tensegrity first series - preparation - by Dmitry - Russia (прекрасная презентация магических пассов)

tensegrity forms 12,9,8 by Dimk
- by Dmitry - Russia (прекрасная презентация магических пассов)

Выдержки из книг, помещёные ниже, дадут прекрасное представление о наших Двойниках (Энергетических Телах) и об Интенте. Все переводы с английского обычно мои.

Extracts below from books would give an excellent idea about our Doubles (our Energy Bodies) and about Intent.

Эта Страница содержит отрывки из книг, объясняющие значение наших Двойников. Многие всё ищут инопланетян. Должна тех огорчить. Когда мы засыпаем, то наши Двойники разлетаются по всей Вселенной через множество Порталов в Материи Времени, имеющих друхстороннее движение. Когда наши Двойники натыкаются на, чуждую нам, энергию разведчиков из других миров, то обычно, следуют за разведчиком в его мир, а затем наши Двойники утром возвращаются обратно в наш Повседневный мир, в наши физические тела. Но с собой наши Двойники ведут на Землю представителей тех других миров (не в физической форме). Вот и прикиньте, сколько дней в нашей жизни мы проспали и сколько разных представителей других цивилизаций мы во сне привели на Землю таким образом?
Я подозреваю, что это дело рук наших Высших Существ (у каждого - своё), мало того, я подозреваю, что наши Высшие Существа и направляют наших Двойников в разные концы нашей Старой Вселенной именно для этой цели !

This Page consists of a number of extracts from books, explaining our Doubles or Energy Bodies. Many seems to be looking for aliens. I must upset all of you. When we fall asleep, our Doubles (our Energy Bodies) fly away to the ends of our old Universe through many Portals in our Fabric of Time, which have 2-way movement. When our Doubles run into foreign energy of a scout from another world, our Doubles, usually, follow such scout to his world, and in the morning our Doubles return to our Everyday World, to our physical bodies. But with them, our Doubles take representatives of those other worlds into our Earth (not in physical form). And now, make a guess! How many days in our lives we slept and how many representatives of those other worlds we brought into our Earth during sleep? I suspect, that our Higher Selves are involved into this business and even more: our Higher Selves trigger our Doubles for this kind of journeys!

Карлос Кастанэда - "Подарок Орла", 21-22:
Дон Хуан также сказал, что одна из наиболее важных целей Колдовства это - достигнуть свой Светящийся Кокон; цель, осуществимая только через искусное применение Полётов и через интенсивное, систематическое усилие, которое он называл - Not-Doing (то, что обычно не делается в нашем мире). Дон Хуан объяснял Not-Doing, как незнакомый акт, который вмешивает всё наше Тотальное Существо, заставляя его стать знакомым для нас, осознавать свой Светящийся Сегмент. Чтобы объяснить эти понятия, Дон Хуан разделил на три части объём нашего сознания. Самую маленькую часть он назвал - Первое Внимание (самой низкой вибрации), и сказал, что это сознание, которое каждый нормальный человек развивает, чтобы иметь дело с нашим Повседневным Миром; оно покрывает сознание физического тела. Следующую большую порцию Дон Хуан называл: Второе Внимание, и описывал его как сознание, необходимое чтобы воспринимать наш Светящийся Кокон-Двойник и действовать как Светящиеся  Существа. Он сказал, что Второе Внимание остаётся на заднем плане в течение всей нашей жизни, если только Второе Внимание не выносится на поверхность намеренной тренировкой или случайной травмой, и это включает сознание Светящегося сегмента - Светящийся Кокон-Двойник. Дон Хуан называл последнюю порцию, которая была самой большой: Третье Внимание - Необъятное Сознание, которое содержит не определяемые (неизвестные) стороны сознания наших  Физического и Светящихся Тел. Я спросил его, а сам он испытал Третье Внимание. Дон Хуан ответил, что был на краю его и что, если он когда-нибудь полностью войдёт в него (и он в него вошёл вместе со своей группой! ЛМ), я моментально об этом узнаю, потому что он весь станет тем, чем действительно был: Поток Белой Солнечной Энергии! Дон Хуан добавил, что поле битвы воинов было : Второе Внимание, что было вроде тренировочной площадки для достижения Третьего Внимания. Прибыть в Третье Внимание - довольно трудно, но невероятно полезно, как только до него доберёшься."

"Eagle's Gift", 21-22:
"Don Juan had also said, that one of the most important Goals of Sorcery is to reach the Luminous Cocoon; a Goal, which is fulfilled through the sophisticated use of Dreaming and through a rigorous, systematic exertion (effort), he called Not-Doing.
Don Juan defined Not-Doing as an unfamiliar act, which engages our Total Being, by forcing it to become conscious of its Luminous Segment. In order to explain these concepts, Don Juan made a three part, uneven division of Our Consciousness. Don Juan called the smallest:
the First Attention, and said, that it is the Consciousness, that every normal person has developed, in order to deal with the Daily World; it encompasses the Awareness of the physical body. Another larger portion he called: the Second Attention, and described it, as the Awareness we need, in order to perceive our Luminous Cocoon and to act as Luminous Beings.
Don Juan said, that the Second Attention remains in the background for the duration of our lives, unless it is brought forth through deliberate training or by an accidental trauma, and that it encompasses the Awareness of the Luminous Body. Don Juan called the last portion, which was the largest, the Third Attention - an Immeasurable Consciousness, which engages undefinable aspects of the Awareness of the Physical and the Luminous Bodies. I asked him, if he himself had experienced the Third Attention. Don Juan said, that he was on the periphery of it, and that, if he ever entered it completely, I would know it instantly, because all of him would become, what he really was, an Outburst of Energy (White Sun Energy of Balance! LM). He added, that the battlefield of Warriors was the Second Attention, which was something like a training ground for reaching the Third Attention. It was a state rather difficult to arrive at, but very fruitful, once it was attained."

"Perform a simple, but difficult maneuver. Upon entering into Dreaming, voice out loud your desire not to have the Dreaming Emissary anymore."
"Does that mean, don Juan, that I will never hear it again?"
"Positively. You'll get rid of it forever."
"But is it advisable to get rid of it forever?"
"It most certainly is, at this point...One can lend Energy Body a hand."
"How can I do that, don Juan?"
"By directing its behavior, that is to say, by Stalking it."
He explained, that since everything, related to the Energy Body, depends on the appropriate , and it, Stalking is, consequently, the way to make the Assemblage Point stay put on the Perfect Position, in this case, the Position, where the Energy Body can become consolidated (затвердевший, объединённый) and from which it can finally emerge. Don Juan said, that the moment the Energy Body can move on its own, Sorcerers assume, that the Optimum (favourable) Position of the Assemblage Point has been reached. The next step is to Stalk it, that is, to fixate it on that Position, in order to complete the Energy Body.
He remarked, that the Procedure is Simplicity itself. One Intends to Stalk it."

Разница между Нагуалом и обычным человеком, краткие сведения о Нагуалах, "Дар Орла", стр. 157:

"Нагуал - Двойное Существо, которому Правило было открыто. Неважно будет ли это в форме человека, животного, растения или чего-то ещё живого, Нагуал, из-за своей Двойственности, склонен искать этот спрятанный Выход. Нагуал появляется парами, Мужчина и Женщина. Двойная Женщина и Двойной Мужчина становятся Нагуалом только после того, как это Правило было сказано каждому из них, и каждый из них его понял и его полностью принял. Для глаз Колдуна, Нагуал-Женщина и Нагуал-Мужчина, ВИДЯТСЯ как Светящиеся Яйца с четырьмя отделениями. Обычный человек, у кого только два отделения: правое и левое, у Нагуала же левое отделение разделено на две длинные секции, и правое отделение также разделено на два...
Двойная Женщина и Двойной Мужчина (Нагуал-Женщина и Нагуал-Мужчина) имеют два разных движения в их Светящихся Телах. Их Правые Стороны ходят ВОЛНАМИ, тогда как их Левые Стороны кружатся, как ТОРНАДО, на одном месте. В отношении личных черт характера:
Нагуал-Мужчина крепко стоит на ногах, помогает во всём, ровный по характеру. Нагуал-Женщина - Существо Войны и в то же время спокойна, постоянно осознаёт, но не напряжена. Они оба отражают 4 типа их пола, как и 4 манеры поведения."
"The Nagual is a Double Being, to whom the rule has been revealed. Whether it be in the form of a human being, an animal, a plant, or anything else, that lives, the Nagual, by virtue of its Doubleness, is drawn to seek that hidden passageway. The Nagual comes in pairs, Male and Female. A Double Man and a Double Woman become the Nagual only after the rule has been told to each of them, and each of them has understood it and accepted it in full. To the eye of the Seer, a Nagual Man or Nagual Woman appears, as a Luminous Egg with four compartments. Unlike the average human being, who has two sides only, a left and a right, the Nagual has a left side divided into two long sections, and a right side equally divided in two...The Nagual Man and the Nagual Woman have two different movements in their luminous bodies. Their Right Sides Wave, while their Left Sides Whirl. In terms of personality, the Nagual Man is supportive, steady, unchangeable. The Nagual Woman is a Being at War and yet relaxed, ever aware, but without strain. Both of them reflect the four types of their sex, as four ways of behaving."
Carlos Castaneda - "The Eagle's Gift" - 201:
"His mentor had told him, and he, Don Juan himself had verified it in his search, that Double Women are quite rare."

Отдельные люди с двойными Светящимися Шарами, наслоенными друг на друга, что означает содержание намного больше Солнечной энергии в их Душах, чем у обыкновенного человека, имеющего только один Светящийся Шар-Ауру вокруг него. ДВОЙНЫХ ЖЕНЩИН ТРУДНЕЕ НАЙТИ - ИХ НАМНОГО МЕНЬШЕ, ЧЕМ ДВОЙНЫХ МУЖЧИН (по непонятной причине). ГРУППА КОЛДУНОВ ДОН ХУАНА ИЗ 15 ЧЕЛОВЕК ПРОВЕЛА ОЧЕНЬ СЛОЖНУЮ РАБОТУ ПЕРЕД СВОИМ УХОДОМ С НАШЕЙ ПЛАНЕТЫ. В ТЕЧЕНИЕ МНОГИХ ЛЕТ ОНИ НАХОДИЛИ ВСЕХ ДВОЙНЫХ ЖЕНЩИН И ДВОЙНЫХ МУЖЧИН, ЖИВШИХ В РАЗНЫЕ ВРЕМЕНА НА ЗЕМЛЕ.

Разница между нашими Двойниками и нашими Параллельными Личностями.
Каждая Параллельная Личность имеет своё физическое тело, отличающееся от других Параллельных Личностей того же человека, а также имеет небольшую часть Солнечной энергии от Двойника (или Энергетического Тела) того же человека. Иначе, Параллельная Личность не сможет выполнять задания, общаться с Коренной Личностью и слиться с Коренной Личностью, когда придёт время
. Львиная доля Солнечной Энергии Двойника приходится на Коренную (основную) Личность, от которой образовались все Параллельные Личности.
Difference between our Doubles (Energy Bodies) and our Parallel Personalities.
Every Parallel Personality has hers/his own physical Body, different from other Personalities of the same person. Also, Parallel Personalities have small parts of Sun Energy of Double of the same person, attached to personalities, otherwise they wouldn't be able to perform, communicate with the Major Personality and merge with it, when time comes. The biggest part of Sun Energy of Double has the Major (root) Personality of the same person, from which all Parallel Personalities originated.

"Двойник твёрдый?" спросил я Дон Хуана после долгого молчания. Они посмотрели на меня. "Двойник имет материальность?" спросил я.
"Конечно," сказал Дон Хуан. "Плотность, материальность - это воспоминания, поэтому, как и всё остальное, что мы ощущаем о нашем мире, они - память, которую мы аккумулируем. Воспоминания описания. У тебя есть память моей материальности, также у тебя есть память общения словами..."
"А как насчёт меня?" спросил Дон Дженаро, стараясь спрятать улыбку. "Ты не собираешься меня тоже обнять?" Я встал и протянул руки, чтобы тронуть его, но моё тело казалось, вмёрзло на месте. У меня не было силы двигаться. Я пытался заставить свои руки достигнуть его, но моя борьба была тщетной. Дон Хуан и Дон Дженаро стояли рядом и наблюдали за мной. Я чувствовал, как моё тело извивается под непонятным давлением. Дон Дженаро сел и притворился оскорблённым, так как я его не обнял; он обиженно выпятил губы и ударил пятками о землю, затем они оба опять залились оглушающим хохотом...
"У тебя тоже есть Двойник Дон Хуан?" спросил я.
"Конечно!" вторил он.
"Дон Хуан, скажи мне," сказал я полушутя. "Сейчас ты сам или ты - твой Двойник?"
Он наклонился надо мной, ухмыляясь. "Мой Двойник," прошептал он."

Информация о Параллельных Личностях из книги Карлоса Кастанэда "Активная Сторона Бесконечности", стр. 268-269:
"Дон Хуан очень сожалел, что мужчина-Колдун, кто - Нагуал (это касается женщин-Нагуалов тоже! ЛМ), в результате этого должен быть разделён на части (фрагменты или параллельные личности) из-за количества его Энергетической Массы. Он сказал, что каждый фрагмент жил отдельной жизнью в особом диапазоне вибраций всего масштаба его действий, и что события, которые он испытывал в каждом фрагменте, должны будут соединиться когда-нибудь, чтобы дать полную картину его действий в течении всей его жизни. Смотря мне в глаза, он сказал, что это Соединение берёт годы, чтобы достигнуть, и что ему рассказывали о случаях с Нагуалами, кто никогда не достигал полного масштаба своих действий в обычном сознании и жили в состоянии фрагментов...
Колдун плачет, когда он поделён на куски (фрагменты)," сказал Дон Хуан мне однажды. "Когда Колдун собрал все свои куски (параллельные личности) в одно целое (становится полным), его охватывает дрожь, которая имеет очень интенсивный и высокий потенциал (возможность), чтобы покончить с жизнью на Земле."

Ниже отрывок из книги Роберта Монро "Далёкие Путешествия", стр. 203:
"Эмоции, вот что делает Планетарную Игру такой безумной, но это только Планетарная Игра, Игра, в которой разыгрывается множество других, меньших по размеру, игр. Маленькие игры составляют Общий Счёт Главной, Планетарной Игры, другими словами, дают эмоциональную Энергию всей Планетарной Игре! В обязанности Планетарной Игры входит контролировать и развивать эту эмоциональную энергию до наиболее эффективного состояния, это состояние называется Солнечной Энергией Баланса или Безусловная Любовь.  Мы , люди, ошибочно принимаем здешний секс за любовь до тех пор, пока мы не заканчиваем эту Игру и не становимся Выпускниками. Чем больше набираешь очков, тем больше удовольствия играть. Однако, большинство из нас, обитателей Земли, направляет свою энергию на помощь другим людям, где бы они не были, чтобы они набрали побольше очков - таким образом мы получаем больше удовольствия."

Прекрасные слова о разрушении всяких запретов Роберта Монро из его книги "Окончательное Путешествие", стр. 131:

"Что нам нужно делать (и неважно если мы находимся в физическом теле или вне его) это - игнорировать или ломать все надписи "Вход Запрещён", все Табу и Запреты, которые называют это Святая Святых, все искажения проделанные Временем и переводами, все завораживающие Чёрные Дыры блаженства, мистического, тайн, мифов, лживых религиозных фантазий о вечном Отце или вечной Матери, и тогда хорошенько всмотреться своей развитой и расширяющейся левой частью головного мозга. Ничего такого уж Святого, чтобы нельзя было бы расследовать или взять под контроль, не существует!!!
И нужно понимать, что это потребует неожиданный переход и небывалый скачок в совершенно другом не физическом, а Голографическом Мировоззрении.
Это можно сравнить с переходом от вождения по улицам и просёлочным дорогам с ихней путаницей, беспорядком и светафорами, до вождения по скоростной многолинейной магистрали - главный путь в Неизвестное! Карта, которую мы разрабатываем, покроет Маршрут настолько, насколько наше активное Сознание сможет раз\сширить и удлинить его.



Когда вы говорите сами с собой, это значит, что вы говорите со своим Двойником и это больше свойтственно пожилым людям. В России, в таких случаях в шутку говорят: "Люблю с умным человеком побеседовать." И это правда, наш Энергетический Двойник намного умнее и могущественнее наших физических тел и разговоры с ним нас только сближают друг к другу. Так что рассматривать людей, говорящих самих с собой, выжившими из ума - глупо.

"Некоторые люди - мастера Двойников," начал он. "Они могут не только фокусирвать своё сознание на нём, но также стимулировать его к действию. Однако большинство из нас едва осознают, что существует наша Эфирная Половина
"Что делает Двойник?" Спросила я.
"Всё, что мы пожелаем его сделать. Он может прыгать через деревья, или летать в воздухе, стать большим или маленьким, принять форму животного, читать мысли людей или стать мыслью и послать себя на огромные расстояния
в одно мгновение."
"Он даже может вести себя как человек, Двойником которого он является," вставила Клара, глядя прямо на меня. "Если ты знаешь как использовать его, ты можешь появиться перед кем-то и говорить с ним, как-будто ты действительно там." Мистер Абелар (Дон Хуан) кивнул.
"В пещере ты могла осознать моё присуствие своим Двойником. Только когда твоя логика проснулась, ты стала сомневаться, что твой опыт был реальным."
"Я всё ещё сомневаюсь," ответила я. "Вы действительно были там?"
"Конечно," ответил он и подмигнул, "насколько я реален сейчас." Какой-то момент я удивлялась, не во сне ли я сейчас, но моя логика заверила меня, что так не может быть. Для полной уверенности я дотронулась до стола. Он чувствовался твёрдым.
"Как вы это сделали?" Спросила я, откидываясь назад на софе. Мистер Абелар молчал какое-то время, как бы подбирая слова.
"Я отпускаю своё физическое тело и
позволяю своему Двойнику взять бразды в свои руки," сказал он. "Если наше сознание привязано к Двойнику, на нас больше не действуют законы физического мира; скорее нами управляют Эфирные Силы. Но по мере того, как наше сознание привязано к физическому телу, наши движения ограничены гравитацией и другими силами." Я всё ещё не понимала: он имел ввиду, что мог быть одновременно в двух местах? Похоже, он почувствовал моё замешательство. "Клара сказала мне, что ты интересуешься военными искусствами," сказал мистер Абелар. "Разница между обычным человеком и экспертом kung fu в том, что эксперт научился контролировать своё мягкое тело (Двойника)."
"Мои учителя карате когда-то говорили мне то же самое," сказала я. "Они настаивали на том, что военные искусства тренируют мягкую сторону тела, но я никогда не могла понять, что они имели ввиду."
"Что они, наверно, имели ввиду было то, что когда эксперт-борец атакует, он ударяет в слабые точки мягкого тела противника," сказал он. "Это не сила физического тела, что разрушает, а дыра, которую он делает в эфирном теле своего врага. Чтобы нанести главный удар, он может устремить в эту дыру силу, которая пронзает эфирную сетку. Человек может получить, что, на первый взгляд, кажется только мягким ударом, но часами или даже днями позже, человек может умиреть от этого удара."
"Правильно," согласилась Клара. "Не давай внешним движениям обмануть себя или тем, что ты видишь. То, что ты не видишь, это - важно!"

"Настоящие мастера военных искусств, как Клара описала их мне согласно своей тренировке в Китае, заинтересованы в совершенствовании контроля своего мягкого тела. Двойник (Эфирное или Энергетическое Тело) контролируется не нашим интеллектом, а нашим Интэнтом. Нет смысла думать об этом или понять их рациональность. Это может только чувствоваться, так как это связано с некоторыми Светящимися Волокнами Энергии, пересекающими Вселенную."
Он дотронулся до головы и указал вверх.

"Например, Энергетический Поток (Солнечная Энергия, ЛМ), который выходит из макушки головы человека, даёт Двойнику цель и направление. Этот Поток поддерживает
Двойника и ведёт его в том направлении, в каком он хочет идти. Если он хочет вверх, всё, что он должен сделать, это пожелать идти вверх.
Если он хочет идти под землю, он должен просто пожелать идти вниз. Это так просто...
По мере того, как мы понемногу или сразу избавляемся от идеи физического тела, наше сознание начинает отклоняться в сторону нашего Двойника. Чтобы облегчить этот сдвиг, наша физическая сторона должна оставаться абсолютно неподвижной, висеть, как-будто она в непробудном сне. Трудность заключается в том, чтобы убедить наше физическое тело кооперировать с нами, так как оно редко желает забыть о своём контроле."
"Тогда как мне отпустить своё физическое тело?" Спросила я.
"Ты обмани его," сказал он. "Ты дай почувствовать своему телу, как-будто оно крепко заснуло. Ты нарочно успокой его, убрав своё сознание из него.
Когда твоё тело и разум отдыхают, твой Двойник просыпается и берёт бразды в свои руки
...Чтобы привести в действие Двойника (мягкое тело), тебе нужно сначала открыть определённые центры в теле, которые функционируют как ворота," продолжал он. "Когда все ворота открыты, твой Двойник может появиться из своего защитного костюма (физ. тела). Иначе он навсегда останется заключённым в свою внешнюю оболочку (физ. тело)." Затем, лицом ко мне, он объяснил, что собирается показать мне простой метод перемещения сознания с моего физического тела на мою Эфирную Сетку, которая окружает физическое тело.
"Ляжь и закрой глаза, но не засыпай," велел он и
встал на колени рядом со мной, заговорив мягким голосом. "Представь себе светящиеся белые Волокна, выходящие с боковых сторон твоего тела, начинающиеся с твоих ног.
"А что, если я не могу их вообразить?"
"Если захочешь, то естественно сможешь," сказал он. "Используй всю свою силу желания, чтобы воплотить Волокна в реальность." Он добавил больше деталей: это не то, чтобы вообразить
те Волокна, которые нужны, а скорее таинственное действие вытаскивания их из боковых сторон тела, начиная с пальцев на ногах и продолжая до самой макушки головы.

Ниже рисунок показывает как Светящиеся Волокна Солнечной Энергии наших Двойников выходят из ступней и пальцев ног физического тела;
как они спиралью поднимаются вокруг тела и входят в наши затылки !

Он сказал, что я должна также чувствовать Волокна, выходящие из ступней моих ног, на момент идущие вниз, затем вверх - они обвивают кольцами всю длину моего тела и заходят в затылок моей головы. А также другие Волокна, которые расходятся из моего лба вверх и вниз, вдоль передней стороны моего тела до самых ступней, таким образом формируя Сетку или Кокон светящейся белой Солнечной Энергии. "Практикуй это до тех пор, пока ты не сможешь отпустить своё физическое тело и по желанию устремить своё внимание на светящуюся Сетку," сказал он. "В конце концов, ты одной мыслью сможешь разбросать и поддерживать ту Сетку."
"Как я это сделаю?"
Он ответил, "Намеревая это сделать, но не мыслями, а своим Интэнтом, это слой под твоими мыслями. Слушай внимательно. Ищи его под мыслями; подальше от них. Интэнт так далёк от мыслей, что мы не можем говорить об этом, мы не можем его даже чувствовать, но мы определённо можем его использовать."

"Серьёзно Таиша, всё, что ты сделала, это - разбросала свою Светящуюся Сетку настолько далеко, насколько ты была способна это сделать. Ты научилась отдыхать на этом невидимом гамаке, который, собственно, часть тебя. Когда-нибудь, когда ты станешь более опытной, ты может быть станешь использовать эти Волокна, чтобы двигаться и изменять вещи."
"Двойник внутри или снаружи физического тела?" Спросила я. "В ту ночь мне казалось, что какой-то момент что-то, явно снаружи меня, взяло вверх."
"Двойник и внутри, и снаружи физического тела одновременно." Ответил мистер Абелар. "Как бы мне это объяснить? Чтобы приказывать ему, часть его, которая снаружи и свободно плавает, должна быть прикреплена к энергии, которая находится внутри физического тела. Внешней силе сигнализируют и держат её железной концентрацией, пока не освободится внутренняя энергия с помощью открытия некоторых мистических ворот внутри и вокруг тела. Когда сливаются обе стороны, полученная сила позволяет человеку совершать невероятные подвиги."
"Где те мистические ворота, о которых ты говоришь?" Задала я вопрос, не в силах выдержать напрямую его взгляд.
"Некоторые близко к коже, остальные глубоко внутри тела," ответил мистер Абелар. "Существует 7 главных ворот. Когда они закрыты, наша внутренняя энергия замкнута внутри физического тела. Присуствие Двойника внутри нас настолько незаметно, что мы можем прожить всю свою жизнь, не зная, что внутри - Двойник. Однако, если кто-то собирается освободить его, ворота должны быть открыты и это делается с помощью Recapitulation и Дыхательными упражнениями, которые Клара показала тебе."
Мистер Абелар (Дон Хуан) пообещал, что он сам будет готовить меня намеренно открыть первые ворота, после того, как я успешно совершу Абстрактный Полёт.
Он подчеркнул: чтобы открыть ворота необходима полная перемена отношения, потому что скорее наше устаревшее понятие, что мы - твёрдые, и есть то, что держит нашего Двойника в заключении, а не сама физическая структура тела.
"Вы могли бы описать мне, где находятся ворота, так чтобы я сама могла открыть их?"
Он взглянул на меня и покачал головой. "Наугад баловаться с Могуществом позади ворот - глупо и безрассудно," предупредил он. "Двойник должен быть освобождён постепенно и гармонично. Однако условием служит то, что человек не должен иметь секса."
"Почему отстранение от секса так важно?" Спросила я.
"Разве Клара не говорила тебе о светящихся червях, которые мужчина оставляет в женском теле?"
"Да," сказала я, смущаясь и слабее. "Но я должна признаться, в действительности ей не верила."
"Это было ошибкой," ответил он раздражённо. "Так как без предварительного и тщательного Recapitulation ты, буквально, можешь открыть банку с червями.
А половые сношения только добавят больше топлива для огня." Он рассмеялся от души, заставив меня ещё больше почувствовать себя в нелепом положении.
"Ну правда, хотя накопление сексуальной энергии - это первый шаг в путешествии к Эфирному Телу; путешествие в Сознание и в Полную Свободу."
Мистер Абелар (Дон Хуан): "Из этого я могу заключить, что меня послала судьба найти тебя, и что ты имела особое значение для меня. Видя тебя наполовину голой, почти готовой отдать себя (почти 16 лет возрастом) слабому человеку, кто мог разрушить твою жизнь, я действовал в особой манере и ударил тебя метлой...Но я также схватил твоего Двойника и обвязал его энергетическим волокном," ответил он. "И с того дня, я всегда знал, где ты была...Я следил за каждым твоим движением."
Таиша: "Вы имеете ввиду, что вы шпионили за мной...А Клара тоже знала, что я живу в Аризоне?"
Мистер Абелар (Дон Хуан): "Естественно. Мы все знали, где ты была..."
Таиша: "Но мне всё ещё неясно, как Клара знала, где меня найти," сказала я, глядя на мистера Абелар. "Откуда она знала, что я буду в Аризоне именно в этот час?"
"С помощью твоего Двойника," ответил мистер Абелар, как-будто это была самая заурядная вещь. В тот момент когда он это сказал, мой разум очистился и я ясно поняла, что он имел ввиду. По правде, я знала: это был единственный возможный путь, как они могли следить за мной. "В тот вечер, когда я наткнулся на тебя, я привязал энергетическое волокно к твоему Двойнику," объяснил он. "И так как Двойник состоит из чистой энергии (Солнечной), то не так трудно пометить его. Я думал, что при тех обстоятельствах нашей встречи, это было самое меньшее, что я мог сделать для тебя, в смысле защиты." Мистер Абелар посмотрел на меня, ожидая вопроса, но мой мозг был слишком занят, стараясь вспомнить больше деталей того, что произошло в тот вечер, когда он ворвался в комнату.
"Разве ты не собираешься спросить меня, как я пометил тебя?" сказал он, внимательно осматривая меня. Мои уши навострились. Комната наэлектризовалась и всё встало на место: мне не нужно было спрашивать мистера Абелар, как он это сделал, я это уже знала. "Ты пометил меня, когда ударил меня метлой!"
"Никто не рождается с меткой Нагуала," засмеялась Клара. "Энергия Нагуала вложена за твоей левой лопаткой. Подумай об этом. Твои плечи изменились после того, как Нагуал ударил тебя метлой..."Ещё хорошо, что Нагуал не оставил в тебе слишком много энергии," дразнила Клара, "а то ты была бы горбатой."
"Как я уже сказала, присуствие нашего гостя нелегко выдержать. Если ты недостаточно набрала энергии, ты провалишься с позором. Верь мне, она похожа на Нагуала: бесжалостная и твёрдая."
"Почему она такая неприступная?"
"Она ничего не может с собой поделать. Она настолько отошла от людей и их проблем, что её энергия может полностью разорвать тебя. В настоящее время нет разницы между её физическим телом и её Двойником. Я имею ввиду, что она Мастер-Колдунья."
"Будущего не существует. Тебе пора уже понять это. Когда ты закончишь Recapitulating и полностью сотрёшь Прошлое, всё, что останется, это - Настоящее.
И тогда ты будешь знать, что настоящее - это мгновенье и ничего более."

"Внутри я была пуста, я была тем, чем была всегда: холодной, только сейчас мне не нужно было притворяться. Я помнила, что Клара сказала мне, что холодность - не жестокость или бессердечность, а НЕСГИБАЕМАЯ ОТРЕШЁННОСТЬ. Наконец, я узнала, что это значит: не чувствовать жалости."
"А сейчас, постарайся не быть застенчивой, странной или осуждающей," произнесла Нэлида и затем, до того как я ответила, она подняла свою юбку и расширила свои ноги в стороны. "Посмотри на моё влагалище," скомандовала она. "Дыра между ногами женщины - энергетическое отверстие Матки; органа, который в то же самое время и могущественный, и практичный." К моему ужасу, на Нэлиде не было нижнего белья и мне было видно её влагалище. Я хотела отвернуться, но была очарована и просто уставилась с открытым ртом. На ней не было волос, её живот и ноги были твёрдыми, гладкими, без всяких морщин или жира.
"Так как я в этом мире не женщина, моя Матка приобрела другой настрой, чем настрой обычной недисциплинированной женщины," добавила Нэлида, без всякого намёка на смущение. Поэтому ты не должна рассматривать меня в оскорбительном свете." Она, и в самом деле, была прекрасна и я почувствовала атаку чистой зависти. Я была, по крайней мере, треть её возраста и я не могла, при всём своём желании, выглядеть так хорошо в похожей ситуации. По правде, я и не подумала бы разрешить кому-нибудь видеть меня голой. Я всегда носила длинный халаты, как-будто мне нужно было что-то скрывать. Помня о своей застенчивости, я вежливо отвернулась, но перед этим я насмотрелась на то, что я могу только назвать: настоящая Энергия - кожа вокруг её влагалища, казалось, излучала Силу, от которой у меня кружилась голова, когда я смотрела на неё. Я закрыла глаза и мне было всё равно, что она обо мне подумает. Смех Нэлиды был похож на бесконечный каскад воды, мягкой и пузырящейся. "Сейчас ты совершенно отдохнувшая," сказала она. "Снова посмотри на меня, и вдохни несколько раз, чтобы зарядить себя."
"Подожди секунду, Нэлида," сказала я, охваченная неожиданым страхом, не страхом взгляда на её влагалище, а того, что я только что поняла. Показ мне своей оголённости сделал со мной что-то непредсказуемое. Он смягчил мою агонию и заставил меня отбросить всю мою чрезмерную благопристойность. В один миг
я стала экстраординарно знакома с Нэлидой. Заикаясь, я рассказала ей то, что я только что поняла.
"Это как раз то, что Энергия Матки должна делать," весело ответила Нэлида. "А сейчас, ты должна действительно посмотреть на меня и глубоко вдохнуть. После этого ты сможешь анализировать вещи сколько захочешь." Я так и сделала и совсем не почувствовала застенчивости. Вдыхание её Энергии сделало меня на удивление насыщенной энергией, как-будто между нами образовалась связь, которой слова были не нужны. "Ты сможешь достигнуть удивительных вещей, контролируя и циркулируя Энергию из Матки," сказала Нэлида, снова покрывая юбкой свои колени. Нэлида объяснила, что первая функция Матки - размножение, чтобы продолжать наш род. Но, сказала она, неизвестная женщинам, Матка также имеет незаметную и утончённую вторую функцию, и это как раз то, что ей и мне интересно развить. Я была так довольна, что Нэлида включила меня в своё заявление, что почувствовала щекотку внутри желудка. Я внимательно слушала,
как она объясняла, что самая важная вторая функция Матки это - служить Проводником для Двойника. Тогда, когда мужчинам приходиться полагаться на логику и Интэнт, чтобы вести своих Двойников, в распряжении женщин имеются их Матки: могущественный источник энергии с обилием мистических черт и функций, все из которых  предназначенны защищать и заботиться о Двойнике.
"Всё это возможно, конечно, если ты освободилась от всей мешающей энергии, которую мужчины оставили внутри тебя," сказала она. "Тщательное Recapitulation всей твоей половой деятельности поможет добиться этого."
Она подчеркнула, что использование Матки - чрезвычайно могущественный и прямой метод достижения Двойника. Она напомнила мне о Магическом Пассе, который я выучила и при котором можно дышать прямо отверстием влагалища. "Матка, этим путём женские особи животных чувствуют вещи и регулируют свои тела," сказала она. "С помощью Матки женщины производят и накапливают могущество в своих Двойниках, построить или разрушить, или слиться воедино со всем, окружающим их." И снова я почувствовала щекотку в животе: мягкую вибрацию, которая разлилась, в этот раз, по моим генеталиям и внутренней части ног. "Другой путь достичь Двойника, кроме использования Энергии Матки, это через движение," продолжала Нэлида.
"Это и есть причина, почему Клара учила тебя Магическим Пассам. Есть два Пасса, которые ты должна использовать сегодня, чтобы достаточно подготовить себя к тому, что ожидается.
Этот Пасс для того, чтобы собрать энергию из бесконечности, которая лежит за всем тем, что мы видим," сказала она. "Постарайся сделать дыру. Пройди через фасад видимых форм, и хватай энергию, которая нас поддерживает...Много не нужно, чтобы общаться или достичь Двойника (Энергетическое Тело)," продолжала Нэлида. "Звук - мощный способ, чтобы привлечь внимание Двойника, в дополнение к использованию Матки и движений." Она объяснила, что если систематически направлять слова к нашему источнику сознания - нашему Двойнику - можно увидеть манифестацию этого источника.  "Конечно если у нас достаточно энергии," добавила она. "Если достаточно, тогда это может взять только несколько отобранных слов или продлительный звук, чтобы открыть что-то невероятное перед нами."
"Как точно можем мы направлять те слова Двойнику?" Спросила я. Нэлида раскинула свои руки в стороны.
"Наш Двойник  - почти бесконечен. Также как физическое тело в общении с другими физическими телами, так и наш Двойник в общении с жизненной Силой Вселенной...
Я хочу, чтобы ты повторила одно слово," сказала Нэлида, стоя близко сзади меня. "Слово - 'Интэнт'. Я хочу, чтобы ты сказала 'Интэнт' 3-4 раза или больше, но вытащи его из своих глубин."
Из своих глубин?"
"Позволь слову раздаться из середины твоего тела громко и ясно. По правде, ты должна кричать слово
'Интэнт' изо всех сил. Не стесьняйся, кричи как можно громче и столько, сколько нужно." Посоветовала Нэлида.
"Для чего ты заставляешь меня кричать?" Пробормотала я, выпрямляясь у стены.
"Мы пытались привлечь внимание твоего Двойника. "Похоже, имеется два уровня Сознания Вселенной: уровень видимого, порядка и всего того, что можно назвать или об этом подумать; и невидимый уровень энергии (выше вибрацией), который создаёт и поддерживает все вещи. И так как мы полагаемся на логику и язык," продолжала Нэлида. "Это уровень видимого
(ниже вибрацией), который мы рассматриваем как реальное. Это только кажется, что он имеет порядок, прочный и предсказуемый. Однако на самом деле, он - иллюзия, временная и постоянно меняющаяся. То, что мы рассматриваем, как постоянная реальность,
это только поверхностный слой монументальной силы...
Что ты и я хотим сделать всеми этими криками," продолжала она, "это - привлечь внимание невидимого мира, а скорее всего невидимого; СИЛЫ, которая источник твоего существования; СИЛЫ, которая, мы надеемся, пронесёт тебя через трещину в пространстве."

"...И когда я полностью оставила всякую надежду выжить, что-то неощутимое пришло мне на помощь. Свет выбросился изнутри меня (мой Двойник).
Он выбросился через все дыры моего тела. Светом была тяжёлая белая светящаяся жидкость, которая прикрепила меня к платформе, покрывая меня как сверкающий щит. Он ограничил мои дыхательные пути и подавил мои вопли, но также открыл мою грудь, чтобы мне легче было дышать. Он успокоил мой нервный желудок и остановил дрожь в ногах.
Свет осветил всю комнату так, что было видно дверь в нескольких шагах от меня. Купаясь в сиянии, я стала спокойнее, все страхи и проблемы улетучились, ничто больше не имело значения. Я лежала совершенно неподвижно и спокойно, пока не наступил рассвет."
"Не разговаривай и не двигайся, пока ты не станешь материальной снова
," предупредил он. Он велел мне закрыть глаза и дышать животом. Я легла на землю, пока не почувствовала, что сила вернулась в меня, тогда села и прижала спину к стволу дерева. "Ты пробила щель в Темноту и твой Двойник проскользнул сначала влево и потом пролетел через неё," сказал завхоз, прежде чем я его о чём-то спросила.
Я призналась, "Я явно чувствовала силу, тащущую меня, и видела интенсивный свет."
"Это твой Двойник вышел," сказал он, как-будто точно знал, что я описывала. "И свет был глазом Двойника. Так как ты Recapitulate - пересматривала себя  больше года, ты, в то же время, разбрасывала свои Энергетические Волокна; и сейчас они сами по себе начинают двигаться. Но так как ты всё ещё занята мыслями и болтовнёй, эти
Энергетические Волокна не двигаются легко и полностью, как когда-нибудь они будут." Я понятия не имела, что он имел ввиду, когда сказал, что я раскидывала свои Энергетические Волокна, когда Recapitulated, и попросила его объяснить. "Что тут объяснять?" сказал он. "Всё дело в энергии. Чем больше ты возвращаешь свою энергию через Recapitulation, тем легче той, вернувшейся энергии питать твоего Двойника. Посылать энергию Двойнику  -
это то, что мы называем 'разбрасывать
свои Энергетические Волокна'. Те, кто ВИДЯТ энергию, ВИДЯТ её как волокна, выходящие из физического тела.

"Я не согласен, твой страх прошлой ночью был даже более интенсивным. То, что стреляло в тебя, не было человеческим. Так что на уровне Двойника, это был гигантский страх."
"Пожалуйста, Эмилито, объясни мне, что ты имеешь ввиду под этим?"
"Твой Двойник вот-вот начнёт осознавать; поэтому в условиях стресса, как в прошлую ночь, он становится частично осознанным, но также и абсолютно испуганным. Он не привык воспринимать наш мир. Твоё тело и разум привыкли к нему, а твой Двойник - нет."
Сказал он. Я была уверена, что если бы я была подготовлена к такому шторму, я бы расслабилась. Если бы мой страх и мои мысли о шторме не мешали, то сила, внутри меня, полностью вышла бы из моего тела, и возможно я могла даже встать, двигаться вокруг или сойти с дерева. Что напугало меня больше всего, это - ощущение "запертой в клетке"; заключёной внутри своего тела.
"Когда мы входим в абсолютную Темноту, где ничего не отвлекает," сказал завхоз, "Двойник берёт на себя всю ответственность. Он растягивает свои Эфирные конечности, открывает свои Светящиеся глаза и смотрит вокруг. Иногда, испытывая такое, что может быть даже более пугающим, чем то, что ты испытала прошлой ночью."
"Двойник не испугается," заверила я его. "Я к этому готова."
"Ни к чему ты ещё не готова," ввернул он. "Я уверен: твои крики прошлой ночью были слышны всю дорогу до Tucson."
"Не расстраивайся," ответил он. "Это потому, что ты чувствуешь что-то во мне, но не можешь это объяснить. Как ты сама это сформулировала: я - не мужественный."
"Я это не говорила," протестовала я, но из его взгляда поняла: он явно мне не верил и настаивал.
"Не отпирайся, да ты секунду назад говорила это моему Двойнику. Мой Двойник никогда ошибок и неправильных выводов не делает." Моя нервозность и стыд достигли своего пика: я не знала что сказать, лицо горело, а тело дрожало. Я не могла понять, что могло вызвать такую преувеличенную реакцию во мне.
Голос завхоза ворвался в мои мысли. "Ты так реагируешь, потому что твой Двойник воспринимает моего Двойника," сказал он. "Твоё физическое тело напугано, так как его ВОРОТА открываются и новые восприятия вливаются в него. Если ты думаешь, что плохо чувствуешь себя сейчас, воображаю насколько
будет ещё хуже, когда все твои ВОРОТА откроются." Он говорил настолько убедительно, что я с удивлением думала: прав ли он. "Животные и младенцы проблем, с восприятием Двойников, не имеют, и они часто напуганы ими." Я упомянула, что животные меня особо не любили и что, кроме Manfred, мои чувства к ним были обоюдными.
"Животные недолюбливают тебя, потому что некоторые
ВОРОТА твоего тела никогда не были полностью закрыты и твой Двойник борется за то, чтобы выйти наружу. Будь готова, так как сейчас ты специально это планируешь, они, ВОРОТА, собираются открыться полностью. В один из этих дней твой Двойник планирует сразу проснуться и ты можешь обнаружить себя за патио, не сделав ни шага." Пояснил он, а я рассмеялась, больше от нервозности и абсурда того, что он излагал."
А как насчёт детей, особенно младенцев?" спросил он. "Разве они не кричат, когда ты их берёшь на руки?" Обычно они так и делали, но я завхозу не сказала.
"Младенцы меня любят," наврала я, помня слишком хорошо те несколько раз, когда я была с младенцами, и как они начинали кричать, как только я подходила к ним.
Я всегда говорила себе, что это потому, что у меня не было материнского инстинкта. Завхоз покачал головой, не веря своим ушам. Я с вызовом попросила его объяснить, как младенцы и животные могут чувствовать Двойника, когда я сама не знала, что Двойник существует. По правде говоря, пока Клара и Нагуал не сказали мне об этом, я никогда не слышала о такой вещи. Я также никого никогда не встречала, кто бы что-то об этом знал. Он быстро опроверг меня, сказав, что то, что животные и младенцы чувствуют, не имеет ничего общего со знанием, а только с фактом, что у животных есть приспособление ощутить это: их Открытые Ворота. Он добавил, что те Ворота в животных постоянно воспринимают, а в людях, их Ворота закрываются, как только после рождения они начинают говорить и думать, и их рациональная сторона начинает доминировать."
"Достаточно извинений," сказал он. "Это твой Двойник кто говорит. Он всегда говорит прямо по существу и, так как ты никогда не давала ему выразиться,
он полон ненависти и горечи." Он объяснил, что в тот момент мой Двойник был чрезвычайно нестабилен из-за грома и молний, и особенно из-за событий 5 дней назад, когда Нэлида толкнула меня в коридор на
левой стороне дома, так чтобы я могла начать Восхождение Колдунов..."Ты полностью провалилась, стараясь совершить манёвр, который мы называем АБСТРАКТНЫЙ ПОЛЁТ," сказал он. "Эта попытка истощила твои запасы энергии." Он пояснил, что это, в сущности, не было провалом с моей стороны, а скорее преждевременная попытка, которая закончилась полной катастрофой.
"Чтобы случилось, если бы я имела успех?" спросила я. Он заверил меня, что успех не поставил бы меня в более предпочтительную позицию, но это послужило бы точкой отправления, своего рода приманка или маяк, который бы аккуратно помечал путь для следующего раза, когда мне самой придётся совершить свой финальный Полёт.
"Ты сейчас используешь энергию всех нас," продолжал он. "Мы все обязаны тебе помочь. Точнее, ты используешь Энергию всех Колдунов, кто был перед нами и когда-то жил в этом доме. Ты существуешь за счёт их магии. Это как раз, как-будто ты лежишь на волшебном ковре, который берёт тебя в невероятные места, места, которые только существуют на пути волшебного ковра...
Вчера я дал тебе попить из моего сосуда Интэнта, чтобы выяснить, стабильный ли твой Двойник," пояснил Эмилито. "Всё ещё нет! Единственный способ поддержать твой Двойник - это активность, и нравится это тебе или нет, я единственный, кто может руководить твоим Двойником в этом вопросе. Это и есть причина, что я - твой учитель или скорее: я - учитель твоего Двойника."
"Что ты думаешь со мной случилось в присуствии Нэлиды?" спросила я, всё ещё неуверенная, что точно не получилось.
"Ты имеешь ввиду, что не произошло," поправил он меня. "Тебе нужно было пересечь Трещину в вибрационном поле мягко и гармонично, и разбудить своего Двойника до полного сознания в коридоре в левой части дома." Он пустился в сложные объяснения того, что, они надеялись, получится. Под руководством Нэлиды я должна была двигать своё сознание туда-сюда, между моим телом и моим Двойником. Такое движение стёрло бы все естественные барьеры, образовавшиеся в жизни; барьеры, которые отделяют физическое тело от Двойника. План Колдунов был, сказал он, позволить мне познакомиться с ними, со всеми лично, так как мой Двойник их уже знал. Но из-за моего сумасшествия я не пересекла Трещину мягко и гармонично. Другими словами, сознание, которое приобрёл мой Двойник, не имело ничего общего с ежедневным сознанием моего тела. В результате появилось ощущение, что я летаю и не могу остановиться. Вся моя запасная энергия иссякала без всякой остановки, и мой Двойник сошёл с катушек (рассверипел).
"Восхождение Колдунов состоит в передвижении сознания ежедневной жизни, которым владеет физическое тело, к Двойнику," ответил он. "Слушай внимательно, сознание ежедневной жизни - это и есть то, что мы хотим передвинуть от физ. тела к Двойнику. Сознание Ежедневной Жизни!...Это означает, что нам нужны: трезвость ума, контроль и баланс. Нам не нужны сумасшествие и результаты наугад...Ты потакала своим слабостям, излишкам и не передвинула своё сознание ежедневной жизни к своему Двойнику...
Ты пропитала своего Двойника незнакомым и неконтролируемым сознанием...
Чтобы мягко и гармонично вытащить Двойника и затем передвинуть к нему наше сознание Повседневной Жизни - это что-то несравненное. Добиться этого - не поддаётся пониманию."
"Важно знать, что у нас есть лимит, потому что наше физическое тело контролирует наше сознание. Но если мы сможем повернуть так, чтобы наш Двойник  контролировал наше сознание, то мы сможем делать практически всё, что пожелаем. Поэтому мы должны подчиняться правилам, так как это был путь, как вещи делались в его традиции Колдунов. Клара подготовила твою физическую сторону, научив тебя Recapitulate, и, расслабляя твои ВОРОТА Магическими Пассами," объяснял он. "Моя работа помочь тебе уплотнить твоего Двойника, и потом учить его Маскировке." Он заверил меня, что никто, кроме него, не мог учить меня, как маскировать Двойником.
"Можешь ты объяснить, что значит
'маскировать Двойником'?" спросила я.
"Конечно могу, но это не будет практично только говорить об этом, потому что
Маскировка означает делать, а не просто говорить об этом. Кроме этого, ты уже знаешь, что это значит, так как ты уже это сделала."
"Где и когда я это сделала?"
"В первую ночь когда ты спала в хижине на дереве," сказал Эмилито. И я вспомнила.
Казалось, вся хижина разваливается на части. Меня тошнило от движения. Качка и скрип возрастал с такой интенсивностью, что я подумала: это - моя последняя ночь на земле. И когда я полностью оставила всякую надежду выжить, что-то неощутимое пришло мне на помощь. Свет выбросился изнутри меня (мой Двойник). Он выбросился через все дыры моего тела. Светом была тяжёлая белая светящаяся жидкость, которая прикрепила меня к платформе, покрывая меня как сверкающий щит. Он ограничил мои дыхательные пути и подавил мои вопли, но также открыл мою грудь, чтобы мне легче было дышать. Он успокоил мой нервный желудок и остановил дрожь в ногах. Свет осветил всю комнату так, что было видно дверь в нескольких шагах от меня. Купаясь в сиянии, я стала спокойнее, все страхи и проблемы улетучились, ничто больше не имело значения. Я лежала совершенно неподвижно и спокойно, пока не наступил рассвет.")

Эмилито сказал, "Когда ты умирала от страха. В том случае твоя логика растерялась: как контролировать ситуацию? Поэтому обстоятельства заставили тебя положиться на своего Двойника. Это был твой Двойник, кто пришёл спасти тебя. Он выплыл из Ворот, которые твой страх широко открыл. Вот это я и называю
'маскировать Двойником'."
"Колдуны - чрезвычайно мистические существа," поведал Эмилито, "потому что большую часть времени они действуют энергией своих Двойников. Нэлида - великолепный Маскировщик. Она маскируется в Полётах и её сила настолько уникальна, что она может не только транспортировать себя, но и приносить с собой вещи. Вот так она могла навещать тебя и поэтому её имя Abelar. Для нас Abelar означает Маскеровщик, а Grau значит Путешественник. Все Колдуны в этом доме Путешественники или Маскеровщики."
"Какая разница между ними, Эмилито?"
Маскеровщики планируют и обыгрывают свои планы. Они предварительно кооперируют и изобретают всё по секрету, меняют вещи и неважно: они в полном сознании или в Полётах. Путешественники двигаются без всякого плана или мысли. Они прыгают в реальность нашего мира или в реальность Полётов."
"Всё это непонятно мне, Эмилито," сказала я, осматривая на свету кольцо с опалом.
"Я веду тебя так, что когда-нибудь это будет понятным," ответил Эмилито. "И чтобы помочь мне вести тебя, ты должна выполнять то, что я тебе объясняю.
Всё, что я буду говорить, делать и советовать тебе делать - точная копия того, что мои два учителя рассказали мне или это каким-то образом базируется на том, что они говорили
...Обрати внимание и запомни это. Чтобы мне и тебе оставаться нормальными, мы должны работать как демоны над балансировкой, но не тела или ума, а Двойника."
"Откуда мы можем знать, что мы балансируем Двойника?"
"Открытием наших ВОРОТ," ответил он.


(1) "Первые Ворота находятся на подошве ноги, в основании большого пальца." Он залез под стол, схватил мою левую ногу и одним, невероятно быстрым манёвром, стащил мой носок и туфель. Тогда, используя свой большой и указательный палец как захват, он нажал на круглую выпуклость моего большого пальца на подошве моей ноги и на первую и самую верхнюю перемычку между пальцами. Острая боль и неожиданность заставили меня вскрикнуть. Я отдёрнула свою ногу с такой силой, что ударилась коленом о внутреннюю поверхность стола. Я встала и крикнула, "Ты что делаешь, иди ты к чёрту!"
Он игнорировал мою злую выходку и сказал, "Я указываю тебе
первые ВОРОТА, согласно правилу, а ты принимай это во внимание." Он встал и двинулся вокруг стола на мою сторону.
(2) "Вторые
ВОРОТА в районе, которые включают в себя икры и внутреннюю часть колен," сказал он, нагибаясь и похлопывая мои ноги.
(3) "Третьи
ВОРОТА в половых органах и в конце позвоночника (хвостик)." Не успела я отодвинуться, как он влез своими тёплыми руками в мой половой орган и немного приподнял меня, твёрдо сжимая. Я отбилась от него, но он схватил мою задницу.
(4) "Четвёртые
ВОРОТА и самые важные, в районе почек," сказал он. Не обращая внимания на моё недовольство, он толкнул меня снова на скамейку и двинул свои руки по моей спине. Я скривилась, но ради Нэлиды позволила это ему.
(5) "Пятая Точка - между лопатками," сказал он.
(6) "Шестая
Точка - в основании черепа
(7) Седьмая
Точка - в макушке (короне) головы."
Чтобы изолировать последнюю точку, он сильно постучал костяшками кулака по макушке моей головы. Затем двинулся назад на свою сторону стола и сел.
"Если наши первые и вторые
ВОРОТА открыты, мы испускаем определённую силу, которую люди могут найти непереносимой," продолжал он.
"С другой стороны, если третьи и четвёртые
ВОРОТА не совсем закрыты, как должно быть, мы испускаем определённую силу, которую люди могут найти наиболее привлекательной."
Я точно знала, что эти
ВОРОТА завхоза были широко настежь, потому что я нашла его таким вульгарным и невыносимым, как никого другого. Полушутя и частично чувствуя свою вину, за то как я чувствовала себя по отношению к нему, я призналась, что люди не так дружелюбно ко мне относились. Я всегда думала, что мне не доставало такта, и что поэтому мне нужно компенсировать дружеским расположением духа.
"Это - естественно," согласился он. "Твои первые
ВОРОТА на подошве ноги и вторые ВОРОТА в икрах колен были частично открыты всю твою жизнь. Ещё одно доказательство, что эти два центра открыты то, что у тебя проблема ходить."
Клара заверила меня, что ты почти избавила себя от жалости к себе и от Мании Величия с помощью Recapitulation. Recapitulating свою жизнь, особенно свою сексуальную жизнь, расслабило ещё больше некоторые из твоих ВОРОТ. Звук щелчка, который ты слышишь сзади своей шеи, это момент когда твоя правая и левая стороны разделились. Это оставляет отверстие прямо в середине твоего тела, откуда энергия поднимается к шее; к месту, откуда был слышен звук. Слышать этот щелчок означает, что твой Двойник вот-вот начнёт осознавать."
"Что я должна делать, когда я это услышу?"
"Знать что делать, не так важно, потому что не так много того, что мы можем сделать," сказал он. "Или мы должны оставаться сидящими с закрытыми глазами, или мы можем встать и двигаться. Главное - это знать, что мы лимитированы, потому что наше физическое тело контролирует наше сознание. Но если мы можем перевернуть это так, чтобы наш Двойник контролировал наше сознание, мы сможем делать практически всё, что пожелаем.
...Ты можешь узнать о Двойнике только в деле. Я говорю с тобой только потому, что твоя переходная фаза ещё на закончена" Он взял меня за руку и, не говоря ни слова, потащил меня в заднюю часть дома. Там он поставил меня под дерево, макушка головы в нескольких см от низкой толстой ветви. Он сказал, что собирался посмотреть, смогу ли я снова спроецировать своего Двойника, в этот раз в полном сознании с помощью дерева. Я сильно сомневалась, что смогу что либо спроецировать, так ему и сказала. Он настаивал, что если я позову Интэнт, то мой Двойник протолкнётся изнутри меня и раскинется за пределы моего физического тела...Он попросил меня закрыть глаза и сконцентрироваться на моём дыхании. Когда я расслабилась, то начала звать силу, чтобы течь вверх до тех пор, пока я не коснулась ветвей чувством, которое пришло из ВОРОТ в короне моей головы. Он сказал, что это для меня будет достаточно легко, потому что я собиралась использовать для поддержки своего друга - дерево. Энергия дерева, объяснил он, сформирует матрицу для моего сознания, чтобы расшириться. Фокусируясь на своём дыхании какое-то время, я почувствовала вибрацию в энергии, поднимающуюся по моей спине, пытающейся вытолкнуться из макушки моей головы. Затем что-то открылось внутри меня. Каждый раз когда я вдыхала, Линия снова  втаскивалась вниз в моё тело. Ощущение, что я достигаю верхушки дерева, становилось сильнее с каждым моим дыханием до тех пор, пока я действительно не поверила, что моё тело расширилось, стало высоким и обширным как у дерева. В какой-то момент глубокое чувство привязанности к дереву поглотило меня. Как раз в этот момент что-то понеслось вверх по моей спине и из головы, и я обнаружила себя, осматривающей мир с верхних ветвей дерева. Ощущение продолжалось не больше секунды, так как было прервано голосом завхоза, приказывающего мне спуститься, и снова влиться внутрь моего тела. Я чувствовала что-то вроде водопада; пузырьки текли вниз, вливаясь в верхушку моей головы и заполняя моё тело знакомым теплом.
"Тебе не следует оставаться смешанной с деревом слишком долго," сказал он мне, когда я открыла глаза. У меня было ошеломляющее чувство обнять дерево, но завхоз потянул меня за руку к огромному валуну на каком-то расстоянии от дерева, где мы сели. Он указал, что с помощью внешней силы, в этом случае объединение моего сознания с деревом, может легко заставить Двойника расшириться.
Однако, так как это легко, мы рискуем остаться смешанным с деревом слишком долго, в таком случае мы можем высосать из дерева его энергию, которая нужна для его содержания в сильном и здоровом состоянии; или мы можем оставить некоторую свою энергию в нём, став эмоционально привязанным к дереву. "Можно смешаться с чем угодно," объяснил он, "если с чем-нибудь или с кем-нибудь ты смешаешься внушительно, то твоя энергия будет увеличена, как это происходит когда ты смешиваешься с Магом-Manfred. Но если он больной или слабый, будь подальше от него. В любом случае ты должна делать такое упражнение изредка, потому что как и всё остальное, это - сабля с двумя лезвиями. Внешняя энергия всегда отличается от нашей собственной, и часто антагоничная, несовместимая с нашей."

О наших Двойниках - выдержки из книги Карлоса Кастанеды "Искусство Выходов из Тела" (Carlos Castaneda "The Art of Dreaming"). Для тех, кто читал эту книгу: The Dreaming Emissary - Спящий Эмиссар или Неорганическое Существо - это не Существо мужского рода, а женского!

Дон Хуан (don Juan): "В общем, Женщины имеют естественную способность общаться с этим Миром Inorganic Beings (Невидимых Неорганических Существ или НС); Женщины-Колдуньи, конечно, в этом - Чемпионы, но Карол Тигс (Женщина-Нагуал) лучше, чем все кого я знаю, потому что как Женщина-Нагуал, она имеет Неиссякаемую Энергию." Я (Карлос) подумал что поймал Дон Хуана на слове, имея ввиду серьёзное противоречие. Раньше он мне говорил, что НС (Неорганические Существа) совсем не заинтересованы в Женщинах, а сейчас он мне говорит обратное. "Нет. Я не утверждаю противоположное," ввернул он, когда я прижал его к стенке. "Я говорил тебе, что НС (Неорганические Существа) не гоняются за Женщинами; а только за Мужчинами. Но я также говорил тебе, что все НС (Неорганические Существа) - Женского Рода, и что вся Вселенная - в основном Женского Рода. А теперь, делай выводы сам."
"...У Дон Хуана была твёрдая Точка Зрения по этому вопросу: Самомнение, Важничание, Превосходство над другими - не только Самый Большой Враг у Колдунов, но и Враг № 1, Разрушитель Всего Человечества. Его доводы сводились к тому, что Львиная Доля Нашей Энергии уходит на поддержание Нашей Важности! Это особенно заметно в нашем бесконечном страхе того, как мы выглядим, нравимся ли мы или восхищаем ли мы других, замечают ли нас
(особенно Женщины, ЛМ)? Он мыслил так: если мы способны уничтожить хотя бы часть этого Самомнения, две экстра-ординарные вещи произойдут с нами.
Первое: мы освободим нашу Энергию, употребляемую на постоянном сохранения иллюзорной Идеи нашего Величества;
Второе: мы снабдим себя достаточной Энергией, чтобы войти в Высшие Нефизические Уровни Сознания (Second Attention) и мельком взглянуть на Настоящее Величие нашей Вселенной...

Отрывки о наших Двойниках  из книги Роберта Монро "Далёкие Путешествия" (уделять время на Магические Пассы):

"Для тех, кто пока незнаком с этим предметом, вылеты из тела - это состояние, при котором вы находите себя отделённым от своего физического тела, в полном сознании и способным воспринимать и действовать, как-будто вы функционируете физически, но с несколькими исключениями. Вы можете двигаться через Пространство (и Время) медленно или вероятно где-то быстрее скорости света. Вы можете обозревать, участвовать в событиях, делать желаемые решения, базирующиеся на то, что вы воспринимаете и делаете. Вы можете двигаться без усилий и негативного эффекта сквозь всё физическое, как например : стены, стальные плиты, бетон, земля, океаны, воздух, даже атомную радиацию. Вы можете пройти в другую комнату, не беспокоясь открывать дверь. Вы можете мгновенно посетить друга 3 тысячи миль от вас. Вы можете исследовать Луну, Солнечную Систему, Галактику, если это вас интересует. Или вы можете посетить другие реальные системы (миры), нечётко воспринимаемые и предполагаемые нашим Пространство/Время Сознанием."
"Оттуда Двойнику было легче снова войти в физическое тело простым дёрганным движением, похожим на вздёргивание плечами. После этого я начал обращать особое внимание на возврат в физическое тело и нашёл, что я и в самом деле входил во вторую форму, прежде чем войти в физическое тело.
(По возвращении, Роберт входил сначала в
3е плазменное тело, затем в эфирное тело Двойника - 2е тело, а затем в своё физическое тело - 1е тело! ЛМ).
Внешне, оно было похожим на физическое, только менее плотное. Однако после возвращения, этот Двойник казался более физическим, более плотным по сравнению с физическим. После (путешествия и) возвращения в Двойника, настоящее физическое тело тогда казалось более определённым. Я также начал наблюдать более пристально за моим процессом отделения (от физического тела), думая: если предположение было стоящим, то я смогу ощутить освобождение от этого почти второго тела. Я находил, что это было очень реальным. Я мог оставаться в эфирном теле Двойника, кружась вокруг физического тела, но мог двигаться не более, чем 10-15 футов от него. Это напоминало мои первые ограниченные внетелесные события. Это также принесло воспоминания многих огорчающих попыток тех ранних дней, двигаться дальше (от Земли) - и момент, когда я нашёл точку освобождения (от физ. тела). В результате этого, не догадываясь о причине, я дал другим ключ для такой тренировки к освобождению (от тела) - ментальный  "надёжный секретный ящик для хранения", куда можно сложить мысли, которые мешают этому процессу. Как только я начал осознавать сам процесс, это стало автоматическим и оба, отделение и возвращение, содержали эти элементы, оставляя Двойника на "орбите" близко к физическому телу, двигаясь, полностью отделённым от физического тела, в "Третье Тело", или Энергетическую Сущность (без формы?)."

Extracts about our Double (or Second Body) from "SORCERERS' CROSSING" BY TAISCHA ABELAR

"As we let go of our ideas of the physical body, little by little or all at once, awareness begins to shift to our soft side. In order to facilitate this shift, our physical side must remain absolutely still, suspended, as if it were in deep sleep. The difficulty lies in convincing our physical body to cooperate, for it rarely wants to give up its control."
"How do I let go of my physical body, then?" I asked.
"You fool it," he said. "You let your body feel, as if it were sound asleep. You deliberately quiet it by removing your Awareness from it. When your body and mind are at rest, your Double wakes up and takes over...
In order to activate the soft body (Double), you have to, first, open certain body centers, that function like gates," he continued:
"When all the gates are open, your Double can emerge from its protective covering (physical body). Otherwise, it will forever remain encased within its outer shell."

He was going to show me a simple method for shifting Awareness from my physical body to the ethereal net, that surrounds it. "Lie down and close your eyes, but don't fall asleep.
Imagine Lines, extending out from the sides of your body, beginning at your feet," he said.
"What if I can't imagine them?"
"If you want to, you certainly can," he said. "Use all your strength to intend the Lines into existence."
He elaborated (add more details, develop thoroughly), that it was not really imagining those Lines, that was involved, but rather a mysterious act of pulling them out from the side of the body, beginning at the toes and continuing all the way up to the top of the head.


He said, that I should also feel Lines, emanating from the soles of my feet, going downward and wrapping around the length of my body to the back of my head; and also other Lines, that radiated from my forehead upward and downward, along the front of my body to my feet, thus forming a Net or a Cocoon of Luminous Energy.
"Practice this, until you can let go of your physical body and can place your attention at will on your Luminous Net," he said. "Eventually, you'll be able to cast (throw, toss) and sustain that Net with a single thought." I tried to relax. I found his voice soothing. It had a mesmerizing quality. At times it seemed to come from very close, and at other times from far away. He cautioned me, that if there was a place in my body, where the Net felt tight or where it was difficult to stretch the Lines out or where the Lines recoiled, that was the place, where my body was weak or injured. "You can heal those parts, by allowing the Double to spread out the Ethereal Net," he said.
"How do I do that?"
He replied, "By intending it, but not with your thoughts. Intend it with your Intent, which is the layer beneath your thoughts. Listen carefully. Look for it beneath the thoughts; away from them. Intent is so far away from thoughts, that we can't talk about it. We can't even feel it, but we can certainly use it."

I couldn't even conceive how to intend with my Intent. Mr. Abelar said, that I shouldn't have too much difficulty Casting my Net, because for the past few months, unknowingly, I had been projecting just such Ethereal Lines during my Recapitulation. He suggested, that I begin by concentrating on my Breathing. After what seemed to be hours, during which time I must have dozed off once or twice, I could eventually feel an intense tingling heat in my feet and head. The heat expanded to form a ring, encircling my body lengthwise. In a soft voice, Mr. Abelar reminded me, that I should focus my attention on the heat outside my body and try to stretch it out, pushing it out from within, and allowing it to expand. I focused on my Breathing, until all the tension in me vanished. As I relaxed even more, I let the tingling heat find its own course. It didn't move outward or expand; it contracted instead, until I felt, I was lying on a gigantic balloon, floating in Space. I experienced a moment of panic. My breathing stopped and, for an instant, I was suffocating. Then something, outside of myself, took over and began to breathe for me. Waves of lulling (soothing) Energy surrounded me, expanding and contracting, until everything went black and I could no longer focus my Awareness on anything."

"Seriously, Taisha, all you did was to cast your Luminous Net, as far, as you were able to. You learnt how to rest on that invisible hammock, that is actually a part of you. Someday, as you become more adept (proficient, highly skilled, expert), you may begin to use its Lines to move and alter things."
"Is the Double inside or outside the physical body?" I asked. "That night, it seemed to me that, for a moment, something, clearly outside of myself, had taken over."
"It's both," Mr. Abelar said. "It is inside and outside the physical body at the same time. How can I put it? In order to command it, the part of it, that is outside, floating freely, has to be linked to the Energy, that is housed inside the physical body. The external force is beckoned (signal or summon by waving) and held, by an unwavering concentration, while the internal Energy is released, by opening some mysterious Gates in and around the body. When the two sides merge, the force, that is produced, allows one to perform inconceivable feats."
"Where are those mysterious gates you're talking about?" I asked, incapable of meeting his gaze directly.
"Some are close to the skin, others are deep inside the body," Mr. Abelar replied. "There are seven main gates. When they are closed, our inner Energy remains locked within the physical body. The presence of the Double inside us is so subtle, that we can go through our entire lives without ever knowing, that it is there. However, if one is going to release it, the Gates must be opened and this is done through the Recapitulation and the Breathing exercises, Clara showed you."

Mr. Abelar promised, that he, himself, would guide me to deliberately open the first Gate, after I had successfully accomplished the Abstract Flight. He emphasized, that in order to open the Gates, a complete change of attitude is necessary, because our preconceived notion, that we are solid, is what keeps the Double imprisoned rather, than any physical structure of the body itself.
"Couldn't you describe to me, where the Gates are, so I can open them myself?" He looked at me and shook his head.
"To tamper haphazardly, with the Power behind the Gates, is foolish and dangerous," he warned: "The Double must be released gradually; harmoniously. A prerequisite, however, is that one remains celibate."
"Why is celibacy important?" I asked.
"Didn't Clara tell you about the luminous worms, a Man leaves inside a Woman's body?"
"Yes," I said, ill at ease and embarrassed. "But I must confess, I didn't really believe her."
"That was a mistake," he said, annoyed. "For without a thorough Recapitulation first, you would literally be opening a can of worms. And to have sex would only be adding more fuel to the fire." He laughed heartily making me feel ridiculous. "Seriously, though, storing sexual Energy, is the first step in the journey toward the Ethereal Body; the journey into Awareness and Total Freedom."

"What we consider as intuition or as sixth sense is your Etherial Double giving you sign, which most of us ignore... "Seriously, though, storing sexual Energy is the first step in the journey toward the Ethereal Body (Double); the journey into Awareness and Total Freedom..."
"As I've said, our visitor's presence (sorceress) is terribly taxing (difficult). If you fail to gather Energy, you'll sink pitifully. Believe me, she's not soft like me. She's more like the Nagual, pitiless and hard."
"Why is she so taxing
"She can't help it. She's so far removed from Human Beings and their concerns, that her Energy might completely disrupt (burst, rupture) you. By now, there's no difference between her physical body and her Ethereal Double. What I mean to say is, that she is a Master Sorceress."
"The Future doesn't exist. It's time you realized this. When you have finished Recapitulating and have completely erased the Past, all, that will be left, is the Present. And then you will know, that the Present is but an instant, nothing more."
"I was hollow inside. I was, what I've always been: cold. Except, that now I had no more pretenses. I remember, what Clara had told me; that coldness is not cruelty or heartlessness, but an UNBENDING DETACHMENT. At last I knew, what it meant to be without pity..."
"Now, try not to be bashful, judgy or kinky (bizarre, perverse, sexually deviant-different from norm)," Nelida said. Then before I could respond, she lifted her skirt and spread her legs apart. "Look at my vagina," she ordered. "The hole between the legs of a Woman is the Energetic Opening of the Womb; an organ, that is at the same time powerful and resourceful." To my horror, Nelida had no underwear on. I could see right into her crotch. I wanted to look away, but I was mesmerized. I could only stare with my mouth half open. She was hairless, and her abdomen and legs were hard and smooth with absolutely no wrinkles or fat.
"Since I'm not in the World as a Female, my womb has acquired a different mood, than the mood of an average, undisciplined Woman," Nelida said, without a hint of embarrassment. "So you simply shouldn't see me in a derogatory (deliberately offensive) light." She was indeed beautiful and I felt a jolt of sheer envy. I was at least one third her age and I couldn't possibly have looked that good in a similar position. In fact, I wouldn't dream of letting anyone see me naked. I always wore long bathrobes, as if I had something to hide. Remembering my own shyness, I politely looked away, but not before I got an eyeful of, what I can only call sheer Energy - the area around her vagina seemed to radiate a Force, that, if I stared at it, made me dizzy. I shut my eyes and didn't care, what she thought of me. Nelida's laughter was like an endless cascade of water, soft and bubbly.
"You are perfectly relaxed now," she said.  "Look at me again, and take a few deep breaths to charge yourself."
"Wait just a moment, Nelida," I said, struck by sudden fear; not fear of looking at her vagina, but of what I had just realized. Showing me her nakedness had done something inconceivable to me. It had soothed my anguish, and made me abandon all my prudishness (excessive regard for morality). In one instant, I had become extraordinarily familiar with Nelida. Stammering pitifully, I told her, what I had just realized.

"That's exactly, what the Energy from the womb is supposed to do," Nelida said cheerfully. "Now really, you must look at me and breathe deeply. After that, you can analyze things to your heart's content." I did, as she said, and felt no shyness at all. Breathing in her Energy made me feel strangely invigorated, as if a bond had formed between us, that needed no words. "You can accomplish wonders by controlling and circulating the Energy from the Womb," Nelida said, pulling her skirt over her calves again. Nelida explained, that the Womb's primary function is reproduction, in order to perpetuate our species. But, she said, unbeknownst (without the knowledge of) to Women, the Womb also has subtle and sophisticated secondary functions; and it was these, that she and I were interested in developing. I was so pleased, when Nelida had included me in her statement, that I actually experienced a tickling sensation inside my stomach. I listened attentively, as she explained, that the most important secondary function of the Womb is to serve, as a Guiding Unit for the Double. Whereas Males have to rely on a mixture of Reason and Intent to guide their Doubles, Females have at their disposal their Womb; a Powerful Source of Energy with an abundance of mysterious attributes and functions, all designed to protect and nurture the Double. "All this is possible, of course, if you have rid yourself of all the encumbering (lay too much upon, hindering) Energy, Men have left inside you," she said. "A thorough Recapitulation of all your sexual activity will take care of that."
She emphasized, that using the Womb is an extremely powerful and direct method of reaching the Double. She reminded me of the Sorcery Pass, I had learned, in which one breathes directly with the opening of the vagina. "The Womb is the way female animals sense things and regulate their bodies," she said :
"Through the Womb, Women can generate and store Power in their Doubles, to build or destroy; or to become one with Everything around them."
Again I felt a tingle in my abdomen; a mild vibration, that spread this time to my genitals and inner thighs. "Another way of reaching the Double (also called the Other), besides using the Energy of the Womb, is through movement," Nelida continued: "This is the reason, why Clara taught you the Sorcery Passes. There are two Passes, that you must use today to prepare yourself adequately, for what is to come."

"This Pass is for gathering Energy from the Vastness, that lies just behind all, that we see," she said. "Try making a hole. Reach behind the facade of visible forms, and grasp the Energy, that sustains us...It doesn't really take much to communicate or reach the Ethereal Body (the Double)," Nelida went on: "Sound is a powerful way of attracting the Etheral Body's attention, in addition to using the womb and movement..." She explained, that by systematically directing words to our source of Awareness - the Double - one can receive a manifestation of that source. "Provided, of course, that we have enough Energy," she added: "If we do, it may take only a few selected words or a sustained sound to open something unthinkable in front of us."
"How exactly can we direct those words to the Double?" I asked. Nelida extended her arms in a sweeping gesture.
"The Double is nearly infinite. For just as the physical body is in communication with other physical bodies, the Double is in communication with the Universal Life Force."

"The word is 'Intent.' I want you to say 'Intent' three or four times or even more, but bring it out from the depths of you."
"From the depths of me?"
"Allow the word to burst out from your midsection loud and clear. In fact, you should shout the word 'Intent' with all your strength."
Don't be bashful," Nelida said. "Shout as loud and as many times, as it's needed."
"How will I know, when to stop?"
"You stop, when something happens, or when I tell you to stop, because nothing has happened. Do it! Now!"
I said the word 'intent'. My voice sounded hesitant, feeble, unsure. Even to my ear, it lacked conviction. But, I kept on repeating it; each time with more vigor. My voice became not deep, but shrill (high-pitched, piercing sound) and loud, until I shocked myself into a near faint with a hair-raising scream, that wasn't my own..."

"What did you make me shout for?" I muttered, straightening up against the wall.
"We were trying to catch the attention of your Double," Nelida said: "Seemingly, there are two levels to the Universal Awareness: the level of the visible, of order, and of everything, that can be thought or named; and the unmanifested level of Energy, that creates and sustains all things. Because we rely on language and reason," Nelida continued, "it is the level of the visible, that we regard as reality. It appears to have an order, and is stable and predictable. Yet in actuality, it is elusive, temporary and ever changing. What we judge, as permanent reality, is only the surface appearance of an unfathomable force...
What you and I want to do with all this shouting," she went on,
"is to catch the attention, not of the visible reality, but rather the attention of the unseen; the force, that is the source of your existence; a force, that we hope will carry you across the chasm."

"The swaying and creaking grew so intense, that I knew: this would be my last night on Earth. Just when I had completely given up all hope of pulling through, something inconceivable came to my rescue. A light, spilled out (ejected) from within me (her Double). It poured out through all the openings of my body. The light was a heavy luminous fluid, that fixed me to the platform, by covering me like a shiny armor. It constricted my larynx (respiratory tract) and subdued my screams, but it also opened my chest area,
so I could breathe easier. It soothed my nervous stomach and stopped the shaking of my legs. The light illuminated the entire room, so I could see the door a few feet in front of me. As I basked in its glow, I grew calm. All my fears and concerns vanished, so that nothing mattered anymore. I lay perfectly still and tranquil, until the dawn broke. Totally refreshed, I hoisted myself down and went to the kitchen to make breakfast."

"Don't talk or move, until you're solid again," he warned. He told me to close my eyes and breathe with my abdomen. I lay on the ground, until I felt, I had regained my strength, then I sat up and leaned my back against a tree trunk. "You opened a crack in the Blackness and your Double slid to the left and then went through it," the caretaker said, before I had asked him anything.
I admitted, "I definitely felt a Force pulling me, and I saw an intense Light."
"That Force was your Double, coming out," he said, as if he knew exactly, what I was referring to. "And the Light was the eye of the Double. Since you've been Recapitulating for over a year, you've also been, at the same time, casting your Energy Lines; and now they're beginning to move by themselves. But because you're still involved in talking and thinking, those Energy Lines don't move as easily and completely, as they are going to someday." I had no idea, what he meant, when he said, that I had been casting my Energy Lines, as I Recapitulated. I asked him to explain.
"What's there to explain?" he said. "It's a matter of Energy. The more Energy you call back through Recapitulating, the easier it is for that recovered Energy to nourish your Double. Sending Energy to the Double is what we call casting your Energy Lines. Someone, who Sees Energy, will See it, as Lines, coming out of the physical body."
"I disagree," he said. "Your fear last night was even more intense. Whatever was shooting at you, wasn't human. So at the level of the Double, it was a gigantic fear."
"Please, Emilito, explain to me, what you mean by that."
"Your Double is about to become aware; so under conditions of stress, like last night, it becomes partially aware, but also totally frightened. It's not used to perceiving the World. Your body and your mind are accustomed to it, but your Double isn't."
I was certain, that if I had been prepared for the storm, I would have relaxed. If my fear and my thoughts about the storm hadn't interfered, some force inside me would have come completely out of my body, and perhaps might have even stood up, moved around, or come down from the tree. What frightened me most was the sensation of being cooped up (caged); trapped inside my body. "When we enter into Absolute Darkness, where there are no distractions," the caretaker said, "the Double takes over. It stretches its Ethereal Limbs, opens its Luminous Eye, and looks around. Sometimes, experiencing it, can be even more frightening, than what you felt last night."
"The Double won't be that frightening," I assured him. "I'm ready for it."
"You aren't ready for anything yet," he retorted. "I'm sure your screams last night could have been heard all the way to Tucson."
"Don't feel bad," he said. "It's because you sense something about me, that you can't explain. As you yourself put it, I'm not manly."
"I didn't say that," I protested. From his look, he obviously didn't believe me. "Of course you did," he insisted. "You said it to my Double just a moment ago.
My Double never ever makes mistakes or misinterprets things."
 My nervousness and embarrassment reached their peak. I didn't know, what to say. My face was red and my body trembled. I couldn't understand, what had caused my exaggerated reaction. The caretaker's voice broke into my thoughts. "You are reacting like that, because your Double is perceiving my Double," he said: "Your physical body is frightened, because its Gates are opening, and new perceptions are flowing in. If you think, you feel bad now, imagine how much worse it'll be, when all your Gates are open." He spoke so convincingly, that I wondered, if he was right. "Animals and infants," he continued, "have no problem perceiving the Double, and they are often disturbed by it." I mentioned, that animals didn't particularly like me and that, except for Manfred, and the feeling was mutual. "Animals don't like you," he clarified, "because some of your Body Gates have never been completely closed and your Double is struggling to come out. Be prepared. For now, that you're deliberately intending it, they're going to fling open. One of these days your Double is going to awake all at once, and you might find yourself across the patio without having walked over."
I had to laugh, mostly out of nervousness and at the absurdity, of what he was suggesting. "And what about children, especially infants?" he asked. "Don't they holler (yell, shout), when you pick them up?"
They usually did, but I didn't tell the caretaker. "Babies like me," I lied, knowing too well, that the few times I had been around infants, they had begun to cry as soon, as I came near them. I had always told myself, that it was, because I lacked a maternal instinct. The caretaker shook his head in disbelief. I challenged him to explain, how animals and infants could sense the Double, when I didn't know, it existed myself. In fact, until Clara and the Nagual told me about it, I had never heard of such a thing. Nor had I ever met anyone, who knew about it. He rebuffed (refuse abruptly) me, saying, that what animals and infants sense, has nothing to do with knowing, but with the fact, that they (animals) have the equipment to sense it: their Open Gates. He added, that those Gates are permanently receptive in animals, but that Human Beings close theirs as soon, as they begin to talk and think, and
their rational side takes over."
"Enough apologizing," he said: "It's your Double, that's talking. It's always direct and to the point, and since you have never allowed it expression, it is full of hatred and bitterness." He explained, that at that moment my Double was extremely unstable, due to being bombarded by thunder and lightning, but especially due to the events of five days ago, when Nelida pushed me into the left hallway, so I could begin the Sorcerers' Crossing..."You failed miserably, trying to accomplish a maneuver, we call the Abstract Flight or the Sorcerers' Crossing," he said. "The attempt depleted your Energy reserves." He clarified, that it wasn't actually a failure on my part, but rather a premature attempt, that had ended in complete disaster.
"What would have happened, if I had succeeded?" I asked. He assured me, that success would not have put me in a more advantageous position, but that it would have served, as a point of departure; a sort of lure, or a beacon, that would have accurately marked the way for a future time, when I would have to make the Final Flight, all by myself.
"You are now using the Energy of all of us," he went on. "We are all compelled (force, constrain) to help you. In fact, you're using the Energy of all the Sorcerers, that have preceded us and once lived in this house. You're living off their Magic. It is exactly, as if you were lying on a magic carpet, that takes you to incredible places; places, that exist only in the magical carpet's path."
"I let you drink from my Intent gourd yesterday, to find out, if your Double is still unstable," Emilito explained: "It is! The only way to buttress (support, reinforce) your Double is with activity, and like it or not, I'm the only one, who can guide your Double in this activity. This is the reason, I'm your teacher; or rather, I am the teacher of your Double."
"What do you think happened to me with Nelida?" I asked, still uncertain, as to what exactly went wrong.
"You mean, what didn't happen," he corrected me. "You were supposed to cross the chasm gently and harmoniously, and wake up your Double to full Awareness in the left hallway." He went into a convoluted (complex) explanation, of what, they had hoped, would happen. Under Nelida's direction I was supposed to shift my Awareness back and forth between my body and my Double. This shifting was to have erased all the natural barriers, developed through life; barriers, that separate the physical body from the Double. The Sorcerers' plan, he said, was to allow me to get acquainted with all of them in person, since my Double already knew them. But, because of my craziness, I didn't cross gently and harmoniously. In other words, the Awareness, my Double acquired, had nothing to do with the daily Awareness of my body. This resulted in a sensation, that
I was flying and couldn't stop. All my reserve Energy drained out of me without any restraint and my Double went berserk (destructively violent, deranged).
"I regret to tell you this, Emilito, but I don't understand, what you're talking about," I said.
"The Sorcerers' Crossing consists of shifting the Awareness of Daily Life, which the physical body possesses, to the Double," he replied: "Listen carefully. The Awareness of Daily Life is what we want to shift from the body to the Double. The Awareness of Daily Life!"
"But what does that mean, Emilito?"
"It means, that we are after sobriety, measure, control. We are not interested in craziness and helter-skelter results."
"But what does it mean in my case?" I insisted.
"You indulged in your excesses and didn't shift your Awareness of Daily Life to your Double."
"What did I do?"
"You imbued (permeate, saturate, inspire) your Double with an unknown, uncontrollable Awareness...
To draw out the Double gently and harmoniously, and shift to it our Awareness of Daily Life is something without parallel. To do that is something inconceivable."
"The important point is to know, that we are limited, because our physical body controls our Awareness. But if we can turn it around, so that our Double controls our Awareness, we can do practically anything, we can imagine. Therefore, we had to abide by the rule, because that was the way, things were done in his Sorcery tradition. Clara prepared your physical side by teaching you to Recapitulate, and by loosening your Gates with the Sorcery Passes," he explained: "My job is to help solidify your Double, and then teach it 'Stalking." He assured me, that noone else could teach me how to stalk with the Double, except himself.
"Can you explain what Stalking with the Double is?" I asked.
"Of course I can, but it would not be wise to talk about it, because Stalking means doing, not talking about doing. Besides, you already know what it means, since you have done it."
"Where and when have I done it?"
"The first night you slept in the tree house," Emilito said.

("Just when I had completely given up all hope of pulling through, something inconceivable came to my rescue. A light, spilled out (ejected) from within me (her Double).
It poured out through all the openings of my body. The light was a heavy luminous fluid, that fixed me to the platform, by covering me like a shiny armor. It constricted my larynx (respiratory tract) and subdued my screams, but it also opened my chest area, so I could breathe easier. It soothed my nervous stomach and stopped the shaking of my legs. The light illuminated the entire room, so I could see the door a few feet in front of me. As I basked in its glow, I grew calm. All my fears and concerns vanished, so that nothing mattered anymore. I lay perfectly still and tranquil, until the dawn broke.")

Emilito said: "When you were about to die of fright. On that occasion your reason was at a loss, as to how to handle the situation, so circumstances forced you to depend on your Double. It was your Double, that came to your rescue. It flowed out of the Gates, that your fear had thrown wide open. I call that Stalking with the Double. The Nagual and Nelida are the masters of the Double and they'll give you the finishing touches," he went on, "provided I do the rough work. So it's up to me to get you ready for them, just like it was up to Clara to get you ready for me. And unless I get you ready, they won't be able to do anything at all with you."
"Sorcerers are extremely mysterious Beings," Emilito said, "because most of the time they act from the Energy of their Double. Nelida is a great Stalker. She stalks in dreams. Her Power is so unique, that she can not only transport herself, but bring things with her. That's how she could visit you, and that's why her name is Abelar.
Abelar to us means Stalker, and Grau means Dreamer. All the Sorcerers in this house are either Dreamers or Stalkers."
"What's the difference, Emilito?"
"Stalkers plan and act out their plans. They connive (cooperate secretly, conspire) and invent, and change things whether they are awake or in dreams. Dreamers move onward without any plan or thought. They jump into the reality of the World or into the reality of Dreams."
"All this is incomprehensible to me, Emilito," I said, examining the opal ring in the light.
"I'm guiding you, so it will become comprehensible," Emilito replied. "And to help me guide you, you must do, what I tell you. Everything, I will say, do, or recommend, that you do, is either the exact replica, of what my two teachers told me or it is something patterned, on what they said...
In order for you and me to be sane, we have to work like demons, at balancing, not the body or the mind, but the Double."
"How can we be sure, that we're balancing the Double?"
7 Gates

"By opening our Gates," he replied. (1) "The first Gate is in the sole of the foot, at the base of the big toe." He reached under the table and grabbed my left foot and in one incredibly swift maneuver, he removed my shoe and sock. Then, using his index finger and thumb as a vise (or vice, tool - clamping device), he pressed the round protuberance of my big toe at the sole of my foot and the toe joint at the top of my foot (1). The sharp pain and the surprise made me scream. I yanked my foot away so forcefully, that I bumped my knee on the underside of the table. I stood up and yelled, "What the hell do you think, you're doing !"
He ignored my angry outburst and said, "I'm pointing out the Gates to you, according to the rule, so pay close attention." He stood up and moved around to my side.
(2) "The second Gate is the area, that includes the calves and the inner part of the knee," he said bending over and stroking my legs.
(3) "The third is at the sexual organs and tailbone." Before I could move away, he slid his warm hands into my crotch (female genital organ) and lifted me up a bit, as he gave me a firm squeeze. I fought him off, but he grabbed my lower back.
(4) "The fourth and the most important is in the area of the kidneys," he said. Unconcerned with my vexation (annoyance), he pushed me down on the bench again. He moved his hands up my back. I cringed, but for Nelida's sake I let him.
(5) "The fifth point is in between the shoulder blades," he said.
(6) "The sixth is at the base of the skull,
(7) the seventh is at the crown of the head."
To isolate the last point, his knuckles descended hard on the very top of my head. He moved back to his side of the table and sat down. "If our first or second centers are open, we transmit a certain kind of Force, that people may find intolerable," he went on: "On the other hand, if the third and fourth gates are not as closed, as they are supposed to be, we transmit a certain Force, that people will find most appealing." I knew for a fact, that the caretaker's lower centers were wide open, because I found him as obnoxious and intolerable, as anyone could be. Half jokingly and partly out of guilt, for feeling the way I did toward him, I admitted, that people didn't take to me easily.
I had always thought, it was a lack of social grace, for which I felt, I had to compensate by being extra accommodating. "It's only natural," he said, agreeing.
"You have had the Gates in your feet and calves partially open all your life. Another consequence of those lower centers being open is, that you have trouble walking."

"Clara assured me, that you have rid yourself of most of your Self-pity and Self-Importance through your Recapitulation. Recapitulating your life, especially your sex life, has loosened some of your Gates even more.The cracking sound you hear, at the back of your neck, is the moment, when your right and left sides have separated. This leaves a gap directly in the middle of your body, where the Energy rises to the neck; the place, where the sound is heard. Hearing that pop means, that your Double is about to become aware."
"What should I do, when I hear it?"
"To know what to do isn't that important, because there's very little we can do," he said. "We can either remain seated with our eyes shut, or we can get up and move about. The important point is to know, that we are limited, because our physical body controls our Awareness. But if we can turn it around, so that our Double controls our Awareness, we can do practically anything, we can imagine...
You can only learn about the Double by doing. I'm talking to you, only because your transition phase hasn't ended yet." There he positioned me under a tree, with the top of my head a few inches below a low, thick branch. He said, that he was going to see, if I could project out my Double again, this time in full Awareness, with the help of the tree. I seriously doubted, I would be able to project out anything, and I told him so. He insisted, that if I intended it, my Double would push out from inside me and expand beyond the boundaries of my physical body.
"What am I supposed to do, exactly?" I asked, hoping he would show me a procedure, that was part of the Sorcerers' rule.
He told me to close my eyes and concentrate on my breathing. As I relaxed, I was to intend a Force to flow upward, until I could touch the top branches with a feeling, that came out of the Gate in the Crown of my head. He said, that this was going to be fairly easy for me, because I was going to use my friend - the tree, for support. The tree's Energy, he explained, would form a matrix for my Awareness to expand. After a time of concentrating on my breath, I felt a vibrating Energy, rising up my back, trying to push out of the top of my head. Then something opened inside me. Every time I inhaled, a line elongated to the top of the tree. When I exhaled, the line was pulled down into my body again. The feeling of reaching the top of the tree became stronger with my every breath, until I truly believed, that my body expanded, becoming as tall and voluminous, as the tree. At one point, a profound affection and empathy for the tree enveloped me. It was at that same moment, that something surged up my back and out my head, and I found myself, viewing the World from the top branches. This sensation lasted only an instant, for it was disrupted by the caretaker's voice, commanding me to come down and flow inside my body again. I felt something like a waterfall; an effervescence flowing downward, entering the top of my head and filling my body with a familiar warmth.
"You don't want to stay mixed with the tree too long," he told me, when I opened my eyes. I had an overwhelming desire to embrace the tree, but the caretaker pulled me by the arm to a large boulder some distance away, where we sat down. He pointed out, that, aided by an outside Force, in this case uniting my Awareness with the tree, one can easily make the Double expand. However, because it's easy, we run the risk of staying merged with the tree too long, in which case we might sap the tree of the vital Energy,
it needs to maintain itself in a strong and healthy state; or we might leave some of our own Energy behind, by becoming emotionally attached to the tree.
"One can merge with anything," he explained: "If whatever or whomever, you merge with, is strong, your Energy will be enhanced, as it was, whenever you merged with the magician, Manfred. But if it is sick or weak, stay away. In any case, you must do the exercise sparingly, because like everything else, it is a double-edged sword. Outside Energy is always different from our own, often antagonistic to it."

Extracts about our Double (Second Body) from "Far Journeys" by Robert Monroe

"For those, who have not encountered the subject as yet, an out-of-body experience (OOBE) is a condition, where you find yourself outside of your physical body, fully conscious and able to perceive and act, as if you were functioning physically—with several exceptions. You can move through space (and time?) slowly or apparently somewhere beyond the speed of light. You can observe, participate in events, make willful decisions based upon what you perceive and do. You can move through physical matter such as walls, steel plates, concrete, earth, oceans, air, even atomic radiation without effort or effect. You can go into an adjoining room without bothering to open the door. You can visit a friend three thousand miles away. You can explore the moon, the solar system, and the galaxy, if these interest you. Or—you can enter other reality systems, only dimly perceived and theorized by our time/space consciousness. It is not a new phenomenon."
"From there, it was easy to reenter the physical with a simple twitchlike movement, akin to a shrug of the shoulders. Thereafter, I began to take particular notice of physical reentry and found that I did indeed reenter a second form just prior to the physical body. In appearance, it was identical to the physical, only less dense. However, upon return this second body appeared more real, the more solid of the two. Upon entering the second, the actual physical then seemed more definite. Also, I began to observe more closely my separation process, presuming that if the premise were valid, I would be able to perceive the release from this near-second body. I found it was very real. I could stay in the second body, hovering near the physical, but could move no more than ten or fifteen feet away. It was reminiscent of my first limited out-of-body activities. It also brought back the memory of the many frustrative attempts in those early days to move away farther—and the moment I found the release point. Without being aware of the reason, I had provided subsequently to others in training the key to such release—the mental "security repository box," where one can place thoughts that get in the way.
Once I had become aware of the actual process, it became automatic, and both separation and return contained these elements—leaving the second body in "orbit" close to the physical, moving and being entirely apart and separate from the physical in a "third" body, or an energy essence (without form?)."



Карлос Кастанэда - "Искусство Полёта":
"Я не говорил, что это - физический элемент," поправил он (Дон Хуан) меня. "Сознание (Awareness) - это Энергетичесий Элемент (это - Солнечная Энергия! ЛМ).
И это - существенное Различие. Колдуны, кто способен ВИДЕТЬ, ВИДЯТ Сознание как Свечение. Они прикрепляют своё Энергетическое Тело (Двойника) к такому Свечению и летят вместе с ним."

"Колдуны намереваются сделать всё, что сами ставят своей целью, просто с помощью Интэнта...если кто-то ставит своей целью это заявление для Двойника, то Двойник поймёт это совсем по другому, по сравнению с тем, как понимает это разум физического тела. Трюк в том, как достигнуть Двойник, и для этого тебе нужна энергия... Я одолжил тебе свою энергию и ты достиг своего Двойника."

"Это не был сон, это был Полёт. Я помог тебе достигнуть Второе Внимание (выше вибрацию), чтобы ты понял Интэнт как предмет, не для твоей логики, а для твоего Двойника. В этот момент ты ещё не можешь понять важность всего этого, не только потому что у тебя недостаточно энергии, но и потому, что у тебя нет никакой цели, нет Интэнта. Если бы было, то твой Двойник сразу бы понял, что единственный путь намерения, это - сфокусировать свой Интэнт на том, что ты хочешь претворить в жизнь. В этот раз я сфокусировал поимку твоего Двойника за тебя."

"Цель Полёта вытащить своего Двойника?" спросил я, неожиданно наделённый силой какой-то странной логики.
"Конечно можно так сказать," ответил он. "В этом случае, так как мы говорим о Первых Воротах Полёта, цель Полёта: поставить своей целью, чтобы твой Двойник осознавал, что ты засыпаешь. Не пытайся заставить себя осознавать, как ты засыпаешь, дай своему Двойнику эту возможность...Используй свою молчаливую решимость, без всякой мысли, в убеждении себя, что ты достиг своего Двойника и что ты - Космический Путешественник. Проделав это, автоматически даст тебе понять, что ты засыпаешь...В этом случае, намереваться означает, что ты получишь несомненное телесное подтверждение, что
Путешественник. Ты почувствуешь , что ты - Путешественник, всеми клетками своего тела. Намереваться - это желать - без желания, делать - не делая."

"Самая удивительная вещь, которая происходит с Путешественниками, это то, что достигнув Первые Ворота, они также достигают своего Двойника."
"Что такое - Двойник?"
"Это - самая удивительная вещь, которая происходит с Путешественниками. Создание, похожее на призрак, сделанный из чистой энергии (белой солнечной энергии.)"
"Но разве физическое тело тоже не сделано из энергии?"
"Конечно, Разница в том, что у Двойника только внешность, а массы нет. И так как это чистая энергия, то Двойник может выполнять действия, которые не под силу  физическому телу."
"Какие, например, Дон Хуан?"
"Например, в одно мгновение транспортировать себя в разные концы Вселенной. И такие путешествия - это Искусство регулирования, настройки Двойника, сделать его гибким и сжатым и единым, постепенно тренеруя его. С помощью Полётов мы сжимаем Двойника в одно целое, способное воспринимать. Хотя на его восприятие и влияет наш обычный способ воспринимать Повседневный Мир, но всё равно, восприятие нашего Двойника является независимым. Двойник имеет свою собственную сферу."
"Что это за сфера, Дон Хуан?"
"Энергия (солнечная), Двойник имеет дело с энергией. Есть 3 способа, которыми Двойник оперирует с энергией в Полётах. Двойник может воспринимать энергию, когда она двигается, или Двойник может использовать энергию
в неожиданных местах, чтобы дать заряд себе, как ракете, или Двойник может воспринимать наш мир, как его воспринимаем мы в наших физических телах."
"Что это значит: воспринимать энергию, когда она течёт?"


"Объяснения всегда ведут к глубоким мыслям. Но когда ты реально спишь, будь таким же лёгким как перо. Полёт должен быть исполнен серьёзно и с полнотой, прямотой, но со смехом и с уверенностью того, у кого нет проблем в мире. Только в таких условиях могут наши сны реально превратиться в Полёты... Дон Хуан заверил меня, что он выбрал мои руки наугад, как на что-то смотреть в моих снах, и что смотреть на что угодно также ценно. Цель упражнения не находить особую вещь, а применить моё Внимание Сна. Дон Хуан описал Внимание Сна, как контроль, требуемый во сне, после закрепления Точки Восприятия на любом новом месте, на которую она была сдвинута во время сна. В более общих словах, он называл Внимание Сна непостижимой гранью Сознания, которое существует само по себе, ожидая момента, когда мы привлечём Внимание Сна, момент, когда мы дадим цель Вниманию Сна; это - замаскированная унаследованная способность, которую каждый из нас имеет в резерве, но мы никогда не имеем возможности применять в Повседневной жизни..."Существует 7 Ворот," сказал он в виде ответа, "и Путешественникам приходиться открывать все семь их, один за другим. У тебя сейчас первые Ворота, которые должны быть открыты, если ты в Полёте..."
Дон Хуан объяснил, что есть Входы и Выходы в Течении Энергии во Вселенной, и что в особых случаях Полётов имеются семь Входов, ощущающихся как препятствия, которые Колдуны называют Семь Ворот в Полётах. "Первые Ворота - это Порог, который мы должны перейти, осознав Особое Ощущение до глубокого сна," сказал он. "Ощущение похожее на приятную тяжесть, которая не даёт нам открыть глаза. Мы достигаем эти Ворота в тот момент, когда мы осознаём, что засыпаем, подвешенные в темноте и в тяжести.
Я дал тебе взаймы мою энергию, и ты достиг своего Двойника (энергетическое тело)," деловито начал Дон Хуан. Я слушал его разговор, но я онемел. Необычная чесотка на моём солнечном сплетении делала моё дыхание коротким и болезненным. Я знал, что был на пороге открытия чего-то мистического в Полётах и о людях, которых я видел, и всё же я не мог сфокусироваться на том, что знал.
"Где мы были, Дон Хуан?" спросил я. "Это всё был сон? Гипноз?"
"Это не был сон, а Полёт. Я помог тебе достигнуть Второго Внимания так, чтобы ты понял Интэнт, как предмет, не для твоей логики, а для твоего Двойника.
В данный момент ты пока не можешь понять важность всего этого, не только потому, что у тебя недостаточно энергии, а ещё и потому что ты ничего не ставишь целью. Если бы ты это делал, то твой Двойник сразу бы понял, что единственный путь ставить целью - это фокусировать свой Интэнт на том, что ты хочешь добиться. В этот раз я сфокусировал это за тебя, чтобы достигнуть твоего Двойника."
"Цель Полётов вызвать Двойника?" спросил я, вдруг получив силу по какой-то странной причине.
"Так можно сказать," сказал он. "На этом примере, так как мы говорим о Первых Воротах в Полётах, цель Полётов - это поставить цель, и твой Двойник будет осознавать, что ты засыпаешь. Не заставляй себя осознавать, что засыпаешь. Позволь своему Двойнику это сделать...
Прими вызов Интэнта. Вложи свою молчаливую решимость, без малейшей мысли, убеждая себя, что ты достиг своего Двойника и что ты - Путешественник. Сделав это, автоматически поставит тебя в положение: осознания, что ты засыпаешь."
"Как я могу убедить себя, что я - Путешественник, когда я - нет?"
"Когда ты услышишь, что тебе придётся убеждать себя, ты автоматически станешь более рациональным. Как можно убеждать себя, что ты - Путешественник, когда ты знаешь, что ты нет? Интент - это оба: акт убеждения себя, что ты и в самом деле Путешественник, хотя ты никогда в Полёте не был, и акт быть убеждённым."
"Ты имеешь ввиду, что я должен сказать себе, что я - Путешественник, и делать всё, что в моих силах, в это поверить? Это так?"
"Нет, не так. Интэнт - намного проще и, в то же время, неизмеримо более сложное, чем это. Для этого нужно Воображение, Дисциплина и Цель. В этом случае, Интэнт означает, что ты почувствуешь неоспоримые телесные знаки, что ты -
Путешественник. Ты почувствуешь себя Путешественником всеми клетками своего тела."
"Цель Полёта вытащить своего Двойника?" спросил я, неожиданно наделённый силой какой-то странной логики.
"Конечно можно так сказать," ответил он, "... цель Полёта: поставить свой целью, чтобы твой Двойник осознавал, что ты засыпаешь. Не пытайся заставить себя осознавать, как ты засыпаешь, дай своему Двойнику эту возможность...Используй свою молчаливую решимость, без всякой мысли, в убеждении себя, что ты достиг своего Двойника и что ты - Космический Путешественник. Проделав это, автоматически даст тебе понять, что ты засыпаешь...В этом случае, намереваться означает, что ты получишь несомненное телесное подтверждение, что ты
Путешественник. Ты почувствуешь , что ты - Путешественник, всеми клетками своего тела."

