepted
it in full. To the eye of the Seer, a Nagual Man or Nagual Woman
appears, as a Luminous Egg with four compartments. Unlike the average
human being, who has two sides only, a left and a right, the Nagual has
a left side divided into two long sections, and a right side equally
divided in two. The Eagle created the first Nagual Man and Nagual Woman
as Seers and immediately put them in the world to See. It provided them
with four female warriors, who were Stalkers, three male warriors, and
one male courier, whom they were to nourish, enhance, and lead to
freedom. The female warriors are called the four directions, the four
corners of a square, the four moods, the four winds, the four different
female personalities, that exist in the human race...In order to make
sure, that the first Nagual Man would lead his party to freedom and not
deviate from that path or become corrupted, the Eagle took the Nagual
Woman to the other World to serve as a beacon, guiding the party to the
Carlos Castaneda - "The
Second Ring Of Power"
"What's the meaning of being INCOMPLETE? Everyone has told me, that
you're the only one, who can explain that," I said.
"It's a very simple matter," she said. "A COMPLETE Person is one, who
has never had children." She paused, as if she were allowing me time to
write down, what she had said. I looked up from my notes. She was
staring at me, judging the effect of her words. "I know, that the
Nagual told you exactly, what I've just said,"
she continued. "You didn't pay any attention to him and you probably
haven't paid any attention to me, either." I read my notes out loud and
repeated what she had said. She giggled. "The Nagual said, that an
INCOMPLETE Person is one, who has had children," she said, as if
dictating to me. She scrutinized me, apparently waiting for a question
or a comment. I had none. "Now I've told you everything about being
Complete and Incomplete," she said. "And I've told you, just like the
Nagual told me. It didn't mean anything to me at that time, and it
doesn't mean anything to you now." I had to laugh at the way she
patterned herself after don Juan.
"An Incomplete Person has a Hole in the stomach," she went on. "A
Sorcerer can See it as plainly, as you can see my head. When the Hole
is on the left side of one's stomach, the child, who created that Hole,
is of the same sex. If it is on the right side, the child is of the
opposite sex. The Hole on the left side is black, the one on the right
is dark brown."
"Can you See that Hole in anyone, who has had children?"
"Sure. There are two ways of Seeing it. A Sorcerer may See it in
Dreaming or by looking directly at a person. A Sorcerer, who Sees, has
no problems in viewing the Luminous Being to find out, if there is a
Hole in the Luminosity of the Body. But even if the Sorcerer doesn't
know how to See, he can look and actually distinguish the darkness of
the Hole through the clothing." She stopped talking. I urged her to go
on. "The Nagual told me, that you write and then you don't remember,
what you wrote," she said with a tone of accusation. I became entangled
in words, trying to defend myself. Nonetheless, what she had said, was
the Truth. Don Juan's words always had had a double effect on me: once,
when I heard for the first time whatever he had said, and then, when I
read at home, whatever I had written down and had forgotten about.
Talking to la Gorda, however, was intrinsically (inherent)
different. Don Juan's apprentices were not in any way as engulfing
(overwhelming), as he was. Their revelations, although
extraordinary, were only missing pieces to a jigsaw puzzle. The unusual
character of those pieces was, that with them the picture did not
become clearer, but that it became more and more complex.
"You had a brown Hole in the right side of your stomach," she
continued. "That means, that a Woman emptied you. You made a Female
child. The Nagual said, that
I had a huge Black Hole myself, because I made two Women. I never saw
the Hole, but I've Seen other people with Holes like mine.
"You said, that I had a Hole; don't I have it anymore?"
"No. It's been patched. The Nagual helped you to patch it. Without his
help, you would be more empty, than you are now."
"What kind of patch is it?"
"A patch in your Luminosity. There is no other way of saying it. The
Nagual said, that a Sorcerer, like himself, can fill up the Hole
But, that filling is only a patch without Luminosity. Anyone, who Sees
or does Dreaming, can tell, that it looks like a lead patch on the
Yellow Luminosity of the rest of the body.
"The Nagual patched you and me and Soledad. But then he left it up to
us to put back the shine, the Luminosity."
"How did he patch us?"
"He's a Sorcerer, he put things in our bodies. He replaced us. We are
no longer the same. The patch is what he put there himself."
"But how did he put those things there and what were they?"
"What he put in our bodies was his own Luminosity and he used his hand
to do that. He simply reached into our bodies and left his fibers
there. He did the same with all of his six children and also with
Soledad. All of them are the same. Except Soledad; she's something
else." La Gorda seemed unwilling to go on. She vacillated (hesitate,
sway from one side to the other) and almost began to stutter (speak
with repetition, prolongation, hesitation).
"What is dona Soledad?" I insisted.
"It's very hard to tell," she said after considerable coaxing (urge,
persuade, plead). "She is the same, as you and me, and yet she's
different. She has the same Luminosity, but she's not together with us.
She goes in the opposite direction. Right now she's more like you. Both
of you have patches, that look like lead. Mine is gone and I'm again a
Complete, Luminous Egg. That is the reason I said, that you and I will
be exactly the same someday, when you become Complete again. Right now,
what makes us almost the same is the Nagual's Luminosity and the fact,
that both of us are going in the same direction and, that we both were
"What does a Complete Person look like to a Sorcerer?" I asked.
