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back to "Tuning the Diamonds", written by Susan Rennison in 2006.
In fact, I only found out about Susan Rennison's existence in
mid-August 2012. Susan
didn't experienced herself some of the events, she described in her
books, but she managed beautifully
connect experiences of others and the official data into,
easy to understand, system! I highly value her work! Here
are some interesting points about Plasmoids from:
Challenges & Spiritual Evolution – Citizen Summary"
"...researchers have
discovered, that
Earth is being bombarded or even ‘targeted’ by unexpected High Energy
Charged Particles from ‘discreet’ Sources in Space."
is also accompanied
by the
biggest ever recordings of Gamma-Ray Bursts...This scenario suggests
some kind of Cosmic Orchestration, so it’s interesting to note, that
metaphysical sources declare, that Our Planet has been receiving some
‘cosmic homeopathy’ to get us Used To Higher Frequencies of Light (Sun's White Energy of Balance,
most curious atmospheric
manifestation is the sudden worldwide appearance of the Bizarre
Electrical Entities commonly called Sprites/Jets (Inorganic Beings) or
Transient Luminous
Events (TLEs,)...a host of bizarre electrical entities...above storm
clouds...Cloud-to-Space Lightning, a commonly seen Sprite is like a
gigantic Red Jellyfish (the ends of the tentacles are sometimes blue),
some atmospheric scientists are now complaining about a ‘Zoo’ of New Electrical Entities in
atmosphere...Plasma Phenomena."
(White Luminous) Clouds were first
in July 1885 after the 1883 eruption of Krakatoa in Indonesia.
Scientists noted, that they
were confined to the Polar Regions, but recently, they have been moving
closer to the Equator and scientists cannot understand why."
"...it is still
an assumption, that
TGFs (Terrestrial Gamma Ray Flashes) go undetected...Earth is becoming
a High Energy Plasma Environment."
"...detected 25
Comets diving into
Sun...Yet, this amazed scientist declared: “But 25 Comets in just ten
days, that’s unprecedented,”
"...the largest,
brightest meteor I
ever seen. It was literally white hot and amazingly clear white - not
like milk color, but more like a Glossy Brilliance."
are not meteors,
non-physical Beings, who are merging their Energies with Earth's
Energies! LM).
appears to be a ‘comet’ is,
sometimes, just ‘pure’ energy, there is NO ‘physical’ object inside
comets. Therefore, what astronomers and astrophysicists observe is
really pure Plasma or Pure Consciousness, a ‘divine’ spark...Plasma
Entities are arriving to Take Up Residence inside Our Earth and this
seems to be part of a Huge Orchestration of Energy Movement, that is
being sent to this Planet, as part of a Planetary ‘Upgrade’. There are
clear examples of TV crews to be in the right place at the right time
with no agenda ‘accidentally’ catching This Phenomenon, that seems to
be clearly interdimensional..."
"...but the most
powerful factor is
crossing of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field [IMF] neutral sheet by
the Earth..."
due to the Massive Influx
of Energies from Cosmic Sources, the Earth is being forced to
so Seismic, Tectonic and Volcanic Activities are Earth’s Primary
Response, but there are also other, lesser known and less well
understood Geological Signatures, like Loud Booming, Humming and Siren
"Well, maybe Earth is changing its Tune − literally! Scientists have
reported, that the Earth is humming − in not just one note, but two.
Scientists have known about Earth’s quiet “Vertical” Hum, which is
probably caused by the interaction between atmosphere, ocean and sea
floor, which causes “twisting” in the Earth’s Crust, which is
synchronized with variations in the Sun’s Magnetic Field. Then a team
in Germany discovered a second “horizontal” note, but they can only
guess and explain the Oscillation, as being generated by “Spiral
created by Atmospheric Depressions, inducing some kind of Sheer Force
the Earth’s Crust.”
Then recently, it was revealed, that Russian
scientists have recorded a Tibetan cave, that according to monks, had
begun “singing”...it seems, that ancient memories have been preserved,
that this was to be expected, a
Signal, that the inhabitants of Earth
were entering a New Era...one puzzle is that the Colors in the Chinese
(colored) clouds were upside down from a normal circumzenithal halo
(rainbow)– red pointing towards the horizon and blue towards the Sun,
instead of the other way round.” Another
type of emission, known as
“quake lights” occurs before and during earthquakes."
the Energy Bombardment of Earth, that is driving Evolutionary Change,
there is an amazing, and unpredicted, sudden Appearance of
‘Orbs’ and geometrically shaped ‘Rain’ of Plasma...the Phenomena of
‘Diamond Rain’ is highly significant and means the Planet is now
receiving the Purest Form of Universal Consciousness...The Phenomenon
of the Balls of Light has been the subject of ongoing scientific
research around the World under the guise of monitoring
“Light Phenomena”...the general
public is becoming more aware of this
[Unidentified Aerial Phenomena]
are real, but caused
by strange Plasmas...the existence of “Magnetospheric Plasmoids” −
Independent Structures of Plasma and Magnetic Fields, that can be swept
away from the Earth’s Magnetosphere, taking them out of the Solar
System and on to the Planets of other Stars."
"In 1997, and translated into
English the following year, Russian
scientists informed the World, that they
noted an ‘Exodus’
(Departure in Big Numbers) of these Magnetospheric Plasmoids from
Earth's mountainous ranges.