Дон Хуан добавил шутливым тоном, что у него нет достаточно энергии, чтобы дать её ещё мне взаймы для Интэнта, и что неплохо было бы самому достигнуть моё Энергетическое тело (Двойника). Он заверил меня, что поставить целью достигнуть Первые Ворота Полёта было одним видом помощи, обнаруженным Старыми Ясновидящими для достижения Второго Внимания и Двойника. После того как он мне это сказал, он практически выбросил меня из своего дома, приказав мне не возвращаться назад, пока я не поставлю своей целью достигнуть Первые Ворота Полёта. Я возвратился домой и каждую ночь месяцами, шёл спать, ставя своей целью, со всей своей силой, осознать, что я засыпаю и видеть мои руки во сне. Другая часть задания была - это убедить себя, что я был Путешественник и что я достиг моего Двойника, что было совершенно невозможно для меня."
"Ты веришь, что я реально достиг Первые Ворота Полёта, Дон Хуан?"
"Да, ты достиг, и это - много. Ты поймёшь это по мере прохождения, насколько легче сейчас будет совершать Полёты. Самая поразительная вещь, которая случается с Путешественниками," сказал он, "что достигая Первые Ворота, они также достигают своего Двойника."
"Что точно Энергетическое тело (
"Это -
Двойник физического тела. Форма, похожая на призрак, состоящая из чистой Солнечной Энергии."
"Но разве физическое тело тоже не состоит из Энергии?"
"Конечно состоит, но разница в том, что Энергетическое тело имеет только образ, но не массу. Так как это - чистая Энергия, оно может выполнять действия выше всяких возможностей физического тела."
"Например, Дон Хуан?"
"Как например, переносить себя в одно мгновенье в концы Вселенной. И Полёты - Искусство регулировать, настраивать
Двойника, делая его пластичным и связуемым, постепенно упражняясь в этом. С помощью Полётов мы сжимаем Двойника до тех пор, пока он не становится единицей, способной воспринимать.
Его Восприятие, хотя и под влиянием
нашего обычного способа воспринимать Повседневный мир, является независимым Восприятием. Двойник имеет свою собственную Сферу."
Это значит: ВИДЕТЬ. Это значит, что Двойник напрямую видит энергию, как свечение или как какое-нибудь вибрирующее течение или как нарушение, тревогу,
волнение, беспокойство, беспорядок. Или Двойник прямо это чувствует как встряску или ощущение, которое может быть и болью."
"А как насчёт другого способа, который ты упомянул, Дон Хуан? Когда Двойник использует энергию, как заряд для себя."
"Так как энергия  - это её сфера, для Двойника нет проблемы использовать течения энергии, которые присуствуют во Вселенной, чтобы себя двигать. Всё, что Двойнику нужно сделать, это: изолировать их и Двойник летит с ними...Я до этого тебе говорил, что Колдуны изолируют агентов из других миров в своих Полётах," сказал он. "Двойники Колдунов это делают. Они распознают такую энергию и следуют за ней. Но для Путешественников нежелательно исполнять свои прихоти и искать агентов. Я с неохотой говорил тебе об этом из-за лёгкости, с какой можно отклониться от курса, в результате этих поисков."
"Когда Колдуны говорят о формировании своей жизненной ситуации," объяснял Дон Хуан, "они имеют ввиду - формировать сознание, что жив. С помощью
такого формирования сознания, мы можем получить достаточно энергии, чтобы достичь и обогащать Двойника, таким образом мы определённо можем формировать общее направление и последствия наших жизней."

"По-моему, твой Двойник был на крючке чужой энергии того места и там прекрасно провёл время. Естественно, что ты был напуган и тебе было противно; первый раз в своей жизни ты исследовал чужую энергию... Но это - ненормальная ситуация, это - Полёт. Путешественник, пересёкший Первые Ворота, уже достиг своего Двойника. Таким образом то, что действительно проходит через Вторые Ворота, перепрыгивая из одного Полёта в другой, это - наш Двойник."
"Дон Хуан, какая причастность или соучастие во всём этом?"
"Причастность в том, что на Переходе во Вторые Ворота, ты должен поставить своей целью более сильный и трезвый контроль над своим вниманием в Полёте:
единственный спасительный регулятор для Путешественников."
"Что такое
этот спасительный регулятор?"
"Ты сам узнаешь, что настоящая цель Полёта - это совершенствовать Двойника. Совершенный Двойник, среди прочих вещей, конечно, имеет такой контроль своего внимания в Полёте, что заставляет внимание остановиться, когда нужно. Это и есть тот спасительный регулятор Путешественников. Неважно какими бы
они не были пристрастившимися, в определённое время, их внимание в Полёте заставит их выйти на поверхность."

"Только потому, что нас не учили придавать особое значение снам, как естественному полю исследования, не значит, что сны такими не являются," начал Дон Хуан.
"Сны анализируются из-за их содержания, смысла или принимаются как омены (знаки), но никогда не воспринимается как мир настоящих событий. Насколько
я знаю, это делали только Старые Колдуны," продолжал Дон Хуан, "пока в конце концов они это не испортили. Они стали "жадными" и, когда они подошли к решающему Перекрёстку, они взяли неправильное направление и отклонились не в ту сторону: Фиксация Точки Восприятия в тысячах разных положений (в нашем Светящемся Шаре), к каким
Точка Восприятия может адоптироваться." Дон Хуан выразил своё удивление на тот факт, что из всех великолепных вещей, которым научились Старые Колдуны, исследуя те тысячи положений, остались только: Искусство Полёта и Искусство Маскировки. Он повторял, что Искусство Полёта основано на передвижении Точки Восприятия с её обычной точки. Затем он определил Маскировку, как Искусство, которое имеет дело с фиксацией Точки Восприятия на любом новом месте, к которому Точка Восприятия передвинулась. Фиксировать (закреплять) Точку Восприятия на любом новом месте означает - приобретать сцепление и единение," сказал он.
"Ты это как раз и делал в своих практических Полётах."
"Я думал, что совершенствовал своего Двойника," сказал я, очень удивившись его заявлению.
"Ты делаешь это и намного больше, ты учишься приобретать сцепление с новым положением Точки Восприятия. Полёты это делают, заставляя Путешественников фиксировать, закреплять свою Точку Восприятия. Внимание в Полёте, Двойник, Второе Внимание, отношения с Неорганическими Существами, Дремлющий Emissary, всё это ничто более, чем результаты приобретённого сцепления, единения. Другими словами, они - результаты Фиксации Точки Восприятия на положениях ряда Полётов."
"Что такое положение Полётов, Дон Хуан?"
"Любое новое положение, в которое Точка Восприятия была передвинута во время сна."
"Как мы фиксируем Точку Восприятия в положении Полёта?"
"Удерживая образ любой вещи в своих Полётах или когда, при желании, меняем Полёты. С помощью своих практических Полётов, ты в действительности упражняешься в способности быть цепким. Это, так сказать, ты упражняешься сохранять Новую Энергетическую Форму, держа Точку Восприятия зафиксированной в положении любого Полёта, в которм ты находишься."
"А что, я действительно сохраняю
Новую Энергетическую Форму?"
"Не совсем, и не потому что не можешь, а потому что ты отставляешь Точку Восприятия, вместо того, чтобы двигать её.
Отставка Точки Восприятия даёт крошечные изменения, которые практически незаметны, они такие минимальные и многочисленные, что сохрание сцепления во всех них, уже будет триумфом."
"Как мы знаем, что сохраняем сцепление?"
"Мы узнаём это из ясности нашего восприятия. Чем яснее виды в наших Полётах, тем сильнее наше сцепление."

"Ты, не подозревая, сделал две вещи, которые меня чертовски беспокоят. Ты путешествовал со своим Двойником в место, снаружи этого мира, в первый же раз, когда ты  полетел. И ты там ходил! И затем ты летал со своим Двойником в другое место за пределами этого мира, отделяясь от сознания Повседневного Мира."
"Почему это тебя так беспокоит, Дон Хуан?"
"Каким может быть нечеловеческое Неизвестное?"
"Свобода от того, чтобы быть просто человеком. Немыслимые миры, которые вне досягаемости человеческого Спектра, но которые мы всё же можем воспринимать. Это как раз там, где современные Колдуны прокладывают дорогу. Они отдают предпочтение тому, что снаружи Человеческой Территории.
А снаружи этой Территории - независимые миры, а не просто мир птиц или мир животных или мир человека, даже человека, незнакомого нам. О чём я говорю - это - миры, как тот, в котором мы живём; всеобъемлющие миры с бесконечными отдельными мирками в них."
"Дон, Хуан, где те миры? В разных положениях Точки Восприятия?"
В разных положениях Точки Восприятия, но положения, которые нашли Колдуны, двигая Точку Восприятия, а не минимально переставляя её
a Shift). Попадание в те миры это - тип Полёта, на который способны только современные Колдуны. Старые Колдуны оставались в стороне от этого, так как это требует огромное чувство ОТРЕШЁННОСТИ и никакой МАНИИ ВЕЛИЧИЯ. Такую цену Старые Колдуны не могли позволить себе заплатить. Так как для Колдунов, кто практикует Полёты сегодня, Полёты - это СВОБОДА ВОСПРИНИМАТЬ МИРЫ ВНЕ ВСЯКОГО ВООБРАЖЕНИЯ...Но Свобода не может быть денежным вложением.  СВОБОДА - ЭТО ПРИКЛЮЧЕНИЕ, которому нет конца, в которых мы рискуем нашими жизнями и многим другим, только ради нескольких минут того, что никакими словами, мыслями и чувствами не выразить...Искать Свободу - это единственная мотивация, которую я знаю.

После долгой паузы, Голос добавил (голос Emissary, представителя Неорганических Существ женского рода), "Мы хотим, чтобы ты к нам присоединился. Приходи туда, где мы, и не расстраивайся из-за агентов и, конечно, из-за меня. Агенты и я - точно такие же, как и все остальные. Я - формой колокола, а агенты - похожи на пламя свечей." Это последнее заявление определённо было каким-то знаком для моего Двойника. Слыша это, моя тошнота и страх улетучились,
и я спустился к ихнему уровню вибрации и существа похожие на : Шары, Колокола и
Пламя Свечей окружили меня. Они подошли так близко ко мне, что до меня  дотронулись бы, если бы у меня было физическое тело. Вместо этого мы прошли друг через друга как воздушные пуховые шарики. В тот момент у меня появилось невероятное ощущение. Хотя я ничего не чувствовал в энергетическом теле моего Двойника, я ощущал и и записывал в уме совершенно необычное щекотание где-то ещё; мягкие, совершенно воздушные вещи явно проходили сквозь меня, но не прямо там. Ощущение было смутным и быстрым, не дало мне времени полностью это схватить. Вместо того, чтобы сфокусировать своё внимание Полёта на этом, я был полностью поглощён наблюдением тех увеличенных энергетических жуков. На том уровне, где мы были, мне казалось, что было что-то общее между мной и Теневыми Существами : размер. Возможно это было, так как я полагал, что они будут такого же размера, как и мой Двойник, поэтому я чувствовал себя почти уютно с ними. Разглядывая их, я пришёл к заключению, что я ничего против них не имел. Они были независимыми, холодными, отчуждёнными и мне это ужасно нравилось. На момент я подумал, может ли это быть естественным ходом Полёта или результатом какого-то энергетического влияния, те существа оказывали на меня : если одну минуту они мне нравились, а другую - нет...
"Вторая фаза - двигаться вокруг когда увидел себя спящим. В Третьих Воротах Полёта,"
продолжал он, "ты нарочно начинаешь смешивать мир в своём Полёте с реальностью Повседневного Мира. Это упражнение для усовершенствования и Колдуны называют это - Завершение, Окончательная Обработка Двойника...
Смотреть на вещи с большой осторожностью и любопытством значит: сопротивляться почти невероятному сооблазну - окунуться в детали.
Данное упражнение для усовершенствования в Третьих Воротах, как я сказал, это - сжать, уплотнить Двойника. Путешественники начинают придавать форму Двойнику, выполняя упражнения для совершенствования Первых и Вторых Ворот. Когда они достигают Третьих Ворот, Двойник уже готов выйти, или наверно лучше сказать: Двойник готов действовать. К сожалению, это также означает, что он готов стать очарованным деталями."
"Что значит
стать очарованным деталями?"
"Двойник, он как ребёнок, кто был в тюрьме всю свою жизнь. В тот момент, когда он освобождается, он впитывает в себя всё, что может найти, и я имею ввиду абсолютно всё. Каждая мелкая, не имеющая никакого значения, деталь полностью поглощает внимание Двойника." Последовало неловкое молчание. Я понятия не имел что сказать. Я прекрасно его понял, но только у меня не было никакого опыта, чтобы дать мне точное представление о том, что это всё значило.
"Самая дрянная деталь становится миром для Двойника," объяснял Дон Хуан. "Усилия, которые приходится прилагать Путешественникам, чтобы направить Двойника, монументальны. Я знаю, звучит неловко говорить тебе, рассматривать вещи осторожно и с любопытством, но это - самый лучший способ описать, что тебе нужно делать. В Третьих Воротах Путешественникам приходиться подавлять почти непреодолимый импульс: окунуться во всё, и они избегают это, став такими любопытными, такими отчаянными влезть во всё, что они не позволяют никакой особой вещи их поймать." Дон Хуан добавил, что его рекоммендацией, что он знал, звучало абсурдным для разума, было прямо метить в моего Двойника. Он подчёркивал снова и снова, что моему Двойнику пришлось собрать все свои силы, чтобы действовать.
"Но разве мой Двойник всё время действовал?" Спросил я.
"Часть его принимала участие, иначе ты бы не попал в мир Неорганических Существ," ответил он. "А сейчас весь твой Двойник должен заняться исполнением упражнений по совершенствованию Третьих Ворот. Поэтому, чтобы облегчить жизнь твоего Двойника, ты должен проститься со своей логикой...Пока ничего не говори. В Третьих Воротах наша логика виновата в том, что наши Двойники настаивают на своей
чрезмерной страсти к излишним деталям. Тогда в Третьих Воротах нам нужны нелогичные пофигизм и текучесть, чтобы противодействовать этой страсти.

...Однако весь этот богатый опыт отсуствовал в моей обычной памяти. Только в присуствии Дон Хуана я мог добраться до этих воспоминаний. Однажды
я спросил его об этой странной ситуации, когда мы были в Национальном Музее Антропологии и Истории в
Mexico City. Что вызвало этот вопрос в тот момент, это моя странная  способность помнить всё, что случилось со мной в процессе моего общения с Дон Хуаном. И это делало меня таким свободным, таким лёгким, таким сорви-голова, что я практически танцевал. "Так просто случается, что присуствие Нагуала возбуждает смещение Точки Восприятия," сказал он, затем повёл меня в один из залов этого музея и сказал, что мой вопрос был подходящим тому, что он планировал сказать мне. "В моих интересах было объяснить тебе, что позиция Точки Восприятия - это как комната, где Колдуны хранят свои записи. Я удивился, когда твой Двойник почувствовал мой Интэнт и ты спросил меня об этом. Знания Двойника неограничены. Позволь мне доказать тебе, насколько много он знает." Он проинструктировал меня войти в абсолютное молчание. Он напомнил мне, что я уже был в особом состоянии сознания, потому что мою Точку Восприятия заставило сдвинуться его присуствие. Он заверил меня, что вхождение в абсолютное молчание позволяло скульптурам в этом зале заставить меня видеть и слышать невероятные вещи. Он добавил, чтобы, похоже, усилить моё замешательство, что некоторые археологические куски в том зале обладали способностью самим создать движение Точки Восприятия, и что если я достигну состояния абсолютного молчания,  я, собственно, буду свидетелем сцен, относящихся к жизням людей, кто создал те куски. Затем он начал самый странный тур музея, в каком я когда-либо участвовал. Он ходил по залу, описывая и интерпретируя сногсшибательные детали каждого из этих больших кусков. Согласно ему, каждый из археологических кусков в том зале был целенаправленной записью, оставленной Античными людьми, запись, которую Дон Хуан, как Колдун, читал мне как книгу. "Каждый кусок здесь способен произвести движение Точки Восприятия. Заостри взгляд на любом из них, утихомирь свой разум и выясни: можно или нет заставить твою Точку Восприятия передвинуться," сказал он.
"Как я узнаю, что она передвинулась?"
"Ты увидишь и почувствуешь вещи, которые вне твоей обычной досягаемости." Я уставился на скульптуры и увидел и услышал вещи, которые я просто не мог объяснить. В прошлом я осматрел все те куски под влиянием антропологии, всегда держа в уме описания учёных в этой области. Их описания функций тех кусков, корнями уходящими в оценку человека современного мира, в первый раз представились мне сплошными предрассудками, если не абсолютной чушью. То, что рассказывал Дон Хуан о тех кусках, и что я сам слышал и обнаружил, рассматривая их, было так далеко от того, что я всегда читал о них. Моё смущение не имело границ, я должен был извиниться перед Дон Хуаном за, что я полагал, свою доверчивость. Он не смеялся и не высмеивал меня, а терпеливо объяснил, что Колдуны были способны оставлять аккуратные записи своих открытий в одной из позиций своей Точки Восприятия. Он утверждал, что когда время приходит получить сущность-содержание написаной записи, нам приходится использовать чувство воображаемого участия, чтобы выйти за пределы обычной страницы в само событие. Однако в мире Колдунов, так как нет написанных страниц, все записи, которые могут быть пережитыми, вместо того, чтобы их читать, оставляются в одной из позиций Точки Восприятия. Чтобы проиллюстрировать свой аргумент, Дон Хуан заговорил об Учениях Колдуновво Втором Внимании (выше вибрацией). Он сказал, что они даются, когда Точка Восприятия студента на месте, отличающемся от обычного. Положение Точки Восприятия, таким образом становится записью урока.

"Чтобы проиграть урок назад, студенту приходится возвращать свою Точку Восприятия к положению, которое она занимала, когда урок был дан. Дон Хуан заключил свои замечания, отмечая, что ВОЗВРАЩЕНИЕ ТОЧКИ ВОСПРИЯТИЯ КО ВСЕМ ПОЛОЖЕНИЯМ, КОТОРЫЕ ОНА ЗАНИМАЛА, КОГДА УРОКИ БЫЛИ ДАНЫ, ДОСТИЖЕНИЕ ВЫСОКОГО КЛАССА... "Энигма (вопрос, на который трудно ответить) того, насколько невозможно и, всё-таки, насколько легко двигать Двойника. Ты пытаешься двигать Двойника так, как-будто ты - в Повседневном Мире. Мы потратили так много времени и усилий, чтобы научиться ходить, что мы верим: наши Двойники тоже  обязаны ходить. Нет причины, почему они должны, кроме как то, что хождение - это главное в наших головах...Это не моя точка зрения," ответил Дон Хуан, "Это - точка зрения Колдунов, они говорят, что в Третьих Воротах всё тело Двойника "может двигаться, как двигается Энергия: быстро и напрямую. Твой Двойник точно знает, как двигаться: он может двигаться также, как он двигается в мире Неорганических Существ...Когда твой Двойник научится сам двигаться, ты будешь существенно вне досягаемости
Неорганических Существ. Это было слишком рано для меня, верить, что ты от них свободен, это только относительно, но не полностью. Они всё ещё гонятся за твоим сознанием...Будь безупречным, я говорил это тебе сотни раз, быть безупречным означает: поставить на карту свою жизнь, чтобы отвечать за свои решения, и затем делать ещё больше, чем ты можешь, чтобы осуществить те решения. Когда ты ничего не решаешь, ты просто бесшабашно играешь в рулетку со своей жизнью." Дон Хуан закончил наш разговор, поторапливая меня обдумать то, что он сказал.
При первой же возможности, я представил Дон Хуану предложение об испытании моего Двойника. Когда я обнаружил себя, глядящим на своё спящее тело, вместо того, чтобы пытаться идти к нему, я просто пожелал подвинуться ближе к кровати. И я мгновенно оказался там, почти трогая кровать, видел своё лицо, мог видеть даже каждую пору в моей коже. Не могу сказать, что мне нравилось то, что я видел. Обзор моего собственного тела был слишком детальным, чтобы быть эстетически приятным.

В течении последующих Полётов, я полностью подтвердил, что единственно как Двойник может передвигаться, это скользить или лететь вверх. Это я обсудил это с Дон Хуаном: он, похоже, был необычно удовлетворён тем, что я проделал, что явно меня удивило. Я уже привык к его холодной реакции на всё, что я делал во время моих практических Полётов. "Твой Двойник привык двигаться только тогда, когда что-то его тянет," заключил он. "Неорганические Существа тянули твоего Двойника во все стороны, и до сих пор ты никогда не двигал его сам, своим собственным желанием. Не похоже, что ты многого добился, двигая, как ты это делал, и всё-таки,  уверяю тебя, что я серьёзно рассматривал закончить твою практику. Какое-то время я думал, что ты никогда не научишься, как двигаться самому...Колдунам берёт всю жизнь научиться двигать своего Двойника."
"А сейчас, когда я научился, двигать своего Двойника, что следующее я должен делать, Дон Хуан?"
"Продолжай двигать. Двигать своего Двойника открывает новые горизонты для тебя, район Экстраординарных Исследований...Как ты уже знаешь, быть транспортированным агентом: настоящее задание Полёта во Вторых Воротах," объяснил он. "Это - очень серьёзное дело, но не такое серьёзное, как упрямо продвигать Двойника вперёд. Поэтому тебе самому придётся удостовериться какими-то своими собственными силами, действительно ли ты ВИДИШЬ себя спящим или тебе просто снится, что ты видишь себя спящим. Твои Новые
Экстраординарные Исследования базируются на том, чтобы действительно ВИДЕТЬ СЕБЯ СПЯЩИМ...В настоящее время тебе нужно будет делать кое-какое отчаянное маневрирование," сказал он. "Дремлюющему Emissary дела нет до твоих практических Полётов. Или, скорее, тебе, ни при каких обстоятельствах, нельзя позволить Дремлюющему Emissary мешать твоим Полётам."
"Как я могу добиться этого?"
"Сделай один простой, но трудный манёвр. Войдя в Полёт, громко объяви о своём желании больше не иметь
дело с Дремлюющим Emissary."
"Дон Хуан, означает ли это, что я его больше никогда не услышу?"
"Конечно. Ты навсегда избавишься от него!"
"А это нужно: избавиться от него навсегда?"
"Это - абсолютно необходимо в этот момент...Я знаю, это очень трудное дело," продолжал он, "но если ты этого не сделаешь, Неорганические Существа тебя всегда будут держать на крючке. "
Если ты хочешь этого избежать, делай то, что я тебе сказал и делай это сейчас... Путешественникам берёт очень много времени, усовершенствовать своих Двойников. И это как раз то, что здесь решающее: СОВЕРШЕНСТВОВАНИЕ ТВОЕГО ДВОЙНИКА." Дон Хуан объяснил, причину, почему мой Двойник был помешан на обследовании деталей и запутался в этом, это был его недостаток опыта, его НЕПОЛНОТА, его НЕЗАКОНЧЕННОСТЬ. Он добавил, что Колдуны всю жизнь тратят, формируя Двойника, разрешая ему впитать всё, что возможно. "До тех пор пока Двойник не будет законченным и зрелым, он будет поглощён собой," продолжал Дон Хуан. "Он не может избавиться от навязчивой идеи: окунуться во всё, что можно. Но если взять это на рассмотрение, вместо того, чтобы бороться с Двойником, как ты это сейчас делаешь, можно протянуть ему руку."
"Как я это сделаю, Дон Хуан?"
"Направляя его поведение, попросту говоря: преследуя Двойника маскировкой."

Он объяснил, так как всё, относящееся к Двойнику, зависит от подходящего положения Точки Восприятия, и Полёты, это не что иное, как помогать передвигать Точку Восприятия, следовательно, Маскировка и Фиксация - это способ, заставить Точку Восприятия оставаться в самой совершенной позиции, в этом случае, позиция, на которой Двойник может стать объединённым и свободным, и с которой он, наконец, объявится. Дон Хуан добавил, что в момент, когда Двойник сам сможет двигаться, Колдуны полагают, было достигнуто самое подходящее положение для Точки Восприятия. Следующий шаг: зафиксировать Двойника в этом положении, чтобы сделать Двойника полным, законченным. Он заметил, что эта процедура - сама простота: нужно поставить целью
следовать за Двойником и фиксировать его (Stalk it)... "Позволь своему Двойнику поставить целью достигнуть оптимальную позицию для Полёта," объяснил он, "затем позволь своему Двойнику поставить целью остаться в этом положении и ты будешь следовать за ним и фиксировать его (Stalking)." Он остановился и глазами поторопил меня обмозговать его заявление.
"Намерение (
Intending) - это Секрет, но ты это уже знаешь, Колдуны передвигают свои Точки Восприятия с помощью намерения (Intending) и точно также фиксируют их с помощью намерения (Intending). Правил, как ставить своей целью (Intending) - нет, чем больше использовать этот метод, тем лучше получается."
Я страшно ошибался. Неважно что я делал или как долго я ждал
, никакого успеха не было в фиксации моей Точки Восприятия в любом положении, не говоря уже об идеальном положении. После месяцев серьёзной, но безуспешной борьбы, я сдался.
"Что получается: ты пойман одной из своих обычных интерпретаций названий. Ты хочешь найти Идеальную Точку, как-будто ты ищешь свои потерянные ключи от машины. Идеальная Точка и Фиксация Точки Восприятия - метафоры. Они не имеют ничего общего со словами, которые их описывают."

"Ты обнаружил, что твой Двойник стал ЗАКОНЧЕННЫМ," ответил Дон Хуан.
"Ничего такого я не обнаружил, уверяю тебя."
ты обнаружил. Это началось какое-то время назад, когда ты не мог найти гида подтвердить реальность твоих Полётов, но потом что-то начало работать на тебя и дало тебе знать, был ли у тебя обычный сон. Это что-то - был твой Двойник. А сейчас ты в отчаянии, что ты не смог найти Идеальную Точку, чтобы там закрепить свою Точку Восприятия. И я говорю тебе, что ты её уже нашёл. Доказательством является то, что двигаясь вокруг, твой Двойник покончил со своей страстью к деталям." Я был поражён, у меня не было слов даже задать один из моих неадекватных вопросов. "Что будет следующим для тебя - это драгоценный камень Колдунов," продолжал Дон Хуан. "Ты начнёшь практиковаться ВИДЕТЬ ЭНЕРГИЮ В СВОИХ ПОЛЁТАХ. Ты выполнил урок, подходящую процедуру для Полётов к Третьим Воротам: заставил своего Двойника самому двигаться. А сейчас ты перейдёшь к настоящему заданию: ВИДЕТЬ ЭНЕРГИЮ СВОИМ ДВОЙНИКОМ. ТЫ ВИДЕЛ ЭНЕРГИЮ ДО ЭТОГО, много раз. Но каждый из тех раз было случайностью, а сейчас ты будешь делать это целенаправлено. У Путешественников есть правило," продолжал он, "Если их Двойник - ПОЛНЫЙ, ЗАКОНЧЕННЫЙ, они ВИДЯТ ЭНЕРГИЮ каждый раз, когда ГЛАЗЕЮТ на вещи в Повседневном Мире. В Полётах, если они ВИДЯТ ЭНЕРГИЮ в вещах, они знают, что имеют дело с настоящим миром, неважно каким искажённым он может представиться ихнему вниманию в Полёте. Если они НЕ ВИДЯТ ЭНЕРГИИ В ВЕЩАХ, то они в обычном сне, а не в реальном мире."
"Что такое реальный мир, Дон Хуан?"
"Мир, который производит энергию; в противоположность Фантом-миру проекций, где ничто не производит энергию, как большинство наших снов, где ничего не имеет энергетического эффекта." Тогда Дон Хуан дал мне ещё одно определение: Процесс, с помощью которого Путешественники изолируют условия Полёта, в котором они могут найти энерго-производящие элементы. Полёт - это Процесс, с помощью которого мы намереваемся найти достаточно положений для Точки Восприятия, положений, которые позволят нам воспринимать
энерго-производящие вещи в состояниях Полётов. Он объяснил, что наш Двойник также способен воспринимать энергию, которая совершенно отличается от энергии нашего собственного мира (то есть не волнистаяи не в одном направлении, как у нас),
как в случае с вещами в мире Неорганических Существ, которые наш Двойник воспринимает как бурлящую энергию. Он добавил, что в нашем мире ничто не бурлит и не кипит; ВСЁ ИДЁТ ВОЛНАМИ !

"С сегодняшнего дня," сказал он, "вопросы твоих Полётов будут определяться тем, будут ли вещи, на которых ты фокусируешь своё внимание в Полётах, энерго-производящие или просто Фантом-Проекции или генераторы-производители чужой энергии."

Он повторил, что
урок (подходящая процедура) для Полётов в Третьи Ворота - это заставить Двойника самому двигаться. На моём последнем уроке ты сказал, что
я, не зная этого, повлиял на эту процедуру и перешёл в другой мир.
"Твой Двойник перешёл," сказал Дон Хуан. "Он путешествовал сам по себе. Такого рода путешествие - выше твоих возможностей в настоящий момент и что-то тебя атакует."
"Что это могло бы быть, Дон Хуан?"
"Это - Вселенная Хищников. Это может быть одна из тысяч вещей, существующих на её просторах."
"Почему, ты думаешь, меня атаковали?"
"По той же самой причине, что и Неорганические Существа атаковали тебя: потому что ты подставил себя для них."

"Земля подобна луку: она имеет много слоёв кожи (много миров разных вибраций). Мир, который мы знаем, один из них. Иногда мы переходим границы этого мира и переходим в другой мир, другой вибрации: другой мир, очень похожий на этот, но не тот же самый. И входишь ты туда один...По мнению Колдунов, Вселенная состоит из слоёв (вибраций), которые наше Энергетическое Тело (Двойник) может пересечь. Ты знаешь где всё ещё находятся Старейшие Колдуны? В другом слое или коже лука (в другой вибрации)...Я думал, ты понял, что Полёты Двойника полностью зависят от положения Точки Восприятия."

В нашем мире я (Карлос Кастанэда) нашёл, присуствует другой вид энергии, но чуждой ей была энергия агентов, энергия которую Дон Хуан называЛ КИПЯЩЕЙ, БУРЛЯЩЕЙ. Я столкнулся с многочисленными предметами в моих Полётах, и как только я смотрел на них, они превращались в комья брызгающей энергии, которая, казалось, жарилась в масле и пузырилась от какой-то внутренней горячей активности. "Запомни, что не каждый агент, которого ты найдёшь, принадлежит миру Неорганических Существ," заметил Дон Хуан. "Каждый агент, которого ты до сих пор встречал, кроме Синего Агента, были из этого мира, но это потому что Неорганические Существа были в тебе заинтересованы. Они руководили представлением, но сейчас ты самостоятелен. Некоторые из агентов, которых ты встретишь, не будут из
мира Неорганических Существ, а из других, даже более далёких уровней сознания."
"Агенты осознают: кто они?" Спросил я.
"Это уж точно," ответил он.
"Тогда почему они не контактируют с нами, когда мы не спим?"
"Они стараются. Но проблема в том, что наше сознание настолько забито всем подряд, что у нас нет времени обратить внимание. Однако во сне, дверь двухстороннего движения открывается: мы улетаем и в наших Полётах мы контактируем."
"Можно ли как-то определить, что агенты из уровня, не принадлежащего
миру Неорганических Существ?"
"Чем сильнее они кипят, тем дальше их место от нас. Звучит просто, но ты должен позволить своему Двойнику рассказать тебе, что есть что. Уверяю тебя, Двойник прекрасно отличит и даст своё суждение, когда столкнётся с энергией агентов." И снова он был прав. Не делая из этого большой драмы, мой Двойник отличал два обычных типа чужой энергии. К первому типу относились агенты из
мира Неорганических Существ, их энергия пенилась слегка, но звука не было и выглядела она пузырящейся, вроде воды, которая начинает закипать. Второй тип энергии агентов у меня создавал впечатление значительно большей силы. Такие агенты казалось вот-вот сгорят. Они вибрировали изнутри, как-будто они были наполнены сжатым газом. Мои встречи с чужой энергией всегда были мимолётными, так как я обычно обращал всё своё внимание на то, что рекоммендовал Дон Хуан. Он говорил, "Только если ты точно знаешь, что ты делаешь и что ты хочешь от чужой энергии,
тебе должно быть достаточно только быстрого взгляда. Всё, что больше взгляда, также опасно и глупо, как гладить гремучую змею."
"Почему это опасно, Дон Хуан?" спросил я.
"Агенты всегда очень агрессивны и могут пойти на всё," сказал он. "Им приходиться быть такими, чтобы достигнуть цели своих исследований. Удерживать внимание на них в наших Полётах равно ихнему сознанию фокусироваться на нас. Как только они фокусируют своё внимание на нас, мы вынуждены идти с ними. И это, конечно, опасно: мы можем оказаться в мирах выше наших энергетических возможностей."
Дон Хуан объяснил, что есть намного больше типов агентов, чем те два, которые я классифицировал, что с моим настоящим уровнем энергии я могу только фокусироваться на трёх. Он описал первые два типа самыми лёгкими, чтобы обнаружить. Их маскировка в наших Полётах - такая странная, что они тут же привлекают наше внимание. Он описал агентов третьего типа, как особо опасных, в смысле агрессивности и силы, и потому что они прячутся, слегка маскируясь. "Одна из самых странных вещей, Путешественники находят, и что ты сам найдёшь в настоящее время," продолжал Дон Хуан, "это - третий тип агентов. До сегодняшнего времени ты нашёл примеры первых двух типов, это потому что ты не искал в нужном месте."
"И где нужное место, Дон Хуан?"
"И снова ты становишься жертвой слов; в этот раз слово "вещи", которое ты рассматриваешь только как предметы. Итак, самые беспощадные агенты прячутся за людьми в наших снах и Полётах." Меня ожидал огромный сюрприз, в моём Полёте, когда я сфокусировал свой взгляд на образе своей матери. После того, как
я изъявил свой Интэнт ВИДЕТЬ, она превратилась в жуткий, пугающий пузырь кипящей энергии.
Дон Хуан остановился, чтобы дать своему заявлению дойти до меня. Я чувствовал себя дураком, что разволновался от возможности найти в Полёте агента за образом моей матери. "Это раздражает, что в Полётах они всегда ассоциируются с образами наших родителей или друзей," продолжал он.

"Наверно поэтому мы всегда себя плохо чувствуем, когда они нам снятся." Его ухмылка у меня создала впечатление, что он получал удовольствие от моего переживания. "Главное правило для Путешественников - это держать в уме, что третий тип агента присуствует, когда
Путешественники в Полётах сильно обеспокоены своими родителями или друзьями. Совет: избегать те образы в Полётах. Они - настоящий яд."
"Какое положение занимает Синий агент в отношении других типов агентов?"
"Синяя энергия не бурлит," ответил он. "Она - как наша; движется волнами, но она Синяя (ниже вибрацией), вместо Белой
(выше вибрацией). Синяя энергия в натуральном виде не существует в нашем мире. И это приведёт нас к тому, о чём мы никогда не говорили. Какого цвета были агенты, которых ты успел увидеть?"
Пока он это не упомянул, я никогда об этом не думал. Я сказал Дон Хуану, что агенты, которых я видел, были или розовыми, или красноватыми. Он ответил, что смертельными агентами третьего типа ярко оранжевого цвета. Я и сам нашёл, что третий тип агента был наповал устрашающим. Каждый раз когда я такого находил
в моих Полётах, он был за образами моих родителей, особенно моей матери. Видеть это, всегда напоминало мне ком энергии, который атаковал меня в мой первый намеренный ВИДЯЩИЙ Полёт. Каждый раз когда я его находил, чужая энергия исследующего агента, казалось, вот-вот прыгнет на меня. Мой Двойник бывало реагировал с ужасом, даже до того, как я сам видел агента. В течение нашего следующего обсуждения Полётов с Дон Хуаном, я поинтересовался о полном отсуствии Неорганических Существ в моих практических Полётах.

"Почему они больше не появляюся?" спросил я.
"Они показывают себя только в начале. После того, как их агенты приводят нас в их мир, необходимость, создавать голографические образы, у Неорганических Существ отпадает. Если мы хотим видеть Неорганические Существа, агент нас туда берёт. Так как никто, я повторяю - никто сам не может путешествовать в их мир."
"Почему это так, Дон Хуан?" спросил я.
"Потому что их мир изолирован. Никто не может ни войти, ни выйти без разрешения Неорганических Существ (сейчас постепенно всё меняется и их мир сливается с нашим! ЛМ). Единственную вещь, которую ты сам можешь сделать, когда ты там, в этом мире, это, конечно, скажи громко о своём намерении остаться там, вырази свой Интэнт. Высказать это громко, означает: создать движение течений энергии, которые необратимы. В старые времена слова были невероятно могущественны, а сейчас они нет. В мире
Неорганических Существ слова не потеряли своё могущество." Дон Хуан рассмеялся и сказал, что это не его дело говорить что-либо о мире Неорганических Существ, потому что я, в действительности, знаю о нём больше, чем он и его товарищи вместе взятые. "Есть ещё одна область, имеющая отношение к этому миру, которую мы ещё не обсуждали," сказал он и сделал долгую паузу, как-будто искал подходящие слова. "В итоге," начал он, "моё предубеждение, по отношению действий Старых Колдунов, очень личное. Как Нагуал, я не выношу то, что они делали. Они трусливо искали убежище в мире Неорганических Существ. Они спорили, что наша Вселенная Хищников способна разорвать нас на части и единственное спасение для нас - это тот мир."
"Почему они в это верили?" спросил я.
"Потому что это - правда," сказал он. "Так как
Неорганические Существа врать не могут, торгашеский голос Дремлющего Emissary - всё правда. Тот мир может дать нам убежище и продлить наше сознание почти бесконечно."
Манера торгаша у Emissary, даже если это правда, мне не по душе." сказал я.
"Ты имеешь ввиду, что ты всё равно выберешь дорогу, которая может разорвать тебя на куски?" спросил он с ноткой изумления в голосе. Я заверил Дон Хуана, что я не хотел мира
Неорганических Существ, неважно какие приемущества он может мне дать. Моё заявление, похоже, безмерно обрадовало его. "Тогда ты готов для одного финального факта об этом мире. Самое ужасное заявление, которое я могу сделать," сказал он, стараясь улыбнуться, но не смог. Дон Хуан искал в моих глазах, я думаю, искру согласия или понимания. На момент он замолчал.
"Энергия, необходимая, чтобы двигать Точку Восприятия Колдунов, приходит из мира Неорганических Существ," сказал он, как-будто он торопился с этим покончить. Моё сердце чуть не остановилось, появилось головокружение и мне пришлось топать ногами по земле, чтобы не потерять сознание. "Это правда," продолжал Дон Хуан, "и это нам наследие от Старых Колдунов.
Неорганические Существа этим пригвоздили нас до сегодняшнего дня. Это и есть причина, почему я их не люблю. Мне неприятно постоянно обращаться к одному источнику, я, лично, отказался это делать. И я пытался отвлечь тебя от них, но безуспешно, потому что что-то тянет тебя в их мир как магнит...Мы не можем иметь с ними никаких дел," ответил он, "и всё же мы не можем сторониться их. Моё решение было: брать их энергию, но не сдаваться их влиянию. Это называется Окончательная Маскировка. Это делается, сохраняя Несокрушимую Цель-Интэнт Свободы, даже если ни один Колдун не знает, что Свобода действительно значит."
"Можешь ты объяснить мне, почему Колдунам приходиться брать энергию из
мира Неорганических Существ?"
"Другой предлагаемой энергии для Колдунов не существует. Чтобы маневрировать Точкой Восприятия так, как они это делают, Колдунам необходимо существенное количество энергии." Я напомнил ему его заявление: что Перетранспортировка энергии необходима (с краёв нашего Светящегося Шара к его центру) для наших Полётов. "Это правильно," ответил он. "Чтобы начать Полёты, Колдунам необходимо пересмотреть их предположения и сохранить свою энергию, но этот пересмотр ценен только, чтобы иметь необходимую энергию начать Полёт. Лететь в другие миры, ВИДЕТЬ энергию, постепенно продвигать Двойника и т.д, это - другое дело.  Для тех манёвров Колдунам нужны огромные количества тёмной, чужой энергии."
"Но как они берут её
из мира Неорганических Существ?
"Простым действием: идут в этот мир. Всем Колдунам нашей Линии пришлось это делать..."

"Путешествие, которое использует сознание, как элемент окружающего мира," объяснил он. "В Повседневном Мире, вода элемент окружающего мира, который
мы используем для путешествий. Представь, что сознание - похожий элемент, который можно использовать для путешествий. Через среду сознания агенты со всей Вселенной попадают к нам и наоборот; через сознание Колдуны летят во все концы Вселенной."
"Мысль, что сознание физический элемент - революционная!" Сказал я с восхищением.
"Я не сказал, что это физический элемент," поправил он меня. "Сознание - энергетический элемент. Тебе необходимо делать это различие. Для Колдунов, кто ВИДИТ, Сознание - Свечение. Они могут присоединить своего Двойника к этому Свечению и лететь вместе с ним."
"Какая разница между физическими и энергетическим элементом?" спросил я.
"Разница в том, что физические элементы - часть нашей системы перевода-истолкования, энергетические элементы - нет."
Энергетические элементы, как сознание, существуют в нашей Вселенной. Но мы, как обычные люди, воспринимаем только физические элементы, потому что нас так учили. Колдуны воспринимают энергетические элементы по той же самой причине: их так учили." Дон Хуан объяснил, что использование сознания, как энергетический элемент нашего окружающего мира, и есть сущность Колдовства, что, в смысле практичности, можно разбить на:
Первое: освободить существующую энергию в нас, безупречно следую пути Колдуна;
Второе: использовать эту энергию для развития своего Двойника с помощью Полётов;
Третье: использовать сознание, как элемент окружающего мира, чтобы войти с нашим Двойником и всем нашим физическим телом в другие миры. Существует два рода энергетических путешествий в другие миры,"
продолжал он. "Один - когда сознание подхватывает Двойника Колдуна и уносит его куда-нибудь, а другой - когда Колдун решает в полном сознании использовать путь сознания, чтобы проделать путешествие. Ты проделал первый род путешествия. Для этого нужна огромная дисциплина, чтобы освоить второй род."...Он заверил меня, что мой Двойник был полностью способен позаботиться о себе.

Я перебил его, чтобы напомнить ему, что я всегда ждал, чтобы агент появился, прежде чем я мог громко объявить о моём Интэнте идти в мир Неорганических Существ. Дон Хуан крякнул и сказал: "Ты ещё не летал с Кэрол Тиггс. Ты поймёшь, что это настоящий пир. Колдуньям не нужна поддержка. Они просто идут в
тот мир Неорганических Существ, когда им хочется; для них существует постоянный агент на вызове." Я не мог поверить, что Колдуньи могли делать то, что он утверждал.
Я всегда думал, что у меня хороший опыт в общении с
миром Неорганических Существ. Когда я упомянул ему, что делалось в моей голове, он ответил, что никакого опыта, экспертизы у меня не было, когда дело касается того, на что способны Колдуньи. "Почему ты думаешь, я взял Кэрол Тиггс с собой, чтобы вытащить тебя с твоим телом из того мира?" спросил он. "Ты думаешь, потому что она красива?"
"Тогда почему, Дон Хуан?"
"Потому что я не мог это сам сделать; а для неё это ничего не стоило. У неё способности к этому миру."
"Она - исключение, Дон Хуан?"
"Женщины в общем имеют натуральные способности к этому миру; Колдуньи в этом, конечно, чемпионы, но
Кэрол Тиггс - лучшая, чем любая другая, кого я знаю, так как она, как женщина-Нагуал, имеет неиссякаемую энергию." Я подумал, что поймал Дон Хуана на серьёзном противоречии. Он сказал мне, что Неорганические Существа совсем не были заинтересованы в женщинах. А сейчас он утверждал обратное. "Нет, я не утверждаю обратное," отметил он, когда я его прижал к стенке.
"Я тебе сказал, что
Неорганические Существа не преследуют женщин; они только преследуют мужчин. Но я также сказал тебе, что Неорганические Существа все -  женщины, и что вся Вселенная - женского рода в большей степени. Выводы сделай сам." Так как у меня не было возможности сделать какие-то выводы, Дон Хуан объяснил мне, что Колдуньи, теоретически, входят и выходят из этого мира, когда захотят, из-за их повышенного сознания и их женственности.
"Ты это точно знаешь?" Спросил я.
"Женщины моей группы никогда это не делали," признался он, "не потому, что они не могут, а потому что я их разубедил. С другой стороны, женщины твоей группы это делают и для них это, как поменять юбки."

"Я это не знаю и она тоже. Это зависит от Духа - настоящего игрока. Сами мы - не игроки. Мы просто куклы в их руках. Следуя командам Духа, мне придётся, что такое Четвёртые Ворота в Полёте, хотя я не могу больше тебя никуда вести...Дух не оставляет это зависимым от меня или от тебя. Я должен описать Четвёртые Ворота Полёта для тебя, хочу я этого или нет." Дон Хуан объяснил, что
в Четвёртые Ворота Полёта Двойник путешествует в особые, конкретные места и что есть 3 пути использовать Четвёртые Ворота : первый, путешествовать в конкретные места этого мира; второй, путешествовать в конкретные места из этого мира; третий,, путешествовать в места, которые существуют только в Интэнте других. Он предупредил, что последний путь самый опасный и трудный из всех трёх и был предпочтением Старых Колдунов.
"Нагуалы, в действительности, не самые дружественные существа на Земле," сказал он тоном извинения. "Я испытал это трудным путём, поставленный обстоятельствами один на один с ужасным Нагуалом Джулиан. Даже его присуствие пугало меня до смерти. А когда он бывало сводил меня к нулю, я всегда думал, что моя жизнь не стоит ломанного гроша."

"Ты кого-то ждёшь?"
"Да, жду," сказал Дон Хуан. "Определённо жду. Я просто хотел почувствовал окружающую обстановку. Ты поймал меня в момент сканирования района моим Двойником."
"Дон Хуан, что ты почувствовал?"
"Мой Двойник уловил, что всё в полном ажуре. Представление вечером состоится и ты - главный его исполнитель. Я - герой, который играет маленькую, но важную роль и я ухожу со сцены после первого акта...Твой Двойник обладает нескончаемыми ресурсами...Я не хотел это говорить, так как знал, что твой Двойник тебе скажет, но возможности избежать этой встречи - нет."

"Почему ты называешь подарки Победителя Смерти (
Death Defier) - Дарами Могущества? И почему это - тайна?" Спросил я. "Ты сам (и без его даров) можешь переместить свою Точку Восприятия к любому месту в нашем Светящемся Шаре, не так ли?"
"Они называются
Дарами Могущества, потому что это продукт Особых Знаний Колдунов Античности," объяснил он. "Мистика, окружающая Подарки, в том, что никто на Земле, за исключением Победителя Смерти (Death Defier), не может дать нам образец таких Знаний. И, конечно, я могу сдвинуть свою Точку Восприятия туда, куда хочу, внутри или снаружи энергетической формы человека. Но что я не могу сделать, и это может только Победитель Смерти (Death Defier), это: знать, что делать с моим Двойником в каждой из этих точек, чтобы иметь полное восприятие и полное сцепление (единение)." Тогда он объяснил, что современные Колдуны не знают детали тысяч возможных положений Точки Восприятия.
"Что ты имеешь ввиду под деталями?" Спросил я.
"Особая форма отношений с Двойником, чтобы держать Точку Восприятия закреплённой в специфических позициях," ответил он и привёл себя в пример. Сказал, что
Подарок ему от Победителя Смерти (Death Defier) было положение Точки Восприятия как Ворона, и процедура манипулирования своего Двойника, чтобы получить полное восприятие вороны.

Она (Победитель Смерти или Death Defier) сказала, что Подарки, которые она дала Нагуалам моей Линии, имели дело с тем, что Старые Колдуны называли "Двойным Положением". Так называется, когда первоначальное положение, в котором Путешественник удерживает своё физическое тело, чтобы начать Полёт, зеркально отражается положением, в котором он держит своего Двойника в Полёте, чтобы зафиксировать свою Точку Восприятия в любом положении, которое он выберет. Два таких родственных положения создают единство, сказала она, и тысячи лет взяло Старым Колдунам, чтобы найти идеальные отношения между любыми двумя положениями.
"Твой Двойник движется вперёд, используя Светящиеся энергетические волокна Вселенной," прошептала она мне на ухо. "Нас несёт Подарок-Интэнт Победителя Смерти (Death Defier)."

Затем Дон Хуан сел на скамью и голосом, передающим искреннее участие, он предупредил меня, что в тот момент у меня не было возможности знать, что случилось во Втором Внимании (выше вибрацией) между Женщиной в церкви и моим Двойником. Моё общение с Кэрол Тиггс (
на самом деле Победитель Смерти или Death Defier) в отеле было просто вершиной айсберга. "Страшно подумать, что ты был во Втором Внимании (выше вибрацией) девять дней," продолжал Дон Хуан. "Девять дней - это просто секунда для Победителя Смерти (Death Defier), но вечность для нас." Не успел я запротестовать, объяснить или сказать что-нибудь, он замечанием остановил меня. "Посмотри на это: если ты до сих пор не помнишь все вещи, которым я учил тебя и делал с тобой во Втором Внимании (выше вибрацией), вообрази как намного сложнее должно быть помнить, чему Death Defier учил тебя и делал с тобой. Я только заставил тебя менять уровни сознания; Death Defier заставил тебя поменять Вселенные (на Новую Вселенную, ЛМ)."...Она (Death Defier) использовала Двойника Кэрол Тиггс и твоего Двойника, чтобы подняться и разорвать свои цепи. Она использовала твоё предложение твоей бесплатной энергии."

Я понятия не имел о том, что он говорил, наверно, это значило что-то из ряда вон выходящее для двух его товарищей. Они начали ужасно волноваться. Обращаясь к ним, Дон Хуан объяснил, что
Death Defier и Женщина в церкви были разные выражения той же самой энергии; Женщина в церкви была более могущественная и более сложная из двоих. После того, как она взяла контроль в свои руки, она использовала Двойника Кэрол Тиггс в какой-то непонятной негативной манере, в стиле махинаций Старых Колдунов, и создала Кэрол Тиггс в отеле, Кэрол Тиггс абсолютного Интэнта. Дон Хуан добавил, что Кэрол и Женщина могли придти к какому-то энергетическому согласию во время своей встречи. В тот момент, казалось, мысль осенила Дон Хуана. Он, не веря, уставился на своих обоих товарищей. Их глаза быстро двигались от одного к другому. Я был уверен, они не просто искали соглашения, так как они, казалось, поняли что-то одновременно. "Все наши предположения бесполезны," произнёс Дон Хуан спокойным, ровным тоном. "Я думаю, что нет больше никакой Кэрол Тиггс. Нет также и никакой Женщины в церкви; я думаю, что обе они улетели вперёд на крыльях Интэнта. Причина, почему Кэрол Тиггс в отеле была так озабочена своей внешностью, была в том, что она была Женщиной в церкви, заставляя тебя мечтать о другой Кэрол Тиггс, неимоверно более могучую Кэрол Тиггс. Разве ты не помнишь, что она сказала? Представь свой Интэнт меня. Поставь своей целью двигать меня вперёд."

торой Круг Могущества". Часть - Интэнт Бесконечности

Маги говорят, что это - Встряска в воздухе; их приемущество, что они знают: Встряска в воздухе действительно происходит и это - возможность слиться с Интэнтом Бесконечности...Нагуал был экстраординарной смесью обоих своих учителей: с одной стороны он был очень спокойным и углублённым в себя; с другой стороны - открытым и невероятно смешным...Нагуал - пуст, но эта пустота не отражает Повседневный Мир, а отражает Бесконечность...Дон Хуан подчеркнул тот факт, что, использования мною Интэнт не было сознательным или по желанию; Интэнт диктовался необходимостью и проводился на более глубоком уровне...Интэнт, вечная Сила Вселенной, сопровождался моим внутренним молчанием...Активная Сторона Бесконечности, её он называет Интэнт...
Наш Двойник летает и не может вынести Интэнт еды или питья, тогда как наше физическое тело не летает и вполне справляется с Интэнтом еды и питья...
Интэнт Двойника всегда отличается от Интэнта физического тела. Например, Двойник может пройти сквозь стену, потому что он знает Интэнт исчезновения в воздухе, но физическому телу этот Интэнт незнаком... Силвио Мануэл владел мастерски Интэнтом, потому что он постоянно был в форме своего энергетического Двойника. Дон Хуан сказал мне, что сам он был только другом Интэнт, не так как Силвио Мануэл, кто был его мастер, он знал Интэнт всего...Интэнт присуствует везде...Интэнт делает миры...в сущности, люди и все остальные живые существа - рабы Интэнта. Мы - в их тисках! Интэнт заставляет нас делать всё, что он хочет! Он заставляет нас жить в мирах и он заставляет нас умирать...но когда мы становимся борцами, Интэнт делается нашим другом. Он разрешает нам быть свободными на момент; временами он даже приходит к нам, как-будто он нас ждал...Нагуал показал нам всем, что он мог сделать с помощью Интэнт, зовя Интэнт он мог заставить вещи появиться в его руке. Он знал Интэнт многих вещей и мог позвать эти вещи с помощью Интэнт, воображая их. Мне он сказал, что если
я хочу летать, то я должен сигналить Интэнт о полётах! Тогда он показал мне как он сам сигналит ему: прыгнул в воздухе и взлетел в виде круга, как огромный воздушный змей."

Белые полосы Солнечной энергии на Земле проходят через важные точки и имеют ту же самую функцию, что и луч, выходящий из области желудка, примерно посредине тела. Ниже интересная информация об этом от Хуана Тума - одного из магов группы Дон Хуана - Карлос Кастанэда, "Подарок Орла":

"Для меня (для Карлоса) наиболее примечательным было его (Хуан Тума) описание необычных Потоков Света или Энергии, которые пересекают Землю.
Он сказал, что эти Потоки не вибрируют как Всё в Старой Вселенной вибрирует, а закреплено в схему. Эта схема соответствует тысячам Точек в Светящемся Шаре Человека! Хэрмелинда подумала, что все эти Точки принадлежали физическому телу человека, но Хуан Тума объяснил: "Так как Светящееся Сфера Человека довольно большая, то некоторые из этих Точек отходят от физического тела даже на метр. В общем, Точки наружи тела но, в то же время, они внутри; они на поверхности нашей Светящейся Сферы и поэтому принадлежат нашему Тотальному Телу. Самая важная из этих Точек находится на расстоянии фута (подошвы средней ноги) от желудка, 40 градусов вправо от воображаемой линии, выходящей из области желудка прямо вперёд." Хуан Тума сказал нам, что это и есть Центр нашей Точки Восприятия или Центр нашего Духа на более высоком Уровне Сознания и что необходимо массировать эту Точку, мягко похлопывая воздух (вокруг неё) ладонями рук."


Дон Дженаро - Человек Знаний," сухо сказал Дон Хуан. "И будучи Человеком Знаний, он полностью способен транспортировать себя (т.е. своего Двойника) на огромные расстояния." Он напомнил мне, что однажды, годы тому назад, мы трое были в горах, и что Дон Дженаро, в попытке помочь мне преодолеть мою глупую логику, сделал невероятный прыжок расстоянием в 10 миль на вершины гор Сьерра (Sierras). Событие я помнил, но я также помнил, что не мог даже подумать, что
он прыгнул. Дон Хуан добавил, что
в определённые моменты Дон Дженаро был способен совершать экстраординарные поступки. "Дон Дженаро в какие-то моменты - не Дон Дженаро, а его Двойник," произнёс он и повторил это 3-4 раза. Затем они оба начали за мною наблюдать, как-будто ожидая моей незамедлительной реакции. Я не понял, что он имеет ввиду под "его Двойник".
(Двойник-Другой-Второе Тело-Энергетическое Тело - всё это названия Двойника, ЛМ).
Он никогда это не упоминал, я попросил объяснить. "Есть другой
Дженаро," объяснил он. Мы, все трое, глядели друг на друга...
"У тебя есть брат-близнец?" спросил я, поворачиваясь к
Дон Дженаро.
"Конечно," ответил он. "у меня есть близнец." Я не мог понять: они меня разыгрывали или нет. Они оба задорно хихикали
как дети, которые сыграли шутку надо мной.
"Ты можешь сказать," продолжал Дон Хуан, "что в этот момент
Дон Дженаро его близнец." От этого заявления они оба от хохота грохнулись на землю, держа животы. Но я не мог разделить их веселье..."Ты знаешь, что Дон Дженаро - Колдун и безупречный воин. Поэтому он способен исполнять вещи, которые просто немыслемы для обычного человека. Его Двойник, другой Дженаро - одно из его достижений." Я потерял дар речи..."Для такого воина, как Дженаро," продолжал он, "создать Двойника
не такое уж немыслемое дело."
После долгого обдумывания - что сказать следующее - я спросил, "Двойник - как сам человек?"
Двойник - и есть настоящий человек," ответил Дон Хуан. Его объяснение приняло невероятный поворот, и всё-таки, это в действительности не было более невероятным, чем всё, что они делали.
"Из чего сделан Двойник?" спросил я Дон Хуана после минутной нерешительности.
"Знать это не представляется возможным," сказал он. (
Двойник состоит из солнечной энергии, ЛМ).
"Он настоящий или просто иллюзия?"
"Конечно настоящий."
"Можно тогда сказать, что он сделан из плоти и крови?" спросил я.
"Нет, это - невозможно," ответил Дженаро.
"Но если он такой же реальный, как и я..."
"Реальный как ты?" в унисон вставили Дон Хуан и Дон Дженаро, затем посмотрели друг на друга и начали хохотать до тех пор, пока, я думал, они задохнуться от смеха.
Дон Дженаро бросил свою шляпу на пол и затанцевал вокруг неё. Его танец был лёгким и грациозным, и по какой-то причине, невероятно смешным. Наверно юмор был в изящных "профессиональных" движениях, которые он выделывал. Не ритмические движения были такими незаметными и, в то же время, такими неподражаемыми, что я согнулся от смеха.
"Беда из-за того, Карлитос," сказал он, опять усевшись, "что ты - гений."
"Мне нужно знать всё о
Двойнике," произнёс я.
"Никак не узнаешь, сделан ли он из плоти и крови," сказал Дон Хуан. "Потому что он не такой же реальный, как ты.
Двойник Дженаро такой же реальный, как и сам Дженаро. Понимаешь, что я имею ввиду?" ...
"Двойник - и есть настоящий человек; это объяснение должно быть достаточным. Если ты УВИДИШЬ, однако, ты будешь знать, что есть огромная разница между Дженаро и его Двойником. Для Колдуна, кто ВИДИТ, Двойникнамного ярче."

...На кухне Дон Дженаро сам себе положил еды и затем стал самым комичным образом имитировать человека, кто хочет есть, но не может проглотить. Я подумал, что
Дон Хуан отдаст концы: он хохотал,
рычал, кричал, кашлял, лягался ногами и задыхался от смеха. Да я тоже чуть не надорвал бока от смеха. Выходка Дон Дженаро  была бесценной. Наконец, он всё бросил, посмотрел на Дон Хуана и меня по очереди; у него были блестящие глаза и лучезарная улыбка до ушей. "Не работает,"
сказал он, пожав плечами. Я съел огромную порцию еды и также Дон Хуан; затем мы все вернулись к передней части дома...Я почувствовал, что опять в хорошей форме и попробовал быть смелее. "Расскажи мне больше о Двойнике, Дон Хуан," попросил я.
Дон Хуан указал на Дон Дженаро и Дон Дженаро поклонился.
"Вот он," сказал Дон Хуан. "Здесь нечего сказать: он перед тобой, чтобы ты его видел."

"Конечно, я - Дженаро," сказал он и тряхнул плечами.
"Тогда что такое
Двойник, Дон Дженаро?" спросил я.
"Спроси его," отрезал он, указывая на Дон Хуана. "Он тот, кто говорит. Я - глуп."
Двойник - это сам Колдун, развитый своими Полётами," объяснил Дон Хуан. "Двойник - это Акт Могущества Колдуна, но для тебя это только история могущества. В случае Дженаро, его Двойник не отличим от оригинала. Это - в силу его безупречности как воина - не поддаётся сравнению; таким образом, ты никогда сам разницы не заметил. А годы, что ты его знал, ты был с физическим Дженаро только дважды; все другие разы ты был с его Двойником."
"Но это глупо, нечестно!" Воскликнул я и почувствовал, как негодование разрастается у меня в груди. Я настолько разволновался, что уронил свой блокнот и карандаш укатился из вида.

Дон Хуан и Дон Дженаро практически нырнули к земле и начали его самые саркастические поиски. Я никогда не видел такого сногсшибательного представления театральной магии и манипуляции руками. Только здесь не было сцены, декораций и всякого рода атрибутов, и скорее всего, исполнители не манипулировали руками. Дон Дженаро, главный маг и его ассистент, Дон Хуан, в течение минут вытащили самую удивительную и странную коллекцию предметов, которые они нашли под, позади, наверху каждого предмета в пределах открытой веранды. В стиле сценической магии ассистент расставляет атрибуты, которыми, в этом случае, были несколько предметов на земляном полу: камни, мешки, куски дерева, коробки из под молока, лампа и мой жакет. Затем маг - Дон Дженаро продолжал находить предметы, которые он тут же выбрасывал когда убеждался, что это был не мой карандаш. В коллекцию найденных предметов входили: куски одежды, парики, очки, игрушки, ножи-вилки, куски механизмов, женское нижнее бельё, человеческие зубы, религиозные предметы и бутерброды. Один из них был настолько гадким. Это был компактный кусок человеческих какашек, которые Дон Дженаро из под моего жакета. Наконец, Дон Дженаро нашёл мой карандаш и передал его мне, смахнув с него пыль концом рубашки. Они отпраздновали свою клоунаду криками и смешками. Я нашёл себя наблюдающим и не способным к ним присоединиться.
"Не принимай всё так серьёзно, Карлитос," сказал Дон Хуан озабоченным тоном. "Иначе ты взорвёшься..." Он сделал многозначительный жест, который мог означать всё, что угодно. После того, как их смех затих, я спросил Дон Дженаро, что делал Двойник или что делал Колдун с
Двойником. Дон Хуан ответил.

Дон Хуан сказал, что
Двойник имеет Могущество, и что это используется, чтобы достичь высот, которые были бы невозможно достичь при обычных обстоятельствах.
"Я сказал тебе и не один раз, что мир слишком огромен, чтобы его измерить." говорил он мне. "И мы тоже, и также каждое существо, которое существует в этом мире.
Поэтому невозможно логикой объяснить
Двойника. Хотя тебе позволили глазами удостовериться в нём, и это было больше, чем достаточно."
"Но должна быть какая-то возможность поговорить об этом," ответил я. "Ты же сам мне сказал, что объяснил свой разговор с оленем, чтобы об этом говорить.
Ты что, не можешь сделать то же самое с
Двойником?" Какой-то момент он был спокоен, я умолял его. Беспрецендентное беспокойство, которое я испытывал, росло не по дням, а по часам.
"Итак, Колдун может раздвоиться. Это всё, что можно сказать," констатировал Дон Хуан.
"Но он осознаёт, что раздваивается?"
"Конечно он осознаёт это!"
"Знает ли он, что находится в двух местах одновременно?" Они оба (
Дон Хуан и Дон Дженаро) посмотрели на меня и обменялись взглядами.
Двойник Дон Дженаро?" Спросил я. Дон Дженаро наклонился ко мне и уставился мне в глаза.
"Я не знаю, ни один Колдун не знает, где находится его
Двойник." Сказал он тихо.
"Дженаро прав," вмешался Дон Хуан. "Колдун понятия не имеет, что он в двух местах одновременно. Осознавать это будет равно тому, чтобы стоять лицом к лицу со своим
Двойником, и Колдун, который обнаружит себя лицом к лицу со своим Двойником, будет мёртвым Колдуном. Такое правило, так Высшие Силы установили порядки. Никто не знает почему." Дон Хуан объяснил, что к тому времени когда воин овладеет Полётами и ВИДЕНИЕМ, и разовьёт Двoйника, он таже должен достичь больших успехов в стирании своей личной истории, Самомнения и рутины. Он добавил, что все приёмы, которым он меня научил и которые я считал пустой болтовнёй, в сущности, была помощь в  удалении непрактичности иметь Двoйника в Повседневном Мире, делая себя и мир более текучим, и устанавливая их снаружи границ предсказания. "Текучий воин может больше не делать мир хронологическим," пояснил Дон Хуан.
"И для него мир и он сам - больше не предметы.
Для него: он - Светящееся Существо, существующее в Белом Сверкающем Мире. Двoйник - простое дело для Колдуна, потому что он знает, что делает..."
"Может посторонний смотреть на
Колдуна и видеть его в двух разных местах одновременно?" Спросил я Дон Хуана.
"Конечно, такой будет единственный путь
это выяснить."
"Но разве нельзя логически предположить, что Колдун тоже может заметить, что он побывал в двух местах?"
"Ага!" воскликнул Дон Хуан. "Наконец-то ты задал правильный вопрос. Колдун конечно может потом заметить, что побывал в двух местах одновременно. Но это только бухгалтерия и не объясняет тот факт, что пока он действует, он представления не имеет о своей двойственности...Мы всегда опаздываем на один шаг и опыт в нашем мире всегда воспоминание в прошлом (а не в настоящем). Мы всё время вспоминаем мгновение, которое только что случилось, и уже прошло. Мы вспоминаем, " 
вспоминаем, вспоминаем... Если весь наш опыт мира - это ВОСПОМИНАНИЕ, тогда это не так уж предвзято заключить, что Колдун может быть в двух местах одновременно. Это не Точка Зрения его Восприятия, так как чтобы ощущать мир, Колдун, как любой другой человек, должен вспомнить действие, которое он только что сделал, событие, в котором он только что участвовал, опыт, который он только что пережил. В его сознании имеется только одно воспоминание. Но для, смотрящего на Колдуна, постороннего это может показаться, что Колдун действует в двух разных сценах одновременно. Однако, Колдун вспоминает два отдельных эпизода, потому что связующая вибрация описания времени больше его не связывает."

2. Путешественник и его Полёт

Мы молчали долгое время, слова Дон Хуана были бальзамом на мою душу. "Могу я поговорить о Дон Дженаро и его Двойнике?" Спросил я.
"Зависит от того, что ты хочешь о нём сказать," ответил он...жизнь - это небольшой крюк, которым мы сейчас следуем. Сама жизнь достаточная, само-объясняющая и полная...Я также сознавал, что это было слишком: быть настолько
под влиянием откровений Дон Хуана и Дон Дженаро в отношении Двойника...Я им говорил, что пока он и Дон Дженаро были мужчины, как и я, их непревзойдённый контроль делал их моделями для моего собственного поведения. Но если бы они были мужчинами, сильно отличающимися от меня, тогда они бы не были больше моделями для меня, а скорее странностями, по которым равняться. "Дженаро - мужчина," заверил меня Дон Хуан. "Конечно он уже не такой мужчина, как ты. Но это - его достижение и это не должно вызывать страх в тебе. Если он другой, то для нас больше причины им восхищаться."

"Но его отличие - не человеческое отличие," ответил я.
"И что ты думаешь, это такое? Отличие между человеком и лошадью?"
"Я не знаю, но он не как я."
"Одно время он был таким как ты."
"Но могу ли я понять эту разницу?"
"Конечно, ты сам меняешься."
"Ты имеешь ввиду, что я разовью Двойника?"
"Никто Двойника не развивает, это просто такой оборот речи...содержание и значение слов ловит твоё внимание. Полагаю, сейчас ты думаешь, что можно развить Двойника с дьявольской помощью. Мы все - Светящиеся Существа и у нас у всех есть Двойник. У всех нас! Борец учится осознавать это, вот и всё. Есть, казалось бы, непреодолимые преграды, защищающие эту осознанность. Но это логично; те преграды и есть то, что делает прибытие к этому сознанию таким уникальным достижением."
"Дон Хуан, почему я так этого боюсь?"
"Потому что ты думаешь, что Двойник - это то, что говорит слово - Двойник или другой ты. Я просто выбираю слова, чтобы это описать. Двойник - это ты сам и никак по другому."
"А что если я его не хочу иметь?"
"Двойник - это не личный выбор. Точно также, как и не личный выбор, кого выбрали изучать Колдовские Знания, которые ведут к такому сознанию. Ты когда-нибудь спрашивал себя, почему именно тебя выбрали?"
"Всё время. Я тебе задавал этот вопрос сотню раз, но ты на него так никогда и не ответил."
"Я не имею ввиду, что ты должен превратить это в вопрос, который требует ответа, а в чувство борца, обдумающего свою великую удачу, что бросил удаче вызов. Превратить это в обычный вопрос - это приём обычного человека с раздутой манией величия, кто хочет, чтобы им или восхищались, или жалели за это.
Я не заинтересован в
такого рода вопросах, так как на него невозможно ответить. Решение выбрать тебя был план Могущества; и никто не может угадать планы Могущества. Сейчас, когда тебя выбрали, ты ничего не можешь сделать, чтобы остановить осуществление этого плана."
"Двойник - это одна из тех вещей. Ты это знаешь и потому твоя логика встала в тупик. Ты будешь биться головой об стену, если думаешь, что поймёшь. Всё, что я могу об этом сказать, путём объяснения, это то, что Двойник, хоть и прибывает через Полёты, такой же настоящий, каким только можно быть."
"Дон Хуан, согласно тому, что ты мне сказал, Двойник может выполнять действия. Тогда может ли Двойник ...? Он не дал мне закончить и напомнил, что говорить было неподходящим то, что он сказал мне о Двойнике, когда я мог сказать, что был свидетелем этого."
"Двойник явно может исполнять действия," сказал я.
"Действительно!" ответил он.
"Но может ли
Двойник действовать от моего имени?"
"Это и есть ты, чёрт возьми!" Я нашёл это очень трудным: объяснить самому себе. В голове было, что если Колдун одновременно исполнит два действия, то его способность к практическому производству - удвоится. Он сможет выполнять 2 работы, быть в двух местах, видеть двух людей и т. д., одновременно. Дон Хуан терпеливо слушал.

"А если я так скажу," предложил я. "Скажем, может Дон Дженаро кого-нибудь убить кого-то 100 миль отсюда, разрешая своему Двойнику это сделать?"
Дон Хуан посмотрел на меня, покачал головой и отвёл глаза. "Ты до краёв наполнен историями жестокости," ответил он. "Дженаро не может никого убить, просто потому что он потерял интерес к своим товарищам-мужчинам. К тому времени, когда воин станет способным к ВИДЕНИЮ и к Полётам, и осознает свою Светимость, такого интереса в нём не остаётся."
Я напомнил ему, что в начале моей учёбы он сделал заявление, что Колдун, помогаемый его союзником (Неорганическое Существо), может быть транспортирован больше сотен миль, чтобы дать удар своим врагам. "Моя вина, что ты ошибаешься," сказал он. "Но ты должен помнить, что я также сказал тебе когда-то, что я не следую по стопам, предписанным моим собственным учителем. Он был Колдун и я должен был основательно погрузить тебя в тот мир. Но я не стал, потому что
я больше не интересуюсь взлётами и падениями моих
товарищей-мужчин. И всё-таки слова моего учителя застряли в моей голове. Я много раз с тобой говорил в той манере, в какой он сам со мной говорил. Дженаро - Человек Знаний и самый из них всех чистый. Его действия - безупречны. Он выше обычных людей и выше Колдунов. Его Двойник - это выражение его радости и его юмора. Поэтому он никак не может использовать это создать или решить обычные ситуации. Насколько
я знаю,
Двойник - это осознанность нашего настоящего состояния как Светящихся Существ. Двойник может делать всё, что хочет, и всё-таки он выбирает не быть навязчивым и быть джентлменом. Было моей ошибкой запутать тебя словами, взятыми взаймы. Мой учитель не был способен произвести те эффекты, которые создаёт Дженаро. Так как для моего учителя, к сожалению, определённые вещи были, также как и для тебя, только истории Могущества." Я был прижат к стенке, чтобы защищать свою точку зрения. И сказал, что я высказал это гипотетически. "Гипотетического смысла нет, когда ты обращаешься в мир Людей Знаний," сказал он.  "Человек Знаний ни в коем случае не может действовать ранимо по отношению к его товарищам-мужчинам гипотетически или по- настоящему."
"Но если его
товарищи-мужчины замышляют что-то против него? Может ли он тогда использовать своего Двойника, что себя защитить?"
Он неодобрительно щёлкнул языком. "В твоих мыслях такая невероятная жестокость," сказал он. "Никто не может замышлять ничего против благополучия и безопасности Человека Знаний. Он ВИДИТ (вернее его
Двойник), поэтому он предпримет шаги, чтобы избежать чего-нибудь такого. Например, Дженаро рискнул, чтобы к тебе присоединиться. Но нет ничего, что ты бы мог сделать, чтобы угрожать его жизни. Если что-то есть, то его ВИДЕНИЕ даст ему знать. А сейчас, если есть в тебе что-то , что наследственно ранимо для него и его ВИДЕНИЕ не может этого достичь, тогда это - его судьба, и ни Дженаро, ни кто другой не может этого избежать. Так что как видишь, Человек Знаний в контроле, не контролируя ничего."

"Правильно, Карлитос," сказал он и принёс ящик из под молока, чтобы положить его на землю. Он освободился, смахнув правой ногой поверх воображаемой лошади, и затем спрыгнул на землю. Его движения были выполнены с таким совершенством, что он создал во мне полное впечатление, что приехал на лошади. Он подошёл ко мне и сел с левой стороны. "Дженаро пришёл, потому что он хотел рассказать тебе о Двойнике," сказал Дон Хуан и сделал жест, давая Дон Дженаро сцену. Дон Дженаро поклонился и слегка повернулся, чтобы быть ко мне лицом. "Что ты хочешь знать, Карлитос?" сказал он писклявым голосом.
"Ладно, если ты собираешься говорить о
Двойнике, то скажи мне всё," сказал я, притворившись безразличным. Они оба тряхнули головами и посмотрели дуг на друга.

"Дженаро собирается рассказать тебе о Двойнике и о Полёте," сказал Дон Хуан.
"Как ты уже знаешь, Карлитос," сказал Дон Дженаро с видом готовящегося оратора, "Двойник возникает в Полёте." Он бросил на меня долгий взгляд и улыбнулся. Его глаза обвели моё лицо и спустились к моему блокноту и карандашу. "Двойник - это Полёт," сказал он, почесав руки, и потом встал. Он прошёл до края рамады-навеса и шагнул в кусты. Он стоял у куста, показывая нам 3 четверти своего профиля; наверно он писил. Через секунду я заметил, что с ним было что-то неладно. Видно было, что он старался писить изо всех сил, но не мог.
Смех Дон Хуана служил знаком, что он опять поясничал. Дон Дженаро настолько комично извивал своё тело, что Дон Хуан и я практически бились на земле в истерике. Дон Дженаро вернулся под навес и сел. Его улыбка испускала редкую теплоту.
"Когда ты не можешь, то просто не можешь," сказал он и пожал плечами. После минутного молчания он, вздыхая, добавил, "Да Карлитос, Двойник - это Полёт."
"Ты имеешь ввиду, что он не реальный?" спросил я.
"Нет. Я имею ввиду, что
Двойник - это Полёт," ответил он. Дон Хуан вмешался и объяснил, что Дон Дженаро имел ввиду первое проявление сознания того, что
мы - Светящиеся Существа. "Каждый из нас отличается друг от друга и поэтому детали нашей борьбы отличаются,"
добавил Дон Хуан. "Хотя шаги, которые мы предпринимаем, чтобы достигнуть Двойника, те же самые. Особенно начальные шаги: они запутаны и неясны." Дон Дженаро согласился и сделал комментарий насчёт неясности, которая имеется у Колдунов на этой фазе. "Когда это впервые случилось со мной, я не знал, что как раз это и случилось," объяснил он, "Однажды я собирал растения в горах. Я пошёл в место, в котором работали другие собиратели трав. Я набрал два огромных мешка растений и уже был готов идти домой. Но перед этим решил немного отдохнуть. Я лёг на стороне тропинки в тени дерева и заснул. Потом я услышал звуки людей, идущих вниз холма, и проснулся. Я спешно пробежал короткую дистанцию через дорогу от того места , где я заснул, чтобы укрыться за кустами. Пока я там прятался, у меня было постоянное ощущение, что я что-то забыл. Я оглянулся, чтобы увидеть, при мне ли мои два мешка. Их - не было. Я (это - его Двойник) посмотрел через дорогу на то место, где я спал, и от страха чуть не уронил свои штаны. Я был там и всё ещё спал, это был я! Я потрогал своё тело, это был я! К тому времени люди, которые шли вниз с холма, были почти рядом со мной, спящим, пока я, не спящий, беспомощно наблюдал из своего укрытия. Чёрт подери! Они меня там найдут, подумал я, и унесут мои мешки. Но они прошли мимо меня, как-будто меня там вовсе не было. Сцена была настолько живой, что я озверел, закричал и затем снова проснулся. Чёрт возьми, это был сон!" Дон Дженаро закончил свой рассказ и посмотрел на меня, как бы ожидая вопроса или комментария.
"Расскажи ему, где ты проснулся во второй раз," предложил Дон Хуан.
"Я проснулся у дороги," сказал Дон Дженаро, "там, где я заснул. Но какой-то момент я не вполне осознал, где я действительно был. Я
(его Двойник) почти мог сказать, что я всё ещё смотрел на себя просыпающегося, как вдруг что-то потянуло меня на сторону дороги, и я нашёл себя, протирающим глаза."
Было долгое молчание и я не знал, что сказать.
"И что ты затем сделал?" спросил
Дон Хуан. Я понял, что они дразнили меня, когда они оба начали смеяться. Он имитировал мои вопросы. Дон Дженаро продолжал говорить, что он на момент, обалдел и потом пошёл всё проверить.
"Место, где я прятался, было точно там, где я его видел, и люди, кто проходил мимо меня, были на дороге, совсем недалеко. Я это знаю, потому что побежал с холма за ними. Это были те же люди, которых я видел. Я следовал за ними, пока они не вошли в город. Они наверно, думали, что я сумасшедший. Я спросил у них, видели ли они моего друга, спящего на стороне дороги. Они сказали, что не видели."
"Понимаешь," сказал Дон Хуан, "Мы все проходим через такие сомненья. Мы боимся сойти с ума; конечно, к сожалению для нас, мы все уже сумасшедшие."

"Мой учитель объяснил, что Полёт, в котором можно наблюдать себя спящим," продолжал Дон Дженаро, "был момент Двойника. Он посоветовал, что лучше, чем напрасно тратить свою силу на передвижение и задавание себе вопросов, мне следует использовать возможность действовать, и что когда у меня будет другой шанс, я должен быть на готове..."

"Вчера ты сказал мне, что тебя дико обуяла идея Двойника. Но посмотри на себя сейчас: ты к этому равнодушен..."
"Тогда что произошло?" спросил я.
"Дженаро пришёл повидать тебя и сказать тебе что-то очень особенное," сказал Дон Хуан. "Когда он вышел из кустов, это был Двойник Дженаро. Есть другой способ говорить об этом, который это лучше объяснит, но я не могу использовать его сейчас."
"Почему нет, Дон Хуан?"
"Потому что ты ещё не готов к тому, чтобы говорить о Законченности-Полноте Тотального Игрока Планетарной Игры. В настоящее время, я могу только сказать, что этот Дженаро здесь и сейчас - не Двойник." Он указал на Дон Дженаро движением головы. Дон Дженаро моргал, не переставая.
"Дон Дженаро прошлой ночью был Двойник. И, как я тебе уже сказал, Двойник имеет невероятное могущество. Он показал тебе наиболее важную вещь. Чтобы это сделать, ему пришлось дотронуться до тебя. Двойник просто постучал по твоей шее, по тому же месту, по которому прошёлся твой союзник (ally) несколько лет тому назад. Естественно, ты потакал своим слабостям как сучий сын. Нам взяло часы, чтобы привести тебя в нормальное состояние."

"Таким образом, ты растерял свою силу и, когда подошло время тебе достигнуть Подвига Воина, энергии у тебя оказалось недостаточно."
"Дон Хуан, что такое Подвиг Воина?"
"Я говорил тебе, что Дон Дженаро пришёл показать тебе что-то, тайну Светящихся Существ, Двойников-Путешественников. Ты хотел знать о Двойниках.
Это начинается в Полётах. Но потом ты спросил, "
Кто такой Двойник ?" И я сказал, что Двойник - это ты сам. Ты отправляешь в Полёт Двойника. Это должно быть просто, если бы не факт: в нас нет ничего простого. Наверно наши обычные сны просты, но это не значит, что мы - просты. Как только научишься отправлять в Полёт Двойника, твоё тело прибывает к странному перекрёстку и приходит момент, когда ты понимаешь, что это Двойник тот, кто формирует тело." Я записал всё, что он сказал, обращал внимание на то, что он говорил, но его не понял. "Урок в прошлый вечер, как я тебе говорил, был о Двойнике-Путешественнике и о Полёте, или кто кого отправляет в Полёт."
"Прошу прощенья," сказал я и они оба (Дон Дженаро и Дон Хуан) захохотали.
"Прошлым вечером ты почти выбрал проснуться в месте Силы," продолжал Дон Хуан.
"Дон Хуан, что ты имеешь ввиду?"
"Это был бы подвиг. Если бы только ты, своими глупостями, не потакал своим слабостям, у тебя было бы достаточно энергии перевесить ситуацию, и нет сомнения, что ты бы напугал себя до смерти. К счастью или к несчастью, как может быть в этом случае, у тебя не было достаточно энергии. Собственно, ты напрасно израсходовал свою энергию на бестолковое замешательство настолько, что у тебя почти не осталось энергии выжить. Поэтому, как ты можешь очень хорошо понять, потакать своим мелким странностям, не только глупо и транжирно, но также и ранимо. Борец, который истощает себя, жить не сможет: тело - не вечно. Ты должен был очень серьёзно заболеть, но не заболел, просто потому, что Дженаро и я отвели кое-какой мусор от тебя." Полный удар его слов начал проникать в меня. "Прошлым вечером Дженаро вёл тебя через сложные  детали Двойника," продолжал Дон Хуан, "Только он может это сделать для тебя. И это не было видением или галлюцинацией, когда ты увидел себя, лежащим на земле. Ты мог бы понять это с бесконечной ясностью, если бы ты не погрузился в потакание своим слабостям до потери сознания И ты тогда мог знать, что ты сам - Полёт, который твой Двойник воображает тебя в том же ключе, как ты представлял его прошлым вечером."
"Но как это возможно, Дон Хуан?"
"Никто не знает, как это происходит. Мы только знаем, что это происходит: это - мистика в нас, как Светящихся Существ. Прошлым вечером у тебя было два Полёта и ты мог бы осознать это в любом из них, но у тебя даже не хватало энергии, чтобы понять это." Они оба (
Дон Дженаро и Дон Хуан) пристально посмотрели на меня.
"Я думаю, что он понял," сказал Дон Дженаро.

"Ты, на полном серьёзе, удостоверился в Союзнике (
Ally), Двойник Дон Дженаро, и сегодня ты почти понял всё о своём Тотальном Существе; это было достижение борца, которое Дон Дженаро ожидал, что ты исполнишь. Всё это было возможно благодаря количеству личной силы, которую ты скопил. Это началось в прошлый раз, когда ты был здесь, когда мне удалось поймать очень обещающий знак (omen). Когда ты приехал, я слышал Союзник (Ally) рыскал вокруг; сначала, я слышал его тихие шаги и затем я увидел мотыля, смотрящего на тебя, когда ты вылезал из своей машины. Союзник неподвижно наблюдал за тобой. Это для меня было лучшим знаком. Был бы Союзник неспокойным, двигаясь кругом, как-будто он был недоволен твоим появлением, как это всегда случалось, течение событий было бы другим. Много раз я был свидетелем того, что Союзник был настроен недружественно по отношению к тебе, но в этот раз знак был правильным и я знал, что у Союзника были кое-какие знания для тебя. Это было причиной, почему я сказал: у тебя свидание со знанием, встреча с мотылём, которая не могла состояться долгое время. По непонятным, для нас, причинам Союзник выбрал форму мотыля, чтобы открыться тебе."
"Но ты сказал, что
Союзник был бесформенным и что можно только судить по его эффектам," сказал я.
"Правильно," сказал он. "Но
Союзник - мотыль для смотрящих, кто с тобой ассоциируется - Дженаро и мной. Для тебя, Союзник - это только эффект, ощущение в твоём теле или звук, или ЗОЛОТЫЕ ИСКРЫ ЗНАНИЙ. Тем не менее, остаётся фактом, что выбирая форму мотыля, Союзник говорит Дженаро и мне что-то огромной важности. МОТЫЛЬКИ - ДАЮТ ЗНАНИЯ И ПОМОЩНИКИ КОЛДУНОВ. Это потому, что Союзник выбрал быть мотылём рядом с тобой, Дженаро уделяет тебе такое внимание."
"Я ВИДЕЛА весь твой манёвр из двери. Ты был так занят, чувствуя жалость к Джозефине, что твоё тело не заметило моё присуствие. Я ВИДЕЛА как твой Двойник вылезал из верхушки твоей головы: он извивался как червяк. Я видела дрожь, которая началась с ног и прошла через всё твоё тело, а затем твой Двойник вылез. Он был как ты, только очень светился. Он был как сам Нагуал, вот почему Сёстры были парализованы от ужаса. Я знала: они подумали, что это был сам Нагуал...Двойник нуждается в огромном количестве внимания. Нагуал дал такое внимание тебе, но не мне..."

"Взгляд воина сосредотачивается на правом глазе другого человека..."

Дон Хуан, где было моё тело, пока всё это происходило со мной?" спросил я и он от души рассмеялся.
"Это - последний из колдовских трюков," сказал он. "Скажем то, что я собираюсь открыть тебе, это последняя часть объяснения Колдунов. До этого момента твоя логика наугад следовала моим действиям. Твоя логика хочет признать, что мир, не такой, как он описан, что в нём есть намного больше, чем видят глаза. Твоя логика и почти желание и готовность признать, что твоё восприятие пошло вверх и вниз по этому утёсу или что-то в тебе или всего тебя кинуло на дно пропасти и осмотрело глазами
tonal, что было там, как-будто ты спустился телом с верёвкой и с лестницей. Акт осмотра дна пропасти, был кульминацией всех лет тренировки. Ты с ней справился. Дженаро увидел кубический см шанса, когда бросил в тебя камнем, который был на дне пропасти. Ты видел всё, Дженаро и я тогда без сомнения знали, что ты был готов быть отправленным в Неизвестность. В то мгновенье, ты не только ВИДЕЛ, но ты и ЗНАЛ всё о Двойнике." Я перебил его, сказав, что он даёт мне незаслуженные заслуги за то, что было вне моего понимания. Его ответ был, что мне нужно время, чтобы все те впечатления улеглись, и как только я это сделаю, ответы просто польются из меня в той же манере, как вопросы лились из меня в прошлом. "Секрет Двойника в пузыре восприятия, который в твоём случае, в ту ночь был на вершине утёса и на дне пропасти одновременно," сказал он. "Скопление чувств можно заставить мгновенно собраться где угодно. Другими словами, можно воспринимать то, что здесь и то, что там - одновременно."

"Без всякого намеренного вмешательства с нашей стороны," продолжал Дон Хуан, "этот Древний приём индейцев Toltec для тебя был разделён на две части. Первая часть была достаточна для твоего ознакомления с тем, что происходит. Во второй, мы попробуем достичь то, чего искали Старые Колдуны."
"Дон Хуан, что там действительно произошло?" спросил я.
"Есть две версии. Сначала я тебе дам версию Старых Колдунов. Они думали, что отражающая поверхность блестящего предмета, опущенного под воду, увеличивает силу воды. Что они обычно делали это: уставиться в скопления воды и отражающая поверхность служила им помощью ускорить процесс. Они верили, что наши глаза - ключи для входа в Неизвестное; глядя в воду, они позволяли глазам открыть путь." Дон Хуан сказал, что Старые Колдуны наблюдали, что мокрота воды только смачивает или размягчает, но что текучесть воды двигает. Они сделали вывод, что вода двигается в поисках других уровней ниже нас. Они верили, что нам была дана не только для жизни, но также как связь-дорога к другим, нижним уровням.
"Как много уровней ниже?" спросил я.
"Старые Колдуны насчитали семь уровней," ответил он.
"Дон Хуан, ты их знаешь по личному опыту?"
"Я - Колдун нового цикла и, вследствии этого, у меня другая точка зрения," сказал он. "Я просто показываю тебе то, что Старые Колдуны делали и говорю то, что они знали." Он добавил, что только потому, что у него была другая точка зрения, не означало, что практика Старых Колдунов не имела никакой цены; их интерпретация была неправильной, но их правдивость имела практическую ценность для них. "На примере водной практики, они были убеждены, что для человека, для его тела,  было возможно быть транспортированным текучестью воды куда угодно между этим нашим уровнем и любым из семи нижних уровней; или быть транспортированным, в сущности, куда угодно на этом уровне, вдоль течения реки в любом направлении. Соответственно, они использовали текущую воду для транспортировки своих тел на этом нашем уровне, а воду глубоких озёр и водяных дыр - для транспортировки в глубины нижних уровней. То, что они исследовали техникой, которую я тебе показываю, имело две стороны," продолжал он. "С одной стороны, они использовали текучесть воды, чтобы быть транспортированным на первый нижний уровень. С другой стороны, они это использовали, чтобы иметь встречу лицом к лицу с существами этого первого нижнего уровня. Форма головы в зеркале был один из таких существ, кто пришёл посмотреть на нас."

"Другой голос, тот, который сказал мне использовать мои глаза, чтобы замедлить движение, был голос ВИДЕНИЯ. В тот день я ВИДЕЛ 10 Светящихся Существ в медленном движении.
Голос ВИДЕНИЯ вёл меня, чтобы увидеть в них всё, что Дон Хуан говорил мне о Свечении Сознания. Был вертикальный диапазон с доминирующем жёлто-коричневым Свечением на правой стороне этих яйцеобразных Светящихся Существ, наверно одна десятая всего объёма Кокона. Голос сказал, что это был ЧЕЛОВЕЧЕСКИЙ ДИАПАЗОН СОЗНАНИЯ. Голос указал на точку в этом Человеческом Диапазоне, ТОЧКА ИНТЕНСИВНОГО БЛЕСКА; она была высоко на овальных формах, почти на самой вершине поверхности Кокона; Голос сказал, что это была ТОЧКА ВОСПРИЯТИЯ."

"Он повторял снова и снова, что на том уровне, где был я, никакие логические выводы не должны мешать моим действиям. Он сказал, что
Двойник и Барьер Восприятия являются позициями Точки Восприятия, и что это Знание также важно Колдунам, как знать: как писать и читать современному человеку. В обоих случаях достижения, приобретённые после лет практики. "Очень важно, что ты помнишь прямо сейчас момент, когда твоя Точка Восприятия достигла того положения и это создало твоего Двойника," сказал он в сильной спешке. Затем он улыбнулся и заметил, что времени было очень мало; он сказал, что память главного путешествия моего Двойника переведёт мою Точку Восприятия туда, где разрушит Барьер Восприятия, чтобы восстановить другой мир."


"Двойник имеет несколько имён," сказал он после долгой паузы. "Имя, которое мне больше всего нравится, это Другой. Имя принадлежит Старым Колдунам, вместе с настроением. Я особенно не забочусь об их настроении, но мне приходится признавать, что мне нравится их имя Другой. Мистическое и запрещённое. Прямо как Старые Колдуны, оно создаёт во мне чувство темноты и теней. Старые Колдуны говорили, что Другой всегда приходит, окружённый ветром."
Дон Хуан и другие члены его группы годами пытались заставить меня осознать, что мы можем быть одновременно в двух местах, что мы можем испытать своего рода двойное восприятие. Пока Дон Хуан говорил, я начал кое-что вспоминать, настолько глубоко забытое, что сначала это было, как-будто я только что об этом услышал. Потом, шаг за шагом я понял, что я сам такой опыт пережил. Я был одновременно в двух местах. Это случилось ночью в горах Северной Мексики.
Я собирал растения вместе с
Дон Хуаном весь день. Мы остановились на ночь и я чуть не заснул от усталости, когда вдруг поднялся порыв ветра и Дон Дженаро выпрыгнул из темноты прямо передо мной и чуть до смерти не напугал меня. Первой моей мыслью было подозрение. Я подумал, что Дон Дженаро весь день прятался в кустах, ожидая пока наступит темнота, прежде чем создать своё ужасное появление. Пока я смотрел на него, прыгающего вокруг, я заметил в нём что-то действительно странное в ту ночь. Что-то ощутимое, реальное, и всё-таки, такое, что я не мог уловить. Он пошутил со мной и поясничал всю дорогу, выполняя финты, не поддающиеся моей логике. Дон Хуан смеялся над моим изумлением как идиот. Когда он определил, что был подходящий момент, он заставил меня перейти в более Высокое Сознание (более высокая вибрация) и, какой-то момент я мог ВИДЕТЬ Дон Дженаро и Дон Хуана, как два шара Света. Дон Дженаро не был плоть и кровь Дон Дженаро, которого я знал в моём состоянии нормальном сознания, а его Двойник. Я это мог сказать, потому что я ВИДЕЛ его в виде огненного шара, который был над землёй. Он не был на земле как был Дон Хуан. Выглядело так, как-будто Дженаро - шар Света - вот-вот собирался взлететь, будучи уже в воздухе пару футов и готовый улететь. И другую вещь я сделал той ночью, что вдруг стало мне ясно, пока я вспоминал это событие и что я автоматически знал, что мне пришлось двигать свои глаза, чтобы заставить сдвинуться свою Точку Восприятия. Я мог своим Интэнтом направить свои волокна так, что заставило меня ВИДЕТЬ Дженаро как шар Света, или я мог так направить волокна, что это заставляло меня ВИДЕТЬ его, как что-то странное и неизвестное. Когда я ВИДЕЛ Дженаро странным, в его глазах был злобный огонёк, как в глазах зверя в темноте. Но это всё-таки были глаза. Я их не ВИДЕЛ как точки янтарного цвета. В ту ночь Дон Хуан сказал, что Дженаро собирался помочь мне значительно сдвинуть мою Точку Восприятия, и что я должен имитировать его и следовать всему, что он делает."

"Дженаро выставил свою задницу и затем вытолкнул свой перёд с огромной силой. Я подумал, что это был оскорбительный жест. Он повторял его снова и снова, двигаясь вокруг, как-будто он танцевал. Дон Хуан похлопал меня по руке, торопя имитировать Дженаро, и я начал. Мы оба топали кругом, выполняя это вульгарное движение. Через некоторое время у меня появилось чувство, что моё тело само выполняло движение без того, что казалось, был настоящий я. Разделение между моим телом и настоящим мною (мой Двойник) становилось ещё более явным и затем, в определённый момент, я уставился на нелепую сцену, в которой двое мужчин показывали друг другу неприличные жесты. Я наблюдал как зачарованный, и понял, что это я был один из двух мужчин. В тот момент, когда я это осознал, то почувствовал, как что-то тащит меня и я снова обнаружил себя толкающим свой перёд внутрь и наружу в унисон с Дженаро. Почти тут же я заметил, что другой мужчина, стоящий рядом с Дон Хуаном, наблюдал за нами. Ветер веял вокруг него. Я мог видеть как развевались его волосы. Он был голым и казался смущёным. Ветер собрался вокруг него, как бы защищая его, или может быть наоборот: пытаясь начисто сдуть его. До меня наконец, дошло, что тот другой человек был я, и это дало мне незабываемый шок. Неизвестная физическая сила растаскивала меня на части, как-будто я был сделан из волокон, и я снова смотрел на мужчину, прыгающего с Дженаро, смотрящего на меня, а я на него, мужчину, кто был я. В то же самое время я глядел на голого мужчину (кто тоже был я), уставившегося на меня, пока я делал неприличные жесты с Дженаро. Шок был настолько огромен, что я прервал ритм своих движений и упал. Следущую вещь я понял, что Дон Хуан помогал мне встать. Дженаро и другой я, голый, исчезли. Я также вспомнил, что Дон Хуан отказался обсуждать это событие. Он это не объяснял, кроме как сказал, что Дженаро был экспертом в создании своего Двойника, и что у меня, ничего не подозревая, были длительные встречи с Двойником Дженаро в состоянии обычного сознания.
"В ту ночь, также как он это делал сотни раз до этого,
Дженаро заставил передвинуться твою Точку Восприятия очень глубоко в левую сторону," заметил Дон Хуан, после того, как я ему пересказал всё, что помнил. "Его могущество было таким, что он перетащил твою Точку Восприятия в положение, в котором появляется Двойник. Ты ВИДЕЛ своего Двойника, наблюдающего за тобой. И его танец проделал трюк." Я попросил его объяснить мне, как неприличные движения Дженаро могли вызвать такой невероятный эффект. "Ты чересчур чопорный," сказал он. "Дженаро использовал твоё тогдашнее недовольство и стыд от того, что тебе пришлось демонстрировать неприличные жесты. Так как он был в теле своего Двойника, у него было достаточно энергии ВИДЕТЬ Светящиеся Волокна; имея такое приемущество, он крепкой хваткой заставил твою Точку Восприятия сдвинуться." Он сказал, что как бы и что бы Дженаро не помог мне делать той ночью, было наименьшее, что Дженаро двинул мою Точку Восприятия и заставил её создать Двойника много, много раз, но что те события не были , что он хотел, чтобы я помнил.
"Я хочу, чтобы ты построил соответствующие волокна и запомнил время, когда ты действительно проснулся в Полёте," сказал он. Странный прилив энергии, казалось, взорвался во мне и я знал, что он хотел, чтобы я запомнил. Однако я не мог сфокусировать свою память на полном событии. Я мог только вспомнить фрагмент всего. Я вспомнил, что одним утром Дон Хуан, Дон Дженаро и я сидели на этой самой скамейке, пока я был в состоянии обычного сознания."