"Like a Luminous Egg made out of Fibers," she said. "All the Fibers are
Complete; they look like strings, taut strings. It looks, as if the
strings have been tightened like a drum is tightened. "On an empty
person, on the other hand, the fibers are crumpled up at the edges of
the Hole. When they have had many children, the Fibers don't look like
Fibers anymore. Those People look like two chunks of Luminosity,
separated by blackness. It is an awesome sight. The Nagual made me See
them one day, when we were in a park in the city."
Carlos Castaneda "The Art
of Dreaming" (about Inorganic Beings), p. 99:
When my objective inquiry into the subject of Inorganic Beings no
longer mattered to me, don Juan himself brought up the subject of my
Dream Journey into that Inorganic World. He said, "I don't think you
are aware of the Regularity of your Meetings with Inorganic Beings."
He was right. I had never bothered to think about it. I commented on
the oddity of my oversight.
"It isn't an oversight," he said. "It's the nature of that Realm to
foster (promote) Secretiveness. Inorganic Beings veil themselves in
Mystery, Darkness. Think about their World: Stationary, fixed to draw
us like moths to a light or a fire. There is something the Emissary
hasn't dared to tell you so far: that the Inorganic Beings are after
our Awareness or the Awareness of any Being, that falls into their
nets. They'll give us Knowledge, but they'll extract a payment: our
Total Being."
"Do you mean, don Juan, that the Inorganic Beings are like fishermen?"
"Exactly. At one moment, the Emissary will show you Men, who got caught
in there or other Beings, that are not Human, that also got caught in
Revulsion and fear should have been my response. Don Juan's revelations
affected me deeply, but in the sense of creating uncontainable
curiosity. I was nearly panting.
"Inorganic Beings can't force anyone to stay with them," don Juan went
on. "To live in their World is a voluntary affair. Yet they are capable
of imprisoning any one of us by catering to our desires, by pampering
and indulging us. Beware of Awareness, that is immobile. Awareness like
that has to seek movement, and it does this, as I've told you, by
creating projections, phantasmagorical projections (Men in Black,
Ghosts, Phantoms as well, LM) at times."
I asked don Juan to explain what "phantasmagorical projections" meant.
He said, that Inorganic Beings hook onto Dreamers' innermost Feelings
and play them mercilessly. They create Phantoms to please Dreamers or
frighten them. He reminded me, that I had wrestled with one of those
Phantoms. He explained, that Inorganic Beings are superb
Projectionists, who delight in Projecting themselves like pictures on
the wall.
"The Old Sorcerers were brought down by their inane (silly) trust in
those Projections," he continued. "The Old Sorcerers believed their
Allies had Power. They over
looked the fact, their Allies were Tenuous (lacking substance) Energy,
projected through Worlds, like in a Cosmic Movie (hologram)."
"You are contradicting yourself, don Juan. You yourself said, that the
Inorganic Beings are real. Now you tell me, that they are mere
"I meant to say, that the Inorganic Beings, in our World, are like
moving pictures, projected on a screen; and I may even add, that they
are like moving pictures of rarefied (selective, esoteric) Energy,
projected through the boundaries of two Worlds."
"But what about Inorganic Beings in their World? Are they also like
moving pictures?"
"Not a chance. That World is as real, as our World. The Old Sorcerers
portrayed the Inorganic Beings' World as a Blob of Caverns and Pores,
floating in some Dark Space. And they portrayed the Inorganic Beings,
as Hollow Canes bound together, like the cells of our bodies. The Old
Sorcerers called that Immense Bundle the Labyrinth of Penumbra (partial
Shadow between Dark and Light). The Inorganic Beings are
glued together, like the cells of the body," don Juan went on. "When
they put their Awareness together, they are unbeatable."...He said,
that Sorcerers have seen, that there are two types of Conscious Beings
roaming the Earth, the Organic and the Inorganic, and that in comparing
one with the other, they have seen, that both are Luminous Masses,
crossed from every imaginable angle by millions of the Universe's
Energy Filaments. They are different from each other in their shape and
in their degree of brightness. Inorganic Beings are Long and
Candlelike, but opaque, whereas Organic Beings are round and by far the
brighter. Another noteworthy difference, which don Juan said Sorcerers
have seen, is, that the Life and Consciousness of Organic Beings is
short-lived, because they are made to hurry, whereas the Life of
Inorganic Beings is infinitely longer and their Consciousness
infinitely more calm and deeper."
...I confessed, that something in that World had been giving me all
along the sensation, I was unique. What created this most pleasant and
clear feeling of being exclusive, was not the Voice of the Dreaming
Emissary, or anything I could consciously think about.
"That's exactly, what floored the Old Sorcerers," don Juan said.
"The Inorganic Beings did to them, what they are doing to you now; they
created for them the Sense of being Unique, exclusive, plus a more
pernicious (deadly) Sense yet: the Sense of having Power. Power and
Uniqueness are unbeatable as corrupting forces. Watch out!"
"How did you avoid that danger yourself, don Juan?"
"I went to that World a few times, and then I never went back."

Some Inorganic
Beings became Organic, by adopting the form of round stones or stoney
tubes in many places on Earth thousands of years ago! These are alive
and visible Players or Awareness present in Planetary Game! Тысячи лет
назад некоторые цивлизации Вселенной приняли формы круглых камней или
каменных труб, чтобы смешать свою кипящую Энергию с нашей Волнистой и
Белой! Это - Живые Игроки Планетарной Игры!