This disclosure was part of an incredible report
"Planeto-Physical State of the Earth and Life", which detailed the
Massive Changes sweeping across the whole of Our Solar System and
Earth, which have been substantiated by many observational reports from
NASA, collated by independent US scientists.
"It also detailed the Increased
Arrival of
These Plasmoids, that appear
on radar like Meteorites, but are in fact – either “charged, but not
ionised, Gaseous Mass, this may be either visible to the
but not
radar sensors, or fully ionised and visible to both.” Interestingly,
Russian Sources make it very clear, that the Frequency of this Plasma
Phenomenon “Grows Several Times in the Years of Active Sun”. Therefore,
the following media reports picked from hundreds of recent eyewitness
accounts can be explained as ‘Independent’
Plasmas Going About Their Business...They seemed to be dancing around
in the sky, not just racing
straight across it like clouds. They were moving in formation, keeping
a regular distance apart and they’d all shift around at the same
time...Most folks thought at first they were witnessing a meteor
falling to Earth, until the object stopped and hovered, leaving
scratching their heads...As just about all of the eyewitnesses
mentioned to me, they were baffled at no mention in any of the
newspapers over the event or media in general...Long ago,
ufologists realised, that they were - Detecting
the Existence of Living Entities - and so they have been called by many
different names in the
past like “Gorgons”, “Sky fish” and “Faeries”...‘These are plainly
biological forms,’ he (Brad Steiger with Trevor James Constable) said.
‘These are Plasmic Living Organisms native to our atmosphere. As they
appear in these photographs, they give one the impression of looking
through the side of an aquarium...The following report is about an
Entity, that is clearly biological
from the description, provided here. More UFOs over Wimbledon, London,
[UK] :
“I thought it was a balloon at first, but
it was as big as a house. I
went out on the roof and took some pictures. It had tentacles, that
appeared squid like and even mimicked a squids movement at times. I am
sure other people would have seen it too, since this
rather large in broad daylight.”
"...we can link this to sources, who
state “Master
Entities” are
arriving from all over the Universe...an ‘Overturning of Space-Time’,
that occurred between August 1990 and August 1993...a vast
reservoir of
random energy, that is universally present throughout Space”. This
‘Random Energy’ is Plasma, that makes up 99.999% of the visible
Universe, but it is also referred to as “Dark Matter”, when it cannot
be detected by our existing instruments...
‘In the Beginning was the
Swedish Plasma physicist, Hannes Alfvén (1908 − 1995)..."
"The Planet is Being Spiritualized with fresh ‘divine’ Energy and there
is absolutely NOTHING, that any government can do as this is part of
the workings of a ‘divine’ Universe. We are in ‘The End Times’ of a
Great Cycle of Time and Humanity must
look forward to a New Reality...‘Old Energy’ is being replaced by ‘New
Energy’ from Galactic Sources....some of these Entities are
“Placeholders”, Information
Depositories, that maintain a record of the Energy Balance on our
Planet. It is also possible to consider, that some of These Entities
operate as some kind of rather
like neurons, that make up the body’s nervous system, Interdimensional
‘Relay’ Service, a Communication Service, that monitors
all over the Planet,Processing and Transmitting Information
from One
Part of the Earth to Another. This
could explain reports of These
Entities Seen
Flying in like a Meteorite,
before Coming to a Dead Stop and Hovering in the Sky, before They Enter
the Earth. Sometimes They are Seen Zigzagging Across the Sky and,
sometimes, They are Caught literally Plopping into the Earth! ...Other
reports appear to reveal, that Some
Entities have Lost Their Universal Directives (they have broken down
and cannot process any
information or orders) and therefore Must Be Rescued or Retrieved by
Other Plasma Entities Before Being Whisked Off the Planet! "...
the Electromagnetic Environmental Chaos will Deepen..."
Ohio on
October 24, 2008, is the clearest example of what seems like a Rescue
or Retrieval of a “Self-Luminescent Cocoon”, also described as
“Biological” and “Organic”, by another aetheric structure, that was
described, as flat crystalline flat-bottomed formation like coal, with
three blue-white lights embedded in a triangular pattern...numerous
witnesses were seeing an operation by intelligent interdimensional
life, an Earth Management Team,
cleaning up our Planet...Our
Universe could be filled with Intelligent Life, as various scientific
experiments reveal Complex,
Plasmas “exhibit all the
necessary properties to qualify them as Candidates for Inorganic Living
Matter (Inorganic Beings, LM)”. Plasma experts tell us
that 99.999% of
the visible Universe is filled with Plasma ...the Traffic
Plasma Entities is accelerating and They
Appear to be Very Busy Going About Their Business with a Complete
Disregard to Human Opinion!...the Upgrade of Earth’s Electromagnetic
Grid deemed significant
enough to ensure the Spiritual Advancement of Humankind....Discovery
of the Earth
being hit 10 million
times a
year by a “Rain” of “Small Comets”. Russian scientists, who have
identified the
Existence of Plasma Entities, which they call Natural Self-Luminous
Formations (NSLF)...
revelation, that these NSLF, Independent Structures of Light and
Magnetism, were changing the Electromagnetic Grid of Our Planet,
described as “a general reorganization of the electro-magnetosphere
(the electromagnetic skeleton) of our Planet”...“Hundreds
of Thousands
of These Natural Self-Luminous Formations are Exerting an Increasing
Influence upon Earth’s Geophysic Fields and Biosphere. We suggest, that
the Presence of These Formations is the mainstream precedent (example)
to the Transformation of Earth."
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