Дон Дженаро вдруг сказал, что он собрался заставить своё тело покинуть скамейку, не вставая. Заявление было полностью вне темы, которую мы обсуждали.
Я привык к планомерным и точным словам и действиям
Дон Хуана. Я повернулся к Дон Хуану, ожидая знака, но он оставался равнодушным, смотря вперёд, как-будто Дон Дженаро и меня здесь вовсе не было. Дон Дженаро слегка подтолкнул меня, чтобы привлечь моё внимание, и затем я стал свидетелем особенно поражающей сцены. Я УВИДЕЛ Дон Дженаро на другой стороне площади (его Двойник). Он подзывал меня к себе. Но я также ВИДЕЛ Дон Дженаро, сидящим рядом со мной, смотрящим вперёд точно так, как делал Дон Хуан, я хотел что-то сказать, выразить моё восхищение, но нашёл себя онемевшим, окружённым какой-то силой вокруг меня, которая не давала мне говорить. Я снова посмотрел на Дон Дженаро через парк (его Двойник). Он всё ещё был там, маня меня головой присоединиться к нему. Моя эмоциональная депрессия увеличивалась с каждой секундой. Мой желудок расстроился и, наконец, у меня появилось туннельное видение, туннель, который вёл прямо к Дженаро (его Двойнику) на другой стороне площади. И затем, страшное любопытство или сильный страх, что, казалось в тот момент, было одно и то же, потащил меня туда, где был он. Собственно говоря, я взлетела по воздуху и попала туда, где был он. Он заставил меня повернуться и указал на 3х человек, кто сидел на скамейке в неподвижной позе, как-будто время остановилось. Я чувствовала ужасное неудобство, внутреннюю щекотку, как-будто мягкие органы внутри моего тела были в огне. Потом я вернулась на скамейку, но Дженаро ушёл. Он помахал мне через площадь и исчез среди людей, идущих на рынок. Дон Хуан очень оживился и продолжал смотреть на меня. Он встал и обошёл вокруг меня."

КАРЛОС КАСТАНЭДА - "ПОДАРОК ОРЛА"  - на русском, мой перевод

В процессе выполнения этого задания я поехал назад в Мексику и нашёл, что
у Дон Хуана и Дон Дженаро было ещё 9 учеников Колдовства: 5 женщин и 4 мужчин.
Самая старая женщина по имени
Солидад; следующими были: Maria Elena, по прозвищу Ла Горда, три другие женщины Lydia, Rosa и Josefina были моложе и их звали "маленькие сёстры". Четверо мужчин, в порядке возраста, были Eligio, Benigno, Nestor и Pablito; последних трёх мужчин называли "the Genaros", потому что они были очень близки к Дон Дженаро. Я уже знал, что Nestor, Pablito и Eligio, кого уже с нами не было, были учениками, но у меня создалось впеатление, что эти четыре девушки были сёстрами Pablito, и что Солидад была их матерью. Я слегка знал Солидад в течении лет и всегда звал её Дона Солидад, в знак уважения, так как она по возрасту была ближе к Дон Хуану. Lydia и Rosa тоже были мне представлены, но наши отношения были настолько мимолётны, что бы понять кто они в действительности были. Я знал Gorda and Josefina только по имени. Я встретил Benigno, но понятия не имел, что он был связан с Дон Хуаном и Дон Дженаро. По причинам вне моего понимания, все они, похоже, ждали так или иначе моего возвращения в Мексику. Они информировали меня, что я должен был занять место Дон Хуана в роли лидера, их Нагуала. Они сказали мне, что don Juan и don Genaro исчезли с лица земли, а также Eligio. Женщины и мужчины верили, что трое из них  - не умерли, а попали в другой мир, отличающийся от нашего Повседневного Мира, но всё равно реальный. Женщины, особенно dona Soledad - по жёсткому столкнулись со мной с нашей первой встречи. Тем не менее, они были решающими в моём очищении. В результате моего контакта с ними, в моей жизни произошла таинственная перемена. С того момента, когда я их встретил, невероятные изменения произошли в моих процессах мышления и понимания. Однако всё это не случилось на сознательном уровне  - после моего первого визита к ним, я нашёл себя более запутанным, чем прежде, и всё-таки в центре хаоса я столкнулся с удивительно крепкой базой. В процессе наших столкновений, я нашёл в себе источник, которым я и не мечтал, что владею (его Двойник).

Часть 1: Двойник 1. Фиксация Второго Внимания 

Двадцать футов сзади каждой передней фигурой на вершине пирамиды, находится ещё один ряд 4х прямоугольных колон, той же высоты и ширины как и первые, и также сделаны из 4х отдельных кусков камня. Невероятная презентация Атлантийцев была украшена тем, о чём мой друг, кто привёл меня на это место, мне о них рассказал. Он сказал, что смотритель этих руин ему открыл, что он слышал как Атлантийцы шагают по ночам, заставляя трястись землю под ними. Я попросил "the Genaros" прокомментировать по поводу того, что мой друг сказал. Они вели себя застенчиво и хихикали. Я повернулся к Ла Горде, кто сидела рядом со мной, и спросил её напрямую какого она мнения. "Ты никогда не видел те фигуры," сказала она. "Ты никогда не был в Туле. Даже сама мысль идти в этот город, меня ужасает.
"Горда, почему это ужасает тебя?" спросил я.
"Что-то со мной случилось в руинах
Monte Alban в Oaxaca," сказала она. "Я бывало бродила в тех руинах, даже после того, как Нагуал Хуан Матус велел мне ногой туда не ступать. Не знаю почему, но я любила это место. Каждый раз, когда я была в Oaxaca, я туда ходила. Так как одинокие женщины всегда преследуются, я обычно ходила с Pablito, кто - отчаяный. Но однажды я пошла с Нестором. Он увидел блеск на земле, мы немного покопали и нашли странный камень, который помещался у меня на ладони. Дыра в нём была аккуратно просверлена. Я хотела просунуть через неё палец, но Nestor меня остановил. Камень был очень гладким и сделал мою руку очень горячей. Мы не знали, что с ним делать. Nestor положил его внутрь своей шляпы и мы его понесли, как-будто это было живое животное." Они все начали смеяться, похоже, была скрытая шутка в том, что Ла Горда мне рассказала.
"Куда ты взяла его?" спросил я её.
"Мы принесли его в этот дом," ответила она, и это признание объяснило неудержный смех других. Смех заставил их кашлять и задыхаться.
"Шутка за Ла Гордой," сказал
Nestor. "Ты должен понять, что она упряма, как никто. Нагуал её уже предупредил, не связываться с камнями и костями, или с другим, что она может найти в земле. Но она ускользала за его спиной и приносила всякую дрянь. В тот день в Oaxaca, она настояла на том, чтобы принести эту чёртову вещь. Мы с ней сели на автобус, везли её всю дорогу в этот город и потом прямо в эту комнату."

"Нагуал и
Дженаро были в поездке," сказала Ла Горда. "Я осмелела и просунула свой палец через отверстие камня и поняла, что камень был отрезан так, чтобы его  держать в руке. Сразу же я почувствовала того, кто когда-то держал этот камень. Это был камень-силы. Мой настрой поменялся, я испугалась. Что-то сверх-
естественнное стало двигаться в темноте, оно не имело ни формы, ни цвета. Я больше не могла оставаться одна, просыпалась с криками и после пары дней не могла спать совсем. Все, по очереди, составляли мне компанию день и ночь."
Нагуал и Дженаро вернулись," сказал Nestor, "Нагуал послал меня с Дженаро в тот город, чтобы положить камень назад в то же самое место, где он был похоронен. Дженаро работал три дня, чтобы найти точное место, и он его нашёл."
"Что случилось с тобой после этого, Горда?" спросил я её.
Нагуал закопал меня," ответила она. "Девять дней я голая была внутри земляного гроба." Послышался ещё один взрыв смеха среди них.
Нагуал сказал ей, что она не может выйти из него," объяснил Nestor, "Бедной Горде пришлось писить и какать внутри её гроба. Нагуал опять втолкнул её в гроб, сделанный из ветвей и глины. На стороне гроба была крошечная дверь для пищи и воды. Всё остальное было замазано."
"Почему он её похоронил?" спросил я.
"Это - единственный способ защитить кого-либо," сказал
Nestor. "Она должна была находиться под землёй, чтобы Земля её вылечила. Лучшего врача, чем Земля,  нет; помимо этого Нагуалу пришлось одному справляться с чувствами этого камня, которые были сфокусированы на Ла Горде. Глина - это экран, он не позволяет ничему пройти насквозь в любом направлении. Нагуал знал, что хуже ей не будет, если побыть 9 дней захороненной; ей только станет лучше, что и произошло."
"Горда, какое ощущение ты испытывала, когда тебя похоронили?" спросил я.
"Я чуть не сошла с ума," сказала она. "Но это было только потакание моим слабостям. Если бы
Нагуал не посадил меня в гроб, я бы умерла. Могущество того камня было слишком велико для меня; его владелец был очень крупным человеком. Думаю, что его рука была в два раза больше моей. Он держался за этот камень ради спасения своей жизни, но кто-то в конце концов убил его. Его страх ужасал меня. Я могла чувствовать, как что-то двигалось на меня, чтобы съесть мою плоть. Это то, что мужчина чувствовал. Он был могущественный человек, но кто-то более могущественный поймал его. Нагуал сказал, что как только у тебя появится подобный предмет, он принесёт несчастье, потому что его сила входит в поединок с другими предметами такого типа, и владелец становится жертвой, или преследователем. Нагуал сказал, что это природа таких предметов - быть на войне, потому что часть нашего внимания, которое фокусируется на них, чтобы давать им силу, очень опасна, эта часть отличается воинственным поведением."
"Ла Горда очень жадная, она думала, что если найдёт то, что уже имеет огромное количество силы в нём, она выиграет, потому что в наши дни никому не интересно вызывать на поединок Могущество."
Сказал Pablito. Ла Горда согласилась кивком головы.
"Я не знала, что можно подбирать другие предметы, кроме силы, которые предметы имеют," сказала она. "Когда я в первый раз засунула палец в дырку и держала камень, моя ладонь сильно нагрелась и моя рука начала вибрировать. Я и вправду почувствовала себя большой и сильной. Я - жуликоватая, поэтому никто не знал, что я держала камень в руке. После нескольких дней, держания камня в руке, начался настоящий кошмар. Я могла чувствовать, что кто-то преследует владельца камня. Я ощущала его страх. Он несомненно был очень могущественный Колдун и тот, кто преследовал его, хотел не только его убить, но и съесть его плоть. Это реально меня напугало. В тот момент мне следовало выбросить камень, но чувство, которое у меня было от этого камня, было таким новым, что я держала камень, сжатым в руке, как проклятый глупец. Когда я, наконец, уронила его, было уже поздно. Что-то во мне было на крючке. У меня начались видения мужчин, нападающих на меня, мужчин, одетых в странные одежды. Я чувствовала, что они кусали меня, отрывали плоть с моих ног своими зубами и маленькими острыми ножами. Я рассвирипела."
"Как Дон Хуан объяснил те виденья?" спросил я её.
"Он сказал, что у неё больше нет защиты," сказал Nestor. "И поэтому она могла подхватить фокус того человека, его Второе Внимание, которое было влито в этот камень. Когда он был убит, он держал этот камень, чтобы собрать всю свою концентрацию. Нагуал сказал, что вся сила мужчины ушла из тела в этот камень; он знал, что он делал, он не хотел, чтобы его враги получили пользу, съев его плоть. Нагуал также сказал, что те, кто его убил, знали это, вот почему они его ели живьём, чтобы получить оставшуюся силу. Они должно быть захоронили камень, чтобы избежать несчастья. А Ла Горда и я, как два идиота, нашли и выкопали его."

Ла Горда тряхнула головой 3-4 раза в знак согласия. У неё было очень серьёзное выражение лица. "Нагуал сказал мне, что Второе Внимание (нижняя часть вибраций 4го Уровня Сознания, ЛМ) - это самое жестокое место, какое только существует. Если Второе Внимание сфокусировано на предметах, нет ничего более ужасного," сказала она.
"Ужасно то, что мы не расстаёмся, привыкаем," сказал
Nestor. "Мужчина, кто владел камнем, не хотел расстаться со своей жизнью и со своим могуществом; вот почему его ужасало ощущение съедания его плоти. Нагуал сказал, что если бы мужчина расстался с чувством власти и отдал себя своей смерти, какой бы она не была, в нём не было бы никакого страха."

Разговор затих. Я спросил остальных, хотят ли они что-нибудь добавить. Маленькие сёстры уставились на меня. Benigno посмеивался, пряча своё лицо шляпой.
"Pablito и я были на пирамидах Тулы," наконец сказал он. "Мы были во всех пирамидах, которые имеются в Мексике. Нам они нравятся."
"Почему вы обошли все пирамиды?" спросил я его.
"Я и правда не знаю почему мы посетили их," ответил он. "Наверно потому, что Нагуал Juan Matus велел нам не ходить."
"А как насчёт тебя, Pablito?" спросил я.
"Я пошёл туда познать," ответил он раздражённо и засмеялся.
"Когда-то я жил в городе Тула и я знаю те пирамиды как ладони своих рук. Нагуал мне сказал, что он тоже когда-то жил там. Он знал всё о пирамидах. Он сам был индеец Толтек."
Тогда я понял, что это было больше, чем просто любопытство, которое заставило меня посетить археологический район в Туле. Главной причиной, почему я принял приглашение моего друга, было потому что во время моего первого визита Ла Горды и других, они рассказали мне то, что
Дон Хуан никогда даже не упоминал при мне: он считал себя культурным потомком Толтек. Тула была древним эпицентром Империи Толтек.

"Что ты думаешь об Атлантийцев, расхаживающих вокруг по ночам?" спросил я Pablito.
"Я уверен, что они вышагивают по ночам," сказал он. "Такое происходило веками. Никто не знает, кто построил пирамиды, Nagual Juan Matus сам сказал мне, что испанцы не были первыми их открывателями. Нагуал сказал, что были другие до них. Бог знает сколько."
"Что ты думаешь те четыре каменные фигуры из себя представляют?" спросил я.
"Это - не мужчины, а женщины," ответил он. "Та пирамида - центр порядка и стабильности. Те статуи - четыре его угла; они - четыре ветра, четыре направления. Они - основание, база пирамиды. Они и должны быть женщинами, мужеподобными женщинами, если ты хочешь так их называть. Как ты уже и сам знаешь, мы - мужчины - не такие горячие. Мы отличное связующее, клей, чтобы держать вещи вместе, но на этом всё. Nagual Juan Matus сказал, что мистика пирамиды в её структуре. Четыре угла были подняты наверх. Сама пирамида - это мужчина, поддерживаемый его женщинами-воинами; мужчина, кто поднял своих помощников на самое высокое место. Понимаешь, что я имею ввиду?" На моём лице должно быть было написано недоумение. Pablito вежливо рассмеялся.
"Нет, я не понимаю, что ты имеешь ввиду, Pablito," ответил я. "Но это потому, что Дон Хуан никогда мне об этом не говорил. Эта тема совершенно новая для меня.
Ты, пожалкйста, расскажи мне всё, что знаешь.
"Атлантийцы - Нагуал; они - космические путешественники. Они представляют порядок Второго Внимания, внесённый в жизнь, вот почему они такие бесстрашные и
таинственные. Они - воинственные создания, но не разрушений. Следующий ряд колон, прямоугольных, представляет порядок Первого Внимания, тонал. Это -
Маскировщики, вот поэтому они покрыты табличками с надписями. Они - мудрые и миролюбивые, в противоположность первому ряду."
Pablito остановился и посмотрел на меня почти вызывающе. Я подумал, что он собирается продолжить своё объяснение, но он хранил молчание, как бы ожидая мои комментарии. Я сказал ему, насколько я был заинтригован, и попросил его продолжить. Он был в нерешительности, какой-то момент смотрел на меня и глубоко вздохнул. Он едва начал говорить, как голоса остальных поднялись до протеста.

Нагуал уже объяснил это всем нам," нетерпеливо сказала Ла Горда. "Какой смысл заставлять его повторять это?" Я пытался заставить их понять, что я и правда понятия не имел, о чём говорил Pablito. Я настоял на том, чтобы он закончил своё объяснение. Возникла ещё одна волна голосов, говорящих одновременно. Судя по тому, как маленькие сёстры уставились на меня, они начинали злиться, особенно Lydia.
"Мы не любим говорить о тех женщинах," сказала мне Ла Горда примирительным тоном. "Даже мысль о женщинах тех пирамид заставляет нас нервничать."
"Люди, что с вами случилось?" спросил я, "Почему вы так себя ведёте?"
"Мы не знаем," ответила Ла Горда, "Просто это - чувство, которое у нас у всех, очень гнетущее ощущение. Минуту назад мы были в порядке, а потом ты начал задавать вопросы о тех женщинах." Заявление Ла Горды было как сигнал тревоги. Они все встали и решительно двинулись ко мне, громко крича. Мне долго взяло, чтобы их успокоить и заставить их сесть. Маленькие сёстры очень расстроились и их настроение похоже повлияло на Ла Горду. Трое мужчин были более сдержаны.
Я обратился к Нестору напрямую с просьбой объяснить мне, почему женщины так нервничали. Ничего не подозревая, я явно делал что-то, чтобы их разозлить.

"Я и правда не знаю в чём дело. Я уверен, что никто из нас не знает, что с нами происходит, кроме как что мы все чувствуем глубокую печаль и уныние."
"Это от того, что мы говорим о пирамидах?" спросил я его.
"Наверно так," ответил он меланхолично. "Я сам не знал, что те фигуры были женщины."
"Конечно ты знал, идиот," выстрелила Лидия. Нестор похоже был напуган её выступлением. Он сжался и трусливо мне улыбнулся.
"Может и знал,"признал он. "Мы проходим через весьма странный период наших жизней. Никто из нас больше ничего не знает с уверенностью. С тех пор как ты вошёл в наши жизни, мы стали незнакомы самим себе." Воцарилась негативная атмосфера. Я настаивал, что единственный способ избавиться от такой атмосферы, это - поговорить о тех таинственных колоннах на пирамидах. Женщины рьяно запротестовали, мужчины молчали. У меня было ощущение, что они принципиально поддерживали женщин, но по секрету хотели обсудить тему, также как и я.
"Дон Хуан сказал тебе ещё что-нибудь о пирамидах, Pablito?" спросил я. Моя цель была отвести разговор от темы фигур Атлантийцев, и всё-таки, оставаться близко к ней.

"Он сказал, что одна особая пирамида в Туле была гидом," охотно ответил Pablito. По тону его голоса я определил, что он действительно хотел говорить.
И внимание других учеников убедило меня в том, что тайно, все хотели обменяться мнениями.
"Нагуал сказал, что это был гид ко Второму Вниманию," Pablito продолжал, "но она была атакована и всё было разрушено. Он сказал мне, что некоторые из пирамид были гигантскими Not-Doings (то, что не делается в нашем мире). Это не были жилища, а места для внетелесных Полётов воинов и для упражнений во Втором Внимании. Всё, что они делали, было записано в рисунках и цифрах, которые накладывались на стены. Затем другой вид воина должно быть пришёл, вид, который не одобрял то, что Колдуны пирамид делали во Втором Внимании, и разрушили пирамиды и всё, что в них было. Нагуал верил, что новые воины должно быть были воинами Третьего Внимания (5го Уровня Сознания, ещё выше вибрацией! ЛМ), как и он сам (Дон Хуан); эти воины, кто был поражён жестокостью фиксации тех воинов во Втором Внимании. Колдуны пирамид были слишком заняты собственной фиксацией, чтобы понять, что происходит. А когда поняли, было слишком поздно."

У Pablito была аудитория. Все в комнате, включая меня, были очарованы тем, что он рассказывал. Я понимал идеи, которые он передавал, потому что Дон Хуан их мне объяснил. Дон Хуан сказал, что наши Тотальные Существа состоят из двух воспринимаемых сегментов. Первый - знакомое физическое тело, которое мы все можем видеть; Второе - наш нефизический Двойник в виде Светящегося Кокона, который только Ясновидящие могут видеть, Кокон, который придаёт нам вид огромных Светящихся Яиц.

"Пирамиды - вредны," продолжал Pablito. "Особенно незащищённым Колдунам как мы. Они ещё хуже для бесформенных воинов как Ла Горда. Нагуал сказал, что нет ничего более опасного, чем негативная фиксация Второго Внимания. Когда воины концентрируются на слабой (негативной) стороне Второго Внимания, ничто больше не может стоять на их пути. Они становятся охотниками за мужчинами, негативными духами. Даже если их тела уже умерли, они могут достигнуть своей жертвы через Временные вибрации (линии времени), как-будто они присуствуют здесь и сейчас; потому что жертва это то, чем мы становимся, если мы входим в одну из тех пирамид. Нагуал называл их: ловушки Второго Внимания."

"Что точно он сказал случится?" спросила Ла Горда.
"Нагуал сказал, что мы возможно выдержим один визит в пирамиды," объяснил Pablito. "Во второй визит мы почувствуем странную печаль. Это будет как холодный ветерок, который сделает нас усталыми и безразличными; усталость, которая потом превратится в неудачи. И вскоре принесёт несчастье; всё, что угодно, случится с нами. Собственно говоря, Нагуал сказал, что наша собственная полоса неудач вызвана нашим желанием посетить те руины, хотя он нас предупреждал туда не ходить. Возьми Элиджио (Eligio), он всегда слушался Нагуала. Ты его там мёртвым не поймаешь; и также наш новый Нагуал (Карлос Кастанэда), и им всегда везло, тогда как остальным нам не везло, особенно Ла Горде и мне. Разве нас не покусала та же самая собака? И разве те же самые балки крыши на кухне не сгнили дважды и не упали на нас?"
Нагуал никогда мне это не объяснял," сказала Ла Горда.
"Конечно объяснял," настаивал
Pablito, "если бы я знал, насколько это плохо, я бы в это проклятое место - ни ногой," Ла Горда запротестовала.

"Нагуал говорил нам всем одни и те же вещи," сказал Nestor. "Проблема в том, что не каждый из нас внимательно слушал, или, скорее, каждый слушал по своему,
и слышал то, что хотел слышать.
Нагуал сказал, что фиксация Второго Внимания имеет два лица. Первое лицо и легче всего - это злобное. Это случается, когда Путешественники используют свои Полёты, чтобы сфокусировать своё Второе Внимание на предметах этого мира, как деньги и власть над людьми. Другое лицо - самое трудное для достижения и это случается, когда Путешественники фиксируют своё Второе Внимание на предметах, которые не из нашего мира, такие как путешествия в Неизвестность. Воинам нужно приобрести нескончаемую безупречность, чтобы достичь это лицо."
Я сказал им, что был уверен
Дон Хуан отборочно открывал определённые вещи некоторым из нас и другие вещи другим ученикам. Например, я не мог вспомнить, чтобы Дон Хуанкогда-нибудь обсуждал со мной злобное лицо Второго Внимания. Тогда я им сказал, что Дон Хуан сказал мне в отношении фиксации Внимания в общих чертах.
Он подчеркнул, что все археологические руины в Мексике, особенно пирамиды, вредны для современного человека. Он обрисовал пирамиды, как нечеловеческие выражения мысли и действия. Он добавил, что каждая вещь, каждый дизайн в них был рассчитанным усилием сохранить стороны Внимания, которые были насквозь чуждыми нам. Для Дон Хуана это были не только руины прошлых цивилизаций, которые содержали в себе опасный элемент; всё, что было объектом страстного желания, имело вредный потенциал. Однажды мы это обсудили в деталях. Была его реакция на некоторые мои комментарии, которые я сделал о том, где лучше хранить мои полевые записки. Я относился к ним в особой манере и боялся их потерять. "Что мне делать?" спросил я его.
"Дженаро однажды дал тебе совет," ответил он. "Ты думал, как всегда, что он шутит. Он никогда не шутит. Он тебе сказал, что ты должен писать кончиком своего пальца, вместо карандаша. Ты его не распросил, потому что ты не можешь представить, что это
Not-Doing, чтобы делать записи."
Я спорил, что то что он предлагал, должно быть шуткой. Моё представление о себе было как об учёном, кому нужно было записывать
всё, что было сказано и сделано, чтобы сделать правдивые заключения. Для Дон Хуана одна вещь не имела ничего общего с другой. Быть серьёзным студентом не имеет ничего общего с написанием записей. Я лично не мог найти решение; предложение Дженаро казалось мне юмором, а не реальной возможностью. Дон Хуан отстаивал своё сказав, что делать записи было способом использовать Первое Внимание в задании вспомнить, что я набросал записки, чтобы вспомнить, что было сделано и сказано. Рекомендация Дон Дженаро не была шуткой, так как писать кончиком моего пальца на куске бумаги, как Not-Doing чтобы делать записи, заставит моё Второе Внимание концентрироваться на воспоминании, и я не накоплю ворох бумаг. Дон Хуан подумал, что конечный результат был бы более аккуратным и более впечатляющим, чем делать записи. Насколько он знал, так никогда не было сделано, но принцип был правильным. Он заставил меня какое-то время этим заниматься. Меня это скосило. Составлять записки действовало на меня не только как, помогающий памяти, механизм, но это также успокаивало меня. Это был мой самый надёжный костыль. Аккумулировать листы бумаги давало мне чувство цели и баланса.
"Когда ты беспокоишься о том, что делать со своими бумагами," объяснил
Дон Хуан, "ты фокусируешь на них свою очень опасную часть. Мы все имеем эту опасную часть, эту фиксацию. Чем сильнее мы становимся, тем смертельней становится эта часть. Рекомендация воинам: не иметь никаких материальных вещей, на которых фокусировать свою силу, а фокусировать её на Духе, на настоящем Полёте в Неизвестное, а не на тривиальные щиты. В твоём случае, твои записи - твои щиты.
Они не дадут тебе жить спокойно."
Я серьёзно чувствовал, что ничто на Земле не сможет оторвать меня от моих записей. Тогда
Дон Хуан изобрёл задание для меня вместо настоящего Not-Doing.
Он сказал, что для того, кто такой же накопитель, как и я, самым подходящим способом, освободить себя от своих записей, будет опубликовать их, открыть их миру, написать книгу. На момент я подумал, что это была ещё большая шутка, чем делать записи кончиком пальца.
"Твоё стремление владеть вещами и держаться за них - не уникальна," сказал он. "Все, кто хочет следовать дорогой воина, путём Колдуна, должен избавиться от этой фиксации. Мой учитель мне сказал, что было время когда воины имели материальные вещи, на которых они устремляли свою энергию владельца. И это создало конкуренцию: чей предмет будет более могущественный или самым могущественным из всех предметов. Остатки тех предметов всё ещё остаются в мире, остатки той конкуренции за Могущество. Никто не может сказать, какого рода фиксирование те предметы должно быть получали. Мужчины намного более могущественны, чем ты думаешь. Ты только начал проявлять слабое беспокойство на свои записи. Ты ещё не дошёл до других уровней Внимания. Подумай, как было бы ужасно, если бы ты нашёл себя в конце своего пути как воина, всё ещё неся связки записей на своей спине. К тому времени записи будут живы, особенно, если ты научишься писать кончиком пальца и всё ещё копить горы листов. При таких обстоятельствах, меня нисколько не удивит, если кто-то найдёт разгуливающими твои связки листов."

"Мне легко понять, почему Нагуал Хуан Матус не хотел, чтобы мы владели чем-то," сказал Nestor после того, как я закончил говорить. "Мы все - Путешественники.
Он не хотел, чтобы мы фркусировали нашего Двойника на слабых сторонах Второго Внимания (выше вибрацией, чем Первое Внимание Повседневного Мира)."
В тот момент, я не понял его манёвров. Мне не нравился тот факт, что он заставил меня избавиться от всего, что у меня было, я думал, что он был несправедлив ко мне. Я верил, что он пытался уберечь меня от ревности Pablito и Benigno, потому что у них самих ничего не было. Я был зажиточным по сравнению с ними. В то время, я понятия не имел, что он защищал моего Двойника. Дон Хуан описывал мне Dreaming (путешествия своего Двойника без физ. тела) разными путями. Самый неясный из них всех, сейчас представляется мне как тот, который определяет это лучше всего. Он сказал, что Dreaming содержит в себе Not-Doing
сна (то, что в жизни обычно не делают). И будучи таким, Dreaming позволяет практикантам использовать ту порцию их жизни, которая проведена в спячке. Это как бы Путешественники больше не спят. Однако никаких болезней от этого не происходит. Недостатка сна у Путешественников нет, но эффект Полётов, казалось, увеличивает бодрствующие часы, в результате использования дополнительного тела - Светящегося Двойника. Дон Хуан мне объяснил, что Двойник иногда называют ДРУГИМ или ТЕЛОМ ПУТЕШЕСТВЕННИКА потому, что это - совершенная копия физического тела того, кто улетает во сне. Это - врождённая энергия Светящегося Существа, Белое, похожее на призрак, солнечное излучение, которое проецируется фиксацией Второго Внимания на 3х мерный образ тела. Дон Хуан объяснил, что Двойник - это не призрак, а такое же реальное, как всё, с чем мы имеем дело в нашем физическом мире. То, что направляет энергию нашему Тотальному Существу, чтобы создать всё, что в границах возможного, называется ВОЛЯ. Дон Хуан не сказал, где были те границы, кроме как на уровне Светящихся Существ диапазон такой широкий, что бесполезно пытаться установить ограничения - поэтому энергия Светящегося Существа может быть трансформирована во что угодно через ВОЛЮ. Нагуал сказал, что замешан Двойник и он прикрепляет себя ко всему." сказал Benigno. "В этом нет смысла.
Дон Хуан сказал мне, что МУЖЧИНЫ - слабее, чем ЖЕНЩИНЫ, потому что Двойник мужчины - более властный."
Маленькие сёстры кивком головы в унисон согласились. Ла Горда посмотрела на меня и улыбнулась.
"Нагуал сказал мне, что ты (Карлос) король в накоплении," сказала она мне. "Дженаро сказал, что ты даже говоришь досвиданья своим какашкам, прежде чем расстаться с ними, сливая воду из бачка." Маленькие сёстры закатились смехом, откинувшись на спины. The Genaros явно сдерживали себя, чтобы не рассмеяться.  Nestor, кто сидел рядом со мной, похлопал меня по колену. "Нагуал и Дженаро бывало рассказывали интересные истории о тебе," сказал он. "Они годами нас развлекали историями о странном мужике, которого они знали. Сейчас мы знаем, что это был ты." Я почувствовал волну стыда. Это было как-будто Дон Дженаро и Дон Хуан меня предали, смеясь надо мной в присуствии учеников. Жалость к себе обуяла меня и я начал жаловаться. Я громко сказал, что они были предубеждены против меня и думали, что я был глупец.
"Это не так, мы рады, что ты с нами," произнёс
"Правда?" отрезала Лидия и все включились в жаркий спор. Мужчины и женщины разделились. Ла Горда не присоединилась ни к какой группе и оставалась сидеть рядом со мной, в то время как другие встали и кричали.
"Мы проходим трудное время," сказала она мне тихим голосом. "Мы совершили много Полётов и всё-таки этого недостаточно для того, что нам нужно."
"Что вам нужно, Горда?" спросил я.
"Мы не знаем, мы надеялись, что ты нам это скажешь," ответила она.
Маленькие сёстры и "the Genaros" снова уселись, чтобы послушать, что Ла Горда мне говорит.
"Нам нужен лидер, а ты - Нагуал, но не лидер."
"Берёт время, чтобы стать совершенным Нагуалом," сказал
Pablito. "Нагуал Хуан Матус  сказал мне, что вначале он сам был глупцом по глупости, пока кое-что не вытряхнуло его из само-удовлетворения."
"Я в это не верю, он мне этого не говорил," закричала Лидия.
"Он сказал, что он был очень неприятным," добавила Ла Горда тихим голосом.
"Нагуал сказал мне, что в своей молодости он приносил несчастья, точно как я," откликнулся Pablito. "Его учитель ему также сказал, не ступать ногой в те пирамиды и, в результате этого, он, практически, жил в них, пока не был выгнан оравой призраков." Похоже никто больше не знал эту историю и прислушались. "Я совершенно забыл об этом и только сейчас об этом вспомнил. Это было похоже на то, что случилось с Ла Гордой. Однажды, после того, как нагуал наконец стал бесформенным воином, негативные фиксации тех воинов, кто совершал свои Полёты и другие Not-Doings в пирамидах, пришли за ним. Они нашли его, когда он работал в поле.
Он сказал мне, что ВИДЕЛ руку, вылезающей из свеже-вспаханой борозды, пытающейся схватить его ногу в штанах. Он подумал, что это работник, кого случайно похоронили. Он попытался выкопать его."

Тогда он понял, что выкопал глинянный гроб: мужчина там был похоронен.
Нагуал сказал, что мужчина был очень худым, тёмным и без волос. Нагуал старался поскорее залатать глинянный гроб. Он не хотел, чтобы его товарищи по работе видели его и он не хотел сломать мертвеца, выкапывая его против его воли.
Он так упорно работал, что не заметил, как
другие работники собрались вокруг него. К тому времени, сказал Нагуал, глинянный гроб развалился и тёмный человек  вывалился наружу голым. Нагуал пытался ему помочь подняться и попросил работников помочь ему. Они посмеялись над ним, думая, что он был или пьян, или не в себе, так как на поле не было ни мужчины, ни глинянного гроба и ничего подобного. Нагуал признался, что его затрясло, но он не смел ничего сказать своему учителю. Это уже не имело значения, так как ночью целая банда призраков погналась за ним. Он пошёл открыть переднюю дверь после того, как кто-то постучал и банда голых мужиков с горящими жёлтыми глазами ворвалась внутрь. Они бросили его на пол и уселись на нём сверху. Они бы сломали ему все кости, если бы не быстрые действия его учителя. Он увидел призраков и потащил Нагуала в безопасное место, в дыру в земле, которую он всегда держал наготове сзади своего дома. Он похоронил Нагуала там, пока призраки окружили вокруг, ожидая удобного момента. Нагуал мне сказал: он настолько испугался, что каждую ночь охотно возвращался в свой глинянный гроб поспать, даже после того, как призраки исчезли." Pablito остановился, казалось все были готовы уходить. Они нервничали и меняли положение, как бы показывая, что они устали сидеть. Тогда я им сказал, что у меня произошла очень неприятная реакция, услышав их рассказы о том, что Атланты ходят по ночам в пирамидах Тулы. До этого дня я не понимал глубину того, чему Дон Дженаро и Дон Хуан учили меня. Я осознал, что совершенно не вдумывался, хотя в голове было ясно, что возможность этих колоссальных каменных фигур ходить не воспринималась серьёзно. Моя реакция была полным сюрпризом для меня. Я им подробно объяснил, что идея Атлантов, прохаживающихся по ночам, был прекрасный пример фиксации Втого Внимания. Я пришёл к этому заключению, используя следующую логику:
Первое, что мы не просто то, что наш здравый смысл требует, чтобы мы верили. На самом деле мы - Светящиеся Существа-Двойники, способные осознавать нашу светимость.
Второе, что как
Светящиеся Существа, зная о нашей светимости, мы способны разделить разные стороны нашего сознания, или нашего Внимания, как это называл Дон Хуан.
Третье, что отделить и прояснить можно с помощью осознанного усилия, как мы это пытались делать сами, или случайно, в результате телесной травмы.
Четвёртое, что было время, когда Колдуны нарочно применяли разные стороны своего Внимания на материальные вещи.
Пятое, что Атланты, судя по их невероятным сооружениям, должно быть были объектами фиксации для Колдунов другого времени. Я сказал, что хранитель, кто дал моему другу информацию, несомненно отделил и прояснил другую сторону своего Внимания; он мог случайно оказаться, даже на момент, приёмщик проекций Второго Внимания Древних Колдунов. Тогда это не было для меня таким уж надуманным, маловероятным, что мужчина смог предвидеть фиксацию тех Колдунов.
Если те Колдуны были последователями традиций Дон Дженаро и Дон Хуана, то они должно быть были безукоризненными практикантами, в таком случае не было границ тому, что они могли достигнуть фиксацией своего Второго Внимания. Если они хотели, чтобы Атланты ходили ночью, тогда Атланты будут ходить ночью.
Пока я говорил, три
маленькие сестры сильно разозлились на меня и занервничали. Когда я закончил, Лидия обвинила меня в том, что кроме разговора, я больше ничего не делал. Потом они встали ушли, даже не сказав досвиданья. Мужчины пошли за ними, но остановились у двери и пожали мне руку. Ла Горда и я остались в комнате.
"Что-то не так с теми женщинами," сказал я.
"Нет, они просто устали от разговоров. Они ждут действий от тебя," сказала Ла Горда.
"Почему же the Genaros не устали от разговоров?" спросил я.
"Они ещё большие глупцы, чем женщины," сухо ответила она.
"А как насчёт тебя, Горда, ты тоже устала от разговоров?" спросил я.
"Я не знаю, кто я," сказала она торжественно. "Когда я с тобой, я не устаю, но когда я с маленькими сёстрами, я страшно устаю, как и они."

"Другой темой, имеющей огромное значение, было время, когда делать Полёты. Дон Хуан сказал нам, что поздно ночью или ранние утренние часы для Полётов были намного лучше... Двойник. Как помощь в руководстве, Дон Хуан дал Ла Горде задание: использовать своё Второе Внимание как можно более постоянно, как только она могла, базируясь на ощущение Полёта во сне.
"Как ты научилась летать во сне?" спросил я её. "Кто-то учил тебя?"
Нагуал Хуан Матус учил меня на этой Земле," ответила она. "А в Полётах кто-то, кого я не могла ВИДЕТЬ, учил меня. Это был только голос, говорящий что мне делать. Нагуал дал мне задание научиться летать во сне, и голос учил меня как это делать. Затем мне взяло годы, чтобы научиться переходить от моего обычного тела то, которое можно потрогать, к моему Двойнику."
"Горда, тебе придётся мне это объяснить." сказал я.
"Ты научился переходить к своему
Двойнику, когда представлял, что выходишь из своего тела (как дух-джин из бутылки)," продолжала она. "Но как я это вижу, Нагуал не дал тебе никакого особого задания, поэтому ты пошёл любым старым путём, каким мог. С другой стороны, мне дали задание использовать моего Двойника. У  Маленьких Сестёр было такое же задание. В моём случае, однажды у меня был сон, в котором я летала как воздушный змей. Я рассказала об этом Нагуалу, потому что мне нравилось чувство Полёта. Он отнёсся к этому очень серьёзно и превратил это в задание. Он сказал, что как только узнаёшь как входить в Полёт, любой сон, какой можно запомнить, больше не сон, это - Полёт! Тогда я начала искать Полёты во сне. Но я не могла этого добиться: чем больше я старалась повлиять на свой сон, тем сложнее всё выходило. Наконец Нагуал велел мне прекратить попытки и позволить всему этому появиться само собой и в своё время. Мало-помалу, я начала летать во сне. Это случилось, когда какой-то голос начал говорить мне, что делать. Я всегда чувствовала, что это был женский голос. Когда я научилась летать в совершенстве, Нагуал сказал мне, что каждое такое движение, которое я делала в Полёте, я должна повторять, когда я бодрствую. У тебя был такой же шанс, когда саблезубый тигр показывал тебе как дышать. Но ты никогда не превращался в тигра во сне, поэтому ты не мог как следует попытаться это сделать, когда бодрствовал. Но я научилась летать во сне. Переключая своё внимание на Двойника, я могла летать как воздушный змей, будучи в полном сознании. Однажды я показала тебе как я летаю, потому что хотела, чтобы ты ВИДЕЛ, что я научилась использовать своего Двойника, но ты не понял, что происходит." Она имела ввиду тот момент, когда она испугала меня своим непостижимым актом: и в самом деле, поднимаясь и опускаясь в воздухе, как воздушный змей. Событие было настолько невероятным для меня, что я не мог его объяснить никаким логическим путём.

Я сказал Ла Горде, что должно быть больше в том, что она называет своим перемещением в своего Двойника, чем просто повторение действия полёта. Она немного подумала, прежде чем ответить. "Я думаю, что Нагуал должно быть тебе тоже сказал," ответила она, "что единственная вещь, которая реально засчитывается, чтобы сделать это передвижение, это: зацепить Второе Внимание. Нагуал сказал, что Внимание - это то, что создаёт мир, и конечно, он был абсолютно прав. У него были причины сказать это: он был Мастером Внимания. Полагаю, что он оставил это на моё усмотрение понять, что всё, что мне нужно для перемещения в моего Двойника, это - фокусировать моё Внимание на Полёте. Что оказалось важным это: накопить Внимание в Полётах, наблюдать за всем, что я делала в Полёте. Это был единственный путь воспитать в себе Второе Внимание. Как только оно стало прочным, чтобы слегка фокусироваться на деталях и ощущение Полёта принесло больше снов о Полётах, пока для меня не стало рутиной видеть во сне: я лечу ввысь по воздуху. В отношении Полёта тогда, моё Второе Внимание было проницательным,  тонким, острым. Когда Нагуал дал мне задание переместиться в своего Двойника, он имел ввиду, чтобы я включила своё Второе Внимание (выше вибрацией), пока я бодрствовала. Вот почему я это понимаю. Первое Внимание, это Внимание, которое создаёт мир, никогда полностью не может быть преодолено; оно только может быть отключено на момент и заменено Вторым Вниманием, имея ввиду, что тело его достаточно накопило. Естественно, Полёты - это способ накопить Второе Внимание. Итак, я бы сказала, что чтобы переместиться в своего Двойника во время бодрствования, тебе нужно практиковать Полёты, пока это не начнёт вылезать из твоих ушей."
"Ты можешь войти в своего
Двойника, когда захочешь?" спросил я.
"Нет. Это не так легко," ответила она. "Я научилась повторять движения и ощущения Полёта, когда я бодрствовала, и всё-таки, я не всегда могла летать, когда хотела. Постоянно существует барьер к моему Двойнику. Иногда я чувствую, что барьер внизу; в те моменты моё тело свободно и я могу летать, как-будто я во сне."
Я сказал Ла Горде, что в моём случае,
Дон Хуан дал мне 3 задания, чтобы натренировать моё Второе Сознание. Первое было: найти свои руки во сне. Следующим
он рекоммендовал, чтобы я выбрал место и на нём фокусировал своё внимание, потом поспал днём и выяснил, могу ли я действительно попасть туда. Он предложил, что на этом месте мне нужно поставить человека, которого я знаю, предпочтительно женщину, чтобы сделать две вещи: первое - проверять едва заметные изменения, которые могут означать, что я был там во сне, и второе, изолировать ненавязчивую деталь, которая будет как раз тем, что сведёт моё Второе Внимание на ноль.

"Интэнт и Эффект являются ВОЛЕЙ,
Нагуал сказал, что они связаны вместе. Он всё это мне сказал, когда я старалась научиться летать во сне. Интэнт Полёта производит Эффект Полёта." Я рассказал ей, что я почти отказался от возможности когда-нибудь испытать ВОЛЮ. "Ты её испытаешь," сказала Ла Горда. "Беда в том, что ты и я - недостаточно проницательны, чтобы знать, что с нами происходит. Нашу ВОЛЮ мы не чувствуем, потому что мы думаем, что это должно быть то, что мы наверняка знаем, что мы делаем или чувствуем, вроде того как рассердиться. ВОЛЯ - очень спокойна, незаметна. ВОЛЯ принадлежит Двойнику."
"Что такое Двойник, Ла Горда?"
"Ты знаешь, о чём я говорю," быстро ответила она. "Мы - в наших Двойниках, когда мы спим. К настоящему времени мы входили в наши Двойники бесчисленное множество раз, но мы ещё не полные." Наступило долгое молчание. Я признался себе, что она была права сказав, что мы не были ещё полными. Я понял это как то, что мы были ещё учениками неистощимого Искусства. Но потом мысль появилась в моей голове, что, наверно, она ссылалась на что-то ещё. Мысль не была логичной. Сначала я почувствовал что-то вроде покалывания в моём солнечном сплетении, а затем появилась мысль, что возможно, она подразумевает что-то ещё. Затем последовал ответ, он пришёл ко мне в виде блока вроде пучка. Я знал, что всё это было там, сначала на вершине моей грудной клетки, а затем в моём мозгу.  Проблемой было то, что я не мог выяснить достаточно быстро то, что знал, чтобы высказать это. Ла Горда не мешала моим умственным процессам дополнительными комментариями или жестами. Она ждала совершенно спокойно. Казалось, она была внутренне соединена со мною до такой степени, что у нас не было необходимости что-то говорить. Мы сохраняли чувство связи друг с другом ещё какой-то момент, и затем оно ошеломило нас обоих. Ла Горда и я, наконец, успокоились и я начал говорить. Не то чтобы мне нужно было пересказывать то, что мы чувствовали и знали в общих чертах, но просто снова установить нашу платформу для дискуссии. Я сказал ей, что знаю, каким образом мы неполные, но не могу описать мои знания словами.
"Существует много, много вещей, которые мы знаем," сказала она. "И всё же, мы не можем заставить их работать на нас, потому что мы реально не знаем, как вытащить их из себя. Ты только что начал чувствовать это давление. У меня оно было годами, я знаю и всё-таки я не знаю. Большую часть времени я спотыкаюсь о саму себя и звучу как ненормальная, когда стараюсь сказать то, что знаю." Я понял, что она имела ввиду и понял её на физическом уровне. Я знал кое-что насквозь практичное и настолько явное о ВОЛЕ и о том, что Ла Горда называла Двойником, и всё-таки я не мог произнести ни единого слова о том, что знал, не потому что я был неразговорчивым или застенчивым, а потому что я не знал, с чего начать, или как организовать и употребить свои знания.
"ВОЛЯ - это настолько полный контроль во Втором Внимании, что он называется
Двойником," сказала Ла Горда после долгой паузы. "Несмотря на всё, что мы сделали, мы знаем только самую малость о Двойнике. Нагуал оставил это нам: закончить наши знания. Это и есть наше задание - вспоминать." Она ладонью хлопнула себя по лбу, как-будто её что-то осенило. "Мы вспоминаем Двойника!" воскликнула она, её голос звучал почти как истерика. Затем она успокоилась и стала говорить подавленным тоном.

"Мы явно здесь уже были и единственный способ, вспомнить это, путь по которому мы двигаемся: выстреливать наших Двойников, когда мы вместе в Полёте."
"Что ты имеешь ввиду под - выстреливать наших Двойников?" спросил я.
"Ты сам был свидетелем, когда Дженаро бывало выстреливал своего Двойника," сказала она. "Двойник выскакивает как медленная пуля; он, собственно, приклеивает и отклеивает себя от физического тела с громким треском. Нагуал мне сказал, что Двойник Дженаро мог делать большую часть вещей, которые обычно делаем мы; вот так он бывало приходил к тебе, чтобы встряхнуть тебя. Сейчас я знаю, что Дон Дженаро и Дон Хуан хотели. Они хотели, чтобы ты вспомнил и для этого Дон Дженаро выполнял невероятные вещи перед твоими глазами, выстреливая своего Двойника, но всё было бесполезно."
"Я никогда не знал, что он был в своём энергетическом теле (Двойнике)," сказал я.
"Ты никогда не знал, потому что ты не наблюдал," заявила она. "Дженаро пытался дать тебе знать, стараясь делать вещи, которые Двойник делать не может, как например, есть, пить, ходить в туалет и т.д. Нагуал мне рассказал, что Дженаро бывало шутил с тобой, что он собирается справить нужду и заставит дрожать горы своими неприличными звуками."
"Почему Двойник не может делать все эти вещи?" спросил я.
"Потому что Двойник не может иметь дело с таким Интэнтом как есть и пить," ответила она.
"Что ты имеешь ввиду под этим, Горда?" спросил я.
"Самое большое достижение Дженаро было в том, что в своих Полётах он изучил Интэнт тела," объясняла она. "Он уже закончил то, что ты только начинал делать.
Он мог с абсолютным совершенством
представить всё своё тело. Но Интэнт Двойника отличается от Интэнта физического тела. Например, Двойник может пройти через стену, потому что он знает Интэнт исчезновения в воздухе. Физическое тело знает Интэнт того, как есть и пить, но не Интэнт как исчезать. Для физического тела Дженаро пройти через стену было бы невозможно, также как и для его Двойника есть и пить." Ла Горда молчала какое-то время, как бы обдумывая то, что она только что сказала. Я хотел подождать, прежде чем задавать ей какие-то вопросы.
"Дженаро намастерился только на Интэнте Двойника," сказала она тихим голосом. "С другой стороны, Сильвио Мануэл был непревзойдённым Мастером Интэнта.
Сейчас я знаю причину, почему мы не могли вспомнить его лицо: потому что он не был как все остальные."
"Почему ты так думаешь, Горда?" спросил я. Она начала объяснять что имела ввиду, но не была способна передать это связно. Вдруг она улыбнулась, глаза зажглись.
"Я знаю!" воскликнула она. "Нагуал сказал мне, что Сильвио Мануэл был Мастером Интэнта, потому что он постоянно был в своём Двойнике. Он был настоящий руководитель, это он был за всем тем, что делал Нагуал. Собственно, это он, кто заставил Нагуала взять тебя в свою группу."

"Могущество, которое управляет всеми живыми существами, называется ОРЁЛ, не потому что имеет какую-то связь с орлом или с другими птицами, а потому что
он появляется перед Колдунами в виде несоизмеримого, прямо стоящего чёрного орла, как стоит орёл, и его высота достигает Бесконечность. Когда Колдуны смотрят на Темноту, открываются четыре Луча Света
, всё это представляет Орла. Первый Луч похож на молнию помогает Колдуну различить контур тела Орла. Есть пятна белого, которые выглядят как перья и хвост Орла. Второй Луч обнажает хлопание, Темноту, создающую ветер, что выглядит как крылья Орла. Третьим Лучом Света Колдун видит нечеловеческий глаз. И четвёртый, последний Луч открывает то, что Орёл делает. Орёл пожирает Сознание всех существ, которые были живы на Земле секунду назад, а сейчас мертвы. Сознание подплывает к клюву Орла, как бесконечный поток огненных мух, чтобы встретить своего хозяина, их причину для существования. Орёл разрывает эти маленькие кусочки пламени, раскладывает их плашмя, как кожевник растягивает шкуры, и затем съедает их, так как Сознание - это еда Орла. Орёл, то Могущество, которое правит судьбами всех форм жизни, отражает одинаково и одновременно все те живые существа. Поэтому нет возможности человеку молиться Орлу, что-то просить, надеяться на благосклонность. Человеческая часть Орла слишком незначительна, чтобы всё двигать. Только из действий Орла, Колдун может сказать, что Орёл хочет. Орёл, хотя и не тронутый обстоятельствами любого живущего существа, сделал подарок каждому из тех существ. По своему и со своим правом, каждый из них, если так хочет, имеет силу хранить пламя Сознания, могущество не подчиняться требованию умереть и быть съеденным. Каждой форме жизни дали право, если она этого захочет, искать Отверстие к свободе и идти через него. Колдуну ясно, кто ВИДИТ Отверстие, и ясно существам, кто проходят сквозь него, что Орёл дал этот подарок, чтобы продлить сознание. С целью вести живые существа к этому Отверстию, Орёл создал Нагуала. Нагуал - Двойное Существо, которому Правило было открыто. Неважно будет ли это в форме человека, животного, растения или чего-то ещё живого, Нагуал, из-за своей Двойственности, склонен искать этот спрятанный проход. Нагуал появляется парами, Мужчина и Женщина. Двойная Женщина и Двойной Мужчина становятся Нагуал только после того, как это Правило было сказано каждому из них, и каждый из них его понял и его полностью принял. Для глаз Колдуна, Нагуал-Женщина и Нагуал-Мужчина, ВИДЯТСЯ как Светящиеся Яйца с четырьмя отделениями. Обычный человек, у кого только два отделения: правое и левое, у Нагуала же левое отделение разделено на две длинные секции, и правое отделение также разделено на два. Орёл создал первых Нагуала-Женщину и Нагуала-Мужчину как Колдунов и тут же внёс их в мир, чтобы посмотреть. Орёл снабдил их четырьмя женщинами-воинами, кто были Маскировщиками, три мужчины-воина и один мужчина-курьер, кого они должны были питать, увеличивать и вести к свободе. Женщины-воины называются 4 направления, 4 угла в квадрате, 4 настроя, 4 ветра, 4 разных женских личностей, которые существуют в человеческой расе."
"Чтобы быть уверенным, что первый
Нагуал-Мужчина поведёт свою группу к свободе и не отклонится от пути или станет корумпированным, Орёл взял
в другой мир, служить маяком, таким образом вести группу к Отверстию (Порталу)."

Нагуалу и его воинам тогда было велено забыть. Их спустили в темноту и дали новые задания: задание - вспомнить себя и задание - вспомнить Орла. Приказ - забыть был настолько ошеломляющим, что все разделились. Они не помнили, кем они были. У Орла была цель: если они будут способны снова вспомнить себя, то тогда они найдут своё Тотальное Существо. Только тогда у них будет сила и упрямство, необходимые искать и иметь дело с их окончательным путешествием. Их последнее задание, после того как они приобрели своё Тотальное Существо, было найти новую пару Двойных Существ и трансформировать их в нового Нагуала-Мужчину и новую Нагуала-Женщину с помощью открытия им Правила. Также, как и первый Нагуал-Мужчина и первая Нагуал-Женщина были снабжены минимальной группой, им пришлось найти новую пару Нагуалов с 4 женщинами-воинами, кто был Маскировщики, с 3 мужчинами-воинами и с одним мужчиной-
курьером. Когда первый Нагуал и его группа были готовы идти через Проход-Отверстие, первая
Нагуал-Женщина ждала, чтобы вести их. Тогда им было приказано взять с собой новую Нагуала-Женщину в другой мир, чтобы служить маяком для своей группы, оставляя нового Нагуала-Мужчину в этом мире для повторения цикла. Пока в мире под управлением Нагуала минимальное число 16: 8 женщин-воинов, 4 мужчин-воинов, 4 курьера и сам Нагуал. В момент ухода из этого мира, когда новая Нагуал-Женщина с ними, номер Нагуала - 17. Если его личная энергия позволит ему иметь больше воинов, тогда больше должно быть добавлено четвёрками."

11. Женщина-Нагуал

Когда они все (ученики) приобрели степень профессиональности в Искусстве Маскировки, их благодетель (
Нагуал Джулиан) подумал, что ему пришло время найти для них Нагуал-Женщину. Преданный своей линии, всем помогать - помочь себе, он ждал, прежде чем внести её в их мир, не только пока они все не станут экспертами - Маскировщиками, но и пока Дон Хуан не научится ВИДЕТЬ. Хотя Дон Хуан ужасно сожалел о потерянном времени в ожидании, он признавал, что их объеденённые усилия заполучить её, привели к более сильной связи среди них всех. Это омолодило их долг искать свою свободу. Его благодетель (Нагуал Джулиан) начал открывать свою стратегию привлечения Нагуал-Женщины, вдруг ставши ярым католиком. Он требовал, чтобы Дон Хуан, будучи наследником его знаний, вёл себя как сын и посещал с ним церковь. Он таскал его на церковную службу почти каждый день. Дон Хуан сказал, что его благодетель был чарующим и прекрасно говорил, но не был откровенен, представлял его всем в церкви как своего сына-костоправа. Дон Хуан, кто, по его словам, был нецивилизованный крестьянин (не религиозный) в тот момент, был смущён найти себя в социальных ситуациях, где ему приходилось говорить и рассказывать о себе.
Он успокоился, поняв что
его благодетель имеет тайный мотив во всём, что он делал. Он попробовал сделать вывод, наблюдая за ним, какие у него могли быть причины. Действия его благодетеля были постоянными. Как примерный католик, он выиграл доверие множества людей, особенно местного священика, кто высоко его ценил, считая его другом и доверенным лицом. Дон Хуан не мог понять к чему всё это. Мысль пришла к нему в голову, что может быть его благодетель действительно увлёкся католичеством или сошёл с ума. Он ещё не понял, что воин никогда не теряет свои мозги при любых обстоятельствах. Сомнения Дон Хуана, о хождениях в церковь, испарились, когда его благодетель начал представлять его дочерям людей, с котороми был знаком. Ему это нравилось, хотя ему это было нелегко. Дон Хуан думал, что его благодетель помогает ему упражняться в речи. У него не было красноречия и обояния, и его благодетель сказал, что Нагуал, по необходимости, должен быть и тем, и другим. Как-то в воскресенье, во время службы в церкви, почти после года ежедневных посещений, Дон Хуан обнаружил настоящую причину их посещений церкви. Он стоял на коленях рядом с девушкой по имени Олинда, дочерью одного из знакомых его благодетеля.

Он повернулся обменяться с ней взглядами, как был обычай после месяцев ежедневного контакта. Их глаза встретились и вдруг УВИДЕЛ её как Светящееся Существо, а потом он
УВИДЕЛ её двойственность. Олинда была Двойная Женщина. Нагуал Джулиан знал это всё время и предпринял наиболее трудный путь, чтобы соединить Дон Хуана с ней. Дон Хуан раскрыл нам, что тот момент был для него ошеломляющим. Нагуал Джулиан (его благодетель) знал, что Дон Хуан ВИДЕЛ. Его миссия - соединить два Двойных Существа вместе - была успешно и безукоризненно завершена. Он встал, обвёл глазами каждый угол церкви и затем вышел из церкви, не глядя назад. Ему там больше нечего не было делать. Дон Хуан сказал, что когда его благодетель ушёл посреди службы, все головы повернулись. Дон Хуан хотел за ним следовать, но Олинда храбро сжала его руку и удержала его на месте. Тогда он понял, что МОГУЩЕСТВО ВИДЕНИЯ не было только у него. Что-то прошло через них обоих и они замерли. Дон Хуан тут понял, что служба не только закончилась, но что они уже были снаружи церкви. Нагуал Джулиан старался успокоить маму Олинды, кто сгорала от стыда и негодования от их неожиданного и непозволительного показа чувства. Дон Хуан не мог понять что делать дальше. Он знал, что это зависело от него придумать план. Ресурсы у него были, но важность события заставила его потерять уверенность в своих способностях. Он бросил свою тренировку как Маскеровщик, и потерялся в интеллектуальной дилемме: рассматривать или нет отношения с Олиндой как Контролируемая Глупость. Нагуал Джулиан сказал, что не мог помочь ему. Его обязанность только была соединить их вместе и на этом его ответственность заканчивалась. Теперь это зависело от Дон Хуана сделать необходимы шаги, чтобы её привлечь к нему. Он предложил, чтобы Дон Хуан даже рассмотрел женитьбу, если нужно. Только после того, как она придёт к нему по собственному желанию, он мог помочь Дон Хуану, направляя своё вмешательство, как Нагула. Дон Хуан попробовал официально ухаживать за ней, но не был хорошо принят её родителями, кто не мог и думать о ком-то из другого класса, как жениха для их дочери. Олинда не принадлежала индейцам; её семья была из городских жителей среднего класса, владельцами небольшого бизнеса. У отца были другие планы для дочери. Он пригрозил услать её, если Дон Хуан будет настаивать на своём намерении жениться. Дон Хуан сказал, что Двойные Существа, особенно Женщины, невероятно консервативны, даже застенчивы. Олинда не была исключением. После их первого возбуждения в церкви, её сначала обуяла осторожность, а потом страх. Её собственная реакция напугала её. Нагуал Джулиан сделал стратегический манёвр и заставил Дон Хуана отступить так, чтобы это выглядело, как-будто Дон Хуан нехотя согласился с его отцом (Нагуалом Джулиан), кто не одобрил выбор девушки, что было выводом всех, кто был свидетелем происшедшего в церкви. Люди сводили сплетни, что показ их чувств не понравился отцу Дон Хуана (Нагуал Джулиан) настолько, что его отец, кто был таким ярым католиком, больше никогда не вернулся в церковь. Нагуал Джулиан сказал Дон Хуану, что воин никогда не сдаётся. Быть окружённым означает, что воин имеет личную собственность, которая может быть блокирована. У воина ничего в мире нет, кроме его безупречности, а безупречность не может быть под угрозой. Тем не менее, в борьбе за чью-то жизнь, как например та, которую вёл Дон Хуан, чтобы заполучить Нагуал-Женщину, воин должен стратегически использовать каждую имеющуюся возможность. Соответственно, Дон Хуан решил использовать какие у него были знания Маскировщика, чтобы добыть девушку. Для этого он попросил Сильвио Мануэл использовать свои способности Колдуна, которые даже на этой ранней стадии были впечатляющими, похитить девушку. Сильвио Мануэл и Дженаро, кто был настоящим дьяволом, попали в дом девушки, замаскированными в старых прачек. Был полдень и все в доме были заняты приготовлением пищи для большой группы родственников и друзей, кто должен был придти на ужин. У них был неформальный прощальный вечер с Олиндой. Сильвио Мануэл рассчитывал на то, что люди, кто видел двух странных прачек, пришедших с тюками белья, подумают, что это в связи с прощальным ужином для Олинды, и ничего не заподозрят. Дон Хуан заранее дал Сильвио Мануэл и Дженаро всю информацию, которую нужно, касающуюся рутины членов владения. Он сказал им, что обычно прачки несли свои тюки выстиранной одежды в дом и оставляли их в комнате для хранения, чтобы быть поглаженными.

Неся большие тюки одежды,
Сильвио Мануэл и Дженаро пощли прямо в ту комнату, зная, что Олинда будет там. Дон Хуан сказал, что Сильвио Мануэл подошёл к Олинде и использовал свою гипнотизирующую силу, чтобы заставить её потерять сознание. Они положили её в мешок, обернули его её простынями и вышли, оставив в комнате тюк одежды, с которым пришли. В дверях они натолкнулись на её отца, кто даже не взглянул на них. Нагуал Джулиан был полностью смущён их манёвром. Он приказал Дон Хуану немедленно отвести девушку обратно в её дом. Было важно, сказал он, чтобы Двойная Женщина пришла в дом Нагуала Джулиан по собственному желанию, может быть не с мыслью присоединиться к ним, но, по крайней мере, потому что они ей были интересны. Дон Хуан почувствовал, что всё было потеряно - шансы, доставить её назад в дом незамеченными, были ничтожными. Сильвио Мануэл придумал решение проблемы. Он предложил: пусть четыре женщины из группы Дон Хуана отвезут девушку на безлюдную дорогу, где Дон Хуан её спасёт. Сильвио Мануэл хотел, чтобы женщины притворились, что похищают её. В каком-то месте на дороге кто-то (Дон Хуан) их увидит и погонится за ними. Дон Хуан обгонит их и они с силой уронят мешок, на дорогу так, чтобы было убедительно. Тот, кто преследует, естественно будет Дон Хуан, кто, на удивление, окажется в нужном месте, в нужное время. Сильвио Мануэл требовал полной достоверности события. Он приказал женщинам рукой закрыть рот девушке, кто, к тому времени, точно очнётся и начнёт кричать в мешке, и затем им бежать с мешком километры. Он велел им спрятаться от Дон Хуана. И, наконец, после действительно изнуряющей борьбы, им нужно было уронить мешок таким образом, чтобы девушка стала свидетелем особенно свирепой борьбы между Дон Хуаном и четырьмя женщинами. Сильвио Мануэл сказал женщинам, что это должно выглядеть совершенно натурально. Он снарядил их палками и проинструктировал их убедительно бить Дон Хуана, до того как убраться прочь. Из 4х женщин Zoila была наиболее подвержена истерике; и как только они начали бить Дон Хуана, она полностью вошла в роль и произвела сногсшибательное впечатление, ударяя Дон Хуана так сильно, что мякоть была разорвана на его спине и плечах. Какой-то момент, казалось, что похитители выиграют. Сильвио Мануэл пришлось выйти из укрытия, притвориться прохожим и напомнить им, что это только тактическая игра, и что время им бежать. Таким образом Дон Хуан стал защитой и спасителем Олинды. Он сказал ей, что не может сам взять её назад домой, потому что он ранен, но вместо этого он пошлёт её назад со своим отцом. Она помогла ему дойти до дома Нагуала Джулиан. Дон Хуан сказал, что ему не нужно было притворяться быть раненым: кровь из него текла рекой и он едва дошёл до двери. Когда Олинда рассказала Нагуалу Джулиан, что случилось, желание смеяться у его благодетеля было таким огромным, что он замаскировал его слезами. Дон Хуану перевязали раны и затем он ушёл в кровать. Олинда начала объяснять ему, почему её отец сопротивлялся ему, но она не закончила. Нагуал Джулиан вошёл в комнату и сказал ей, что, наблюдая за её походкой, ему стало ясно, что похитители ранили её спину. Он предложил ей исправить это ранение до того, как оно даст проблемы. Олинда колебалась. Нагуал Джулиан напомнил ей, что похитители не шутили: они чуть не убили его сына. Этого замечания было достаточно; она подошла к Нагуалу Джулиан и разрешила ему дать ей звонкий удар по лопатке. Послышался хруст и Олинда вошла в состояние Высокого Сознания (выше вибрацией). Он изложил ей Правило и, также как и Дон Хуан, она полностью его приняла. Не было сомнения и не было  колебания. Нагуал Женщина и Дон Хуан нашли полноту и молчание друг в друге. Дон Хуан сказал, что чувство, которое у них было друг к другу, не имело ничего общего с привязанностью или нуждой; скорее это было разделённое физическое ощущение, что грозный барьер в них был сломан и что они одно и тоже Существо. Дон Хуан и его Нагуал Женщина, как предписывало Правило, годами работали вместе, чтобы найти группу из 4х Женщин-Путешественниц, кем оказались Nelida, Zuleica, Cecilia, Hermelinda, и 3 курьера: Juan Tuma, Teresa и Marta. Найти их было другое событие, когда прагматичное свойство Правила стало ясным Дон Хуану. Все они были точно такими, какими диктовало Правило они должны быть.

Их прибытие вызвало новый цикл для всех, включая Нагуал Джулиан и его группу. Для Дон Хуана и его воинов это означало цикл Полётов, а для Нагуал Джулиан и его группы это значило период непревзойдённой безукоризненности в своих действиях. Нагуал Джулиан объяснил Дон Хуану, что когда он был молодым и был впервые представлен идее Правила, как помощь к свободе, он вдохновился, наполнился радостью. Для него Свобда была реальностью прямо за углом. Когда он понял природу Правила как карту, его надежды и оптимизм удвоились. Позже наступило отрезвление в его жизни; чем старше он становился, тем меньше шанса в успехе он видел для себя и для его группы. Наконец он убедился: неважно что они делали, шансы были слишком малы, что их шаткое человеческое сознание когда-нибудь будет летать свободно. Он заключил мир с собой и со своей судьбой и подчинился провалу. Он сказал Орлу из своего внутреннего я, что он был доволен и горд расширить своё сознание, а Орлу - добро пожаловать. Дон Хуан нам сказал, что такое же настроение было у всех членов группы Нагуала Джулиан. Свобода, упомянутая в Правиле, было то, что они рассматривали недосягаемым. Они уловили знаки сокрушительной силы, которой был Орёл, и чувствовали, что у них нет никакого шанса. Несмотря на это, они все согласились, что будут жить своей жизнью безукоризненно. Дон Хуан сказал, что Нагуал Джулиан и его группа, несмотря на их чувство неадекватности, или может быть из-за этих чувств, не нашли свою свободу. Они не поднялись до Третьего Уровня, во всяком случае не как группа, а один за другим. Тот факт, что они нашли Проход, было финальным подтверждением правды, содержащейся в Правиле. Последним, оставляющим Повседневный Мир, был Нагуал Джулиан. Он действовал по Правилу и взял с собой Нагуал-Женщину Дон Хуана. Так как они оба растворились в полном сознании, Дон Хуана и его воинов заставили взорваться изнутри - он не мог иначе описать то чувство, как быть заставленным позабыть всё, чему они были свидетелями в мире его учителя - Нагуала Джулиан. Тот, кто никогда не забыл, был Сильвио Мануэл. Это был он,
кто заставил Дон Хуана с невероятными усилиями соединить вместе всех членов его группы, все из них до этого растерялись. Тогда он окунул их в задание: найти свои Тотальные Существа. Им взяло годы завершить оба задания. Дон Хуан широко обсуждал тему забывания, но только в связи с их огромной трудностью снова собраться вместе и начать всё снова без их учителя. Он никогда нам точно не сказал, в чём заключалось забыть и выиграть свою Полноту.
В этом отношении, он верно соблюдал учения своего учителя, помогать нам - помочь себе. Поэтому он тренировал нас - Ла Горду и меня ВИДЕТЬ вместе и был способен показать нам, что хотя люди представляются Колдуну как Светящиеся Яйца, яйцеподобная форма  - это внешний кокон, скорлупа Свечения, которая содержит самое интригующее, мистическое, привлекательное ядро, составленное из концентрических кругов желтоватого свечения, цвета пламени свечи.

Во время нашей финальной сессии, он учил нас Видеть людей, прохаживающихся вокруг церкови.
Было темно, конец дня, однако существа внутри своих несгибаемых Светящихся Коконах излучали достаточно света, чтобы всё вокруг них было кристально ясно. Картина была удивительной. Дон Хуан объяснил, что яйцеобразная скорлупа, которая казалась нам такой яркой, на самом деле была тусклой. Свечение, льющееся из ослепительной сердцевины; так что скорлупа понижала её яркость. Дон Хуан открыл нам, что скорлупа должна быть сломана, чтобы освободить это существо. Она должна быть разбита изнутри в нужное время, точно также как существа, которые несут яйца, ломают скорлупу. Если они этого не сделают, они задохнутся и умрут. Также как существа, которые несут яйца, для воина нет возможности сломать скорлупу своего Свечения, пока не придёт нужный момент. Дон Хуан сказал нам, что потеря человеческой формы было единственным путём сломать эту скорлупу, единственное средство освобождения, которое преследует ослепительное ядро, Ядро Сознания, что является пищей Орла. Сломать скорлупу означает: вспомнить Двойника и прибыть к своему Тотальному Существу. Дон Хуан и его воины прибыли к своим Тотальным Существам и затем обратились к своему последнему заданию: найти новую пару Двойных Существ. Дон Хуан сказал, что они думали: это будет простым делом - всё остальное было относительно лёгким для них.
Они понятия не имели, что кажущаяся лёгкость их достижений, как воинов, было следствием мастерства и личного могущества их учителя Нагуал Джулиан.
Их поиск новой пары Двойных Существ был бесполезным. Во всех своих поисках они никогда не наталкивались на Двойную Женщину. Они нашли несколько Двойных Мужчин, но все они были хорошо устроены, заняты и настолько удовлетворённые своей жизнью, что было бесполезно иметь с ними дело. Им не нужно было находить цель в жизни, они думали, что её уже нашли.
Дон Хуан сказал, что однажды он понял, что он и его группа старели и казалось, надежда исчезала когда-нибудь выполнить их задание. Это был первый раз, когда они почувствовали отчаяние и беспомощность. Сильвио Мануэл настаивал, что они должны отказаться от самой идеи и жить безукоризненно без всякой надежды найти свою свободу. Дон Хуану это казалось приемлемым, что это и в самом деле может быть ключом ко всему. Так он нашёл себя, следующим путём своего учителя Нагуал Джулиан. Он пришёл к заключению, что непобеждённый пессимизм одолевает воина в какой-то момент его пути. Чувство поражение, или точнее чувство бесполезности приходит к нему почти бессознательно. Дон Хуан сказал, что раньше он смеялся над сомнениями своего благодетеля и учителя, и не мог поверить, что тот действительно беспокоился. Несмотря на протесты и предупреждения Сильвио Мануэл, Дон Хуан думал, что это всё была огромная тактическая игра, разработанная их чему-то учить. Так как он не мог поверить, что сомнения его учителя были реальными, он также не мог поверить, что решение его учителя жить безукоризненно, без всякой надежды на свободу, было тоже настоящим. Когда он, наконец, понял, что его учитель на полном серьёзе, подчинился поражению, до него также дошло, что решение воина - жить безукоризненно, несмотря ни на что, не может быть понято, как стратегия достичь успеха. Дон Хуан и его группа доказали эту правду для себя, когда они наверняка поняли, какими ошеломляющими, перед ними, были барьеры. Дон Хуан сказал, что в такие моменты длительные жизненные тренировки берут вверх, и воин входит в состояние непревзойдённой скромности; когда настоящая ограниченность его человеческих ресурсов становится неоспоримой, у воина больше нет выбора, как отступить назад и склонить голову..."

"Очень скоро после того, как он нашёл меня, Дон Хуан натолкнулся на Двойную Женщину. Он не связал меня с ней своим планом, как это сделал с ним его учитель, а изобрёл тактическую игру, такую же эффективную и замысловатую, как любая из арсенала его учителя, с помощью которой он сам заманил и закрепил Двойную Женщину. Он взвалил на себя этот груз, потому что он верил, что это было обязанностью учителя заполучить обоих Двойных Существ сразу же после их находки, и затем соединить их вместе, как партнёров в невероятном проекте. Он сказал мне, что однажды, когда он жил в Аризоне, он пошёл в государственное учереждение заполнить заявление. Женщина за столом велела ему передать форму девушке в секции рядом и, не смотря на него, она указала налево. Дон Хуан последовал по направлению её вытянутой руки и увидел Двойную Женщину, сидящую за столом. Когда он принёс своё заявление к ней, он увидел, что это совсем молоденькая девушка. Она сказала ему, что она не имеет дела с заявлениями. Несмотря на это, из уважения к старому, бедному индейцу, она потратила своё время, чтобы помочь ему с заявлением. Нужны были легальные документы, которые он держал в кармане, но притворился абсолютно непонимающим и беспомощным. Он показывал ей, что бюрократическая организация была выше его понимания. Ему было совсем нетрудно показать полную бессмысленность происходящего, сказал Дон Хуан; для этого  ему достаточно было вспомнить то, что когда-то было его обычным сознанием. Теперь его целью стало продлить его отношения с этой девушкой как можно дольше. Его учитель сказал ему, и он сам это подтвердил во время своих поисков, что Двойные Женщины очень редки. Его учитель также предупредил его, что у них имеются внутренние ресурсы, которые делают их крайне непредсказуемыми. Дон Хуан боялся, что если он не сыграет мастерски свои карты, она может уйти. Он сыграл на её симпатии, чтобы выиграть время, и придумал другую отсрочку, притворившись, что легальные документы были потеряны. Почти каждый день к ней он приносил разные документы. Она читала их и, сожалея, говорила ему , что это были не те документы. Девушка была настолько тронута его печальным состоянием, что даже предложила оплатить юриста составить для него новые документы. После таких 3х месяцев, Дон Хуан подумал настало время предъявить документы. К тому времени она привыкла к нему и почти ожидала видеть его каждый день. Дон Хуан пришёл последний раз, чтобы выразить свою благодарность и попрощаться. Он сказал ей, что ему хотелось принести ей подарок, показать свою признательность, но у него не было денег даже на еду. Она была растрогана его смелостью и откровенностью, и взяла его на обед в кафе.
Пока они ели, он добавил, что подарок не обязательно должен быть предметом, который можно купить. Это может быть такое, что только для глаз получателя. Такое, что лучше запомнить, чем владеть. Она была заинтригована его словами.
Дон Хуан напомнил ей, что она выразила доброжелательность к индейцам и к их нищенскому положению. Он спросил её, захотела бы она увидеть индейцев в другом свете - не нищими, а артистами. Он сказал ей, что знает одного старика, кто был последним из его линии Танцоров Могущества. Он заверил её, что мужчина станцует для неё по его просьбе; и ещё он обещал ей, что никогда в своей жизни она не увидит ничего подобного. Это только для глаз индейцев. Ей была приятна эта идея. Она подхватила его после работы и они направились на холмы, где, как он сказал ей, индеец жил. Дон Хуан взял её в свой собственный дом. Он попросил её оставить машину довольно далеко от дома и они начали идти остальную часть пути. До того, как достигнуть дома, он  остановился и ногой прочертил черту в песчанной сухой почве. Он сказал ей, что черта была границей и начал убеждать девушку её перешагнуть.


Нагуал Женщина сказала мне, что до этого она была очень заинтригована возможностью увидеть настоящего индейского танцора, но когда старый индеец прочертил линию на земле и назвал это границей, она стала колебаться. Затем её охватила паника, когда он сказал ей , что граница была только для неё и, как только, она перешагнёт через неё, пути назад не будет. Наверно индеец заметил её неожиданное замешательство и постарался её успокоить. Он вежливо похлопал её по плечуи дал ей гарантию, что с ней ничего не случится, пока он рядом. Границу можно объяснить как форму символической платы танцору, так как деньги он не хотел, сказал он ей. Ритуал был вместо денег, и ритуал требовал, чтобы она переступила границу по собственной воле. Старый индеец радостно перешёл линию и сказал ей, что для него всё это было просто индейские предрассудки, но танцор, кто наблюдает за ними из дома, должен быть развлечён, если она хочет видеть его танец. Нагуал Женщина сказала, что она вдруг так испугалась, что не смогла заставить себя перейти линию. Старый индеец сделал усилие убедить её, сказав, что переход через линию было ценным для всего тела. Пересечение линии не только давало ему чувство молодости, но и делало его внешность моложе, такой силы была эта граница. Чтобы продемонстрировать его слова, он вернулся обратно за черту и тут же его плечи согнулись, уголки рта повисли, глаза потеряли свой блеск. Нагуал Женщина не могла не видеть разницы, которую сделал Переход. Дон Хуан пересёк линию в третий раз. Он глубоко дышал, расширяя свою грудь, его движения были быстрыми и смелыми. Нагуал Женщина сказала, что у неё даже появилась мысль, что он даже может её изнасиловать. Её машина была слишком далеко, чтобы бежать к ней. Единственно, что она могла сделать, это - сказать себе, что было глупо бояться этого старого индейца. Тогда старик попробовал взывать к её логике и к её чувству юмора. Языком заговорщика он ей сказал, как бы он неохотно раскрывая секрет, он просто притворялся молодым, чтобы доставить удовольствие танцору, и что если она не поможет ему пересечь границу, то он потерят сознание в любой момент от напряжённой ходьбы. Он ходил туда-сюда через черту, показывая ей невысказанное напряжение, связанное с его пантомимой. Нагуал Женщина сказала, как его умоляющие глаза показывали боль в его старческом теле, имитирующего юность. Она пересекла границу, чтобы помочь ему изакончить с этим; она хотела ехать домой. Как только она пересекла границу, Дон Хуан (его Двойник) сделал огромный прыжок и перелетел через крышу дома. Нагуал Женщина сказала, что он летел как огромный бумеранг. Когда он приземлился возле неё, она упала на спину. Такой испуг она никогда в жизни не испытывала, но также и её восхищение, что она была свидетелем такого зрелища. Она даже не спросила, как он достиг такого, она только хотела бежать обратно к машине и ехать домой. Старик помог ей встать и извинился за свой трюк. Он, собственно, признался, что это он был танцором и полёт через дом был его танец. Он спросил её, обратила ли она внимание на направление его полёта. Нагуал Женщина покрутила рукой против часовой стрелки.  Он по-отцовски потрепал её по голове и сказал ей, что ей на пользу - быть внимательной. Затем он сказал, что она наверно, повредила свою спину при падении, и что он не может поэтому отпустить её домой, не будучи уверенным в её состоянии. Смело он выпрямил её плечи и поднял подбородок и заднюю часть головы. Затем он дал ей звучный шлепок в спину между лопатками, в буквальном смысле выбив весь воздух из лёгких. Какой-то момент она не могла дышать и потеряла сознание. Когда она очнулась, то оказалась уже внутри его дома. Из носа шла кровь, в ушах звенело, дыхание участилось, она не могла фокусировать свои глаза. Он посоветовал ей делать глубокие вдохи и считать до восьми. Чем больше она дышала, тем яснее всё становилось кругом. Она мне сказала, что в какой-то момент вся комната осветилась, всё излучало янтарный свет. Она была потрясена и не могла больше глубоко дышать. К тому времени янтарный свет стал таким густым, что напоминал туман. Затем туман превратился в янтарную паутину. Наконец он растворился, но мир ещё долго полностью оставался янтарным. Тогда Дон Хуан начал говорить с ней.

Он взял её наружу дома и показал ей, что мир поделён на две половины. Левая сторона была ясной, но правая сторона была завуалирована в янтарный туман.
ПравилоОн сказал ей: чудовищно думать, что мир можно понять или что нас самих можно понять.
Он добавил, что то, что она воспринимает, было загадкой, тайной, которую можно только скромно принять с восхищением. Затем он открыл ей Правило. Ясность её ума была настолько интенсивной, что она всё поняла, что он сказал. Правило казалось ей логичным и достоверным. Он объяснил ей, что две стороны человеческого тела - совершенно раздельны, и что нужна сильная дисциплина и решимость , чтобы сломать эту границу и перейти с одной стороны на другую. Двойное Существо имеет огромное приемущество: положение двойственности позволяет относительно легко двигаться между секциями на правой стороне. Главный недостаток Двойных Существ - это : благодаря существованию двух секций на каждой стороне (левой и правой) делает Двойные Существа консервативными, усидчивыми и не склонными к переменам. Дон Хуан сказал ей, что его намерения были заставить её двигаться с её крайне правой секции к её более светящейся, белой и острее Лево-Правой стороне, но вместо этого, по какой-то непонятной странности, его удар послал её через всю её двойственность, с её крайне правой стороны Повседневного Мира к её крайне левой стороне. Четыре раза он пытался заставить её вернуться назад к нормальному состоянию сознания, но бесполезно. Однако его попытки помогли ей по своему желанию отворачивать иногда своё восприятие от стены тумана. Хотя это не было его целью, Дон Хуан был прав, сказав что линия была односторонняя граница для неё (то есть в одном направлении). Как только она её пересекла, также как и Сильвио Мануэл, она уже не вернулась. Когда Дон Хуан соединил меня с Нагуал Женщиной лицом к лицу, никто из нас не знал о существовании друг друга, и всё-таки, мы мгновенно почувствовали, что мы знакомы друг с другом. Дон Хуан знал по личному олыту, что комфорт, который Двойные Существа ощущают в компании друг друга (правда по времени слишком короткий) не передать словами. Он сказал нам, что нас соединили вместе Силы, непостижимые для нашей логики, и что единственной вещи у нас не было это - время."

"Зулейка (Zuleica) сказала, что Правая и Левая Стороны Сознания свёрнуты вместе. Они оба приходят отдохнуть в одну единственную кучу в углублении центра во Втором Внимании. Чтобы совершать Полёты нужно манипулировать обоих: Светящееся Тело и Физическое Тело. Первое, центр объединения для Второго Внимания (выше вибрацией) должен быть открытым, а для этого: быть вмятым внутрь кем-то с внешней стороны или быть втянутым снаружи внутрь Путешественником (Dreamer). Второе, чтобы перейти от Первого Внимания (Повседневний Мир) выше, центры физического тела, расположенные в середине тела и в коленных икрах, особенно правой, должны быть стимулированы и приближены друг к другу как можно ближе до тех пор, пока они не покажутся соединёнными...Следующей вещью нужно было научиться направлять моего Двойника."

Она объяснила, что Recapitulation - сильная сторона Маскировщиков также, как Двойник - сильная сторона Путешественников-Мечтателей. Recapitulation заключалось в воспоминаниях всей своей жизни вплоть до самых незначительных деталей. Поэтому её благодетель-учитель дал ей ящик, как инструмент и символ. Это был инструмент, который позволял ей научиться концентрации, так как ей пришлось сидеть в нём годами до тех пор, пока вся её жизнь не прошла перед её глазами. И это был символ узких границ нашей персоны. Её учитель сказал ей, что когда она закончит свою Recapitulation, она сломает ящик в знак того, что она больше не мирится с ограничениями своей персоны. Она сказала, что Маскировщики используют ящики или земляные гробы, чтобы заключить себя в них, когда они вновь переживали свою жизнь, а не просто вспоминали каждое событие, каждый момент своей жизни. Причина, почему Маскировщики должны Recapitulate (вспоминать каждое событие) свои жизни настолько тщательно, заключается в том, что подарок Орла человеку включал в себя его желание принять суррогат (замену) вместо настоящего сознания, если эта замена будет точной копией. Флоринда объяснила, что так как сознание  - это пища Орла, Орёл может быть удовлетворён абсолютным Recapitulation, вместо сознания. Тогда Флоринда дала мне основы Recapitulating. Она сказала, что первая стадия - это короткий пересмотр всех случаев в наших жизнях, которые явно выделяются для нашего осмотра. Вторая стадия - это более детальные воспоминания, которые начинаются систематически в точке, которая может быть моментом, прежде чем Маскировщик сядет в ящик, и теоретически может удлиниться к моменту рождения. Она заверила меня, что абсолютное Recapitulation может изменить воина настолько, если не больше, чем полный контроль своего Двойника. В этом отношении Dreaming и Stalking (путешествовать и маскироваться) ведут к одинаковому концу: входу в Третье Внимание (5й Уровень Сознания выше вибрацией). Однако это было важно для воина знать и практиковать оба. Она сказала, что у женщин присуствовали другие очертания, формы в Двойнике , чтобы стать мастером того или другого. С другой стороны, мужчины могли делать и то и другое с лёгкостью, в какой-то степени, однако они никогда не могли достичь уровня профисиализма, который приобретали женщины в каждом из искусств. Флоринда объяснила, что ключевой элемент в Recapitulating было Дыхание. Для неё Дыхание было магическим, потому что это была функция, дающая жизнь. Она сказала, что вспоминать было легче, если можно было сократить район стимулирования вокруг тела. Это и была причина для ящика; тогда Дыхание вызывало глубже и глубже воспоминания. Теоретически, Маскировщикам приходиться помнить каждое чувство, которое у них было в жизни, и этот процесс начинается с Дыхания. Она предупредила меня, чтовещи, которым она меня учит, были только подготовкой, и что позже, в другой обстановке она будет учить меня сложные формулировки, сочетания. Флоринда сказала, что её учитель попросил её составить лист событий, которые должны быть пережиты. Он сказал ей, что процедура начинается с первоначального Дыхания. Маскировщики начинают со своего подбородка на правом плече и медленного вдоха, медленно поворачивая свои головы влево по арке на более, чем 180 градусов. Вдох заканчивался на левом плече. Как только вдох заканчивался, голова возвращалась обратно к нормальному положению, к центру. Они выдыхали, глядя прямо вперёд. Маскеровщик берёт сцену-событие с самого начала списка и остаётся с ним пока все чувства, эмоции, потраченные в этом событии, не будут выкинуты из памяти вместе с выдохом. Пока Маскеровщики вспоминают сцену и чувства, они медленно вдыхают, двигая свои головы с правого плеча на левое. Функция такого Дыхания - восстановить энергию. Флоринда утверждала, что Двойник постоянно плетёт паутину из светящихся волокон, паутина которая проектируется за пределы Двойника, и вырывается пропеллером любой эмоцией. Поэтому каждая ситуация в общении или каждая ситуация, где включаются эмоции, потенциально истощает Двойника. Дыша справа налево, одновременно вспоминая чувства, Маскировщики, через магию Дыхания, подбирают волокна, которые они оставили в этом событии. Следующим быстро становится выдох слева-направо, с ним Маскировщики выдыхают волокна, оставленные в них Двойниками других людей, замешанных именно в событии, над которым работает Маскировщик. Она добавила, что это была обязательная подготовка к Маскировке, через которую прошли все члены их группы, как к ознакомлению перед более требовательными упражнениями этого Искусства. До тех пор, пока Маскировщики не пройдут подготовку, чтобы вытащить свои волокна, оставленные в мире и, особенно, чтобы избавиться от волокон, оставленных в них другими. Нет возможности справляться с Контролируемой Глупостью, потому что чужие волокна являются базой для бесконечной Мании Величия. Чтобы практиковать Контролируемую Глупость, так как это не путь обманывать или наказывать людей или чувствовать себя выше других, человек должен быть способен смеяться над собой. Флоринда сказала, что одним из показателей детальной Recapitulation является искренний смех при встрече лицом к лицу со скучными повторениями своего величия, что является камнем преткновения всех человеческих отношений. Флоринда подчеркнула, что Правило определяет Stalking и Dreaming как Искусства; поэтому они то, что кто-то исполняет. Она сказала, что природа Дыхания, дающего жизнь, это то, что также даёт Дыханию Очищающую способность. Как раз эта способность и делает Recapitulation практическим делом... Флоринда сказала, что её учитель рассматривал три основных приёма Маскировки - ящик, список событий, нужных чтобы вспомнить, и Дыхание Маскировщика - как самые важные задания, которые воин должен выполнить. Её учитель думал, что глубокое Recapitulation наиболее подходящий способ Потерять Человеческую Форму. Поэтому это легче Маскировщикам, после Recapitulating свои жизни, использовать все Not-Doings of the Self (вещи, которые в обществе не приняты) например, стиреть личную историю, потерять манию величества, сломать рутины и т.д.

"Дона Солидад была всегда там в компании прекрасной женщины (её Параллельное Существо, ЛМ), кто громко хохотала надо мной. Моя неспособность запомнить, что мы делали выше той точки, было даже более чуствительным, чем моя способность помнить, что Нагуал Женщина, Ла Горда и я делали в районе между Параллельными Линиями. Казалось, что Дона Солидад и я вошли в другое состояние сознания, которое мне не было знакомо... Это правда, что Маскировщики поворачивают свои головы; однако, они их не поворачивают, чтобы встать лицом к новому направлению, а встать лицом ко Времени по другому. Маскировщики встают лицом к приходящему Времени (не отходящему). Обычно мы встречаем Время, когда оно уже уходит от нас. Только Маскировщики могут поменять это и встречать Время, когда оно приближается к ним. Флоринда объяснила, что поворачивать голову не значит, что можно видеть будущее, а можно видеть Время, как что-то конкретное, однако непостижимое... Флоринда мне сказала, в духе того, кто даёт ценный совет, что Дона Солидад была непревзойдённым Маскировщиком;
она называла её самым великим из всех Маскировщиков. Она сказала, что
Дона Солидад могла пересечь Параллельные Линии в любое время. Помимо этого, никто из членов группы Дон Хуана не был способен сделать то, что она сделала.
Дона Солидад, с помощью своих безупречных приёмов Маскировщика, нашла своё Параллельное Существо!
Флоринда объяснила: всё, что я испытал с
Дон Дженаро, Дон Хуан Матус, Сильвио Мануэл и Zuleica были совсем крошечные порции Второго Внимания (выше вибрацией); что бы Дона Солидад не помогла мне увидеть и испытать, было другой маленькой, но отличающейся порцией. Дона Солидад не только заставила меня встретить Время, когда оно приближается, но она взяла меня к своему Параллельному Существу. Флоринда определила Параллельное Существо, как противовес, который имеют все живые существа, потому что они Светящиеся Существа, заполненные солнечной энергией. Параллельное Существо любого человека - это другой человек того же пола, кто интимно и чересчур сложно присоединён к оригиналу. Они существуют в мире одновременно. Два Параллельное Существа как два конца одного шеста. Почти невозможно воинам найти своё Параллельное Существо, как удалось Доне Солидад, так как существует слишком много отвлекающих факторов в жизни воина, и другие более необходимые цели. Но кто был способен достигнуть такого мастерства, находили в её/его Параллельном Существе, также как и Дона Солидад, бездонный источник юности и энергии... Дона Солидад, её Параллельное Существо и я оставались вместе, как я чувствовал, экстраординарно долгое время. Я видел каждую черту в лице Параллельного Существа, я чувствовал, что она старалась сказать мне, кто она была. Она также казалось осознавала, что это была наша последняя встреча. В её глазах было такое ошеломляющее чувство хрупкости. Затем сила, похожая на ветер, унесла нас куда-то, что не имело для меня никакого значения."

"Что случилось в доме
Сильвио Мануэл в ночь, прежде чем они ушли, было слишком сложным, чтобы разрешить моим страхом. Она сказала, что у неё ясное ощущение, что я боялся, но она не знала почему. Она также не могла вспомнить, что точно произошло в в том доме, особенно в комнате, где мы сидели. Когда Ла Горда говорила, я почувствовала, как-будто я катился в пропасть. Я понял, как что-то во мне пытается установить связь между двумя отдельными событиями, которым я был свидетелем в моих двух разных состояниях сознания. На моей левой стороне у меня скрытые воспоминания Дон Хуана и его группы воинов в их последний день на Земле, на моей правой стороне у меня были воспоминания того, как я в тот день прыгнул в пропасть. Пытаясь соединить свои две стороны, я испытал полное ощущение физического падения. Мои колени подкосились и я упал на пол. Когда я описал свой опыт и свою интерпретацию этого, Ла Горда сказала, что то, что шло в мою правую сторону сознания, несомненно была память, которая всплыла в ней, когда я говорил. Она только что вспомнила, что мы ещё сделали попытку пересечь Параллельные Линии с Нагуалом Хуан Матус и его группой. Она сказала, что двое из нас вместе с остальными студентами однажды пытались ещё раз пересечь мост. Я не мог сфокусироваться на этом воспоминании. Похоже была ограничивающая сила, которая не давала мне организовать свои мысли и чувства на этом воспоминании. Ла Горда сказала, что Сильвио Мануэл сказал Нагуал Хуан Матус подготовить меня и всех остальных студентов для их перехода моста (выше вибрацией). Он не хотел оставить меня в этом мире, потому что он считал, что я не выдержу шанс выполнить задание. Нагуал Хуан Матус был с ним несогласен, но осуществил приготовления, неважно как он себя, по этому поводу, чувствовал. Ла Горда мне сказала, что она вспомнила: я приехал к её дому, чтобы её тоже взять, также как и других студентов, к дому Сильвио Мануэл."

"Они оставались там, когда я пошёл назад к
Нагуал Хуан Матус и Дженаро, чтобы приготовиться к Переходу (на вибрацию выше). Я этого вообще не помнил.
Она настаивала, что мне следует использовать её как проводника, так как мы были так интимно вязаны; она заверила меня, что я мог читать её ум и найти там что-нибудь, что могло разбудить мои полные воспоминания. Моя голова была в состоянии полнейшего хаоса. Напряжённое чувство не давало мне даже сфокусироваться на том, что говорила Ла Горда. Она продолжала говорить, описывая то, что вспоминала о нашей второй попытке пересечь тот мост. Она сказала, что
Сильвио Мануэл дал им  целую речь, сказав, что им дали хорошую тренировку снова попробовать пересечь; что чтобы полностью войти в своих Двойников, нужно было отбросить Интэнт их Первого Внимания (Повседневного Мира). Как только они окажутся в сознании своих Двойников, могущество Нагуала Хуан Матус и его группы воинов подхватит их и с лёгкостью поднимет их в Третье Внимание (5й Уровень Сознания выше вибрацией, там где происходит ОБЩИЙ СБОР, ЛМ) -
то, что студенты не могли сделать, находясь в своём обычном сознании. В тот момент я больше не слушал Ла Горду. Звук её голоса и в самом деле был транспортом для меня. Вдруг память всего события всплыла в моём мозгу. Я потерял баланс под натиском воспоминания. Ла Горда перестала говорить, и как я описывал своё воспоминание, она тоже всё вспомнила. Мы совместили последние куски отдельных воспоминаний наших двух отдельных состояний сознания. Я вспомнил, что
Дон Хуан и Дон Дженаро подготовили меня к Переходу, пока я был в своём обычном сознания. Я рационально думал, что они готовили меня для прыжка в пропасть. Ла Горда вспомнила, что чтобы подготовить их к Переходу, Сильвио Мануэл поднимал их к балкам крыши и привязывал к кожанным сёдлам, которых было по одному в каждой комнате. Учеников держали в них подвешенными почти весь день. Ла Горда заявила, что идеально иметь седло в каждой комнате. The Genaros (группа 3х студентов, обучаемых Дон Дженаро), по правде не зная, что они делали, наполовину вспомнили сёдла, в которых были подвешены, и создали свою игру. Это была игра, которая объединяла лечебные и очистительные качества того, как благотворно для организма быть подвешенным над землёй с возможностью упражняться в концентрации, которая нужна  для перехода от Правой к Левой стороне Сознания. Их Игра и в самом деле была механизмом, который помогал им вспоминать. Ла Горда сказала, что после того, как она и другие студенты оставались подвешенными целыми днями, Сильвио Мануэл в сумерках опускал их на землю. Они все пошли с ним к мосту и ждали там с остальной группой, пока Дон Дженаро и Дон Хуан не появлялись со мной. Нагуал Хуан Матус им всем объяснил, что взяло намного дольше приготовить меня, чем он ожидал. Я вспомнил, что Дон Хуан и его воины пересекли мост до того, как это сделали мы. Дона Солидад и Элиджио автоматически пошли с ними. Нагуал Женщина пошла последней. С другой стороны моста Сильвио Мануэл посигналил нам начать идти. Не говоря ни слова, мы все тут же начали. На полпути по мосту Lydia, Rosa и Pablito казались неспособны сделать хоть один шаг. Benigno и Nestor подошли почти к концу и затем остановились. Только Ла Горда, я и Josefina  прибыли туда, где стояли Дон Хуан и другие. Что случилось дальше было очень похоже на то, что случилось в нашу первую попытку пройти через мост. Сильвио Мануэл и Элиджио держали открытым то, что я думаю было той самой Трещиной во Временной Сетке. У меня было достаточно энергии на ней фокусировать своё внимание. Это не было отверстие на холме, которое стояло в конце моста, и не было отверстием в Стене Тумана, хотя я и мог различить туманные облака вокруг Трещины. Это было тёмное, таинственное отверстие, которое стояло отдельно от всего; оно было размером с человека, но узкое. Дон Дженаро пошутил, назвав его "Космическим Влагалищем", шутка, которая создала рёв хохота в его друзьях. Ла Горда и Josefina держались за меня и мы вошли в Трещину. Я мгновенно почувствовал, что был сокрушён. Та же самая недооценённая сила, которая почти заставила меня взорваться в первый раз, снова охватила меня. Я почувствовал, как Ла Горда и Josefina слились со мной. Я казался шире их и сила сплющила меня с ними обоими. Следующее я знал, что лежу на земле, а Ла Горда и Josefinа на мне. Сильвио Мануэл помог нам встать.

"Он мне сказал, что для нас это будет невозможно присоединиться к ним в их путешествии в это раз, но возможно позже, когда мы будем на одной волне с совершенством, Орёл позволит нам пройти насквозь. Когда мы шли назад к дому, Сильвио Мануэл сказал мне почти шёпотом, что моя дорога и их дорога разошлись с той ночи. Он сказал, что наши дороги больше никогда не встретятся, и что я был один. Он призывал меня не размениваться, и использовать каждую частицу моей энергии, напрасно её не теряя. Он заверил меня, что если я смогу открыть своё Тотальное Существо без излишней потери, у меня останется достаточно энергии, чтобы выполнить моё задание. Если я истощу свои запасы энергии до того, как потеряю свою человеческую форму, я погибну. Я спросил его, был ли способ избежать истощения энергии. Он помотал головой и ответил, что был путь, но не для меня. Преуспею я в этом или нет, не было вопросом моего желания. Затем он раскрыл моё задание, но не сказал как его осуществить. Он сказал, что когда-нибудь Орёл поставит кого-то на моём пути, чтобы сказать мне как это сделать. И пока я не добьюсь успеха, я не буду свободным. Когда мы попали в дом, мы все собрались в большой комнате.
Дон Хуан сел в центре комнаты лицом на юго-восток. Восемь женщин-воинов окружили его. Они сели парами в кардинальных точках также лицом на юго-восток. Затем трое мужчин-воинов образовали треугольник снаружи круга с Сильвио Мануэл в самой высокой точке, которая указывала на юго-восток. Две женщины-курьера сели по бокам Сильвио Мануэл, и двое мужчин-курьеров сели впереди него, почти против стены. Нагуал Женщина заставила мужчин-студентов сесть напротив восточной стены; она велела женщинам сесть напротив западной стены. Затем она провела меня к месту прямо сзади Дон Хуана. Мы сидели там вместе и оставались сидящими, что казалось, я думаю, было секундой, однако в своём теле я чувствовал прилив необычной энергии. Я полагал, что мы сели и сразу встали. Когда ч спросил Нагуал Женщину, почему мы встали так быстро, она ответила, что мы сидели там 7 часов, и что когда-нибудь, до моего вхождения в Третье Внимание (там где Общий Сбор представителей всего Млечного Пути! ЛМ.), всё это вернётся ко мне. Ла Горда заявила, что не только у неё было ощущение, что мы сидели там только мгновенье, но что ей так и не сказали, что было иначе (то есть 7 часов). Что сказал ей после Нагуал Хуан Матус было, что у неё были обязательства помочь другим студентам, особенно Josefina, и что однажды я вернусь, чтобы дать ей последний толчок, который ей нужен, чтобы тотально перейти в Двойника. Она была привязана ко мне и к Josefina. В наших общих Полётах под руководством Zuleica, мы обменялись огромным количеством наших Белых Светящихся Энергий. Это и была причина почему мы вместе смогли выдержать давление Двойника при его входе (выше вибрацией) вместе с плотью. Он ей также сказал, что это было могущество воинов его группы, которое сделало таким лёгким в этот раз Переход , и что когда ей одной придётся сделать Переход (выше вибрацией), ей придётся быть готовой сделать это в Полёте. После того, как мы встали, Флоринда подошла туда, где был я. Она взяла меня за руку и прошлась со мной по комнате, пока Дон Хуан и его воины разговаривали со студентами. Она сказала, что я не должен позволить событиям той ночи на мосту, запутать меня. Я не должен верить, как однажды верил Нагуал Хуан Матус, что есть настоящий физический проход в Двойника. Трещина, которую я видел, была просто конструкцией их Интэнта, которая была захвачена комбинацией навязчивых идей о проходах Нагуала Хуан Матус  и странным чувством юмора Сильвио Мануэл; смесь обоих создало "Космическое Влагалище". Насколько она знает, переход от физического тела к Двойнику не имеет ничего общего с физическим. "Космическое Влагалище" было физическим выражением могущства двух мужчин сдвинуть "Колесо Времени". Флоринда объяснила, что когда она или её соратники говорили о времени, они не ссылались на то, что измеряется движением стрелки. Время - это сущность внимания; излучения Орла сделаны из Времени; и с толком, когда кто-то входит в любую сторону Двойника, тогда Время становится ему знакомо. Флоринда заверила меня, что той самой ночью, пока мы сидели в том порядке, у них был последний шанс помочь мне и студентам встать лицом к "Колесу Времени". Она сказала, что "Колесо Времени" похоже на состояние Высокого Сознания (выше вибрацией), что является частью Двойника, так как Левая Часть Сознания - это часть человека Повседневного Мира, и что это можно физически описать как Туннель Бесконечной Длины и Ширины; Туннель с отражающимися бороздами."

"Каждая борозда - бесконечна, и их бесчисленное множество. Живые существа принуждены Силой Жизни глядеть только в одну борозду. Глазеть в неё означает - быть в её ловушке и жить в этой борозде. Она пришла к заключению, что то, что воины называют Волей, принадлжит "Колесу Времени". Это что-то вроде побега лианы или не материального щупальца, который есть у всех нас. Она сказала, что конечная цель воина - это научиться фокусировать этот щупалец на "Колесе Времени", чтобы заставить его повернуться. Воины, кто имел успех в повороте "Колеса Времени", могут смотреть на любую борозду и вытаскивать из неё всё, что им хочется, как например, "Космическое Влагалище". Быть насильно загнанным только в одну борозду Времени, означает ВИДЕТЬ образы этой борозды только когда они уходят. Быть свободным от сокрушающей силы тех борозд означает, что можно смотреть в любом направлении: как образы приходят или как они уходят.
Флоринда прекратила говорить и обняла меня. Она прошептала мне на ухо, что когда-нибудь она вернётся закончить свои иструкции, когда я достигну Тотальности себя.
Дон Хуан позвал всех придти туда, где был я, они окружили меня. Дон Хуан первым начал говорить. Он сказал, что я не мог присоединиться к ним в их Полёте, потому что это было невозможно, чтобы я мог отлучиться от своего задания. При тех обстоятельствах, единственной вещью, которую они могли сделать для меня, было пожелать мне удачи. Дон Хуан добавил, что у воинов собственной жизни нет. С момента, когда они поймут природу сознания, они прекращают быть персонами и человеческие условия больше не являются частью их взглядов. У меня оставалась обязанность, как у воина, и ничего больше не было важным, так как меня оставляли, чтобы закончить очень непонятное задание. Так как я уже забросил свою жизнь, у них не оставалось ничего больше сказать мне, кроме как, что я должен сделать всё, что в моих силах. И мне ничего больше не оставалось как сказать, что я понял и принял свою судьбу. Vicente подошёл ко мне следующим и говорил очень тихо. Он сказал, что цель воина - это прибыть к еле заметному балансу Позитивных и Негативных Сил. Эта цель не означает, что воину следует стремиться иметь всё под контролем, а то, что воину следует стремиться встретить любую мыслимую ситуацию, ожидаемое и неожидаеиое, с одинаковой эффективностью. Быть совершенным при совершенных обстоятельствах означало быть бумажным воином. Моим поединком было - оставаться, а их - продвигаться вперёд в Незнакомое. Оба поединка были изнурительными. Для воинов волнение оставаться - равно волнению путешествия. Оба равнозначны, потому что оба означают осуществление священного доверия. Сильвио Мануэл подошёл ко мне следующим; его заботилиа практичность. Он дал мне формулу, заклинание для тех времён, когда моё задание будет выше моих сил; это было заклинание, которое пришло мне на ум, когда я в первый раз вспомнил Нагуал Женщину, "Я уже отдан могуществу, которое правит моей судьбой. И ничто материальное меня не притягивает, так что мне нечего защищать. У меня нет мыслей, поэтому я буду ВИДЕТЬ. Я ничего не боюсь, поэтому я вспомню себя. Отрешённый и с лёгкостью я пролечу мимо Орла и освобожусь - Ya me di al poder que a mi destino rige. No me agarro ya de nada, para asi no tener nada que defender. No tengo pensamientos, para asi poder ver. No temo ya a nada, para asi poder acordarme de mi. Sereno y dcsprendido, me dejara el aguila pasar a la libertad."
Он мне сказал, что собирается открыть мне практический манёвр Второго Внимания, и прямо там он превратился в Светящееся Яйцо. Затем он вернулся к своему обычному виду и повторил свою трансформацию 3-4 раза. Я понял очень хорошо, что он делал. Ему не было нужды мне это объяснять, и всё-таки, я не мог выразить словами то, что я знал.
Сильвио Мануэл улыбнулся, поняв мою проблему. Он сказал, что берёт монументальную силу отпустить, оторваться от Интэнта Повседневной Жизни. Чтобы сделать то, что он сделал (превратился в Светящееся Яйцо), нужно направить своё внимание на Светящуюся Оболочку - Двойник!"

"Он ещё раз превратился в
Светящееся Яйцо - Двойник и потом мне стало ясно, что я всё время знал это. На мгновение глаза Сильвио Мануэл повернулись, чтобы сфокусироваться на точке Второго Внимания. Его голова выпрямилась, как-будто он смотрел впереди себя, только его глаза смотрели в одну сторону. Он сказал, что воин должен разбудить Интэнт, взгляд - это секрет, глаза привлекают Интэнт. В этот момент на меня напала эйфория. Наконец-то я был способен думать о том, что знал без реальных знаний. Причина, почему ВИДЕТЬ кажется визуальным, в том, что нам нужны глаза, чтобы фокусироваться на Интэнте. Дон Хуан и его группа знали, как использовать свои глаза, чтобы захватить другую сторону Интэнта и назвать этот акт - ВИДЕТЬ. То, что мне показал Сильвио Мануэл, было настоящей функцией глаз, ловцы Интэнта! Тогда я нарочно использовал свои глаза, чтобы привлечь Интэнт. Я сфокусировал их на точке Второго Внимания. Вдруг Дон Хуан, его воины, Дона Солидад и Eligio превратились в Светящиеся Яйца, но не Ла Горда, три маленькие сестры и Genaros. Я продолжал двигать глаза взад-вперёд между пятнами света и людьми, пока не услышал хруст в основании своей шеи, и все в комнате стали Светящимися Яйцами - Двойниками. На мгновенье я почувствовал, что не могу их различить, но потом мои глаза, похоже, приспособились и я удерживал две стороны Интэнта, два образа одновременно. Я мог видеть их физические тела и также их Светимость. Обе сцены не были наслоены друг на друга, а были отдельными, и всё-таки я не мог понять как. У меня определённо были два канала видения, ВИДЕТЬ было полностью связано с моими глазами и всё же оно было независимо от них. Я всё ещё мог ВИДЕТЬ Светящиеся Яйца - Двойники, не их физические тела, когда закрыл глаза. В какой-то момент у меня появилось ясное ощущение, что я знал, как перевести своё внимание к моей Светимости. Я также знал, что чтобы вернуться к физическому уровню всё, что мне нужно было сделать, это - сфокусировать свои глаза на своём теле. Дон Дженаро подошёл ко мне следующим и сказал, что Нагуал Хуан Матус, в виде прощального подарка, дал мне обязанности; Vicente дал мне вызов; Сильвио Мануэл дал мне магию, а он собирался дать мне юмор. Он осмотрел меня сверху донизу и отметил, что я был похож на самого жалко-выглядещаго Нагуала, какого он когда-либо видел. Он осмотрел студентов и заключил, что нам ничего не оставалось делать, кроме как быть оптимистичными и оставаться на позитивной стороне вещей. Он рассказал нам шутку про деревенскую девушку, которую сооблазнил и бросил городской негодяй. Когда ей сказали в день её свадьбы, что жених оставил город, она взяла себя в руки трезвой мыслью, что не всё потеряно. Хоть она и потеряла свою невинность, но не убила ещё своего поросёнка для свадебного пира. Дон Дженаро сказал нам, что единственная вещь, которая поможет нам выбраться из нашей ситуации, которая напоминала ситуацию обманутой невесты, было - держаться за наших поросят, что бы они не были, и смеяться до потери сознания. Только через смех мы можем поменять наши условия. Он убеждал нас движениями своей головы и руки дать ему смех от души. Вид студентов, пытающихся засмеяться, был таким же нелепым, как и моя собственная попытка. Неожиданно я рассмеялся с Дон Хуаном и его воинами. Дон Дженаро, кто всё время шутил обо мне, как о поэте, попросил меня громко прочитать поэму. Он сказал, что хотел сумировать свои сентименты и свою рекомендацию поэмы, которая празднует жизнь, смерть и смех. Он ссылался на часть поэмы Jose Gorostiza "Смерть без конца". Нагуал Женщина передала мне книгу и я прочитал ту часть, которая всегда нравилась  Дон Дженаро и Дон Хуан."

"Обстановка для поэмы была самая подходящая. Я почувствовал дрожь в теле. Эмилито и курьер Juan Tuma подошли ко мне, они не сказали ни слова, их глаза сияли как чёрный мрамор. Казалось, все их чувства сосредоточились в их глазах. Курьер Juan Tuma сказал очень тихо, что как только он ввёл меня в тайны Mescalito в его доме, и чо это был предвестник другого случая в "Колесе Времени", когда он ввел меня в самую последнюю тайну. Эмилито сказал как-будто его голос был эхом курьера Juan Tuma, что они оба были уверены, что я собирался выполнить своё задание. Они будут ждать, потому что я когда-нибудь к ним присоединюсь. Курьер Juan Tuma добавил, что Орёл присоединил меня к группе Нагуала Хуан Матус, как к группе спасения. Они снова меня обняли и прошептали в унисон, что я должен верить себе. После этого курьеры, женщины-воины подошли ко мне. Каждая из них обняла меня и прошептала пожелание мне в ухо, пожелание изобилия и выполнения. Последней ко мне подошла Нагуал Женщина. Она села и посадила меня себе на колени, как-будто я был ребёнком. Она излучала любовь и чистоту. У меня перехватило дыхание. Мы встали и прошлись по комнате, говорили и удивлялись нашим судьбам. Силы, не поддающиеся определению, вели нас к этому кульминационному моменту. Уважение, которое я чувствовал, было несоизмиримо. И такой же была моя печаль. Тогда она открыла часть Правила, которое относится к Нагуалу-трезубцу. Она была в состоянии невероятного волнения и всё-таки она была спокойна. Её интеллект был безупречным и всё же она не пыталась логично что-то объяснить. Её последний день на Земле переполнил её и она заполнила меня своим настроением. Было так, как-будто до этого момента я не вполне понимал финальность нашей ситуации. Быть на моей Левой Стороне подразумевало, что первенство настоящего по важности брало вверх, что делало это практически невозможным для меня предвидеть дальше этого момента. Однако влияние её настроения заняло огромную часть сознания моей Правой Стороны и её способности предугадать чувства, которые появятся. Я понял, что больше никогда не увижу её и это было невыносимо! Дон Хуан мне сказал, что на Левой Стороне слёз нет, что воин не может больше плакать, и что единственным выражением муки и скорби является дрожь, которая приходит из глубин Вселенной. Это как-будто один из лучей Орла - жуткая ментальная боль. Дрожь воина - бесконечна. Пока Нагуал Женщина разговаривала со мной и держала меня, я чувствовал эту дрожь (выше вибрацию). Она сложила свои руки вокруг моей шеи и надавила головой на мою голову.
Я подумал, что она раздавит меня как кусок материи, и почувствовал как что-то стало выходить из моего тела или из её тела в моё. Моё мученье было таким интенсивным и так быстро заполняло меня, что я стал неуправляемым. Я упал на пол, с всё ещё обнимающей меня,
Нагуал Женщиной. Я подумал, как-будто во сне, что я при падении должно быть порезал ей лоб. Её и моё лицо были в крови, кровь заполнила её глаза. Дон Дженаро и Дон Хуан очень быстро подняли меня. Они держали меня. У меня были безконтрольные спазмы, как схватки. Женщины-воины окружили Нагуал Женщину; затем встали в ряд в середине комнаты. Мужчины к ним присоединились. В какой-то момент непередаваемая цепь энергии прошла между ними. Ряд двинулся и парадом прошёл передо мной. Каждый из них подошёл на момент ко мне и встал передо мной, не ломая ряд. Было похоже, что конвеер двигал их и заставлял каждого остановиться передо мной. Мужчины-курьеры прошли первыми, затем женщины-курьеры, затем мужчины-воины, потом Путешественники, Маскировщики и, наконец, Нагуал Женщина.
Они прошли мимо меня и остались секунду или две на полном виду, достаточно, чтобы сказать прощай, и потом они исчезали в темноту таинственной Трещины, которая появилась в комнате.
Дон Хуан надавил мне на спину и, в какой-то степени, облегчил мои мученья. Он сказал, что понял мою боль и что сходство Нагуал Женщины и Нагуала Мужчины не то, что может быть сформулировано. Оно существует в результате излучений Орла; как только оба они соединены вместе и разделены, невозможно заполнить пустоту, потому что это не социальная пустота, а движние тех излучений. Дон Хуан тогда мне сказал, что он собрался заставить меня передвинуться максимально направо. Он сказал, что это был милосердный, но временный манёвр; он позволит мне забыть на время, но это не смягчит мою боль, когда я вспомню."
Дон Хуан также сказал мне, что Акт Воспоминания не поддаётся никакому объяснению. В действительности, это Акт Воспоминания себя, который не останавливается при воспоминании общения, которое воины выполнили на своей Левой Стороне Сознания, а продолжают вспоминать каждый момент, который их Двойник сохранил со дня рожденья. Систематические взаимоотношения воинов, проходящие в состояниях Повышенного Сознания, это только механизм привлечь Двойника обнажить себя в смысле воспоминаний. Этот Акт Воспоминания, хотя и выглядит только связанный с воинами, является тем, что есть внутри мира каждого человека; каждый из нас может идти напрямую к воспоминаниям своей Светимости с неизмеримыми результатами. Дон Хуан тогда сказал, что в тот день они уйдут в сумерках, и что единственную вещь им всё ещё придётся сделать для меня было: сделать отверстие, разлом в моей временной линии. Они собирались заставить меня прыгнуть в пропасть, как средство прервать излучение Орла, которое причина моего чувства, что я - целое и продолжительное. Прыжок должен был бы быть сделан, пока я находился в состоянии обычного сознания и идея была, что моё Второе Внимание возьмёт вверх; скорее, чем умереть в пропасти, я полностью войду в своего Двойника. Дон Хуан сказал, что я в конце концов выйду из Двойника, как только моя энергия иссякнет; но я не выйду на той же вершине горы, с которой собирался спрыгнуть. Он предсказал, что я появлюсь на своём любимом месте, где бы он не был. Это и будет перерывом в продолжении моего времени. Тогда он полностью вытолкнул меня из моей Левой Стороны Сознания. И я забыл свою боль и муки, мою цель, моё задание. В сумерках того дня Pablito, Nestor и я спрыгнули с обрыва. Удар Нагуала был такой аккуратный и милосердный, что ничто от моментального события их прощания перешло за лимит другого моментльного события - прыжка к точной смерти, но не умирая.

"Захватывающее дух, каким было то событие по сравнению с тем, что происходило в другом мире.
Дон Хуан заставил меня прыгнуть точно тогда, когда он и все его воины повысили своё сознание. Перед моими глазами, как во сне, появилась картина ряда людей, смотрящих на меня. Потом я рассмотрел это как одну из длинных серий видений или галлюцинаций, которые у меня были после прыжка. Это была скудная интерпретация моей Правой Стороны Сознания, ошарашенной Могуществом Тотального События. Однако на моей Левой Стороне я понял, что вошёл в своего Двойника. И этот вход не имел ничего общего с моей логикой. Воины группы Дон Хуана поймали меня в момент вечности, прежде чем исчезнуть в АБСОЛЮТНЫЙ СОЛНЕЧНЫЙ СВЕТ до того, как Орёл позволит им пройти насквозь. Я знал, что они были в диапазоне вибраций Орла, которые были вне моей досягаемости. Они ждали Дон Хуана и Дон Дженаро. Я увидел, как Дон Хуан возглавил группу. И затем, в небе была видна только Линия Непередаваемых Белых Огней. Что-то похожее на ветер, казалось заставляло это Скопление Огней сжиматься и извиваться. В конце Линии Огней, где находился Дон Хуан, было огромное Свечение. Я подумал о Змее в перьях из легенд индейцев Толтек.
И потом Огни исчезли."


(и поместила его выше, на красном фоне).

"I didn't say it's a physical element," he (don Juan) corrected me. "Awareness is an Energetic Element (Awareness is White Sun Energy! LM). You have to make that distinction.
For Sorcerers, who See, Awareness is a Glow. They can hitch (connect, attach) their Energy Body (Double-plasmic body) to that Glow and go with it."

"Я не говорил, что это - физический элемент," поправил он (Дон Хуан) меня. "Сознание (Awareness) - это Энергетичесий Элемент (это - Солнечная Энергия! ЛМ). И это - существенное Различие. Seers-Sorcerers, кто способен ВИДЕТЬ, ВИДЯТ Сознание как Свечение. Они прикрепляют своё Плазменное Тело (своего Двойника) к такому Свечению и летят вместе с ним."

Sorcerers intend anything they set themselves to intend, simply by intending it...if one would intend that statement for the Energy Body, the Energy Body would understand it in terms entirely different from those of the Mind. The trick is to reach the Energy Body. For that you need Energy...I lent you my energy, and you reached your Energy Body."

"It wasn't a Dream," he replied. "It was Dreaming. I helped you reach the Second Attention, so that you would understand intending as a subject, not for your reason, but for your Energy Body. At this point, you can't yet comprehend the importance of all this, not only because you don't have sufficient energy, but because you're not intending anything. If you were, your Energy Body would comprehend immediately, that the only way to intend is by focusing Your Intent on whatever you want to Intend. This time I focused it for you on reaching Your Energy Body."

"Is the Goal of Dreaming to intend the Energy Body?" I asked, suddenly empowered by some strange reasoning.
"One can certainly put it that way," he said. "In this particular instance, since we're talking about the First Gate of Dreaming, the Goal of Dreaming is to Intend, that Your Energy Body becomes aware, that you are falling asleep. Don't try to force yourself to be aware of falling asleep. Let your Energy Body do it... Put your Silent Determination, without a single thought, into convincing yourself, that you have reached your Energy Body and that you are a Dreamer. Doing this will automatically put you in the position to be aware, that you are falling asleep...In this case, to Intend means, that you get an unquestionable Bodily Knowledge, that you are a Dreamer. You feel you are a Dreamer with all the cells of your body.

To intend is to wish without wishing, to do without doing.

"The most astounding thing, that happens to Dreamers," he said, "is that, on reaching the First Gate, they also reach the Energy Body."
"What exactly is the Energy Body?"
"It's the Counterpart (a double) of the physical body. A Ghost-like Configuration, made of Pure Energy."
"But isn't the physical body also made out of Energy?"
"Of course it is. The difference is, that the Energy Body has only appearance, but No Mass. Since it's Pure Energy, it can perform acts, that are beyond the possibilities of the physical body."
"Such as what for example, don Juan?"
"Such as transporting itself in one instant to the Ends of the Universe. And Dreaming is the Art of tempering (adjust, tune) the Energy Body, of making it supple (flexible) and coherent (sticking together) by gradually exercising it. Through Dreaming we condense (compress) the Energy Body, until it's a Unit, capable of perceiving. Its Perception, although affected by our normal way of perceiving the Daily World, is an independent Perception. It has Its Own Sphere."
"What is that Sphere, don Juan?"
"Energy. The Energy Body deals with Energy in terms of Energy. There are three ways, in which It deals with Energy in Dreaming: It can Perceive Energy as It Flows, or It can Use Energy to Boost itself, like a rocket into unexpected areas, or It can Perceive, as we ordinarily perceive the World."
"What does it mean to Perceive Energy, as It Flows?"
"It means to See. It means, that the Energy Body Sees Energy directly, as a Light or as a Vibrating Current of sorts or as a Disturbance. Or it feels it directly, as a Jolt or as a Sensation, that can even be Pain."
"What about the other way you talked about, don Juan? The Energy Body using Energy as a Boost."
"Since Energy is its Sphere, it is no problem for the Energy Body to use Currents of Energy, that exist in the Universe, to propel itself. All it has to do is: isolate them and off It goes with them..."I've mentioned to you before, that Sorcerers isolate in their Dreams Scouts from other Realms," he said. "Their Energy Bodies do that. They recognize Energy and go for it. But it isn't desirable for Dreamers to indulge in searching for Scouts. I was reluctant to tell you about it, because of the facility (easiness), with which one can get swayed (veer, deter, moved back and forth) by that search."
"When Sorcerers talk about Molding one's Life Situation," don Juan explained, "they mean Molding the Awareness of being alive. Through Molding this Awareness, we can get enough Energy to reach and sustain the Energy Body, and with it we can certainly Mold the Total Direction and Consequences of our Lives."

"In my opinion, your Energy Body hooked onto the Foreign Energy of that place and had the time of its life. Naturally, you felt afraid and revolted; you were examining Alien Energy for the first time in your life...But this is not a normal situation. This is Dreaming. A Dreamer on Crossing the First Gate has already reached the Energy Body. So what is really going through the Second Gate, hopping from Dream to Dream, is the Energy Body."
"What's the implication of all this, don Juan?"
"The implication is, that on Crossing the Second Gate you must Intend a greater and more sober control over your Dreaming Attention: the only safety valve for Dreamers."
"What is this safety valve?"
"You will find out for yourself, that the True Goal of Dreaming is to perfect the Energy Body. A Perfect Energy Body, among other things of course, has such a control over the Dreaming Attention, that it makes it stop, when needed. This is the Safety Valve Dreamers have. No matter how indulging they might be, at a given time, their Dreaming Attention must make them surface."

"Just because we haven't been taught to emphasize Dreams, as a Genuine Field for Exploration, doesn't mean they are not one," he began. "Dreams are analyzed for their Meaning or are taken as portents (omens), but never are they taken as a Realm of real events. To my knowledge, only the Old Sorcerers did that," don Juan went on, "but at the end they flubbed it. They got greedy, and when they came to a Crucial Crossroads, they took the wrong fork. They put all their eggs in one basket: the Fixation of the Assemblage Point on the thousands of Positions it can adopt." Don Juan expressed his bewilderment at the fact, that out of all the marvelous things, the Old Sorcerers learned, exploring those thousands of Positions, only the Art of Dreaming and the Art of Stalking remain. He reiterated (repeated), that the Art of Dreaming is concerned with the Displacement of the Assemblage Point. Then he defined Stalking as the Art, that deals with the Fixation of the Assemblage Point on any location, to which it is displaced. "To Fixate the Assemblage Point on any New Spot means to acquire Cohesion," he said. "You have been doing just that in your Dreaming practices."
"I thought I was perfecting my Energy Body," I said, somehow surprised at his statement.
"You are doing that and much more, you are learning to have Cohesion. Dreaming does it by forcing Dreamers to Fixate the Assemblage Point. The Dreaming Attention, the Energy Body, the Second Attention, the Relationship with Inorganic Beings, the Dreaming Emissary are but byproducts of Acquiring Cohesion; in other words, they are all by-products of Fixating the Assemblage Point on a number of Dreaming Positions."
"What is a Dreaming Position, don Juan?"
"Any New Position, to which the Assemblage Point has been displaced during sleep."
"How do we Fixate the Assemblage Point on a Dreaming Position?"
"By sustaining the view of any item in your Dreams, or by Changing Dreams at will. Through your Dreaming practices, you are really exercising your capacity to be cohesive; that is to say, you are exercising your capacity to maintain a New Energy Shape by holding the Assemblage Point, fixed on the position of any particular Dream you are having."
"Do I really maintain a New Energy Shape?"
"Not exactly, and not because you can't, but only because you are Shifting the Assemblage Point instead of Moving it. Shifts of the Assemblage Point give rise to minute changes, which are practically unnoticeable. The challenge of Shifts is, that they are so small and so numerous, that to maintain cohesiveness in all of them is a triumph."
"How do we know we are maintaining cohesion?"
"We know it by the clarity of our perception. The clearer the view of our Dreams, the Greater our Cohesion."

"You've done, unwittingly, two things, that worry the hell out of me. You Traveled with your Energy Body to a place, outside this World the first time you Dreamt. And you walked there! And then you traveled with your Energy Body to another place outside this World, but parting from the Awareness of the Daily World."
"Why would that worry you, don Juan?"
"Dreaming is too easy for you. And that is a Damnation, if we don't watch it. It leads to the Human Unknown. As I said to you, Modern-Day Sorcerers strive to get to the Nonhuman Unknown."
"What can the Nonhuman Unknown be?"
"Freedom from being Human. Inconceivable Worlds, that are Outside the Band of Human, but that We still can Perceive. This is where Modern Sorcerers take the side road. Their Predilection (preference) is what's Outside the Human Domain. And What are Outside that Domain are All-inclusive Worlds, not merely the Realm of Birds or the Realm of Animals or the Realm of Human, even if it be the Unknown Human. What I am talking about are Worlds, like the one where we live; Total Worlds with Endless Realms."
"Where are those Worlds, don Juan? In Different Positions of the Assemblage Point?"
"Right. In Different Positions of the Assemblage Point, but Positions Sorcerers arrive at with a Movement of the Assemblage Point, not a Shift. Entering into those Worlds is the Type of Dreaming only Sorcerers of Today Do. The Old Sorcerers stayed away from it, because it requires a Great Deal of Detachment and No Self-Importance whatsoever. A price they couldn't afford to pay. For the Sorcerers, Who Practice Dreaming today, Dreaming is Freedom to Perceive Worlds Beyond the Imagination...But Freedom cannot be an Investment.  Freedom is an Adventure with No End, in which We Risk Our Lives and much more for a few moments of Something Beyond Words, Beyond Thoughts or Feelings...
To Seek Freedom is the only Driving Force I know. Freedom to Fly Off into that Infinity Out There. Freedom to Dissolve..."

After a long pause, the Voice (of Emissary-a female-an Inorganic Being) added, "We want you to join us. Come down to where we are. And don't be ill at ease. You are not ill at ease with the Scouts and certainly not with me. The Scouts and I are just like the others. I am Bell-shaped, and Scouts are like Candle Flames."
That last statement was definitely a cue of sorts for my Energy Body. On hearing it, my queasiness (nausea) and fear vanished. I descended to their level, and the Balls and Bells and Candle Flames surrounded me. They came so close to me, that they would have touched me, had I had a physical body. Instead, we went through one another, like encapsulated air puffs. I had, at that point, an unbelievable sensation. Although I did not feel anything with or in my Energy Body, I was feeling and recording the most unusual tickling somewhere else; soft, airlike things were definitely going through me, but not right there. The sensation was vague and fast and did not give me time to catch it fully. Instead of focusing my Dreaming Attention on it, I became entirely absorbed in watching those oversized Bugs of Energy. At the level where we were, it seemed to me, that there was a commonality between the Shadow Entities and myself: size. Perhaps it was because I judged them to be the same size as my Energy Body, that I felt almost cozy with them. On examining them,
I concluded, that I did not mind them at all. They were impersonal, cold, detached, and I liked that immensely. I wondered for an instant, whether my disliking them one minute and liking them the next was a natural consequence of Dreaming or a product of some Energetic Influence, those Entities were exerting (exercising) on me...
"The Second Phase is to move around once you've seen yourself asleep. At the Third Gate of Dreaming," he went on, "you begin to deliberately Merge Your Dreaming Reality with the Reality of the Daily World. This is the Drill, and Sorcerers call it Completing the Energy Body...To view things with great care and curiosity means to resist the nearly irresistible temptation to plunge into detail. The given Drill, at the Third Gate, as I said, is to consolidate (make coherent) the Energy Body. Dreamers begin forging (give a form to) the Energy Body by fulfilling the Drills of the First and Second Gates. When they reach the Third Gate, the Energy Body is ready to come out, or perhaps it would be better to say, that it is ready to act. Unfortunately, this also means, that it's ready to be mesmerized by detail."
"What does it mean to be mesmerized by detail?"
"The Energy Body is like a child, who's been imprisoned all its life. The moment it is free, it soaks up everything it can find, and I mean everything. Every irrelevant, minute detail totally absorbs the Energy Body." An awkward silence followed. I had no idea what to say. I had understood him perfectly, I just didn't have anything in my experience to give me an idea of exactly what it all meant. "The most asinine (utterly stupid) detail becomes a World for the Energy Body," don Juan explained. "The effort, that Dreamers have to make to direct the Energy Body is staggering. I know, that it sounds awkward to tell you, to view things with care and curiosity, but that is the best way to describe, what you should do.
At the Third Gate, Dreamers have to avoid a nearly irresistible impulse to plunge into everything, and they avoid it by being so curious, so desperate to get into everything, that they don't let any particular thing imprison them."  Don Juan added, that his recommendations, which he knew sounded absurd to the Mind, were directly aimed at My Energy Body.
He stressed over and over, that My Energy Body had to unite all its resources, in order to act.
"But hasn't My Energy Body been acting all along?" I asked.
"Part of it has, otherwise you wouldn't have journeyed to the Inorganic Beings' Realm," he replied. "Now your Entire Energy Body has to be engaged to perform the Drill of the Third Gate. Therefore, to make things easier for Your Energy Body, you must hold back your rationality...Don't say anything. At the Third Gate, Rationality is responsible for the Insistence of Our Energy Bodies on being obsessed with superfluous detail. At the Third Gate, then, we need Irrational Fluidity, Irrational Abandon to counteract that Insistence."

...Yet all this wealth of experience was inaccessible to my normal Memory. Only in the presence of don Juan were those memories at my disposal. I asked him about this strange situation once, when we were at the National Museum of Anthropology and History in Mexico City. What had prompted my question was that, at the moment, I had the odd ability to remember everything, that had happened to me in the course of my association with don Juan. And that made me feel so free, so daring and light-footed, that I was practically dancing around. "It just happens, that the presence of the Nagual induces a Shift of the Assemblage Point," he said. He guided me then into one of the display rooms of the museum
(of Anthropology and History in Mexico City) and said, that my question was apropos (appropriate) to, what he had been planning to tell me. "My intention was to explain to you, that the Position of the Assemblage Point is like a Vault (chamber), where Sorcerers keep their records. I was tickled pink, when your Energy Body felt my Intent and you asked me about it. The Energy Body knows immensities (boundless). Let me show you how much it knows." He instructed me to enter into Total Silence. He reminded me, that I was already in a special State of Awareness, because my Assemblage Point had been made to Shift by his presence. He assured me, that entering into Total Silence was going to allow the sculptures in that room to make me See and Hear inconceivable (unbelievable) things. He added, apparently to increase my confusion, that some of the archaeological pieces in that room had the capacity to produce, by themselves, a Shift of the Assemblage Point, and that, if I reached a state of Total Silence, I would be actually witnessing scenes, pertaining to the lives of the people, who made those pieces. He then began the strangest tour of a museum I have ever taken. He went around the room, describing and interpreting astounding details of every one of the large pieces. According to him, every archaeological piece in that room was a purposeful record, left by the People of Antiquity, a record, that don Juan, as a Sorcerer, was reading to me, as one would read a book. "Every piece here is designed to make the Assemblage Point Shift. Fix your gaze on any of them, Silence Your Mind, and find out whether or not your Assemblage Point can be made to Shift," he said.
"How would I know, that it has shifted?"
"Because you would See and Feel things, that are beyond your normal reach." I gazed at the sculptures and Saw and Heard things, that I would be at a loss to explain. In the past, I had examined all those pieces with the bias of anthropology, always bearing in mind the descriptions of scholars in the field. Their descriptions of the functions of those pieces, rooted in modern man's cognition of the World, appeared to me, for the first time, to be utterly prejudiced, if not asinine (utterly stupid). What don Juan said about those pieces and what I heard and saw myself, gazing at them, was the farthest thing from what I had always read about them. My discomfort was so great, that I felt obliged to apologize to don Juan for, what I thought, was my suggestibility. He did not laugh or make fun of me. He patiently explained, that Sorcerers were capable of leaving accurate records of their findings in the Position of the Assemblage Point. He maintained, that when it comes to getting to the essence of a written account, we have to use our sense of sympathetic or imaginative participation to go beyond the mere page, into the experience itself. However, in the Sorcerers' World, since there are no written pages, total records, which can be relived, instead of read, are left in the Position of the Assemblage Point. To illustrate his argument, don Juan talked about the Sorcerers' Teachings for the Second Attention. He said, that they are given, when the apprentice's Assemblage Point is on a place, other, than the normal one. The Position of the Assemblage Point becomes, in this manner, the Record of the Lesson.

In order to play the Lesson back, the apprentice has to Return his/her Assemblage Point to the Position it occupied, when the Lesson was given. Don Juan concluded his remarks by reiterating, that to Return the Assemblage Point to All the Positions it Occupied, when the Lessons were Given, is an Accomplishment of the Highest Magnitude...
"The riddle of how impossible and yet, how easy it is to move the Energy Body. You are trying to move it, as if you were in the Daily World. We spend so much time and effort learning to walk, that we believe our Dreaming Bodies should also walk. There is no reason, why they should, except, that walking is foremost in our minds...It isn't my point,"
he curtly answered. "It's a Sorcerers' Point. Sorcerers say, that at the Third Gate the Entire Energy Body can move like Energy moves: fast and directly. Your Energy Body knows exactly how to move. It can move, as it moves in the Inorganic Beings' World...When your Energy Body learns to move by itself, you'll be thoroughly out of their reach. It was premature of me to believe, that you are free from them. You are relatively, but not completely free. They are still bidding for you Awareness...Be impeccable. I have told you this dozens of times. To be impeccable means to put your life on the line, in order to back up your decisions, and then to do quite a lot more, than your best to realize those decisions.  When you are not deciding anything, you are merely playing roulette with your life in a helter-skelter way." Don Juan ended our conversation, urging me to ponder (think) what he had said. At the first opportunity I had, I put don Juan's suggestion about moving my Energy Body to the test. When I found myself looking at my body asleep, instead of struggling to walk toward it, I simply willed myself to move closer to the bed. Instantly, I was nearly touching my body. I saw my face. In fact, I could see every pore in my skin. I cannot say, that I liked, what I saw. My view of my own body was too detailed to be aesthetically pleasing.

During subsequent Dreams, I entirely corroborated (confirmed), that the only way the Energy Body can move is to glide or soar. I discussed this with don Juan. He seemed unusually satisfied with, what I had done, which certainly surprised me. I was accustomed to his cold reaction to anything I did in my Dreaming Practices. "Your Energy Body is used to moving only, when something pulls it," he said. "The Inorganic Beings have been pulling your Energy Body right and left, and until now you have never moved it by yourself, with your own volition. It doesn't seem like, you've done much, moving the way you did, yet I assure you, that I was seriously considering ending your practices. For a while, I believed, you were not going to learn, how to move on your own...It takes Sorcerers forever to learn to move the Energy Body."
"Now, that I've learned, how to move my Energy Body by myself, what else should I do, don Juan?"
"Continue moving. Moving your Energy Body has opened up a New Area for you, an Area of Extraordinary Exploration...As you know, to be transported by a Scout, is the real Dreaming task of the Second Gate," he explained. "It is a very serious matter, but not as serious, as forging (advance steadily) and moving the Energy Body. Therefore, you have to make sure, by some means of your own, whether you are actually Seeing yourself asleep or whether you are merely Dreaming, that you're Seeing yourself asleep. Your New Extraordinary Exploration hinges on really Seeing yourself asleep..."You need to do some drastic maneuvering at this point," he said. "The Dreaming Emissary has no business interfering with your Dreaming Practices. Or rather, you should not, under any conditions, permit it to do so."
"How can I stop it?"
"Perform a simple, but difficult maneuver. Upon entering into Dreaming, voice out loud your desire not to have the Dreaming Emissary anymore."
"Does that mean, don Juan, that I will never hear it again?"
"Positively. You'll get rid of it forever."
"But is it advisable to get rid of it forever?"
"It most certainly is, at this point...I know it's a very difficult affair," he conceded, "but if you don't do it, the Inorganic Beings will always have a line on you. If you want to avoid this, do what I said, and do it now...Dreamers take a very long time to perfect their Energy Bodies. And this is exactly what's at stake here: Perfecting Your Energy Body." Don Juan explained, that the reason my Energy Body was compelled (force, drive) to examine detail and get inextricably (confused) stuck in it was its inexperience, its INCOMPLETENESS.
He said, that Sorcerers spend a lifetime consolidating (forming) the Energy Body by letting it sponge up everything possible. "Until the Energy Body is complete and mature, it is self-absorbed," don Juan went on. "It can't get free from the compulsion (irresisible impulse) to be absorbed by everything. But if one takes this into consideration, instead of fighting the Energy Body, as you're doing now, one can lend it a hand."
"How can I do that, don Juan?"
"By directing its behavior, that is to say, by Stalking it."
He explained, that since everything, related to the Energy Body, depends on the appropriate Position of the Assemblage Point, and since Dreaming is nothing else, but the means to displace it, Stalking is, consequently, the way to make the Assemblage Point stay put on the Perfect Position, in this case, the Position, where the Energy Body can become consolidated and from which it can finally emerge. Don Juan said, that the moment the Energy Body can move on its own, Sorcerers assume, that the Optimum (favourable) Position of the Assemblage Point has been reached. The next step is to Stalk it, that is, to fixate it on that Position, in order to complete the Energy Body. He remarked, that the Procedure is Simplicity itself. One Intends to Stalk it...
"Let your Energy Body intend to reach the Optimum Dreaming Position," he explained. "Then, let your Energy Body intend to stay at that Position and you will be Stalking."
He paused and, with his eyes, urged me to consider his statement. "Intending is the Secret, but you already know that," he said. "Sorcerers displace their Assemblage Points through Intending and fixate them, equally, through Intending. And there is no technique for Intending. One Intends through usage."

I was gravely mistaken. No matter what I did, or how long I waited, I had no success whatsoever in Fixing my Assemblage Point on any spot, much less on the ideal one. After months of serious, but unsuccessful struggling, I gave up. "What happens is, that you are caught in another of your routinary misinterpretations of terms. You want to find the Ideal Spot, as if you were finding your lost car keys. Then you want to tie your Assemblage Point, as if you were tying your shoes. The Ideal Spot and the Fixation of the Assemblage Point are metaphors. They have nothing to do with the words used to describe them."

"You found out, that your Energy Body had been COMPLETED," don Juan answered.
"I didn't find out anything of the kind, I assure you."
"Yes, you did. It started some time ago, when you couldn't find a guide to validate the realness of your Dreams, but then something went to work for you and let you know, whether you were having a regular dream. That something was your Energy Body. Now, you despair, that you couldn't find the Ideal Spot to Fix your Assemblage Point. And I tell you, that you did. The proof is that, by moving around, your Energy Body curtailed (cut short) its obsession with detail." I was nonplussed (perplexed, baffled). I could not even ask one of my feeble (inadequate) questions. "What comes next for you is a Sorcerers' gem," don Juan went on. "You are going to practice Seeing Energy, in your Dreaming. You have fulfilled the drill for the Third Gate of Dreaming: moving your Energy Body by itself. Now you are going to perform the real task: Seeing Energy with your Energy Body.
You have seen Energy before," he went on, "many times, in fact. But each of those times, Seeing was a fluke. Now you are going to do it deliberately. Dreamers have a rule of thumb," he continued,
"if their Energy Body is
See Energy every time, they gaze at an item in the Daily World. In Dreams, if they See the Energy of an item, they know, they are dealing with a Real World, no matter how distorted that World may appear to their Dreaming Attention. If they can't See the Energy of an item, they are in an ordinary dream and not in a Real World."
"What is a Real World, don Juan?"
"A World, that generates Energy; the opposite of a Phantom World of Projections, where Nothing generates Energy, like most of our dreams, where nothing has an Energetic Effect." Don Juan then gave me another Definition of Dreaming: a Process, by which Dreamers isolate Dream conditions, in which they can find Energy-Generating Elements. 
Dreaming is the process, by which we intend to find adequate Positions of the Assemblage Point, Positions, that permit us to perceive Energy-Generating Items in Dreamlike States. He explained, that the (our) Energy Body is also capable of Perceiving Energy, that is quite different from the Energy of Our Own World, as in the case of items of the Inorganic Beings' Realm, which the Energy Body perceives as Sizzling Energy. He added, that in Our World Nothing Sizzles; Everything here Wavers.
"From now on," he said, "the issue of your Dreaming is going to be to determine, whether the items, on which you focus your Dreaming Attention are Energy Generating or mere Phantom Projections, or Generators of Foreign Energy."


He reiterated (repeated), that the Drill for the Third Gate of Dreaming is to make the Energy Body move on its own. In my last session, he said, I had unwittingly (unaware) superseded (caused, succeeded) the effect of that Drill and crossed into another World.
"Your Energy Body moved," he said. "It journeyed, by itself. That kind of journeying is beyond your abilities at this moment, and something attacked you."
"What do you think it was, don Juan?"
"This is a predatorial Universe. It could have been one of thousands of things existing out there."
"Why do you think attacked me?"
"For the same reason the Inorganic Beings attacked you: because you made yourself available."

"The World is like an onion, it has many skins (vibrations). The World we know is but one of them. Sometimes, we cross boundaries and enter into another skin (vibration): another World, very much like this one, but not the same. And you entered into one, all by yourself...In the view of Sorcerers, the Universe is constructed in Layers, which the Energy Body can cross. Do you know, where the Old Sorcerers are still existing to this day? In another Layer, in another Skin of the Onion...I was convinced you understood, that the Journey of the Energy Body depends exclusively on the Position of the Assemblage Point."

The other kind of Energy I found present in our World, but Alien to it was the Scouts' Energy, the Energy don Juan had called Sizzling. I encountered scores of items in my Dreams, that, once I saw them, turned into Blobs of Energy, that seemed to be frying, bubbling with some heat-like inner activity. "Bear in mind, that not every Scout, you are going to find,  belongs to the Realm of Inorganic Beings," don Juan remarked. "Every Scout you have found so far, except for the Blue Scout, has been from that Realm, but that was, because the Inorganic Beings were catering to you. They were directing the show. Now you are on your own. Some of the Scouts, you will encounter, are going to be not from the Inorganic Beings' Realm, but from other, even more distant levels of Awareness."
"Are the Scouts aware of themselves?" I asked.
"Most certainly," he replied.
"Then why don't they make contact with us, when we are awake?"
"They do. But our great misfortune is to have our Consciousness so fully engaged, that we don't have time to pay attention. In our sleep, however, the two-way-traffic trapdoor opens: we Dream. And in our Dreams, we make contact."
"Is there any way to tell, whether the Scouts are from a level besides the Inorganic Beings' World?"
"The Greater their Sizzling, the farther they come from. It sounds simplistic, but you have to let your Energy Body tell you, what is what. I assure you, it'll make very fine distinctions and unerring judgments when faced with Alien Energy
." Не was right again. Without much ado (bustle, fuss, bother), my Energy Body distinguished two general types of Alien Energy. The first was the Scouts from the Inorganic Beings' Realm. Their Energy fizzled mildly. There was no sound to it, but it had all the overt appearance of effervescence (bubbling), or of water, that is starting to boil. The Energy of the Second General Type of Scouts gave me the impression of considerably more Power. Those Scouts seemed to be just about to burn. They vibrated from within, as if they were filled with pressurized gas. My encounters with the Alien Energy were always fleeting, because I paid Total Attention to what don Juan recommended. He said, "Unless you know exactly, what you are doing and what you want out of Alien Energy, you have to be content with a brief glance. Anything beyond a glance is as dangerous and as stupid, as petting a rattlesnake."
"Why is it dangerous, don Juan?" I asked.
"(Alien) Scouts are always very aggressive and extremely daring," he said. "They have to be that way, in order to prevail (achieve goal) in their explorations. Sustaining our Dreaming Attention on them is tantamount (equal) to soliciting their Awareness to focus on us.
Once they focus Their Attention on us, we are compelled (forced) to go with them. And that, of course, is the danger. We may end up in Worlds beyond our Energetic Possibilities."
(Держать наше внимание на них равно тому, что пытаться заставить их сфокусироваться на нас и как только им удаётся сфокусировать своё внимание на нас,
мы против своего желания уходим с ними и это - опасно: мы можем оказаться в мирах не рассчитанных на наши способности)
Don Juan explained, that there are many more types of Scouts, than the two I had classified, but that at my present Level of Energy I could only focus on three. He described the first two types as the easiest to spot. Their disguises in our Dreams are so outlandish (bizarre), he said, that they immediately attract our Dreaming Attention. He depicted the Scouts of the Third Type as the most dangerous, in terms of Aggressiveness and Power, and because they hide behind subtle disguises. "One of the strangest things Dreamers find, which you yourself will find presently," don Juan continued, "is this Third type of Scout. So far, you have found samples of only the first two types, but that's, because you haven't looked in the right place."
"And what is the right place, don Juan?"
"You have again fallen prey to words; this time the culprit word is "items," which you have taken to mean only things, objects. Well, the most Ferocious Scout hides behind people in our Dreams." A formidable surprise was in store for me, in my Dreaming, when I focused my gaze on the Dream Image of My Mother. After I voiced my Intent to See, she turned into a ferocious, frightening Bubble of Sizzling Energy. Don Juan paused to let his statements sink in. I felt stupid for being disturbed at the possibility of finding a Scout behind the Dream Image of my Mother. "It's annoying, that they are always associated with the Dream Images of our parents or close friends," he went on.

"Perhaps that's why, we often feel ill at ease, when we Dream of them." His grin gave me the impression, that he was enjoying my turmoil.  "A Rule of Thumb for Dreamers is to assume, that the Third Type of Scout is present, whenever they feel perturbed (disturb greatly) by their parents or friends in a Dream. Sound advice is to avoid those Dream Images. They are sheer poison."

"Where does the Blue Scout stand in relation to the other Scouts?" I asked.
"Blue Energy doesn't sizzle," he replied. "It is like ours; it wavers, but it is Blue instead of White. Blue Energy doesn't exist in a natural state in our World. And this brings us to something we've never talked about. What color were the Scouts you've seen so far?"
Until the moment he mentioned it, I had never thought about this. I told don Juan, that the Scouts I had seen were either Pink or Reddish. And he said, that the deadly Scouts of the Third Type were Bright Orange. I found out myself, that the Third Type of Scout is outright scary. Every time I found one of them, it was behind the Dream Images of My Parents, especially of my Mother. Seeing it always reminded me of the Blob of Energy, that had attacked me in my first deliberate Seeing Dream. Every time I found it, the Alien Exploring Energy actually seemed about to jump on me. My Energy Body used to react with horror, even before I saw it. During our next discussion of Dreaming, I queried don Juan about the total absence of Inorganic Beings in my Dreaming Practices.
"Why don't they show up anymore?" I asked.
"They only show themselves at the beginning," he explained. "After their Scouts take us to their World, there is no necessity for the Inorganic Beings' Projections. If we want to See the Inorganic Beings, a Scout takes us there. For noone, and I mean noone, can journey by himself to their Realm."
"Why is that so, don Juan?"
"Their World is sealed. Noone can enter or leave without the consent of the Inorganic Beings. The only thing you can do by yourself once you are inside is, of course, Voice Your Intent to stay. To say it out loud means: to set in Motion Currents of Energy, that are irreversible (incapable of being reversed). In Olden Times, Words were incredibly powerful. Now they are not. In the Inorganic Beings' Realm, they haven't lost their Power."
Don Juan laughed and said, that he had no business saying anything about the Inorganic Beings' World, because I really knew more about it, than he and all his companions combined. "There is one last issue, related to that World, that we haven't discussed," he said. He paused for a long while, as if searching for the appropriate words. "In the final analysis," he began, "my aversion to the Old Sorcerers' activities is very personal. As a Nagual, I detest what they did. They cowardly sought refuge in the Inorganic Beings' World. They argued, that in a Predatorial Universe, poised (assured) to rip us apart, the only possible haven for us is in that Realm."
"Why did they believe that?" I asked.
"Because it's true," he said. "Since the Inorganic Beings can't lie, the sales pitch of the Dreaming Emissary is all true. That World can give us shelter and prolong our Awareness for nearly an Eternity."
"The Emissary's sales pitch, even if it's the truth, has no appeal to me," I said.
"Do you mean you will chance a road, that might rip you apart?" he asked with a note of bewilderment in his voice. I assured don Juan, that I did not want the Inorganic Beings' World, no matter what advantages it offered. My statement seemed to please him to no end. "You are ready then for one final statement about that World. The most dreadful statement I can make," he said, and tried smile, but did not quite make it. Don Juan searched in my eyes, I suppose for a glimmer (flicker) agreement or comprehension. He was silent for a moment.

"The Energy, necessary to move the Assemblage Points of Sorcerers, comes from the Realm of Inorganic Beings," he said, as if he were hurrying to get it over with. My heart nearly stopped. I felt a vertigo (dizziness) and had to stomp my feet on the ground not to faint. "This is the Truth," don Juan went on, "and the Legacy (inheritance) of the Old Sorcerers to us. They have us pinned down to this day. This is the reason, I don't like them. I resent having to dip into one source alone. Personally, I refuse to do it. And I have tried to steer you away from it. But with no success, because something pulls you to that World, like a magnet...
We can't have dealings with them," he answered, "and yet we can't stay away from them. My solution has been to take their Energy, but not give in to their influence. This is known as the Ultimate Stalking. It is done by sustaining the Unbending Intent of Freedom, even though no Sorcerer knows, what Freedom really is."
"Can you explain to me, don Juan, why Sorcerers have to take Energy from the Realm of Inorganic Beings?"
"There is no other viable Energy for Sorcerers. In order to maneuver the Assemblage Point in the manner they do, Sorcerers need an inordinate amount of Energy." I reminded him of his own statement: that a Redeployment of Energy is necessary in order to do Dreaming. "That is correct," he replied. "To start Dreaming Sorcerers need to redefine their premises and save their Energy, but that Redefining is valid only to have the necessary Energy to set up Dreaming. To fly into other Realms, to See Energy, to forge (advance gradually) the Energy Body, et cetera, et cetera, is another matter. For those maneuvers, Sorcerers need loads of Dark, Alien Energy."
"But how do they take it from the Inorganic Beings' World?"
"By the mere act of going to that World. All the Sorcerers of our line have to do this..."

"A journey, a journey, that uses Awareness, as an element of the environment," he explained. "In the World of Daily Life, water is an Element of the environment, that we use for Traveling. Imagine Awareness being a similar Element, that can be used for Traveling. Through the Medium of Awareness, Scouts from All over the Universe come to us, and vice versa; via Awareness, Sorcerers go to the Ends of the Universe."
"The idea, that Awareness is a physical element is revolutionary," I said in awe.
"I didn't say it's a physical element," he corrected me. "Awareness is an Energetic Element. You have to make that distinction. For Sorcerers, who See, Awareness is a Glow.
They can hitch (connect, attach) their Energy Body to that Glow and go with it."
"What's the difference between a Physical and an Energetic Element?" I asked.
"The difference is, that Physical Elements are part of our Interpretation System, but Energetic Elements are not. Energetic Elements, like Awareness, exist in our  Universe. But we, as average people, perceive only the Physical Elements, because we were taught to do so. Sorcerers perceive the Energetic Elements for the same reason: they were taught to do
Don Juan explained, that the use of Awareness, as an Energetic Element of our environment, is the Essence of Sorcery, that in terms of practicalities :
First, to Free the Existing Energy in Us, by impeccably following the Sorcerers' Path;
Second, to use that Energy to develop the Energy Body by means of Dreaming;
Third, to use Awareness, as an Element of the environment, in order to enter with the Energy Body and all our physicality into other Worlds.
There are Two Kinds of Energy Journeys into other Worlds," he went on. "One is when Awareness picks up the Sorcerer's Energy Body and takes it wherever it may, and the other is: when the Sorcerer decides, in full Consciousness, to use the Avenue of Awareness to make a journey. You've done the first kind of journeying. It takes an enormous discipline to do the second."...
he assured me, that, in a pinch, my Energy Body was perfectly capable of taking care of itself.

I interrupted to remind him, that I always had to wait for a Scout to show up, before I could manifest out loud my Intent to go to the Inorganic Beings' World. Don Juan chuckled and said: "You haven't Dreamt with Carol Tiggs yet. You'll find out, that it's a treat. Sorceresses don't need any props (support). They just go to that World (of Inorganic Beings), whenever they want to; for them, there is a Scout on Permanent Call." I could not bring myself to believe, that a Sorceress would be able to do, what he was asserting. I thought, I had a degree of expertise in handling the Inorganic Beings' World. When I mentioned to him, what was going through my mind, he retorted, that I had no expertise whatsoever, when it came to, what Sorceresses are capable of. "Why do you think, I had Carol Tiggs with me to pull you bodily out of that World?" he asked.
"Do you think, it was because she's beautiful?"

"Why was it, don Juan?"
"Because I couldn't do it myself; and for her, it was nothing. She has a knack (skill) for that World."

"Is she an exceptional case, don Juan?"
"Women, in general, have a natural bent for that Realm; Sorceresses are, of course, the Champions, but Carol Tiggs is better, than anyone I know, because she, as the
Nagual-Woman, has Superb Energy."
I thought, I had caught don Juan in a serious contradiction. He had told me, that the Inorganic Beings were not interested at all in Women. Now he was asserting the opposite. "No. I'm not asserting the opposite," he remarked, when I confronted him. "I've said to you, that the Inorganic Beings don't pursue Females; they only go after Males. But I've also said to you, that the Inorganic Beings are Female, and that the Entire Universe is Female to a large degree. So draw your own conclusions."
Since I had no way to draw any conclusions, Don Juan explained to me, that Sorceresses, in theory, come and go, as they pleased, in that World, because of their Enhanced Awareness and their Femaleness.
"Do you know this for a fact?" I asked.
"The Women of my party have never done that," he confessed, "not because they can't, but because I dissuaded them. The Women of your party, on the other hand, do it (visit the Inorganic Beings' World) like changing skirts."

"I don't know that, and neither does she. It's all up to the Spirit - The Real Player. We are not Players Ourselves. We are mere pawns in its hands. Following the commands of the Spirit, I have to tell you, what the Fourth Gate of Dreaming is, although I can't guide you anymore...The Spirit is not leaving that up to me or to you. I have to outline the Fourth Gate of Dreaming for you, whether I like it or not." Don Juan explained that, at the Fourth Gate of Dreaming, the Energy Body travels to specific, concrete places and that there are three ways of using the Fourth Gate: one, to travel to concrete places in this World; two, to travel to concrete places out of this World; and, three, to travel to places, that exist only in the Intent of Others. He stated, that the last one is the most difficult and dangerous of the three and was, by far, the Old Sorcerers' predilection (preference, predisposition).


"Naguals are not really the most friendly Beings on Earth," he said in a tone of apology. "I learned this the hard way, being pitted against my teacher, the terrible  Nagual Julian.
His mere presence used to scare the daylights out of me. And when he used to zero (nullify) in on me, I always thought my life wasn't worth a plug (worn-out dime) nickel."

"Are you waiting for someone?"
"Yes, I am," he said. "Most certainly I am. I was just sensing the surroundings. You caught me in the Act of Scanning the Area with My Energy Body."
"What did you sense, don Juan?"
"My Energy Body senses, that everything is in place. The Play is on tonight. You are the Main Protagonist (principal performer). I am a Character Actor with a small, but meaningful role. I exit in the first act...
Your Energy Body has endless resources... I didn't want to say it, because I knew, your Energy Body was going to tell you, but there is no way to get out of this appointment."


"Why do you call the Death Defier's Gifts, Gifts of Power? And why the mystery?" I asked. "You yourself can displace your Assemblage Point to whatever spot you want, isn't that so?"
"They are called Gifts of Power, because they are products of the Specialized Knowledge of the Sorcerers of Antiquity," he said. "The mystery about the Gifts is, that no one on this Earth, with the exception of the Death Defier, can give us a sample of that Knowledge. And, of course, I can displace my Assemblage Point to whatever spot I want, inside or outside Man's energy shape. But what I can't do, and only the Death Defier can, is to know, what to do with my Energy Body in each one of those spots, in order to get total Perception, total Cohesion (unity)." He explained, then, that modern-day Sorcerers do not know the details of the thousands upon thousands of possible Positions of the Assemblage Point.

"What do you mean by details?" I asked.
"Particular ways of treating the Energy Body, in order to maintain the Assemblage Point, fixed on Specific Positions," he replied. He took himself, as an example, and said, that the Death Defier's Gift of Power to him had been the position of the Assemblage Point of a Crow and the procedures to manipulate his Energy Body to get the total Perception of a Crow.

She (Tenant or Death Defier) said, that the Gifts, she had given to the Naguals of my Line, had to do with, what the Old Sorcerers used to call, the twin positions. That is to say, the initial position, in which a Dreamer holds his physical body, to begin Dreaming, is mirrored by the position, in which he holds his Energy Body in Dreams, to fixate his Assemblage Point on any spot of his choosing. The two positions make a unit, she said, and it took the Old Sorcerers thousands of years to find out the perfect relationship between any two positions.
"Your Energy Body is moving forward on the Universe's Luminous Filaments of Energy," she whispered in my ear. "We are being carried by the Death Defier's Gift of Intent."


Then he sat down on a bench, and, in a voice, that conveyed genuine concern, he warned me that, at the moment, I had no way of knowing, what had transpired (happened) in the Second Attention between the Woman in the church and my Energy Body. My interaction with the Carol Tiggs of the hotel had been just the tip of the iceberg. "It's horrendous to think, that you were in the Second Attention for nine days," don Juan went on. "Nine days is just a second for the Death Defier, but an Eternity for us." Before I could protest or explain or say anything, he stopped me with a comment. "Consider this," he said. "If you still can't remember all the things, I taught you and did with you in the Second Attention, imagine how much more difficult it must be to remember, what the Death Defier taught you and did with you. I only made you change levels of Awareness; the Death Defier made you change Universes (for the New Universe, LM)."
... She has used Carol's Energy Body and yours to lift off, to break away from her moorings (chains). She took you up on your offer of Free Energy."

What he was saying had no meaning to me; apparently, it meant a great deal to his two companions. They became immensely agitated. Addressing them, don Juan explained, that the Death Defier and the Woman in the church were different expressions of the same energy; the Woman in the church was the more powerful and complex of the two. Upon taking control, she made use of Carol Tiggs's Energy Body, in some obscure, ominous fashion congruous (suitable) with the Old Sorcerers' machinations, and created the Carol Tiggs of the hotel, a Carol Tiggs of sheer Intent. Don Juan added, that Carol and the Woman may have arrived at some sort of Energetic agreement during their meeting. At that instant, a thought seemed to find its way to don Juan. He stared at his two companions, unbelievingly. Their eyes darted (move swiftly) around, going from one to the other. I was sure, they were not merely looking for agreement, for they seemed to have realized something in unison. "All our speculations are useless," don Juan said in a quiet, even tone.
"I believe there is no longer any Carol Tiggs. There isn't any Woman in the church either; both have merged and flown away on the Wings of Intent, I believe, forward.
The reason the Carol Tiggs of the hotel was so worried about her appearance was, because she was the Woman in the church, making you Dream a Carol Tiggs of another kind; an infinitely more powerful Carol Tiggs. Don't you remember, what she said? Dream your Intent of me. Intend me forward."

    Мoth is an Ally

"Genaro is a Man of Knowledge," don Juan said dryly. "And being a Man of Knowledge, he's perfectly capable of transporting himself over great distances." He reminded me, that once, years before, the three of us had been in the mountains, and that don Genaro, in an effort to help me overcome my stupid reason, had taken a prodigious leap to the peaks of the Sierras, ten miles away. I remembered the event, but I also remembered, that I could not even conceive, that he had jumped. Don Juan added, that don Genaro was capable of performing extraordinary feats at certain times. "Genaro at certain times, is not Genaro, but his Double," he said. He repeated it three or four times. Then both of them watched me, as if waiting for my impending (imminent, due to happen soon) reaction. I had not understood, what he meant by "his Double." (the Double - the Other - Second Body - Energy Body).
He had never mentioned that before. I asked for a clarification. "There is another Genaro," he explained. All three of us looked at one another...
"Do you have a twin brother?" I asked, turning to don Genaro.

"Of course," he said. "I have a twin." I could not determine whether or not they were putting me on (teasing). They both giggled with the abandon of children, that were pulling a prank (practical joke, mischievous trick).
"You may say," don Juan went on, "that at this moment Genaro is his twin." That statement brought both of them to the ground with laughter. But I could not enjoy their mirth...

"You know, that Genaro is a sorcerer and an impeccable warrior. So he's capable of performing deeds, that would be unthinkable for the average man. His Double, the other Genaro, is one of those deeds." I was speechless..."For a warrior like Genaro," he went on, "to produce the Other is not such a farfetched (improbable in nature) enterprise."
After pondering for a long time, what to say next, I asked: "Is the Other like the Self?"
"For a warrior like Genaro," he went on, "to produce the Other is not such a farfetched (improbable in nature) enterprise."
After pondering for a long time, what to say next, I asked: "Is the Other like the Self?"

"The Other is the Self," don Juan replied. His explanation had taken an incredible turn, and yet it was not really more incredible, than anything else they did.
"What's the Other made of?" I asked don Juan after minutes of indecision.

"There is no way of knowing that," he said. (The Double or the Other is made of Sun Plasmic Energy! LM.)
"Is it real or just an illusion?"
"It's real of course."
"Would it be possible then to say, that it is made of flesh and blood?" I asked.
"No. It would not be possible," don Genaro answered.
"But if it is as real, as I am . . ."
"As real, as you?" don Juan and don Genaro interjected (interrupted) in unison. They looked at each other and laughed, until I thought they were going to get ill.
Don Genaro threw his hat on the floor and danced around it. His dance was agile (light) and graceful and, for some inexplicable reason, utterly funny. Perhaps the humor was in the exquisitely "professional" movements, he executed. The incongruency (discordant parts, arythmical movements) was so subtle and at the same time so remarkable, that I doubled up with laughter.
"The trouble with you, Carlitos," he said, as he sat down again, "is that you're a genius."

"I have to know about the Double," I said.
"There's no way of knowing, whether he's flesh and blood," don Juan said. "Because he is not as real, as you. Genaro's Double is as real, as Genaro. Do you see what I mean?"...
"The Double is the Self; that explanation should suffice. If you would see, however, you'd know, that there is a great difference between Genaro and his Double. For a Sorcerer,
who Sees, the
Double is brighter.

47-48 (this is a funny page)
...In the kitchen, don Genaro gave himself a serving of food and then became involved in the most comical mimicking of a person, who wants to eat, but can't swallow. I thought, that don Juan was  going to die; he roared, kicked, cried, coughed and choked with laughter. I thought, I too was going to split my sides. Don Genaro's antics were priceless.
He finally gave up and looked at don Juan and me in succession; he had shiny eyes and a beaming smile.

"It doesn't work," he said, shrugging his shoulders. I ate a huge amount of food, and so did don Juan; then all of us returned to the front of the house...
I felt, that I was again in top form and wanted to exploit my strength. "Tell me more about the Double, don Juan," I said. Don Juan pointed at don Genaro and don Genaro bowed.
"There he is," don Juan said. "There is nothing to tell. He's here for you to witness him."

"Surely I'm Genaro," he said and perked his shoulders.
"What is a Double then, don Genaro?" I asked.
"Ask him," he snapped, pointing to don Juan. "He's the one, who talks. I'm dumb."

"A Double is the Sorcerer himself, developed through his Dreaming," don Juan explained. "A Double is an Act of Power to a Sorcerer, but only a tale of Power to you. In the case of Genaro, his Double is indistinguishable from the Original. That's, because his impeccability, as a warrior, is supreme;
 thus, you've never noticed the difference yourself. But in the years, that you've known him, you've been with the original Genaro only twice; every other time you've been with his Double."
"But this is preposterous (foolish)!" I exclaimed. I felt an anxiety building up in my chest. I became so agitated, that I dropped my writing pad, and my pencil rolled out of sight.

Don Juan and don Genaro practically dove to the ground and began the most farcical search for it. I had never seen a more astonishing performance of theatrical magic and sleight of hand. Except, that there was no stage, or props, or any type of gadgetry, and most likely the performers were not using sleight (trickery) of hand. Don Genaro, the head magician, and his assistant, don Juan, produced in a matter of minutes the most astounding, bizarre and outlandish collection of objects, which they found underneath, or behind, or above every object within the periphery of the ramada. In the style of stage magic, the assistant set up the props, which, in this case, were the few items on the dirt floor - rocks, burlap sacks, pieces of wood, a milk crate, a lantern and my jacket - then the magician, don Genaro, would proceed to find an object, which he would throw away as soon, as he had attested, that it was not my pencil. The collection of objects found included pieces of clothing, wigs, eyeglasses, toys, utensils, pieces of machinery, women's underwear, human teeth, sandwiches, and religious objects. One of them was outright disgusting. It was a piece of compact human excrement, that don Genaro took from underneath my jacket. Finally, don Genaro found my pencil and handed it to me after dusting it off with the tail of his shirt. They celebrated their clowning with yells and chuckles. I found myself watching, unable to join them.
"Don't take things so seriously, Carlitos," don Genaro said with a tone of concern. "Otherwise you're going to bust a ..." He made a ludicrous gesture, that could have meant anything. After their laughter subsided, I asked don Genaro, what a Double did, or what a Sorcerer did with the Double. Don Juan answered.


He said, that the Double had Power, and that it was used to accomplish feats, that would be unimaginable under ordinary terms. "I've told you time and time again, that the world is unfathomable (to deep to measure)," he said to me. "And so are we, and so is every Being, that exists in this World. It is impossible, therefore, to reason out the Double. You've been allowed to witness it, though, and that should be more, than enough."
"But there must be a way to talk about it," I said. "You yourself have told me, that you explained your conversation with the deer, in order to talk about it. Can't you do the same with the Double?" He was quiet for a moment. I pleaded with him. The anxiety I was experiencing was beyond anything I had ever gone through.
"Well, a Sorcerer can double up," don Juan said. "That's all one can say."
"But is he aware, that he is doubled?"
"Of course he's aware of it."
"Does he know, that he is in two places at once?" Both of them looked at me and then they exchanged a glance. "Where is the Other don Genaro?" I asked. Don Genaro leaned towards me and stared into my eyes.
"I don't know," he said softly. "No Sorcerer knows, where his Other is."
"Genaro is right," don Juan said. "A Sorcerer has no notion, that he is in two places at once. To be aware of that would be the equivalent of facing his Double, and the Sorcerer, that finds himself face to face with himself is a Dead Sorcerer. That is the rule. That is the way Power has set things up. No one knows why."
Don Juan explained, that by the time a Warrior had conquered Dreaming and Seeing and had developed a Double, he must have also succeeded in erasing Personal History, Self-importance, and routines. He said, that all the techniques, which he had taught me, and which I had considered to be empty talk, were, in essence, means for removing the impracticality of having a Double in the ordinary World, by making the Self and the World fluid, and by placing them outside the bounds of prediction. "A fluid warrior can no longer make the World chronological," don Juan explained. "And for him, the world and himself are no longer objects. He's a Luminous Being existing in a Luminous World. The Double is
a simple affair for a Sorcerer, because he knows, what he's doing..."
"Can an outsider, looking at a Sorcerer, see that he is in two places at once?" I asked don Juan.
"Certainly. That would be the only way to know it."
"But can't one logically assume, that the Sorcerer would also notice, that he has been in two places?"
"Aha!" don Juan exclaimed. "For once you've got it right. A Sorcerer may certainly notice afterwards, that he has been in two places at once. But this is only bookkeeping and has no bearing on the fact, that while he's acting, he has no notion of his Duality ...
we are always one step removed and our experience of the World is always a Recollection (Recall) of the experience. We are perennially recollecting the instant, that has just happened, just passed. We recollect, recollect, recollect...If our entire experience of the World is Recollection, then it's not so outlandish to conclude, that a Sorcerer can be in two places at once. This is not the case from the point of view of his own perception, because in order to experience the World, a Sorcerer, like every other man, has to recollect the act, he has just performed, the event, he has just witnessed, the experience he has just lived. In his awareness there is only a single recollection. But for an outsider, looking at the Sorcerer, it may appear, as if the Sorcerer is acting two different episodes at once. The Sorcerer, however, recollects two separate single instants, because the glue of the description of time is no longer binding him."

"Is the Double solid?" I asked don Juan after a long silence. They looked at me. "Does the Double have corporealness (materiality)?" I asked.
"Certainly," don Juan said. "Solidity, corporealness are memories. Therefore, like everything else we feel about the world, they are memories, we accumulate. Memories of the description. You have the memory of my solidity, the same way you have the memory of communicating through words...

"What about me?" he asked, trying to hide a smile. "Aren't you going to embrace me too (but he is not physical, he is his Plasmic Double! LM)?" I stood up and extended my arms to touch him; my body seemed to freeze on the spot. I had no power to move. I tried to force my arms to reach him, but my struggle was in vain. Don Juan and don Genaro stood by, watching me. I felt my body contorting under an unknown pressure. Don Genaro sat down and pretended to sulk (withdrawn in silent protest), because I had not embraced him; he pouted (protrude lips to show displeasure) and hit the ground with his heels, then both of them exploded into more roaring laughter...
"Do  you also have a Double, don Juan?" I asked.
"Of course!" he exclaimed...

"Tell me something, don Juan," I said, half in jest. "Are you yourself or are you your Double?"
He leaned over towards me. He was grinning. "My Double," he whispered.

2. The Dreamer And the Dreamed

We were quiet for a long time. Don Juan's words were like a balm to me. "Can I talk about don Genaro and his Double?" I asked.
"It depends on what you want to say about him," he replied...
life is the little detour, that we are taking now. Life in itself is sufficient, self-explanatory and complete...I was also aware, that it was somehow superfluous (excessive) to be affected so profoundly by don Juan and don Genaro's revelation about the Double...I said, that as long, as he and don Genaro were men like myself, their superior control made them models for my own behavior. But if they were in essence men drastically different, than I, then I could not conceive of them any longer as models, but as oddities, which I could not possibly aspire (aim, soar, have an ambition) to emulate (compete, strive). "Genaro is a man," don Juan said in a reassuring tone. "He's no longer a man like yourself, true. But that's his accomplishment and it shouldn't give rise to fear on your part. If he's different, the more reason to admire him."

"But his difference is not a human difference," I said.
"And what do you think it is? The difference between a man and a horse?"
"I don't know. But he's not like me."
"He was at one time, though."
"But can his change be understood by me?"
"Of course. You yourself are changing."
"Do you mean, that I will develop a Double?"
"Noone develops a Double. That's only a way of talking about it. You, for all the talking you do, are a sap (depletion) for words. You get trapped by their meanings. Now you think, that one develops a Double through evil means, I suppose. All of us Luminous Beings have a Double. All of us! A Warrior learns to be aware of it, that's all. There are seemingly insurmountable (incapable of being overcome) barriers protecting that Awareness. But that's expected; those barriers are what makes arriving at that Awareness such a unique challenge."

"Why am I so afraid of it, don Juan?"
"Because you're thinking, that the Double is what the word says, a Double, or another you. I chose those words, in order to describe it. The Double is Oneself and cannot be faced in any other way."
"What if I don't want to have it?"
"The Double is not a matter of personal choice. Neither is it a matter of personal choice, who is selected to learn the Sorcerers' Knowledge, that leads to that Awareness. Have you ever asked yourself, why you in particular?"
"All the time. I've asked you that question hundreds of times, but you've never answered it."
"I didn't mean, that you should ask it as a question, that begs an answer, but in the sense of a warrior's pondering on his great fortune, the fortune of having found a challenge.
To make it into an ordinary question is the device of a conceited (high opinion about oneself) ordinary man, who wants to be either admired or pitied for it. I have no interest in that kind of question, because there is no way of answering it. The decision of picking you was a design of Power; noone can discern the designs of Power. Now, that you've been selected, there is nothing, that you can do to stop the fulfillment of that design.
"The Double is one of those tales. You know that, and that's why your reason is so taken by it. You are beating your head against a wall, if you pretend to understand. All that I can say about it, by way of explanation, is that the Double, although it is arrived at through Dreaming, is as real, as it can be."
"According to what you've told me, don Juan, the Double can perform acts. Can the Double then . . .?" He did not let me continue with my line of reasoning. He reminded me, that it was inappropriate to say, that he had told me about the Double, when I could say, that I had witnessed it.
"Obviously the Double can perform acts," I said.
"Obviously!" he replied.
"But can the Double act in behalf of the Self?"
"It is the Self, damn it!" I found it very difficult to explain myself. I had in mind, that if a Sorcerer could perform two actions at once, his capacity for utilitarian (useful, practical) production had to double. He could work two jobs, be in two places, see two persons, and so on, at once.
Don Juan listened patiently.

"Let me put it this way," I said. "Hypothetically, can don Genaro kill someone hundreds of miles away by letting his Double do it?"

Don Juan looked at me. He shook his head and moved his eyes away. "You're filled with tales of violence," he said. "Genaro cannot kill anyone, simply because he no longer has any interest in his fellow men. By the time a warrior is capable of conquering Seeing and Dreaming and having the Awareness of his Luminosity, there is no such interest left in him."
I pointed out, that at the beginning of my apprenticeship he had made the statement, that a Sorcerer, aided by his ally, could be transported over hundreds of miles to deliver a blow to his enemies. "I am responsible for your confusion," he said. "But you must remember, that on another occasion I told you that, with you, I was not following the steps my own teacher prescribed. He was a Sorcerer and I should've properly plunged you into that world. I didn't, because I am no longer concerned with the ups and downs of my fellow men.
Yet, my teacher's words stuck with me. I talked to you many times in the manner, he himself would have talked. Genaro is a Man of Knowledge. The purest of them all. His actions are impeccable. He's beyond ordinary men, and beyond Sorcerers. His Double is an expression of his joy and his humour. Thus, he cannot possibly use it to create or resolve
ordinary situations. As far, as I know, the Double is the Awareness of our state as Luminous Beings. It can do anything, and yet it chooses to be unobtrusive and gentle. It was my error to mislead you with borrowed words. My teacher was not capable of producing the effects Genaro does. For my teacher, unfortunately, certain things were, as they are for you, only tales of Power."
I was compelled (forced) to defend my point. I said, that I was speaking in a hypothetical sense. "There is no hypothetical sense, when you speak about the world of Men of Knowledge," he said. "A Man of Knowledge cannot possibly act towards his fellow men in injurious terms, hypothetically or otherwise."
"But, what if his fellow men are plotting against his security and well-being? Can he then use his Double to protect himself?"

He clicked his tongue in disapproval.
"What incredible violence in your thoughts," he said. "No one can plot against the security and well-being of a Man of Knowledge. He Sees, therefore he would take steps to avoid anything like that. Genaro, for example, has taken a calculated risk in joining you. But there is nothing, that you could do to endanger his security. If there is anything, his Seeing will let him know. Now, if there is something about you, that is inherently injurious to him and his Seeing cannot reach it, then it is his fate, and neither Genaro, nor anyone else can avoid that. So, you see, a Man of Knowledge is in control without controlling anything."

"That's right, Carlitos," he said and brought the milk crate to rest on the ground. He dismounted, whirling his right leg over an imaginary neck of a horse, and then jumped to the ground. His movements were so perfectly executed, that he gave me the unquestionable sensation, that he had arrived on horseback. He came to my side and sat down to my left.
"Genaro has come, because he wants to tell you about the Other," don Juan said. He made a gesture of giving don Genaro the floor. Don Genaro bowed. He turned slightly to face me.
"What would you like to know, Carlitos?" he asked in a high-pitched voice.
"Well, if you're going to tell me about the Double, tell me everything," I said, feigning (pretend) casualness. Both of them shook their heads and glanced at each other.

"Genaro is going to tell you about the dreamer and the dreamed," don Juan said.
"As you know, Carlitos," don Genaro said with the air of an orator warming up, "the Double begins in Dreaming." He gave me a long look and smiled. His eyes swept from my face to my notebook and pencil.
"The Double is a dream," he said, scratched his arms and then stood up. He walked to the edge of the ramada and stepped out into the chaparral. He stood by a bush showing three fourths of his profile to us; he was apparently urinating. After a moment I noticed, that there seemed to be something wrong with him. He appeared to be trying desperately to urinate, but could not. Don Juan's laughter was the clue, that don Genaro was clowning again. Don Genaro contorted his body in such a comical fashion, that he had don Juan and me practically in hysterics. Don Genaro came back to the ramada and sat down. His smile radiated a rare Warmth. "When you can't, you just can't," he said and shrugged his shoulders. Then after a moment's pause he added, sighing, "Yes, Carlitos, the Double is a dream."
"Do you mean, that he's not real?" I asked.
"No. I mean, that the Double is a Dream," he retorted (replied). Don Juan intervened and explained, that don Genaro was referring to the first emergence of the  Awareness, that we are Luminous Beings. "Each one of us is different, and thus the details of our struggles are different," don Juan said. "The steps, that we follow to arrive at the Double are the same, though. Especially the beginning steps, which are muddled and uncertain." Don Genaro agreed and made a comment on the uncertainty, that a Sorcerer had at that stage.
"When it first happened to me, I didn't know it had happened," he explained. "One day I had been picking plants in the mountains. I had gone into a place, that was worked by other herb collectors. I had two huge sacks of plants. I was ready to go home, but before I did, I decided to take a moment's rest. I lay down on the side of the trail in the shade of a tree and I fell asleep. I heard then the sound of people coming down the hill and woke up. I hurriedly ran for cover and hid behind some bushes a short distance across the road, from where I had fallen asleep. While I hid there, I had the nagging impression I had forgotten something. I looked to see, if I had my two sacks of plants. I didn't have them.
I looked across the road to the place, where I had been sleeping and I nearly dropped my pants with fright. I was still there asleep! It was me! I touched my body. I was myself!
By that time the people, that were coming down the hill, were upon the me, that was asleep, while the me, that was fully awake looked helplessly from my hiding place. Damn it to hell! They were going to find me there and take my sacks away. But they went by me, as if I were not there at all. My vision had been so vivid, that I went wild. I screamed and then I woke up again. Damn it! It had been a dream!" Don Genaro stopped his account and looked at me, as if waiting for a question or a comment.
"Tell him, where you woke up the second time," don Juan said.
"I woke up by the road," don Genaro said, "where I had fallen asleep. But for one moment I didn't quite know, where I really was. I can almost say, that I was still looking at myself waking up, then something pulled me to the side of the road and I found myself rubbing my eyes." There was a long pause. I did not know what to say.
"And what did you do next?" don Juan asked. I realized, when both of them began to laugh, that he was teasing me. He was imitating my questions. Don Genaro went on talking.
He said, that he was stunned for a moment and then went to check everything.
"The place, where I had hid, was there exactly, as I had seen it," he said. "And the people, who had walked by me were down the road, a short distance away. I know it, because
I ran downhill after them. They were the same people I had seen. I followed them, until they got to town. They must have thought, I was mad. I asked them, if they had seen my friend sleeping by the side of the road. They all said they hadn't."
"You see," don Juan said, "all of us go through the same doubts. We are afraid of being mad; unfortunately for us, of course, all of us are already mad."

"My benefactor explained, that the dream, in which one was watching oneself asleep," don Genaro went on, "was the time of the Double. He recommended, that rather than wasting my power in wondering and asking myself questions, I should use the opportunity to act, and that when I had another chance, I should be  prepared...

"Yesterday you told me, that you had been driven wild with the idea of the Double. But look at you now. You don't care anymore...
"What took place then?" I asked him.
"Genaro came to see you to tell you something very exclusive," he said. "When he came out of the bushes, he was Genaro the Double. There is another way to talk about this, that would explain it better, but I can't use it now."
"Why not, don Juan?"
"Because you are not ready yet to talk about the Totality of Oneself. For the time being I can only say, that this Genaro here is not the Double now."
He pointed to don Genaro with a movement of his head. Don Genaro blinked repeatedly.
"The Genaro of last night was the Double. And, as I told you already, the Double has Inconceivable (unbelievable) Power. He showed you a most important issue. In order to do that, he had to touch you. The Double simply tapped you on the neck, on the same spot the ally walked over you years ago. Naturally, you went out like a light. And naturally too,
you indulged like a son of a bitch. It took us hours to round you up."

"Thus, you dissipated (scatter, dispel) your power and, when the time came for you to accomplish a Warrior's feat, you did not have enough sap."
"What was that Warrior's Feat, don Juan?"
"I told you, that Genaro came to show you something, the Mystery of Luminous Beings, as Dreamers. You wanted to know about the Double. It begins in Dreams. But then
you asked, “What is the Double?” And I said the Double is the Self. The Self dreams the Double. That should be simple, except, that there is nothing simple about us. Perhaps the ordinary dreams of the Self are simple, but that doesn't mean, that the Self is simple. Once it has learned to Dream the Double, the Self arrives at this weird crossroad and a moment comes, when one realizes, that it is the Double, who Dreams the Self."
I had written down everything he had said. I had also paid attention to what he was saying, but had failed to understand him. Don Juan repeated his statements. "The lesson last night, as I told you, was about the Dreamer
(the Double) and the Dreamed, or who dreams whom."
"I beg your pardon," I said. Both of them broke into laughter.
"Last night," don Juan proceeded, "you almost chose to wake up at the Power Place."

"What do you mean, don Juan?"
"That would have been the feat. If you had not indulged in your stupid ways, you would have had enough power to tip the scales, and you would've, no doubt, scared yourself to death. Fortunately or unfortunately, as the case may be, you did not have enough power. In fact, you wasted your power in worthless confusion to the point, that you almost didn't have enough to survive. So, as you may very well understand, to indulge in your little quirks (oddity) is not only stupid and wasteful, but also injurious. A Warrior, that drains himself, cannot live. The body is not an indestructible affair. You might have gotten gravely ill. You didn't, simply because Genaro and I deviated some of your crap."
The full impact of his words was beginning to take hold of me. "Last night Genaro guided you through the intricacies of the Double," don Juan went on. "Only he can do that for you. And it was not a vision or a hallucination, when you saw yourself lying on the ground. You could have realized, that with infinite clarity, if you had not gotten lost in your indulging, and you could have known then, that you yourself are a Dream, that your Double is dreaming you, in the same fashion, that you dreamed him last night."
"But how can that be possible, don Juan?"
"Noone knows how it happens. We only know, that it does happen. That's the Mystery of us as Luminous Beings. Last night you had two dreams and you could have awakened in either one, but you didn't have enough power even to understand that." They looked at me fixedly for a moment.
"I think, he understands," don Genaro said.

3. The Secret of The Luminous Beings

You have, in complete sobriety (seriousness), witnessed the Ally, Genaro's Double, the dreamer and the dreamed, and today you almost learned about the Totality of Yourself ; that was the warrior's feat, that Genaro expected you to perform. All this has been possible, because of the amount of personal power, that you have stored. in an unfriendly state towards you, but this time the omen was right and I knew, that the It started the last time you were here, when I caught sight of a very auspicious (promicing, favourable) omen. As you arrived, I heard the Ally prowling around; first, I heard its soft steps and then I saw the moth looking at you, as you got out of your car. The Ally was motionless, watching you. That to me was the best omen. Had the Ally been agitated, moving around, as if it was displeased with your presence, the way it always has been, the course of the events would have been different. Many times I have caught sight of the Ally. Ally had a piece of knowledge for you. That was the reason, why I said, that you had an appointment with knowledge, an appointment with a moth, that had been pending (not yet settled) for a long time. For reasons inconceivable (unbelievable) to us the Ally selected the form of a moth to manifest itself to you."
"But you said, that the Ally was formless, and that one could only judge its effects," I said.
"That is right," he said. "But the Ally is a moth for the onlookers, who are associated with you - Genaro and myself. For you, the Ally is only an effect, a sensation in your body, or a sound, or the Golden Specks of Knowledge . It remains as a fact, nonetheless, that by choosing the form of a moth, the Ally is telling Genaro and me something of great importance. Moths are the Givers of Knowledge and the Friends and Helpers of Sorcerers.
It is because the Ally chose to be a moth around you, that Genaro places such a great emphasis on you.

"He (Дон Хуан) seemed to be preparing for a journey. He sat down again and urged me with a movement of his eyebrows to begin my questions. I asked him to tell me more about the moth. He gave me a long scrutinizing look and chuckled.
"That was an Ally," he said. "You know that."
"But what actually is an Ally, don Juan?"
"There is no way of saying, what exactly an Ally is, just as there is no way of saying, what exactly a tree is."
"A tree is a living organism," I said.
"That doesn't tell me much," he said. "I can also say, that an Ally is a force, a tension. I've told you that already, but that doesn't say much about an Ally. Just like in the case of a tree, the only way to know, what an Ally is, is by experiencing it. Over the years I have struggled to prepare you for the momentous encounter with an Ally. You may not realize this, but it took you years of preparation to meet tree. To meet Аlly is no different. A teacher must acquaint his disciple with Ally little by little, piece by piece. You have, over the course of the years, stored a great amount of knowledge about it and now you are capable of putting that knowledge in use to experience Ally, the way you experience tree."
"I have no idea, that I'm doing that, don Juan."
"Your reason is not aware of it, because it cannot accept the possibility of Ally to begin with. Fortunately, it is not the reason, which puts Ally together. It is the body. You have perceived Ally in many degrees and on many occasions. Each of those perceptions was stored in your body. The sum of those pieces is the Ally. I don't  know any other way of describing it." I said, that I could not conceive, that my body was acting by itself, as if it were an entity, separate from my reason. "It isn't, but we have made it so," he said.
"Our reason is petty and it is always at odds with our body. This, of course, is only a way of talking, but the triumph of a Man of Knowledge is, that he has joined the two together. Since you're not a Man of Knowledge, your body does things now, that your reason cannot comprehend. The Ally is one of those things. You were not mad, neither were you dreaming, when you perceived the Ally that night, right here."
I asked him about the frightening idea, which he and don Genaro had implanted in me, that the Ally was an entity, waiting for me at the edge of a small valley in the mountains of northern Mexico. They had told me, that sooner or later I had to keep my appointment with the Ally and wrestle with it. "Those are ways of talking about mysteries, for which there are no words," he said. "Genaro and I said, that at the edge of that plain the Ally was waiting for you. That statement was true, but it doesn't have the meaning, that you want to give it. The Ally is waiting for you, that's for sure, but it is not at the edge of any plain. It is right here, or there, or in any other place. The Ally is waiting for  you, just like death is waiting for you, everywhere and nowhere."
"Why is the Ally waiting for me?"
"For the same reason, that death waits for you," he said, "because you were born. There is no possibility of explaining at this point, what is meant by that. You must first experience the Ally. You must perceive it in its full force, then the Sorcerers' Explanation may throw light upon it. So far you've had enough power to clarify at least one point, that the Ally is a moth. Some years ago you and I went to the mountains and you had a bout with something. I had no way of telling you then, what was taking place; you saw a strange shadow flying back and forth in front of the fire. You yourself said, that it looked like a moth; although you didn't know, what you were talking about, you were absolutely correct, the shadow was a moth. Then, on another occasion, something frightened you out of your wits, after you had fallen asleep, again in front of a fire. I had warned you not to fall asleep, but you disregarded my warning; that act left you at the mercy of the Ally and the moth stepped on your neck. Why you survived will always be a mystery to me. You didn't know then, but I had given you up for dead. Your blunder (foolish, clumsy act) was that serious. From then on, every time we've been in the mountains or in the desert, even, if you didn't notice it, the moth always followed us. All in all then, we can  say, that for you the Ally is a moth. But I cannot say, that it is really a moth, the way we know moths. Calling the Ally a moth is again only a way of talking, a way of making that immensity out there, understandable."
"Is the Ally a moth for you too?" I asked.
"No. The way one understands the Ally is a personal matter," he said. I mentioned, that we were back, where we had started; he had not told me, what an Ally really was.


The warrior's gaze is placed on the right eye of the other person,"

"Where was my body, while all that was happening to me, don Juan?" I asked and he broke into a belly laugh.

"This is the last of the sorcerers' tricks," he said. "Let's say, that what I'm going to reveal to you, is the last bit of the sorcerers' explanation. Up to this point your reason has haphazardly followed my doings. Your reason is willing to admit, that the world is not as the description portrays it, that there is much more to it, than what meets the eye. Your reason is almost willing and ready to admit, that your perception went up and down that cliff, or that something in you or even all of you leaped to the bottom of the gorge and examined with the eyes of the tonal, what was there, as if you had descended bodily with a rope and ladder. That act, of examining the bottom of the gorge, was the crown of all these years of training. You did it well. Genaro saw the cubic centimeter of chance, when he threw a rock at you, that was at the bottom of the ravine. You saw everything, Genaro and I knew then without a doubt, that you were ready to be hurled into the Unknown. At that instant you not only Saw, but you knew all about the Double, the Other." I interrupted and told him, that he was giving me undeserving credit for something, that was beyond my understanding. His reply was, that I needed time to let all those impressions settle down, and that once I had done that, answers would just pour out of me in the same manner, that questions had poured out of me in the past. "The secret of the Double is in the Bubble of Perception, which in your case that night was at the top of the cliff and at the bottom of the gorge at the same time," he said. "The cluster of feelings can be made to assemble instantly anywhere. In other words, one can perceive the here and the there at once."

"Without any deliberate intervention on our part," don Juan continued, "this ancient Toltec technique has been divided into two parts for you. The first was just enough to familiarize you, with what takes place. In the second, we will try to accomplish, what the old 
Seers pursued."
"What really took place out there, don Juan?" I asked.
"There are two versions. I'll give you the old 
Seers' version first. They thought, that the reflecting surface of a shiny object, submerged in water, enlarges the power of the water. What they used to do was gaze into bodies of water, and the reflecting surface served them as an aid to accelerate the process. They believed, that our eyes are the keys to entering into the Unknown; by gazing into water, they were allowing the eyes to open the way." Don Juan said, that the old Seers observed, that the wetness of water only dampens or soaks, but that the fluidity of water moves. It runs, they surmised, in search of other levels underneath us. They believed, that water had been given to us not only for life, but also as a link, a road to the other levels below.
"Are there many levels below?" I asked.
"The ancient 
Seers counted seven levels," he replied.
"Do you know them yourself, don Juan?"
"I am a
Seer of the new cycle, and consequently I have a different view," he said. "I am just showing you, what the old Seers did and I'm telling you, what they knew."
He asserted, that just because he had different views, did not mean, the old 
Seers' practices were invalid; their interpretations were wrong, but their truths had practical value for them. In the instance of the water practices, they were convinced, that it was humanly possible to be transported bodily by the fluidity of water anywhere between this level of ours and the other seven levels below; or to be transported, in essence, anywhere on this level, along the watercourse of a river in either direction. They used, accordingly, running water to be transported on this level of ours and the water of deep lakes or that of waterholes to be transported to the depths. What they pursued with the technique, I'm showing you, was twofold," he went on. "On the one hand, they used the fluidity of the water to be transported to the first level below. On the other, they used it to have a face-to-face meeting with a Living Being from that first level. The headlike shape in the mirror was one of those creatures, that came to look us over."

"The other voice, the one, that told me to use my eyes to slow down movement, was the voice of Seeing. That afternoon, I Saw ten Luminous Beings in slow motion. The voice of Seeing guided me to witness in them everything, don Juan had told me about the Glow of Awareness. There was a vertical band with a stronger amber Glow on the right side of those egglike Luminous Creatures, perhaps one-tenth of the total volume of the Cocoon. The voice said, that that was Human's Band of Awareness. The voice pointed out a dot on human's band, a dot with an intense shine; it was high on the oblong shapes, almost on the crest of them, on the surface of the cocoon; the voice said, that it was the assemblage point."

He repeated over and over, that at the stage, where I was, no rational assumptions should interfere with my actions. He said, that the Dreaming Body and the Barrier of Perception are positions of the assemblage point, and that that knowledge is, as vital to Seers, as knowing how to read and write is to modern human. Both are accomplishments, attained after years of practice. "It is very important, that you remember, right now, the time, when your assemblage point reached that position and it created your Dreaming Body," he said with tremendous urgency. Then he smiled and remarked, that time was extremely short; he said, that the recollection of the main journey of my Dreaming Body would put my assemblage point in a position to break the Barrier of Perception, in order to assemble another world.


"The Dreaming Body is known by different names," he said after a long pause. "The name I like the best is, The Other. That term belongs to the old Seers, together with the mood. I don't particularly care for their mood, but I have to admit, that I like their term 'The Other'. It's mysterious and forbidden. Just like the old Seers, it gives me the feeling of darkness, of shadows. The old Seers said, that 'The Other' always comes, shrouded in wind." Over the years don Juan and other members of his party had tried to make me aware, that we can be in two places at once, that we can experience a sort of perceptual dualism. As don Juan spoke, I began to remember something, so deeply forgotten, that at first, it was, as if I had only heard about it. Then, step by step, I realized, that I had lived that experience myself. I had been in two places at once. It happened one night in the mountains of northern Mexico. I had been collecting plants with don Juan all day. We had stopped for the night and I had nearly fallen asleep from fatigue, when suddenly there was a gust of wind and don Genaro sprang up from the darkness, right in front of me and nearly scared me to death. My first thought was one of suspicion. I believed, that don Genaro had been hiding in the bushes all day, waiting for darkness to set in, before making his terrifying appearance. As I looked at him prancing around, I noticed, that there was something truly odd about him that night. Something palpable, real, and yet something I could not pinpoint. He joked with me and horsed around, performing acts, that defied my reason. Don Juan laughed like an idiot at my dismay. When he judged, that the time was right, he made me shift into Heightened Awareness and for a moment I was able to See don Juan and don Genaro, as two Blobs of Light. Genaro was not the flesh-and-blood don Genaro, that I knew in my state of normal awareness,
but his Dreaming Body (
'The Other'). I could tell, because I Saw him, as a Ball of Fire, that was above the ground. He was not rooted, as don Juan was. It was, as if Genaro,
the Blob of Light, were on the verge of taking off, already up in the air, a couple of feet off the ground, ready to zoom away. Another thing I had done that night, which suddenly became clear to me, as I recollected the event, was, that I knew automatically, that I had to move my eyes, in order to make my assemblage point shift. I could, with my Intent, align the emanations, that made me See Genaro, as a Blob of Light, or I could align the emanations, that made me See him, as merely odd, unknown, strange. When I Saw Genaro as odd, his eyes had a malevolent glare, like the eyes of a beast in the darkness. But they were eyes, nonetheless. I did not See them, as points of amber light.
That night don Juan said, that Genaro was going to help my assemblage point shift very deeply, that I should imitate him and follow everything he did.

Genaro stuck out his rear end and then thrust
(pushing) his pelvis forward with great force. I thought it was an obscene gesture. He repeated it over and over again, moving around, as if he were dancing. Don Juan nudged me on the arm, urging me to imitate Genaro, and I did. Both of us sort of romped around, performing that grotesque movement. After a while, I had the feeling, that my body was executing the movement on its own, without, what seemed to be, the real me. The separation between my body and the real me became even more pronounced, and then, at a given instant, I was looking at some ludicrous (foolish) scene, where two men were making lewd (indecent) gestures at each other. I watched in fascination and realized, that I was one of the two men. The moment I became aware of it, I felt something pulling me and I found myself again, thrusting (pushing) my pelvis backward and forward in unison with Genaro. Almost immediately, I noticed, that another man, standing next to don Juan, was watching us. The wind was blowing around him. I could See his hair being ruffled. He was naked and seemed embarrassed. The wind gathered around him, as if protecting him, or perhaps the opposite, as if trying to blow him away. I was slow to realize, that I was the other man. When I did, I got the shock of my life. An imponderable (an indeterminable factor) physical force pulled me apart, as if I were made out of fibers, and I was again looking at a man, that was me, romping around with Genaro, gaping (gazing) at me, while I looked. And at the same time, I was looking at a naked man, that was me, gaping (gazing) at me, while I made lewd (indecent) gestures with Genaro. The shock was so great, that I broke the rhythm of my movements and fell down. The next thing I knew, don Juan was helping me to stand up. Genaro and the other me, the naked one, had vanished.  I had also remembered, that don Juan had refused to discuss the event. He did not explain it, except to say, that Genaro was an expert in creating his Double, or The Other, and that I had had long interactions with Genaro's Double in states of normal awareness without ever detecting it. "That night, as he has done hundreds of times before, Genaro made your assemblage point shift very deep into your left side," don Juan commented, after I had recounted to him everything, I had remembered. "His power was such, that he dragged your assemblage point to the position, where the Dreaming Body appears. You Saw your Dreaming Body, watching you. And his dancing did the trick."
 I asked him to explain to me, how Genaro's lewd movement could have produced such a drastic effect. "You're a prude (strict)," he said. "Genaro used your immediate displeasure and embarrassment, at having to perform a lewd gesture. Since he was in his Dreaming Body, he had the Power to See the Eagle's emanations; from that advantage it was a cinch (firm grip) to make your assemblage point move." He said, that whatever Genaro had helped me to do that night, was minor, that Genaro had moved my assemblage point and made it produce a Dreaming Body many, many times, but that those events were not, what he wanted me to remember. "I want you to realign the proper emanations and remember the time, when you really woke up in a dreaming position," he said. A strange surge of energy seemed to explode inside me and I knew, what he wanted me to remember. I could not, however, focus my memory on the complete event. I could only recall a fragment of it. I remembered, that one morning, don Juan, don Genaro and I had sat on that very same bench, while I was in a state of normal awareness.

Don Genaro had said, all of a sudden, that he was going to make his body leave the bench without getting up. The statement was completely out of the context of, what we had been discussing. I was accustomed to don Juan's orderly, didactic words and actions. I turned to don Juan, expecting a clue, but he remained impassive, looking straight ahead, as if don Genaro and I were not there at all. Don Genaro nudged me to attract my attention, and then I witnessed a most disturbing sight. I actually Saw Genaro on the other side of the square. He was beckoning me to come. But I also Saw don Genaro sitting next to me, looking straight ahead, just as don Juan was, I wanted to say something, to express my awe, but I found myself dumbstruck, imprisoned by some force around me, that did not let me talk. I again looked at Genaro across the park. He was still there, motioning to me with a gesture of his head to join him. My emotional distress mounted by the second. My stomach was getting upset, and finally I had tunnel vision,
a tunnel, that led directly to Genaro on the other side of the square. And then a great curiosity, or a great fear, which seemed to be the same thing at that moment, pulled me, to where he was. I actually soared through the air and got, to where he was. He made me turn around and pointed to the three people, who were sitting on a bench in a static position, as if time had been suspended. I felt a terrible discomfort, an internal itching, as if the soft organs in the cavity of my body were on fire, and then I was back on the bench, but Genaro was gone. He waved goodbye to me from across the square and disappeared among the people going to the market. Don Juan became very animated.
He kept on looking at me. He stood up and walked around me."

"It is easy for me to understand, why the Nagual Juan Matus didn't want us to have possessions," Nestor said after I had finished talking. "We are all Dreamers. He didn't want us to focus our Dreaming Body on the weak face of the Second Attention. I didn't understand his maneuvers at the time. I resented the fact, that he made me get rid of everything I had.
I thought he was being unfair. My belief was, that he was trying to keep Pablito and Benigno from envying me, because they had nothing themselves. I was well-off in comparison. At the time, I had no idea, that he was protecting my Dreaming Body. Don Juan had described Dreaming to me in various ways. The most obscure of them all now appears to me, as being the one, that defines it best. He said, that He said, that the Second Attention is unavoidably drawn to focus on our Total Being, as a Field of Energy, and transforms that Energy into anything suitable. The easiest thing is of course the Image of the Physical Body, with which we are already thoroughly familiar from our daily lives and the use of our First Attention. Dreaming is intrinsically (inherent) the Not-Doing of sleep. And as such, Dreaming affords practitioners the use of that portion of their lives, spent in slumber. It is,
as if the Dreamers no longer sleep. Yet no illness results from it. The Dreamers do not lack sleep, but the effect of Dreaming seems to be an increase of Waking Time, owing to the use of an alleged extra body, the Dreaming Body. Don Juan had explained to me, that the Dreaming Body is sometimes called the "Double" or the "Other", because it is a perfect replica of the Dreamer's Body. It is inherently the Energy of a Luminous Being, a Whitish, Phantom-like Emanation, which is projected by the Fixation of the Second Attention into a three-dimensional Image of the Body. Don Juan explained, that the Dreaming Body is not a ghost, but as real, as anything we deal with in the World. What channels the Energy of Our Total Being to produce anything, that might be within the boundaries of possibility, is known as Will. Don Juan could not say, what those boundaries were, except, that at the level of Luminous Beings, the range is so broad, that it is futile (useless) to try to establish limits - thus, the Energy of a Luminous Being can be transformed through Will into
anything. The Nagual said, that the Dreaming Body gets involved and attaches itself to anything," Benigno said. "It doesn't have sense. He told me, that Men are weaker, than  Women, because a Man's Dreaming Body is more possessive."

"The Power, that governs the destiny of all living beings is called the Eagle, not because it is an eagle or has anything to do with an eagle, but because it appears to the 
Seer as an immeasurable jet-black eagle, standing erect, as an eagle stands, its height reaching to Infinity. As the Seer gazes on the Blackness, that the Eagle is, four blazes of light reveal, what the Eagle is like. The first blaze, which is like a bolt of lightning, helps the Seer make out the contours of the Eagle's body. There are patches of whiteness, that look like an eagle's feathers and talons. A second blaze of lightning reveals the flapping, wind-creating Blackness, that looks like an eagle's wings. With the third blaze of lightning the Seer beholds a piercing, inhuman eye. And the fourth and last blaze discloses, what the Eagle is doing. The Eagle is devouring the Awareness of all the creatures, that alive on Earth, a moment before and now dead, have floated to the Eagle's beak, like a ceaseless swarm of fireflies, to meet their owner, their reason for having had life. The Eagle disentangles these tiny flames, lays them flat, as a tanner stretches out a hide, and then consumes them; for Awareness is the Eagle's food. The Eagle, that Power, that governs the destinies of all living things, reflects equally and at once all those living things. There is no way, therefore, for man to pray to the Eagle, to ask favors, to hope for grace. The human part of the Eagle is too insignificant to move the whole. It is only from the Eagle's actions, that a Seer can tell, what it wants. The Eagle, although it is not moved by the circumstances of any living thing, has granted a gift to each of those beings. In its own way and right, any one of them, if it so desires, has the power to keep the flame of Awareness, the Power to disobey the summons (request to appear, gather) to die and be consumed. Every living thing has been granted the power, if it so desires, to seek an opening to freedom and to go through it.
It is evident to the 
Seer, who Sees the Opening, and to the creatures, that go through it, that the Eagle has granted that gift, in order to perpetuate (prolong the memory) Awareness. For the purpose of guiding living things to that Opening, the Eagle created the Nagual. The Nagual is a Double Being, to whom the rule has been revealed. Whether it be in the form of a human being, an animal, a plant, or anything else, that lives, the Nagual, by virtue of its Doubleness, is drawn to seek that hidden passageway. The Nagual comes in pairs, Male and Female. A Double Man and a Double Woman become the Nagual only after the rule has been told to each of them, and each of them has understood it and accepted it in full.
To the eye of the 
Seer, a Nagual Man or Nagual Woman appears, as a Luminous Egg with four compartments. Unlike the average human being, who has two sides only, a left and a right, the Nagual has a left side divided into two long sections, and a right side equally divided in two. The Eagle created the first Nagual Man and Nagual Woman as Seers and immediately put them in the world to See. It provided them with four female warriors, who were Stalkers, three male warriors, and one male courier, whom they were to nourish, enhance, and lead to freedom. The female warriors are called the four directions, the four corners of a square, the four moods, the four winds, the four different female personalities, that exist in the human race."
"In order to make sure, that the first Nagual Man would lead his party to freedom and not deviate from that path or become corrupted, the Eagle took the Nagual Woman to the other World to serve as a beacon, guiding the party to the Opening."

The Nagual and his Warriors were then commanded to forget. They were plunged into darkness and were given new tasks: the task of remembering themselves, and the task of remembering the Eagle. The command to forget was so great, that everyone was separated. They did not remember, who they were. The Eagle intended, that if they were capable of remembering themselves again, they would find the Totality of Themselves. Only then would they have the strength and forebearance, necessary to seek and face their definitive journey. Their last task, after they had regained the Totality of Themselves, was to get a new pair of Double Beings and transform them into a new Nagual Man and a new Nagual Woman by virtue of revealing the rule to them. And just as the first Nagual Man and Nagual Woman had been provided with a minimal party, they had to supply the new pair of Naguals with four female warriors, who were Stalkers, three male warriors, and one male courier. When the first Nagual and his party were ready to go through the passageway, the first Nagual Woman was waiting to guide them. They were ordered then to take the new Nagual Woman with them to the Other World, to serve as a beacon for her people, leaving the new Nagual Man in the world to repeat the cycle. While in the world, the minimal number under a Nagual's leadership is sixteen: eight female warriors, four male warriors, counting the Nagual, and four couriers. At the moment of leaving the world, when the new Nagual Woman is with them, the Nagual's number is seventeen. If his personal power permits him to have more warriors, then more must be added in multiples of four."

11. The Nagual Woman

When they had all acquired a degree of proficiency in the Art of Stalking, their benefactor thought it was time for him to find the Nagual Woman for them. True to his policy of helping everyone to help themselves, he waited to bring her into their world, not only until all of them were expert Stalkers, but until don Juan had learned to See. Although don Juan regretted immensely the time wasted in waiting, he conceded (admit, acknowledge), that their joint effort in securing her, created a stronger tie among all of them. It revitalized their commitment to seek their freedom. His benefactor began to unfold his strategy for drawing in the Nagual Woman by all of a sudden becoming a devout Catholic. He demanded, that don Juan, being the heir to his knowledge, behave like a son and go to church with him. He dragged him to mass nearly every day. Don Juan said, that his benefactor, who was very charming and glib (fluent in speech, but insincere), would introduce him to everyone in church, as his son, a bone-setter (chiropracter). Don Juan, by his own account an uncivilized pagan (not religious) at that time, was mortified (humiliated) to find himself in social situations, where he had to talk and give an account of himself. He put his mind at ease with the idea, that his benefactor had an ulterior (hidden) motive for everything, he was doing. He attempted to deduce from observing him, what his reasons might be. His benefactor's actions were consistent and seemed aboveboard. As an exemplary Catholic, he gained the trust of scores of people, especially the parish priest, who held him in high esteem, considering him a friend and confidant. Don Juan could not figure out, what he was up to. The thought crossed his mind, that his benefactor might have sincerely taken up Catholicism, or gone mad. He had not yet understood, that a warrior never loses his mind under any circumstances. Don Juan's qualms (doubts) about going to church vanished, when his benefactor began introducing him to the daughters of people, he was acquainted with. He enjoyed that, although he felt ill at ease. Don Juan thought, that his benefactor was helping him to exercise his tongue. He was neither glib, nor charming, and his benefactor had said, that a Nagual, perforce (by necessaty, willy-nilly), has to be both.
One Sunday during mass, after nearly a year of almost daily attendance, don Juan found out the real reason for their going to church. He was kneeling next to a girl, named Olinda, the daughter of one of his benefactor's acquaintances.

He turned to exchange a glance with her, as had become their custom after months of daily contact. Their eyes met, and suddenly don Juan Saw her as a Luminous Being - and then he Saw her doubleness. Olinda was a Double Woman. His benefactor had known it all along, and had taken the most difficult path, in order to put don Juan in touch with her. Don Juan confessed to us, that the moment was overwhelming to him. His benefactor knew, that don Juan had Seen. His mission to put the Double Beings together, had been completed successfully and impeccably. He stood up and his eyes swept every corner of that church, then he walked out without a backward glance. There was nothing more for him to do there. Don Juan said, that when his benefactor walked out in the middle of mass, all heads turned. Don Juan wanted to follow him, but Olinda boldly clasped his hand and held him back. He knew then, that the Power of Seeing had not been his alone. Something had gone through both of them and they were transfixed. Don Juan realized all of a sudden, that not only had the mass ended, but that they were already outside the church. His benefactor was trying to calm Olinda's mother, who was incensed (outraged) and shamed by their unexpected and inadmissible display of affection. Don Juan was at a loss, as to what to do next. He knew, that it was up to him to figure out a plan. He had the resources, but the importance of the event made him lose confidence in his ability. He forsook (gave up) his training as a Stalker, and became lost in the intellectual dilemma of whether or not to treat Olinda as Controlled Folly. His benefactor told him, that he could not help him. His duty had been only to put them together, and that was, where his responsibility ended. It was up to don Juan to take the necessary steps to secure her. He suggested, that don Juan even consider marrying her, if that was, what was needed. Only after she came to him of her own accord, could he help don Juan by directly intervening with her, as a Nagual. Don Juan tried a formal courtship. He was not well received by her parents, who could not conceive of someone from a different social class, as a suitor for their daughter. Olinda was not an Indian; her family were middle-class urban dwellers, owners of a small business. The father had other plans for his daughter. He threatened to send her away, if don Juan persisted in his intention to marry her. Don Juan said, that Double Beings, especially Women, are extraordinarily conservative, even timid. Olinda was no exception. After their initial exhilaration (cheering) in church, she was overtaken by caution, and then by fear. Her own reactions scared her. As a strategic maneuver, his benefactor made don Juan retreat, to make it appear, as if he were acquiescing (agreed passively) to his father, who had not approved of the girl - which was the assumption of everyone, who had witnessed the incident in church. People gossiped, that their display had displeased his father so intensely, that his father, who was such a devout Catholic, had never returned to church. His benefactor told don Juan, that a warrior is never under siege (surrounded). To be under siege implies, that one has personal possessions, that could be blockaded. A warrior has nothing in the world, except his impeccability, and impeccability cannot be threatened. Nonetheless, in a battle for one's life, such as the one don Juan was waging to secure the Nagual Woman, a warrior should strategically use every means available. Accordingly, don Juan resolved to use any portion of his Stalker's knowledge, that he had to, to get the girl. To that end, he engaged Silvio Manuel to use his sorcerer's arts, which even at that early stage were formidable, to abduct the girl. Silvio Manuel and Genaro, who was a true daredevil, stole (got into) into the girl's house, disguised as old washerwomen. It was midday and everyone in the house was busy preparing food for a large group of relatives and friends, who were coming to dinner. They were having an informal going-away party for Olinda.
Silvio Manuel was counting on the likelihood, that people, who saw two strange washerwomen, coming in with bundles of clothes, would assume, that it had to do with Olinda's party and would not get suspicious. Don Juan had supplied Silvio Manuel and Genaro beforehand with all the information, they needed concerning the routines of the members of the household. He told them, that the washerwomen usually carried their bundles of washed clothes into the house and left them in a storage room to be ironed.

Carrying a large bundle of clothes, Silvio Manuel and Genaro went directly into that room, knowing that Olinda would be there. Don Juan said, that Silvio Manuel went up to Olinda and used his mesmeric powers to make her faint. They put her inside a sack, wrapped the sack with her bed sheets, and walked out, leaving behind the bundle they had carried in. They bumped into her father at the door. He did not even glance at them. Don Juan's benefactor was utterly put out (confused) with their maneuver. He ordered don Juan to take the girl back immediately to her house. It was imperative, he said, that the Double Woman come to the benefactor's house of her own free will, perhaps not with the idea of joining them, but at least because they interested her. Don Juan felt, that everything was lost - the odds against getting her back into her house unnoticed, were too great - but Silvio Manuel figured out a solution. He proposed, that they should let the four Women of don Juan's party take the girl to a deserted road, where don Juan would rescue her. Silvio Manuel wanted the Women to pretend, that they were kidnapping her. At some point along the road someone would see them and come in pursuit. Their pursuer would overtake them and they would drop the sack, with a degree of force, so as to be convincing. The pursuer would be, of course, don Juan, who would happen miraculously to be at just the right place at the right time. Silvio Manuel demanded true-to-life action. He ordered the Women to gag (close mouth with hand) the girl, who by then would surely be awake and screaming inside the sack, and then to run for miles carrying the sack. He told them to hide from their pursuer. Finally, after a truly exhausting ordeal, they were to drop the sack in such a way, that the girl could witness a most vicious fight between don Juan and the four Women. Silvio Manuel told the Women, that this had to be utterly realistic. He armed them with sticks and instructed them to hit don Juan convincingly, before they were driven away.
Of the women, Zoila was the one most easily carried away by hysteria; as soon, as they began whacking don Juan, she became possessed by her role and gave a chilling performance, striking don Juan so hard, that flesh was torn from his back and shoulders. For a moment it seemed, that the kidnappers were going to win. Silvio Manuel had to come out of his hiding place and, pretending to be a passerby, remind them, that it was only a ploy (tactic of game) and, that it was time to run away. Don Juan thus became Olinda's savior and protector. He told her, that he could not take her back to her house himself, because he had been injured, but he would send her back instead with his pious (devout) father. She helped him walk to his benefactor's house. Don Juan said, that he did not have to pretend injury; he was bleeding profusely and barely made it to the door. When Olinda told his benefactor what had happened, his benefactor's desire to laugh was so excruciating, he had to disguise it as weeping. Don Juan had his wounds bandaged and then went to bed. Olinda began to explain to him, why her father was opposed to him, but she did not finish. Don Juan's benefactor came into the room and told her, that it was evident to him, from observing her walk, that the kidnappers had injured her back. He offered to align it for her, before it became critical. Olinda hesitated. Don Juan's benefactor reminded her, that the kidnappers had not been playing - they had nearly killed his son, after all. That comment sufficed; she came to the benefactor's side and let him give her a sound blow on her shoulder blade. It made a cracking sound and Olinda entered into a state of Heightened Awareness. He disclosed the rule to her, and just like don Juan, she accepted it in full. There was no doubt, no hesitation. The Nagual Woman and don Juan found completeness and silence in each other's company. Don Juan said, that the feeling they had for each other had nothing to do with affection or need; it was rather a shared physical sense, that an ominous (menacing) barrier had been broken within them, and they were one and the same Being. Don Juan and his Nagual Woman, as the rule prescribed, worked together for years to find the set of four Female Dreamers, who turned out to be Nelida, Zuleica, Cecilia, and Hermelinda and the three couriers, Juan Tuma, Teresa, and Marta. Finding them was another occasion, when the pragmatic nature of the rule was made clear to don Juan. All of them were exactly, what the rule said they were going to be.

Their advent (arrival) introduced a new cycle for everyone, don Juan's benefactor and his party included. For don Juan and his warriors it meant the cycle of Dreaming, and for his benefactor and his party it meant a period of unequalled impeccability in their acts. His benefactor explained to don Juan, that when he was young and was first introduced to the idea of the rule, as the means to freedom, he had been elated, transfixed with joy. Freedom to him was a reality around the corner. When he came to understand the nature of the rule as a map, his hopes and optimism were redoubled. Later on, sobriety took hold of his life; the older he got, the less chance he saw for his success and the success of his party. Finally he became convinced, that no matter what they did, the odds were too great against their tenuous (flimsy) human awareness ever flying free. He made peace with himself and his fate, and surrendered to failure. He told the Eagle from his inner self, that he was glad and proud to have nourished his Awareness. The Eagle was welcome to it. Don Juan told us, that the same mood was shared by all the members of his benefactor's party. The Freedom, proposed in the rule, was something they considered unattainable. They had caught glimpses of the annihilating force, that the Eagle is, and felt, that they did not stand a chance against it. All of them had agreed, nevertheless, that they would live their lives impeccably for no other reason, than to be impeccable. Don Juan said, that his benefactor and his party, in spite of their feelings of inadequacy, or perhaps because of those feelings, did find their Freedom. They did enter into the Third Attention - not as a group, however, but one by one. The fact, that they found the passageway, was the final corroboration (confirmation, support) of the truth, contained in the rule. The last one to leave the world of everyday-life Awareness was his benefactor. He complied with the rule and took don Juan's Nagual Woman with him. As the two of them dissolved into Total Awareness, don Juan and all his warriors were made to explode from within - he could find no other way of describing the feeling, entailed in being forced to forget all, they had witnessed of their benefactor's world. The one, who never forgot, was Silvio Manuel. It was he, who engaged don Juan in the backbreaking effort of bringing back together the members of their group, all of whom had been scattered. He then plunged them into the task of finding the Totality of Themselves. It took them years to accomplish both tasks. Don Juan had extensively discussed the topic of forgetting, but only in connection with their great difficulty in getting together again and starting over without their benefactor. He never told us exactly what it entailed to forget or to gain the Totality of Oneself. In that respect, he was true to his benefactor's teachings, only helping us to help ourselves. To this effect, he trained la Gorda and me to See together and was able to show us that, although human beings appear to a 
Seer as Luminous Eggs, the egglike shape is an external cocoon, a shell of luminosity, that houses a most intriguing, haunting, mesmeric core, made up of concentric circles of yellowish luminosity, the color of a candle's flame.

During our final session, he had us See people milling around a church. It was late afternoon, almost dark, yet the creatures inside their rigid, Luminous Cocoons radiated enough light to render everything around them crystal clear. The sight was wondrous. Don Juan explained, that the egg-shaped shells, which seemed so bright to us, were indeed dull.
The Luminosity, emanated from the brilliant core; the shell, in fact, dulled its radiance. Don Juan revealed to us, that the shell must be broken, in order to liberate that Being. It must be broken from the inside at the right time, just as creatures, that hatch out of eggs, break their shells. If they fail to do so, they suffocate and die. As with creatures, that hatch out of eggs, there is no way for a warrior to break the shell of his Luminosity, until the time is right. Don Juan told us, that losing the human form, was the only means of breaking that shell, the only means of liberating, that haunting Luminous Core, the Core of Awareness, which is the Eagle's food. To break the shell means: remembering the Other Self, and arriving at the Totality of Oneself. Don Juan and his warriors did arrive at the Totality of Themselves, and turned then to their last task, which was to find a new pair of Double Beings. Don Juan said, that they thought it was going to be a simple matter - everything else had been relatively easy for them.

They had no idea, that the apparent effortlessness of their accomplishments as warriors, was a consequence of their benefactor's Mastery and Personal Power. Their quest for a new pair of Double Beings was fruitless. In all their searching, they never came across a Double Woman. They found several Double Men, but they were all well-situated, busy, prolific, and so satisfied with their lives, that it would have been useless to approach them. They did not need to find purpose in life. They thought, they had already found it.
Don Juan said, that one day he realized, that he and his group were getting old, and there seemed to be no hope of ever accomplishing their task. That was the first time they felt the sting of despair and impotence. Silvio Manuel insisted, that they should resign themselves and live impeccably without hope of finding their freedom. It seemed plausible (apparently valid) to don Juan, that this might indeed be the key to everything. In this respect he found himself following in his benefactor's footsteps. He came to accept, that an unconquerable pessimism overtakes a warrior at a certain point on his path. A sense of defeat, or perhaps more accurately, a sense of unworthiness, comes upon him almost unawares. Don Juan said that, before, he used to laugh at his benefactor's doubts and could not bring himself to believe, that he worried in earnest. In spite of the protests and warnings of Silvio Manuel, don Juan had thought, it was all a giant ploy (tactic of game), designed to teach them something. Since he could not believe, that his benefactor's doubts were real, neither could he believe, that his benefactor's resolution to live impeccably without hope of freedom, was genuine. When he finally grasped, that his benefactor, in all seriousness, had resigned himself to fail, it also dawned on him, that a warrior's resolution to live impeccably, in spite of everything, cannot be approached as a strategy to ensure success. Don Juan and his party proved this truth for themselves, when they realized for a fact, that the odds against them were astonishing. Don Juan said, that at such moments a lifelong training takes over, and the warrior enters into a state of unsurpassed humility; when the true poverty of his human resources becomes undeniable, the warrior has no recourse, but to step back and lower his head..."

"Almost immediately after finding me, don Juan encountered a Double Woman. He did not put me in touch with her through a scheme, as his benefactor had done with him, but devised a ploy (tactic of game), as effective and elaborate, as any of his benefactor's, by which he himself enticed (lure, attract) and secured the Double Woman. He assumed this burden, because he believed, that it was the benefactor's duty to secure both Double Beings immediately upon finding them, and then to put them together, as Partners in an inconceivable enterprise. He told me, that one day, when he was living in Arizona, he had gone to a government office to fill out an application. The lady at the desk told him to take it to an employee in the adjacent section, and without looking, she pointed to her left. Don Juan followed the direction of her outstretched arm and saw a Double Woman sitting at a desk. When he took his application to her, he realized, that she was just a young girl. She told him, that she had nothing to do with applications. Nevertheless, out of sympathy for a poor old Indian, she took the time to help him process it. Some legal documents were needed, documents, which don Juan had in his pocket, but he pretended total ignorance and helplessness. He made it seem, that the bureaucratic organization was an enigma to him. It was not difficult at all to portray total mindlessness, don Juan said; all he had to do was: revert to what had once been his normal state of awareness. It was to his purpose to prolong his interaction with the girl for as long, as he could. His mentor had told him, and he himself had verified it in his search, that Double Women are quite rare. His mentor had also warned him, that they have inner resources, that make them highly volatile (unpredictable). Don Juan was afraid, that if he did not play his cards expertly, she would leave. He played on her sympathy to gain time. He created further delay by pretending, that the legal documents were lost. Nearly every day he would bring in a different one to her. She would read it and regretfully tell him, that it was not the right one. The girl was so moved by his sorry condition, that she even volunteered to pay for a lawyer to draw him up an affidavit in lieu of (in place of, stead) the papers. After three months of this, don Juan thought it was time to produce the documents. By then she had gotten used to him and almost expected to see him every day. Don Juan came one last time to express his thanks and say goodbye. He told her, that he would have liked to bring her a gift to show his appreciation, but he did not have money even to eat. She was moved by his candor (boldness, straightforwardness) and took him to lunch. As they were eating he mused, that a gift does not necessarily have to be an object, that one buys. It could be something, that is only for the eyes of the beholder. Something to remember rather, than to possess. She was intrigued by his words. Don Juan reminded her, that she had expressed compassion for the Indians and their condition, as paupers. He asked her, if she would like to see the Indians in a different light - not as paupers, but as artists. He told her, that he knew an old man, who was the last of his line of Power Dancers. He assured her, that the man would dance for her at his request; and furthermore, he promised her, that never in her life had she seen anything like it, nor would she ever again. It was something, that only Indians witnessed. She was delighted at the idea. She picked him up after her work, and they headed for the hills, where he told her the Indian lived. Don Juan took her to his own house. He made her stop the car quite a distance away, and they began to walk the rest of the way. Before they reached the house, he stopped and drew a line with his foot in the sandy, dried dirt. He told her, that the line was a boundary and coaxed (urge, persuade, plead) her to step across.

The Nagual Woman herself told me, that up to that point, she had been very intrigued with the possibility of witnessing a genuine Indian dancer, but when the old Indian drew a line on the dirt and called it a boundary, she began to hesitate. Then she became outright alarmed, when he told her, that the boundary was for her alone, and that once she stepped over it, there was no way of returning. The Indian apparently saw her consternation (sudden confusion) and tried to put her at ease. He politely patted her on the arm and gave her his guarantee, that no harm would come to her, while he was around. The boundary could be explained, he told her, as a form of symbolic payment to the dancer, for he did not want money. Ritual was in lieu of (in place of, stead) money, and ritual required, that she step over the boundary of her own accord. The old Indian gleefully stepped over the line and told her, that to him all of it was sheer Indian nonsense, but that the dancer, who was watching them from inside the house, had to be humored, if
she wanted to see him dance. The Nagual Woman said, that she suddenly became so afraid, that she could not move to cross the line. The old Indian made an effort to persuade her, saying, that stepping over that boundary, was beneficial to the entire body. Crossing it had not only made him feel younger, it had actually made him younger, such power did that boundary have. To demonstrate his point, he crossed back again and immediately his shoulders slouched, the corners of his mouth drooped, his eyes lost their shine. The Nagual Woman could not deny the differences the crossings had made. Don Juan recrossed the line a third time. He breathed deeply, expanding his chest, his movements brisk and bold. The Nagual Woman said, that the thought crossed her mind, that he might even make sexual advances. Her car was too far away to make a run for it. The only thing she could do was to tell herself, that it was stupid to fear that old Indian. Then the old man made another appeal to her reason and to her sense of humor. In a conspiratorial tone, as if he were revealing a secret with some reluctance, he told her, that he was just pretending to be young to please the dancer, and that if she did not help him by crossing the line, he was going to faint at any moment from the stress of walking without slouching (walk with awkward drooping posture). He walked back and forth across the line to show her the immense strain involved in his pantomime. The Nagual Woman said, that his pleading eyes revealed the pain his old body was going through to mimic youth. She crossed the line to help him and be done with it; she wanted to go home. The moment she crossed the line, don Juan took a prodigious jump and glided over the roof of the house. The Nagual Woman said, that he flew like a huge boomerang. When he landed next to her, she fell on her back. Her fright was beyond anything she had ever experienced, but so was her excitement at having witnessed such a marvel. She did not even ask, how he had accomplished such a magnificent feat. She wanted to run back to her car and head for home. The old man helped her up and apologized for having tricked her. In fact, he said, he himself was the dancer and his flight over the house had been his dance.
He asked her, if she had paid attention to the direction of his flight. The Nagual Woman circled her hand counterclockwise. He patted her head paternally and told her, that it was very auspicious (favourable), that she had been attentive. Then he said, that she may have injured her back in her fall, and that he could not just let her go without making sure she was all right. Boldly, he straightened her shoulders and lifted her chin and the back of her head, as if he were directing her to extend her spine. He then gave her a sound smack between her shoulder blades, literally knocking all the air out of her lungs. For a moment she was unable to breathe and she fainted. When she regained consciousness, she was inside his house. Her nose was bleeding, her ears were buzzing, her breathing was accelerated, she could not focus her eyes. He instructed her to take deep breaths to a count of eight. The more she breathed, the clearer everything became. At one point, she told me, the whole room became incandescent; everything glowed with an amber light. She became stupefied and could not breathe deeply any more. The amber light by then was so thick, it resembled fog. Then the fog turned into amber cobwebs. It finally dissipated, but the world remained uniformly amber for a while longer. Don Juan began to talk to her then.

He took her outside the house and showed her, that the world was divided into two halves. The left side was clear, but the right side was veiled in amber fog. He told her, that it is monstrous to think, that the world is understandable or that we ourselves are understandable. He said, that what she was perceiving, was an enigma, a mystery, that one could only accept in humbleness and awe. He then revealed the rule to her. Her clarity of mind was so intense, that she understood everything he said. The rule seemed to her appropriate and self-evident. He explained to her, that the two sides of a human being are totally separate and, that it takes great discipline and determination to break that seal and go from one side to the other. A Double Being has a great advantage: the condition of being double permits relatively easy movement between the compartments on the right side. The great disadvantage of Double Beings is, that virtue of having two compartments, they are sedentary, conservative, afraid of change. Don Juan said to her, that his intention had been to make her shift from her extreme right compartment to her more lucid (easily understood, clear, sane, rational, shining), sharper Left-Right side, but instead, through some inexplicable quirk (oddity of bеhaviour), his blow had sent her all across her Doubleness, from her everyday extreme-right side to her extreme-left side. He tried four times to make her revert back to a normal state of awareness, but to no avail. His blows helped her, however, to turn her perception of the wall of fog on and off at will. Although he had not intended it, don Juan had been right in saying, that the line was a one-way boundary for her. Once she crossed it, just like Silvio Manuel, she never returned. When don Juan put the Nagual Woman and me face to face, neither of us had known of the other's existence, yet we instantly felt, that we were familiar with one another. Don Juan knew from his own experience, that the solace (comfort) Double Beings feel in each other's company is indescribable, and far too brief. He told us, that we had been put together by forces, incomprehensible to our reason, and, that the only thing, we did not have, was time."

"Zuleica said, that the Right and Left Side Awareness are wrapped up together. Both of them come to rest in one single bundle in the dent, the depressed center of the Second Attention. To do Dreaming one needs to manipulate both the Luminous Body and the Physical Body. First, the center of assembling for the Second Attention has to be made accessible by being pushed in from the outside by someone else, or sucked in from within by the Dreamer. Second, in order to dislodge the First Attention, the centers of the physical body located in the midsection and the calves, especially the right one, have to be stimulated and placed as close to one another, as possible, until they seem to join...
The next step was learning to direct my Dreaming Body."

She explained, that a Recapitulation is the forte (strong point) of Stalkers, as the Dreaming Body is the forte of Dreamers. It consisted of recollecting one's life down to the most insignificant detail. Thus her benefactor had given her that crate, as a tool and a Symbol. It was a tool, that would permit her to learn concentration, for she would have to sit in there for years, until all of her life had passed in front of her eyes. And it was a Symbol of the narrow boundaries of our person. Her benefactor told her, that whenever she had finished her Recapitulation, she would break the crate to symbolize, that she no longer abided (put up with, withstand, tolerate) by the limitations of her person. She said, that Stalkers use crates or earth coffins, in order to seal themselves in, while they are reliving, more, than merely recollecting, every moment of their lives. The reason, why Stalkers must Recapitulate their lives in such a thorough manner is, that the Eagle's gift to Man includes its willingness to accept a surrogate instead of genuine Awareness, if such a surrogate be a perfect replica. Florinda explained, that since Awareness is the Eagle's food, the Eagle can be satisfied with a perfect Recapitulation in place of Consciousness. Florinda gave me then the fundamentals of Recapitulating. She said, that the first stage is a brief recounting of all the incidents in our lives, that, in an obvious manner, stand out for examination. The second stage is a more detailed recollection, which starts systematically at a point, that could be the moment, prior to the Stalker, sitting in the crate, and theoretically, could extend to the moment of birth. She assured me, that a perfect Recapitulation could change a Warrior as much, if not more, than the total control of the Dreaming Body. In this respect, Dreaming and Stalking led to the same end, the entering into the Third Attention. It was important for a Warrior, however, to know and practice both. She said, that for Women it took different configurations in the Luminous Body to master one or the other. Men, on the other hand, could do both with a degree of ease, yet they could never get to the level of proficiency, that the Women attained in each Art. Florinda explained, that the key element in Recapitulating was Breathing. Breath for her was magical, because it was a life-giving function. She said, that recollecting was easy, if one could reduce the area of stimulation around the body. This was the reason for the crate; then Breathing would foster (bring up, rear, nurture) deeper and deeper memories. Theoretically, Stalkers have to remember every feeling, that they have had in their lives, and this process begins with a Breath. She warned me, that the things, she was teaching me, were only preliminaries, that at a later time, in a different setting, she would teach me the intricacies (convoluted, complex arrangement). Florinda said, that her benefactor directed her to write down a list of the events, to be relived. He told her, that the procedure starts with an initial Breath. Stalkers begin with their chin on the right shoulder and slowly inhale, as they move their head over a hundred and eighty degree arc. The Breath terminates on the left shoulder. Once the inhalation ends, the head goes back to a relaxed position (the centre). They exhale looking straight ahead. The Stalker then takes the event at the top of the list and remains with it, until all the feelings, expended in it, have been recounted. As Stalkers remember the feelings, they invested in whatever it is, that they are remembering, they inhale slowly, moving their heads from the right shoulder to the left. The function of this Breathing is to Restore Energy. Florinda claimed, that the Luminous Body is constantly creating cob-weblike filaments, which are projected out of the Luminous mass, propelled by emotions of any sort. Therefore, every situation of interaction, or every situation, where feelings are involved, is potentially draining to the Luminous Body. By Breathing from right to left, while remembering a feeling, Stalkers, through the magic of Breathing, pick up the Filaments, they left behind. The next immediate Breath is from left to right and it is an Exhalation (breath out). With it Stalkers eject Filaments, left in them by other Luminous Bodies, involved in the event, being recollected. She stated, that these were the mandatory preliminaries of Stalking, which all the members of her party went through, as an introduction to the more demanding exercises of the Art. Unless Stalkers have gone through the preliminaries, in order to retrieve the Filaments, they have left in the World, and particularly in order to reject those, that others have left in them, there is no possibility of handling Controlled Folly, because those foreign Filaments are the basis of one's limitless capacity for Self-Importance. In order to practice Controlled Folly, since it is not a way to fool or chastise (punish) people or feel superior to them, one has to be capable of laughing at oneself. Florinda said, that one of the results of a detailed Recapitulation, is genuine laughter upon coming face to face with the boring repetition of one's self-esteem, which is at the core of all human interaction. Florinda emphasized, that the Rule defined Stalking and Dreaming as Arts; therefore they are something, that one performs. She said, that the life-giving nature of Breath, is what also gives it its Cleansing capacity. It is this capacity, that makes a Recapitulation into a practical matter... Florinda said, that her benefactor considered the three basic techniques of Stalking - the crate, the list of events to be recapitulated, and the stalker's breath - to be about the most important tasks a Warrior can fulfill. Her benefactor thought, that a profound Recapitulation is the most expedient (appropriate to the purpose) means to Lose the Human Form. Thus it is easier for Stalkers, after Recapitulating their lives, to make use of all the Not-Doings of the Self, such as erasing personal history, losing Self-Importance, breaking routines and so forth.

"Dona Soledad was always there in the company of a lovely Woman (her Parallel Being, LM), who laughed uproariously at me. My incapacity to remember, what we did beyond that point, was even more acute, than my incapacity to remember, what the Nagual Woman, la Gorda and I did in the area between the Parallel Lines. It seemed, that dona Soledad and
I entered into another area of Awareness, that was unknown to me...
It was true, that Stalkers turn their heads; however, they do not turn them to face a new direction, but to face Time in a different way. Stalkers face the oncoming Time. Normally we face Time, as it recedes (moves away) from us. Only Stalkers can change that and face Time, as it advances
on them. Florinda explained, that turning the head did not mean, that One Sees into the Future, but that One Sees Time, as something concrete, yet incomprehensible...
Florinda told me, in the spirit of someone giving a bonus, that dona Soledad was a Supreme Stalker; she called her the Greatest of Them All. She said, that dona Soledad could cross the Parallel Lines anytime. Furthermore, none of the Warriors of don Juan Matus' party had been able to do, what she had done.
Dona Soledad, through her impeccable Stalking Techniques, had found her Parallel Being.

Florinda explained, that whatever I had experienced with the Nagual Juan Matus, or Silvio Manuel, or Genaro, or Zuleica were only minute portions of the Second Attention; whatever, dona Soledad was helping me witness, was still another minute, but different portion. Dona Soledad had not only made me face the oncoming Time, but she had taken me to her Parallel Being. Florinda defined the Parallel Being, as the Counterbalance, that All Living Creatures have by the fact, that they are Luminous Beings, filled with Inexplicable Energy (Sun Energy of Balance, LM). A Parallel Being of Any Person is Another Person of the Same Sex, who is intimately and inextricably (too complicated to solve) joined to the first one. They coexist in the World at the same time. The Two Parallel Beings are like the two ends of the same pole.
It is nearly impossible for Warriors to find their Parallel Being, because there are too many distracting factors in the life of a Warrior, other priorities. But whoever is capable of accomplishing this feat, would find in his/her Parallel Being, just as dona Soledad had, an Endless Source of Youth and Energy... Dona Soledad, her Parallel Being and I remained for what, I felt, was an extraordinarily long time together. I saw every feature of the Parallel Being's face. I felt, she was trying to tell me, who she was. She also seemed to be cognizant (aware, mental process to acquire knowledge), that this was our last meeting. There was such an overpowering sense of frailty in her eyes. Then a windlike force blew us away into something, that held no meaning for me."

What had happened at Silvio Manuel's house the night before they left, was inextricably (too complicated to solve) enmeshed (entangled, involved) with my fear. She said, that she had the clearest sensation, that I was afraid, but she did not know the reason why. Nor could she remember, what exactly had taken place in that house, specifically in the room, where we sat down. As la Gorda spoke, I felt, as if I were plummeting into an abyss. I realized, that something in me was trying to make a connection between two separate events, that I had witnessed in my two states of Awareness. On my Left Side I had the locked-up memories of don Juan and his party of Warriors on their last day on Earth, on my Right Side I had the memory of having jumped that day into an abyss. In trying to join my two sides, I experienced a total sense of physical descent. My knees gave way and I fell to the floor.  When I described my experience and my interpretation of it, la Gorda said, that what was coming to my Right Side Awareness was doubtlessly the memory, that had surfaced in her, as I talked. She had just remembered, that we had made one more attempt to Cross the Parallel Lines with the Nagual Juan Matus and his party. She said, that the two of us together with the rest of the apprentices had tried once more to cross the bridge. I could not bring that memory into focus. There seemed to be a constricting force, that prevented me from organizing my thoughts and feelings about it. La Gorda said, that Silvio Manuel had told the Nagual Juan Matus to prepare me and all the apprentices for their Crossing. He did not want to leave me in the World, because he thought, that I did not stand a chance of fulfilling my task. The Nagual disagreed with him, but carried out the preparations, regardless of how he felt. La Gorda told me, that she remembered, I had driven to her house to take her as well, as the other apprentices to Silvio Manuel's house.

They remained there, while I went back to the Nagual Juan Matus and Genaro, in order to prepare for the Crossing. I did not remember it at all. She insisted, that I should use her as a guide, since we were so intimately joined; she assured me, that I could read her mind and find something there, that would awaken my full recollection. My mind was in a state of great turmoil. A feeling of anxiety prevented me from even focusing on what la Gorda was saying. She kept on talking, describing what she remembered of our second attempt to cross that bridge. She said, that Silvio Manuel had harangued (tirade, speech) them. He told them, that they had had sufficient training to try once again to cross; what they needed to enter fully into the Other Self was to abandon the Intent of their First Attention. Once they were in the Awareness of the Other Self, the power of the Nagual Juan Matus and his party would pick them up and lift them off into the Third Attention with great facility - something they could not do, if the apprentices were in their normal Awareness. At one instant, I was not listening to la Gorda any more. The sound of her voice was indeed a vehicle for me. Suddenly the memory of the entire event surfaced in my mind. I reeled under the impact of remembering. La Gorda stopped talking, and, as I described my memory, she also recollected everything. We had put together the last pieces of the separate memories of our two States of Awareness. I remembered, that don Juan and don Genaro prepared me for the Crossing, while I was in a state of normal Consciousness. I rationally thought, that they were preparing me for a jump into an abyss. La Gorda remembered, that, to prepare them for the Crossing, Silvio Manuel had hoisted them to the beams of the roof, strapped in leather harnesses. There was one in every room of his house. The apprentices were kept suspended in them nearly all day. La Gorda commented, that to have a harness in one's room is an ideal thing. The Genaros, without really knowing, what they were doing, had hit upon the quasi-memory of the harnesses, they had been suspended from, and had created their game. It was a game, that combined the curative and cleansing qualities of being kept away from the ground, with the possibility of exercising the concentration, that one needs for shifting from the Right to the Left Side Consciousness. Their game was indeed a device, that helped them remember. La Gorda said, that after she and all the apprentices had remained suspended all day, Silvio Manuel had brought them down at dusk. All of them went with him to the bridge and waited there with the rest of the party, until the Nagual Juan Matus and Genaro showed up with me. The Nagual Juan Matus explained to all of them, that it had taken longer, than he had anticipated to prepare me. I remembered, that don Juan and his warriors crossed over the bridge, before we did. Dona Soledad and Eligio automatically went with them. The Nagual Woman went over last. From the other side of the bridge Silvio Manuel signaled us to start walking. Without saying a word, all of us began at once. Midway across the bridge, Lydia, Rosa and Pablito seemed incapable of taking one more step. Benigno and Nestor walked almost to the end and then stopped. Only la Gorda, Josefina and I arrived, to where don Juan and the others were standing. What happened next was very much like, what had happened the first time we attempted to go through. Silvio Manuel and Eligio held open something, I believed was, an actual slit. I had enough energy to focus my attention on it. It was not an opening on the hill, that stood at the end of the bridge, nor was it an opening in the Wall of Fog, although I could distinguish a Foglike Vapor around the slit. It was a dark mysterious Opening, that stood by itself apart from everything else; it was as big, as a man, but narrow. Don Genaro made a joke and called it "the cosmic vagina," a remark, that brought roaring laughter from his peers. La Gorda and Josefina held on to me and we stepped in. I felt instantly, that I was being crushed. The same incalculable force, that had nearly made me explode the first time, had gripped me again. I could feel la Gorda and Josefina merging with me. I seemed to be wider, than they were, and the force flattened me against the two of them together. The next thing I knew, I was lying on the ground with la Gorda and Josefina on top of me. Silvio Manuel helped us stand up.

He told me, that it would be impossible for us to join them in their journey at that time, but that perhaps later, when we had tuned ourselves to perfection, the Eagle would let us go through. As we walked back to his house, Silvio Manuel told me almost in a whisper, that their path and my path had diverged from each other that night. He said, that our paths would never meet again, and that I was alone. He exhorted (urged, appealed) me to be frugal (sparing, not wasteful) and utilize every bit of my energy without wasting any of it.
He assured me, that if I could gain the Totality of Myself without excessive drainage, I would have the energy to fulfill my task. If I drained myself excessively, before I lost my Human Form, I was done for. I asked him, if there was a way to avoid drainage. He shook his head. He replied, that there was a way, but not for me. Whether I succeeded or not, was not a matter of my volition. He then revealed my task. But he did not tell me how to carry it out. He said, that someday the Eagle would put someone in my path to tell me how to do it.
And not until I had succeeded, would I be free. When we got to the house, all of us congregated in the large room. Don Juan sat in the center of the room facing the southeast.
The eight Female Warriors surrounded him. They sat in pairs on the cardinal points, also facing the southeast. Then the three male warriors made a triangle outside the circle with Silvio Manuel at the vertex (highest point, apex, summit), that pointed to the southeast. The two Female couriers sat flanking him, and the two Male couriers sat in front of him almost against the wall. The Nagual Woman made the Male apprentices sit against the east wall; she made the Women sit against the west wall. She then led me to a place directly behind don Juan. We sat there together. We remained seated for what, I thought, was only an instant, yet I felt a surge of unusual energy in my body. I believed, that we had sat down and
then immediately stood up. When I asked the Nagual Woman, why we got up so quickly, she replied, that we had been sitting there for several hours, and that someday, before I entered into the Third Attention, all of it would come back to me. La Gorda stated, that not only did she have the sensation, that we sat in that room only for an instant, but that she was never told, that it had been otherwise. What the Nagual Juan Matus told her afterward was, that she had the obligation to help the other apprentices, especially Josefina, and that one day I would return to give her the final push, she needed, to Cross Totally into the Other Self. She was tied to me and to Josefina. In our Dreaming together under Zuleica's supervision, we had exchanged enormities of our Luminosity. That was why we were able to withstand together the pressure of the Other Self, upon entering it in the flesh. He also told her, that it was the Power of the Warriors of his party, which had made the Crossing so easy this time, and, that when she would have to cross on her own, she had to be prepared to do it in Dreaming. After we had stood up, Florinda came over to where I was. She took me by the arm and walked around the room with me, while don Juan and his Warriors talked to the apprentices. She said, that I should not allow the events of that night at the bridge to confuse me. I should not believe, as the Nagual Juan Matus had believed at one time, that there is an actual physical passageway into the Other Self. The Slit, that I had seen, was simply a construct of their Intent, which had been trapped by a combination of the Nagual Juan Matus' obsession with passageways and Silvio Manuel's bizarre sense of humor; the mixture of both had produced the cosmic vagina. As far, as she was concerned, the passage from One Self to the Other had no physicality. The cosmic vagina was a physical expression of the two Men's Power to move the "Wheel of Time."

Florinda explained, that when she or her peers talked about Time, they were not referring to something, which is measured by the movement of a clock. Time is the Essence of Attention; the Eagle's emanations are made out of Time; and properly, when one enters into any aspect of the Other Self, one is becoming acquainted with Time. Florinda assured me, that that very night, while we sat in formation, they had had their last chance to help me and the apprentices to face the Wheel of Time. She said, that the Wheel of Time is like a State of Heightened Awareness, which is part of the Other Self, as the Left Side Awareness is part of the Self of Everyday Life, and that it could physically be described, as a Tunnel of Infinite length and width;
a Tunnel with reflective Furrows."

"Every Furrow is infinite, and there are infinite numbers of them. Living creatures are compulsorily made, by the Force of Life, to gaze into one Furrow. To gaze into it means to be trapped by it, to live that Furrow. She asserted, that, what Warriors call Will, belongs to the Wheel of Time. It is something like the runner of a vine, or an intangible (not palpable, not material, not corporeal, not concrete) tentacle, which all of us possess. She said, that a Warrior's final Aim is to learn to Focus it on the Wheel of Time, in order to make it turn.  Warriors, who have succeeded in turning the Wheel of Time, can gaze into any Furrow and draw from it whatever they desire, such as the cosmic vagina. To be trapped compulsorily in one Furrow of Time, entails Seeing the images of that Furrow only as they recede. To be free from the spellbinding force of those grooves means, that one can look in either direction, as images recede or as they approach. Florinda stopped talking and embraced me. She whispered in my ear, that she would be back to finish her instruction someday, when I had gained the Totality of Myself. Don Juan called everyone to come to where I was. They surrounded me. Don Juan spoke to me first. He said, that I could not go with them on their journey, because it was impossible, that I could withdraw from my task. Under those circumstances, the only thing they could do for me, would be to wish me well. He (Don Juan) added, that Warriors have no life of their own. From the moment they understand the nature of Awareness, they cease to be Persons and the human condition is no longer part of their view. I had my duty as a Warrior and nothing else was important, for I was going to be left behind to fulfill a most obscure task.  Since I had already relinquished (give up, abandon) my life, there was nothing else for them to say to me, except, that I should do my best. And there was nothing for me to say to them, except, that I had understood and had accepted my fate. Vicente came to my side next. He spoke very softly. He said, that the challenge of a Warrior is to arrive at a very subtle Balance of Positive and Negative Forces. This challenge does not mean, that a Warrior should strive to have everything under control, but that a Warrior should strive to meet any conceivable situation, the expected and the unexpected, with equal efficiency. To be perfect under perfect circumstances was to be a paper warrior. My challenge was to be left behind. Theirs was to strike onward into the Unknowable. Both challenges were consuming. For Warriors, the excitation of staying put, is equal to the excitation of the journey. Both are equal, because both entail the fulfilling of a sacred trust. Silvio Manuel came to my side next; he was concerned with practicalities. He gave me a formula, an incantation for times, when my task would be greater, than my strength; it was the incantation, that came to my mind the first time I remembered the Nagual Woman, "I am already given to the power, that rules my fate. And I cling to nothing, so I will have nothing to defend. I have no thoughts, so I will See. I fear nothing, so I will remember myself. Detached and at ease, I will dart past the Eagle to be free -
Ya me di al poder que a mi destino rige. No me agarro ya de nada, para asi no tener nada que defender. No tengo pensamientos, para asi poder ver. No temo ya a nada, para asi poder acordarme de mi. Sereno y dcsprendido, me dejara el aguila pasar a la libertad."
He told me, that he was going to reveal to me a practical maneuver of the Second Attention, and right then he turned into a Luminous Egg. He reverted back to his normal appearance and repeated this transformation three or four more times. I understood perfectly well, what he was doing. He did not need to explain it to me and yet, I could not put into words, what I knew. Silvio Manuel smiled, cognizant (aware or mental process to acquire knowledge) of my problem.
He said, that it took an enormity of strength to let go of the Intent of Everyday Life. The secret, that he had just revealed, was how to expedite (assist, facilitate) letting go of that Intent. In order to do, what he had done (turned to Luminous Egg), one must place one's attention on the Luminous Shell !

"He turned one more time into a Luminous Egg and then it became obvious to me, what I had known all along. Silvio Manuel's eyes turned for an instant to focus on the point of the Second Attention. His head was straight, as if he had been looking ahead of him, only his eyes were askew (to one side, crooked). He said, that a warrior must evoke Intent. The glance is the secret. The eyes beckon Intent. I became euphoric at that point. I was at long last capable of thinking about something, I knew without really knowing. The reason, why Seeing seems to be visual, is because we need the eyes to focus on Intent. Don Juan and his party of Warriors knew how to use their eyes to catch another aspect of Intent and called this act Seeing. What Silvio Manuel had shown me was the true function of the Eyes, the Catchers of Intent. I then used my eyes deliberately to beckon Intent. I focused them on the point of the Second Attention. All of a sudden don Juan, his Warriors, dona Soledad, and Eligio were Luminous Eggs, but not la Gorda, the three little Sisters, and the Genaros. I kept on moving my eyes back and forth between the blobs of light and the people, until I heard a crack in the base of my neck, and everybody in the room was a Luminous Egg. I felt for an instant, that I could not tell them apart, but then my eyes seemed to adjust and I held two aspects of Intent, two images at once. I could see their physical bodies and also their Luminosities. The two scenes were not superimposed on each other, but separate, and yet I could not figure out how. I definitely had two channels of vision, and Seeing had everything to do with my eyes and yet was independent of them. I could still See the Luminous Eggs, but not their physical bodies, when I closed my eyes. I had at one moment the clearest sensation, that I knew how to shift my attention to my Luminosity. I also knew, that to revert to the physical level, all I had to do, was to focus my eyes on my body. Don Genaro came to my side next and told me, that the Nagual Juan Matus, as a parting gift, had given me duty, Vicente had given me challenge, Silvio Manuel had given me magic, and he was going to give me humor. He looked me up and down and commented, that I was the sorriest looking Nagual, he had ever seen. He examined the apprentices and concluded, that there was nothing else for us to do, except to be optimistic and to look on the positive side of things. He told us a joke about a country girl, who was seduced and jilted (rejected) by a city slicker. When she was told on the day of her wedding, that the groom had left town, she pulled herself together with the sobering thought, that not
everything had been lost. She had lost her virginity, but she had not yet killed her piglet for the wedding feast. Don Genaro told us, that the only thing, that would help us to get out of our situation, which was the situation of the jilted bride, was to hold onto our piglets, whatever they might be, and laugh ourselves silly. Only through laughter could we change our condition. He coaxed (urge, persuade, plead) us with gestures of his head and hands to give him a hearty ha ha. The sight of the apprentices trying to laugh was as ridiculous, as my own attempt. Suddenly I was laughing with don Juan and his Warriors. Don Genaro, who had always made jokes about my being a poet, asked me to read a poem out loud. He said, that he wanted to summarize his sentiments and his recommendations with the poem, that celebrates life, death and laughter. He was referring to a fraction of Jose Gorostiza's poem, "Death Without End." The Nagual Woman handed me the book and I read the part, that don Juan and don Genaro had always liked."

"The setting for the poem was overpowering. I felt a shiver. Emilito and the courier Juan Tuma came to my side. They did not say a word. Their eyes were shining like black marbles. All their feelings seemed to be focused in their eyes. The courier Juan Tuma said very softly, that once he had ushered (leading) me into the mysteries of Mescalito at his house, and that that had been a forerunner of another occasion in the Wheel of Time, when he would usher me into the ultimate mystery. Emilito said, as if his voice were an echo of the courier Juan Tuma's, that both of them were confident, that I was going to fulfill my task. They would be waiting, for I would join them someday. The courier Juan Tuma added, that the Eagle had put me with the Nagual Juan Matus' party, as my rescue unit. They embraced me again and whispered in unison, that I should trust myself. After the couriers, the Female Warriors came to me. Each one hugged me and whispered a wish in my ear, a wish of plenitude and fulfillment. The Nagual Woman came to me last. She sat down and held me in her lap, as if I were a child. She exuded (make felt) affection and purity. I was breathless. We stood up and walked around the room. We talked about and pondered our fate. Forces, impossible to fathom (determine), had guided us to that culminating moment. The awe (wonder, power, respect), that I felt, was immeasurable. And so was my sadness. She then revealed a portion of the Rule, that applies to the three-pronged Nagual. She was in a state of ultimate agitation and yet she was calm. Her intellect was peerless and yet she was not trying to reason anything out. Her last day on Earth overwhelmed her. She filled me with her mood. It was, as if up to that moment, I had not quite realized the finality of our situation. Being on my Left Side entailed, that the primacy (state of being first) of the immediate took precedence (priority in importance), which made it practically impossible for me to foresee beyond that moment. However, the impact of her mood engaged a great deal of my Right Side Awareness and its capacity to prejudge feelings, that are to come. I realized, that I would never again see her. That was unbearable! Don Juan had told me, that on the Left Side there are no tears, that a Warrior can no longer weep, and that the only expression of anguish (extreme mental pain, torture, torment) is a shiver, that comes from the very depths of the Universe. It is, as if one of the Eagle's emanations is anguish (extreme mental pain, torture, torment). The Warrior's shiver is infinite. As the Nagual Woman talked to me and held me, I felt, that Shiver. She put her arms around my neck and pressed her head against mine. I thought she was wringing (squize, compress, twist) me like a piece of cloth. I felt something coming out of my body, or out of hers into mine. My anguish (extreme mental pain, torture, torment) was so intense and it flooded me so fast, that I went berserk (deranged, destructevely violent). I fell to the floor with the Nagual Woman still embracing me. I thought, as if in a dream, that I must have gashed (long, deep cut) her forehead in our fall. Her face and mine were covered with blood. Blood had pooled in her eyes. Don Juan and don Genaro very swiftly lifted me up. They held me. I was having uncontainable spasms, like seizures. The Female Warriors surrounded the Nagual Woman; then they stood in a row in the middle of the room. The Men joined them. In one moment, there was an undeniable chain of energy going between them. The row moved and paraded in front of me. Each one of them came for a moment and stood in front of me, but without breaking the row. It was, as if they were moving on a conveyor, that transported them and made each of them stop in front of me. The Male couriers went by first, then the Female couriers, then the Male Warriors, then the Dreamers, the Stalkers, and finally the Nagual Woman. They went by me and remained in full view for a second or two, long enough to say goodbye, and then they disappeared into the blackness of the mysterious slit, that had appeared in the room. Don Juan pressed my back and relieved some of my unbearable anguish (extreme mental pain, torture, torment). He said, that he understood my pain, and that the affinity (likeness) of the Nagual Man and the Nagual Woman is not something, that can be formulated. It exists as a result of the emanations of the Eagle; once the two people are put together and are separated, there is no way to fill the emptiness, because it is not social emptiness, but a movement of those emanations. Don Juan told me then, that he was going to make me shift to my extreme right. He said, that it was a merciful, although temporary maneuver; it would allow me to forget for the time being, but it would not soothe me, when I remembered.

Don Juan also told me, that the Act of Remembering is thoroughly incomprehensible. In actuality it is the Act of Remembering Oneself, which does not stop at recollecting the interaction Warriors perform in their Left Side Awareness, but goes on to recollect every memory, that the Luminous Body has stored from the moment of birth. The systematic interaction Warriors go through in states of Heightened Consciousness is only a device to entice (lure, attract) the Other Self to reveal itself in terms of memories. This Act of Remembering, although it seems to be only associated with Warriors, is something, that is within the realm of every Human Being; every one of us can go directly to the memories of our Luminosity with unfathomable (too deep to be measured) results. Don Juan said then, that that day they would leave at dusk and that the only thing they still had to do for me, was to create an opening, an interruption in the continuum of my time. They were going to make me jump into an abyss, as a means of interrupting the Eagle's emanation, that accounts for my feeling, that I am whole and continuous. The jump was going to be done, while I was in a state of normal Awareness, and the idea was, that my Second Attention would take over; rather than dying at the bottom of the abyss, I would enter fully into the Other Self. Don Juan said, that I would eventually come out of the Other Self, once my energy was exhausted; but I would not come out on the same mountaintop, from where I was going to jump. He predicted, that I would emerge at my favorite spot, wherever it might be. This would be the interruption in the continuum of my time. He then pushed me completely out of my Left Side Awareness. And I forgot my anguish (extreme mental pain, torture, torment), my purpose, my task. At dusk that afternoon, Pablito, Nestor and I did jump off a precipice. The Nagual's blow had been so accurate and so merciful, that nothing of the momentous event of their farewell transcended beyond the limits of the other momentous event of jumping to certain death and not dying.

Awe-inspiring, as that event was, it was pale, in comparison to what was taking place in another realm. Don Juan made me jump at the precise moment, when he and all of his warriors had kindled (arouse, inspire) their Awareness. I had a dreamlike vision of a row of people, looking at me. Afterwards I rationalized it, as just one of a long series of visions or hallucinations I had had upon jumping. This was the meager (thin, lean, deficient, scanty) interpretation of my Right Side Awareness, overwhelmed by the awesomeness of the Total Event. On my Left Side, however, I realized, that I had entered into the Other Self. And this entrance had had nothing to do with my rationality. The Warriors of don Juan's party had caught me for an eternal instant, before they vanished into the Total Light, before the Eagle let them go through. I knew, that they were in a range of the Eagle's emanations, which was beyond my reach. They were waiting for don Juan and don Genaro. I saw don Juan taking the lead. And then there was only a Line of Exquisite Lights in the sky. Something like a wind seemed to make the Cluster of Lights contract and wriggle (twist, squirm). There was a massive Glow on one end of the Line of Lights, where don Juan was. I thought of the plumed serpent of the Toltec legend. And then the Lights were gone."

Carlos Castaneda - "The Eagle's Gift"

Part 1: The Other Self (our Double) - 1. The Fixation of The Second Attention

Pablito had an audience. Everyone in the room, myself included, was fascinated with what he was saying. I understood the ideas, he was presenting, because don Juan had explained them to me. Don Juan had said, that our Total Being consists of Two perceivable Segments. The first is the familiar Physical Body, which all of us can perceive; the Second is the Luminous Body (our Double), which is a Cocoon, that only Seers can perceive, a Cocoon, that gives us the appearance of Giant Luminous Eggs.

"The Nagual told every one of us the same things," Nestor said. "The problem is, that every one of us was not listening attentively, or rather every one of us listened to him in his own way, and heard, what he wanted to hear. The Nagual said, that the Fixation of the Second Attention has Two Faces. The first and easiest face is the evil one. It happens, when Dreamers use their Dreaming to focus their Second Attention on the items of the world, like money and power over people. The other face is the most difficult to reach, and it happens when Dreamers focus their Second Attention on items, that are not in or from this World, such as the journey into the Unknown. Warriors need endless impeccability in order to reach this face."
I said to them, that I was sure, that don Juan had selectively revealed certain things to some of us and other things to others. I could not, for instance, recall don Juan ever discussing the Evil Face of the Second Attention with me.
I told them then, what don Juan said to me in reference to the Fixation of Attention in general.

"It is easy for me to understand, why the Nagual Juan Matus didn't want us to have possessions," Nestor said after I had finished talking. "We are all Dreamers. He didn't want us to focus our Dreaming Body on the weak face of the Second Attention. I didn't understand his maneuvers at the time. I resented the fact, that he made me get rid of everything I had.
I thought he was being unfair. My belief was, that he was trying to keep Pablito and Benigno from envying me, because they had nothing themselves. I was well-off in comparison.
At the time, I had no idea, that he was protecting my Dreaming Body. Don Juan had described Dreaming to me in various ways. The most obscure of them all now appears to me, as being the one, that defines it best. He said, that Dreaming is intrinsically (inherent) the Not-Doing of sleep. And as such, Dreaming affords practitioners the use of that portion of their lives, spent in slumber. It is, as if the Dreamers no longer sleep. Yet no illness results from it. The Dreamers do not lack sleep, but the effect of Dreaming seems to be an increase of Waking Time, owing to the use of an alleged extra body, the Dreaming Body. Don Juan had explained to me, that the Dreaming Body is sometimes called the "Double" or the "Other", because it is a perfect replica of the Dreamer's Body. It is inherently the Energy of a Luminous Being, a Whitish, Phantom-like Emanation, which is projected by the Fixation of the Second Attention into a three-dimensional Image of the Body. Don Juan explained, that the Dreaming Body is not a ghost, but as real, as anything we deal with in the World. He said, that the Second Attention is unavoidably drawn to focus on our Total Being, as a Field of Energy, and transforms that Energy into anything suitable. The easiest thing is of course the Image of the Physical Body, with which we are already thoroughly familiar from our daily lives and the use of our First Attention. What channels the Energy of Our Total Being to produce anything, that might be within the boundaries of possibility, is known as Will. Don Juan could not say, what those boundaries were, except, that at the level of Luminous Beings, the range is so broad, that it is futile (useless) to try to establish limits - thus, the Energy of a Luminous Being can be transformed through Will into anything. The Nagual said, that the Dreaming Body gets involved and attaches itself to anything," Benigno said. "It doesn't have sense. He told me, that Men are weaker, than Women, because a Man's Dreaming Body is more possessive."

The little Sisters agreed in unison with a movement of their heads. La Gorda looked at me and smiled. "The Nagual told me, that you're (Carlos) the King of Possessiveness," she said to me. "Genaro said, that you even say goodbye to your turds (poos, piece of excrement, worthless, contemptible person) before you flush them down." The little Sisters rolled down on their sides laughing. The Genaros made obvious efforts to contain themselves. Nestor, who was sitting by my side, patted my knee.
"The Nagual and Genaro used to tell great stories about you," he said. "They entertained us for years with tales about a weird guy, they knew. We know now, that it was you."
I felt a wave of embarrassment. It was, as if don Juan and don Genaro had betrayed me, laughing at me in front of the apprentices. Self-pity took over. I began to complain. I said out loud, that they had been predisposed to be against me, to think, that I was a fool.

Then he realized, that he was digging into a dirt coffin: a man was buried there. The Nagual said, that the man was very thin and dark and had no hair. The Nagual tried frantically to patch up the dirt coffin. He didn't want his fellow workers to see it and he didn't want to injure the man by digging him out against his will. He was working so hard, that he didn't even notice, that the other workers had gathered around him. By then the Nagual said, that the dirt coffin had collapsed and the dark man was sprawled on the ground, naked. The Nagual tried to help him up and asked the men to give him a hand. They laughed at him. They thought he was drunk, having the d.t.'s, because there was no man, or dirt coffin or anything like that in the field. The Nagual said, that he was shaken, but he didn't dare tell his benefactor about it. It didn't matter, because at night a whole flock of phantoms came after him. He went to open the front door after someone knocked and a horde (swarm or throng of people, animals, insects) of naked men with glaring yellow eyes burst in. They threw him to the floor and piled on top of him. They would have crushed every bone in his body, had it not been for the swift actions of his benefactor. He saw the phantoms and pulled the Nagual to safety, to a hole in the ground, which he always kept conveniently at the back of his house. He buried the Nagual there, while the ghosts squatted around waiting for their chance. The Nagual told me, that he had become so frightened, that he would voluntarily go back into his dirt coffin every night to sleep, long after the phantoms had vanished." Pablito stopped talking. Everyone seemed to be getting ready to leave. They fretted (worry, agitate) and changed position, as if to show, that they were tired of sitting. I then told them, that I had had a very disturbing reaction, upon hearing my friend's statements about the Atlanteans, walking at night in the Pyramids of Tula. I had not recognized the depth, at which I had accepted, what don Juan and don Genaro had taught me, until that day. I realized, that I had completely suspended judgment, even though it was clear in my mind, that the possibility these colossal figures of stone could walk, did not enter into the realm of serious speculation. My reaction was a total surprise to me. I explained to them at great length, that the idea of the Atlanteans, walking at night, was a clear example of the Fixation of the Second Attention. I had arrived at that conclusion, using the following set of premises (proposition, logic):

First, that we are not merely whatever our common sense requires us to believe, we are. We are in actuality Luminous Beings, capable of becoming aware of our Luminosity.  Second, that as Luminous Beings, aware of our Luminosity, we are capable of unraveling (separate and clarify) different facets of our Awareness, or our Attention, as don Juan called it. Third, that the unraveling (separate and clarify) could be brought about by a deliberate effort, as we were trying to do ourselves, or accidentally, through a bodily trauma. Fourth, that there had been a time, when Sorcerers deliberately placed different facets of their Attention on material objects. Fifth, that the Atlanteans, judging by their awe-inspiring  setting, must have been objects of Fixation for Sorcerers of another Time. I said, that the custodian (keeper, caretaker), who had given my friend the information, had undoubtedly unraveled (separate and clarify) another facet of his Attention; he might have unwittingly become, if only for a moment, a receptor for the projections of Ancient Sorcerers' Second Attention. It was not so farfetched (improbable in nature) to me then, that the man may have visualized the Fixation of those Sorcerers.

If those Sorcerers were members of don Juan's and don Genaro's tradition, they must have been impeccable practitioners, in which case there would have been no limit, to what they could accomplish with the Fixation of their Second Attention. If they intended, that the Atlanteans should walk at night, then the Atlanteans would walk at night. As I talked, the three little Sisters became very angry and agitated with me. When I finished, Lydia accused me of doing nothing else, but talking. Then they got up and left without even saying goodbye. The Men followed them, but stopped at the door and shook hands with me. La Gorda and I remained in the room.
"There is something very wrong with those Women," I said.
"No. They're just tired of talking," la Gorda said. "They expect some action from you."
"How come the Genaros are not tired of talking?" I asked.
"They are more stupid, than the Women," she replied dryly.
"How about you, Gorda?" I asked. "Are you also tired of talking?"
"I don't know what I am," she said solemnly. "When I am with you, I'm not tired, but when I am with the little Sisters, I'm dead tired, just like them."
During the following uneventful days I stayed with them, it was obvious, that the little Sisters were thoroughly hostile to me. The Genaros tolerated me in an off-hand way
(without preparation). Only la Gorda seemed to be aligned with me. I began to wonder why. I asked her about it before I left for Los Angeles.
"I don't know how it is possible, but I'm used to you," she said. "It's as if you and I are together, while the little Sisters and the Genaros are in a different World."

2. Seeing Together

For several weeks, after my return to Los Angeles, I had a sense of mild discomfort, which I explained away, as a dizziness or a sudden loss of breath due to physical exertion (effort). It reached a climax one night, when I woke up terrified, unable to breathe. The physician, I went to see, diagnosed my trouble as hyperventilation, most likely caused by tension. He prescribed a tranquilizer and suggested breathing into a paper bag, if the attack should ever occur again. I decided to return to Mexico to seek la Gorda's counsel. After I had told her the doctor's diagnosis, she calmly assured me, that no illness was involved, that I was finally losing my shields, and that, what I was experiencing, was the "Loss of my Human Form" and the Entrance into a New State of Separation from Human Affairs. "Don't fight it," she said. "Our natural reaction is to struggle against it. In doing so, we dispel (rid of, dispense with) it. Let go of your fear and follow the Loss of Your Human Form step by step."
She added, that in her case the disintegration of her Human Form began in her Womb, with a severe Pain and an inordinate (excessive) Pressure, that shifted slowly in two directions, down her Legs and up to her Throat. She also said, that the effects are felt immediately. I wanted to record every nuance of my Entrance into that New State. I prepared myself to write down a detailed account of whatever took place, but to my utter chagrin (annoyance, embarrassment) nothing more happened. After a few days of fruitless expectation, I gave up on la Gorda's explanation and concluded, that the doctor had correctly diagnosed my condition. It was perfectly understandable to me. I was carrying a responsibility, that generated unbearable tension. I had accepted the leadership, that the apprentices believed, belonged to me, but I had no idea how to lead. The pressure in my life also showed in a more serious way. My usual level of energy was dropping steadily. Don Juan would have said, that I was losing my personal power and that eventually I would lose my life. Don Juan had set me up to live exclusively by means of personal power, which I understood to be a state of being, a relationship of order between the subject and the Universe, a relationship, that cannot be disrupted without resulting in the subject's death. Since there was no foreseeable way to change my situation, I had concluded, that my life was coming to an end. My feeling of being doomed, seemed to infuriate all the apprentices. I decided to get away from them for a couple of days to dispel (rid of, dispense with) my gloom and their tension. When I came back I found them standing outside the front door of the little Sisters' house, as if they had been waiting for me.

The men wore thin, white pajama-like pants and shirts, and straw hats. All of them wore homemade sandals. I asked la Gorda the reason for their new way of dressing. She said, that they were getting ready to leave. Sooner or later, with my help or by themselves, they were going to leave that valley. They would be going into a new World, a new life. When they did that, they would acknowledge the change; the longer they wore their Indian clothes, the more drastic the change would be, when they put on city clothes. She added, that they had been taught to be fluid, at ease in whatever situation they found themselves, and that I had been taught the same. My challenge was to deal with them with ease, regardless of what they did to me. Their challenge in turn was to leave their valley and settle down elsewhere, to find out if they could be as fluid, as warriors should be. I asked for her honest opinion about our chances of succeeding. She said, that failure was written all over our faces. La Gorda changed the subject abruptly and told me, that in her Dreaming, she had found herself staring at a gigantic narrow gorge between two enormous round mountains; she thought, that the two mountains were familiar to her, and wanted me to drive her to a nearby town. She believed, without  knowing why, that the two mountains were located there, and that the message from her Dreaming was, that both of us should go there. We left at the crack of dawn. I had driven through that town before. It was very small and I had never noticed anything in its surroundings, that even came close to la Gorda's vision. There were only eroded hills around it. It turned out, that the two mountains were not there, or if they were, we could not find them. During the two hours, that we spent in that town, however, both of us had a feeling, that we knew something undefined, a feeling, which turned at times into a certainty and then receded (move back) again into the darkness, to become merely annoyance and frustration. Visiting that town unsettled us in mysterious ways; or rather, for unknown reasons, we became very agitated. I was in the throes (violent pang, spasm of pain) of a most illogical conflict. I did not remember having ever stopped in that town, and yet I could have sworn, that I had not only been there, but had lived there for a time. It was not a clear memory; I did not remember the streets or the houses. What I felt was a vague, but strong apprehension (fearful anticipation of the future, an arrestopinion, estimate, understanding), that something was going to become clear in my mind. I was not sure what, a memory perhaps. At moments, that vague apprehension became paramount, especially when I saw a particular house. I parked in front of it. La Gorda and I looked at it from the car for perhaps an hour, yet neither of us suggested leaving the car to go into it. Both of us were very edgy. We began to talk about her vision of the two mountains; our conversation soon turned into an argument. She thought, I had not taken her Dreaming seriously. Our tempers flared and we ended up yelling at each other, not so much out of anger, as out of nervousness. I caught myself and stopped. On our way back, I parked the car on the side of the dirt road. We got out to stretch our legs. We walked for a while; it was too windy to enjoy it. La Gorda still seemed to be agitated. We went back to the car and sat inside.
"If you would only rally (gather, assemble) your knowledge," la Gorda said in a pleading tone. "You would know, that Losing the Human Form ..."
She stopped in mid-sentence; my frown must have brought her up short. She was cognizant (aware or mental process to acquire knowledge) of my struggle. If there was any knowledge in me, that I could have consciously rallied (gather, assemble), I would have done it already. "But we are Luminous Beings," she said in the same pleading tone. "There is so much more to us. You are the Nagual. There is even more to you."
"What do you think I should do?" I asked.
"You must let go of your desire to cling," she said. "The very same thing happened to me. I held on to things, such as the food I liked, the mountains, where I lived, the people, I used to enjoy talking to. But most of all I clung to the desire to be liked." I told her, that her advice was meaningless to me, for I was not aware of holding on to anything. She insisted, that somehow I knew, that I was putting up barriers to Losing My Human Form. "Our Attention is trained to focus doggedly (tenaciously, obstinate, stubborn, persistent)," she went on. "That is the way we maintain the World. Your First Attention has been taught to focus on something, that's quite strange to me, but very familiar to you."

In the late afternoon, sitting on that bench in Oaxaca, a poem by Cesar Vallejo always seemed to sum up for him a special feeling of Longing. I recited it to la Gorda from memory, not so much for her benefit, as for mine:
"I wonder, what she is doing at this hour my Andean and sweet Rita of reeds and wild cherry trees. Now that this weariness chokes me, and blood dozes off, like lazy brandy inside me. I wonder what she is doing with those hands, that in attitude of penitence used to iron starchy whiteness, in the afternoons. Now that this rain is taking away my desire to go on. I wonder what has become of her skirt with lace; of her toils; of her walk; of her scent of spring sugar cane from that place.
She must be at the door, gazing at a fast moving cloud. A wild bird on the tile roof will let out a call; and shivering she will say at last, "it's cold!"
The memory of don Juan was incredibly vivid. It was not a memory on the level of my thought, nor was it on the level of my conscious feelings. It was an unknown kind of memory, that made me weep. Tears were streaming from my eyes, but they were not soothing at all. The last hour of the afternoon had always had special significance for don Juan. I had accepted his regard for that hour, and his conviction, that if something of importance were to come to me, it would have to be at that time. La Gorda put her head on my shoulder. I rested my head on her head. We remained in that position for a while. I felt relaxed; the agitation had been driven away from me. It was strange, that the single act of resting my head on la Gorda's would bring such peace. I wanted to make a joke and tell her, that we should tie our heads together. Then I knew, that she would actually take me up on that. My body shook with laughter and I realized, that I was asleep, yet my eyes were open;
if I had really wanted to, I could have stood up. I did not want to move, so I remained there fully awake and yet asleep. I saw people walking by and staring at us.
I did not mind that in the least. Ordinarily, I would have objected to being noticed. Then all at once the people in front of me changed into very large Blobs of White Light. I was facing the Luminous Eggs in a sustained fashion for the first time in my life! Don Juan had told me, that Human Beings appear to the
Seer, as Luminous Eggs. I had experienced flashes of that perception, but never before had I focused my vision on them, as I was doing that day. The Blobs of Light were quite amorphous at first. It was, as if my eyes were not properly focused. But then, at one moment, it was, as if I had finally arranged my vision and the Blobs of White Light became oblong Luminous Eggs. They were big, in fact, they were enormous, perhaps seven feet high by four feet wide or even larger. At one moment,
I noticed, that the Eggs were no longer moving. I saw a solid mass of Luminosity in front of me. The Eggs were watching me; looming (towering) dangerously over me. I moved deliberately and sat up straight. La Gorda was sound asleep on my shoulder. There was a group of adolescents around us. They must have thought, that we were drunk. They were mimicking us. The most daring adolescent was feeling la Gorda's breasts. I shook her and woke her up. We stood up in a hurry and left. They followed us, taunting (mock, ridicule) us and yelling obscenities. The presence of a policeman on the corner dissuaded them from continuing with their harassment. We walked in complete silence from the plaza, to where I had left my car. It was almost evening. Suddenly la Gorda grabbed my arm. Her eyes were wild, her mouth open. She pointed. "Look! Look!" she yelled. "There's the Nagual and Genaro!" I saw two men turning the corner a long block ahead of us. La Gorda took off in a fast run. Running after her, I asked her if she was sure. She was beside herself. She said, that when she had looked up, both don Juan and don Genaro were staring at her. The moment her eyes met theirs they moved away. When we reached the corner ourselves, the two men were still the same distance away from us. I could not distinguish their features. They were dressed like rural Mexican men. They were wearing straw hats. One was husky (rugged, strong, burly), like don Juan, the other was thin, like don Genaro. The two men went around another corner and we again ran noisily after them. The street, they had turned onto, was deserted and led to the outskirts of town. It curved slightly to the left. The two men were just, where the street curved. Right then something happened, that made me feel, it was possible, they might really be don Juan and don Genaro. It was a movement, that the smaller man made. He turned three-quarter profile to us and tilted his head, as if telling us to follow, something don Genaro used to do to me, whenever we were out in the woods. He always walked ahead of me, daring, coaxing (urge, persuade, plead) me with a movement of his head to catch up with him. La Gorda began to yell at the top of her voice. "Nagual! Genaro! Wait!" She ran ahead of me. They were walking very fast toward some shacks, that were half-visible in the semi-darkness. They must have entered one of them or turned into any of a number of pathways; suddenly they were out of sight. La Gorda stood there and bellowed (a shout or a roar like a bull) their names without any bashfulness. People came out to see, who was yelling. I held her, until she calmed down.
"They were right in front of me," she said, crying. "Not even ten feet away. When I yelled and called your attention to them, they were a block away in one instant."
I tried to appease (bring peace, soothe) her. She was in a high state of nervousness. She clung to me shivering. For some indiscernible reason I was absolutely sure, that the two men were not don Juan and don Genaro; therefore, I could not share la Gorda's agitation. She said, that we had to drive back home, that Power would not permit her to go to Los Angeles or even to Mexico City with me. It was not time yet for her journey. She was convinced, that 
Seeing them, had been an Omen.
They had disappeared, pointing toward the east, toward her hometown. I did not have any objections to starting back that very moment. After all the things, that had happened to us that day, I should have been dead tired. Instead, I was vibrating with a most extravagant vigor, reminiscent of times with don Juan, when I had felt like ramming (force, press) walls with my shoulders. On our way back to my car I was again filled with the most passionate affection for la Gorda. I could never thank her enough for her help. I thought, that whatever she had done to help me See the Luminous Eggs, had worked. She had been so courageous, risking ridicule and even bodily harm by sitting on that bench. I expressed my thanks to her. She looked at me, as if I were crazy and then broke into a belly laugh.
"I thought the same thing about you," she said. "I thought you had done it just for me. I too saw Luminous Eggs. This was the first time for me also. We have Seen together! Like the Nagual and Genaro used to do."
As I opened the door of the car for la Gorda, the full impact of what we had done, struck me. Up to that point I had been numb, something in me had slowed down.  Now my euphoria was as intense, as la Gorda's agitation had been a short while before. I wanted to run in the street and shout. It was la Gorda's turn to contain me. She squatted and rubbed my calves (back part of leg). Strangely enough, I calmed down immediately. I found, that it was difficult for me to talk. My thoughts were running ahead of my ability to verbalize them. I did not want to drive back to her hometown right away. There seemed to be still so much more to do. Since I could not explain clearly, what I wanted, I practically dragged a reluctant Gorda back to the plaza, but there were no empty benches at that hour. I was famished, so I pulled her into a restaurant. She thought, she could not eat, but when they brought the food, she turned out to be as hungry, as I was. Eating relaxed us completely. We sat on the bench later that night. I had refrained from talking about what happened to us, until we had a chance to sit there. La Gorda was at first unwilling to say anything. My mind was in a peculiar state of exhilaration. I had had similar moments with don Juan, but associated, as a rule, with the after-effects of hallucinogenic plants. I began by describing to la Gorda what I had Seen.
The feature of those Luminous Eggs, that had impressed me the most, was their movements. They did not walk. They moved in a floating manner, yet they were grounded. The way, they moved, was not pleasing. Their movements were stilted, wooden, and jerky. When they were in motion, the whole egg shape became smaller and rounder; they seemed to jump or jerk, or shake up and down with great speed. The result was a most annoying nervous shivering. Perhaps the closest I can get to describing the physical discomfort, caused by their motion, would be to say, that I felt, as if the images on a moving picture screen had been speeded up. Another thing, that had intrigued me, was that I could not detect any legs. I had once seen a ballet production, in which the dancers mimicked the movement of soldiers on ice skates; for that effect they wore loose tunics, that hung all the way to the floor. There was no way to see their feet: thus the illusion, that they were gliding on ice. The Luminous Eggs, that paraded in front of me, gave the impression, that they were sliding on a rough surface. Their Luminosity shook up and down almost imperceptibly, yet enough to make me nearly ill. When the Eggs were in repose (rest) they became elongated. Some of them were so long and rigid, that they brought to mind the idea of a wooden icon. Another, even more disturbing feature of the Luminous Eggs, was the Absence of Eyes. I had never realized so acutely, how we are drawn to the eyes of Living Beings. The Luminous Eggs were thoroughly alive; they were observing me with great curiosity.

I could see them jerking up and down, leaning over to watch me, but without any eyes. Many of those Luminous Eggs had black Spots (Holes) on them, Huge Spots below the midsection. Others did not. La Gorda had told me, that reproduction affects the bodies of both Men and Women, by causing a Hole to appear below the stomach, but the spots on those Luminous Eggs did not seem like Holes to me. They were areas with no Luminosity, but there was no depth to them. Those, that had the black Spots, seemed to be mellow, tired; the crest (ridge, plume, helmet) of their Egg shape was wilted (became limp, flaccid, droop, less energetic or spirited), it looked opaque in comparison to the rest of their Glow. The ones without Spots, on the other hand, were dazzlingly bright.
I fancied them to be dangerous.
They were vibrant, filled with Energy and Whiteness.

La Gorda said, that the instant I rested my head on her, she also entered into a state, that resembled Dreaming. She was awake, yet she could not move. She was conscious, that people were milling around us. Then she Saw them turning into Luminous Blobs and finally into eggshaped creatures. She did not know, that I was also 
Seeing. She had thought at first, that I was watching over her, but at one moment the pressure of my head was so heavy, that she concluded quite consciously,  that I too must have been Seeing. Only after I straightened up and caught the young man fondling (handling) her, as she seemed to sleep, did I have an inkling (hint) of, what might be happening to her. Our visions differed in that, she could distinguish men from women by the shape of some filaments, that she called "roots." Women, she said, had thick bundles of filaments, that resembled a lion's tail; they grew inward from the place of the genitalia. She explained, that those roots were the givers of life. The embryo, in order to accomplish its growth, attaches itself to one of those nurturing roots and thoroughly consumes it, leaving only a hole.
Men, on the other hand, had short filaments, that were alive and floating almost separately from the luminous mass of their bodies. I asked her what, in her opinion, was the reason we had Seen together. She declined to make any comment, but she coaxed (urge, persuade, plead) me to go ahead with my speculations. I told her, that the only thing, that occurred to me, was the obvious: emotions must have been a factor. After la Gorda and I had sat down on don Juan's favorite bench in the late afternoon that day, and I had recited the poem, that he liked, I was highly charged with emotion. My emotions must have prepared my body. But I also had to consider the fact, that from doing Dreaming, I had learned to enter into a state, of total quietness. I was able to turn off my internal dialogue and remain as if I were inside a cocoon, peeking (glance quickly) out of a hole. In that state I could either let go of some control, I had, and enter into Dreaming, or I could hold on to that control and remain passive, thoughtless, and without desires. I did not think, however, that those were the significant factors. I believed the catalyst was la Gorda.
I thought, it was what I felt for her, which had created the conditions for 
Seeing. La Gorda laughed shyly, when I told her what I believed.
"I don't agree with you," she said. "I think what has happened is, that your body has started to remember."
"What do you mean by that, Gorda?" I asked.
There was a long pause. She seemed to be either fighting to say something, she did not want to say, or she was desperately trying to find the appropriate word.
"There are so many things, that I know," she said, "and yet, I don't know, what I know. I remember so many things, that I finally end up remembering nothing. I think you are in the same predicament (dilemma) yourself." I assured her, that I was not aware of it. She refused to believe me. "At times I really believe you don't know," she said. "At other times, I believe, you are playing with us. The Nagual told me, that he himself didn't know. A lot of things, that he told me about you, are coming back to me now."
"What does it mean, that my body has begun to remember?" I insisted.
"Don't ask me that," she said with a smile. "I don't know, what you are supposed to remember, or what that remembering is like. I've never done it, myself. I know that much."
"Is there anybody among the apprentices, who could tell me?" I asked.
"Noone," she said. "I think, I'm a courier to you, a courier, who can bring you only half a message this time."
She stood up and begged me to drive her back to her hometown. I was too exhilarated to leave then. We walked around the plaza at my suggestion. Finally we sat down on another bench. "Isn't it strange to you, that we could See together with such ease?" la Gorda asked. I did not know, what she had in mind. I was hesitant in answering. "What would you say, if I told you, that I think, we've Seen together before?" la Gorda asked, carefully voicing her words. I could not understand, what she meant. She repeated the question one more time and I still could not get her meaning.
"When could we have Seen together before?" I asked. "Your question doesn't make sense."
"That's the point," she replied. "It doesn't make sense, and yet I have the feeling, we have Seen together before."
I felt a chill and stood up. I remembered again the sensation, I had had in that town. La Gorda opened her mouth to say something, but stopped herself in mid-
sentence. She stared at me, bewildered, put her hand to my lips, and then practically dragged me to the car. I drove all night. I wanted to talk, to analyze, but she fell asleep, as if purposely avoiding any discussion. She was right, of course. Of the two of us, she was the one, who was cognizant (aware or mental process to acquire knowledge) of the danger of dissipating a mood, through over-analyzing it. As she got out of the car, when we arrived at her house, she said, that we could not talk at all about what happened to us in Oaxaca.

"Why is that, Gorda?" I asked.
"I don't want to waste our Power," she said. "That's the Sorcerer's Way. Never waste your Gains."
"But if we don't talk about it, we'll never know what really happened to us," I protested.
"We have to keep quiet for at least nine days," she said.
"Can we talk about it, just between the two of us?" I asked.
"A talk between the two of us is precisely what we must avoid," she said. "We're vulnerable. We must allow ourselves time to heal."

3. Quasi Memories of The Other Self
"Can you tell us what's going on?" Nestor asked me, when all of us were together that night. "Where did you two go yesterday?" I had forgotten la Gorda's recommendation, that we not talk about what had happened to us. I began to tell them, that we had gone first to the nearby town and we had found a most intriguing house there. All of them seemed to have been touched by a sudden tremor. They perked up, looked at one another, and then they stared at la Gorda, as if waiting for her to tell them about it. "What kind of a house was it?" Nestor asked. Before I had time to answer, la Gorda interrupted me. She began to talk in a hurried almost incoherent manner. It was evident to me, that she was improvising. She even used words and phrases in the Mazatec language. She gave me furtive (surreptitious, sectret) glances, that spelled out a silent plea not to say anything about it.
"How about your Dreaming, Nagual?" she asked me with the relief of someone, who has found the way out. "We'd like to know everything you do. I think it's very important, that you tell us." She leaned over and as casually, as she could, she whispered in my ear, that because of what had happened to us in Oaxaca, I had to tell them about my Dreaming.
"Why would it be important to you?" I said loudly.
"I think we are very close to the end," la Gorda said solemnly. "Everything you say or do to us is of key importance now." I related to them the events of, what
I considered my true Dreaming.

Don Juan had told me, that there was no point in emphasizing the trials. He gave me a Rule of Thumb; if I should have the same vision three times, he said, I had to pay extraordinary attention to it; otherwise, a neophyte's attempts were merely a stepping stone to building the Second Attention. I dreamed once, that I woke up and jumped out of bed only to be confronted by myself, still sleeping in bed. I watched myself asleep and had the self-control to remember, that I was Dreaming. I followed then the directions don Juan had given me, which were: to avoid sudden jolts or surprises, and to take everything with a grain of salt. The Dreamer has to get involved, don Juan said, in dispassionate experimentations. Rather, than examining his sleeping body, the Dreamer walks out of the room. I suddenly found myself, without knowing how, outside my room. I had the absolutely clear sensation, that I had been placed there instantaneously. When I first stood outside my door, the hall and the staircase were monumental. If anything really scared me that night, it was the size of those structures, which in real life were thoroughly commonplace; the hall was about fifty feet long and the staircase had sixteen steps. I could not conceive how to cover the enormous distances, I was perceiving. I vacillated (hesitate, sway from one side to the other), then something made me move. I did not walk, though. I did not feel my steps. Suddenly I was holding on the the railing. I could See my hands and forearms, but I did not feel them. I was holding on by the force of something, that had nothing to do with my musculature, as I know it. The same thing happened, when I tried to go down the stairs. I did not know how to walk. I just could not take a step. It was, as if my legs were welded together. I could See my legs by leaning over, but I could not move them forward or laterally, nor could I lift them up toward my chest. I seemed to be stuck to the top step. I felt I was like those inflated plastic dolls, that can lean in any direction, until they are horizontal, only to be pulled upright again by the weight of their heavy rounded bases. I made a supreme effort to walk and bounced from step to step like a clumsy ball. It took an incredible degree of attention to get to the ground floor. I could not describe it in any other way. Some form of attentiveness was required to maintain the bounds of my vision, to prevent it from disintegrating into the fleeting images of an ordinary dream. When I finally got to the street door, I could not open it. I tried desperately, but to no avail; then I recalled, that I had gotten out of my room, by gliding out of it, as if the door had been open. All I needed was to recall that feeling of gliding, and suddenly I was out in the street. It looked dark - a peculiarly lead-gray darkness, that did not permit me to perceive any colors. My interest was drawn immediately to an enormous lagoon of brightness, right in front of me, at my eye level. I deduced, rather than perceived, that it was the street light, since I knew there was one right on the corner, twenty feet above the ground. I knew then, that I could not make the perceptual arrangements, needed in order to judge up, or down, or here, or there. Everything seemed to be extraordinarily present. I had no mechanism, as in ordinary life, to arrange my perception. Everything was there in the foreground and I had no volition to construct an adequate screening procedure. I stayed in the street, bewildered, until I began to have the sensation, that I was levitating. I held on to the metal pole, that supported the light  and the street sign on the corner. A strong breeze was lifting me up. I was sliding up the pole, until I could plainly see the name of the street: Ashton. Months later, when I again found myself in a Dream, looking at my sleeping body, I already had a repertoire of things to do. In the course of my regular Dreaming, I had learned, that what matters in that state, was volition, the corporeality (material rather, than spiritual) of the body has no significance. It is simply a memory, that slows down the Dreamer. I glided out of the room without hesitation, since I did not have to act out the motions of opening a door or walking in order to move. The hall and staircase were not as enormous, as they appeared to be the first time. I glided through with great ease and ended up in the street, where I willed myself to move three blocks. I became aware then, that the lights were still very disturbing sights. If I focused my attention on them, they became pools of immeasurable size. The other elements of that dream were easy to control. The buildings were extraordinarily large, but their features were familiar. I pondered what to do.
And then, quite casually, I realized, that, if I did not stare at things, but only glanced at them, just as we do in our Daily World, I could arrange my perception. In other words, if I followed don Juan's suggestions to the letter and took my Dreaming for granted, I could use the perceptual biases of my everyday life. After a few moments the scenery became, if not completely familiar, controllable. The next time I had a similar dream: I went to my favorite coffee shop on the corner. The reason, I selected it, was because I was used to going there all the time in the very early hours of the morning. In my Dreaming I saw the usual waitresses, who worked the graveyard shift; I saw a row of people eating at the counter, and right at the very end of the counter I saw a peculiar character, a man, I saw nearly every day, walking aimlessly around the UCLA campus. He was the only person, who actually looked at me. The instant I came in, he seemed to sense me. He turned around and stared at me. I found the same man in my waking hours a few days later in the same coffee shop in the early hours of the morning. He took one look at me and seemed to recognize me. He looked horrified and ran away without giving me a chance to talk to him. I came back once more to the same coffee shop and that was when the course of my Dreaming changed. As I was watching the restaurant from across the street, the scene altered. I could not see the familiar buildings any more. Instead, I saw primeval scenery. It was no longer night. It was bright daylight and I was looking at a lush valley. Swampy, deep-green, reedlike plants grew all over. Next to me there was a rock ledge eight to ten feet high. A huge saber-toothed tiger was sitting there. I was petrified (stun, paralized with terror). We looked at each other fixedly for a long time. The size of that beast was striking, yet it was not grotesque or out of proportion. It had a splendid head, big eyes the color of dark honey, massive paws, an enormous rib cage. What impressed me the most, was the color of its fur. It was uniformly dark brown, almost chocolate. Its color reminded me of roasted coffee beans, only lustrous; it had strangely longish fur, not matted (dull surface) or ratty (unkempt, dirty, shabby, dilapidated, peevish). It did not look like a puma's fur, or a wolf's or a polar bear's either. It looked like something, I had never seen before. From that time on, it became routine for me to See the tiger. At times the scenery was cloudy and chilly. I could see rain in the valley, thick, copious (ample, abundant) rain. At other times the valley was bathed in sunlight. Quite often I would See other saber-toothed tigers in the valley. I could hear their unique squeaking (brief) roar: a most nauseating sound to me. The tiger never touched me. We stared at each other from ten to twelve feet away. Yet I could tell what he wanted. He was showing me how to breathe in a specific manner. It got to the point in my Dreaming, where I could imitate the tiger's breathing so well, that I felt, I was turning into one. I told the apprentices, that a tangible (palpable, material, real, corporeal, concrete) result of my Dreaming was, that my body became more muscular. After listening to my account, Nestor marveled at how different their Dreaming was from mine. They had particular Dreaming tasks. His was to find cures for anything, that ailed the human body. Benigno's task was to predict, foresee, find a solution for anything, that was of Human Concern. Pablito's task was to find ways to build. Nestor said, that those tasks were the reason,  why he dealt with medicinal plants, Benigno had an oracle, and Pablito was a carpenter. He added that, so far, they had only scratched the surface of their Dreaming and that they had nothing of substance to report. "You may think, that we've done a great deal," he went on, "but we haven't. Genaro and the Nagual did everything for us and for these four Women. We've done nothing on our own yet."
"It seems to me, that the Nagual set you up differently," Benigno said, speaking very slowly and deliberately. "You must've been a tiger and you are definitely going to turn into one again. That's what happened to the Nagual, he had been a crow already and, while in this life, he turned into one again."
"The problem is, that that kind of tiger doesn't exist any more," Nestor said. "We never heard what happens in that case." He swept his head around to include all of them with his gesture. "I know what happens," la Gorda said. "I remember, that the Nagual Juan Matus called that: Ghost Dreaming. He said, that none of us has ever done Ghost Dreaming, because we are not violent or destructive.
He never did it himself. And he said, that whoever does it, is marked by fate to have Ghost helpers and Allies."
"What does that mean, Gorda?" I asked.
"It means, that you're not like us," she replied somberly (gloomy, shadowy, melancholy, dismal). La Gorda seemed to be very agitated. She stood up and paced up and down the room four or five times, before she sat down again by my side. There was a gap of silence in the conversation. Josefina mumbled something unintelligible. She also seemed to be very nervous. La Gorda tried to calm her down, hugging her and patting her back.
"Josefina has something to tell you about Eligio," la Gorda said to me. Everyone looked at Josefina without saying a word, a question in their eyes. "In spite of the fact, that Eligio has disappeared from the face of the Earth," la Gorda went on, "he is still one of us. And Josefina talks to him all the time." The rest of them suddenly became attentive. They looked at one another and then they looked at me. "They meet in Dreaming," la Gorda said dramatically. Josefina took a deep breath, she seemed to be the epitome (embodiment) of nervousness. Her body shook convulsively. Pablito lay on top of her on the floor and began breathing hard with his diaphragm, pushing it in and out, forcing her to breathe in unison with him.
"What's he doing?" I asked la Gorda.
"What's he doing! Can't you see?" she replied sharply. I whispered to her, that I was aware, that he was trying to make her relax, but that his procedure was a novel to me. She said, that Pablito was giving Josefina energy by placing his midsection, where Men have a surplus of it, over Josefina's womb, where Women store their Energy. Josefina sat up and smiled at me. She seemed to be perfectly relaxed.
"I do meet Eligio all the time," she said. "He waits for me every day."
"How come you've never told us that?" Pablito asked in a huffy (arrogant) tone.
"She told me," la Gorda interrupted, and then went into a lengthy explanation of what it meant to all of us, that Eligio was available. She added, that she had been waiting for a sign from me to disclose Eligio's words.
"Don't beat around the bush, Woman!" Pablito yelled. "Tell us his words."
"They are not for you!" la Gorda yelled back.
"Who are they for, then?" Pablito asked.
"They are for the Nagual," la Gorda yelled, pointing at me. La Gorda apologized for raising her voice. She said, that, whatever Eligio had said, was complex and mysterious and she could not make heads or tails of it.
"I just listened to him. That's all I was able to do, listen to him," she continued.
"Do you mean, you also meet Eligio?" Pablito asked in a tone, that was a mixture of anger and expectation.
"I do," la Gorda replied in almost a whisper. "I couldn't talk about it, because I had to wait for him." She pointed to me and then pushed me with both hands.
I momentarily lost my balance and tumbled down on my side. "What is this? What are you doing to him?" Pablito asked in a very angry voice. "Was that a display of Indian love?" I turned to la Gorda. She made a gesture with her lips to tell me to be quiet.
"Eligio says, that you are the Nagual, but you are not for us," Josefina said to me. There was dead silence in the room. I did not know what to make of Josefina's statement. I had to wait, until someone else talked.
"Do you feel relieved?" la Gorda prodded (poke with pointed instrument, urge or push gently) me. I said to all of them, that I did not have any opinions one way or the other. They looked like children, bewildered children. La Gorda had the air of a mistress of ceremonies, who is thoroughly embarrassed. Nestor stood up and faced la Gorda. He spoke a phrase in Mazatec to her. It had the sound of a command or a reproach (blame for something, rebuke, disgrace, admonish, censure).
"Tell us everything you know, Gorda," he went on in Spanish. "You have no right to play with us, to hold back something so important, just for yourself."
La Gorda protested vehemently (with passion, emotion). She explained, that she was holding on to what she knew, because Eligio had asked her to do so. Josefina assented with a (expess agreement, concur) nod of her head.
"Did he tell all this to you or to Josefina?" Pablito asked.
"We were together," la Gorda said in a barely audible whisper.
"You mean: you and Josefina Dream together!" Pablito exclaimed breathlessly. The surprise in his voice corresponded to the shock wave, that seemed to go through the rest of them.
"What exactly has Eligio said to you two?" Nestor asked, when the shock had subsided.
"He said, that I should try to help the Nagual remember his left side," la Gorda said.
"Do you know what she's talking about?" Nestor asked me. There was no possibility, that I would have known. I told them, that they should turn to themselves for answers. But none of them voiced any suggestions.
"He told Josefina other things, which she can't remember," la Gorda said. "So we are in a real fix (difficult, embarassing position, predicament, dilemma). Eligio said, that you are definitely the Nagual and you have to help us, but that you are not for us.
Only upon remembering your Left Side, can you take us to where we have to go."

Nestor spoke to Josefina in a fatherly manner and urged her to remember, what Eligio had said, rather than insisting, that I should remember something, which must have been in some sort of code, since none of us could make sense of it. Josefina winced (shrink) and frowned, as if she were under a heavy weight, that was pushing her down. She actually looked like a rag doll, that was being compressed. I watched in true fascination. "I can't," she finally said. "I know what he's talking about, when he speaks to me, but I can't say now, what it is. It doesn't come out."
"Do you remember any words?" Nestor asked. "Any single words?"
She stuck her tongue out, shook her head from side to side, and screamed at the same time.
"No. I can't," she said after a moment.
"What kind of Dreaming do you do, Josefina?" I asked.

"The only kind I know," she snapped.
"I've told you how I do mine," I said. "Now tell me how you do yours."

Yellow-Foggy Wall is a Border between Parallel Worlds and also a Border between our Daily World and the Negative World of Yellow Vibration

"I close my eyes and I See this wall," she said. "It's like a (Yellow) Wall of Fog. Eligio waits for me there. He takes me through it and shows me things, I suppose.
I don't know what we do, but we do things together. Then he brings me back to the Wall and lets me go. And I come back and forget what I've Seen."
"How did you happen to go with la Gorda?" I asked.
"Eligio told me to get her," she said. "The two of us waited for la Gorda, and, when she went into her Dreaming, we snatched her and pulled her behind that Wall.  We've done that twice."
"How did you snatch her?" I asked.
"I don't know!" Josefina replied. "But I'll wait for you and when you do your Dreaming, I'll snatch you and then you'll know."
"Can you snatch anyone?" I asked.
"Sure," she said, smiling. "But I don't do it, because it's a waste. I snatched la Gorda, because Eligio told me, that he wanted to tell her something on account of her being more level-headed, than I am."
"Then Eligio must have told you the same things, Gorda," Nestor said with a firmness, that was not familiar to me. La Gorda made an unusual gesture of lowering her head, opening her mouth on the sides, shrugging her shoulders, and lifting her arms above her head.
"Josefina has just told you what happened," she said. "There is no way for me to remember. Eligio speaks with a different speed. He speaks, but my body cannot understand him. No. No. My body cannot remember, that's what it is. I know he said, that the Nagual here will remember and will take us, to where we have to go. He couldn't tell me more, because there was so much to tell and so little time. He said, that somebody, and I don't remember who, is waiting for me in particular."
"Is that all he said?" Nestor insisted.
"The second time I Saw him, he told me, that all of us will have to remember our Left Side, sooner or later, if we want to get, to where we have to go. But he is the one, who has to remember first."
She pointed to me and pushed me again, as she had done earlier. The force of her shove sent me, tumbling like a ball.
"What are you doing this for, Gorda?" I asked, a bit annoyed at her.
"I'm trying to help you remember," she said. "The Nagual Juan Matus told me, that I should give you a push from time to time, in order to jolt you."
La Gorda hugged me in a very abrupt movement. "Help us, Nagual" she pleaded. "We are worse off, than dead, if you don't."
I was close to tears. Not because of their dilemma, but because I felt something stirring inside me. It was something, that had been edging its way out, ever since
we visited that town. La Gorda's pleading was heartbreaking. I then had another attack of what seemed to be hyperventilation. A cold sweat enveloped me and then
I got sick to my stomach. La Gorda tended to me with absolute kindness. True to her practice of waiting, before revealing a finding, la Gorda would not consider
discussing our Seeing Together in Oaxaca. For days she remained aloof and determinedly uninterested. She would not even discuss my getting ill. Neither would the other Women. Don Juan used to stress the need for waiting for the most appropriate time, to let go of something, that we hold. I understood the mechanics of la Gorda's actions, although I found her insistence on waiting rather annoying and not in accord with our needs. I could not stay with them too long, so I demanded, that all of us should get together and share everything we knew. She was inflexible.
"We have to wait," she said. "We have to give our bodies a chance to come up with a solution. Our task is the task of remembering, not with our minds, but with our bodies. Everybody understands it like that." She looked at me inquisitively. She seemed to be looking for a clue, that would tell her, that I too had understood the task. I admitted to being thoroughly mystified, since I was the outsider. I was alone, while they had one another for support.
"This is the silence of warriors," she said, laughing, and then added in a conciliatory (soothe, pacify) tone, "This silence doesn't mean, that we can't talk about something else."
"Maybe we should go back to our old discussion of Losing the Human Form," I said. There was a look of annoyance in her eyes. I explained at length that, especially when foreign concepts were involved, meaning had to be continually clarified for me.
"What exactly do you want to know?" she asked.
"Anything, that you may want to tell me," I said.
"The Nagual told me, that Losing the Human Form brings freedom," she said. "I believe it. But I haven't felt that Freedom, not yet." There was a moment of silence. She was obviously assessing my reaction.
"What kind of Freedom is it, Gorda?" I asked.
"The Freedom to remember yourself," she said. "The Nagual said, that Losing the Human Form is like a Spiral. It gives you the Freedom to remember and this in turn makes you even freer."
"Why haven't you felt that Freedom yet?" I asked. She clicked her tongue, shrugged her shoulders. She seemed confused or reluctant to go on with our talk. 
"I'm tied to you," she said. "Until you Lose Your Human Form, in order to remember, I won't be able to know, what that Freedom is. But perhaps you won't be able to Lose your Human Form, unless you remember first. We shouldn't be talking about this anyway. Why don't you go and talk to the Genaros?" She sounded like a mother, sending her child out to play. I did not mind it in the least. From someone else, I could easily have taken the same attitude as arrogance or contempt. I liked being with her, that was the difference. I found Pablito, Nestor, and Benigno in Genaro's house playing a strange game. Pablito was dangling about four feet above the ground inside something, that seemed to be a dark leather harness, strapped to his chest under his armpits. The harness resembled a thick leather vest. As I focused my attention on it, I noticed, that Pablito was actually standing on some thick straps, that looped down from the harness like stirrups (flat-based rings). He was suspended in the center of the room by two ropes strung over a thick round transverse (crosswise) beam, that supported the roof.
Each rope was attached to the harness itself, over Pablito's shoulders, by a metal ring. Nestor and Benigno, each held a rope. They were standing, facing each other, holding Pablito in mid-air by the strength of their pull. Pablito was holding on with all his strength to two long thin poles, that were planted in the ground and fitted comfortably in his clasped hands. Nestor was to Pablito's left and Benigno to his right. The game seemed to be a three-sided tug-of-war, a ferocious battle between the ones, who were tugging and the one, who was suspended. When I walked into the room, all I could hear was the heavy breathing of Nestor and Benigno. The muscles of their arms and necks were bulging with the strain of pulling. Pablito kept an eye on both of them, focusing on each one, one at a time, with a split-second glance. All three were so absorbed in their game, that they did not even notice my presence, or if they did, they could not afford to break their concentration to greet me. Nestor and Benigno stared at each other for ten to fifteen minutes in total silence. Then Nestor faked letting his rope go. Benigno did not fall for it, but Pablito did. He tightened the grip of his left hand and braced his feet on the poles, in order to strengthen his hold. Benigno used the moment to strike and gave a mighty tug at the precise instant, that Pablito eased his grip. Benigno's pull caught Pablito and Nestor by surprise. Benigno hung from the rope with all his weight. Nestor was out-maneuvered. Pablito fought desperately to balance himself. It was useless. Benigno won the round.
Pablito got out of the harness and came to where I was. I asked him about their extraordinary game. He seemed somehow reluctant to talk. Nestor and Benigno joined us after putting their gear away. Nestor said, that their game had been designed by Pablito, who found the structure in Dreaming and then constructed it as a game. At first it was a device for tensing the muscles of two of them at the same time. They used to take turns at being hoisted. But then Benigno's Dreaming gave them the entry into a game, where all three of them tensed their muscles, and they sharpened their visual prowess (courage, daring) by remaining in a state of alertness, sometimes for hours.
"Benigno thinks now, that it is helping our bodies to remember," Nestor went on. "La Gorda, for instance, plays it in a weird way. She wins every time, no matter what position she plays. Benigno thinks, that's because her body remembers."
I asked them, if they also had the silence rule. They laughed. Pablito said, that la Gorda wanted more, than anything else, to be like the Nagual Juan Matus.
She deliberately imitated him, up to the most absurd detail.
"Do you mean, we can talk about what happened the other night?" I asked, almost bewildered, since la Gorda had been so emphatically against it.
"We don't care," Pablito said. "You're the Nagual!"
"Benigno here remembered something real, real weird," Nestor said without looking at me.
"I think it was a mixed-up dream, myself," Benigno said. "But Nestor thinks it wasn't." I waited impatiently. With a movement of my head, I urged them to go on.
"The other day he remembered, you teaching him how to look for tracks in soft dirt," Nestor said.
"It must have been a dream," I said. I wanted to laugh at the absurdity, but all three of them looked at me with pleading eyes.
"It's absurd," I said.

"Anyway, I better tell you now, that I have a similar recollection," Nestor said. "You took me to some rocks and showed me how to hide. Mine was not a mixed-up  dream. I was awake. I was walking with Benigno one day, looking for plants, and suddenly I remembered you teaching me, so I hid, as you taught me, and scared Benigno out of his wits."
"I taught you! How could that be? When?" I asked. I was beginning to get nervous. They did not seem to be joking.
"When? That's the point," Nestor said. "We can't figure out when. But Benigno and I know it was you."
I felt heavy, oppressed. My breathing became difficult. I feared, I was going to get ill again. I decided right then to tell them about what la Gorda and I had Seen Together. Talking about it relaxed me. At the end of my recounting I was again in control of myself.
"The Nagual Juan Matus left us a little bit open," Nestor said. "All of us can See a little. We See Holes in People, who have had children and also, from time to time, we See a little Glow in People. Since you don't See at all, it looks like the Nagual left you completely closed, so that you will open yourself from within. Now you've helped la Gorda and she either Sees from within or she's merely riding on your back."
I told them, that what had happened in Oaxaca, may have been a fluke. Pablito thought, that we should go to Genaro's favorite rock and sit there with our heads together. The other two found his idea brilliant. I had no objections. Although we sat there for a long time, nothing happened. We did get very relaxed, however.  While we were still sitting on the rock, I told them about the two Men la Gorda had believed to be don Juan and don Genaro. They slid down and practically dragged me back to la Gorda's house. Nestor was the most agitated. He was almost incoherent (inharmonious). All I got out of them was, that they had been waiting for a sign of that nature. La Gorda was waiting for us at the door. She knew, what I had told them.
"I just wanted to give my body time," she said before we had said anything. "I have to be dead sure, which I am. It was the Nagual and Genaro."
"What's in those shacks?" Nestor asked.
"They didn't go inside them," la Gorda said. "They walked away toward the open fields, toward the east. In the direction of this town." She seemed bent on appeasing (bring peace, soothe) them. She asked them to stay; they did not want to. They excused themselves and left. I was sure, that they felt ill at ease in her presence.
She seemed to be very angry. I rather enjoyed her explosions of temper, and this was quite contrary to my normal reactions. I had always felt edgy in the presence of anyone, who was upset, with the mysterious exception of la Gorda. During the early hours of the evening all of us congregated in la Gorda's room. All of them seemed preoccupied. They sat in silence, staring at the floor. La Gorda tried to start a conversation. She said, that she had not been idle, that she had put two and two together and had come up with some solutions.
"This is not a matter of putting two and two together," Nestor said. "This is a task of remembering with the body." It seemed, that they had talked about it among themselves, judging by the nods of agreement Nestor had from the others. That left la Gorda and myself as the outsiders. "Lydia also remembers something," Nestor went on. "She thought it was her stupidity, but upon hearing, what I've remembered, she told us, that this Nagual here, took her to a curer and left her there to have her eyes cured." La Gorda and I turned to Lydia. She lowered her head, as if embarrassed. She mumbled. The memory seemed too painful for her. She said, that when don Juan first found her, her eyes were infected and she could not see. Someone drove her in a car over a great distance to the curer, who healed her.  She had always been convinced, that don Juan had done that, but upon hearing my voice, she realized, that it was I, who had taken her there. The incongruity-
inharmonious of such a memory threw her into agony, from the first day she met me. "My ears don't lie to me," Lydia added after a long silence. "It was you, who took me there."
"Impossible! Impossible!" I yelled. My body began to shake, out of control. I had a sense of duality. Perhaps, what I call my rational self, incapable of controlling the rest of me, took the seat of a spectator. Some part of me was watching, as another part of me shook.

4. Crossing The Boundaries of Affection
"What's happening to us, Gorda?" I asked after the others had gone home.
"Our bodies are remembering, but I just can't figure out what," she said.
"Do you believe the memories of Lydia, Nestor, and Benigno?"
"Sure. They're very serious people. They don't just say things like that for the hell of it."
"But what they say is impossible. You believe me, don't you, Gorda?"
"I believe, that you don't remember, but then . . ." She did not finish. She came to my side and began to whisper in my ear. She said, that there was something, that the Nagual Juan Matus had made her promise to keep to herself, until the time was right, a trump card, to be used only when there was no other way out. She added in a dramatic whisper, that the Nagual had foreseen their new living arrangement, which was the result of my taking Josefina to Tula to be with Pablito. She said, that there was a faint chance, that we might succeed as a group, if we followed the natural order of that organization. La Gorda explained, that since we were divided into couples, we formed a living organism. We were a snake, a rattlesnake. The snake had four sections and was divided, into two longitudinal halves, male and female. She said that she and I made up the first section of the snake, the head. It was a cold, calculating, poisonous head. The second section, formed by Nestor and Lydia, was the firm and fair heart of the snake. The third was the belly - a shifty, moody, untrustworthy belly made up by Pablito and Josefina. And the fourth section, the tail, where the rattle was located, was formed by the couple, who in real life could rattle on in their Tzotzil language for hours on end, Benigno and Rosa. La Gorda straightened herself up from the position she had adopted to whisper in my ear. She smiled at me and patted me on the back.
"Eligio said one word, that finally came back to me," she went on. "Josefina agrees with me, that he said the word "trail" over and over. We are going to go on a trail !" Without giving me a chance to ask her any questions, she said, that she was going to sleep for a while and then assemble everyone to go on a trip. We started out before midnight, hiking in bright moonlight. Everyone of the others had been reluctant to go at first, but la Gorda very skillfully sketched out for them don Juan's alleged description of the snake.
Before we started, Lydia suggested that we provide ourselves with supplies in case the trip turned out to be a long one. La Gorda dismissed her suggestion on the grounds, that we had no idea about the nature of the trip. She said, that the Nagual Juan Matus had once pointed out to her the beginning of a pathway and said, that at the right opportunity we should place ourselves on that spot and let the power of the trail reveal itself to us. La Gorda added, that it was not an ordinary goats' path, but a natural line on the Earth, which the Nagual had said, would give us strength and knowledge, if we could follow it and become one with it. We moved under mixed leadership. La Gorda supplied the impetus and Nestor knew the actual terrain. She led us to a place in the mountains.  Nestor took over then and located a pathway. Our formation was evident, the head taking the lead and the others arranging themselves according to the anatomical model of a snake: heart, intestines, and tail. The men were to the right of the women. Each couple was five feet behind the one, in front of them. We hiked as quickly and as quietly, as we could. There were dogs barking for a time; as we got higher into the mountains there was only the sound of crickets.
We walked for a long while. All of a sudden, la Gorda stopped and grabbed my arm. She pointed ahead of us. Twenty or thirty yards away, right in the middle of the trail, there was the bulky silhouette of an enormous man, over seven feet tall. He was blocking our way. We grouped together in a tight bunch. Our eyes were fixed on the dark shape.  He did not move. After a while, Nestor alone advanced a few steps toward him. Only then did the figure move. He came toward us. Gigantic as he was, he moved nimbly. Nestor came back running. The moment he joined us, the man stopped. Boldly, la Gorda took a step toward him. The man took a step toward us. It was evident, that if we kept on moving forward, we were going to clash with the giant. We were no match for whatever it was. Without waiting to prove it, I took the initiative and pulled everyone back and quickly steered them away from that place. We walked back to la Gorda's house in total silence. It took us hours to get there, We were utterly exhausted. When we were safely sitting in her room, la Gorda spoke.
"We are doomed," she said to me. "You didn't want us to move on. That thing, we saw on the trail, was one of your allies, wasn't it? They come out of their hiding place, when you pull them out."
I did not answer. There was no point in protesting. I remembered the countless times, I had believed, that don Juan and don Genaro were in cahoots with each other. I thought, that while don Juan talked to me in the darkness, don Genaro would put on a disguise, in order to scare me, and don Juan would insist, that it was an Ally.  The idea, that there were Allies or Entities at large, that escape our everyday attention, had been too farfetched (improbable in nature) for me. But then I had lived to find out, that the Allies, of don Juan's description, existed in fact; there were, as he had said, entities at large in the world. In an authoritarian outburst, rare to me in my everyday life, I stood up and told la Gorda and the rest of them, that I had a proposition for them and they could take it or leave it. If they were ready to move out of there, I was willing to take the responsibility of taking them somewhere else. If they were not ready, I would feel exonerated (free from obligation, exempt) from any further commitment to them. I felt a surge of optimism and certainty. None of them said anything. They looked at me silently, as if they were internally assessing my statements.
"How long would it take you to get your gear?" I asked.
"We have no gear," la Gorda said. "We'll go, as we are. And we can go right this minute, if it is necessary. But if we can wait three more days, everything will be better for us."
"What about the houses, that you have?" I asked.
"Soledad will take care of that," she said. That was the first time dona Soledad's name had been mentioned, since I last saw her. I was so intrigued, that I momentarily forgot the drama of the moment. I sat down. La Gorda was hesitant to answer my questions about dona Soledad. Nestor took over and said, that dona Soledad was around, but that none of them knew much about her activities. She came and went without giving anyone notice, the agreement between them being, that they would look after her house and vice versa. Dona Soledad knew, that they had to leave sooner or later, and she would assume the responsibility of doing, whatever was necessary to dispose (arrange) of their property.
"How will you let her know?" I asked.
"That's la Gorda's department," Nestor said. "We don't know, where she is."
"Where is dona Soledad, Gorda?" I asked.
"How in the hell would I know?" la Gorda snapped at me.
"But you're the one, who calls her," Nestor said.
La Gorda looked at me. It was a casual look, yet it gave me a shiver. I recognized that look, but from where? The depths of my body stirred; my solar plexus had a solidity, I had never felt before. My diaphragm seemed to be pushing up on its own. I was pondering, whether I should lie down, when suddenly, I found myself standing. "La Gorda doesn't know," I said. "Only I know, where she is." Everyone was shocked - I, perhaps, more, than anyone else. I had made the statement with no rational foundation whatsoever. At the moment I was voicing it, nevertheless, I had had the perfect conviction, that I knew where she was. It was like a flash, that crossed my consciousness. I saw a mountainous area with very rugged, arid peaks; a scraggy terrain, desolate and cold.
As soon, as I had spoken, my next conscious thought was, that I must have seen that landscape in a movie and that the pressure of, being with these people, was causing me to have a breakdown. I apologized to them for mystifying them in such a blatant, although unintentional manner. I sat down again.
"You mean, you don't know why you said that?" Nestor asked me. He had chosen his words carefully. The natural thing to say, at least for me, would have been,
"So you really don't know, where she is." I told them, that something unknown had come upon me. I described the terrain, I had seen and the certainty I had had, that dona Soledad was there.
"That happens to us quite often," Nestor said. I turned to la Gorda and she nodded her head. I asked for an explanation.
"These crazy mixed-up things keep coming to our minds," la Gorda said. "Ask Lydia, or Rosa, or Josefina." Since they had entered into their new living arrangement Lydia, Rosa, and Josefina had not said much to me. They had confined themselves to greetings and casual comments about food or the weather.
Lydia avoided my eyes. She mumbled, that she thought at times, that she remembered other things. "Sometimes I can really hate you," she said to me. "I think, you are pretending to be stupid. Then I remember, that you were very ill, because of us. Was it you?"
"Of course it was him," Rosa said. "I too remember things. I remember a lady, who was kind to me. She taught me how to keep myself clean, and this Nagual cut my hair for the first time, while the lady held me, because I was scared. That lady loved me. She hugged me all the time. She was very tall. I remember my face was on her bosom, when she used to hug me. She was the only person, who ever cared for me. I would've gladly gone to my death for her."
"Who was that lady, Rosa?" la Gorda asked with bated (holded back) breath.


Rosa pointed to me with a movement of her chin, a gesture heavy with dejection (state of depression, melancholy) and contempt. "He knows," she said. All of them stared at me, waiting for an answer. I became angry and yelled at Rosa, that she had no business making statements, that were really accusations. I was not in any way lying to them. Rosa was not flustered (make nervous, confused, agitated) by my outburst. She calmly explained, that she remembered the lady telling her, that
I would come back some day, after I had recovered from my illness. Rosa understood, that the lady was taking care of me, nursing me back to health; therefore, I had to know, who she was and where she was, since I seemed to have recovered.
"What kind of illness did I have, Rosa?" I asked.
"You got ill, because you couldn't hold your world," she said with utter conviction. "Someone told me, I think a very long time ago, that you were not made for us, just like Eligio told la Gorda in Dreaming. You left us, because of it, and Lydia never forgave you. She'll hate you beyond this world."
Lydia protested, that her feelings for me had nothing to do, with what Rosa was saying. She was merely short-tempered and easily got angry at my stupidities.
I asked Josefina, if she also remembered me.  "I sure do," she said with a grin. "But you know me, I'm crazy. You can't trust me. I'm not dependable."
La Gorda insisted on hearing what Josefina remembered. Josefina was set not to say anything and they argued back and forth; finally Josefina spoke to me.
"What's the use of all this talk about remembering? It's just talk," she said. "And it isn't worth a fig." Josefina seemed to have scored a point with all of us. There was no more to be said. They were getting up to leave, after having sat in polite silence for a few minutes. "I remember you bought me beautiful clothes," Josefina suddenly said to me. "Don't you remember, when I fell down the stairs in one store? I nearly broke my leg and you had to carry me out." Everybody sat down again and kept their eyes fixed on Josefina. "I also remember a crazy woman," she went on. "She wanted to beat me and used to chase me all over the place, until you got angry and stopped her." I felt exasperated (irritated).

Everyone seemed to be hanging on Josefina's words, when she herself had told us not to trust her, because she was crazy. She was right. Her remembering was sheer aberration (deviating from normal) to me. "I know why you got ill, too," she went on. "I was there. But I can't remember where. They took you beyond that Wall of Fog to find this stupid Gorda. I suppose she must have gotten lost. You couldn't make it back. When they brought you out, you were almost dead." The silence, that followed her revelations, was oppressive. I was afraid to ask anything. "I can't remember, why on earth, she went in there, or who brought you back," Josefina continued. "I do remember, that you were ill and didn't recognize me any more. This stupid Gorda swears, that she didn't know you, when you first came to this house a few months ago. I knew you right away. I remembered, you were the Nagual, that got ill. You want to know something? I think these women are just indulging. And so are the men, especially that stupid Pablito. They've got to remember, they were there, too."
"Can you remember, where we were?" I asked.
"No. I can't," Josefina said. "I'll know it, if you take me there, though. When we all were there, they used to call us the drunkards, because we were groggy. I was the least dizzy of all, so I remember pretty well."
"Who called us drunkards?" I asked.
"Not you, just us," Josefina replied. "I don't know who. The Nagual Juan Matus, I suppose." I looked at them and each one of them avoided my eyes.
"We are coming to the end," Nestor muttered, as if talking to himself. "Our ending is staring us in the eye." He seemed to be on the verge of tears.
"I should be glad and proud, that we have arrived at the end," he went on. "Yet I'm sad. Can you explain that, Nagual?" Suddenly all of them were sad.
Even defiant Lydia was sad. "What's wrong with all of you?" I asked in a convivial (jolly, jovial) tone. "What ending are you talking about?"
"I think everyone knows what ending it is," Nestor said. "Lately, I've been having strange feelings. Something is calling us. And we don't let go, as we should.
We cling." Pablito had a true moment of gallantry and said, that la Gorda was the only one among them, who did not cling to anything. The rest of them, he assured me, were nearly hopeless egotists.
"The Nagual Juan Matus said, that when it's time to go, we will have a sign," Nestor said. "Something, we truly like, will come forth and take us."
"He said, it doesn't have to be something great," Benigno added. "Anything, we like, will do."
"For me the sign will come in the form of the lead soldiers, I never had," Nestor said to me. "A row of Hussars on horseback will come to take me. What will it be for you?" I remembered don Juan telling me once, that death might be behind anything imaginable, even behind a dot on my writing pad. He gave me then the definitive metaphor of my death. I had told him, that once, while walking on Hollywood Boulevard in Los Angeles, I had heard the sound of a trumpet, playing an old, idiotic popular tune. The music was coming from a record shop across the street. Never had I heard a more beautiful sound. I became enraptured by it. I had to sit down on the curb. The limpid brass sound of that trumpet was going directly to my brain. I felt it just above my right temple. It soothed me, until I was drunk with it. When it concluded, I knew, that there would be no way of ever repeating that experience, and I had enough detachment not to rush into the store and buy the record and a stereo set to play it on. Don Juan said, that it had been a sign, given to me by the Powers, that rule the destiny of men.  When the time comes for me to leave the world, in whatever form, I will hear the same sound of that trumpet, the same idiotic tune, the same peerless trumpeter.
The next day was a frantic day for them. They seemed to have endless things to do. La Gorda said, that all their chores were personal and had to be performed by each one of them without any help. I welcomed being alone. I too had things to work out. I drove to the nearby town, that had disturbed me so thoroughly. I went directly to the house, that had held such fascination for la Gorda and myself; I knocked on the door. A lady answered.
I made up a story, that I had lived in that house as a child and wanted to look at it again. She was a very gracious woman. She let me go through the house, apologizing profusely for a nonexistent disorder. There was a wealth of hidden memories in that house. They were there, I could feel them, but I could not remember anything. The following day la Gorda left at dawn; I expected her to be gone all day, but she came back at noon. She seemed very upset. "Soledad has come back and wants to see you," she said flatly. Without any word of explanation, she took me to dona Soledad's house.

Dona Soledad was standing by the door. She looked younger and stronger, than the last time I had seen her. She bore only the slightest resemblance to the lady,
I had known years before. La Gorda seemed to be on the verge of crying. The tension, we were going through, made her mood perfectly understandable to me.

Dona Soledad

She left without saying a word. Dona Soledad said, that she had only a little time to talk to me and, that she was going to use every minute of it. She was strangely deferential (courteous respect). There was a tone of politeness in every word, she said. I made a gesture to interrupt her to ask a question. I wanted to know, where she had been. She rebuffed (refused) me in a most delicate manner. She said, that she had chosen her words carefully and that the lack of time would permit her only to say, what was essential. She peered into my eyes for a moment, that seemed unnaturally long. That annoyed me. She could have talked to me and answered some questions in the same length of time. She broke her silence and spoke, what I thought, were absurdities. She said, that she had attacked me, as I had requested her to, the day we crossed the parallel lines for the first time, and that she only hoped her attack had been effective and served its purpose. I wanted to shout, that I had never asked her to do anything of the sort. I did not know about parallel lines and, what she was saying, was nonsense. She pressed my lips with her hand. I recoiled (shrink, spring back) automatically. She seemed sad. She said, that there was no way for us to talk, because at that moment we were on two parallel lines and neither of us had the energy to cross over; only her eyes could tell me her mood. For no reason, I began to feel relaxed, something inside me felt at ease. I noticed, that tears were rolling down my cheeks. And then a most incredible sensation took possession of me for a moment, a short moment, but long enough to jolt the foundations of my consciousness, or of my person, or of what I think and feel is myself. During that brief moment, I knew, that we were very close to each other in purpose and temperament. Our circumstances were alike. I wanted to acknowledge to her, that it had been an arduous struggle, but the struggle was not over yet. It would never be over.
She was saying goodbye, because being the impeccable warrior, she was, she knew, that our paths would never cross again. We had come to the end of a trail. A lost wave of affiliation, of kinship, burst out from some unimaginable dark corner of myself. That flash was like an electric charge in my body. I embraced her; my mouth was moving, saying things,  that had no meaning to me. Her eyes lit up. She was also saying something, I could not understand. The only sensation, that was clear to me, that I had crossed the parallel lines, had no pragmatic significance. There was a welled-up anguish (extreme mental pain, torture, torment) inside me, pushing outward. Some inexplicable force was splitting me apart. I could not breathe and everything went black. I felt someone moving me, shaking me gently. La Gorda's face came into focus. I was lying in dona Soledad's bed and la Gorda was sitting by my side. We were alone. "Where is she?" I asked.
"She's gone," la Gorda replied. I wanted to tell la Gorda everything. She stopped me. She opened the door. All the apprentices were outside waiting for me. They had put on their raunchiest clothes.
La Gorda explained, that they had torn up everything they had. It was late afternoon. I had been asleep for hours. Without talking, we walked to la Gorda's house, where I had my car parked. They crammed inside like children, going on a Sunday drive. Before I got into the car, I stood gazing at the valley. My body rotated slowly and made a complete circle, as if it had a volition and purpose of its own.

I felt I was capturing the essence of that place. I wanted to keep it with me, because I knew unequivocally (undoubtly), that never in this life would I see it again. The others must have done that already. They were free of melancholy, they were laughing, teasing one another. I started the car and drove away. When we reached the last bend in the road, the sun was setting, and la Gorda yelled at me to stop. She got out and ran to a small hill at the side of the road. She climbed it and took a last look at her valley. She extended her arms toward it and breathed it in.

The ride down those mountains was strangely short and thoroughly uneventful. Everybody was quiet. I tried to get la Gorda into a conversation, but she flatly refused. She said, that the mountains, being possessive, claimed ownership of them, and that, if they did not save their energy, the mountains would never let them go. Once we got to the lowlands, they became more animated, especially la Gorda. She seemed to be bubbling with energy. She even volunteered information without any coaxing (urge, persuade, plead) on my part. One of her statements was, that the Nagual Juan Matus had told her, and Soledad had confirmed, that there was another side to us.
Upon hearing it, the rest of them joined in with questions and comments. They were baffled by their strange memories of events, that could not logically have taken place. Since some of them had first met me only months before, remembering me in the remote past, was something beyond the bounds of their reason. I told them then about my meeting with dona Soledad. I described my feeling of having known her intimately before, and my sense of having unmistakably crossed, what she called, the parallel lines. They reacted with confusion to my statement; it seemed, that they had heard the term before, but I was not sure, they all understood, what it meant. For me it was a metaphor. I could not vouch, that it was the same for them. When we were coming into the city of Oaxaca, they expressed the desire to visit the place, where la Gorda had said don Juan and don Genaro disappeared. I drove directly to the spot. They rushed out of the car and seemed to be orienting themselves, sniffing at something, looking for clues. La Gorda pointed in the direction, she thought, they had gone.

"You've made a terrible mistake, Gorda," Nestor said loudly. "That's not the east, that's the north." La Gorda protested and defended her opinion. The women backed her, and so did Pablito. Benigno was noncommittal (no comments); he kept on looking at me, as if I were going to furnish (supply) the answer, which I did. I referred to a map of the city of Oaxaca, that I had in the car. The direction la Gorda was pointing was indeed north. Nestor remarked, that he had felt all along, that their departure from their town was not premature or forced in any way; the timing was right. The others had not, and their hesitation arose from la Gorda's misjudgment. They had believed, as she herself had, that the Nagual had pointed toward their hometown, meaning, that they had to stay put. I admitted, as an afterthought, that in the final analysis, I was the one to blame, because, although I had had the map, I had failed to use it at the time. I then mentioned, that I had forgotten to tell them, that one of the men, the one I had thought for a moment was don Genaro, had beckoned us with a movement of his head. La Gorda's eyes widened with genuine surprise, or even alarm. She had not detected the gesture, she said. The beckoning had been only for me.
"That's it!" Nestor exclaimed. "Our fates are sealed!" He turned to address the others. All of them were talking at once. He made frantic gestures with his hands to calm them. "I only hope, that all of you did whatever you had to do, as if you were never coming back," he said. "Because we are never going back."
"Are you telling us the truth?" Lydia asked me with a fierce look in her eyes, as the others peered expectantly at me.
I assured them that I had no reason to make it up. The fact that I saw that man gesturing to me with his head had no significance whatsoever for me. Besides, I was not even convinced that those men were don Juan and don Genaro.
"You're very crafty," Lydia said. "You may just be telling us this, so that we will follow you meekly."
"Now, wait a minute," la Gorda said. "This Nagual may be as crafty, as you like, but he'd never do anything like that."
They all began talking at once. I tried to mediate and had to shout over their voices, that what I had seen, did not make any difference anyway. Nestor very politely explained, that Genaro had told them, that when the time came for them to leave their valley, he would somehow let them know with a movement of his head.
They quieted down, when I said, that if their fates were sealed by that event, so was mine; all of us were going north. Nestor then led us to a place of lodging, a boarding house, where he stayed, when doing business in the city.

Their spirits were high, in fact too high for my comfort. Even Lydia embraced me, apologizing for being so difficult. She explained, that she had believed la Gorda and therefore had not bothered to cut her ties effectively. Josefina and Rosa were ebullient and patted me on the back over and over. I wanted to talk with la Gorda. I needed to discuss our course of action. But there was no way to be alone with her that night.  Nestor, Pablito, and Benigno left in the early morning to do some errands (short trip) . Lydia, Rosa, and Josefina also went out to go shopping. La Gorda requested, that I help her buy her new clothes. She wanted me to pick out one dress for her, the perfect one to give her the self-confidence she needed, to be a fluid warrior.
I not only found a dress, but an entire outfit, shoes, nylons, and lingerie.

I took her for a stroll. We meandered in the center of town like two tourists, staring at the Indians in their regional garments. Being a formless warrior, she was already perfectly at ease in her elegant outfit. She looked ravishing. It was, as if she had never dressed any other way. It was I, who could not get used to it. The questions, that I wanted to ask la Gorda, which should have poured out of me, were impossible to formulate. I had no idea, what to ask her. I told her in true seriousness, that her new appearance was affecting me. Very soberly, she said, that the crossing of boundaries was, what had affected me. "We crossed some boundaries last night," she said. "Soledad told me, what to expect, so I was prepared. But you were not."
She began to explain softly and slowly, that we had crossed some boundaries of affection the night before. She was enunciating every syllable, as if she were talking to a child or a foreigner. But I could not concentrate. We went back to our lodgings. I needed to rest, yet I ended up going out again. Lydia, Rosa, and Josefina had not been able to find anything and wanted something like la Gorda's outfit. By mid-afternoon I was back in the boarding house, admiring the little Sisters.

Rosa had difficulty walking with high-heeled shoes. We were joking about her feet, when the door opened slowly and Nestor made a dramatic entrance. He was wearing a tailored dark-blue suit, light-pink shirt, and blue necktie. His hair was neatly combed and a bit fluffy, as if it had been blown dry. He looked at the women and the women looked at him. Pablito came in, followed by Beningo. Both were dashing. Their shoes were brand new and their suits looked custom made. I could not get over everyone's adaptation to city clothes. They reminded me so much of don Juan. I was perhaps as shocked, seeing the three Genaros in city clothes, as I had been when I saw don Juan wearing a suit, yet I accepted their change instantly. On the other hand, while I was not surprised at the women's transformation, for some reason I could not get accustomed to it. I thought, that the Genaros must have had a streak of sorcerers' luck, in order to find such perfect fits. They laughed, when they heard me raving about their luck. Nestor said, that a tailor had made their suits months before.
"We each have another suit," he said to me. "We even have leather suitcases. We knew our time in these mountains was up. We are ready to go! Of course, you first have to tell us where. And also how long we are going to stay here." He explained, that he had old business accounts, he had to close and needed time. La Gorda stepped in and with great certainty and authority stated, that that night we were going to go as far away, as power permitted; consequently, they had until the end of the day, to settle their business. Nestor and Pablito hesitated by the door. They looked at me, waiting for confirmation. I thought, the least I could do, was to be honest with them, but la Gorda interrupted me, just as I was about to say, that I was in limbo, as to what exactly we were going to do.

"We will meet at the Nagual's bench at dusk," she said. "We'll leave from there. We should do whatever we have to or want to, until then, knowing, that never again in this life will we be back."
La Gorda and I were alone after everybody left. In an abrupt and clumsy movement, she sat on my lap. She was so light, I could make her thin body shake by contracting the muscles of my calves. Her hair had a peculiar perfume. I joked, that the smell was unbearable. She was laughing and shaking, when out of nowhere a feeling came to me - a memory? All of a sudden I had another Gorda on my lap, fat, twice the size of the Gorda I knew. Her face was round and I was teasing her about the perfume in her hair. I had the sensation, that I was taking care of her. The impact of that spurious (counterfeit, false, lacking validity) memory made me stand up. La Gorda fell noisily to the floor. I described, what I had "remembered." I told her, that I had Seen her as a fat Woman only once, and so briefly, that I had no idea of her features, and yet I had just had a vision of her face, when she was fat. She did not make any comments. She took off her clothes and put on her old dress again.

La Gorda

"I am not yet ready for it," she said, pointing at her new outfit. "We still have one more thing to do, before we are free. According to the Nagual Juan Matus' instruc-
tions, all of us must sit together on a power spot of his choice."
"Where's that spot?"
"Somewhere in the mountains around here. It's like a door. The Nagual told me, that there was a natural crack on that spot. He said, that certain power spots are holes in this world; if you are formless, you can go through one of those holes into the Unknown, into another world. That world and this world, we live in, are on two parallel lines. Chances are, that all of us have been taken across those lines at one time or another, but we don't remember. Eligio is in that other world.
we reach it through Dreaming. Josefina, of course, is the best Dreamer among us. She crosses those lines every day, but being crazy, makes her indifferent, even dumb, so Eligio helped me to cross those lines, thinking I was more intelligent, and I turned out to be just as dumb. Eligio wants us to remember our left side.  Soledad told me, that the left side is the parallel line to the one, we are living in now. So if he wants us to remember it, we must have been there. And not in Dreaming, either. That's why all of us remember weird things now and then." Her conclusions were logical, given the premises (proposition, logic) she was working with. I knew, what she was talking about; those occasional unsolicited (unexpected) memories reeked (emitted) of the reality of everyday life and yet we could find no time sequence for them, no opening in the continuum of our lives, where we could fit them. La Gorda reclined on the bed. There was a worried look in her eyes.
"What bothers me is, what to do to find that power spot," she said. "Without it there is no possible journey for us."
"What worries me is, where I'm going to take all of you and what I'm going to do with you," I said.
"Soledad told me, that we will go as far north, as the border," la Gorda said. "Some of us even further north perhaps. But you won't go all the way through with us. You have another fate." La Gorda was pensive (deeply thoughtful) for a moment. She frowned with the apparent effort of arranging her thoughts. "Soledad said, that you will take me to fulfill my destiny," la Gorda said. "I am the only one of us, who is in your charge." Alarm must have been written all over my face. She smiled.
"Soledad also told me, that you are plugged up," la Gorda went on. "You have moments, though, when you are a Nagual. The rest of the time, Soledad says, you are like a crazy man, who is lucid (easily understood, clear, sane, rational, shining) only for a few moments and then reverts back to his madness." Dona Soledad had used an appropriate image to describe me, one I could understand. I must have had a moment of lucidity (easily understood, clear, sane, rational, shining) for her,  when I knew, I had Crossed the Parallel Lines. That same moment, by my standards, was the most incongruous (incompatible with surroundings) of all. Dona Soledad and I were certainly on two different lines of thought.
"What else did she tell you?" I asked.
"She told me, I should force myself to remember," la Gorda said. "She exhausted herself trying to bring out my memory; that was why she couldn't deal with you."
La Gorda got up; she was ready to leave. I took her for a walk around the city. She seemed very happy. She went from place to place watching everything, feasting her eyes on the world. Don Juan had given me that image.

He had said, that a warrior knows, that he is waiting and knows also, what he is waiting for, and while he waits, he feasts his eyes on the world. For him the ultimate accomplishment of a warrior was joy. That day in Oaxaca la Gorda was following don Juan's teachings to the letter. In the late afternoon, before dusk, we sat down on don Juan's bench. Benigno, Pablito, and Josefina showed up first. After a few minutes the other three joined us. Pablito sat down between Josefina and Lydia and put his arms around them. They had changed back into their old clothes. La Gorda stood up and began to tell them about the power spot. Nestor laughed at her and the rest of them joined him. "Never again will you get us to fall for your bossiness," Nestor said. "We are free of you. We crossed the boundaries last night."
La Gorda was unruffled, but the others were angry. I had to intervene. I said loudly, that I wanted to know more about the boundaries, we had crossed the night before. Nestor explained, that that pertained only to them. La Gorda disagreed. They seemed to be on the verge of fighting. I pulled Nestor to the side and ordered him to tell me about the boundaries. "Our feelings make boundaries around anything," he said. "The more we love, the stronger the boundary is. In this case,
we loved our home; before we left it, we had to lift up our feelings. Our feelings for our home went up to the top of the mountains, to the west from our valley. That was the boundary and when we crossed the top of those mountains, knowing, that we'll never be back, we broke it."
"But I also knew, that I'd never be back," I said.
"You didn't love those mountains, the way we did," Nestor replied.
"That remains to be seen," la Gorda said cryptically.
"We were under her influence," Pablito said, standing up and pointing to la Gorda. "She had us by the napes of our necks. Now I see, how stupid we've been on account of her. We can't cry over spilled milk, but we'll never fall for it again."
Lydia and Josefina joined Nestor and Pablito. Benigno and Rosa looked on as, if the struggle did not concern them any more. I had right then another moment of certainty and authoritarian behavior. I stood up and, without any conscious volition, announced, that I was taking charge and, that I relieved la Gorda of any further obligation, to make comments or to present her ideas, as the only solution. When I finished talking, I was shocked at my boldness. Everyone, including la Gorda, was delighted. The force behind my explosion had been first, a physical sensation, that my sinuses were opening, and second, the certainty, that I knew, what don Juan had meant, and exactly, where the place was, that we had to visit before we could be free. As my sinuses opened I had had a vision of the house, that had intrigued me. I told them, where we had to go. They accepted my directions without any arguments or even comments. We checked out of the boarding house and went to eat dinner.

Afterward we strolled around the plaza, until about eleven o'clock. I brought the car around, they piled noisily inside, and we were off. La Gorda remained awake to keep me company, while the rest of them went to sleep, and then Nestor drove, while la Gorda and I slept.

5. The Horde (a swarm or throng of people, animals, insects) of Angry Sorcerers

We were in the town at the crack of dawn. At that point I took the wheel and drove toward the house. A couple of blocks before we got there, la Gorda asked me to stop. She got out of the car and began to walk on the high sidewalk. One by one, all of them got out. They followed la Gorda. Pablito came to my side and said, that
I should park on the plaza, which was a block away. I did that. The moment I saw la Gorda turning the corner, I knew, that something was wrong with her. She was extraordinarily pale. She came to me and said in a whisper, that she was going to go to hear early mass. Lydia also wanted to do that. Both of them walked across the plaza and went inside the church. Pablito, Nestor, and Benigno were as somber (gloomy, shadowy, melancholy, dismal), as I had ever seen them. Rosa was frightened, her mouth open, her eyes fixed, unblinking, looking in the direction of the house. Only Josefina was beaming. She gave me a buddy-buddy slap on the back.
"You've done it, you son of a gun!" she exclaimed. "You've knocked the tar out of these sons of bitches." She laughed, until she was nearly out of breath.
"Is this the place, Josefina?" I asked.
"It surely is," she said. "La Gorda used to go to church all the time. She was a real churchgoer at that time."
"Do you remember that house over there?" I asked, pointing to it.
"That's Silvio Manuel's house," she said. All of us jumped upon hearing the name. I felt something similar to a mild shock of electric current, going through my knees. The name was definitely not familiar to me, yet my body jumped upon hearing it. Silvio Manuel was such a rare name; so liquid a sound. The three Genaros and Rosa were as perturbed (greatly disturb), as I was. I noticed, that they were pale. Judging by what I felt, I must have been just as pale, as they were.
"Who is Silvio Manuel?" I finally managed to ask Josefina.
"Now you got me," she said. "I don't know." She reiterated, that she was crazy and nothing, that she said, should be taken seriously. Nestor begged her to tell us whatever she remembered. Josefina tried to think, but she was not the person to perform well under pressure. I knew, that she would do better, if no one asked her.
I proposed, that we look for a bakery or a place to eat.

"They didn't let me do much in that house, that's what I remember," Josefina said all of a sudden. She turned around, as if looking for something, or as if she were orienting herself. "Something is missing here!" she exclaimed. "This is not quite the way it used to be."
I attempted to help her by asking questions, that I deemed appropriate, such as whether houses were missing or had been painted, or new ones built. But Josefina could not figure out, how it was different. We walked to the bakery and bought sweet rolls.
As we were heading back to the plaza to wait for la Gorda and Lydia, Josefina suddenly hit her forehead, as if an idea had just struck her. "I know what's missing!" she shouted. "That stupid Wall of Fog! It used to be here then. It's gone now." All of us spoke at once, asking her about the Wall, but Josefina went on talking undisturbed, as if we were not there. "It was a Wall of Fog, that went all the way up to the sky," she said. "It was right here. Every time I turned my head, there it was. It drove me crazy. That's right, damn it. I wasn't nuts, until I was driven crazy by that Wall. I Saw it with my eyes closed or with my eyes open. I thought, that Wall was after me." For a moment Josefina lost her natural vivaciousness.
A desperate look appeared in her eyes. I had seen, that look in people, who were going through a psychotic episode. I hurriedly suggested, that she eat her sweet roll. She calmed down immediately and began to eat it.
"What do you think of all this, Nestor?" I asked.
"I'm scared," he said softly.
"Do you remember anything?" I asked him. He shook his head negatively. I questioned Pablito and Benigno with a movement of my brows. They also shook their heads to say no. "How about you, Rosa?" I asked. Rosa jumped, when she heard me addressing her. She seemed to have lost her speech. She held a sweet roll in her hand and stared at it, seemingly undecided as to, what to do with it.
"Of course she remembers," Josefina said, laughing, "but she's frightened to death. Can't you see that piss is even coming out her ears?" Josefina seemed to think her statement was the ultimate joke. She doubled up laughing and dropped her roll on the ground. She picked it up, dusted it off, and ate it. "Crazy people eat anything," she said, slapping me on the back. Nestor and Benigno seemed uncomfortable with Josefina's antics. Pablito was delighted. There was a look of admiration in his eyes. He shook his head and clicked his tongue, as if he could not believe such grace. "Let's go to the house," Josefina urged us. "I'll tell you all kinds of things there."
I said, that we should wait for la Gorda and Lydia; besides, it was still too early to bother the charming lady, who lived there. Pablito said, that in the course of his carpentry business, he had been in the town and knew a house, where a family prepared food for transient people. Josefina did not want to wait; for her, it was either going to the house or going to eat. I opted for having breakfast and told Rosa to go into the church to get la Gorda and Lydia, but Benigno gallantly volunteered to wait for them and take them to the breakfast place. Apparently he too knew, where the place was. Pablito did not take us directly there. Instead, at my request,
we made a long detour. There was an old bridge at the edge of town, that I wanted to examine. I had seen it from my car the day I had come with la Gorda.
Its structure seemed to be colonial. We went out on the bridge and then stopped abruptly in the middle of it.

I asked a man, who was standing there, if the bridge was very old. He said, that he had seen it all his life and he was over fifty. I thought, that the bridge held a unique fascination for me alone, but watching the others, I had to conclude, that they too had been affected by it. Nestor and Rosa were panting, out of breath. Pablito was holding on to Josefina; she in turn was holding on to me.
"Do you remember anything, Josefina?" I asked.
"That devil Silvio Manuel is on the other side of this bridge," she said, pointing to the other end, some thirty feet away. I looked Rosa in the eyes. She nodded her head affirmatively and whispered, that she had once crossed that bridge in great fear and, that something had been waiting to devour her at the other end. The two men were no help. They looked at me, bewildered. Each said, that he was afraid for no reason. I had to agree with them. I felt, I would not dare cross that bridge at night for all the money in the world. I did not know why.
"What else do you remember, Josefina?" I asked.
"My body is very frightened now," she said. "I can't remember anything else. That devil Silvio Manuel is always in the darkness. Ask Rosa." With a movement of my head, I invited Rosa to talk. She nodded affirmatively three or four times, but could not vocalize her words. The tension, I myself was experiencing, was uncalled for, yet real. All of us were standing on that bridge, midway across, incapable of taking one more step in the direction Josefina had pointed. At last Josefina took the initiative and turned around. We walked back to the center of town. Pablito guided us then to a large house. La Gorda, Lydia, and Benigno were already eating;
they had even ordered food for us. I was not hungry. Pablito, Nestor, and Rosa were in a daze; Josefina ate heartily. There was an ominous silence at the table.

Everybody avoided my eyes, when I tried to start a conversation.

After breakfast we walked to the house. Noone said a word. I knocked and, when the lady came out, I explained to her, that I wanted to show her house to my friends. She hesitated for a moment. La Gorda gave her some money and apologized for inconveniencing her. Josefina led us directly to the back. I had not seen that part of the house, when I was there before. There was a cobbled courtyard with rooms arranged around it. Bulky farming equipment was stored away in the roofed  corridors. I had the feeling, I had seen that courtyard, when there was no clutter in it. There were eight rooms, two on each of the four sides of the courtyard. Nestor, Pablito, and Benigno seemed to be on the brink of getting physically ill. La Gorda was perspiring profusely. She sat down with Josefina in an alcove in one of the walls, while Lydia and Rosa went inside one of the rooms. Suddenly Nestor seemed to have an urge to find something and disappeared into another of those rooms. So did Pablito and Benigno. I was left alone with the lady. I wanted to talk to her, ask her questions, see if she knew Silvio Manuel, but I could not muster the energy to talk. My stomach was in knots. My hands were dripping perspiration. What oppressed me, was an intangible (not palpable or material or real or corporeal or concrete) sadness, a longing for something not present, unformulated. I could not stand it. I was about to say goodbye to the lady and walk out of the house, when la Gorda came to my side. She whispered, that we should sit down in a large room off a hall, separate from the courtyard. The room was visible from where we were standing. We went there and stepped inside. It was a very large, empty room with a high beamed ceiling, dark but airy. La Gorda called everyone to the room.
The lady just looked at us, but did not come in herself. Everyone seemed to know precisely, where to sit. The Genaros sat to the right of the door, on one side of the room, and la Gorda and the three little sisters sat to the left, on the other side. They sat close to the walls. Although I would have liked to sit next to la Gorda, I sat near the center of the room. The place seemed right to me. I did not know why, but an ulterior order seemed to have determined our places. While I sat there, a wave of strange feelings rolled over me. I was passive and relaxed. I fancied myself to be like a moving picture screen, on which alien feelings of sadness and longing were being projected. But there was nothing I could recognize, as a precise memory. We stayed in that room for over an hour. Toward the end I felt, I was about to uncover the source of the unearthly sadness, that was making me weep almost without control. But then, as involuntarily, as we had sat there, we stood up and left the house. We did not even thank the lady or say goodbye to her. We congregated in the plaza. La Gorda stated right away, that because she was formless, she was still in charge. She said, that she was taking this stand, because of conclusions, she had reached in Silvio Manuel's house. La Gorda seemed to be waiting for comments. The silence of the others was unbearable to me. I finally had to say something. "What are the conclusions you reached in that house, Gorda?" I asked.
"I think, we all know what they are," she replied in a haughty tone.
"We don't know that," I said. "Nobody has said anything yet."
"We don't have to talk, we know," la Gorda said. I insisted, that I could not take such an important event for granted. We needed to talk about our feelings. As far, as
I was concerned, all, I had gotten out of it, was a devastating sense of sadness and despair. "The Nagual Juan Matus was right," la Gorda said. "We had to sit on that place of power to be free. I am free now. I don't know how it happened, but something was lifted off me, as I sat there." The three women agreed with her. The three men did not. Nestor said, that he had been about to remember actual faces, but that no matter how hard he had tried to clear his view, something thwarted (blocked) him. All, he had experienced, was a sense of longing and sadness, at finding himself still in the world. Pablito and Benigno said more or less the same thing.
"See what I mean, Gorda?" I said. She seemed displeased; she puffed up, as I had never seen her. Or had I seen her all puffed-up before, somewhere? She haran-
gued (tirade, speech) the group. I could not pay attention, to what she was saying. I was immersed in a memory, that was formless, but almost within my grasp.
To keep it going, it seemed I needed a continuous flow from la Gorda. I was fixed on the sound of her voice, her anger. At a certain moment, when she was becoming more subdued, I yelled at her, that she was bossy. She got truly upset. I watched her for a while. I was remembering another Gorda, another time; an angry, fat Gorda, pounding her fists on my chest. I remembered laughing, at seeing her angry, humoring her like a child. The memory ended the moment la Gorda's voice stopped. She seemed to have realized, what I was doing. I addressed all of them and told them, that we were in a precarious position - something unknown was looming over us.
"It's not looming over us," la Gorda said dryly. "It's hit us already. And I think you know what it is."
"I don't, and I think, I'm also speaking for the rest of the men," I said. The three Genaros assented (expess agreement, concur) with a nod.
"We have lived in that house, while we were on the left side," la Gorda explained. "I used to sit in that alcove to cry, because I couldn't figure out what to do. I think,
if I could have stayed in that room a bit longer today, I would've remembered it all. But something pushed me out of there. I also used to sit in that room, when there were more people in there. I couldn't remember their faces, though. Yet other things became clear, as I sat there today. I'm formless. Things come to me, good and bad. I, for instance, picked up my old arrogance and my desire to brood (moody). But I also picked up other things, good things."
"Me too," Lydia said in a raspy voice.
"What are the good things?" I asked.
"I think, I'm wrong in hating you," Lydia said. "My hatred will keep me from flying away. They told me that in that room, the men there and the women."
"What men and what women?" Nestor asked in a tone of fright.
"I was there, when they were there, that's all I know," Lydia said. "You also were there. All of us were there."
"Who were those men and women, Lydia?" I asked.
"I was there when they were there, that's all I know," she repeated.
"How about you, Gorda?" I asked.
"I've told you already, that I can't remember any faces or anything specific," she said. "But I know one thing: whatever we did in that house was on the left side.
We crossed, or somebody made us cross, over the parallel lines. The weird memories we have, come from that time, from that world."
Without any verbal agreement, we left the plaza and headed for the bridge. La Gorda and Lydia ran ahead of us. When we got there, we found both of them standing exactly, where we ourselves had stopped earlier. "Silvio Manuel is the darkness," la Gorda whispered to me, her eyes fixed on the other end of the bridge.
Lydia was shaking. She also tried to talk to me. I could not understand what she was mouthing. I pulled everyone back, away from the bridge. I thought, that perhaps if we could piece together, what we knew about that place, we might have a composite, that would help us understand our dilemma. We sat on the ground a few yards away from the bridge. There were lots of people milling around, but noone paid any attention to us.

"Who's Silvio Manuel, Gorda?" I asked.
"I never heard the name, until now," she said. "I don't know the man, yet I know him. Something like waves came upon me, when I heard that name. Josefina told me the name when we were in the house. From that moment on, things have started to come to my mind and to my mouth, just like Josefina. I never thought, I would live, to find myself being like Josefina."
"Why did you say, that Silvio Manuel is the darkness?" I asked.
"I have no idea," she said. "Yet all of us here know, that that is the truth." She urged the women to speak up. Noone uttered a word. I picked on Rosa. She had been about to say something three or four times. I accused her of holding out on us. Her little body convulsed.
"We crossed this bridge and Silvio Manuel waited for us at the other end," she said in a voice barely audible. "I went last. When he devoured the others, I heard their screams.

I wanted to run away, but the devil Silvio Manuel was at both ends of the bridge. There was no way to escape." La Gorda, Lydia, and Josefina agreed. I asked, whether it was just a feeling, that they had had or an actual moment-to-moment memory of something. La Gorda said, that for her, it had been exactly, as Rosa had described it, a moment-to-moment memory. The other two agreed with her. I wondered aloud, what had happened with the people, who lived around the bridge.
If the women were screaming, as Rosa said they were, the passersby must have heard them; screaming would have caused a commotion. For a moment I felt, that the whole town must have collaborated in some plot. A chill ran through me. I turned to Nestor and bluntly (direct, abrupt, frank manner) expressed the full scope of my fear. Nestor said, that the Nagual Juan Matus and Genaro were indeed Warriors of Supreme Accomplishment and, as such, they were Solitary Beings. Their contacts with People were one-to one. There was no possibility, that the entire town or even the people, who lived around the bridge, were in collusion (secret agreement) with them. For that to happen, Nestor said, all those people would have to be Warriors, a most unlikely possibility. Josefina began to circle me, looking me up and down with a sneer (scornful facial expression by raising of one corner of upper lip).
"You certainly have gall (impudence)," she said. "Pretending, that you don't know anything, when you were here yourself. You brought us here! You pushed us onto this bridge!" The eyes of the women became menacing. I turned to Nestor for assistance.
"I don't remember a thing," he said. "This place scares me, that's all I know." Turning to Nestor was an excellent maneuver on my part. The Women lashed out at him. "Of course you remember!" Josefina yelled. "All of us were here. What kind of stupid ass are you?"
My inquiry required a sense of order. I moved them away from the bridge. I thought that, being the active persons they were, they would find it more relaxing to stroll and talk things out, rather than sitting, as I would have preferred. As we walked, the women's anger vanished as quickly, as it had come. Lydia and Josefina became even more talkative. They stated over and over the sense they had had, that Silvio Manuel was awesome. Nevertheless, neither of them could remember being physically hurt; they only remembered being paralyzed by fear. Rosa did not say a word, but gestured her agreement with everything, the others said. I asked them, if it had been night when they tried to cross the bridge. Both Lydia and Josefina said, that it was daytime. Rosa cleared her throat and whispered, that it was at night. La Gorda clarified the discrepancy, explaining, that it had been the morning twilight, or just before. We reached the end of a short street and automatically turned back toward the bridge.

"It's simplicity itself," la Gorda said suddenly, as if she had just thought it through. "We were crossing, or rather Silvio Manuel was making us cross, the parallel lines. That bridge is a power spot, a hole in this world, a door to the other. We went through it. It must have hurt us to go through, because my body is scared. Silvio Manuel was waiting for us on the other side. None of us remembers his face, because Silvio Manuel is the darkness and never would he show his face. We could see only his eyes."
"One eye," Rosa said quietly, and looked away.
"Everyone here, including you," la Gorda said to me, "knows, that Silvio Manuel's face is in darkness. One could only hear his voice - soft, like muffled coughing."
La Gorda stopped talking and began scrutinizing me in a way, that made me feel selfconscious. Her eyes were cagey; she gave me the impression, that she was holding back something, she knew. I asked her. She denied it, but she admitted having scores of feelings with no foundation, that she did not care to explain. I urged and then demanded, that the women make an effort to recollect, what had happened to them on the other side of that bridge. Each of them could remember only hearing the screams of the others. The three Genaros remained outside our discussion. I asked Nestor, if he had any idea of what had happened. His somber (gloomy, shadowy, melancholy, dismal) answer was, that all of it was beyond his understanding. I came then to a quick decision. It seemed to me, that the only avenue open for us was to cross that bridge.
I rallied them to walk back to the bridge and go over it as a group. The men agreed instantaneously, the women did not. After exhausting all my reasonings, I finally had to push and drag Lydia, Rosa, and Josefina. La Gorda was reluctant to go, but seemed intrigued by the prospect. She moved along without helping me with the women, and so did the Genaros; they giggled nervously at my efforts to herd the little Sisters, but they did not move a finger to help. We walked up to the point, where we had stopped earlier. I felt there, that I was suddenly too weak to hold the three women. I yelled at la Gorda to help. She made a halfhearted attempt to catch Lydia, as the group lost its cohesion and everyone of them, except la Gorda, scrambled, stumping and puffing, to the safety of the street. La Gorda and I stayed, as if we were glued to that bridge, incapable of going forward and begrudging (give with reluctance) having to retreat. La Gorda whispered in my ear, that I should not be afraid at all, because it had actually been I, who had been waiting for them on the other side. She added, that she was convinced, I knew, I was Silvio Manuel's helper, but that I did not dare to reveal it to anyone. Right then a fury beyond my control shook my body. I felt, that la Gorda had no business making those remarks or having those feelings. I grabbed her by the hair and twirled her around. I caught myself at the apex of my wrath and stopped. I apologized and hugged her. A sober thought came to my rescue. I said to her, that being a leader was getting on my nerves; the tension was becoming more and more acute, as we proceeded. She did not agree with me. She held on steadfastly (faithfully) to her interpretation, that Silvio Manuel and I were utterly close, and that upon, being reminded of my master, I had reacted with anger. It was lucky, that she had been entrusted to my care, she said; otherwise, I probably would have thrown her off the bridge. We turned back. The rest of them were safely off the bridge, staring at us with unmistakable fear. A very peculiar state of timelessness seemed to prevail (predominant). There were no people around. We must have been on that bridge for at least five minutes and not a single person had crossed it or even come in sight. Then, all of a sudden, people were moving around, as on any thoroughfare (public passage) during the busy hours. Without a word, we walked back to the plaza. We were dangerously weak. I had a vague desire to remain in the town a bit longer, but we got in the car and drove east, toward the Atlantic coast. Nestor and I took turns driving, stopping only for gasoline and to eat, until we reached Veracruz. That city was neutral ground for us. I had been there only once; none of the others had ever been there. La Gorda believed, that such an unknown city was the proper place to shed their old wrappings. We checked into a hotel and there they proceeded to rip their old clothes to shreds. The excitation of a new city did wonders for their morale and their feeling of wellbeing. Our next stop was Mexico City. We stayed at a hotel by the Alameda Park, where don Juan and I had once stayed. For two days we were perfect tourists. We shopped and visited as many tourist spots, as possible. The women looked simply stunning. Benigno bought a camera in a pawn shop. He took four hundred and twenty-five shots without any film. At one place, while we were admiring the stupendous mosaics on the walls, a security guard asked me, where those gorgeous foreign Women were from. He assumed I was a tourist guide.

I told him, that they were from Sri Lanka. He believed me and marveled at the fact, that they almost looked Mexican. The following day, at ten o'clock in the morning, we were at the airline office, into which don Juan had once pushed me. When he shoved me, I had gone in through one door and come out through another, not to the street, as I should have, but to a market at least a mile away, where I had watched the activities of the people there. La Gorda speculated (suppose, conjesture), that the airline office was also, like that bridge, a Power Spot, a door to cross from one parallel line to the other. She said, that evidently the Nagual had pushed me through that opening, but I got caught midway between the two worlds, in between the lines; thus I had watched the activity in the market, without being part of it. She said, that the Nagual, of course, had intended to push me all the way through, but my willfulness thwarted (frustrated) him and I ended back on the line, I came from, this world.
We walked from the airline office to the market and from there to the Alameda Park, where don Juan and I had sat after our experience at the office. I had been in that park with don Juan many times. I felt it was the most appropriate place to talk about the course of our future actions. It was my intention to summarize everything,
we had done, in order to let the power of that place decide, what our next step would be. After our deliberate attempt at crossing the bridge, I had tried unsuccessful-
ly to think out a way to handle my companions, as a group. We sat on some stone steps and I started off with the idea, that for me knowledge was fused with words.
I told them, that it was my earnest belief, that if an event or experience was not formulated into a concept, it was condemned to dissipate; I asked them therefore to give me their individual assessments of our situation. Pablito was the first one to talk. I found that odd, since he had been extraordinarily quiet up until now.
He apologized, because what he was going to say was not something he had remembered or felt, but a conclusion, based on everything he knew. He said, that
he saw no problem in understanding what the women said, had happened on that bridge. It had been, Pablito maintained, a matter of being compelled (drive, forced) to cross from the right side, the tonal, to the left side, the nagual. What had scared everyone, was the fact, that someone else was in control, forcing the crossing.
He saw no problem either in accepting, that I had been the one, who had then helped Silvio Manuel. He backed up his conclusion with the statement, that only two days earlier, he had seen me doing the same thing, pushing everyone onto the bridge. That time I had had noone to help me on the other side, no Silvio Manuel to pull them.

I tried to change the topic and began to explain to them, that to forget the way, we had forgotten, was called amnesia. The little, I knew about amnesia, was not enough to shed any light on our case, but enough to make me believe, that we could not forget, as if on command. I told them, that someone, possibly don Juan, must have done something unfathomable (too deep to be measured) to us. I wanted to find out exactly, what that had been. Pablito insisted, that it was important for me to understand that it was I who had been in cahoots with Silvio Manuel. He intimated then that Lydia and Josefina had talked to him about the role I had played in forcing them to cross the parallel lines.

I did not feel comfortable discussing that subject. I commented, that I had never heard about the parallel lines, until the day I spoke with dona Soledad; yet I had had no qualms (feeling of doubt or nausea) about immediately adopting the idea. I told them, that I knew in a flash, what she meant. I even became convinced, I had crossed them myself, when I thought, I remembered her. Everyone of the others, with the exception of la Gorda, said, that the first time, they had heard about parallel lines, was when I spoke of them. La Gorda said, that she had first learned about them from dona Soledad, just before I did. Pablito made an attempt to talk about my relationship with Silvio Manuel. I interrupted him. I said, that while all of us were at the bridge, trying to cross it, I had failed to recognize, that I - and presumably all of them - had entered into a state of non-ordinary reality. I only became aware of the change, when I realized, that there were no other people on the bridge. Only the eight of us had stood there. It had been a clear day, but suddenly the skies became cloudy and the light of the mid-morning turned to dusk. I had been so busy with my fears and personalistic interpretations then, that I had failed to notice the awesome change. When we retreated from the bridge, I perceived, that other people were again walking around. But what had happened to them, when we were attempting our crossing? La Gorda and the rest of them had not noticed anything - in fact, they had not been aware of any changes, until the very moment I described them. All of them stared at me with a mixture of annoyance and fear. Pablito again took the lead and accused me of trying to railroad them into something, they did not want.
He was not specific about, what that might be, but his eloquence (persuasive, fluent, graceful in speech/writing) was enough to rally (gather, assemble) the others behind him. Suddenly, I had a horde (swarm or throng of people, animals, insects) of angry sorcerers on me. It took me a long time to explain my need to examine, from every possible point of view, something so strange and engulfing, as our experience on the bridge. They finally calmed down, not so much because they were convinced, but from emotional fatigue. All of them, la Gorda included, had vehemently (with passion, emotion) supported Pablito's stand.

Nestor advanced another line of reasoning. He suggested, that I was possibly an unwilling envoy (), who did not fully realize the scope of my actions. He added,
that he could not bring himself to believe, as the others did, that I was aware, that I had been left with the task of misleading them. He felt, that I did not really know, that I was leading them to their destruction, yet I was doing just that. He thought, that there were two ways of Crossing the Parallel Lines: one by means of someone else's power, and the other by one's own power. His final conclusion was, that Silvio Manuel had made them cross, by frightening them so intensely, that some of them did not even remember, having done it. The task, left for them to accomplish, was to cross on their own power; mine was to thwart-frustrate-block them.

Benigno spoke then. He said, that in his opinion, the last thing, don Juan did to the male apprentices, was to help us Cross the Parallel Lines, by making us jump into an abyss. Benigno believed, that we already had a Great Deal of Knowledge about the Crossing, but that it was not yet time to accomplish it again. At the bridge,
they were incapable of taking one more step, because the time was not right. They were correct, therefore, in believing, that I had tried to destroy them, by forcing them to cross. He thought, that going over the Parallel Lines in full Awareness, meant a final step for all of them, a step to be taken only, when they were ready to disappear from this Earth. Lydia faced me next. She did not make any assessments, but challenged me to remember, how I had first lured her to the bridge.
She blatantly stated, that I was not the Nagual Juan Matus's apprentice, but Silvio Manuel's; that Silvio Manuel and I had devoured each other's bodies. I had another attack of rage, as with la Gorda on the bridge. I caught myself in time. A logical thought calmed me. I said to myself over and over, that I was interested in analyses.
I explained to Lydia, that it was useless to taunt (mock, ridicule) me like that. She did not want to stop. She yelled, that Silvio Manuel was my master and, that this was the reason, I was not part of them at all. Rosa added, that Silvio Manuel gave me everything, I was. I questioned Rosa's choice of words. I told her, that
she should have said, that Silvio Manuel gave me everything, I had. She defended her wording. Silvio Manuel had given me, what I was. Even la Gorda backed her up and said, that she remembered a time, when I had gotten so ill, that I had no resources left, everything in me was exhausted; it was then, that Silvio Manuel had taken over and pumped new life into my body. La Gorda said, that I was indeed better off knowing my true origins, than proceeding, as I had done so far on the assumption, that it was the Nagual Juan Matus, who had helped me. She insisted, that I was fixed on the Nagual, because of his predilection (preference, predisposition) for words. Silvio Manuel, on the other hand, was the silent darkness. She explained, that in order to follow him, I would need to cross the Parallel Lines. But to follow the Nagual Juan Matus, all, I needed to do, was to talk about him. What they were saying, was nothing, but nonsense to me. I was about to make, what, I thought, was a very good point about it, when my line of reasoning became literally scrambled. I could not think what my point had been, although only a second before, it was clarity itself. Instead, a most curious memory beset (attack, harass) me. It was not a feeling of something, but the actual hard memory of an event. I remembered, that once I was with don Juan and another man, whose face I could not remember. The three of us were talking about something, I was perceiving, as a feature of the world. It was three or four yards to my right and it was an inconceivable bank of yellowish fog that, as far, as I could tell, divided the world in two. It went from the ground, up to the sky, to Infinity. While I talked to the two men, the half of the world to my left was intact and the half to my right was veiled in fog. I remembered, that I had oriented myself with the aid of landmarks and realized, that the axis of the bank of fog went from east to west. Everything to the north of that line was the world as I knew it. I remembered asking don Juan, what had happened to the world south of the line. Don Juan made me turn a few degrees to my right, and I Saw, that the Wall of Fog moved, as I turned my head. The world was divided in two at a level my intellect could not comprehend. The division seemed real, but the boundary was not on a physical plane; it had to be somehow in myself. Or was it? There was still one more facet to this memory.
The other man said, that it was a great accomplishment to divide the world in two, but it was an even greater accomplishment, when a warrior had the serenity (equanimity, dignified calm, quiet, brightness) and control to stop the rotation of that Wall. He said, that the Wall was not inside us; it was certainly out in the World, dividing it in two, and rotating, when we moved our heads, as if it were stuck to our right temples. The great accomplishment of keeping the Wall from turning,  enabled the warrior to face the Wall and gave him the power to go through it anytime, he so desired. When I told the apprentices what I had just remembered, the Women were convinced, that the other man was Silvio Manuel.
Josefina, as a connoisseur (person with informed and astitute disrimination) of the Wall of Fog, explained, that the advantage, Eligio had over everyone else, was his capacity to make the Wall stand still, so he could go through it at will. She added, that it is easier to pierce the Wall of Fog in Dreaming, because then, it does not move. La Gorda seemed to be touched by a series of perhaps painful memories. Her body jumped involuntarily, until finally she exploded into words. She said, that it was no longer possible for her to deny the fact, that
I was Silvio Manuel's helper. The Nagual himself had warned her, that I would enslave her, if she was not careful. Even Soledad had told her to watch me, because my spirit took prisoners and kept them as servants, a thing only Silvio Manuel would do. He had enslaved me and I, in turn, would enslave anyone, who came close to me. She asserted, that
she had lived under my spell up to the moment, she sat in that room in Silvio Manuel's house, when something was suddenly lifted off her shoulders. I stood up and literally staggered (hardly stand under great weight) under the impact of la Gorda's words. There was a vacuum in my stomach. I had been convinced, that I could count on her for support under any conditions. I felt betrayed. I thought, it would be appropriate to let them know my feelings, but a sense of sobriety came to my rescue. I told them instead, that it had been my dispassionate conclusion, as a warrior, that don Juan had changed the course of my life for the better. I had assessed over and over what he had done to me and the conclusion had always been the same. He had brought me Freedom. Freedom was all I knew, all I could bring to anyone, who might come to me. Nestor made a gesture of solidarity with me.
He exhorted-urged the women to abandon their animosity toward me. He looked at me with the eyes of one, who does not understand, but wants to. He said, that I did not belong with them, that I was indeed a solitary bird. They had needed me for a moment, in order to break their boundaries of affection and routine. Now, that they were free, the sky was their limit. To remain with me would doubtlessly be pleasant, but deadly for them. He seemed to be deeply moved. He came to my side and put his hand on my shoulder. He said, that he had the feeling, we were not going to see each other ever again on this Earth. He regretted, that we were going to part like petty people, bickering, complaining, accusing. He told me, that speaking on behalf of the others, but not for himself, he was going to ask me to leave, for we had no more possibilities in being together. He added, that he had laughed at la Gorda, for telling us about the snake, we had formed. He had changed his mind and no longer found the idea ridiculous. It had been our last opportunity to succeed as a group. Don Juan had taught me to accept my fate in humbleness.
"The course of a warrior's destiny is unalterable," he once said to me. "The challenge is, how far he can go within those rigid bounds, how impeccable he can be within those rigid bounds. If there are obstacles in his path, the warrior strives impeccably to overcome them. If he finds unbearable hardship and pain on his path, he weeps, but all his tears, put together, could not move the line of his destiny the breadth of one hair."
My original decision: to let the power of that place point out our next step, had been correct. I stood up. The others turned their heads away. La Gorda came to my side and said, as if nothing had happened, that I should leave and, that she would catch up with me and join me at a later time. I wanted to retort, that I saw no reason for her to join me. She had chosen to join the others. She seemed to read my feeling of having been betrayed. She calmly assured me, that we had to fulfill our fate together as warriors and not as the petty people, we were.

Part 2: The Art of Dreaming - 6. Losing The Human Form
A few months later, after helping everyone to resettle in different parts of Mexico, la Gorda took up residence in Arizona. We began then to unravel (separate and clarify) the strangest and most engulfing part of our apprenticeship. At first our relationship was rather strained. It was very difficult for me to overcome my feelings about the way, we had parted in the Alameda Park. Although la Gorda knew the whereabouts of the others, she never said anything to me. She felt, that it would have been superfluous (unnecessary) for me to know about their activities. On the surface, everything seemed to be all right between la Gorda and me. Nevertheless,
I held a bitter resentment toward her for siding with the others against me. I did not express it, but it was always there. I helped her and did everything for her, as if nothing had happened, but that entered under the heading of impeccability. It was my duty; to fulfill it, I would have gladly gone to my death. I purposely absorbed myself in guiding and coaching her in the intricacies (convoluted, complex arrangement) of modern city living; she was even learning English. Her progress was phenomenal. Three months went by almost unnoticed. But one day, while I was in Los Angeles, I woke up in the early morning hours with an Unbearable Pressure
in my head. It was not a headache; it was rather a very Intense Weight in my Ears. I felt it also on my Eyelids and the Roof of my Mouth. I knew, I was feverish, but the heat was only in my Head. I made a feeble attempt to sit up. The thought crossed my mind, that I was having a stroke. My first reaction was to call for help, but somehow I calmed down and tried to let go of my fear.
After a while the Pressure in my Head began to diminish, but it also began to Shift to my Throat. I gasped for air, gagging (blocking) and coughing for some time; then the Pressure moved slowly to my Chest, then to my Stomach, to my Groin, to my Legs, and to my Feet, before it finally left my body. Whatever had happened to me, had taken about two hours to unfold. During the course of those two gruelling (demanding, exhausting) hours it was, as if something inside my body was actually moving downward, moving out of me. I fancied (imagined) it to be rolling up like a carpet. Another image, that occurred to me was of a blob moving inside the cavity of my body. I discarded that image in favor of the first, because the feeling was of something being Coiled within Itself. Just like a carpet being rolled up, it became heavier, thus more painful, as it went down. The two areas, where the Pain became excruciating, were my Knees and my Feet, especially my right Foot, which remained hot for thirty five minutes, after all the Pain and reassure (confidence) had vanished. La Gorda, upon hearing my report, said, that this time, for certain, I had Lost my Human Form, that I had dropped all my shields, or most of them. She was right. Without knowing how or even realizing, what had happened, I found myself in a most Unfamiliar State. I felt Detached, Unbiased. It did not matter what la Gorda had done to me. It was not, that I had forgiven her for her reproachable (blame for something, rebuke, disgrace, admonish, censure) behavior with me; it was as if there had never been any betrayal. There was no overt or covert rancor (rancid, bitter resentment) left in me, for la Gorda or for anyone else. What I felt was not a willed indifference, or negligence to act; neither was it alienation (being an outsider, state of isolation) or even the desire to be alone. It was rather an alien feeling of Aloofness (reserved), a capability of immersing myself in the moment and having no thoughts whatever, about anything else. People's Actions no longer affected me, for I had no more expectations of any kind. A Strange Peace had become the Ruling Force in my Life. I felt I had somehow adopted one of the concepts of a Warrior's Life - Detachment. La Gorda said, that I had done more, than adopt it; I had actually embodied it. Don Juan and I had had long discussions on the possibility, that someday I would do just that. He had said, that Detachment did not automatically mean Wisdom, but that it was, nonetheless, an Advantage, because it allowed the Warrior to pause momentarily to reassess situations, to reconsider positions. In order to use that extra moment consistently and correctly, however, he said, that a Warrior had to struggle unyieldingly (inflexible) for a Lifetime. I had despaired (lost all hope), that I would ever experience that feeling. As far, as I could determine, there was no way to improvise it. It had been useless for me to think about its benefits, or to reason out the possibilities of its advent (arrival). During the years, I knew don Juan, I had certainly experienced a steady lessening of personal ties with the world, but that had taken place on an intellectual plane; in my everyday life I was unchanged, until the moment I Lost my Human Form. I speculated (suppose, conjesture) with la Gorda, that the concept of Losing the Human Form, refers to a Bodily Condition, that besets (attack, harass) the apprentice upon his reaching a Certain Threshold in the course of training. Be that, as it may, the end result of Losing the Human Form for la Gorda and myself, oddly enough, was not only the sought-after and coveted (craved) Sense of Detachment, but also the fulfillment of our elusive (tending to elude, avoid, escape, evade, baffle) task of Remembering. And again in this case, the intellect played a minimal part. One night la Gorda and I were discussing a movie. She had gone to see an X-rated movie and I was eager to hear her description of it. She had not liked it at all. She maintained, that it was a weakening experience, because being a Warrior, entailed leading an austere (ascetic, self-denying, severe) life in total celibacy, like the Nagual Juan Matus. I told her, that I knew for a fact, that don Juan liked Women and was not celibate, and that I found that delightful. ''You're insane!" she exclaimed with a tinge of amusement in her voice. "The Nagual was a perfect Warrior. He was not caught up in any webs of sensuality." She wanted to know, why I thought don Juan was not celibate. I told her about an incident, that had taken place in Arizona at the beginning of my apprenticeship. I was resting at don Juan's house one day after an exhausting hike. Don Juan appeared to be strangely nervous. He kept getting up to look out the door. He seemed to be waiting for someone.
Then, quite abruptly, he told me, that a car had just come around the bend in the road and was heading for the house. He said, that it was a Girl, a friend of his, who was bringing him some blankets. I had never seen don Juan embarrassed, and I felt terribly sad to see him so upset, that he did not know what to do. I thought, that he did not want me to meet the Girl. I suggested, that I might hide, but there was no place to conceal myself in the room, so he made me lie down on the floor and covered me with a straw mat. I heard the sound of a car motor being turned off and then, through the slits in the mat, I saw a Girl standing at the door. She was tall, slender, and very young. I thought, she was beautiful. Don Juan was saying something to her in a low, intimate voice. Then he turned and pointed at me.
"Carlos is hiding under the mat," he said to the Girl in a loud clear voice. "Say hello to him." The Girl waved at me and said hello with the friendliest smile. I felt stupid and angry at don Juan for putting me in that embarrassing position. It seemed obvious to me, that he was trying to alleviate his nervousness, or even worse, that
he was showing off in front of me. When the Girl left, I angrily asked for an explanation. He candidly (openly, frankly, without pretence, straight forward) said, that
he had gotten carried away, because my feet were showing and he did not know what else to do. When I heard this, his whole maneuver became clear; he had been showing off his Young Friend to me. I could not possibly have had my feet uncovered, because they were tucked under my thighs. I laughed knowingly and don Juan felt obligated to explain, that he liked Women, especially that Girl. I never forgot the incident. Don Juan never discussed it. Whenever I brought it up, he always made me stop. I wondered almost obsessively about that Young Woman. I had hopes, that someday she might look me up, after reading my books. La Gorda had become very agitated. She was pacing back and forth in the room, while I talked. She was about to weep. I imagined all sorts of intricate (convoluted, complex arrangement)  networks of relationships, that might be at stake. I thought la Gorda was possessive and was reacting like a Woman, threatened by another Woman.

"Are you jealous, Gorda:" I asked.
"Don't be stupid," she said angrily. "I'm a Formless Warrior. I've no envy or jealousy left in me." I brought up something, that the Genaros had told me, that la Gorda was the Nagual's Woman. Her voice became barely audible. "I think, I was," she said, and with a vague look, she sat on her bed. "I have a feeling, that I was. I don't know how, though. In this life, the Nagual Juan Matus was to me, what he was to you. He was not a Man. He was the Nagual. He had no interest in sex." I assured her, that I had heard don Juan express his liking for that Girl. "Did he say, that he had sex with her?" la Gorda asked.
"No, he didn't, but it was obvious from the way he talked," I said.
"You would like the Nagual to be like you, wouldn't you?" she asked with a sneer (scornful facial expression) by raising of one corner of upper lip. "The Nagual was an Impeccable Warrior." I thought, I was right and did not need to review my opinion. Just to humor la Gorda, I said, that perhaps the Young Woman was don Juan's apprentice, if not his mistress. There was a long pause. What I had said, had a disturbing effect on me. Until that moment, I had never thought about such a possibility
I had been locked into a prejudgment, allowing myself no room for revision. La Gorda asked me to describe the Young Woman. I could not do it. I had not really looked at her features. I had been too annoyed, too embarrassed, to examine her in detail. She also seemed to have been struck by the awkwardness of the situation and had hurried out of the house. La Gorda said that without any logical reason, she felt, that the Young Woman was a Key Figure in the Nagual's Life. Her statement led us to talking about don Juan's known friends. We struggled for hours trying to piece together all the information, we had about his associates. I told her about the different times, don Juan had taken me to participate in peyote ceremonies. I described everyone, who was there. She recognized none of them. I realized then, that
I might know more people, associated with don Juan, than she did.
But something, I had said, triggered her recollection of a time, when she had seen a Young Woman, driving the Nagual and Genaro in a small white car. The Woman let the two Men off at the door of la Gorda's house, and she stared at la Gorda, before she drove away. La Gorda thought, that the Young Woman was someone,
who had given the Nagual and Genaro a lift. I remembered then, that I had gotten up from under the straw mat at don Juan's house, just in time to see, a white Volkswagen driving away. I mentioned one more incident, involving another of don Juan's friends, a Man, who had given me some peyote plants, once in the market of a city in northern Mexico. He had also obsessed me for years. His name was Vicente. Upon hearing, that name, la Gorda's body reacted, as if a nerve had been touched. Her voice became shrill (cackling, brittle). She asked me to repeat the name and describe the man. Again, I could not come up with any description. I had seen the man only once, for a few minutes, more, than ten years before. La Gorda and I went through a period of almost being angry, not at one another, but at whatever was keeping us imprisoned. The final incident, that precipitated (caused to happen, hurl, throw downwards, speed) our full-fledged (fully covered) remem-
bering came one day, when I had a cold and was running a high fever. I had stayed in bed, dozing off and on, with thoughts rambling (stroll, roam, wander for pleasure) aimlessly in my mind. The melody of an old Mexican song had been running through my head all day. At one moment I was Dreaming, that someone was playing it on a guitar. I complained about the monotony of it, and whoever I was protesting to thrust (shove against something, push) the guitar toward my stomach.
I jumped back to avoid being hit, and bumped my head on the wall and woke up. It had not been a vivid dream, only the tune had been haunting. I could not dispel
(rid of, dispense with) the sound of the guitar; it kept running through my mind. I remained half awake, listening to the tune. It seemed, as if I were entering into a state of Dreaming - a complete and detailed Dreaming Scene, appeared in front of my eyes. In the scene there was a Young Woman, sitting next to me. I could distinguish every detail of her features. I did not know, who she was, but seeing her shocked me. I was fully awake in one instant. The anxiety, that that face created in me, was so intense, that I got up and quite automatically began to pace back and forth. I was perspiring profusely and I dreaded to leave my room. I could not call la Gorda for help either. She had gone back to Mexico for a few days, to see Josefina. I tied a sheet around my waist to brace my midsection. It helped to subdue some ripples of nervous energy, that went through me. As I paced back and forth the image in my mind began to dissolve, not into peaceful oblivion, as I would have liked, but into an intricate (convoluted, complex arrangement), full-fledged (fully-covered) memory. I remembered, that once I was sitting on some sacks of wheat or barley stacked up in a grain bin. The Young Woman was singing the old Mexican song, that had been running in my mind, while she played a guitar. When I joked about her playing, she nudged (push, prod gently) me in the ribs with the butt (larger, thicker end) of the guitar. There had been other people, sitting with me, la Gorda and two Men. I knew those Men very well, but I still could not remember, who the Young Woman was. I tried, but it seemed hopeless. I lay down again, drenched in a cold sweat. I wanted to rest for a moment, before I got out of my soaked pajamas. As I rested my head on a high pillow, my memory seemed to clear up further and then I knew, who the guitar player was. She was the Nagual Woman; the most Important Being on Earth for la Gorda and myself. She was the Feminine Analogue of the Nagual Man; not his wife or his woman, but his Counterpart. She had the serenity (equanimity, serene, dignified calm, quiet, brightness) and  command of a True Leader. Being a Woman, she nurtured us. I did not dare to push my memory too far. I knew intuitively, that I did not have the strength to withstand the full recollection. I stopped on the level of abstract feelings. I knew, that she was the Embodiment of the purest, most Unbiased and Profound Affection.

Nagual Woman

It would be most appropriate to say, that la Gorda and I loved the Nagual Woman more, than Life itself. What on Earth had happened to us to have forgotten her?
That night, lying on my bed, I became so agitated, that I feared for my very life. I began to chant some words, which became a guiding force to me. And only when
I had calmed down, did I remember, that the words, I had said to myself over and over, were also a memory, that had come back to me that night; the Memory of a Formula, an incantation to pull me through an upheaval, such as the one, I had experienced.
I am already given to the Power, that rules my fate. And I cling to nothing, so I will have nothing to defend. I have no Thoughts, so I will See. I Fear Nothing, so I will Remember Myself. The Formula had one more line, which at the time was incomprehensible to me. Detached and at ease, I will dart (move suddenly) past the Eagle to be free. Being sick and feverish may have served as a cushion of sorts; it may have been enough to deviate the main impact, of what I had done, or rather, of what had come upon me, since I had not intentionally done anything. Up to that night, if my inventory of experience had been examined, I could have accounted for the continuity of my existence. The nebulous (hazy) memories I had of la Gorda, or the presentiment, of having lived in that house in the mountains of central Mexico, were in a way real threats to the idea of my continuity, but nothing in comparison to remembering the Nagual Woman. Not so much, because of the emotions, that the memory itself brought back, but because I had forgotten her; and not as one forgets a name or a tune. There had been nothing about her in my mind, prior to that moment of revelation. Nothing! Then something came upon me, or something fell off me, and I found myself remembering a most Important Being who, from the point of view of my experiential self, prior to that moment, I had never met. I had to wait two more days for la Gorda's return, before I could tell her about my recollection. The moment I described the Nagual Woman, la Gorda remembered her; her awareness was somehow dependent on mine.
"The Girl, I saw in the white car, was the Nagual Woman!" la Gorda exclaimed. "She came back to me and I couldn't remember her." I heard the words and understood their meaning, but it took a long time for my mind to focus, on what she had said. My attention wavered; it was, as if a light was actually placed in front of my eyes, and was being dimmed. I had the notion, that, if I did not stop the dimming, I would die. Suddenly, I felt a convulsion and I knew, that I had put together two pieces of myself, that had become separated; I realized, that the Young Woman, I had seen at don Juan's house, was the Nagual Woman. In that moment of emotional upheaval, la Gorda was no help to me. Her mood was contagious. She was weeping without restraint. The emotional shock of remembering the Nagual Woman had been traumatic to her. "How could I have forgotten her?" la Gorda sighed. I caught a glint of suspicion in her eyes, as she faced me. "You had no idea, that
she existed, did you?" she asked. Under any other conditions, I would have thought, that her question was impertinent (impudent, presumtious), insulting, but I was wondering the same about her. It had occurred to me, that she might have known more, than she was revealing.
"No. I didn't," I said. "But how about you, Gorda? Did you know, that she existed?" Her face had such a look of innocence and perplexity (puzzlement, bewildment), that my doubts were dispelled (rid of, dispense with).
"No," she replied. "Not until today. I know now for a fact, that I used to sit with her and the Nagual Juan Matus on that bench in the plaza in Oaxaca. I always remembered having done that, and I remembered her features, but I thought, I had dreamed it all. I knew everything and yet I didn't. But why did I think it was a dream?" I had a moment of panic. Then I had the perfect physical certainty, that as she spoke, a channel opened somewhere in my body. Suddenly I knew, that I also used to sit on that bench with don Juan and the Nagual woman. I remembered then a sensation, I had experienced on every one of those occasions. It was a sense of physical contentment, happiness, plenitude, that would be impossible to imagine. I thought, that don Juan and the Nagual Woman were Perfect Beings, and, that to be in their company, was indeed my great fortune. Sitting on that bench, flanked by the most Exquisite Beings on Earth, I experienced perhaps the epitome (embodiment) of my human sentiments. One time I told don Juan, and I meant it, that I wanted to die then, so as to keep that feeling pure, intact, free from disruption.
I told la Gorda about my memory. She said, that she understood what I meant. We were quiet for a moment and then the thrust (shove against something, push) of our remembering swayed us dangerously toward sadness, even despair. I had to exert the most extraordinary control over my emotions, not to weep. La Gorda was sobbing, covering her face with her forearm. After a while, we became more calm. La Gorda stared into my eyes. I knew, what she was thinking. It was, as if I could read her questions in her eyes. They were the same questions, that had obsessed me for days. Who was the Nagual Woman? Where had we met her? Where did
she fit? Did the others know her too? I was just about to voice my questions, when la Gorda interrupted me. "I really don't know," she said quickly, beating me to the question. "I was counting on you to tell me. I don't know why, but I feel, that you can tell me, what's what." She was counting on me and I was counting on her.
We laughed at the irony of our situation. I asked her, to tell me everything, she remembered about the Nagual Woman. La Gorda made efforts to say something two or three times, but seemed to be unable to organize her thoughts. "I really don't know, where to start," she said. "I only know, that I loved her." I told her, that I had the same feeling. An unearthly sadness gripped me, every time I thought of the Nagual Woman. As I was talking my body began to shake. "You and I loved her,"
la Gorda said. "I don't know why I'm saying this, but I know, that she owned us." I prodded (poke with pointed instrument, urge or push gently) her to explain that statement. She could not determine, why she had said it. She was talking nervously, elaborating on her feelings. I could no longer pay attention to her. I felt a fluttering in my solar plexus. A vague memory of the Nagual Woman started to form. I urged la Gorda to keep on talking, to repeat herself, if she had nothing else to say, but not to stop. The sound of her voice seemed to act for me, as a conduit into another dimension, another kind of time. It was, as if blood was rushing through my body with an unusual pressure. I felt a prickling all over, and then, I had an odd bodily memory. I knew in my body, that the Nagual Woman was the Being, who made the Nagual complete. She brought to the Nagual peace, plenitude, a sense of being protected, delivered. I told la Gorda, that I had the insight, that the Nagual Woman was don Juan's partner. La Gorda looked at me aghast. She slowly shook her head from side to side. "She had nothing to do with the Nagual Juan Matus,
you idiot," she said with a tone of ultimate authority. "She was for you. That's why you and I belonged to her." La Gorda and I stared into each other's eyes. I was certain, that she was involuntarily voicing thoughts, which rationally did not mean anything to her.
"What do you mean, she was for me, Gorda?" I asked after a long silence.
"She was your partner," she said. "You two were a team. And I was her ward (person under care). And she entrusted you to deliver me to her someday." I begged
la Gorda to tell me all she knew, but she did not seem to know anything else. I felt exhausted. "Where did she go?" la Gorda said suddenly. "I just can't figure that out. She was with you, not with the Nagual. She should be here with us now." She had then another attack of disbelief and fear. She accused me of hiding the Nagual Woman in Los Angeles. I tried to ease her apprehensions (fearful anticipation of the future, an arrestopinion, estimate, understanding). I surprised myself, by talking to la Gorda, as if she were a child. She listened to me with all the outward signs of complete attention; her eyes, however, were vacant, out of focus. It occurred to me then, that she was using the sound of my voice, just as I had used hers, as a conduit. I knew, that she was also aware of it. I kept on talking, until I had run out of things to say within the bounds of our topic. Something else took place then, and I found myself, half listening to the sound of my own voice. I was talking to la Gorda without any volition on my part. Words, that seemed to have been bottled up inside me, now free, reached indescribable levels of absurdity. I talked and talked, until something made me stop.
I had remembered, that don Juan told the Nagual Woman and me, on that bench in Oaxaca, about a particular Human Being, whose presence had synthesized for him all, that he could aspire (aim) or expect from human companionship. It was a Woman, who had been for him, what the Nagual Woman was for me, a partner, a counterpart. She left him, just as the Nagual Woman left me. His feelings for her were unchanged and were rekindled (revived) by the melancholy, that certain poems evoked in him. I also remembered, that it was the Nagual Woman, who used to supply me with books of poetry. She kept stacks of them in the trunk of her car. It was at her instigation (urging on), that I read poems to don Juan. Suddenly the physical memory of the Nagual Woman, sitting with me on that bench, was so clear, that I took an involuntary gasp of air, my chest swelled. An oppressive sense of loss, greater, than any feeling I had ever had, took possession of me. I bent over with a ripping pain in my right shoulder blade. There was something else I knew, a memory, which part of me did not want to release.

I became involved with, whatever was left of my shield of intellectuality, as the only means to recover my equanimity (being calm, composure). I said to myself over and over, that la Gorda and I had been operating all along on two absolutely different planes. She remembered a great deal more, than I did, but she was not inquisitive. She had not been trained to ask questions of others or of herself. But then the thought struck me, that I was no better off; I still was as sloppy, as don Juan had once said, I was. I had never forgotten reading poetry to don Juan, and yet it had never occurred to me to examine the fact, that I had never owned a book of Spanish poetry, nor did ever carry one in my car. La Gorda brought me out of my ruminations. She was almost hysterical. She shouted, that she had just figured out, that the Nagual Woman had to be somewhere, very near us. Just as we had been left to find one another, the Nagual Woman had been left to find us. The force of her reasoning almost convinced me. Something in me knew, nevertheless, that it was not so. That was the memory, that was inside me, which I did not dare to bring out. I wanted to start a debate with la Gorda, but there was no reason, my shield of intellect and words was insufficient to absorb the impact of remembering the Nagual Woman. Its effect was staggering to me, more devastating, than even the fear of dying.
"The Nagual Woman is shipwrecked somewhere," la Gorda said meekly. "She's probably marooned (abandon) and we're doing nothing to help her."
"No! No!" I yelled. "She's not here any more." I did not exactly know, why I had said that, yet I knew, that it was true. We sank for a moment into depths of melancholy, that would be impossible to fathom rationally. For the first time in the memory of the me, I know, I felt a true, boundless sadness, a dreadful incompleteness. There was a wound somewhere in me, that had been opened again. This time I could not take refuge, as I had done so many times in the past, behind a veil of mystery and not knowing. Not to know, had been bliss to me. For a moment, I was dangerously sliding into despondency (despair). La Gorda stopped me.
"A warrior is someone, who seeks freedom," she said in my ear. "Sadness is not Freedom. We must snap out of it." Having a Sense of Detachment, as don Juan had said, entails having a moment's pause to reassess situations. At the depth of my sadness I understood, what he meant. I had the Detachment; it was up to me to strive to use that pause correctly. I could not be sure, whether or not my volition played a role, but all of a sudden my sadness vanished; it was, as if it had never existed. The speed of my change of mood and its thoroughness alarmed me. "Now you are, where I am!" la Gorda exclaimed, when I described, what had happened.  "After all these years I still haven't learned, how to handle Formlessness. I shift helplessly from one feeling to another in one instant. Because of my Formlessness,
I could help the little Sisters, but I was also at their mercy. Anyone of them was strong enough to make me sway from one extreme to the other. The problem was, that I Lost my Human Form before you did. If you and I had lost it together, we could have helped each other; as it was, I went up and down faster, than I care to remember."
I had to admit, that her claim of being formless, had always seemed spurious (counterfeit, false, lacking validity) to me. In my understanding, Losing the Human Form included a necessary concomitant (accompaning), a consistency of character, which was, in light of her emotional ups and downs, beyond her reach. On account of that, I had judged her harshly and unjustly. Having lost my human form, I was now in a position to understand, that formlessness is, if anything, a detriment (damage) to sobriety and levelheadedness. (?) There is no automatic emotional strength, involved in it. An aspect of being detached, the capacity to become immersed, in whatever one is doing, naturally extends to everything one does, including being inconsistent, and outright petty. The advantage of being formless is, that it allows us a moment's pause, providing, that we have the self-discipline and courage to utilize it. At last la Gorda's past behavior became comprehensible to me. She had been formless for years, but without the self-discipline required. Thus she had been at the mercy of drastic shifts of mood, and incredible discrepancies between her actions and her purposes. After our initial recollection of the Nagual Woman, la Gorda and I summoned (gathered) all our forces and tried for days to elicit (evoke) more memories, but there seemed to be none. I, myself, was back, where I had been before, I had begun to remember. I intuited, that there should be a great deal more, somehow buried in me, but I could not get to it. My mind was void of even the vaguest inkling (hint) of any other memories. La Gorda and I went through a period of tremendous confusion and doubt. In our case, being formless meant to be ravaged by the worst distrust imaginable. We felt, that we were guinea pigs in the hands of don Juan, a being supposedly familiar to us, but about whom, in reality, we knew nothing. We fueled each other with doubts and fears. The most serious issue was, of course, the Nagual Woman. When we would focus our attention on her, our memory of her became so keen, that it was past comprehension, that we could have forgotten her. This would give rise over and over to speculations of, what don Juan had really done to us. These conjectures (guesses) led very easily to the feeling, that we had been used. We became enraged by the unavoidable conclusion, that he had manipulated us, rendered us helpless and unknown to ourselves. When our rage was exhausted, fear began to loom over us - for we were faced with the awesome possibility, that don Juan might have done still more deleterious things to us.

7. Dreaming Together
One day, in order to alleviate our distress momentarily, I suggested, that we immerse ourselves in Dreaming. As soon, as I voiced my suggestion, I became aware, that a gloom, which had been haunting me for days, could be drastically altered by willing the change. I clearly understood then, that the problem with la Gorda and myself had been, that we had unwittingly focused on fear and distrust, as if those were the only possible options available to us, while all along we had had, without consciously knowing it, the alternative of deliberately centering our attention on the opposite, the mystery, the wonder of what had happened to us. I told la Gorda my realization. She agreed immediately. She became instantly animated, the pall (unpleasant effect) of her gloom dispelled (rid of, dispense with) in a matter of seconds. "What kind of Dreaming do you propose, we should do?" she asked.
"How many kinds are there?" I asked.
"We could do Dreaming together," she replied. "My body tells me, that we have done this already. We have gone into Dreaming, as a team. It'll be a cinch (certain) for us, as it was for us to See together."
"But we don't know what the procedure is to do Dreaming together," I said.
"We didn't know how to See together and yet we Saw," she said. "I'm sure, that if we try, we can do it, because there are no steps to anything a warrior does. There is only personal power. And right now we have it. We should start out Dreaming from two different places, as far away, as possible from each other. The one, who goes into Dreaming first waits for the other. Once we find each other, we interlock our arms and go deeper in together." I told her, that I had no idea how to wait for her, if I went into Dreaming ahead of her. She herself could not explain, what was involved, but she said, that to wait for the other Dreamer was, what Josefina had described as "snatching" them. La Gorda had been snatched by Josefina twice. "The reason Josefina called it snatching was, because one of us had to grab the other by the arm," she explained. She demonstrated then a procedure of interlocking her left forearm with my right forearm, by each of us grabbing hold of the area below each other's elbows.
"How can we do that in Dreaming?" I asked. I personally considered Dreaming one of the most private states imaginable.
"I don't know how, but I'll grab you," la Gorda said. "I think my body knows how. The more we talk about it, though, the more difficult it seems to be."
We started off our Dreaming from two distant locations. We could agree only on the time to lie down, since the entrance into Dreaming was something impossible to prearrange. The foreseeable possibility, that I might have to wait for la Gorda, gave me a great deal of anxiety, and I could not enter into Dreaming with my customary ease. After some ten to fifteen minutes of restlessness, I finally succeeded in going into a state, I call restful vigil. Years before, when I had acquired a degree of experience in Dreaming, I had asked don Juan, if there were any known steps, which were common to all of us. He had told me, that in the final analysis every Dreamer was different. But in talking with la Gorda, I discovered such similarities in our experiences of Dreaming, that I ventured a possible classificatory scheme of the different stages. Restful vigil is the preliminary state, a state, in which the senses become dormant and yet one is aware. In my case, I had always perceived in this state a flood of reddish light, a light exactly like, what one sees facing the sun with the eyelids tightly closed. The second state of Dreaming I called dynamic vigil. In this state the reddish light dissipates, as fog dissipates, and one is left looking at a scene, a tableau of sorts, which is static.
One Sees a three-dimensional picture, a frozen bit of something - a landscape, a street, a house, a person, a face, anything. I called the third state - passive witnessing. In it the Dreamer is no longer viewing a frozen bit of the world, but is observing, eyewitnessing, an event, as it occurs. It is as if the primacy of the visual and auditory senses makes this state of Dreaming mainly an affair of the eyes and ears. The fourth state was the one, in which I was drawn to act. In it one is compelled (driven, forced)  to enterprise, to take steps, to make the most of one's time. I called this state dynamic initiative. La Gorda's proposition of waiting for me, had to do with affecting the second and third states of our Dreaming together. When I entered into the second state, dynamic vigil, I Saw a Dreaming scene of don Juan and various other persons, including a fat Gorda. Before I even had time to consider what I was viewing, I felt a tremendous pull on my arm and I realized, that the "real" Gorda was by my side. She was to my left and had gripped my right forearm with her left hand. I clearly felt her lifting my hand to her forearm, so that we were gripping each other's forearms. Next, I found myself in the third state of Dreaming, passive witnessing. Don Juan was telling me, that I had to look after la Gorda and take care of her in a most selfish fashion - that is, as if she were my own self. His play on words delighted me. I felt an unearthly happiness in being there with him and the others, Don Juan went on explaining, that my selfishness could be put to a grand use, and that to harness it, was not impossible. There was a general feeling of comradeship among all the people gathered there. They were laughing at what don Juan was saying to me, but without making fun. Don Juan said, that the surest way to harness selfishness, was through the daily activities of our lives, that I was efficient in whatever
I did, because I had noone to bug the devil out of me, and that it was no challenge to me, to soar like an arrow by myself. If I were given the task of taking care of la Gorda, however, my independent effectiveness would go to pieces, and in order to survive, I would have to extend my selfish concern for myself to include la Gorda. Only through helping her, don Juan was saying in the most emphatic tone, would I find the clues for the fulfillment of my true task. La Gorda put her fat arms around my neck. Don Juan had to stop talking. He was laughing so hard, he could not go on. All of them were roaring. I felt embarrassed and annoyed with la Gorda. I tried to get out of her embrace, but her arms were tightly fastened around my neck. Don Juan made a sign with his hands to make me stop. He said, that the minimal embarrassment I was experiencing then, was nothing in comparison with what was in store for me. The sound of laughter was deafening. I felt very happy, although I was worried about having to deal with la Gorda, for I did not know, what it would entail. At that moment in my Dreaming, I changed my point of view - or rather, something pulled me out of the scene and I began to look around as a spectator. We were in a house in northern Mexico; I could tell by the surroundings, which were partially visible from where I stood. I could See the mountains in the distance. I also remembered the paraphernalia of the house. We were at the back, under a roofed, open porch. Some of the people were sitting on some bulky chairs; most of them, however, were either standing or sitting on the floor. I recognized every one of them. There were sixteen people. La Gorda was standing by my side facing don Juan. I became aware, that I could have two different feelings at the same time. I could either go into the Dreaming scene and feel, that I was recovering a long-lost sentiment, or I could witness the scene with the mood, that was current in my life. When I plunged into the dreaming scene I felt secure and protected; when I witnessed it with my current mood I felt lost, insecure, anguished (extreme mental pain, torture, torment). I did not like my current mood, so I plunged into my dreaming scene. A fat Gorda asked don Juan, in a voice, which could be heard above everyone's laughter, if I was going to be her husband. There was a moment's silence. Don Juan seemed to be calculating what to say. He patted her on the head and said, that he could speak for me and, that I would be delighted to be her husband. People were laughing riotously. I laughed with them.
My body convulsed with a most genuine enjoyment, yet I did not feel, I was laughing at la Gorda. I did not regard her as a clown, or as stupid. She was a child. Don Juan turned to me and said, that I had to honor la Gorda, regardless of what she did to me, and that I had to train my body, through my interaction with her, to feel at ease in the face of the most trying situations. Don Juan addressed the whole group and said, that it was much easier to fare well under conditions of maximum stress, than to be impeccable under normal circumstances, such as in the interplay with someone, like la Gorda. Don Juan added, that I could not under any circumstances get angry with la Gorda, because she was indeed my benefactress; only through her would I be capable of harnessing my selfishness. I had become so thoroughly immersed in the dreaming scene, that I had forgotten, I was a Dreamer. A sudden pressure on my arm reminded me, that I was Dreaming. I felt la Gorda's presence next to me, but without Seeing her. She was there only as a touch, a tactile sensation on my forearm. I focused my attention on it; it felt like a solid grip on me, and then la Gorda, as a whole person, materialized, as if she were made of superimposed frames of photographic film. It was like trick photography in a movie. The dreaming scene dissolved. Instead, la Gorda and I were looking at each other with our forearms interlocked. In unison, we again focused our attention on the dreaming scene, we had been witnessing. At that moment I knew beyond the shadow of a doubt, that both of us had been viewing the same thing. Now don Juan was saying something to la Gorda, but I could not hear him. My attention was being pulled back and forth between the third state of Dreaming, passive witnessing, and the second, dynamic vigil. I was, for a moment, with don Juan, a fat Gorda, and sixteen other people, and the next moment I was with the current Gorda watching a frozen scene. Then a drastic jolt in my body brought me to still another level of attention: I felt something like the cracking of a dry piece of wood. It was a minor explosion, yet it sounded more like an extraordinarily loud cracking of knuckles. I found myself in the first state of Dreaming, restful vigil. I was asleep and yet thoroughly aware. I wanted to stay for as long, as I could in that peaceful stage, but another jolt made me wake up instantly. I had suddenly realized, that la Gorda and I had Dreamed together. I was more, than eager to speak with her. She felt the same. We rushed to talk to each other. When we had calmed down, I asked her to describe to me everything, that had happened to her in our Dreaming Together.
"I waited for you for a long time," she said. "Some part of me thought, I had missed you, but another part thought, that you were nervous and were having problems, so I waited."
"Where did you wait, Gorda?" I asked.
"I don't know," she replied. "I know, that I was out of the reddish light, but I couldn't See anything. Come to think of it, I had no sight, I was feeling my way around. Perhaps I was still in the reddish light; it wasn't red, though. The place, where I was, was tinted with a light peach color. Then I opened my eyes and there you were. You seemed to be ready to leave, so I grabbed you by the arm. Then I looked and saw the Nagual Juan Matus, you, me, and other people in Vicente's house.
You were younger and I was fat." The mention of Vicente's house brought a sudden realization to me. I told la Gorda, that once, while driving through Zacatecas, in northern Mexico, I had had a strange urge and gone to visit one of don Juan's friends, Vicente, not understanding, that in doing so, I had unwittingly crossed into an excluded domain, for don Juan had never introduced me to him. Vicente, like the Nagual Woman, belonged to another area, another world. It was no wonder, that la Gorda was so shaken, when I told her about the visit. We knew him so very well; he was as close to us, as don Genaro, perhaps even closer. Yet we had forgotten him, just as we had forgotten the Nagual Woman. At that point la Gorda and I made a huge digression (stray from main subject). We remembered together, that Vicente, Genaro, and Silvio Manuel were don Juan's friends, his cohorts. They were bound together by a vow of sorts. La Gorda and I could not remember what it was, that had united them. Vicente was not an Indian. He had been a pharmacist as a young man. He was the scholar of the group, and the real healer, who kept all of them healthy. He had a passion for botany. I was convinced beyond any doubt, that he knew more about plants, than any human being alive.
La Gorda and I remembered, that it was Vicente, who had taught everyone, including don Juan, about medicinal plants. He took special interest in Nestor, and all of us thought, that Nestor was going to be like him.
"Remembering Vicente makes me think about myself," la Gorda said. "It makes me think, what an unbearable woman I've been. The worst thing, that can happen to a woman, is to have children, to have holes in her body, and still act like a little girl. That was my problem. I wanted to be cute and I was empty. And they let me make a fool out of myself, they encouraged me to be a jackass."
"Who are they, Gorda?" I asked.
"The Nagual and Vicente and all those people, who were in Vicente's house, when I acted like such an ass with you." La Gorda and I had a realization in unison.
They had allowed her to be unbearable only with me. Noone else put up with her nonsense, although she tried it on everyone. "Vicente did put up with me," la Gorda said. "He played along with me. I even called him uncle. When I tried to call Silvio Manuel uncle, he nearly ripped the skin off my armpits with his clawlike hands."
We tried to focus our attention on Silvio Manuel, but we could not remember, what he looked like. We could feel his presence in our memories, but he was not a person, he was only a feeling. As far, as the Dreaming Scene was concerned, we remembered, that it had been a faithful replica, of what really did occur in our lives at a certain place and time; it still was not possible for us to recall when. I knew, however, that I took care of la Gorda, as a means of training myself for the hardship of interacting with people. It was imperative, that I internalize a mood of ease in the face of difficult social situations, and noone could have been a better coach, than la Gorda. The flashes of faint memories, I had had, of a fat Gorda, stemmed from those circumstances, for I had followed don Juan's orders to the letter. La Gorda said, that she had not liked the mood of the Dreaming Scene. She would have preferred just to watch it, but I pulled her in to feel her old feelings, which were abhorrent  (disgusting, repellent) to her. Her discomfort was so acute, that she deliberately squeezed my arm to force me to end our participation in something, so odious (abhorrent, hateful) to her.
The next day we arranged a time for another session of Dreaming together. She started from her bedroom and I from my study, but nothing happened. We became exhausted, merely trying to enter into Dreaming. For weeks after that, we tried to achieve again the effectiveness of our first performance, but without any success. With every failure we became more desperate and greedy. In the face of our impasse (cul-de-sac, deadlock), I decided, that we should postpone our Dreaming together for the time being and take a closer look at the process of Dreaming and analyze its concepts and procedures. La Gorda did not agree with me at first.
For her, the idea of reviewing, what we knew about Dreaming, was another way of succumbing (giving in) to despair and greed. She preferred to keep on trying, even if we did not succeed. I persisted and she finally accepted my point of view out of the sheer sense of being lost.

One night we sat down and, as casually, as we could, we began to discuss what we knew about Dreaming. It quickly became obvious, that there were some core topics, which don Juan had given special emphasis. First was the act itself. It seemed to begin, as a unique state of Awareness arrived at, by focusing the residue of consciousness, which one still has when asleep, on the elements, or the features, of one's dreams. The residue of consciousness, which don Juan called the Second Attention, was brought into action, or was harnessed, through exercises of not-doing. We thought, that the essential aid to Dreaming was a state of mental quietness, which don Juan had called "stopping the internal dialogue," or the "not doing of talking to oneself." To teach me how to master it, he used to make me walk for miles with my eyes held fixed and out of focus at a level just above the horizon, so as to emphasize the peripheral view. His method was effective on two counts.
It allowed me to stop my internal dialogue after years of trying, and it trained my attention. By forcing me to concentrate on the peripheral view, don Juan reinforced my capacity to concentrate for long periods of time on one single activity. Later on, when I had succeeded in controlling my attention, and could work for hours at a chore without distraction - a thing, I had never before been able to do - he told me, that the best way to enter into Dreaming, was to concentrate on the area just at the tip of the sternum (breastbone), at the top of the belly.
He said, that the attention needed for Dreaming, stems from that area. The energy needed, in order to move and to seek in Dreaming, stems from the area an inch or two below the belly button. He called that energy the Will, or the power to select, to assemble. In a woman: both the attention and the energy for Dreaming originate from the womb.
"A Woman's Dreaming has to come from her womb, because that's her center," la Gorda said. "In order for me to start Dreaming or to stop it, all I have to do, is place my attention on my womb. I've learned to feel the inside of it. I See a reddish glow for an instant and then I'm off."
"How long does it take you to get to See that reddish glow?" I asked.
"A few seconds. The moment my attention is on my womb, I'm already into Dreaming" she continued. "I never toil (work hard), not ever. Women are like that.
The most difficult part for a woman is to learn how to begin; it took me a couple of years to stop my internal dialogue by concentrating my attention on my womb.  Perhaps that's why a woman always needs someone else to prod (poke with pointed instrument, urge or push gently) her. "The Nagual Juan Matus used to put cold, wet river pebbles on my belly to get me to feel that area. Or he would place a weight on it; I had a chunk of lead, that he got for me. He would make me close my eyes and focus my attention on the spot, where the weight was. I used to fall asleep every time. But that didn't bother him. It doesn't really matter, what one does, as long, as the attention is on the womb. Finally I learned to concentrate on that spot without anything being placed on it. I went into Dreaming one day all by myself.
I was feeling my belly, at the spot, where the Nagual had placed the weight so many times, when all of a sudden I fell asleep as usual, except that something pulled me right into my womb. I saw the reddish glow and I then had a most beautiful dream. But as soon, as I tried to tell it to the Nagual, I knew, that it had not been an ordinary dream. There was no way of telling him, what the dream was; I had just felt very happy and strong. He said, it had been Dreaming. From then on, he never put a weight on me. He let me do Dreaming without interfering. He asked me from time to time to tell him about it, then he would give me pointers. That's the way the instruction in Dreaming should be conducted."
La Gorda said, that don Juan told her, that anything may suffice as a not-doing, to help Dreaming, providing, that it forces the attention to remain fixed. For instance, he made her and all the other apprentices gaze at leaves and rocks, and encouraged Pablito to construct his own not-doing device. Pablito started off with the not-doing of walking backwards. He would move by taking short glances to his sides, in order to direct his path and to avoid obstacles on the way. I gave him the idea of using a rearview mirror, and he expanded it into the construction of a wooden helmet with an attachment, that held two small mirrors, about six inches away from his face and two inches below his eye level. The two mirrors did not interfere with his frontal view, and due to the lateral angle, at which they were set, they covered the whole range behind him. Pablito boasted, that he had a 360-degree peripheral view of the world. Aided by this artifact, Pablito could walk backwards for any distance, or any length of time. The position, one assumes to do Dreaming, was also a very important topic. "I don't know why the Nagual didn't tell me from the very beginning," la Gorda said, "that the best position for a woman to start from, is to sit with her legs crossed and then let the body fall, as it may do, once the attention is on Dreaming. The Nagual told me about this, perhaps a year after I had begun. Now I sit in that position for a moment, I feel my womb, and right away I'm Dreaming."
In the beginning, just like la Gorda, I had done it while lying on my back, until one day, when don Juan told me, that for the best results I should sit up on a soft, thin mat, with the soles of my feet placed together and my thighs touching the mat. He pointed out that, since I had elastic hip joints, I should exercise them to the fullest, aiming at having my thighs completely flat against the mat. He added, that if I were to enter into Dreaming in that sitting position, my body would not slide or fall to either side, but my trunk would bend forward and my forehead would rest on my feet.
Another topic of great significance was the time to do Dreaming. Don Juan had told us, that the late night or early morning hours were by far the best. His reason for favoring those hours was, what he called a practical application of the sorcerers' knowledge. He said, that since one has to do Dreaming within a social milieu (surroundings), one has to seek the best possible conditions of solitude and lack of interference. The interference, he was referring to, had to do with the Attention of people, and not their physical presence. For don Juan it was meaningless, to retreat from the world and hide, for even if one were alone in an isolated, deserted place, the interference of our fellow men is prevalent (common), because the Fixation of their First Attention cannot be shut off. Only locally, at the hours, when most people are asleep, can one avert (prevent) part of that fixation for a short period of time. It is at those times, that the First Attention of those, around us, is dormant. This led to his description of the Second Attention. Don Juan explained to us, that the Attention, one needs in the beginning of Dreaming, has to be forcibly made to stay on any given item in a Dream. Only through immobilizing our Attention, can one turn an ordinary dream into Dreaming. He explained, furthermore, that in Dreaming one has to use the same mechanisms of Attention, as in everyday life, that our First Attention had been taught to focus on the items of the world with great force, in order to turn the amorphous and chaotic Realm of Perception into the orderly World of Awareness. Don Juan also told us, that the Second Attention served the function of a beckoner, a caller of chances. The more it is exercised, the greater the possibility of getting the desired result. But that was also the function of Attention in general, a function, so taken for granted in our daily life, that it has become unnoticeable; if we encounter a fortuitous (accidental) occurrence, we talk about it in terms of accident or coincidence, rather than in terms of our Attention, having beckoned the event. Our discussion of the Second Attention prepared the ground for another key topic, the Dreaming Body. As a means of guiding la Gorda to it, don Juan gave her the task of immobilizing her Second Attention as steadily, as she could on the components of the feeling of flying in Dreaming.
"How did you learn to fly in Dreaming?" I asked her. "Did someone teach you?"
"The Nagual Juan Matus taught me on this Earth," she replied. "And in Dreaming, someone, I could never See, taught me. It was only a voice, telling me what to do. The Nagual gave me the task of learning to fly in Dreaming, and the voice taught me how to do it. Then it took me years to teach myself to shift from my regular body, the one you can touch, to my Dreaming Body."
"You have to explain this to me, Gorda" I said.
"You were learning to get to your Dreaming Body, when you dreamed, that you got out of your body," she continued. "But, the way I see it, the Nagual did not give you any specific task, so you went any old way you could. I, on the other hand, was given the task of using my Dreaming Body. The little Sisters had the same task. In my case, I once had a Dream, where I flew like a kite. I told the Nagual about it, because I had liked the feeling of gliding. He took it very seriously and turned it into a task. He said, that as soon, as one learns to do Dreaming, any Dream, that one can remember, is no longer a Dream, it's Dreaming. I began then to seek flying in Dreaming. But I couldn't set it up; the more I tried to influence my Dreaming, the more difficult it got. The Nagual finally told me to stop trying and let it come of its own accord. Little by little I started to fly in Dreaming. That was when some voice began to tell me, what to do. I've always felt, it was a woman's voice. When I had learned to fly perfectly, the Nagual told me, that every movement of flying, which I did in Dreaming, I had to repeat, while I was awake. You had the same chance, when the saber-toothed tiger was showing you how to breathe. But you never changed into a tiger in Dreaming, so you couldn't properly try to do it, while you were awake. But I did learn to fly in Dreaming. By shifting my Attention to my Dreaming Body, I could fly like a kite, while I was awake. I showed you my flying once, because I wanted you to See, that I had learned to use my Dreaming Body, but you didn't know, what was going on." She was referring to a time, she had scared me with the incomprehensible act of, actually bobbing up and down in the air like a kite. The event was so farfetched (improbable in nature) for me, that I could not begin to understand it in any logical way.
As usual, when things of that nature confronted me, I would lump them into an amorphous category of "perceptions under conditions of severe stress." I argued, that in cases of severe stress, perception could be greatly distorted by the senses. My explanation did not explain anything, but seemed to keep my reason pacified. I told la Gorda, that there must have been more to, what she had called her shift into her Dreaming Body, than merely repeating the action of flying. She thought for a while before answering.
"I think the Nagual must have told you, too," she said, "that the only thing, that really counts in making that shift, is anchoring the Second Attention. The Nagual said, that Attention is, what makes the world; he was of course absolutely right. He had reasons to say that. He was the Master of Attention. I suppose, he left it up to me to find out, that all I needed to shift into my Dreaming Body was, to focus my Attention on Flying. What was important was, to store Attention in Dreaming, to observe everything I did in flying. That was the only way of grooming my Second Attention. Once it was solid, just to focus it lightly on the details and feeling of flying brought more Dreaming of Flying, until it was routine for me to dream: I was soaring through the air. In the matter of flying, then, my Second Attention was keen. When the Nagual gave me the task of shifting to my Dreaming Body, he meant for me to turn on my Second Attention, while I was awake. This is the way I understand it. The First Attention, the Attention, that makes the world, can never be completely overcome; it can only be turned off for a moment and replaced with the Second Attention, providing that the body has stored enough of it. Dreaming is naturally a way of storing the Second Attention. So,
I would say, that in order to shift into your Dreaming Body when awake, you have to practice Dreaming, until it comes out your ears."
"Can you get to your Dreaming Body any time you want?" I asked.
"No. It's not that easy," she replied. "I've learned to repeat the Movements and Feelings of Flying, while I'm awake, and yet, I can't fly every time I want to. There is always a barrier to my Dreaming Body. Sometimes I feel, that the barrier is down; my body is free at those times and I can fly, as if I were Dreaming." I told la Gorda, that in my case don Juan gave me three tasks to train my Second Attention. The first was to find my hands in Dreaming. Next he recommended, that I should choose a locale, focus my attention on it, and then do daytime Dreaming and find out, if I could really go there. He suggested, that I should place someone I knew at the site, preferably a woman, in order to do two things: first to check subtle changes, that might indicate, that I was there in Dreaming, and second, to isolate unobtrusive detail, which would be precisely, what my Second Attention would zero in on.
The most serious problem the Dreamer has in this respect, is the unbending fixation of the Second Attention on detail, that would be thoroughly undetected by the Attention of everyday life, creating in this manner a nearly insurmountable obstacle to validation.
What one seeks in Dreaming, is not what one would pay Attention to in everyday life. Don Juan said, that one strives (exert much effort) to immobilize
(impede movement) the Second Attention only in the learning period. After that, one has to fight the almost invincible (unbeatable) pull of the Second Attention and give only cursory (hasty, superficial) glances at everything. In Dreaming one has to be satisfied with the briefest possible views of everything. As soon, as one focuses on anything, one loses control. The last generalized task, he gave me, was to get out of my body. I had partially succeeded, and all along I had considered it my only real accomplishment in Dreaming. Don Juan left before I had perfected the feeling in Dreaming, that I could handle the world of ordinary affairs, while I was Dreaming. His departure interrupted, what, I thought, was going to be an unavoidable overlapping of my Dreaming time into my world of everyday life. To elucidate (clarify) the control of the Second Attention, don Juan presented the idea of Will. He said, that Will can be described, as the maximum control of the luminosity of the body, as a field of energy; or it can be described as a level of proficiency, or a state of being, that comes abruptly into the daily life of a warrior at any given time. It is experienced as a force, that radiates out of the middle part of the body, following a moment of the most absolute silence, or a moment of sheer terror, or profound sadness; but not after a moment of happiness, because happiness is too disruptive to afford the warrior the concentration, needed to use the luminosity of the body and turn it into silence.
"The Nagual told me, that for a human being sadness is as powerful, as terror," la Gorda said. "Sadness makes a warrior shed tears of blood. Both can bring the moment of silence. Or the silence comes of itself, because the warrior tries for it throughout his life."
"Have you ever felt that moment of silence yourself?" I asked.
"I have, by all means, but I can't remember, what it is like," she said. "You and I have both felt it before and neither of us can remember anything about it. The Nagual said, that it is a moment of Blackness, a moment still more silent, than the moment of Shutting off the Internal Dialogue. That Blackness, that silence, gives rise to the Intent to direct the Second Attention, to command it, to make it do things. This is why it's called Will. The Intent and the effect are Will. the Nagual said, that they are tied together. He told me all this, when I was trying to learn flying in Dreaming. The Intent of Flying produces the Effect of Flying." I told her, that I had nearly written off the possibility of ever experiencing Will. "You'll experience it," la Gorda said. "The trouble is, that you and I are not keen enough to know what's happening to us. We don't feel our Will, because we think, that it should be something we know for sure, that we are doing or feeling, like getting angry, for instance. Will is very quiet, unnoticeable. Will belongs to the Other Self (our Double, LM)."
"What Other Self, Gorda?" I asked.
"You know, what I'm talking about," she replied briskly. "We are in our Other Selves, when we do Dreaming. We have entered into our Other Selves countless times by now, but we are not complete yet." There was a long silence. I conceded (admit, acknowledge) to myself, that she was right in saying, that we were not complete yet. I understood that as meaning, that we were merely apprentices of an inexhaustible Art. But then the thought crossed my mind, that, perhaps, she was referring to something else. It was not a rational thought. I felt first something like a prickling sensation in my solar plexus and then I had the thought, that perhaps she was talking about something else. Next I felt the answer. It came to me in a block, a clump of sorts. I knew, that all of it was there, first at the tip of my sternum (breastbone) and then in my mind. My problem was, that I could not disentangle (clear up, resolve), what I knew, fast enough to verbalize it. La Gorda did not interrupt my thought processes with further comments or gestures.
She was perfectly quiet, waiting. She seemed to be internally connected to me to such a degree, that there was no need for us to say anything. We sustained the feeling of communality with each other for a moment longer and then it overwhelmed us both. La Gorda and I calmed down by degrees. I finally began to speak. Not that I needed to reiterate, what we had felt and known in common, but just to reestablish our grounds for discussion, I told her, that I knew, in what way we were incomplete, but that I could not put my knowledge into words. "There are lots and lots of things we know," she said. "And yet we can't get them to work for us, because we really don't know how to bring them out of us. You've just begun to feel that pressure. I've had it for years. I know and yet I don't know. Most of the time I trip over myself and sound like an imbecile, when I try to say, what I know." I understood, what she meant and I understood her at a physical level. I knew something thoroughly practical and self-evident about Will and what la Gorda had called the Other Self and yet, I could not utter a single word about what I knew, not because I was reticent (reseved in speech) or bashful, but because I did not know where to begin, or how to organize my knowledge. "Will is such a complete control of the Second Attention, that it is called the Other Self," la Gorda said after a long pause. "In spite of all we've done, we know only a tiny bit of the Other Self. The Nagual left it up to us to complete our knowledge. That's our task of remembering."
She smacked her forehead with the palm of her hand, as if something had just come to her mind. "We are remembering the Other Self!" she exclaimed, her voice almost bordering on hysteria. Then she calmed down and went on talking in a subdued tone. 
"Evidently we've already been there and the only way, of remembering it, is the way we're doing it, by shooting off our Dreaming Bodies, while Dreaming together."
"What do you mean, shooting off our Dreaming Bodies?" I asked.
"You, yourself, have witnessed when Genaro used to shoot off his Dreaming Body," she said. "It pops off like a slow bullet; it actually glues and unglues itself from the physical body with a loud crack. The Nagual told me, that Genaro's Dreaming Body could do most of the things, we normally do; he used to come to you that way, in order to jolt you. I know now,  what the Nagual and Genaro were after. They wanted you to remember, and for that effect Genaro used to perform incredible feats in front of your very eyes, by shooting off his Dreaming Body. But to no avail."
"I never knew, that he was in his Dreaming Body," I said.
"You never knew, because you weren't watching," she said. "Genaro tried to let you know, by attempting to do things, that the Dreaming Body cannot do, like eating, drinking, and so forth. The Nagual told me, that Genaro used to joke with you, that he was going to shit and make the mountains tremble."
"Why can't the Dreaming Body do those things?" I asked.
"Because the Dreaming Body cannot handle the Intent of eating, or drinking," she replied.
"What do you mean by that, Gorda" I asked.
"Genaro's great accomplishment was, that in his Dreaming, he learned the Intent of the body," she explained. "He finished, what you had started to do. He could dream his whole body as perfectly, as it could be. But the Dreaming Body has a different Intent from the Intent of the physical body. For instance, the Dreaming Body can go through a wall, because it knows the Intent of disappearing into thin air. The physical body knows the Intent of eating, but not the one of disappearing. For Genaro's physical body to go through a wall, would be as impossible, as for his Dreaming Body to eat." La Gorda was silent for a while, as if measuring, what she had just said. I wanted to wait, before asking her any questions. "Genaro had mastered only the Intent of the Dreaming Body" she said in a soft voice. "Silvio Manuel, on the other hand, was the ultimate Master of Intent, I know now, that the reason we can't remember his face is, because he was not like everybody else."
"What makes you say that, Gorda?" I asked. She started to explain, what she meant, but she was incapable of speaking coherently. Suddenly she smiled. Her eyes lit up. "I've got it!" she exclaimed. "The Nagual told me, that Silvio Manuel was the Master of Intent, because he was permanently in his Other Self. He was the real chief. He, was behind everything the Nagual did. In fact, he's the one, who made the Nagual take care of you."
I experienced a great physical discomfort upon hearing la Gorda say that. I nearly became sick to my stomach and made extraordinary efforts to hide it from her. I turned my back to her and began to gag. She stopped talking for an instant and then proceeded, as if she had made up her mind not to acknowledge my state. Instead, she began to yell at me. She said, that it was time, that we air our grievances. She confronted me with my feelings of resentment, after what happened in Mexico City. She added, that my rancor (rancid, bitter resentment) was not, because she had sided with the other apprentices against me, but because she had taken part in unmasking me. I explained to her, that all of those feelings had vanished from me. She was adamant (inflexible). She maintained, that, unless I faced them, they would come back to me in some way. She insisted, that my affiliation with Silvio Manuel, was at the crux of the matter. I could not believe the changes of mood, I went through upon hearing that statement. I became two people - one raving, foaming at the mouth, the other calm, observing. I had a final painful spasm in my stomach and got ill. But it was not a feeling of nausea, that had caused the spasm. It was rather an uncontainable wrath. When I finally calmed down, I was embarrassed at my behavior and worried, that an incident of that nature might happen to me again at another time. "As soon, as you accept your true nature, you'll be free from rage," la Gorda said in a nonchalant (cool) tone. I wanted to argue with her, but I saw the futility of it. Besides, my attack of anger had drained me of energy. I laughed at the fact, that I did not know, what I would do, if she were right. The thought occurred to me then, that if I could forget about the Nagual Woman, anything was possible.
I had a strange sensation of heat or irritation in my throat, as if I had eaten hot spicy food. I felt a jolt of bodily alarm, just as though I had seen someone sneaking behind my back, and
I knew at that moment something, I had had no idea I knew a moment before. La Gorda was right. Silvio Manuel had been in charge of me. La Gorda laughed loudly when I told her that. She said, that she had also remembered something about Silvio Manuel. "I don't remember him as a person, as I remember the Nagual Woman," she went on, "but I remember what the Nagual told me about him."
"What did he tell you?" I asked.
"He said, that while Silvio Manuel was on this Earth, he was like Eligio. He disappeared once without leaving a trace and went into the Other World. He was gone for years; then one day he returned. The Nagual said, that Silvio Manuel did not remember, where he'd been or what he'd done, but his body had been changed. He had come back to the World, but he had come back in his Other Self (the Double, LM)."
"What else did he say, Gorda?" I asked.
"I can't remember any more," she replied. "It is, as if I were looking through a fog." I knew, that if we pushed ourselves hard enough, we were going to find out right then, who Silvio Manuel was. I told her so. "The Nagual said, that Intent is present everywhere," la Gorda said all of a sudden.
"What does that mean?" I asked.
"I don't know," she said. "I'm just voicing things, that come to my mind. The Nagual also said,  that Intent is what makes the world." I knew, that I had heard those words before. I thought, that don Juan must have also told me the same thing and I had forgotten it.
"When did don Juan tell you that?" I asked.
"I can't remember when," she said. "But he told me, that people, and all other living creatures, for that matter, are the slaves of Intent. We are in its clutches. It makes us do whatever it wants. It makes us act in the world. It even makes us die. He said, that when we become warriors, though, Intent becomes our friend. It lets us be free for a moment; at times it even comes to us, as if it had been waiting around for us. He told me, that he himself was only a friend of Intent - not like Silvio Manuel, who was the Master of it." There were barrages (outpouring) of hidden memories in me, that fought to get out. They seemed about to surface. I experienced a tremendous frustration for a moment and then something in me gave up. I became calm. I was no longer interested in finding out about Silvio Manuel. La Gorda interpreted my change of mood as a sign, that we were not ready to face our memories of Silvio Manuel. "The Nagual showed all of us, what he could do with his Intent," she said abruptly. "He could make things appear by calling Intent. He told me, that if I wanted to fly, I had to summon (call) the Intent of flying. He showed me then, how he himself could summon it, and jumped in the air and soared in a circle, like a huge kite. Or he would make things appear in his hand. He said, that he knew the Intent of many things and could call those things by Intending them. The difference between him and Silvio Manuel was, that Silvio Manuel, by being the Master of Intent, knew the Intent of Everything." I told her, that her explanation needed more explaining. She seemed to struggle arranging words in her mind. "I learned the Intent of flying," she said, "by repeating all the feelings I had while flying in Dreaming. This was only one thing. The Nagual had learned in his life the Intent of hundreds of things. But Silvio Manuel went to the Source itself. He tapped it. He didn't have to learn the Intent of anything. He was one with Intent. The problem was, that he had no more desires, because Intent has no desire of its own, so he had to rely on the Nagual for volition. In other words, Silvio Manuel could do anything the Nagual wanted. The Nagual directed Silvio Manuel's Intent. But since the Nagual had no desires either, most of the time they didn't do anything."

8. The Right and The Left Side Awareness

Our discussion of Dreaming was most helpful to us, not only because it solved our impasse (cul-de-sac, deadlock) in Dreaming together, but because it brought its concepts to an intellectual level. Talking about it, kept us busy; it allowed us to have a moment's pause, in order to ease our agitation. One night, while I was out running an errand (short trip), I called la Gorda from a telephone booth. She told me, that she had been in a department store and had had the sensation, that I was hiding there behind some mannequins on display. She was certain, I was teasing her and became furious with me. She rushed through the store, trying to catch me, to show me how angry she was. Then she realized, that she was actually remembering something, she had done quite often around me, having a tantrum. In unison, we arrived then at the conclusion, that it was time to try again our Dreaming together. As we talked, we felt a renewed optimism. I went home immediately. I very easily entered into the first state, restful vigil. I had a sensation of bodily pleasure, a tingling radiating from my solar plexus, which was transformed into the thought, that we were going to have great results. That thought turned into a nervous anticipation. I became aware, that my thoughts were emanating from the tingling in the middle of my chest. The instant I turned my attention to it, however, the tingling stopped. It was like an electric current, that I could switch on and off. The tingling began again, even more pronounced, than before, and suddenly, I found myself face to face with la Gorda. It was, as if I had turned a corner and bumped into her.
I became immersed in watching her. She was so absolutely real, so herself, that I had the urge to touch her. The most pure, unearthly affection for her burst out of me at that moment. I began to sob uncontrollably. La Gorda quickly tried to interlock our arms to stop my indulging, but she could not move at all. We looked around.  There was no fixed tableau in front of our eyes, no static picture of any sort. I had a sudden insight and told la Gorda, that it was, because we had been watching each other, that we had missed the appearance of the dreaming scene. Only after I had spoken, did I realize, that we were in a new situation. The sound of my voice scared me. It was a strange voice, harsh, unappealing. It gave me a feeling of physical revulsion. La Gorda replied, that we had not missed anything, that our Second Attention had been caught by something else. She smiled and made a puckering gesture with her mouth, a mixture of surprise and annoyance at the sound of her own voice. I found the novelty of talking in Dreaming spellbinding (enchanting), for we were not Dreaming of a scene, in which we talked, we were actually conversing. And it required a unique effort, quite similar to my initial effort of walking down a stairway in Dreaming. I asked her, whether she thought my voice sounded funny. She nodded and laughed out loud. The sound of her laughter was shocking. I remembered, that don Genaro used to make the strangest and most frightening noises; la Gorda's laughter was in the same category. The realization struck me then, that la Gorda and I had quite spontaneously entered into our  Dreaming Bodies. I wanted to hold her hand. I tried, but I could not move my arm. Because I had some experience with moving in that (non-physical) state, I willed myself to go to la Gorda's side. My desire was to embrace her, but instead, I moved in on her so close, that we merged. I was aware of myself as an individual being, but at the same time I felt, I was part of la Gorda. I liked that feeling immensely. We stayed merged, until something broke our hold.
Yellow-Fogged Border. I felt a command to examine the environment. As I looked, I clearly remembered having seen it before. We were surrounded by small round mounds, that looked exactly like sand dunes.
They were all around us, in every direction, as far, as we could see. They seemed to be made of something, that looked like pale Yellow sandstone, or rough granules of sulphur. The sky was the same color and was very low and oppressive. There were banks of Yellowish Fog or some sort of Yellow Vapor, that hung from certain spots in the sky. I noticed then, that la Gorda and I seemed to be breathing normally. I could not feel my chest with my hands, but I was able to feel it expanding, as I inhaled. The Yellow Vapors were obviously not harmful to us. We began to move in unison, slowly, cautiously, almost as if we were walking. After a short distance I got very fatigued and so did la Gorda. We were gliding just over the ground, and apparently moving that way was very tiring to our Second Attention; it required an inordinate degree of concentration. We were not deliberately mimicking our ordinary walk, but the effect was much the same, as if we had been.
To move, required outbursts of energy, something like tiny explosions, with pauses in between. We had no objective in our movement, but moving itself, so finally we had to stop. La Gorda spoke to me, her voice so faint, that it was barely audible. She said, that we were mindlessly going toward the heavier regions, and that, if we kept on moving in that direction, the pressure would get so great, that we would die. We automatically turned around and headed back in the direction we had come from, but the feeling of fatigue did not let up. Both of us were so exhausted, that we could no longer maintain our upright posture. We collapsed and quite spontaneously adopted the dreaming position. I woke up instantly in my study. La Gorda woke up in her bedroom. The first thing, I told her upon awakening, was  that I had been in that barren landscape several times before. I had Seen at least two aspects of it, one perfectly flat, the other covered with small, sand-dune-like mounds. As I was talking, I realized, that I had not even bothered to confirm, that we had had the same vision. I stopped and told her, that I had gotten carried away by my own excitement; I had proceeded, as if I were comparing notes with her about a vacation trip. "It's too late for that kind of talk between us," she said with a sigh, "but if it makes you happy, I'll tell you what we Saw." She patiently described everything we had Seen, said, and done. She added, that she too had been in that deserted place before, and that she knew for a fact, that it was a no-man's land, the space between the World we know and the Other World.  "It is the area between the Parallel Lines," she went on. "We can go to it in Dreaming. But in order to leave this World and reach the Other, the One beyond the Parallel Lines, we have to go through that area with our whole bodies." I felt a chill at the thought of entering that barren place with our whole bodies. "You and I have been there together, with our bodies," la Gorda went on. "Don't you remember?" I told her, that all, I could remember, was 
Seeing that landscape twice under don Juan's guidance. Both times
I had written off the experience, because it had been brought about by the ingestion of hallucinogenic plants. Following the dictums (pragmatic, authoritarian) of my intellect, I had regarded them as private visions and not as consensual (based on mutual consent)  experiences. I did not remember viewing that scene under any other circumstances.
"When did you and I get there with our bodies?" I asked.
"I don't know," she said. "The vague memory of it just popped into my mind, when you mentioned, being there before. I think, that now it is your turn to help me finish, what I have started to remember. I can't focus on it yet, but I do recall, that Silvio Manuel took the Nagual Woman, you, and me into that desolate place. I don't know why he took us in there, though. We were not in Dreaming." I did not hear, what else she was saying. My mind had begun to zero in on something still inarticulate. I struggled to set my thoughts in order. They rambled (stroll, roam, wander for pleasure) aimlessly. For a moment I felt, as if I had reverted (return) back years, to a time, when I could not stop my internal dialogue. Then the Fog began to clear. My thoughts arranged themselves without my conscious direction, and the result was: the full memory of an event, which I had already partially recalled in one of those unstructured flashes of recollection, that I used to have.
La Gorda was right, we had been taken once to a region, that don Juan had called "limbo", apparently drawing the term from religious dogma. I knew, that la Gorda was also right in saying, that we had not been in Dreaming. On that occasion, at the request of Silvio Manuel, don Juan had rounded up the Nagual Woman, la Gorda, and myself. Don Juan told me, that the reason for our meeting was the fact that, by my own means, but without knowing how, I had entered into a special recess (alcove, remote, secret, secluded place) of Awareness, which was the site of the keenest form of Attention. I had previously reached that state, which don Juan had called the "Left Side," but all too briefly and always aided by him. One of its main features, the one, that had the greatest value for all of us, involved with don Juan, was, that in that state we were able to perceive a colossal bank of Yellowish Vapor, something, which don Juan called the "Wall of Fog." Whenever I was capable of perceiving it, it was always to my right, extending forward to the horizon and up to Infinity, thus dividing the World in two.

The Wall of Fog would turn either to the right or to the left, as I turned my head, so there was never a way for me to face it. On the day in question, both don Juan and Silvio Manuel had talked to me about the Wall of Fog. I remembered, that after Silvio Manuel had finished talking, he grabbed la Gorda by the nape (back of the neck) of her neck, as if she were a kitten, and disappeared with her into the bank of Fog. I had had a split second to observe their disappearance, because don Juan had somehow succeeded in making me face the Wall myself. He did not pick me up by the nape of the neck, but pushed me into the Fog; and the next thing I knew, I was looking at the desolate plain. Don Juan, Silvio Manuel, the Nagual Woman, and la Gorda were also there. I did not care what they were doing. I was concerned with a most unpleasant and threatening feeling of oppression - a fatigue, a maddening difficulty in breathing. I perceived, that I was standing inside a suffocating, Yellow, low-ceilinged cave. The physical sensation of pressure became so overwhelming, that I could no longer breathe. It seemed, that all my physical functions had stopped; I could not feel any part of my body. Yet I still could move, walk, extend my arms, rotate my head. I put my hands on my thighs; there was no feeling in my thighs, nor in the palms of my hands.  My legs and arms were visibly there, but not palpably there. Moved by the boundless fear, I was feeling, I grabbed the Nagual Woman by the arm and yanked (pull, extract suddenly) her off balance. But it was not my muscle strength, that had pulled her. It was a force, that was stored not in my muscles or skeletal frame, but in the very center of my body. Wanting to play that force once more, I grabbed la Gorda. She was rocked by the strength of my pull. Then I realized, that the energy to move them had come from a sticklike protuberance, that acted upon them as a tentacle. It was balanced at the midpoint of my body. All that had taken only an instant. The next moment I was back again at the same point of physical anguish (extreme mental pain, torture, torment) and fear.
I looked at Silvio Manuel in a silent plea for help. The way he returned my look convinced me, that I was lost. His eyes were cold and indifferent. Don Juan turned his back to me and I shook from the inside out with a physical terror beyond comprehension. I thought, that the blood in my body was boiling, not because I felt heat, but because an internal pressure was mounting to the point of bursting. Don Juan commanded me to relax and abandon myself to my death. He said, that I had to remain in there, until I died and that I had a chance either to die peacefully, if I would make a supreme effort and let my terror possess me, or I could die in agony, if I chose to fight it. Silvio Manuel spoke to me, a thing, he rarely did. He said, that the energy, I needed to accept my terror, was in my middle point, and that the only way to succeed was to acquiesce (agree without protest), to surrender without surrendering. The Nagual Woman and la Gorda were perfectly calm. I was the only one, who was dying there. Silvio Manuel said, that the way I was wasting energy, my end was only moments away, and that I should consider myself already dead. Don Juan signaled the Nagual Woman and la Gorda to follow him. They turned their backs to me. I did not see what else they did. I felt a powerful vibration go through me.
I figured, that it was my death rattle; my struggle was over. I did not care any more. I gave in to the unsurpassable terror, that was killing me.
My body, or the configuration I regarded as my body, relaxed, abandoned itself to its death. As I let the terror come in, or perhaps go out of me, I felt and saw a tenuous (weak, flimsy) vapor - a whitish smear against the Sulphur-Yellow surroundings - leaving my body. Don Juan came back to my side and examined me with curiosity. Silvio Manuel moved away and grabbed la Gorda again by the nape of her neck. I clearly Saw him hurling her, like a giant rag doll, into the Fog bank. Then he stepped in himself and disappeared. The Nagual Woman made a gesture to invite me to come into the fog. I moved toward her, but before I reached her, don Juan gave me a forceful shove, that propelled me through the thick Yellow Fog. I did not stagger (move unsteadily) , but glided through and ended up falling headlong onto the ground in the Everyday World. La Gorda remembered the whole affair, as I narrated it to her. Then she added more details.
"The Nagual Woman and I were not afraid for your life," she said. "The Nagual had told us, that you had to be forced to give up your holdings, but that was nothing new. Every Male Warrior has to be forced by fear. Silvio Manuel had already taken me behind that Wall three times, so that I would learn to relax. He said, that if you saw me at ease, you would be affected by it, and you were. You gave up and relaxed."
"Did you also have a hard time learning to relax?" I asked.
"No. It's a cinch (something easy to accomplish) for a Woman," she said. "That's our advantage. The only problem is, that we have to be transported through the Fog. We can't do it on our own."
"Why not, Gorda?" I asked.
"One needs to be very heavy to go through and a Woman is light," she said. "Too light, in fact."
"What about the Nagual Woman? I didn't see anyone transporting her," I said.
"The Nagual Woman was special," la Gorda said. "She could do everything by herself. She could take me in there, or take you. She could even pass through that deserted plain, a thing, which the Nagual said, was mandatory for all travelers, who journey into the Unknown."
"Why did the Nagual Woman go in there with me?" I asked.
"Silvio Manuel took us along to buttress (support) you," she said. "He thought, that you needed the protection of two females and two males flanking you. Silvio Manuel thought, that you needed to be protected from the Entities, that roam and lurk in there. Allies come from that deserted plain. And other things even more fierce."
"Were you also protected?" I asked.
"I don't need protection," she said. "I'm a Woman. I'm free from all that. But we all thought, that you were in a terrible fix (difficult, embarassing position, predicament, dilemma). You were the Nagual, and a very stupid one. We thought, that any of those fierce Allies - or if you wish, call them demons - could have blasted you, or dismembered you. That was what Silvio Manuel said. He took us to flank (guard) your four corners. But the funny part was, that neither the Nagual (Don Juan), nor Silvio Manuel knew, that you didn't need us. We were supposed to walk for quite a while, until you lost your energy. Then Silvio Manuel was going to frighten you by pointing out the Allies to you and beckoning them to come after you. He and the Nagual planned to help you little by little. That is the rule. But something went wrong. The minute you got in there, you went crazy. You hadn't moved an inch and you were already dying. You were frightened to death and you hadn't even seen the Allies yet. Silvio Manuel told me, that he didn't know what to do, so he said in your ear the last thing, he was supposed to say to you, to give in, to surrender without surrendering. You became calm at once all by yourself, and they didn't have to do any of the things, that they had planned. There was nothing for the Nagual and Silvio Manuel to do, except to take us out of there." I told la Gorda, that when I found myself back in the World, there was someone, standing by me, who helped me to stand up. That was all I could recollect. "We were in Silvio Manuel's house," she said. "I can now remember a lot about that house. Someone told me, I don't know who, that Silvio Manuel found that house and bought it, because it was built on a Power Spot. But someone else said, that Silvio Manuel found the house, liked it, bought it, and then brought the Power Spot to it. I personally feel, that Silvio Manuel brought the Power.
I feel, that his impeccability held the Power Spot on that house for as long, as he and his companions lived there. When it was time for them to move away, the Power of that Spot vanished with them, and the house became, what it had been before Silvio Manuel found it, an ordinary house." As la Gorda talked, my mind seemed to clear up further, but not enough to reveal, what had happened to us in that house, that filled me with such sadness. Without knowing why, I was sure it had to do with the Nagual Woman. Where was she?
La Gorda did not answer when I asked her that. There was a long silence. She excused herself, saying, that she had to make breakfast; it was already morning.
She left me by myself, with a most painful, heavy heart. I called her back. She got angry and threw her pots on the floor. I understood why. In another session of Dreaming together we went still deeper into the intricacies (convoluted, complex arrangement) of the Second Attention. This took place a few days later. La Gorda and I, with no such expectation or effort, found ourselves standing together. She tried three or four times in vain to interlock her arm with mine. She spoke to me, but her speech was incomprehensible. I knew, however, that she was saying, that we were again in our Dreaming Bodies. She was cautioning me, that all movement should stem from our midsections. As in our last attempt, no Dreaming scene presented itself for our examination, but I seemed to recognize a physical locale, which I had seen in Dreaming nearly every day for over a year: it was the valley of the saber-toothed tiger. We walked a few yards; this time our movements were not jerky or explosive. We actually walked from the belly, with no muscular action involved. The trying part was my lack of practice; it was like the first time I had ridden a bicycle. I easily got tired and lost my rhythm, became hesitant and unsure of myself. We stopped. La Gorda was out of synchronization, too. We began then to examine, what was around us. Everything had an indisputable reality, at least to the eye. We were in a rugged area with a weird vegetation. I could not identify the strange shrubs I saw. They seemed like small trees, five to six feet high. They had a few leaves, which were flat and thick, chartreuse (yellow-green) in color, and huge, gorgeous, deep-brown flowers striped with gold. The stems were not woody, but seemed to be light and pliable, like reeds; they were covered with long, formidable-looking needlelike thorns. Some old dead plants, that had dried up and fallen to the ground, gave me the impression, that the stems were hollow. The ground was very dark and seemed moist. I tried to bend over to touch it, but I failed to move. La Gorda signaled me to use my midsection. When I did that, I did not have to bend over to touch the ground; there was something in me like a tentacle, which could feel. But I could not tell what I was feeling. There were no particular tactile qualities, on which to base distinctions. The ground, that I touched, appeared to be soil, not to my sense of touch, but to what seemed to be a visual core in me. I was plunged then into an intellectual dilemma. Why would Dreaming seem to be the product of my visual faculty? Was it because of the predominance of the visual in daily life? The questions were meaningless. I was in no position to answer them, and all my queries did was to debilitate (weaken) my Second Attention.
La Gorda jolted me out of my deliberations by ramming (strike, press) me. I experienced a sensation like a blow; a tremor ran through me. She pointed ahead of us. As usual, the saber-toothed tiger was lying on the ledge, where I had always Seen it. We approached, until we were a mere six feet from the ledge and we had to lift our heads to see the tiger. We stopped. It stood up. Its size was stupendous, especially its breadth. I knew, that la Gorda wanted us to sneak around the tiger to the other side of the hill. I wanted to tell her, that that might be dangerous, but I could not find a way to convey the message to her. The tiger seemed angry, aroused.
It crouched back on its hind legs, as if it were preparing to jump on us. I was terrified. La Gorda turned to me, smiling. I understood, that she was telling me not to succumb to my panic, because the tiger was only a ghostlike image. With a movement of her head, she coaxed (urge, persuade, plead) me to go on. Yet at an unfa-
thomable (too deep to be measured) level I knew, that the tiger was an Entity, perhaps not in the factual sense of our Daily World, but real nonetheless. And because la Gorda and I were Dreaming, we had lost our own factuality-in-the-World. At that moment we were on a par with the tiger: our existence also was ghostlike.

We took one more step at the nagging insistence of la Gorda. The tiger jumped from the ledge. I saw its enormous body hurtling through the air, coming directly at me. I lost the sense, that I was Dreaming - to me, the tiger was real and I was going to be ripped apart. A barrage of lights, images, and the most intense primary colors I had ever seen, flashed all around me. I woke up in my study. After we became extremely proficient in our Dreaming together. I had the certainty then, that we had managed to secure our Detachment, and we were no longer in a hurry. The outcome of our efforts was not what moved us to act. It was rather an ulterior (concealed intentionally) compulsion, that gave us the impetus (impulse, stimulus) to act impeccably without thought of reward. Our subsequent sessions were like the first, except for the speed and ease, with which we entered into the Second State of Dreaming, dynamic vigil. Our proficiency in Dreaming together was such, that we successfully repeated it every night. Without any such intention on our part, our Dreaming together focused itself randomly on three areas: on the sand dunes, on the habitat of the saber-toothed tiger, and most important, on forgotten past events. When the scenes, that confronted us, had to do with forgotten events, in which la Gorda and I had played an important role, she had no difficulty in interlocking her arm with mine. That act gave me an irrational sense of security. La Gorda explained, that it fulfilled a need to dispel (rid of, dispense with) the utter aloneness, that the Second Attention produces. She said, that to interlock the arms,  promoted a mood of objectivity, and as a result, we could watch the activity, that took place in every scene. At times we were compelled (driven, forced) to be part of the activity. At other times we were thoroughly objective and watched the scene, as if we were in a movie theater. When we visited the sand dunes or the habitat of the tiger, we were unable to interlock arms. In those instances our activity was never the same twice. Our actions were never premeditated (plot in advance), but seemed to be spontaneous reactions to novel situations. According to la Gorda, most of our Dreaming together grouped itself into three categories. The first and, by far, the largest, was a reenactment of events, we had lived together. The second was a review, that both of us did, of events I alone had "lived" - the land of the saber-toothed tiger was in this category. The third was an actual visit to a Realm, that existed, as we Saw it at the moment of our visit. She contended, that those Yellow mounds are present here and now, and that that is the way they look and stand always to the Warrior, who journeys into them. I wanted to argue a point with her. She and I had had mysterious interactions with people, we had forgotten, for reasons inconceivable to us, but whom we had nonetheless known in fact. The saber-toothed tiger, on the other hand, was a creature of my Dreaming. I could not conceive (formulate) both of them to be in the same category. Before I had time to voice my thoughts, I got her answer. It was, as if she were actually inside my mind, reading it like a text. "They are in the same class," she said, and laughed nervously. "We can't explain, why we have forgotten, or how it is, that we are remembering now. We can't explain anything. The sabertoothed tiger is there, somewhere. We'll never know where. But why should we worry about a made-up inconsistency? To say, that one is a fact and the other a dream, has no meaning whatever to the Other Self." La Gorda and I used Dreaming Together, as a means of reaching an unimagined world of hidden memories. Dreaming together enabled us to recollect events, that we were incapable of retrieving with our everyday-life memory. When we rehashed those events in our waking hours, it triggered yet more detailed recollections. In this fashion we disinterred (dug up, removed), so to speak, masses of memories, that had been buried in us. It took us almost two years of prodigious (extraodinary) effort and concentration to arrive at a modicum (small amount) of understanding, of what had happened to us.
Don Juan had told us, that human beings are divided in two. The Right Side, which he called the Tonal, encompasses everything the intellect can conceive of. The
Left Side, called the Nagual, is a realm of indescribable features: a realm impossible to contain in words. The left side is perhaps comprehended, if comprehension
 is, what takes place with the total body; thus its resistance to conceptualization.
Don Juan had also told us, that all the faculties, possibilities, and accomplishments of sorcery, from the simplest to the most astounding, are in the human body itself. Taking as a base, the concepts, that we are divided in two and that everything is in the body itself, la Gorda proposed an explanation of our memories. She believed, that during the years of our association with the Nagual Juan Matus, our time was divided between states of normal awareness, on the Right Side, the Tonal, where the First Attention prevails (win a victory, predominant), and states of Heightened Awareness, on the Left Side, the Nagual, or the site of the Second Attention. La Gorda thought, that the Nagual Juan Matus's efforts were to lead us to the Other Self by means of the self-control of the Second Attention through Dreaming.
He put us in direct touch with the Second Attention, however, through bodily manipulation, La Gorda remembered, that he used to force her to go from one side to the other by pushing or massaging her back. She said, that sometimes he would even give her a sound blow over or around her right shoulder blade. The result was her entrance into an extraordinary state of clarity. To la Gorda, it seemed, that everything in that state went faster, yet nothing in the world had been changed. It was weeks after la Gorda told me this, that I remembered the same had been the case with me. At any given time don Juan might give me a blow on my back. I always felt the blow on my spine, high between my shoulder blades. An extraordinary clarity would follow. The world was the same, but sharper. Everything stood by itself.  It may have been, that my reasoning faculties were numbed by don Juan's blow, thus allowing me to perceive without their intervention. I would stay clear indefinite-
ly or until don Juan would give me another blow on the same spot, to make me revert back to a normal state of awareness. He never pushed or massaged me. It was always a direct sound blow - not like the blow of a fist, but rather a smack, that took my breath away for an instant. I would have to gasp and take long, fast gulps of air, until I could breathe normally again. La Gorda reported the same effect: all the air would be forced out of her lungs by the Nagual's blow and she would have to breathe extra hard to fill them up again. La Gorda believed, that breath was the all-important factor. In her opinion, the gulps of air, that she had to take after being struck, were what made the difference, yet she could not explain, in what way breathing would affect her Perception and Awareness. She also said, that she was never hit back into normal awareness; she reverted back to it by her own means, though without knowing how. Her remarks seemed relevant to me. As a child, and even as an adult, I had occasionally had the wind knocked out of me, when I took a fall on my back. But the effect of don Juan's blow, though it left me breathless, was not like that at all. There was no pain involved; instead it brought on a sensation impossible to describe. The closest I can come is to say, that it created a feeling like dryness in me. The blows to my back seemed to dry out my lungs and fog up everything else. Then, as la Gorda had observed, everything, that had become hazy after the Nagual's blow, became crystal clear as I breathed, as if breath were the catalyst, the all-important factor. The same thing would happen to me on the way back to the awareness of everyday life. The air would be knocked out of me, the world I was watching would become foggy, and then it would clear, as I filled up my lungs. Another feature of those states of Heightened Awareness was the incomparable richness of personal interaction, a richness, that our bodies understood as a sensation of speeding. Our back-and-forth movement between the right and the left sides made it easier for us to realize, that on the right side too much energy and time is consumed in the actions and interactions of our daily life. On the Left Side, on the other hand, there is an inherent need for economy and speed. La Gorda could not describe what this speed really was, and neither could I. The best I could do, would be to say, that on the Left Side I could grasp the meaning of things with precision and directness.  Every facet of activity was free of preliminaries or introductions. I acted and rested; I went forth and retreated without any of the thought processes, that are usual to me. This was, what la Gorda and I understood, as speeding.
La Gorda and I discerned at one moment, that the richness of our perception on the Left Side was a post-facto realization. Our interaction appeared to be rich in the light of our capacity to remember it. We became cognizant (aware of mental process to acquire knowledge) then, that in these states of Heightened Awareness
we had perceived everything in one clump, one bulky mass of inextricable (not capable of being freed) detail. We called this ability to perceive everything at once: Intensity. For years we had found it impossible to examine the separate constituent (component) parts of those chunks of experience; we had been unable to synthesize those parts into a sequence, that would make sense to the intellect. Since we were incapable of those syntheses, we could not remember. Our incapacity to remember was in reality an incapacity to put the memory of our perception on a linear basis. We could not lay our experiences flat, so to speak, and arrange them in a sequential order. The experiences were available to us, but at the same time they were impossible to retrieve, for they were blocked by a wall of intensity.
The task of remembering, then, was properly the task of joining our left and right sides, of reconciling those two distinct forms of perception into a unified whole.
It was the task of consolidating the totality of oneself by rearranging intensity into a linear sequence. It occurred to us, that the activities we remembered taking part in, might not have taken long to perform, in terms of time measured by the clock. By reason of our capacity to perceive in terms of intensity, we may have had only a subliminal sensation of lengthy passages of time. La Gorda felt, that if we could rearrange intensity into a linear sequence, we would honestly believe, that we had lived a thousand years. The pragmatic step, that don Juan took to aid our task of remembering, was to make us interact with certain people, while we were in a state of Heightened Awareness. He was very careful not to let us see those people, when we were in a state of normal awareness. In this way he created the appropriate conditions for remembering. Upon completing our remembering, la Gorda and I entered into a bizarre state. We had detailed knowledge of social interactions, which we had shared with don Juan and his companions. These were not memories in the sense, that I would remember an episode from my childhood; they were more, than vivid moment-to-moment recollections of events. We reconstructed conversations, that seemed to be reverberating in our ears, as if we were listening to them. Both of us felt, that it was superfluous (unnecessary) to try to speculate (suppose, conjesture) about, what was happening to us. What we remembered, from the point of view of our experiential selves, was taking place now. Such was the character of our remembering. At last la Gorda and I were able to answer the questions, that had driven us so hard. We remembered, who the Nagual Woman was, where she fit among us, what her role had been. We deduced, more than remembered, that we had spent equal amounts of time with don Juan and don Genaro in normal states of awareness, and with don Juan and his other companions in states of Heightened Awareness. We recaptured every nuance of those interactions, which had been veiled by intensity. Upon a thoughtful review, of what we had found, we realized, that we had bridged the two sides of ourselves in a minimal fashion. We turned then to other topics, new questions, that had come to take precedence over the old ones. There were three subjects, three questions, that summarized all of our concerns. Who was don Juan and who were his companions? What had they really done to us? Where had all of them gone?

Part 3: The Eagle's Gift - 9. The Rule of The Nagual

Don Juan had been extremely sparing with information about his background and personal life. His reticence (restrained/reserved in speech/style) was, fundamentally, a didactic device; as far, as he was concerned, his time began when he became a warrior; anything, that had happened to him before, was of very little consequence. All la Gorda and I knew about his early life was, that he was born in Arizona of Yaqui and Yuma Indian parentage. When he was still an infant, his parents took him to live with the Yaquis in northern Mexico. At ten years of age he was caught in the tide of the Yaqui wars. His mother was killed then, and his father was apprehended by the Mexican army. Both don Juan and his father were sent to a relocation center in the farthest southern state of Yucatan. He grew up there. Whatever happened to him during that period was never disclosed to us. Don Juan believed there was no need to tell us about it. I felt otherwise. The importance,  that I gave to that segment of his life, arose from my conviction, that the distinctive features and the emphasis of his leadership grew out of that personal inventory of experience. But that inventory, important as it might have been, was not what gave him the paramount significance he had in our eyes, and in the eyes of his other companions. His total preeminence (dominant) rested on the fortuitous act of becoming involved with the "rule." Being involved with the rule may be described as living a myth. Don Juan lived a myth, a myth, that caught him and made him the Nagual.
Don Juan said, that when the rule caught him, he was an aggressive, unruly man living in exile, as thousands of other Yaqui Indians from northern Mexico lived at that time. He worked in the tobacco plantations of southern Mexico. One day after work, in a nearly fatal encounter with a fellow worker over matters of money, he was shot in the chest. When he regained consciousness an old Indian was leaning over him, poking the small wound in his chest with his fingers. The bullet had not penetrated the chest cavity, but was lodged in the muscle against a rib. Don Juan fainted two or three times from shock, loss of blood, and in his own words, from fear of dying. The old Indian removed the bullet, and since don Juan had no place to stay, he took him to his own house and nursed him for over a month. The old Indian was kind, but severe (ardious, causing a great pain, strict). One day, when don Juan was fairly strong, almost recovered, the old man gave him a sound blow on his back and forced him into a state of Heightened Awareness. Then, without any further preliminaries, he revealed to don Juan the portion of the rule, which pertained to the Nagual and his role. Don Juan did exactly the same thing with me, and with la Gorda; he made us shift levels of awareness and told us the rule of the Nagual in the following way.

The Power, that governs the destiny of all living beings is called the Eagle, not because it is an eagle or has anything to do with an eagle, but because it appears to the 
Seer as an immeasurable jet-black eagle, standing erect, as an eagle stands, its height reaching to Infinity. As the Seer gazes on the Blackness, that the Eagle is, four blazes of light reveal, what the Eagle is like. The first blaze, which is like a bolt of lightning, helps the Seer make out the contours of the Eagle's body. There are patches of whiteness, that look like an eagle's feathers and talons. A second blaze of lightning reveals the flapping, wind-creating Blackness, that looks like an eagle's wings. With the third blaze of lightning the Seer beholds a piercing, inhuman eye. And the fourth and last blaze discloses, what the Eagle is doing. The Eagle is devouring the Awareness of all the creatures, that alive on Earth, a moment before and now dead, have floated to the Eagle's beak, like a ceaseless swarm of fireflies, to meet their owner, their reason for having had life. The Eagle disentangles these tiny flames, lays them flat, as a tanner  stretches out a hide, and then consumes them; for Awareness is the Eagle's food. The Eagle, that Power, that governs the destinies of all living things, reflects equally and at once all those living things. There is no way, therefore, for man to pray to the Eagle, to ask favors, to hope for grace. The human part of the Eagle is too insignificant to move the whole. It is only from the Eagle's actions, that a Seer can tell, what it wants. The Eagle, although it is not moved by the circumstances of any living thing, has granted a gift to each of those beings. In its own way and right, any one of them, if it so desires, has the power to keep the flame of Awareness, the Power to disobey the summons (request to appear, gather) to die and be consumed. Every living thing has been granted the power, if it so desires, to seek an opening to freedom and to go through it. It is evident to the Seer, who Sees the Opening, and to the creatures, that go through it, that the Eagle has granted that gift, in order to perpetuate (prolong the memory) Awareness. For the purpose of guiding living things to that Opening, the Eagle created the Nagual. The Nagual is a Double Being, to whom the rule has been revealed. Whether it be in the form of a human being, an animal, a plant, or anything else, that lives, the Nagual, by virtue of its Doubleness, is drawn to seek that hidden passageway. The Nagual comes in pairs, Male and Female.
A Double Man and a Double Woman become the Nagual only after the rule has been told to each of them, and each of them has understood it and accepted it in full. To the eye of the 
Seer, a Nagual Man or Nagual Woman appears, as a Luminous Egg with four compartments. Unlike the average human being, who has two sides only, a left and a right, the Nagual has a left side divided into two long sections, and a right side equally divided in two. The Eagle created the first Nagual Man and Nagual Woman as Seers and immediately put them in the world to See. It provided them with four female warriors, who were Stalkers, three male warriors, and one male courier, whom they were to nourish, enhance, and lead to freedom. The female warriors are called the four directions, the four corners of a square, the four moods, the four winds, the four different female personalities, that exist in the human race.
The first is the east. She is called order. She is optimistic, light-hearted, smooth, persistent like a steady breeze.
The second is the north. She is called strength. She is resourceful, blunt, direct, tenacious like a hard wind.
The third is the west. She is called feeling. She is introspective, remorseful, cunning, sly, like a cold gust of wind.
The fourth is the south. She is called growth, She is nurturing, loud, shy, warm, like a hot wind.
The three male warriors and the courier are representative of the four types of male activity and temperament. The first type is the knowledgeable man, the scholar; a noble, dependable, serene man, fully dedicated to accomplishing his task, whatever it may be. The second type is the man of action, highly volatile, a great humorous fickle (capricious, faithless) companion. The third type is the organizer behind the scenes, the mysterious, unknowable man. Nothing can be said about him, because he allows nothing about himself to slip out. The courier is the fourth type. He is the assistant, a taciturn (laconic, uncommunicative), somber (gloomy, shadowy, melancholy, dismal) man, who does very well, if properly directed, but who cannot stand on his own. In order to make things easier, the Eagle showed the Nagual Man and Nagual Woman, that each of these types, among men and women of the Earth, has specific features in its Luminous Body. The scholar has a sort of shallow dent, a bright depression at his solar plexus. In some men it appears as a pool of intense luminosity, sometimes smooth and shiny like a mirror without a reflection. The man of action has some fibers, emanating from the area of the Will. The number of fibers varies from one to five, their size ranging from a mere string to a thick, whiplike tentacle up to eight feet long. Some have as many, as three of these fibers, developed into tentacles. The man behind the scenes is recognized not by a feature, but by his ability to create, quite involuntarily, a burst of power, that effectively blocks the attention of Seers. When in the presence of this type of man, Seers find themselves immersed in extraneous detail, rather than Seeing. The assistant has no obvious configuration. To Seers he appears as a clear glow in a flawless shell of luminosity. In the female realm:
The east is recognized by the almost imperceptible blotches in her luminosity, something like small areas of discoloration.
The north has an overall radiation; she exudes (make felt)  a reddish glow, almost like heat.
The west has a tenuous film enveloping her, a film, which makes her appear darker, than the others.
The south has an intermittent glow; she shines for a moment and then gets dull, only to shine again.
The Nagual Man and the Nagual Woman have two different movements in their luminous bodies. Their Right Sides Wave, while their Left Sides Whirl. In terms of personality, the Nagual Man is supportive, steady, unchangeable. The Nagual Woman is a Being at War and yet relaxed, ever aware, but without strain. Both of them reflect the four types of their sex, as four ways of behaving.

The first command, that the Eagle gave the Nagual Man and Nagual Woman, was to find, on their own, another set of four female warriors, four directions, who were the exact replicas of the Stalkers, but who were Dreamers. Dreamers appear to a Seer as having an apron of hairlike fibers at their midsections. Stalkers have a similar apronlike feature, but instead of fibers the apron consists of countless small, round protuberances. The eight Female Warriors are divided into two bands, which are called the right and left planets. The right planet is made up of four Stalkers, the left of four Dreamers. The warriors of each planet were taught by the Eagle the rule of their specific task: Stalkers were taught Stalking; Dreamers were taught Dreaming. The two Female Warriors of each direction live together. They are so alike, that they mirror each other, and only through impeccability can they find solace (comfort, consolation) and challenge in each other's reflection. The only time, when the four Dreamers or four Stalkers get together, is when they have to accomplish a strenuous task; but only under special circumstances should the four of them join hands, for their touch fuses them into one Being and should be used only in cases of dire (extreme, urgent) need, or at the moment of leaving this World.  The two Female Warriors of each direction are attached to one of the Males, in any combination, that is necessary. Thus they make a set of four households, which are capable of incorporating as many Warriors, as needed. The Male Warriors and the courier can also form an independent unit of four Men, or each can function as a solitary Being, as dictated by necessity. Next the Nagual and his party were commanded to find three more couriers. These could be all Males or all Females or a mixed set, but the Male couriers had to be of the fourth type of Man, the assistant, and the Females had to be from the south. In order to make sure, that the first Nagual Man would lead his party to freedom and not deviate from that path or become corrupted, the Eagle took the Nagual Woman to the other World to serve as a beacon, guiding the party to the Opening.
The Nagual and his Warriors were then commanded to forget. They were plunged into darkness and were given new tasks: the task of remembering themselves, and the task of remembering the Eagle. The command to forget was so great, that everyone was separated. They did not remember, who they were. The Eagle intended, that if they were capable of remembering themselves again, they would find the Totality of Themselves. Only then would they have the strength and forebearance,  necessary to seek and face their definitive journey. Their last task, after they had regained the Totality of Themselves, was to get a new pair of Double Beings and transform them into a new Nagual Man and a new Nagual Woman by virtue of revealing the rule to them.And just as the first Nagual Man and Nagual Woman had been provided with a minimal party, they had to supply the new pair of Naguals with four female warriors, who were Stalkers, three male warriors, and one male courier. When the first Nagual and his party were ready to go through the passageway, the first Nagual Woman was waiting to guide them. They were ordered then to take the new Nagual Woman with them to the Other World, to serve as a beacon for her people, leaving the new Nagual Man in the world to repeat the cycle. While in the world, the minimal number under a Nagual's leadership is sixteen: eight female warriors, four male warriors, counting the Nagual, and four couriers. At the moment of leaving the world, when the new Nagual Woman is with them, the Nagual's number is seventeen. If his personal power permits him to have more warriors, then more must be added in multiples of four.
I had confronted don Juan with the question of how the rule became known to man. He explained, that the rule was endless and covered every facet of a warrior's behavior. The interpretation and the accumulation of the rule is the work of 
Seers, whose only task throughout the ages has been to See the Eagle, to observe its ceaseless flux. From their observations, the Seers have concluded that, providing the luminous shell, that comprises one's humanness has been broken, it is possible to find in the Eagle the faint reflection of human. The Eagle's irrevocable (irreversible) dictums (pragmatic, authoritative pronouncement) can then be apprehended by Seers, properly interpreted by them, and accumulated in the form of a governing body. Don Juan explained, that the rule was not a tale, and that to cross over to freedom did not mean eternal life, as eternity is commonly understood - that is, as living forever. What the rule stated was, that one could keep the Awareness, which is ordinarily relinquished (give up, abandon) at the moment of dying. Don Juan could not explain, what it meant to keep that Awareness, or perhaps he could not even conceive of it. His benefactor had told him, that at the moment of crossing, one enters into the Third Attention, and the body in its entirety is kindled with knowledge. Every cell at once becomes aware of itself, and also aware of the Totality of the Body. His benefactor had also told him, that this kind of Awareness is meaningless to our compartmentalized minds. Therefore the crux of the warrior's struggle was not so much to realize, that the crossing over, stated in the rule, meant crossing to the Third Attention, but rather to conceive, that there exists such an Awareness at all. Don Juan said, that in the beginning the rule was to him something strictly in the realm of words. He could not imagine how it could lapse into the domain of the actual world and its ways. Under the effective guidance of his benefactor, however, and after a great deal of work, he finally succeeded in grasping the true nature of the rule, and totally accepted it, as a set of pragmatic directives, rather than a myth. From then on, he had no problem in dealing with the reality of the Third Attention. The only obstacle in his way arose from his being so thoroughly convinced, that the rule was a map, that he believed, he had to look for a literal Opening in the World, a passageway. Somehow he hadbecome needlessly stuck at the first level of a warrior's development. Don Juan's own work as a leader and teacher, as a result, was directed at helping the apprentices, and especially me, to avoid repeating his mistake. What he succeeded, in doing with us, was to lead us through the three stages of a warrior's development without over-emphasizing any of them. First he guided us to take the rule as a map; then he guided us to the understanding, that one can attain a paramount Awareness, because there is such a thing; and finally he guided us to an actual passageway into that other concealed World of Awareness. In order to lead us through the first stage, the acceptance of the rule as a map, don Juan took the section, which pertains to the Nagual and his role and showed us, that it corresponds to unequivocal facts.
He accomplished this by allowing us to have, while we were in stages of Heightened Awareness, an unrestricted interaction with the members of his group,
who were the living personifications of the eight types of people, described by the rule. As we interacted with them, more complex and inclusive aspects of the rule were revealed to us, until we were capable of realizing, that we were caught in the network of something, which, at first, we had conceptualized as a myth, but which, in essence, was a map. Don Juan told us, that in this respect his case had been identical to ours. His benefactor helped him go through that first stage, by allowing him the same type of interaction. To that effect he made him shift back and forth from the right side to the left side Awareness, just as don Juan had done to us.
On the left side, he introduced him to the members of his own group, the eight female and three male warriors, and the four couriers, who were, as is mandatory, the strictest examples of the types, described by the rule. The impact of knowing them and dealing with them was staggering to don Juan. Not only did it force him to regard the rule as a factual guide, but it made him realize the magnitude of our unknown possibilities. He said, that by the time all the members of his own group had been gathered, he was so deeply committed to the warrior's way, that he took for granted the fact that, without any overt effort on anybody's part, they had turned out to be perfect replicas of the warriors of his benefactor's party. The similarity of their personal likes, dislikes, affiliations, and so forth, was not a result of imitation; don Juan said, that they belonged, as the rule had stated, to specific blocks of people, who had the same input and output. The only differences, among members of the same block, were in the pitch of their voices, the sound of their laughter. In trying to explain to me the effects, that the interaction with his benefactor's warriors had had on him, don Juan touched on the subject of the very meaningful difference between his benefactor and himself, in how they interpreted the rule, and also in how they led and taught other warriors to accept it, as a map. He said, that there are two types of interpretations - universal and individual. Universal interpretations take the statements, that make up the body of the rule, at face value. An example would be to say, that the Eagle does not care about human's actions and yet it has provided human with a passageway to Freedom. An individual interpretation, on the other hand, is a current conclusion, arrived at by 
Seers, using universal interpretation's as premises (proposition, logic). An example would be to say, that because of the Eagle's lack of concern, I would have to make sure, that my chances to reach Freedom, are enhanced, perhaps by my own dedication. According to don Juan, he and his benefactor were quite different in the methods they used to lead their wards (groups). Don Juan said, that his benefactor's mode was severity; he led with an iron hand, and following his conviction, that with the Eagle free handouts are out of the question, he never did anything for anyone in a direct way. Instead, he actively helped everyone to help themselves. He considered, that the Eagle's Gift of Freedom is not a bestowal (present of honour), but a chance to have a chance. Don Juan, although he appreciated the merits of his benefactor's method, disagreed with it. Later on, when he was on his own, he himself saw, that it wasted precious time. For him it was more expedient (serving to promote one's interest) to present everyone with a given situation and force them to accept it, rather than wait, until they were ready to face it on their own. That was his method with me and the other apprentices. The instance, in which that difference in leadership had the greatest bearing for don Juan, was during the mandatory interaction, that he had with his benefactor's warriors. The command of the rule was, that his benefactor had to find for don Juan first a Nagual Woman and then a group of four Women and four Men to make up his warrior's party. His benefactor saw, that don Juan did not yet have enough personal power to assume the responsibility of a Nagual Woman, and so he reversed the sequence and asked the Females of his own group to find don Juan the four Women first, and then the four Men. Don Juan confessed, that he was enthralled (hold spellbound, captivate, charm) with the idea of such a reversal. He had understood, that those Women were for his use, and in his mind that meant sexual use.
His downfall, however, was to reveal his expectations to his benefactor, who immediately put don Juan in contact with the Men and Women of his own party and left him alone to interact with them. For don Juan, to meet those Warriors was a true ordeal, not only because they were deliberately difficult with him, but because the nature of that encounter is meant to be a breakthrough. Don Juan said, that interaction in the Left-Side Awareness cannot take place, unless all the participants share that state. This was why he would not let us enter into the Left-Side Awareness, except to carry on our interaction with his Warriors. That was the procedure his benefactor had followed with him. Don Juan gave me a brief account of what had taken place during his first meeting with the members of his benefactor's group.
His idea was, that I could use his experience perhaps as a sample of what to expect. He said, that his benefactor's World had a magnificent regularity.
The members of his party were Indian Warriors from all over Mexico. At the time he met them, they lived in a remote mountainous area in southern Mexico. Upon reaching their house, don Juan was confronted with two identical Women, the biggest Indian Women he had ever seen. They were sulky (bad tempered) and mean, but had very pleasing features. When he tried to go between them, they caught him between their enormous bellies, grabbed his arms, and started beating him up. They threw him to the ground and sat on him, nearly crushing his rib cage. They kept him immobilized for over twelve hours, while they conducted on-the-spot negotiations with his benefactor (his teacher), who had to talk nonstop throughout the night, until they finally let don Juan get up around mid-morning. He said, that, what scared him the most, was the Determination, that showed in the eyes of those Women. He thought, he was done for, that they were going to sit on him, until he died, as they had said, they would.

Normally, there should have been a waiting period of a few weeks, before meeting the next set of Warriors, but due to the fact, that his benefactor was planning to leave him in their midst (the centre), don Juan was immediately taken to meet the others. He met everyone in one day and all of them treated him like dirt. They argued, that he was not the Man for the job, that he was too coarse and way too stupid, young, but already senile in his ways. His benefactor argued brilliantly in his defense; he told them, that they could change those conditions, and that it should be an ultimate delight for them and for don Juan to take up that challenge. Don Juan said, that his first impression was right. For him there was only work and hardship from then on.

The Women saw, that don Juan was unruly and could not be trusted to fulfill the complex and delicate task of leading four Women. Since they were Seers themselves, they made their own individual interpretation of the rule and decided, that it would be more helpful for don Juan to have the four Male Warriors first and then the four Females. Don Juan said, that their Seeing had been correct, because in order to deal with Women Warriors, a Nagual has to be in a state of consummate (acheive) Personal Power, a state of serenity (equanimity, serene, dignified calm, quiet, brightness) and control, in which human feelings play a minimal part, a state, which at the time was inconceivable for him. His benefactor put him under the direct supervision of his two westerly Women, the most fierce and uncompromising Warriors of them all.

Don Juan said, that all westerly Women, in accordance with the rule, are raving mad and have to be cared for. Under the duress (coercion, hardness, restrain) of Dreaming and Stalking, they lose their right sides, their Minds. Their reason burns up easily, due to the fact, that their Left-Side Awareness is extraordinarily keen. Once they lose their rational side, they are peerless Dreamers and Stalkers, since they no longer have any rational ballast to hold them back. Don Juan said, that those Women cured him of his lust.

For six months he spent most of his time in a harness, suspended from the ceiling of their rural kitchen, like a ham, that was being smoked, until he was thoroughly purified from thoughts of gain and personal gratification. Don Juan explained, that a leather harness is a superb device for curing certain maladies, that are not physical. The idea is, that the higher a person is suspended and the longer that person is kept from touching the ground, dangling in mid-air, the better the possibilities of a true cleansing effect. While he was being cleansed by the westerly Warriors, the other Women were involved in the process of finding the Men and the Women for his party. It took years to accomplish this. Don Juan, meantime, was forced to interact with all his benefactor's Warriors by himself.

The presence of those Warriors and his contact with them was so overwhelming to don Juan, that he believed, he would never get out from under them. The result was: his total and literal adherence to the body of the rule. Don Juan said, that he spent irreplaceable time pondering the existence of an actual passageway into the Other World. He viewed such a concern, as a pitfall to be avoided at all costs. To protect me from it, he allowed the required interaction with the members of his group, to be carried on, while I was protected by the presence of la Gorda or any of the other apprentices. In my case, meeting don Juan's Warriors was the end result of a long process. There was never any mention of them in casual conversations with don Juan. I knew of their existence solely by inference (logic, suggestion) from the rule, which he was revealing to me in installments. Later on, he admitted, that they existed, and that eventually I would have to meet them.
He prepared me for the encounter, by giving me general instructions and pointers. He warned me about a common error, that of overestimating the Left-Side Awareness, of becoming dazzled by its clarity and power. He said, that to be in the Left-Side Awareness does not mean, that one is immediately liberated from one's folly - it only means an extended capacity for perceiving, a greater facility to understand and learn, and above all, a greater ability to forget. As the time approached for me to meet don Juan's own Warriors, he gave me a scanty description of his benefactor's party, again as a guideline for my own use. He said, that to an onlooker, his benefactor's World may have appeared at certain times, as consisting of four households. The first was formed by the southerly Women and the Nagual's courier; the second by the easterly Women, the scholar, and a Male courier; the third by the northerly Women, the man of action, and another Male courier; and the fourth by the westerly Women, the Man behind the scenes, and a third Male courier. At other times, that world may have seemed to be composed of groups. There was a group of four thoroughly dissimilar older Men, who were don Juan's benefactor and his three Male Warriors. Then a group of four Men, who were very similar to one another, who were the couriers. A group composed of two sets of apparently identical Female twins, who lived together and were the southerly and easterly Women. And two other sets of apparently sisters, who were the northerly and westerly Women. None of these Women were relatives - they just looked alike, because of the enormous amount of Personal Power, that don Juan's benefactor had.
Don Juan described the southerly Women as being two mastodons, scary in appearance, but very friendly and warm.

The easterly Women were very beautiful, fresh and funny, a true delight to the eyes and the ears.

The northerly Women were utterly womanly, vain, coquettish, concerned with their aging, but also terribly direct and impatient. The westerly Women were mad at times, and at other times they were the epitome (embodiment) of severity and purpose. They were the ones, who disturbed don Juan the most, because he could not reconcile (settle, resolve dispute) the fact, that they were so sober, kind, and helpful with the fact, that at any given moment they could lose their composure and be raving mad. The Men, on the other hand, were in no way memorable to don Juan. He thought, that there was nothing remarkable about them. They seemed to have been thoroughly absorbed by the shocking force of the Women's Determination and by his benefactor's overpowering personality. Insofar (to such an extent), as his own awakening was concerned, don Juan said, that upon being thrust (shove against something, push) into his benefactor's World, he realized how easy and convenient it had been for him to go through life with no self-restraint. He understood, that his mistake had been to believe, that his goals were the only worthwhile ones a man could have. All his life he had been a pauper; his consuming ambition, therefore, was to have material possessions, to be somebody. He had been so preoccupied with his desire to get ahead and his despair at not being successful, that he had had no time for examining anything. He had gladly sided with his benefactor, because he realized, that he was being offered an opportunity to make something of himself. If nothing else, he thought, he might learn to be a Sorcerer. He conceived (induce conception of, form in mind, devise, formulate, apprehend mentally, imagine, understand, think, consider), that immersion in his benefactor's World might have an effect on him analogous to the effect of the Spanish Conquest on the Indian culture. It destroyed everything, but it also forced a shattering self-
My response to the preparations to meet don Juan's party of Warriors was not, strangely enough, awe or fear, but a petty intellectual concern about two topics.
The first was the proposition (suggested plan, logic), that there are only four types of Men and four types of Women in the World. I argued with don Juan, that the range of individual variation in people is too great for such a simple scheme. He disagreed with me. He said, that the rule was final, and that it did not allow for an indefinite number of types of people. The second topic was the cultural context of don Juan's knowledge. He did not know, that himself. He viewed it as the product of a sort of Pan-Indianism. His conjecture (guesses) about its origin was, that at one time, in the Indian World prior to the Conquest, the handling of the Second Attention became vitiated (spoiled). It was developed without any hindrance (obstacle) over perhaps thousands of years, to the point, that it lost its strength.
The practitioners of that time may have had no need for controls, and thus without restraint, the Second Attention, instead of becoming stronger, became weaker by virtue of its increased intricacy (convoluted, complex arrangement). Then the Spanish invaders came and, with their superior technology, destroyed the Indian World. Don Juan said, that his benefactor was convinced, that only a handful of those Warriors survived and were capable of reassembling their knowledge and redirecting their path. Whatever, don Juan and his benefactor knew about the Second Attention, was the restructured version, a new version, which had built-in restraints, because it had been forged (advanced gradually) under the harshest conditions of suppression.

10. The Nagual's Party of Warriors
When don Juan judged, that the time was right for me to have my first encounter with his Warriors, he made me shift Levels of Awareness. He then made it perfectly clear, that he would have nothing to do with their way of meeting me. He warned me, that if they decided to beat me, he could not stop them. They could do anything they wanted, except kill me. He stressed over and over again, that the Warriors of his party were a perfect replica of his benefactor's, except, that some of the Women were more fierce, and all the Men were utterly unique and powerful. Therefore, my first encounter with them might resemble a head-on collision. I was nervous and apprehensive on the one hand, but curious on the other. My mind was running wild with endless speculations, most of them about what the Warriors would look like. Don Juan said, that he had the choice either of coaching me to memorize an elaborate ritual, as he had been made to do, or of making it the most casual encounter possible. He waited for an Omen to point out, which alternative to take. His benefactor had done something similar, only he had insisted don Juan learn the ritual, before the Omen presented itself. When don Juan revealed his sexual daydreams of sleeping with four Women, his benefactor (teacher) interpreted it as the Omen, chucked (throw out, discard, toss, pat) the ritual, and ended up pleading like a hog dealer for don Juan's life. In my case, don Juan wanted an Omen, before he taught me the ritual. That Omen came when don Juan and I were driving through a border town in Arizona and a policeman stopped me. The policeman thought, I was an illegal alien.

Only after I had shown him my passport, which he suspected of being a forgery, and other documents, did he let me go. Don Juan had been in the front seat next to me all the time, and the policeman had not given him a second glance. He had focused solely on me. Don Juan thought the incident was the Omen he was waiting for. His interpretation of it was, that it would be very dangerous for me to call attention to myself, and he concluded, that my world had to be one of utter simplicity and candor (boldness, straight-forwardness) - elaborate ritual and pomp were out of character for me. He conceded (admit, acknowledge), however, that a minimal observance of ritualistic patterns was in order, when I made my acquaintance with his Warriors. I had to begin by approaching them from the South, because, that is the direction, that Power follows in its ceaseless flux (flow). Life Force flows to us from the South, and leaves us flowing toward the North. He said, that the only Opening to a Nagual's World was through the South, and that the Gate was made by two Female Warriors, who would have to greet me and would let me go through, if they so decided.

He took me to a town in central Mexico, to a house in the countryside. As we approached it on foot from a southerly direction, I saw two massive Indian Women,  standing four feet apart, facing each other. They were about thirty or forty feet away from the main door of the house, in an area, where the dirt was hard-packed. The two Women were extraordinarily muscular and stern (grave, severe, grim, austere). Both had long, jet-black hair held together in a single thick braid. They looked like sisters. They were about the same height and weight - I figured, that they must have been around five feet four, and weighed 150 pounds. One of them was extremely dark, almost black, the other much lighter. They were dressed like massive Indian Women from old Mexico - long, full dresses and shawls, homemade sandals.
Don Juan made me stop three feet from them. He turned to the Woman on our left and made me face her. He said, that her name was Cecilia and that she was a Dreamer. He then turned abruptly, without giving me time to say anything, and made me face the darker Woman, to our right. He said, that her name was Delia and that she was a Stalker. The Women nodded at me. They did not smile or move to shake hands with me, or make any gesture of welcome. Don Juan walked between them, as if they were two columns marking a gate. He took a couple of steps and turned, as if waiting for the Women to invite me to go through. The Women stared at me calmly for a moment. Then Cecilia asked me to come in, as if I were at the threshold of an actual door. Don Juan led the way to the house. At the front door
we found a Man. He was very slender. At first sight he looked extremely young, but on closer examination he appeared to be in his late fifties. He gave me the impression of being an old child: small, wiry (slender, but tough), with penetrating dark eyes.


He was like an elfish apparition, a shadow. Don Juan introduced him to me as Emilito, and said, that he was his courier and all-around helper, who would welcome me on his behalf. It seemed to me, that Emilito was indeed the most appropriate being to welcome anyone. His smile was radiant; his small teeth were perfectly even. He shook hands with me, or rather he crossed his forearms and clasped both my hands. He seemed to be exuding enjoyment; anyone would have sworn, that he was ecstatic in meeting me. His voice was very soft and his eyes sparkled. We walked into a large room. There was another Woman there. Don Juan said, that her name was Teresa and that she was Cecilia's and Delia's courier.


She was perhaps in her early thirties, and she definitely looked like Cecilia's daughter. She was very quiet, but very friendly. We followed don Juan to the back of the house, where there was a roofed porch. It was a warm day. We sat there around a table, and after a frugal dinner we talked until after midnight. Emilito was the host.
He charmed and delighted everyone with his exotic stories. The Women opened up. They were a great audience for him. To hear the Women's laughter was an exquisite pleasure. They were tremendously muscular, bold, and physical. At one point, when Emilito said, that Cecilia and Delia were like two mothers to him, and Teresa like a daughter, they picked him up and tossed him in the air like a child. Of the two Women, Delia seemed the more rational, down-to-earth. Cecilia was perhaps more aloof, but appeared to have greater inner strength. She gave me the impression of being more intolerant, or more impatient; she seemed to get annoyed with some of Emilito's stories.
Nonetheless, she was definitely on the edge of her chair, when he would tell, what he called his "Tales of Eternity." He would preface every story with the phrase,
'Do you, dear friends, know that. . . ?' The story, that impressed me most, was about some Creatures, that, he said, existed in the Universe, who were the closest thing to Human Beings without being Human; Creatures, who were obsessed with movement and capable of detecting the slightest fluctuation inside themselves or around them. These Creatures were so sensitive to motion, that it was a curse to them. It gave them such pain, that their ultimate ambition was to find quietude.  Emilito would intersperse his Tales of Eternity with the most outrageous dirty jokes. Because of his incredible gifts as a raconteur (skillful teller of stories/anecdotes),
I understood every one of his stories, as a metaphor, a parable, with which he was teaching us something. Don Juan said, that Emilito was merely reporting about things, he had witnessed in his journeys through Eternity. The role of a courier was to travel ahead of the Nagual, like a scout in a military operation. Emilito went to the limits of the Second Attention, and, whatever he witnessed, he passed on to the others.

My second encounter with don Juan's Warriors was just as contrived (planned with cleverness), as the first. One day don Juan made me shift Levels of Awareness and told me, that I had a second appointment. He made me drive to Zacatecas in northern Mexico. We arrived there very early in the morning. Don Juan said, that that was only a stopover, and that we had, until the next day, to relax before we embarked (enlisted) on my second formal meeting to make the acquaintance of the eastern Women and the scholar Warrior of his party. He explained then an intricate (convoluted, complex arrangement) and delicate point of choice. He said, that we had met the south and the courier in the mid-afternoon, because he had made an individual interpretation of the rule and had picked that hour to represent the night. The south was really the night - a warm, friendly, cozy night - and properly we should have gone to meet the two southerly Women after midnight. However, that would have been inauspicious (not favourable) for me, because my general direction was toward the Light, toward optimism, an optimism, that works itself harmoniously into the mystery of darkness. He said, that that was precisely what we had done that day; we had enjoyed each other's company and talked, until it was pitch-black. I had wondered, why they did not light their lanterns. Don Juan said, that the east, on the other hand, was the morning, the light, and that we would meet the easterly Women the next day at mid-morning.

Before breakfast we went to the plaza and sat down on a bench. Don Juan told me, that he wanted me to remain there and wait for him, while he ran some errands (short trip/business). He left and shortly after he had gone, a Woman came and sat down on the other end of the bench. I did not pay any attention to her and started reading a newspaper. A moment later another Woman joined her. I wanted to move to another bench, but I remembered, that don Juan had specifically said, that
I should sit there. I turned my back to the Women and had even forgotten, that they were there, since they were so quiet, when a Man greeted them and stood facing me. I became aware from their conversation, that the Women had been waiting for him.

The Man apologized for being late. He obviously wanted to sit down. I slid over to make room for him. He thanked me profusely and apologized for inconveniencing me. He said, that they were absolutely lost in the city, because they were rural people, and that once they had been to Mexico City and had nearly died in the traffic. He asked me, if I lived in Zacatecas. I said no and was going to end our conversation right there, but there was something very winning about his smile. He was an old Man, remarkably fit for his age. He was not an Indian. He seemed to be a gentleman farmer from a small rural town. He was wearing a suit and had a straw hat on. His features were very delicate. His skin was almost transparent. He had a high-bridged nose, a small mouth, and a perfectly groomed white beard. He looked extraordinarily healthy and yet he seemed frail. He was of medium height and well built, but at the same time gave the impression of being slender, almost effete (exhausted of vitality). He stood up and introduced himself to me, He told me, that his name was Vicente Medrano, and that he had come to the city on business only for the day. He then pointed to the two Women and said, that they were his sisters.

The Women stood up and faced us. They were very slim and darker, than their brother. They were also much younger. One of them could have been his daughter.
I noticed, that their skin was not like his; theirs was dry. The two Women were very good-looking. Like the Man, they had fine features, and their eyes were clear and peaceful. They were about five feet four. They were wearing beautifully tailored dresses, but with their shawls, low heeled shoes, and dark cotton stockings they looked like well-to-do farm Women. The older one appeared to be in her fifties, the younger in her forties.

The Man introduced them to me. The older woman was named Carmela and the younger one Hermelinda. I stood up and briefly shook hands with them. I asked them if they had any children. That question was usually a sure conversation opener for me. The Women laughed and in unison ran their hands down their stomachs to show me how lean they were. The Man calmly explained, that his sisters were spinsters, and that he himself was an old bachelor. He confided to me, in a half-joking tone, that unfortunately his sisters were too mannish, they lacked the femininity, that makes a Woman desirable, and so they had been unable to find husbands.
I said, that they were better off, considering the subservient role of Women in our society. The Women disagreed with me; they said, that they would not have minded at all being servants, if they had only found Men, who wanted to be their masters. The younger one said, that the real problem was, that their father had failed to teach them to behave like Women. The Man commented with a sigh, that their father was so domineering, that he had also prevented him from marrying, by deliberately neglecting to teach him how to be a macho. All three of them sighed and looked gloomy. I wanted to laugh. After a long silence we sat down again and the man said, that, if I stayed a while longer on that bench, I would have a chance to meet their father, who was still very spirited for his advanced age. He added in a shy tone, that their father was going to take them to eat breakfast, because they themselves never carried any money. Their father handled the purse strings. I was aghast (shocked, appalled). Those old people, who looked so strong, were in reality like weak, dependent children. I said goodbye to them and got up to leave.
The Man and his sisters insisted, that I stay. They assured me, that their father would love it, if I would join them for breakfast. I did not want to meet their father and yet, I was curious. I told them, that I myself was waiting for someone. At that, the Women began to chuckle (laugh quietly or to oneself) and then broke into a roaring laughter. The Man also abandoned himself to uncontained laughter. I felt stupid, I wanted to get out of there. At that moment don Juan showed up and I became aware of their maneuver. I did not think it was amusing. All of us stood up. They were still laughing, as don Juan told me, that those Women were the east, that Carmela was the Stalker and Hermelinda the Dreamer, and that Vicente was the Warrior scholar and his oldest companion. As we were leaving the plaza, another Man joined us, a tall, dark Indian, perhaps in his forties. He was wearing Levi's and a cowboy hat. He seemed terribly strong and sullen (gloomy, morose).

Don Juan introduced him to me as Juan Tuma, Vicente's courier and research assistant. We walked to a restaurant a few blocks away. The Women held me between them. Carmela said, that she hoped I was not offended by their joke, that they had had the choice of just introducing themselves to me or kidding me. What made them decide to kid me was my thoroughly snobbish attitude in turning my back to them and wanting to move to another bench. Hermelinda added, that one has to be utterly humble and carry nothing to defend, not even one's person; that one's person should be protected, but not defended. In snubbing (ignoring) them, I was not protecting, but merely defending myself. I felt quarrelsome. I was frankly put out by their masquerade. I began to argue, but before I had made my point, don Juan came to my side. He told the two Women, that they should overlook my belligerence (state of being at war), that it takes a very long time to clean out the garbage, that a Luminous Being picks up in the World. The owner of the restaurant, where we went, knew Vicente and had prepared a sumptuous breakfast for us. All of them were in great spirits, but I was unable to let go of my brooding (moodiness).

Juan Tuma

Then, at don Juan's request, Juan Tuma began to talk about his journeys. He was a factual Man. I became mesmerized by his dry accounts of things beyond my comprehension. To me the most fascinating was his description of some Beams of Light or Energy, that allegedly crisscross the Earth. He said, that these Beams do not fluctuate, as everything else in the Universe does, but are fixed into a Pattern. This Pattern coincides with Hundreds of Points in the Luminous Body. Hermelinda had understood, that all the Points were in our Physical Body, but Juan Tuma explained that, since the Luminous Body is quite big, some of the Points are as much, as three feet away from the Physical Body. In a sense, they are outside of us, and yet they are not; they are on the periphery (edge of something) of our Luminosity and thus still belong to the Total Body. The most important of those Points is located a foot away from the stomach, 40 degrees to the right of an imaginary line,  shooting straight forward. Juan Tuma told us, that that was a Center of Assembling for the Second Attention, and that it is possible to manipulate it by gently stroking the air with the palms of the hands.
Listening to Juan Tuma, I forgot my anger. My next encounter with don Juan's World was with the west. He gave me ample warning,  that the first contact with the west was a most important event, because it would decide, in one way or another, what I should subsequently do. He also alerted me to the fact, that it was going to be a trying event, especially for me, as I was so stiff and felt so self-important. He said, that the west is naturally approached at dusk (evening twilight), a time of day, which is difficult just in itself, and that his Warriors of the west were very powerful, bold, and downright maddening. At the same time, I was also going to meet the Male Warrior, who was the Man behind the scenes. Don Juan admonished (caution, warn) me to exercise the utmost caution and patience; not only were the Women raving mad, but they and the Man the most powerful Warriors, he had ever known. They were, in his opinion, the ultimate authorities of the Second Attention. Don Juan did not elaborate any further.

One day, as though on the spur (stimulus) of the moment, he suddenly decided, that it was time to start on our trip to meet the westerly Women. We drove to a city in northern Mexico. Just at dusk, don Juan directed me to stop in front of a big unlit house on the outskirts of town. We got out of the car and walked to the main door. Don Juan knocked several times. Noone answered.

I had the feeling, that we had come at the wrong time. The house seemed empty. Don Juan kept on knocking, until he apparently got tired. He signaled me to knock. He told me to keep on doing it without stopping, because the people, who lived in there, were hard of hearing. I asked him, if it would be better to return later or the next day. He told me to keep on banging on the door. After a seemingly endless wait, the door began to open slowly. A weird-looking Woman stuck her head out and asked me, if my intention was to break down the door or to anger the neighbors and their dogs. Don Juan stepped forward to say something. The Woman stepped out and forcefully brushed him aside. She began to shake her finger at me, yelling, that I was behaving, as if I owned the world, as if there were noone else besides myself. I protested, that I was merely doing, what don Juan had told me to do. The Woman asked, if I had been told to break the door down. Don Juan tried to intervene, but was again brushed away. The Woman looked, as if she had just gotten out of bed. She was a mess. Our knocking had probably awakened her and
she must have put on a dress from her basket of dirty clothes. She was barefoot; her hair was graying and terribly unkempt. She had red, beady (piercing, shrewd) eyes. She was a homely Woman, but somehow very impressive: rather tall, about five feet eight, dark and enormously muscular; her bare arms were knotted with hard muscles.
I noticed, that she had beautifully shaped calves.
She looked me up and down, towering over me, and shouted, that she had not heard my apologies.  Don Juan whispered to me, that I should apologize loud and clear. Once I had done that, the Woman smiled and turned to don Juan and hugged him, as if he were a child. She grumbled, that he should not have made me knock, because my touch on the door was too shifty and disturbing. She held don Juan's arm and led him inside, helping him over the high threshold. She called him "dearest little old man." Don Juan laughed. I was appalled to see him acting, as if he were delighted at the absurdities of that scary Woman.
Once she had helped the "dearest little old man" into the house, she turned to me and made a gesture with her hand to shoo me away, as if I was a dog. She laughed
 at my surprise; her teeth were big and uneven, and filthy. Then she seemed to change her mind and told me to come in. Don Juan was heading to a door, that I could barely see at the end of a dark hall. The Woman scolded him for not knowing, where he was going. She took us through another dark hall. The house seemed to be enormous, and there was not a single light in it. The Woman opened a door to a very large room, almost empty except, for two old armchairs in the center, under the weakest light bulb I had ever seen. It was an old-fashioned long bulb. Another Woman was sitting in one of the armchairs. The first Woman sat down on a small straw mat on the floor and rested her back against the other chair. Then she put her thighs against her breasts, exposing herself completely. She was not wearing under-
pants. I stared at her dumbfounded. In an ugly gruff tone, the Woman asked me why I was staring at her vagina. I did not know what to say, except to deny it.
She stood up and seemed about to hit me. She demanded, that I tell her, that I had gaped (stared wondering) at her, because I had never seen a vagina in my life.
I felt guilty. I was thoroughly embarrassed and also annoyed at having been caught in such a situation. The Woman asked don Juan, what kind of Nagual I was, if I had never seen a vagina. She began repeating this over and over, yelling it at the top of her voice. She ran around the room and stopped by the chair, where the other Woman was sitting. She shook her by the shoulders and, pointing at me, said, that I was a Man, who had never seen a vagina in his whole life. She laughed and taunted (mock, ridicule) me. I was mortified (humiliated). I felt, that don Juan should have done something to save me from that humiliation. I remembered, that
he had told me, these Women were quite mad. He had understated it; this Woman was ready for an institution. I looked at don Juan for support and advice. He looked away. He seemed to be equally at a loss, although I thought, I caught a malicious smile, which he quickly hid by turning his head. The Woman lay down on her back and pulled up her skirt, and commanded me to look to my heart's content, instead of sneaking glances. My face must have been red, judging by the heat in my head and neck. I was so annoyed, that I almost lost control. I felt like bashing her head in. The Woman, who was sitting in the chair, suddenly stood up and grabbed the other one by the hair and made her stand up in one single motion, seemingly with no effort at all. She stared at me through half-closed eyes, bringing her face no more, than two or three inches from mine. She smelled surprisingly fresh. In a high-pitched voice, she said, that we should get down to business. Both of the Women stood close to me under the light bulb. They did not look alike. The second Woman was older, or looked older, and her face was covered by a thick coat of cosmetic powder, that gave her a clownish appearance. Her hair was neatly arranged in a chignon. She seemed calm, except for a continuous tremor in her lower lip and chin. Both Women were equally tall and strong-looking; they towered menacingly over me and stared at me for a long time. Don Juan did not do anything to break their fixation. The older Woman nodded her head, and don Juan told me, that her name was Zuleica and that she was a Dreamer. The Woman, who had opened the door, was named Zoila, and she was a Stalker. Zuleica turned to me and, in a parrotlike voice, asked me if it was true, that I had never seen a vagina. Don Juan could not hold his composure any longer and began to laugh. With a gesture, I signaled him, that I did not know what to say. He whispered in my ear, that it would be better for me to say, that I had not; otherwise I should be prepared to describe a vagina, because, that was what Zuleica would demand, that I do next. I answered accordingly, and Zuleica said, that she felt sorry for me. Then she ordered Zoila to show me her vagina. Zoila lay down on her back under the light bulb and opened her legs. Don Juan was laughing and coughing. I begged him to get me out of that madhouse. He whispered in my ear again, that I had better take a good look and appear attentive and interested, because if I did not, we would have to stay there. After my careful and attentive examination, Zuleica said, that from then on I could brag, that I was a connoisseur (person with informed and astitute disrimination),
and that, if I ever stumbled upon a Woman without pants, I would not be so coarse and obscene (not polite), as to let my eyes pop out of their sockets, because now I had seen a vagina.
Zuleica very quietly led us to the patio. She whispered, that there was someone out there waiting to meet me. The patio was pitch black. I could hardly make out the silhouettes of the others. Then I saw the dark outline of a Man standing a few-feet away from me. My body experienced an involuntary jolt. Don Juan spoke to the Man in a very low voice, saying, that he had brought me to meet him. He told the Man my name. After a moment's silence, don Juan said to me, that the Man's name was Silvio Manuel, and that he was the Warrior of Darkness and the actual Leader of the whole Warrior's party. Then Silvio Manuel spoke to me. I thought, that
he must have had a speech disorder - his voice was muffled and the words came out of him like spurts of soft coughing. He ordered me to come closer. As I tried to approach him, he receded (moved back), just as if he were floating. He led me into an even darker recess (alcove, remote, secret, secluded place) of a hall, walking, it seemed, noiselessly backwards. He muttered something I could not understand. I wanted to speak; my throat itched and was parched (became dry). He repeated something two or three times, until it dawned on me, that he was ordering me to undress. There was something overpowering about his voice and the darkness around him. I was incapable of disobeying. I took off my clothes and stood stark naked, shivering with fear and cold. It was so dark, that I could not see, if don Juan and the two Women were around. I heard a soft prolonged hissing from a source a few feet away from me; then I felt a cool breeze. I realized, that Silvio Manuel was exhaling his breath all over my body. He then asked me to sit on my clothes and look at a bright point, which I could easily distinguish in the darkness, a point, that seemed to give out a faint amber light. I stared at it for, what seemed, hours, until I suddenly realized, that the point of brightness was Silvio Manuel's left eye. I could then make out the contour of his whole face and his body. The hall was not as dark, as it had seemed. Silvio Manuel advanced to me and helped me up. To see in the dark with such clarity enthralled (hold spellbound, captivate, charm) me. I did not even mind, that I was naked or that, as I then saw, the two Women were watching me. Apparently they could also see in the dark; they were staring at me. I wanted to put on my pants, but Zoila snatched them out of my hands. The two Women and Silvio Manuel stared at me for a long time. Then don Juan came out of nowhere, handed me my shoes, and Zoila led us through a corridor to an open patio with trees. I made out the dark silhouette of a woman standing in the middle of the patio. Don Juan spoke to her and she mumbled something in reply. He told me, that she was a southerly Woman, that her name was Marta, and that she was a Courier to the two westerly Women. Marta said, that she could bet, I had never been introduced to a Woman, while I was naked; that the normal procedure is to get acquainted and then undress. She laughed out loud. Her laughter was so pleasing, so clear and youthful, that it sent chills through me; it reverberated through the whole house, enhanced by the darkness and the silence there. I looked to don Juan for support. He was gone and so was Silvio Manuel. I was alone with the three Women. I became very nervous and asked Marta, if she knew, where don Juan had gone. At that precise moment, someone grabbed the skin of my armpits. I yelled with pain. I knew, that it was Silvio Manuel. He lifted me up, as if I weighed nothing, and shook my shoes off me. Then he stood me in a shallow tub of ice-cold water, that came up to my knees. I remained in the tub for a long time, while all of them scrutinized me.  Then Silvio Manuel lifted me up again and set me down next to my shoes, which someone had neatly placed next to the tub. Don Juan again came out of nowhere and handed me my clothes. He whispered, that I should put them on and stay only long enough to be polite. Marta gave me a towel to dry myself. I looked around for the other two Women and Silvio Manuel, but they were nowhere in sight. Marta, don Juan, and I stood in the darkness talking for a long time. She seemed to be speaking mainly to don Juan, but I believed, that I was her real audience. I waited for a clue from don Juan to leave, but he appeared to be enjoying Marta's agile (quick, easy, active) conversation. She told him, that Zoila and Zuleica had been at the peak of their madness that day.

Then she added for my benefit, that they were extremely rational most of the time. As if she were revealing a secret, Marta told us, that the reason Zoila's hair looked so unkempt, was because, at least one third of it, was Zuleica's hair. What had happened was, that the two of them had had a moment of intense camaraderie (comradeship) and were helping one another to groom their hair. Zuleica braided Zoila's hair, as she had done hundreds of times, except that, being out of control, she had braided portions of her own hair in with Zoila's. Marta said, that when they got up from their chairs they went into a commotion (confusion). She ran to their rescue, but by the time she entered the room, Zuleica had taken over, and since she was more lucid (easily understood, clear, sane, rational, shining), than Zoila that day, she had decided to cut the portion of Zoila's hair, that was braided to hers. She got confused in the melee (conflict, hand-to-hand fight), that ensued and cut her own hair instead. Don Juan was laughing, as if it were the funniest thing ever. I heard soft coughlike bursts of laughter coming from the darkness on the far side of the patio. Marta added, that she had to improvise a chignon, until Zuleica's hair grew out. I laughed along with don Juan. I liked Marta. The two other Women were abhorrent (disgusting, repellent) to me; they gave me a sensation of nausea. Marta, on the other hand, seemed a paragon of calm and silent purpose. I could not see her features, but I imagined her to be very beautiful. The sound of her voice was haunting.  She very politely asked don Juan, if I would accept something to eat.
He replied, that I did not feel comfortable with Zuleica and Zoila, and that I would probably get sick to my stomach. Marta assured me, that the two Women were gone and took my arm and led us through the darkest hall yet into a well-lit kitchen. The contrast was too great for my eyes. I stood in the doorway trying to get used to the light.
The kitchen had a very high ceiling and was fairly modern and adequate. We sat in a sort of dinette area.
Marta was young and very strong; she had a plump, voluptuous (full and appealing in form) figure, a round face, and a small nose and mouth. Her jet-black hair was braided and coiled around her head. I thought, that she must have been as curious to examine me, as I had been to see her. We sat and ate and talked for hours.
I was fascinated by her. She was an uneducated Woman, but she held me spellbound with her talk.


She gave us detailed accounts of the preposterous things, that Zoila and Zuleica did, when they were mad. As we drove away, don Juan expressed his admiration for Marta. He said, that she was perhaps the finest example, he knew, of how determination can affect a Human Being. With no background or preparation at all, except for her unbending Intent, Marta had successfully tackled the most arduous task imaginable, that of taking care of Zoila, Zuleica, and Silvio Manuel. I asked don Juan, why Silvio Manuel had refused to let me look at him in the light. He replied, that Silvio Manuel was in his element in darkness, and that I was going to have countless opportunities to see him. For our first meeting, nonetheless, it was mandatory, that he maintain himself within the boundaries of his Power, the darkness of the night. Silvio Manuel and the two Women lived together, because they were a team of formidable Sorcerers. Don Juan advised me, that I should not make hasty judgments about the westerly Women. I had met them at a moment, when they were out of control, but their lack of control pertained (related) only to surface behavior.
They had an inner core, which was unalterable; thus, even at the time of their worst madness, they were capable of laughing at their own aberration (deviating from normal),
as if it were a performance, staged by someone else. Silvio Manuel's case was different. He was in no way deranged (upset, disturbed); in fact, it was his profound sobriety, that enabled him to deal so effectively with those two women, because he and they were opposite extremes. Don Juan said, that Silvio Manuel had been born that way and everyone around him acknowledged his difference. Even his benefactor, who was stern (grave, severe, grim, austere) and unsparing (unmerciful, severe) with everybody, lavished a great deal of attention on Silvio Manuel. It took don Juan years to understand the reason for this preference.
Due to something inexplicable in his nature, once Silvio Manuel had entered into the Left-Side Awareness, he never came out of it.

His proclivity (inclination, predisposition) to remain in a state of Heightened Awareness, coupled with the superb leadership of his benefactor, allowed him to arrive before anyone else not only at the conclusion, that the rule is a map and there is in fact another kind of Awareness, but also to the actual passageway into that Other World of Awareness.  Don Juan said, that Silvio Manuel, in a most impeccable manner, balanced his excessive gains by putting them at the service of their common purpose. He became the silent force behind don Juan.

My last introductory encounter with don Juan's warriors was with the north. Don Juan took me to the city of Guadalajara to fulfill that meeting. He said, that our appointment was only a short distance from the center of town and had to be at noon, because the north was the midday. We left the hotel around 11 a.m. and took an easy stroll through the downtown area. I was walking along without watching where I was going, worried about the meeting, and I collided head-on with a lady, who was rushing out of a store. She was carrying packages, which scattered all over the ground. I apologized and began to help her pick them up. Don Juan urged me to hurry, because we were going to be late. The lady seemed to be stunned. I held her arm. She was a very slender, tall woman, perhaps in her sixties, very elegantly dressed. She seemed to be a lady of social standing. She was exquisitely polite and assumed the blame, saying, that she had been distracted looking for her man-
servant. She asked me, if I would help her locate him in the crowd. I turned to don Juan; he said, that the least I could do, after nearly killing her, was to help her.
I took her packages and we walked back into the store. A short distance away I spotted a forlorn (abandoned, nearly hopeless)-looking Indian, who seemed thoroughly out of place there. The lady called him and he came to her side like a lost puppy. He looked, as if he was about to lick her hand. Don Juan was waiting for us outside the store. He explained to the lady, that we were in a hurry and then told her my name. The lady smiled graciously and initiated a handshake. I thought, that in her youth she must have been ravishing, because she was still beautiful and alluring. Don Juan turned to me and abruptly said, that her name was Nelida, that she was of the north, and that she was a Dreamer. Then he made me face the man-servant and said, that his name was don Genaro Flores, and that he was the Man of action, the warrior of deeds in the party. My surprise was total. All three of them had a belly laugh; the greater my dismay, the more they seemed to enjoy it.
Don Genaro gave the packages away to a group of children, telling them, that his employer, the kind lady, who was talking, had bought those things, as a present for them; it was her good deed for the day. Then we strolled in silence for half a block. I was tongue-tied. Suddenly Nelida pointed to a store and asked us to wait just an instant, because she had to pick up a box of nylons, that they were holding for her there. She peered at me, smiling, her eyes shining, and told me that, all kidding aside, sorcery or no sorcery, she had to wear nylons and lace panties. Don Juan and don Genaro laughed like two idiots. I stared at Nelida, because I could not do anything else. There was something about her, that was utterly earthly and yet she was almost ethereal. She kiddingly told don Juan to hold on to me, because I was about to pass out. Then she politely asked don Genaro to run in and get her order from a specific clerk. As he started in, Nelida seemed to change her mind and called him back, but he apparently did not hear her and disappeared inside the store. She excused herself and ran after him. Don Juan pressed my back to get me out of my turmoil. He said, that I would meet the other northerly woman, whose name was Florinda, by herself at another time, because she was to be my link into another cycle, another mood. He described Florinda, as a carbon copy of Nelida, or vice versa. I remarked, that Nelida was so sophisticated and stylish, that I could imagine seeing her in a fashion magazine.

The fact, that she was beautiful and so fair, perhaps of French or northern Italian extraction, had surprised me. Although Vicente was not an Indian either, his rural appearance made him less of an anomaly. I asked don Juan why there were non-Indians in his world. He said, that Power is, what selects the warriors of a Nagual's party, and that it is impossible to know its designs. We waited in front of the store for perhaps half an hour.
Don Juan seemed to get impatient and asked me to go inside and tell them to hurry. I walked into the store. It was not a big place, there was no back door, and yet they were nowhere in sight. I asked the clerks, but they could not help me. I confronted don Juan and demanded to know, what had happened. He said, that they had either disappeared into thin air, or had sneaked out, while he was cracking my back. I raged at him, that most of his people were tricksters. He laughed until tears were rolling down his cheeks. He said, that I was the ideal dupe. My self-importance made me a most enjoyable subject. He was laughing so hard at my annoyance, that he had to lean against a wall. La Gorda gave me an account of her first meeting with the members of don Juan's party. Her version differed only in content; the form was the same. The warriors were perhaps a bit more violent with her, but she had understood this, as their attempt to shake her out of her slumber, and also as a natural reaction, to what she considered her ugly personality. As we reviewed don Juan's world, we realized, that it was a replica of his benefactor's world. It could be seen, as consisting either of groups or households. There was a group of four independent pairs of apparent sisters, who worked and lived together; another group of three men, who were don Juan's age and were very close to him; a team of two somewhat younger men, the couriers Emilito and Juan Tuma; and finally a team of two younger, southerly women, who seemed to be related to each other, Marta and Teresa. At other times it could be seen, as consisting of four separate households, located quite far from one another in different areas of Mexico. One was made up of the two westerly women, Zuleica and Zoila, Silvio Manuel, and the courier Marta. The next was composed of the southerly women, Cecilia and Delia, don Juan's courier, Emilito, and the courier Teresa. Another household was formed by the easterly women, Carmela and Hermelinda, Vicente, and the courier Juan Tuma; and the last, of the northerly women, Nelida and Florinda, and don Genaro. According to don Juan, his world did not have the harmony and balance of his benefactor's. The only two women, who thoroughly balanced one another, and who looked like identical twins, were the northerly warriors, Nelida and Florinda. Nelida once told me in casual conversation, they were so alike, that they even had the same blood type. For me, one of the most pleasant surprises of our interaction, was the transformation of Zuleica and Zoila, who had been so abhorrent (disgusting, repellent). They turned out to be, as don Juan had said, the most sober and dutiful warriors imaginable. I could not believe my eyes, when I saw them again. Their mad spell had passed and they now looked like two well-dressed Mexican ladies, tall, dark, and muscular, with brilliant dark eyes like pieces of shiny black obsidian. They laughed and joked with me, about what had happened the night of our first meeting, as if someone else and not they had been involved in it. I could easily understand don Juan's turmoil with the westerly warriors of his benefactor's party. It was impossible for me to accept, that Zuleica and Zoila could ever turn into such obnoxious, nauseating creatures, as I had first encountered. I was to witness their metamorphoses many times, yet I was never again able to judge them as harshly, as I had on our first encounter. More, than anything else, their outrages made me feel sad. But the biggest surprise to me was Silvio Manuel. In the darkness of our first meeting I had imagined him to be an imposing man, an overpowering giant. In fact, he was tiny, but not smallboned tiny. His body was like the body of a jockey - small, yet perfectly proportioned. He looked to me, as if he might be a gymnast. His physical control was so remarkable, that he could puff himself up like a toad, to nearly twice his size, by contracting all the muscles of his body. He used to give astounding demonstrations of how he could dislodge his joints and put them back together again without any overt signs of pain. Looking at Silvio Manuel, I always experienced a deep unfamiliar feeling of fright. To me he seemed like a visitor from another time. He was paledark, like a bronze statue. His features were sharp; his aquiline nose, full lips, and widely separated, slanted eyes made him look like a stylized figure on a Mayan fresco. He was friendly and warm during the daytime, but as soon, as the twilight set in, he would become unfathomable.
His voice would change. He would sit in a dark corner and let the darkness swallow him. All that was visible of him was his left eye, which remained open and acquired a strange shine, reminiscent of the eyes of a feline. A secondary issue, that came up in the course of our interaction with don Juan's warriors, was the subject of Controlled Folly. Don Juan gave me a succinct (clearly expressed in few words) explanation once, when he was discussing the two categories, into which all the Women Warriors are mandatorily divided, the Dreamers and the Stalkers. He said, that all the members of his party did Dreaming and Stalking, as part of their daily lives, but that the women, who made up the planet of the Dreamers and the planet of the Stalkers were the foremost authorities on their respective activities. The Stalkers are the ones, who take the brunt (the main impact) of the Daily World. They are the business managers, the ones, who deal with people. Everything, that has to do with the World of Ordinary Affairs, goes through them. The Stalkers are the practitioners of Controlled Folly, just as the Dreamers are the practitioners of Dreaming. In other words, Controlled Folly is the basis for Stalking, as dreams are the basis for Dreaming. Don Juan said that, generally speaking, a warrior's greatest accomplishment in the Second Attention is Dreaming, and in the First Attention his greatest accomplishment is Stalking. I had misunderstood, what don Juan's Warriors were doing to me in our first meetings. I took their actions as instances of trickery - and that would still be my impression today, had it not been for the idea of Controlled Folly. Don Juan said, that their actions with me had been masterful lessons in Stalking. He told me, that the Art of Stalking was what his benefactor had taught him before anything else. In order to survive among his benefactor's Warriors, he had had to learn, that Art quickly. In my case, he said, since I did not have to contend (fight, discuss) by myself with his Warriors, I had to learn Dreaming first. When the time was right, Florinda would step out to guide me into the complexities of Stalking. Noone else could deliberately talk to me about it; they could only give me direct demonstrations, as they had already done in our first meetings.
Don Juan explained to me at great length, that Florinda was one of the foremost practitioners of Stalking, because she had been trained in every intricacy (convoluted, complex arrangement) of it by his benefactor and his four Female Warriors, who were Stalkers. Florinda was the first Female Warrior to come into don Juan's World, and because of that, she was to be my personal guide - not only in the Art of Stalking, but also in the mystery of the Third Attention, if I ever got there.  Don Juan did not elaborate on this. He said, it would have to wait, until I was ready, first to learn Stalking, and then to enter into the Third Attention. Don Juan said, that his benefactor had taken extra time and care with him and his Warriors in everything, that pertained (related) to their mastering the Art of Stalking. He used complex ploys (tactic of game) to create an appropriate context for a counterpoint between the dictums
 (pragmatic, authoritative pronouncement) of the rule and the behavior of the warriors in the daily world, as they interacted with people. He believed, that that was the way to convince them that, in the absence of self-importance, a warrior's only way, of dealing with the social milieu, is in terms of Controlled Folly. In the course of working out his ploys (tactic pf game), don Juan's benefactor would pit the actions of people and the actions of the warriors against the commands of the rule, and would then sit back and let the natural drama unfold itself. The folly of the people would take the lead for a while and drag the warriors into it, as seems to be the natural course, only to be vanquished (subjugate) in the end by the more encompassing designs of the rule. Don Juan told us, that at first, he resented his benefactor's control over the players. He even told him that to his face. His benefactor was not fazed (bothered). He argued, that his control was merely an illusion, created by the Eagle. He was only an impeccable warrior, and his actions were a humble attempt to mirror the Eagle. Don Juan said, that the force, with which his benefactor carried out his designs, originated from his knowledge, that the Eagle is real and final, and that what people do is utter folly. The two together gave rise to Controlled Folly, which don Juan's benefactor described as the only bridge between the folly of people and the finality of the Eagle's dictums (pragmatic, authoritative pronouncement).

11. The Nagual Woman

Don Juan said, that when he was put in the care of the Westerly Women to be cleansed, he was also put under the guidance of the Northerly Woman, who was comparable to Florinda, the number-one Stalker, who taught him the principles of that Art. She and his benefactor gave him the actual means to secure the three Male-Warriors, the one courier, and the four Female-Stalkers, who were to make up his party. The eight Female-Seers of his benefactor's group had searched for the distinctive configurations of luminosity and had had no difficulty, whatever, in finding the appropriate types of male and female warriors for don Juan's party. His benefactor, however, did not permit those 
Seers to do anything to gather the warriors, they had found. It was left to don Juan to apply the principles of Stalking and secure them. The first warrior to appear was Vicente. Don Juan did not have enough of a command of Stalking to be able to draft (assign, attach) him. His benefactor and the Northerly Stalker had to do most of the work. Then came Silvio Manuel, later don Genaro, and finally Emilito, the courier. Florinda was the first Female-Warrior. She was followed by Zoila, then Delia, and then Carmela. Don Juan said, that his benefactor had insisted relentlessly, that they deal with the world exclusively in terms of Controlled Folly. The end result was a stupendous team of practitioners, who thought up and executed the most intricate (convoluted, complex arrangement) schemes. When they had all acquired a degree of proficiency in the Art of Stalking, their benefactor thought it was time for him to find the Nagual Woman for them. True to his policy of helping everyone to help themselves, he waited to bring her into their world, not only until all of them were expert Stalkers, but until don Juan had learned to See. Although don Juan regretted immensely the time wasted in waiting, he conceded (admit, acknowledge), that their joint effort in securing her, created a stronger tie among all of them. It revitalized their commitment to seek their freedom. His benefactor began to unfold his strategy for drawing in the Nagual Woman by all of a sudden becoming a devout Catholic. He demanded, that don Juan, being the heir to his knowledge, behave like a son and go to church with him. He dragged him to mass nearly every day. Don Juan said, that his benefactor, who was very charming and glib (fluent in speech, but insincere), would introduce him to everyone in church, as his son, a bone-setter (chiropracter). Don Juan, by his own account an uncivilized pagan (not religious) at that time, was mortified (humiliated) to find himself in social situations, where he had to talk and give an account of himself. He put his mind at ease with the idea, that his benefactor had an ulterior (hidden) motive for everything, he was doing. He attempted to deduce from observing him, what his reasons might be. His benefactor's actions were consistent and seemed aboveboard. As an exemplary Catholic, he gained the trust of scores of people, especially the parish priest, who held him in high esteem, considering him a friend and confidant. Don Juan could not figure out what he was up to. The thought crossed his mind, that his benefactor might have sincerely taken up Catholicism, or gone mad. He had not yet understood, that a warrior never loses his mind under any circumstances. Don Juan's qualms (doubts) about going to church vanished, when his benefactor began introducing him to the daughters of people, he was acquainted with. He enjoyed that, although he felt ill at ease. Don Juan thought, that his benefactor was helping him to exercise his tongue. He was neither glib, nor charming, and his benefactor had said, that a Nagual, perforce (by necessaty, willy-nilly), has to be both. One Sunday during mass, after nearly a year of almost daily attendance, don Juan found out the real reason for their going to church. He was kneeling next to a girl, named Olinda, the daughter of one of his benefactor's acquaintances.

He turned to exchange a glance with her, as had become their custom after months of daily contact. Their eyes met, and suddenly don Juan Saw her as a Luminous Being - and then he Saw her doubleness. Olinda was a Double Woman. His benefactor had known it all along, and had taken the most difficult path, in order to put don Juan in touch with her. Don Juan confessed to us, that the moment was overwhelming to him. His benefactor knew, that don Juan had Seen. His mission to put the Double Beings together, had been completed successfully and impeccably. He stood up and his eyes swept every corner of that church, then he walked out without a backward glance. There was nothing more for him to do there. Don Juan said, that when his benefactor walked out in the middle of mass, all heads turned. Don Juan wanted to follow him, but Olinda boldly clasped his hand and held him back. He knew then, that the Power of Seeing had not been his alone. Something had gone through both of them and they were transfixed. Don Juan realized all of a sudden, that not only had the mass ended, but that they were already outside the church. His benefactor was trying to calm Olinda's mother, who was incensed (outraged) and shamed by their unexpected and inadmissible display of affection. Don Juan was at a loss, as to what to do next. He knew, that it was up to him to figure out a plan. He had the resources, but the importance of the event made him lose confidence in his ability. He forsook (gave up) his training as a Stalker, and became lost in the intellectual dilemma of whether or not to treat Olinda as Controlled Folly. His benefactor told him, that he could not help him. His duty had been only to put them together, and that was, where his responsibility ended. It was up to don Juan to take the necessary steps to secure her. He suggested, that don Juan even consider marrying her, if that was, what was needed. Only after she came to him of her own accord, could he help don Juan by directly intervening with her, as a Nagual. Don Juan tried a formal courtship. He was not well received by her parents, who could not conceive of someone from a different social class, as a suitor for their daughter. Olinda was not an Indian; her family were middle-class urban dwellers, owners of a small business. The father had other plans for his daughter. He threatened to send her away, if don Juan persisted in his intention to marry her. Don Juan said, that Double Beings, especially Women, are extraordinarily conservative, even timid. Olinda was no exception. After their initial exhilaration (cheering) in church, she was overtaken by caution, and then by fear. Her own reactions scared her. As a strategic maneuver, his benefactor made don Juan retreat, to make it appear, as if he were acquiescing (agreed passively) to his father, who had not approved of the girl - which was the assumption of everyone, who had witnessed the incident in church. People gossiped, that their display had displeased his father so intensely, that his father, who was such a devout Catholic, had never returned to church. His benefactor told don Juan, that a warrior is never under siege (surrounded). To be under siege implies, that one has personal possessions, that could be blockaded. A warrior has nothing in the world, except his impeccability, and impeccability cannot be threatened. Nonetheless, in a battle for one's life, such as the one don Juan was waging to secure the Nagual Woman, a warrior should strategically use every means available. Accordingly, don Juan resolved to use any portion of his Stalker's knowledge, that he had to, to get the girl.  To that end, he engaged Silvio Manuel to use his sorcerer's arts, which even at that early stage were formidable, to abduct the girl. Silvio Manuel and Genaro, who was a true daredevil, stole (got into) into the girl's house, disguised as old washerwomen. It was midday and everyone in the house was busy preparing food for a large group of relatives and friends, who were coming to dinner. They were having an informal going-away party for Olinda.

Silvio Manuel was counting on the likelihood, that people, who saw two strange washerwomen, coming in with bundles of clothes, would assume, that it had to do with Olinda's party and would not get suspicious. Don Juan had supplied Silvio Manuel and Genaro beforehand with all the information, they needed concerning the routines of the members of the household. He told them, that the washerwomen usually carried their bundles of washed clothes into the house and left them in a storage room to be ironed.
Carrying a large bundle of clothes, Silvio Manuel and Genaro went directly into that room, knowing that Olinda would be there. Don Juan said, that Silvio Manuel went up to Olinda and used his mesmeric powers to make her faint. They put her inside a sack, wrapped the sack with her bed sheets, and walked out, leaving behind the bundle they had carried in. They bumped into her father at the door. He did not even glance at them. Don Juan's benefactor was utterly put out (confused) with their maneuver. He ordered don Juan to take the girl back immediately to her house. It was imperative, he said, that the Double Woman come to the benefactor's house of her own free will, perhaps not with the idea of joining them, but at least because they interested her. Don Juan felt, that everything was lost - the odds against getting her back into her house unnoticed, were too great - but Silvio Manuel figured out a solution. He proposed, that they should let the four Women of don Juan's party take the girl to a deserted road, where don Juan would rescue her. Silvio Manuel wanted the Women to pretend, that they were kidnapping her. At some point along the road someone would see them and come in pursuit. Their pursuer would overtake them and they would drop the sack, with a degree of force, so as to be convincing. The pursuer would be, of course, don Juan, who would happen miraculously to be at just the right place at the right time. Silvio Manuel demanded true-to-life action. He ordered the Women to gag (close mouth with hand) the girl, who by then would surely be awake and screaming inside the sack, and then to run for miles carrying the sack. He told them to hide from their pursuer. Finally, after a truly exhausting ordeal, they were to drop the sack in such a way, that the girl could witness a most vicious fight between don Juan and the four Women. Silvio Manuel told the Women, that this had to be utterly realistic. He armed them with sticks and instructed them to hit don Juan convincingly, before they were driven away.

Of the women, Zoila was the one most easily carried away by hysteria; as soon, as they began whacking don Juan, she became possessed by her role and gave a chilling performance, striking don Juan so hard, that flesh was torn from his back and shoulders. For a moment it seemed, that the kidnappers were going to win.  Silvio Manuel had to come out of his hiding place and, pretending to be a passerby, remind them, that it was only a ploy (tactic of game) and, that it was time to run away. Don Juan thus became Olinda's savior and protector. He told her, that he could not take her back to her house himself, because he had been injured, but he would send her back instead with his pious (devout) father. She helped him walk to his benefactor's house. Don Juan said, that he did not have to pretend injury; he was bleeding profusely and barely made it to the door. When Olinda told his benefactor what had happened, his benefactor's desire to laugh was so excruciating, he had to disguise it as weeping. Don Juan had his wounds bandaged and then went to bed. Olinda began to explain to him, why her father was opposed to him, but she did not finish. Don Juan's benefactor came into the room and told her, that it was evident to him, from observing her walk, that the kidnappers had injured her back. He offered to align it for her before it became critical. Olinda hesitated. Don Juan's benefactor reminded her, that the kidnappers had not been playing - they had nearly killed his son, after all. That comment sufficed; she came to the benefactor's side and let him give her a sound blow on her shoulder blade. It made a cracking sound and Olinda entered into a state of Heightened Awareness. He disclosed the rule to her, and just like don Juan, she accepted it in full. There was no doubt, no hesitation. The Nagual Woman and don Juan found completeness and silence in each other's company. Don Juan said, that the feeling they had for each other had nothing to do with affection or need; it was rather a shared physical sense, that an ominous (menacing) barrier had been broken within them, and they were one and the same Being. Don Juan and his Nagual Woman, as the rule prescribed, worked together for years to find the set of four Female Dreamers, who turned out to be Nelida, Zuleica, Cecilia, and Hermelinda and the three couriers, Juan Tuma, Teresa, and Marta. Finding them was another occasion, when the pragmatic nature of the rule was made clear to don Juan. All of them were exactly, what the rule said they were going to be.
Their advent (arrival) introduced a new cycle for everyone, don Juan's benefactor and his party included. For don Juan and his warriors it meant the cycle of Dreaming, and for his benefactor and his party it meant a period of unequalled impeccability in their acts. His benefactor explained to don Juan, that when he was young and was first introduced to the idea of the rule, as the means to freedom, he had been elated, transfixed with joy. Freedom to him was a reality around the corner. When he came to understand the nature of the rule as a map, his hopes and optimism were redoubled. Later on, sobriety took hold of his life; the older he got, the less chance he saw for his success and the success of his party. Finally he became convinced, that no matter what they did, the odds were too great against their tenuous (flimsy) human awareness ever flying free. He made peace with himself and his fate, and surrendered to failure. He told the Eagle from his inner self, that he was glad and proud to have nourished his Awareness. The Eagle was welcome to it. Don Juan told us, that the same mood was shared by all the members of his benefactor's party. The Freedom, proposed in the rule, was something they considered unattainable. They had caught glimpses of the annihilating force, that the Eagle is, and felt, that they did not stand a chance against it. All of them had agreed, nevertheless, that they would live their lives impeccably for no other reason, than to be impeccable. Don Juan said, that his benefactor and his party, in spite of their feelings of inadequacy, or perhaps because of those feelings, did find their Freedom. They did enter into the Third Attention - not as a group, however, but one by one. The fact, that they found the passageway, was the final corroboration (confirmation, support) of the truth, contained in the rule. The last one to leave the world of everyday-life Awareness was his benefactor. He complied with the rule and took don Juan's Nagual Woman with him. As the two of them dissolved into Total Awareness, don Juan and all his warriors were made to explode from within - he could find no other way of describing the feeling, entailed in being forced to forget all, they had witnessed of their benefactor's world.
The one, who never forgot, was Silvio Manuel. It was he, who engaged don Juan in the backbreaking effort of bringing back together the members of their group, all of whom had been scattered. He then plunged them into the task of finding the Totality of Themselves. It took them years to accomplish both tasks. Don Juan had extensively discussed the topic of forgetting, but only in connection with their great difficulty in getting together again and starting over without their benefactor.
He never told us exactly what it entailed to forget or to gain the Totality of Oneself. In that respect, he was true to his benefactor's teachings, only helping us to help ourselves. To this effect, he trained la Gorda and me to See together and was able to show us that, although human beings appear to a 
Seer as Luminous Eggs, the egglike shape is an external cocoon, a shell of luminosity, that houses a most intriguing, haunting, mesmeric core, made up of concentric circles of yellowish luminosity, the color of a candle's flame.

During our final session, he had us See people milling around a church. It was late afternoon, almost dark, yet the creatures inside their rigid, Luminous Cocoons radiated enough light to render everything around them crystal clear. The sight was wondrous. Don Juan explained, that the egg-shaped shells, which seemed so bright to us, were indeed dull.The Luminosity, emanated from the brilliant core; the shell, in fact, dulled its radiance. Don Juan revealed to us, that the shell must be broken in order to liberate that Being. It must be broken from the inside at the right time, just as creatures, that hatch out of eggs, break their shells. If they fail to do so, they suffocate and die. As with creatures, that hatch out of eggs, there is no way for a warrior to break the shell of his Luminosity, until the time is right. Don Juan told us, that losing the human form, was the only means of breaking that shell, the only means of liberating, that haunting Luminous Core, the Core of Awareness, which is the Eagle's food. To break the shell means: remembering the Other Self, and arriving at the Totality of Oneself. Don Juan and his warriors did arrive at the Totality of Themselves, and turned then to their last task, which was to find a new pair of Double Beings. Don Juan said, that they thought it was going to be a simple matter - everything else had been relatively easy for them.
They had no idea, that the apparent effortlessness of their accomplishments as warriors, was a consequence of their benefactor's Mastery and Personal Power. Their quest for a new pair of Double Beings was fruitless. In all their searching, they never came across a Double Woman. They found several Double Men, but they were all well-situated, busy, prolific, and so satisfied with their lives, that it would have been useless to approach them. They did not need to find purpose in life.  They thought, they had already found it. Don Juan said, that one day he realized, that he and his group were getting old, and there seemed to be no hope of ever accomplishing their task. That was the first time they felt the sting of despair and impotence. Silvio Manuel insisted, that they should resign themselves and live impeccably without hope of finding their freedom. It seemed plausible (apparently valid) to don Juan, that this might indeed be the key to everything. In this respect he found himself following in his benefactor's footsteps. He came to accept, that an unconquerable pessimism overtakes a warrior at a certain point on his path. A sense of defeat, or perhaps more accurately, a sense of unworthiness, comes upon him almost unawares. Don Juan said that, before, he used to laugh at his benefactor's doubts and could not bring himself to believe, that he worried in earnest. In spite of the protests and warnings of Silvio Manuel, don Juan had thought it was all a giant ploy (tactic of game), designed to teach them something. Since he could not believe, that his benefactor's doubts were real, neither could he believe, that his benefactor's resolution to live impeccably without hope of freedom, was genuine. When he finally grasped, that his benefactor, in all seriousness, had resigned himself to fail, it also dawned on him, that a warrior's resolution to live impeccably, in spite of everything, cannot be approached as a strategy to ensure success. Don Juan and his party proved this truth for themselves, when they realized for a fact, that the odds against them were astonishing. Don Juan said, that at such moments a lifelong training takes over, and the warrior enters into a state of unsurpassed humility; when the true poverty of his human resources becomes undeniable, the warrior has no recourse, but to step back and lower his head.

Don Juan marveled, that this realization seems to have no effect on the Female Warriors of a party; the disarray (disorder, confusion) seems to leave them unfazed (not bothered).
He told us, that he had noted this in his benefactor's party: the Females were never, as worried and morose (gloomy) about their fate, as were the Males. They seemed simply to acquiesce (agree passively) in the judgment of don Juan's benefactor and follow him without showing signs of emotional wear and tear. If the women were ruffled at some level,
they were indifferent to it. To be busy was all, that counted for them. It was, as if only the Males had bid for freedom and felt the impact of a counter-bidding. In his own group, don Juan observed the same contrast.

The Women readily agreed with him, when he said, that his resources were inadequate. He could only conclude, that the Women, although they never mentioned it, had never believed they had any resources to begin with. There was consequently no way they could feel disappointed or despondent (disheartened) at finding out they were impotent. They had known it all along. Don Juan told us, that the reason the Eagle demanded twice as many Female Warriors, as Males, was precisely, because Females have an inherent balance, which is lacking in Males. At the crucial moment, it is the Men, who get hysterical and commit suicide, if they judge, that everything is lost.
A Woman may kill herself, due to lack of direction and purpose, but not because of the failure of a system, to which she happens to belong. After don Juan and his Party of Warriors had given up hope - or rather, as don Juan put it, after he and the Male Warriors had reached rock bottom and the Women had found suitable ways to humor them - don Juan finally stumbled upon a Double Man, he could approach. I was that Double Man. He said, that since noone, in his right mind, is going to volunteer for such a preposterous (absurd, foolish) project, as a Struggle for Freedom, he had to follow his benefactor's teachings and, in true Stalker's style, reel me in, as he had reeled in the members of his own Party. He needed to have me alone at a place, where he could apply physical pressure to my body, and it was necessary, that I go there of my own accord. He lured me into his house with great ease - as he said, securing the Double Man is never a great problem. The difficulty is to find one, who is available.

That first visit to his house was, from the point of view of my daily awareness, an uneventful session. Don Juan was charming and joked with me. He guided the conversation to the fatigue, the body experiences after long drives, a subject, that seemed thoroughly inconsequential to me, as a student of anthropology. Then he made the casual comment, that my back appeared to be out of alignment, and without another word put a hand on my chest, straightened me up and gave me a sound rap on the back. He caught me so unprepared, that I blacked out. When I opened my eyes again I felt, as if he had broken my spine, but I knew, that I was different. I was someone else and not the me, I knew. From then on, whenever I saw him, he would make me shift from my Right-Side Awareness to my Left, and then he would reveal the rule to me. Almost immediately after finding me, don Juan encountered a Double Woman. He did not put me in touch with her through a scheme, as his benefactor had done with him, but devised a ploy (tactic of game), as effective and elaborate, as any of his benefactor's, by which he himself enticed (lure, attract) and secured the Double Woman. He assumed this burden, because he believed, that it was the benefactor's duty to secure both Double Beings immediately upon finding them, and then to put them together, as Partners in an inconceivable enterprise. He told me, that one day, when he was living in Arizona, he had gone to a government office to fill out an application. The lady at the desk told him to take it to an employee in the adjacent section, and without looking, she pointed to her left. Don Juan followed the direction of her outstretched arm and saw a Double Woman sitting at a desk. When he took his application to her, he realized, that she was just a young girl. She told him, that she had nothing to do with applications. Nevertheless, out of sympathy for a poor old Indian, she took the time to help him process it. Some legal documents were needed, documents, which don Juan had in his pocket, but he pretended total ignorance and helplessness. He made it seem, that the bureaucratic organization was an enigma to him. It was not difficult at all to portray total mindlessness, don Juan said; all he had to do was: revert to what had once been his normal state of awareness. It was to his purpose to prolong his interaction with the girl for as long, as he could. His mentor had told him, and he himself had verified it in his search, that Double Women are quite rare.
His mentor had also warned him, that they have inner resources, that make them highly volatile (unpredictable). Don Juan was afraid, that if he did not play his cards expertly, she would leave. He played on her sympathy to gain time. He created further delay by pretending, that the legal documents were lost. Nearly every day he would bring in a different one to her. She would read it and regretfully tell him, that it was not the right one. The girl was so moved by his sorry condition, that she even volunteered to pay for a lawyer to draw him up an affidavit in lieu of (in place of, stead) the papers. After three months of this, don Juan thought it was time to produce the documents. By then she had gotten used to him and almost expected to see him every day. Don Juan came one last time to express his thanks and say goodbye. He told her, that he would have liked to bring her a gift to show his appreciation, but he did not have money even to eat. She was moved by his candor (boldness, straightforwardness) and took him to lunch. As they were eating he mused, that a gift does not necessarily have to be an object, that one buys. It could be something, that is only for the eyes of the beholder. Something to remember rather, than to possess. She was intrigued by his words. Don Juan reminded her, that she had expressed compassion for the Indians and their condition, as paupers. He asked her, if she would like to see the Indians in a different light - not as paupers, but as artists. He told her, that he knew an old man, who was the last of his line of Power Dancers. He assured her, that the man would dance for her at his request; and furthermore, he promised her, that never in her life had she seen anything like it, nor would she ever again. It was something, that only Indians witnessed. She was delighted at the idea. She picked him up after her work, and they headed for the hills, where he told her the Indian lived. Don Juan took her to his own house. He made her stop the car quite a distance away, and they began to walk the rest of the way. Before they reached the house, he stopped and drew a line with his foot in the sandy, dried dirt. He told her, that the line was a boundary and coaxed (urge, persuade, plead) her to step across.
The Nagual Woman herself told me, that up to that point, she had been very intrigued with the possibility of witnessing a genuine Indian dancer, but when the old Indian drew a line on the dirt and called it a boundary, she began to hesitate. Then she became outright alarmed, when he told her, that the boundary was for her alone, and that once she stepped over it, there was no way of returning. The Indian apparently saw her consternation (sudden confusion) and tried to put her at ease. He politely patted her on the arm and gave her his guarantee, that no harm would come to her, while he was around. The boundary could be explained, he told her, as a form of symbolic payment to the dancer, for he did not want money.  Ritual was in lieu of (in place of, stead) money, and ritual required, that she step over the boundary of her own accord. The old Indian gleefully stepped over the line and told her, that to him all of it was sheer Indian nonsense, but that the dancer, who was watching them from inside the house, had to be humored, if she wanted to see him dance. The Nagual Woman said, that she suddenly became so afraid, that she could not move to cross the line. The old Indian made an effort to persuade her, saying, that stepping over that boundary, was beneficial to the entire body. Crossing it had not only made him feel younger, it had actually made him younger, such power did that boundary have. To demonstrate his point, he crossed back again and immediately his shoulders slouched, the corners of his mouth drooped, his eyes lost their shine. The Nagual Woman could not deny the differences the crossings had made. Don Juan recrossed the line a third time. He breathed deeply, expanding his chest, his movements brisk and bold. The Nagual Woman said, that the thought crossed her mind, that he might even make sexual advances. Her car was too far away to make a run for it. The only thing she could do was to tell herself, that it was stupid to fear that old Indian. Then the old man made another appeal to her reason and to her sense of humor. In a conspiratorial tone, as if he were revealing a secret with some reluctance, he told her, that he was just pretending to be young to please the dancer, and that if she did not help him by crossing the line, he was going to faint at any moment from the stress of walking without slouching (walk with awkward drooping posture). He walked back and forth across the line to show her the immense strain involved in his pantomime. The Nagual Woman said, that his pleading eyes revealed the pain his old body was going through to mimic youth. She crossed the line to help him and be done with it; she wanted to go home. The moment she crossed the line, don Juan took a prodigious jump and glided over the roof of the house. The Nagual Woman said, that he flew like a huge boomerang. When he landed next to her, she fell on her back. Her fright was beyond anything she had ever experienced, but so was her excitement at having witnessed such a marvel. She did not even ask, how he had accomplished such a magnificent feat. She wanted to run back to her car and head for home. The old man helped her up and apologized for having tricked her. In fact, he said, he himself was the dancer and his flight over the house had been his dance. He asked her, if she had paid attention to the direction of his flight. The Nagual Woman circled her hand counterclockwise. He patted her head paternally and told her, that it was very auspicious (favourable), that she had been attentive. Then he said, that she may have injured her back in her fall, and that he could not just let her go without making sure she was all right. Boldly, he straightened her shoulders and lifted her chin and the back of her head, as if he were directing her to extend her spine. He then gave her a sound smack between her shoulder blades, literally knocking all the air out of her lungs. For a moment she was unable to breathe and she fainted. When she regained consciousness, she was inside his house. Her nose was bleeding, her ears were buzzing, her breathing was accelerated, she could not focus her eyes. He instructed her to take deep breaths to a count of eight. The more she breathed, the clearer everything became. At one point, she told me, the whole room became incandescent; everything glowed with an amber light. She became stupefied and could not breathe deeply any more. The amber light by then was so thick, it resembled fog. Then the fog turned into amber cobwebs. It finally dissipated, but the world remained uniformly amber for a while longer. Don Juan began to talk to her then.

He took her outside the house and showed her, that the world was divided into two halves. The left side was clear, but the right side was veiled in amber fog. He told her, that it is monstrous to think, that the world is understandable or that we ourselves are understandable. He said, that what she was perceiving, was an enigma, a mystery, that one could only accept in humbleness and awe. He then revealed the rule to her. Her clarity of mind was so intense, that she understood everything he said. The rule seemed to her appropriate and self-evident. He explained to her, that the two sides of a human being are totally separate and, that it takes great discipline and determination to break that seal and go from one side to the other. A Double Being has a great advantage: the condition of being double permits relatively easy movement between the compartments on the right side. The great disadvantage of Double Beings is, that virtue of having two compartments, they are sedentary, conservative, afraid of change. Don Juan said to her, that his intention had been to make her shift from her extreme right compartment to her more lucid (easily understood, clear, sane, rational, shining), sharper Left-Right side, but instead, through some inexplicable quirk (oddity of bahaviour), his blow had sent her all across her Doubleness, from her everyday extreme-right side to her extreme-left side. He tried four times to make her revert back to a normal state of awareness, but to no avail. His blows helped her, however, to turn her perception of the wall of fog on and off at will. Although he had not intended it, don Juan had been right in saying, that the line was a one-way boundary for her. Once she crossed it, just like Silvio Manuel, she never returned. When don Juan put the Nagual Woman and me face to face, neither of us had known of the other's existence, yet we instantly felt, that we were familiar with one another. Don Juan knew from his own experience, that the solace (comfort) Double Beings feel in each other's company is indescribable, and far too brief. He told us, that we had been put together by forces, incomprehensible to our reason, and, that the only thing, we did not have, was time. Every minute might be the last; therefore, it had to be lived with the spirit. Once don Juan had put us together, all, that was left for him and his warriors to do, was find four Female Stalkers, three Male Warriors, and one Male Courier to make up our party. To that end, don Juan found Lydia, Josefina, la Gorda, Rosa, Benigno, Nestor, Pablito, and the courier Eligio. Each one of them was a replica in an undeveloped form of the members of don Juan's own party.

12. The Not-Doings of Silvio Manuel

Don Juan and his warriors sat back to allow the Nagual Woman and myself room to enact the rule - that is, to nourish, enhance, and lead the eight warriors to Freedom. Everything seemed perfect, yet something was wrong. The first set of Female Warriors, don Juan had found, were Dreamers, when they should have been Stalkers. He did not know how to explain this anomaly. He could only conclude, that Power had put those Women in his path in a manner, that made it impossible to refuse them. There was another striking anomaly, that was even more baffling to don Juan and his party; three of the Women and the three Male Warriors were incapable of entering into a state of Heightened Awareness, despite don Juan's titanic efforts. They were groggy, out of focus, and could not break the seal, the membrane, that separates their two sides. They were nicknamed the drunkards, because they staggered around without muscular coordination. The courier Eligio and la Gorda were the only ones with an extraordinary degree of awareness, especially Eligio, who was par with any of don Juan's own people. The three girls clustered together and made an unshakable unit. So did the three men. Groups of three when the rule prescribes four were something ominous (menacing). The number three is a symbol of dynamics, change, movement, and above all, a symbol of revitalization. The rule was no longer serving as a map. And yet it was not conceivable, that an error was involved. Don Juan and his warriors argued, that Power does not make mistakes. They pondered the question in their Dreaming and 
Seeing. They wondered whether they had perhaps been too hasty, and simply had not Seen, that the three women and the three men were inept (unsuitable). Don Juan confided to me, that he Saw two relevant questions. One was the pragmatic problem of our presence among them. The other was the question of the rule's validity. Their benefactor had guided them to the certainty, that the rule encompassed everything a warrior might be concerned with. He had not prepared them for the eventuality, that the rule might prove to be inapplicable. La Gorda said, that the Women of don Juan's party never had any problems with me; it was only the Males, who were at a loss. To the Men, it was incomprehensible and unacceptable, that the rule was incongruous (incompatible with surroundings) in my case. The Women, however, were confident, that sooner or later the reason, for my being there, was going to be made clear. I had observed how the Women kept themselves detached from the emotional turmoil, seeming to be completely unconcerned with the outcome. They seemed to know without any reasonable doubt, that my case had to be somehow included in the rule. After all, I had definitely helped them by accepting my role. Thanks to the Nagual Woman and myself, don Juan and his party had completed their cycle and were almost free. The answer came to them at last through Silvio Manuel. His Seeing revealed, that the three little Sisters and the Genaros were not inept (unsuitable); it was rather, that I was not the right Nagual for them. I was incapable of leading them, because I had an unsuspected configuration, that did not match the pattern, laid down by the rule, a configuration, which don Juan, as a Seer, had overlooked. My Luminous Body gave the appearance of having four compartments, when in reality it had only three. There was another rule, for what they called, a "three-pronged Nagual." I belonged to that other rule. Silvio Manuel said, that I was like a bird, hatched by the warmth and care of birds of a different species. All of them were still bound to help me, as I myself was bound to do anything for them, but I did not belong with them.
Don Juan assumed responsibility for me, because he had brought me into their midst (centre), but my presence among them forced them all to exert themselves to the maximum, searching for two things: an explanation of what I was doing among them, and a solution to the problem of what to do about it. Silvio Manuel very quickly hit upon a way to dislodge me from their midst (centre). He took over the task of directing the project, but since he did not have the patience or energy to deal with me personally, he commissioned don Juan to do so, as his surrogate. Silvio Manuel's goal was to prepare me for a moment, when a courier, bearing the rule pertinent to a three-pronged Nagual, would make himself or herself available to me. He said, that it was not his role to reveal that portion of the rule. I had to wait, just as all the others had to wait, for the right time. There was still another serious problem, that added more confusion. It had to do with la Gorda, and in the long run with me. La Gorda had been accepted into my party as a Southerly Woman.
Don Juan and the rest of his Seers had attested to it. She seemed to be in the same category with Cecilia, Delia, and the two Female couriers. The similarities were undeniable. Then la Gorda lost all her superfluous (unnecessary) weight and slimmed down to half her size. The change was so radical and profound, that she became something else. She had gone unnoticed for a long time, simply because all the other warriors were too preoccupied with my difficulties, to pay any attention to her. Her change was so drastic, however, that they were forced to focus on her, and what they Saw, that she was not a Southerly Woman at all. The bulkiness of her body had misled their previous Seeing. They remembered then, that from the first moment she came into their midst (centre), la Gorda could not really get along with Cecilia, Delia, and the other Southerly Women. She was, on the other hand, utterly charmed and at ease with Nelida and Florinda, because in fact she had always been like them. That meant, that there were two Northerly Dreamers in my party, la Gorda and Rosa - a blatant discrepancy with the rule. Don Juan and his warriors were more, than baffled. They understood everything, that was happening as an omen, an indication, that things had taken an unforeseeable turn. Since they could not accept the idea of human error overriding the rule, they assumed, that they had been made to err by a superior command, for a reason, which was difficult to discern, but real. They pondered the question of what to do next, but before any of them came up with an answer, a true Southerly Woman, dona Soledad, came into the picture with such a force, that it was impossible for them to refuse her. She was congruous (incompatible with surroundings) with the rule. She was a Stalker. Her presence distracted us for a time. For a while it seemed, as if she were going to pull us off to another plateau. She created vigorous movement. Florinda took her under her wing to instruct her in the Art of Stalking. But whatever good it did, it was not enough to remedy a strange loss of energy, that I felt, a listlessness, that seemed to be increasing. Then one day, Silvio Manuel said, that in his Dreaming, he had received a master plan. He was exhilarated and went off to discuss its details with don Juan and the other warriors. The Nagual Woman was included in their discussions, but I was not. This made me suspect, that they did not want me to find out what Silvio Manuel had discovered about me. I confronted every one of them with my suspicions. They all laughed at me, except for the Nagual Woman, who told me, that I was right. Silvio Manuel's Dreaming had revealed the reason for my presence among them, but I would have to surrender to my fate, which was not to know the nature of my task, until I was ready for it. There was such finality in her tone, that I could only accept without question everything she said. I think, that if don Juan or Silvio Manuel had told me the same thing, I would not have acquiesced (agree passively) so easily. She also said, that she disagreed with don Juan and the others - she thought, I should be informed of the general purpose of their actions, if only to avoid unnecessary friction and rebelliousness. Silvio Manuel intended to prepare me for my task by taking me directly into the second attention. He planned a series of bold actions, that would galvanize my Awareness. In the presence of all the others he told me, that he was taking over my guidance, and that he was shifting me to his area of power, the night.
The explanation he gave was, that a number of not-doings had presented themselves to him in Dreaming. They were designed for a team, composed of la Gorda and myself - as the Doers, and the Nagual Woman - as the overseer. Silvio Manuel was awed by the Nagual Woman and had only words of admiration for her. He said, that she was in a class by herself. She could perform on a par with him or any of the other warriors of his party. She did not have experience, but she could manipulate her Attention in any way, she needed. He confessed, that her prowess (outstanding courage) was as great a mystery to him, as was my presence among them, and, that her sense of purpose and her conviction were so keen, that I was no match for her. In fact, he asked la Gorda to give me special support, so I could withstand the Nagual Woman's contact. For our first Not-Doing, Silvio Manuel constructed a wooden crate, big enough to house la Gorda and me, if we sat back-to-back with our knees up. The crate had a lid, made of latticework to let in a flow of air. La Gorda and I were to climb inside it and sit in total darkness and total silence, without falling asleep. He began by letting us enter the box for short periods; then he increased the time, as we got used to the procedure, until we could spend the entire night inside it without moving or dozing off. The Nagual Woman stayed with us to make sure, that we would not change levels of Awareness, due to fatigue. Silvio Manuel said, that our natural tendency under unusual conditions of stress is to shift from the Heightened state of Awareness to our normal one, and vice versa. The general effect of the Not-Doing, every time we performed it, was to give us an unequalled sense of rest, which was a complete puzzle to me, since we never fell asleep during our night-long vigils (watch). I attributed the sense of rest to the fact, that we were in a state of Heightened Awareness, but Silvio Manuel said, that the one had nothing to do with the other, that the sense of rest was the result of sitting with our knees up. The second Not-Doing consisted of making us lie on the ground, like curled-up dogs, almost in the fetal position, resting on our left sides, our foreheads on our folded arms. Silvio Manuel insisted, that we keep our eyes closed as long, as possible, opening them only, when he told us to shift positions and lie on our right sides. He told us, that the purpose of this Not-Doing was to allow our sense of Hearing to separate from our Sight. As before, he gradually increased the length of time, until we could spend the entire night in auditory vigil (watch). Silvio Manuel was then ready to move us to another area of activity. He explained, that in the first two Not-Doings we had broken a certain perceptual barrier, while we were stuck to the ground. By way of analogy, he compared human beings to trees. We are like mobile trees. We are somehow rooted to the ground; our roots are transportable, but that does not free us from the ground. He said, that in order to establish balance, we had to perform the third Not-Doing, while dangling in the air. If we succeeded in channeling our Intent, while we were suspended from a tree inside a leather harness, we would make a triangle with our Intent, a triangle, whose base was on the ground and its vertex (highest point of everything, summit) in the air. Silvio Manuel thought, that we had gathered our attention with the first two Not-Doings to the point, that we could perform the third perfectly from the beginning. One night he suspended la Gorda and me in two separate harnesses like strap chairs. We sat in them and he lifted us with a pulley to the highest large branches of a tall tree. He wanted us to pay attention to the Awareness of the tree, which he said would give us signals, since we were its guests. He made the Nagual Woman stay on the ground and call our names from time to time during the entire night. While we were suspended from the tree, in the innumerable times we performed this Not-Doing, we experienced a glorious flood of physical sensations, like mild charges of electrical impulses. During the first three or four attempts, it was as if the tree were protesting our intrusion; then after that, the impulses became signals of peace and balance. Silvio Manuel told us, that the Awareness of a tree draws its nourishment from the depths of the Earth, while the Awareness of mobile creatures draws it from the surface. There is no sense of strife (state of bitter conflict) in a tree, whereas moving Beings are filled to the brim with it. His contention was, that perception suffers a profound jolt, when we are placed in states of quietude in darkness.
Our hearing takes the lead then, and the signals from all the living and existing entities, around us, can be detected - not with our hearing only, but with a combination of the auditory and visual senses, in that order. He said, that in darkness, especially while one is suspended, the eyes become subsidiary (serving to assist) to the ears. He was absolutely right, as la Gorda and I discovered. Through the exercise of the third Not-Doing, Silvio Manuel gave a new dimension to our perception of the world around us. He then told la Gorda and me, that the next set of three Not- Doings would be intrinsically (inherent) different and more complex. These had to do with learning to handle the other world. It was mandatory to maximize their effect by moving our time of action to the evening or predawn twilight. He told us, that the first Not-Doing of the second set had two stages. In stage one we had to bring ourselves to our keenest state of Heightened Awareness, so as to detect the Wall of Fog. Once that was done, stage two consisted of making that Wall stop rotating in order to venture into the World between the Parallel Lines. He warned us, that what he was aiming at, was to place us directly into the Second Attention, without any intellectual preparation. He wanted us to learn its intricacies (convoluted, complex arrangement) without rationally understanding, what we were doing. His contention was, that a magical deer or a magical coyote handles the Second Attention without having any intellect. Through the forced practice of journeying behind the Wall of Fog, we were going to undergo, sooner or later, a permanent alteration in our total being, an alteration, that would make us accept, that the World between the parallel lines, is real, because it is part of the total World, as our Luminous Body is part of our Total Being. Silvio Manuel also said, that he was using la Gorda and me to probe into the possibility, that we could someday help the other apprentices by ushering (leading) them into the Other World, in which case they could accompany the Nagual Juan Matus and his party in their definitive journey. He reasoned, that since the Nagual Woman had to leave this World with the Nagual Juan Matus and his warriors, the apprentices had to follow her, because she was their only leader in the absence of a Nagual Man. He assured us, that she was counting on us, that this was the reason, she was supervising our work. Silvio Manuel had la Gorda and me sit down on the ground in the area in back of his house, where we had performed all the Not-Doings. We did not need don Juan's aid to enter into our keenest state of Awareness. Almost immediately I Saw the Wall of Fog. La Gorda did too; yet no matter how we tried, we could not stop its rotation. Every time I moved my head, the Wall moved with it. The Nagual woman was able to stop it and go through it by herself, but for all her efforts, she could not take the two of us with her. Finally don Juan and Silvio Manuel had to stop the Wall for us and physically push us through it. The sensation I had upon entering into that Wall of Fog was, that my body was being twisted like the braids of a rope. On the other side there was the horrible desolate plain with small round sand dunes. There were very low yellow clouds around us, but no sky or horizon; banks of pale yellow vapor impaired visibility. It was very difficult to walk. The pressure seemed much greater, than what my body was used to. La Gorda and I walked aimlessly, but the Nagual Woman seemed to know, where she was going. The further we went away from the Wall, the darker it got and the more difficult it was to move. La Gorda and I could no longer walk erect. We had to crawl. I lost my strength and so did la Gorda; the Nagual Woman had to drag us back to the Wall and out of there. We repeated our journey innumerable times. At first we were aided by don Juan and Silvio Manuel in stopping the Wall of Fog, but then la Gorda and I became almost as proficient, as the Nagual Woman. We learned to stop the rotation of that Wall. It happened quite naturally to us. In my case, on one occasion I realized, that my Intent was the key, a special aspect of my Intent, because it was not my volition, as I know it. It was an intense desire, that was focused on the midpoint of my body. It was a peculiar nervousness, that made me shudder and then it turned into a force, that did not really stop the Wall, but made some part of my body turn involuntarily ninety degrees to the right. The result was, that for an instant I had two points of view. I was looking at the world, divided in two by the Wall of Fog and, at the same time, I was staring directly at a bank of yellowish vapor.
The latter view gained predominance and something pulled me into the Fog and beyond it.  Another thing, that we learned, was to regard that place as real; our journeys acquired for us the factuality of an excursion into the mountains, or a sea voyage in a sailboat. The deserted plain with sand-dune-like mounds was as real to us, as any part of the World. La Gorda and I had the rational feeling, that the three of us spent an Eternity in the World between-the Parallel Lines, yet we were unable to remember, what exactly transpired (become known, perspire, come to light, turn out) there. We could only remember the terrifying moments, when we would have to leave it, to return to the World of Everyday Life. It was always a moment of tremendous anguish (extreme mental pain, torture, torment) and insecurity.
Don Juan and all his Warriors followed our endeavors with great curiosity, but the one, who was strangely absent from all our activities, was Eligio. Although he was himself a peerless Warrior, comparable to the Warriors of don Juan's own party, he never took part in our struggle, nor did he help us in any way. La Gorda said, that Eligio had succeeded in attaching himself to Emilito and thus directly to the Nagual Juan Matus. He was never part of our problem, because he could go into the Second Attention at the drop of a hat. To him, journeying into the confines of the Second Attention was as easy, as snapping his fingers. La Gorda reminded me of the day when Eligio's unusual talents allowed him to find out, that I was not their man, long before anyone else had even an inkling of the truth. I was sitting on the back porch of Vicente's house in northern Mexico when Emilito and Eligio suddenly showed up. Everyone took for granted, that Emilito had to disappear for long periods of time; when he would show up again, everyone also took for granted, that he had returned from a voyage. Noone asked him any questions. He would report his findings first to don Juan and then to whoever wanted to hear them. On that day it was as if Emilito and Eligio had just come into the house through the back door. Emilito was ebullient (overflowing with enthusiasm) as ever. Eligio was his usual quiet somber (gloomy, shadowy, melancholy, dismal) self. I had always thought, when both of them were together, that Emilito's exquisite personality overwhelmed Eligio and made him even more sullen (morose, gloomy). Emilito went inside, looking for don Juan and Eligio opened up to me.
He smiled and came to my side. He put his arm around my shoulders and placing his mouth to my ear whispered, that he had broken the seal of the Parallel Lines and he could go into something, he said Emilito had called glory. Eligio went on to explain certain things about glory, which I was unable to comprehend. It was, as if my mind could only focus on the periphery of that event. After explaining it to me, Eligio took me by the hand and made me stand in the middle of the patio, looking at the sky with my chin slightly turned up. He was to my right, standing with me in the same position. He told me to let go and fall backwards, pulled by the heaviness of the very top of my head. Something grabbed me from behind and pulled me down. There was an abyss behind me. I fell into it. And then, suddenly I was on the desolate plain with dune-like mounds. Eligio urged me to follow him. He told me, that the edge of glory was over the hills. I walked with him, until I could not move any longer. He ran ahead of me with no effort at all, as if he were made of air. He stood on top of a large mound and pointed beyond. He ran back to me and begged me to crawl up that hill, which he told me was the edge of glory. It was perhaps only a hundred feet away from me, but I could not move another inch. He tried to drag me up the hill; he could not budge (persuade) me. My weight seemed to have increased a hundred-fold. Eligio finally had to summon (request to appear, gather) don Juan and his party. Cecilia lifted me up on her shoulders and carried me out.  La Gorda added, that Emilito had put Eligio up to it. Emilito was proceeding according to the rule. My courier had journeyed into glory. It was mandatory, that he show it to me. I could recollect the eagerness in Eligio's face and the fervor, with which he urged me to make one last effort to witness glory. I could also recollect his sadness and disappointment, when I failed. He never spoke to me again. La Gorda and I had been so involved in our journeys behind the Wall of Fog, that we had forgotten, that we were due for the next Not-Doing of the series with Silvio Manuel. He told us, that it could be devastating, and that it consisted of crossing the Parallel Lines with the three little Sisters and the three Genaros, directly into the entrance to the World of Total Awareness.
He did not include dona Soledad, because his not-doings were only for Dreamers and she was a Stalker. Silvio Manuel added, that he expected us to become familiar with the Third Attention by placing ourselves at the foot of the Eagle over and over (?). He prepared us for the jolt; he explained, that a warrior's journeys into the desolate sand dunes is a preparatory step for the real crossing of boundaries. To venture behind the Wall of Fog, while one is in a state of Heightened Awareness or while one is doing Dreaming, entails only a very small portion of our Total Awareness, while to cross bodily into the Other World, entails engaging our Total Being. Silvio Manuel had conceived (induce conception of, form in mind, devise, formulate, apprehend mentally, imagine, understand, think, consider) the idea of using the bridge, as the symbol of a true crossing. He reasoned, that the bridge was adjacent to a power spot; and power spots are cracks, passageways into the Other World.  He thought, that it was possible, that la Gorda and I had acquired enough strength to withstand a glimpse of the Eagle. He announced, that it was my personal duty to round up the three Women and the three Men and help them get into their keenest states of Awareness. It was the least I could do for them, since I had perhaps been instrumental in destroying their chances for Freedom. He moved our time of action to the hour just before dawn (morning beginning), or the morning twilight. I dutifully attempted to make them Shift Awareness, as don Juan did to me. Since I had no idea how to manipulate their bodies or what I really had to do with them, I ended up beating them on the back. After several gruelling (demanding, exhausting) attempts on my part, don Juan finally intervened. He got them as ready, as they could possibly be and handed them over to me to herd like cattle onto the bridge. My task was to take them one by one across that bridge. The Power Spot was on the south side, a very auspicious omen. Silvio Manuel planned to cross first, wait for me to deliver them to him and then usher (escort) us, as a group, into the Unknown. Silvio Manuel walked across, followed by Eligio, who did not even glance at me. I held the six apprentices in a tight group on the north side of the bridge. They were terrified; they got loose from my grip and began to run in different directions. I caught the three Women one by one and succeeded in delivering them to Silvio Manuel. He held them at the entrance of the crack between the worlds. The three men were too fast for me. I was too tired to run after them. I looked at don Juan across the bridge for guidance. He and the rest of his party and the Nagual Woman were clustered together looking at me; they had coaxed (urge, persuade, plead) me with gestures to run after the Women or the Men, laughing at my fumbling (handle nervously) attempts. Don Juan made a gesture with his head to disregard the three men and to cross over to Silvio Manuel with la Gorda. We crossed. Silvio Manuel and Eligio seemed to be holding the sides of a vertical slit the size of a man. The Women ran and hid behind la Gorda. Silvio Manuel urged all of us to step inside the Opening. I obeyed him. The Women did not. Beyond that entrance there was nothing. Yet it was filled to the brim with something, that was nothing. My eyes were open; all my senses were alert. I strained myself trying to See in front of me. But there was nothing in front of me. Or if there was something there, I could not grasp it. My senses did not have the compartmentalization, I have learned to regard, as meaningful. Everything came to me at once, or rather nothingness came to me to a degree, I had never experienced before or after. I felt, that my body was being torn apart. A force from within myself was pushing outward. I was bursting, and not in a figurative way. Suddenly I felt a human hand, snatching me out of there, before I disintegrated. The Nagual Woman had crossed over and saved me. Eligio had not been able to move, because he was holding the Opening, and Silvio Manuel had the four Women by their hair, two in each hand, ready to hurl them in. I assume, that the whole event must have taken at least a quarter of an hour to unfold, but at the time it never occurred to me to worry about people around the bridge. Time seemed to have been somehow suspended. Just as it had been suspended, when we returned to the bridge on our way to Mexico City. Silvio Manuel said, that although the attempt had seemed to be a failure, it was a total success.
The four Women did See the Aperture and through it into the Other World; and what I experienced in there, was a true sense of Death.
"There is nothing gorgeous or peaceful about Death," he said. "Because the real terror begins upon dying. With that incalculable force, you felt in there, the Dark Sea of Awareness will squeeze out of you every flicker of Awareness, you have ever had." Silvio Manuel prepared la Gorda and me for another attempt. He explained, that Power Spots were actual holes in a sort of canopy, that prevents the World from losing its shape. A Power Spot could be utilized as long, as one has gathered enough strength in the Second Attention.
He told us, that the Key to withstanding the Dark Sea of Awareness' presence was the potency of one's Intent. Without Intent there was nothing. He said to me that, since I was the only one, who had stepped into the Other World, what had nearly killed me, was my incapacity to change my Intent. He was confident, however, that with forced practice, all of us would get to elongate (extend) our Intent. He could not explain, however, what Intent was. He joked, that only the Nagual Juan Matus could explain it, but that he was not around. Unfortunately our next attempt did not take place, for I became deplenished of energy. It was a swift and devastating loss of vitality. I was suddenly so weak, that I passed out in Silvio Manuel's house. I asked la Gorda whether she knew, what happened next; I myself had no idea. La Gorda said, that Silvio Manuel told everyone, that the Dark Sea of Awareness had dislodged (removed) me from their group, and, that, finally I was ready for them to prepare me to carry out the designs of my fate. His plan was to take me to the World between the Parallel Lines, while I was unconscious, and let that World draw out all the remaining and useless energy from my body. His idea was sound in the judgment of all his companions, because the rule says, that one could only enter in there with Awareness. To enter without it brings death, since without consciousness the life force is exhausted by the physical pressure of that world. La Gorda added, that they did not take her with me. But the Nagual Juan Matus had told her, that once I was empty of vital energy, practically dead, all of them took turns in blowing new energy into my body. In that world, anybody, who has life force, can give it to others by blowing on them. They put their breath in all the spots, where there is a storage point. Silvio Manuel blew first, then the Nagual Woman. The remaining part of me was made up of all the members of the Nagual Juan Matus' party. After they had blown their energy into me, the Nagual Woman brought me out of the Fog to Silvio Manuel's house. She laid me on the ground with my head toward the southeast.
La Gorda said, that I looked, as if I were dead. She and the Genaros and the three little Sisters were there. The Nagual Woman explained to them, that I was ill, but that I was going to come back someday to help them find their Freedom, because I would not be free myself, until I did that. Silvio Manuel then gave me his breath and brought me back to life. That was why she and the little Sisters remembered, that he was my master. He carried me to my bed and let me sleep, as if nothing had happened. After I woke up, I left and did not return.
And then she forgot, because noone ever pushed her into the Left Side again. She went to live in the town, where I later found her with the others. The Nagual Juan and Genaro had set up two different households. Genaro took care of the men; the Nagual Juan Matus looked after the women. I had gone to sleep feeling depressed, feeble. When I woke up, I was in perfect control of myself, ebullient
(overflowing with enthusiasm), filled with extraordinary and unfamiliar energy. My well-being was marred only by don Juan's telling me, that I had to leave la Gorda and strive alone to perfect my Attention, until one day, when I would be able to return to help her. He also told me not to fret (worry, agitate) or get discouraged, for the carrier of the rule would eventually make himself or herself known to me, in order to reveal my true task. Afterward I did not see don Juan for a very long time. When I came back, he kept on making me shift from the Right to the Left Side Awareness for two purposes; first, so I could continue my relationship with his warriors and the Nagual Woman, and second, so he could put me under the direct supervision of Zuleica, with whom I had a steady interaction throughout the remaining years of my association with don Juan.
He told me, that the reason, he had to entrust me to Zuleica was, because, according to Silvio Manuel's master plan, there were to be two kinds of instruction for me, one for the Right Side and one for the Left. The Right Side instruction pertained to the state of normal consciousness and had to do with leading me to the rational conviction, that there is another type of Awareness, concealed in Human Beings. Don Juan was in charge of this instruction. The Left Side instruction had been assigned to Zuleica; it was related to the state of Heightened Awareness and had to do exclusively with the handling of the Second Attention. Thus every time I went to Mexico, I would spend half of my time with Zuleica, and the other half with don Juan.

13. The Intricacies (convoluted, complex arrangement) of Dreaming
Don Juan began the task of ushering
(leading) me into the Second Attention by telling me, that I had already had a great deal of experience in entering into it. Silvio Manuel had taken me to the very entrance. The flaw had been, that I had not been given the appropriate rationales. Male Warriors must be given serious reasons, before
they safely venture into the Unknown. Female Warriors are not subject to this and can go without any hesitation, providing, that they have total confidence in whoever is leading them. He told me, that I had to start by learning first the intricacies (convoluted, complex arrangement) of Dreaming. He then put me under Zuleica's supervision. He admonished (caution, warn) me to be impeccable and practice meticulously, whatever I learned, and above all, to be careful and deliberate in my actions, so as not to exhaust my life force in vain. He said, that the prerequisite for entrance into any of the three stages of Attention is the possession of Life Force, because without it, Warriors cannot have direction and purpose. He explained, that upon dying, our Awareness also enters into the Third Attention; but only for an instant, as a purging action, just before the Eagle devours it. La Gorda said, that the Nagual Juan Matus made every one of the apprentices learn Dreaming. She thought, that all of them were given this task, at the same time I was. Their instruction was also divided into right and left. She said, that the Nagual and Genaro provided the instruction for the state of normal Awareness. When they judged, that the apprentices were ready, the Nagual made them shift into a state of Heightened Awareness and left them with their respective counterparts. Vicente taught Nestor, Silvio Manuel taught Benigno, Genaro taught Pablito. Lydia was taught by Hermelinda, and Rosa by Nelida. La Gorda added that, Josefina and she were put under the care of Zuleica, in order to learn together the finer points of Dreaming, so they would be able to come to my aid someday. Moreover, la Gorda deduced on her own, that the Men were also taken to Florinda, to be taught Stalking. The proof of this was their drastic change of behavior. She claimed, that she knew, before she remembered anything, that she had been taught the principles of Stalking, but in a very superficial (not deep enough) manner; she had not been made to practice, while the Men were given practical knowledge and tasks. Their behavioral change was the proof. They became lighthearted and jovial. They enjoyed their lives, while she and the other Women, because of their Dreaming became progressively more somber (gloomy, shadowy, melancholy, dismal) and morose. La Gorda believed, that the Men were unable to remember their instruction, when I asked them to reveal their Stalking knowledge to me, because they practiced it without knowing, what they were doing. Their training was revealed, however, in their dealings with people. They were consummate (masterful) artists in bending people to their wishes. Through their Stalking practice the Men had even learned Controlled Folly. For example, they carried on, as if Soledad were Pablito's mother. To any onlooker, it would seem, that they were mother and son pitted against each other, when in reality, they were acting out a part. They convinced everybody. Sometimes Pablito would give such a performance, that he would even convince himself. La Gorda confessed, that all of them were more, than baffled by my behavior. They did not know, whether I was insane or myself a master of Controlled Folly, I gave all the outward indications, that I believed their masquerade. Soledad told them not to be fooled, because I was indeed insane. I appeared to be in control, but I was so completely aberrated (deviating from normal), that I could not behave like a Nagual. She engaged every one of the Women in delivering a deadly blow to me. She told them, that I had requested it myself at one time, when I had been in control of my faculties (inherent power or ability). La Gorda said, that it took her several years, under Zuleica's guidance, to learn Dreaming.
When the Nagual Juan Matus had judged, that she was proficient, he finally took her to her true counterpart, Nelida. It was Nelida, who showed her how to behave in the World. She groomed her not only to be at ease in Western clothes, but to have good taste. Thus when she put on her city clothes in Oaxaca and amazed me with her charm and poise (composure, assurance), she was already experienced in that transformation. Zuleica was very effective as my guide into the Second Attention. She insisted, that our interaction take place only at night, and in total darkness. For me, Zuleica was only a voice in the dark, a voice, that started every contact,
we had, by telling me to focus my attention on her words and nothing else. Her voice was the Woman's voice, that la Gorda thought, she had heard in Dreaming.
Zuleica told me, that if Dreaming is going to be done indoors, it is best to do it in total darkness, while lying down or sitting up on a narrow bed, or better yet, while sitting inside a coffin-like crib. She thought, that outdoors, Dreaming should be done in the protection of a cave, in the sandy areas of water holes, or sitting against a rock in the mountains; never on the flat floor of a valley, or next to rivers, or lakes, or the sea, because flat areas as well, as Water, were antithetical
(opposite) to the Second Attention.
Every one of my sessions with her was imbued (permeate, saturate, inspire) with mysterious overtones. She explained, that the surest way to make a direct hit on the Second Attention is through ritual acts, monotonous chanting, intricate (convoluted, complex arrangement) repetitious movements. Her teachings were not about the preliminaries of Dreaming, which had already been taught to me by don Juan. Her assumption was, that whoever came to her, already knew how to do Dreaming, so she dealt exclusively with esoteric points of the Left Side Awareness. Zuleica's instructions began one day, when don Juan took me to her house. We got there late in the afternoon. The place seemed to be deserted, although the front door opened, as we approached. I expected Zoila or Marta to show up, but noone was at the entrance. I felt, that whoever had opened the door for us, had also moved out of our way very quickly. Don Juan took me inside to the patio and made me sit on a crate, that had a cushion and had been turned into a bench. The seat on the crate was bumpy and hard and very uncomfortable. I ran my hand underneath the thin cushion and found sharp-edged rocks. Don Juan said, that my situation was unconventional, because I had to learn the fine points of Dreaming in a hurry. Sitting on a hard surface was a prop to keep my body from feeling it was in a normal sitting situation. Just a few minutes before arriving at the house, don Juan had made me change Levels of Awareness. He said, that Zuleica's instruction had to be conducted in that state, in order for me to have the speed, that I needed. He admonished (caution, warn) me to abandon myself and trust Zuleica implicitly. He then commanded me to focus my gaze with all the concentration, I was capable of, and memori-
ze every detail of the patio, that was within my field of vision. He insisted, that I had to memorize the detail as much, as the feeling of sitting there. He repeated his instructions to make sure, that I had understood. Then he left. It quickly got very dark and I started to fret (worry, agitate), sitting there. I had not had enough time to concentrate on the detail of the patio. I heard a rustling sound just behind me and then Zuleica's voice jolted me. In a forceful whisper she told me to get up and follow her. I automatically obeyed her. I could not see her face, she was only a dark shape walking two steps ahead of me. She led me to an alcove in the darkest hall in her house. Although my eyes were used to the darkness, I was still unable to see a thing. I stumbled on something and she commanded me to sit down inside a narrow crib and support my lower back with something, I thought, was a hard cushion. I next felt, that she had backed up a few steps behind me, a thing, which baffled me completely, for I thought, that my back was only a few inches from the wall. Speaking from behind me, she ordered me in a soft voice to focus my attention on her words and let them guide me. She told me to keep my eyes open and fixed on a point right in front of me, at my eye level; and that this point was going to turn from darkness to a bright and pleasing orange-red. Zuleica spoke very softly with an even intonation. I heard every word she said. The darkness around me seemed to have effectively cut off any distracting external stimuli.
I heard Zuleica's words in a vacuum, and then I realized, that the silence in that hall was matched by the silence inside me. Zuleica explained, that a Dreamer must start from a point of color; intense light or unmitigated (not diminished) darkness are useless to a Dreamer in the initial onslaught. Colors, such as purple or light green or rich yellow are, on the other hand, stupendous starting points. She preferred, however, orange-red, because through experience, it had proven to be the one, that gave her the greatest sensation of rest. She assured me, that once I had succeeded in entering into the orange-red color, I would have rallied (assemble) my Second Attention permanently, providing, that I could be aware of the sequence of physical events. It took me several sessions with Zuleica's voice to realize with my body, what she wanted me to do. The advantage of being in a state of Heightened Awareness, was, that I could follow my transition from a state of vigil to a state of Dreaming. Under normal conditions that transition is blurred, but under those special circumstances, I actually felt in the course of one session, how my Second Attention took over the controls. The first step was an unusual difficulty in breathing. It was not a difficulty in inhaling or exhaling; I was not short of breath - rather, my breathing changed rhythm all of a sudden. My diaphragm began to contract and it forced my midsection to move in and out with great speed. The result was the fastest short breaths, I had ever taken. I breathed in the lower part of my lungs and felt a great pressure in my intestines. I tried unsuccessfully to break the spasms of my diaphragm. The harder I tried, the more painful it got. Zuleica ordered me to let my body do, whatever was necessary, and to forget about directing or controlling it. I wanted to obey her, but I did not know how. The spasms, which must have lasted ten to fifteen minutes, subsided as suddenly, as they had appeared, and were followed by another strange, shocking sensation. I felt it first, as a most peculiar itch, a physical feeling, which was not pleasing or displeasing; it was something like a nervous tremor. It became very intense, to the point of forcing me to focus my attention on it, in order to determine, where in my body it was happening. I was stunned by the realization, that it was not taking place anywhere in my physical body, but outside of it, and yet I still felt it. I disregarded Zuleica's order to enter into a patch of coloration, that was forming right at my eye level, and gave myself fully to the exploration of that strange sensation outside me. Zuleica must have Seen, what I was going through; she suddenly began to explain, that the Second Attention belongs to the Luminous Body, as the First Attention belongs to the physical body. The point where, she said, the Second Attention assembles itself, was situated right, where Juan Tuma had described it the first time we met - approximately one and one-half feet in front of the midpoint between the stomach and the belly button and four inches to the right. Zuleica ordered me to massage that place, to manipulate it by moving the fingers of both my hands right on that point, as if I were playing a harp. She assured me, that sooner or later, I would end up feeling my fingers going through something as thick, as water, and that finally I would feel my Luminous Shell. As I kept on moving my fingers, the air got progressi-
vely thicker, until I felt a mass of sorts. An undefined physical pleasure spread all over me. I thought, that I was touching a nerve in my body and felt silly at the absurdity of it. I stopped. Zuleica warned me, that if I did not move my fingers, she was going to bop me on the head.
The longer I kept up the wavering motion, the closer I felt the itching. It finally got as near, as five or six inches from my body. It was, as if something in me had shrunk. I actually thought, I could feel a dent. I then had another eerie sensation. I was falling asleep and yet I was conscious. There was a buzzing in my ears, which reminded me of the sound of a bullroarer; next I felt a force, rolling me over on my left side, without waking me up. I was rolled very tightly, like a cigar, and was tucked into the itching depression. My awareness remained suspended there, incapable of waking up, but so tightly rolled on itself, that I could not fall asleep either.
I heard Zuleica's voice, telling me to look around. I could not open my eyes, but my tactile sense told me, that I was in a ditch, lying on my back. I felt comfortable, secure. There was such a tightness to my body, such a compactness, that I did not ever want to get up. Zuleica's voice ordered me to stand up and open my eyes.
I could not do it. She said, that I had to will my movements, that it was no longer a matter of contracting my muscles to get up. I thought, that she was annoyed at my slowness. I realized then, that I was fully conscious, perhaps more conscious, than I had ever been in my entire life. I could think rationally and yet I seemed to be sound asleep. The thought occurred to me, that Zuleica had put me in a state of deep hypnosis. It bothered me for an instant, then it did not matter. I abandoned myself to the feeling of being suspended, floating free. I could not hear anything else, she said. It was either, that she had stopped talking to me or, that I had shut off the sound of her voice. I did not want to leave that haven. I had never been so peaceful and complete. I lay there unwilling to get up or to change anything. I could feel the rhythm of my breathing. Suddenly I woke up. In my next session with Zuleica, she told me, that I had succeeded in making a dent in my Luminosity all by myself, and that, making a dent, meant bringing a distant point in my Luminous Shell, closer to my physical body, therefore closer to control. She asserted repeatedly, that from the moment the body learns to make that Dent, it is easier to enter into Dreaming. I agreed with her. I had acquired a strange impulse, a sensation, that my body had instantly learned to reproduce. It was a mixture of feeling at ease, secure, dormant, suspended without tactile sense and at the same time fully awake, aware of everything. La Gorda said, that the Nagual Juan Matus had struggled for years to create that Dent in her, in all three Little Sisters, and in the Genaros as well, so as to give them the permanent ability to focus their Second Attention. He had told her, that ordinarily, the Dent is created on the spur (stimulus) of the moment by the Dreamer, when it is needed, then the Luminous Shell changes back to its original shape. But in the apprentices' case, because they did not have a Nagual leader, the depression was created from the outside and was a permanent feature of their Luminous Bodies, a great help, but also a hindrance (obstacle). It made all of them vulnerable and moody. I remembered then, that once I had seen and kicked a Depression in the Luminous Shells of Lydia and Rosa.
I thought, that the dent was at the height of the upper portion of the outside of their right thigh, or perhaps just at the crest (ridge, plume, helmet) of their hipbone.
La Gorda explained, that I had kicked them in the dent of their Second Attention and that I had nearly killed them. La Gorda said, that she and Josefina lived in Zuleica's house for several months. The Nagual Juan Matus had delivered them to her one day, after making them shift levels of awareness. He did not tell them, what they were going to do there, nor what to expect, he simply left them by themselves in the hall of her house and walked away. They sat there, until it got dark. Zuleica then came to them. They never saw her, they only heard her voice, as if she were talking to them from a point on the wall. Zuleica was very demanding from the moment she took over. She made them undress on the spot and ordered both of them to crawl inside thick fluffy cotton bags, some poncho-like garments, that were lying on the floor. They covered them from neck to toes. She ordered them next to sit back to back on a mat in the same alcove, where I myself used to sit. She told them, that their task was to gaze at the darkness, until it began to acquire a hue. After many sessions they indeed began to see colors in the darkness, at which time Zuleica made them sit side by side and gaze at the same spot. La Gorda said, that Josefina learned very fast, and that one night she dramatically entered into the patch of orange-red by swishing (move with hiss) physically out of the poncho. La Gorda thought, that either Josefina had reached out for the blotch (spot, blemish) of color or it had reached out for her. The result was, that in one instant Josefina was gone from inside the poncho. Zuleica separated them from then on, and la Gorda started her slow, solitary learning. La Gorda's account made me remember, that Zuleica had also made me crawl inside a fluffy garment. In fact, the commands, she used to order me to crawl inside, revealed to me the rationale for its use. She directed me to feel its fluffiness with my naked skin, especially with the skin of my calves. She repeated over and over, that human beings have a superb center of perception on the outside of the calves, and that, if the skin in that area could be made to relax or be soothed, the scope of our perception would be enhanced in ways, that would be impossible to fathom rationally.

The garment was very soft and warm, and it induced an extraordinary sensation of pleasurable relaxation in my legs. The nerves in my calves became highly stimulated. La Gorda reported the same sensation of physical pleasure. She went as far, as to say, that it was the power of that poncho, that guided her to find the patch of orange-red color. She was so impressed with the garment, that she made herself one, copying the original, but its effect was not the same, although it still provided her solace and well-being. She said, that she and Josefina ended up spending all of their available time inside the ponchos, that she had sewn for both of them. Lydia and Rosa had also been placed inside the garment, but they were never particularly fond of it. Neither was I. La Gorda explained Josefina's and her own attachment, as a direct consequence of having been led to finding their dreaming color, while they were inside the garment. She said, that the reason for my indifference to it was the fact, that I did not enter into the area of coloration at all - rather the hue had come to me. She was right. Something else, besides Zuleica's voice, dictated the outcome of that preparatory phase. By all indications Zuleica was leading me through the same steps, she had led la Gorda and Josefina. I had stared at the darkness throughout many sessions and was ready to visualize the spot of coloration. In fact, I witnessed its entire metamorphosis from plain darkness to a precisely outlined blotch of intense brightness, and then I was swayed by the external itch, on which I focused my attention, until I ended up entering into a state of restful vigil (watch). It was then, that I first became immersed in an orange-red coloration.
After I had learned to remain suspended between sleep and vigil, Zuleica seemed to relax her pace. I even believed, that she was not in any hurry to get me out of that state. She let me stay in it without interfering, and never asked me about it, perhaps because her voice was only for commands and not for asking questions. We never really talked, at least not the way I talked with don Juan. While I was in the state of restful vigil, I realized one time, that it was useless for me to remain there, that no matter how pleasant it was, its limitations were blatant. I sensed then a tremor in my body and I opened my eyes, or rather my eyes became open by themselves. Zuleica was staring at me. I experienced a moment of bafflement. I thought, I had woken up, and to be faced with Zuleica in the flesh was something,
I had not expected. I had gotten used to hearing only her voice. It also surprised me, that it was no longer night. I looked around. We were not in Zuleica's house. Then the realization struck me, that I was Dreaming and I woke up. Zuleica started then on another facet of her teachings. She taught me how to move. She began her instruction by commanding me to place my awareness on the midpoint of my body. In my case the midpoint is below the lower edge of my belly button. She told me to sweep the floor with it, that is, make a rocking motion with my belly, as if a broom were attached to it. Throughout countless sessions I attempted to accomplish what her voice was urging me to do. She did not allow me to go into a state of restful vigil-watching. It was her intention to guide me to elicit (evoke, bring out) the perception of sweeping the floor with my midsection, while I remained in a waking state. She said, that to be on the Left Side Awareness, was enough of an advantage to do well in the exercise. One day, for no reason I could think of, I succeeded in having a vague feeling in the area of my stomach. It was not something defined, and when I focused my attention on it, I realized, that it was a prickling sensation inside the cavity of my body, not quite in my stomach area, but above it. The closer I examined it, the more details I noticed. The vagueness of the sensation soon turned into a certainty. There was a strange connection of nervousness or a prickling sensation between my solar plexus and my right calf. As the sensation became more acute, I involuntarily brought my right thigh up to my chest. Thus the two points were as close to each other, as my anatomy permitted. I shivered for a moment with an unusual nervousness and then I clearly felt, that I was sweeping the floor with my midsection; it was a tactile sensation, that happened over and over every time I rocked my body in my sitting position. In my next session Zuleica allowed me to enter into a state of restful vigil. But this time, that state was not quite, as it had been before.
There seemed to be a sort of control in me, that curtailed my enjoying it freely, as I had done in the past - a control, that also made me focus on the steps I had taken to get into it. First, I noticed the itch on the point of the Second Attention in my Luminous Shell. I massaged that point by moving my fingers on it as if I were playing a harp and the point sunk towards my stomach. I felt it almost on my skin. I experienced a prickling sensation on the outside of my right calf. It was a mixture of pleasure and pain. The sensation radiated to my whole leg and then to my lower back. I felt, that my buttocks were shaking. My entire body was transfixed by a nervous ripple. I thought, that my body had been caught upside down in a net.
My forehead and my toes seemed to be touching. I was like a closed U-shape. Then I felt, as if I were being folded in two and rolled inside a sheet. My nervous spasms were, what made the sheet roll into itself, with me in the center. When the rolling ended, I could not sense my body any more. I was only an amorphous Awareness, a nervous spasm wrapped in itself. That Awareness came to rest inside a ditch, inside a depression of itself. I understood then the impossibility of describing, what takes place in Dreaming. Zuleica said, that the Right and Left Side Awareness are wrapped up together. Both of them come to rest in one single bundle in the dent, the depressed center of the Second Attention. To do Dreaming one needs to manipulate both the Luminous Body and the Physical Body. First, the center of assembling for the Second Attention has to be made accessible by being pushed in from the outside by someone else, or sucked in from within by the Dreamer. Second, in order to dislodge the First Attention, the centers of the physical body located in the midsection and the calves, especially the right one, have to be stimulated and placed as close to one another, as possible, until they seem to join. Then, the sensation of being bundled, takes place and automatically the Second Attention takes over. Zuleica's explanation, given in commands, was the most cogent (forcibly convincing) way of describing, what takes place, for none of the sensory experiences, involved in Dreaming, are part of our normal inventory of sensory data. All of them were baffling to me. The sensation of an itch, a tingling outside myself, was localized and, because of that, the turmoil of my body upon feeling it, was minimal. The sensation of being rolled on myself, on the other hand, was by far the most disquieting. It included a range of sensations, that left my body in a state of shock. I was convinced, that at one point my toes were touching my forehead, which is a position, I am not able to attain. And yet, I knew beyond the shadow of a doubt, that I was inside a net, hanging upside down in a pear shape with my toes right against my forehead. On a physical plane, I was sitting down and my thighs were against my chest.  Zuleica also said, that the feeling, of being rolled up like a cigar and placed inside the Dent of the Second Attention, was the result of merging my Right and Left Awareness into one, in which the order of predominance has been switched and the Left has gained supremacy. She challenged me to be attentive enough to catch the reversal motion, the two Attentions again becoming, what they normally are: with the Right holding the reins. I never caught the feelings involved, but her challenge obsessed me to the point, that I became trapped in deadly vacillations (hesitation) in my effort to watch everything. She had to withdraw her challenge by ordering me to stop my scrutinies, for I had other things to do. Zuleica said, that first of all I had to perfect my command of moving at Will. She began her instruction by directing me time and time again to open my eyes, while I was in a state of restful vigil-watching. It took a great deal of effort for me to do it. One time my eyes opened suddenly and I saw Zuleica looming over me. I was lying down, but I could not determine where. The light was extremely bright, as if I were just underneath a powerful electric bulb, but the light was not shining directly on my eyes.
I could see Zuleica without any effort. She ordered me to stand up, by willing my movement. She said, that I had to push myself up with my midsection, that I had three thick tentacles there, which I could use as crutches to lift up my whole body. I tried every conceivable way to get up. I failed. I had a sensation of despair and physical anguish (extreme mental pain, torture, torment) reminiscent of nightmares, I used to have as a child, in which I was unable to wake up and yet, I was fully awake desperately trying to scream. Zuleica finally spoke to me. She said, that I had to follow a certain sequence, and that it was wasteful and downright dumb of me to fret (worry, agitate) and get agitated, as if I were dealing with the world of everyday life.
Fretting (worry, agitate) was proper only in the First Attention; the Second Attention was calmness itself. She wanted me to repeat the sensation I had had of sweeping the floor with my midsection. I thought, that in order to repeat it, I would have to be sitting. Without any deliberation on my part, I sat up and adopted the position, I had used, when my body first elicited
(evoke, bring out) that sensation. Something in me rocked, and suddenly I was standing. I could not figure out, what I had done to move. I thought, that if I started all over again, I could catch the sequence. As soon, as I had that thought, I found myself lying down again. Upon standing up once more, I realized, that there was no procedure involved, that in order to move, I had to intend my moving at a very deep level. In other words, I had to be utterly convinced, that I wanted to move, or perhaps it would be more accurate to say, that I had to be convinced, that I needed to move. Once I had understood that principle, Zuleica made me practice every conceivable aspect of volitional movement. The more I practiced, the clearer it became for me. that Dreaming was in fact a rational state. Zuleica explained it. She said, that in Dreaming, the right side, the Rational Awareness, is wrapped up inside the Left Side Awareness, in order to give the Dreamer a sense of sobriety and rationality; but that the influence of rationality has to be minimal and used only as an inhibiting mechanism, to protect the Dreamer from excesses and bizarre undertakings. The next step was learning to direct my Dreaming Body. Don Juan had proposed, from the first time I met Zuleica, the task of gazing at the patio, as I sat on the crate. I religiously engaged myself, sometimes for hours, in gazing at it. I was always alone in Zuleica's house.

It seemed, that on the days when I went there, everyone was gone or was hiding. The silence and the solitude worked in my favor and I succeeded in memorizing the details of that patio. Zuleica presented to me, accordingly, the task of opening my eyes from a state of restful vigil to See the patio. It took many sessions to accomplish it. At first I would open my eyes and I would see her, and she, with a jerk of her body, would make me bounce back, like a ball, into the state of restful vigil-watching. On one of those bounces I felt an intense tremor; something, that was located in my feet rattled its way up to my chest and I coughed it up; the scene of the patio at night came out of me just, as if it had emerged out of my bronchial tubes. It was something like the roar of an animal. I heard Zuleica's voice, coming to me as a faint murmur. I could not understand, what she was saying. I vaguely noticed, that I was sitting on the crate. I wanted to get up, but I felt, that I was not solid. It was, as if a wind were blowing me away. Then I heard Zuleica's voice, very clearly telling me not to move. I tried to remain motionless, but some force pulled me and I woke up in the alcove in the hall. Silvio Manuel was facing me. After every session of Dreaming in Zuleica's house, don Juan would be waiting for me in the pitch-black hall. He would take me out of the house and make me shift levels of Awareness. This time Silvio Manuel was there. Without saying a word to me, he put me inside a harness and hoisted me up against the beams of the roof. He kept me there until midday, at which time don Juan came and let me down. He explained, that to be kept without touching the ground for a period of time, tunes the body, and that it is essential to do this before embarking on a dangerous journey, such as the one, I was about to undertake. It took many more sessions of Dreaming for me, to learn at last to open my eyes to see either Zuleica or to see the dark patio.
I realized then, that she herself had been Dreaming all along. She had never been in person behind me in the alcove in the hall. I had been right the first night, when
I thought, that my back was against the wall. Zuleica was merely a voice from Dreaming. During one of the Dreaming sessions, when I opened my eyes deliberately to see Zuleica, I was shocked to find la Gorda as well, as Josefina, looming over me together with Zuleica. The final facet of her teaching began then. Zuleica taught the three of us to journey with her. She said, that our First Attention was hooked to the Emanations of the Earth, while our Second Attention was hooked to the Emanations of the Universe. What, she meant by that, was that a Dreamer, by definition, is outside the boundaries of the concerns of everyday life. As a traveler in Dreaming then, Zuleica's last task with la Gorda, Josefina, and me was to tune our Second Attention to follow her around in her voyages into the Unknown.
In successive sessions Zuleica's voice told me, that her "obsession" was going to lead me to a rendezvous (prearranged meeting), that in matters of the Second Attention the Dreamer's obsession serves as a guide, and that hers was focused on an actual place beyond this Earth. From there she was going to call me and I had to use her voice as a line to pull myself. Nothing happened for two sessions; Zuleica's voice would become more and more faint as she spoke, and I worried, that
I was incapable of following her. She had not told me what to do. I also experienced an unusual heaviness. I could not break a binding force around me, that prevented me from getting out of the state of restful vigil. During the third session I suddenly opened my eyes without even trying to. Zuleica, la Gorda and Josefina were staring at me. I was standing with them. I immediately realized, that we were in some place completely unknown to me. The most obvious feature was a brilliant indirect light. The whole scene was inundated by a white, powerful, neonlike light. Zuleica was smiling, as if inviting us to look around. La Gorda and Josefina seemed to be as cautious, as I was. They gave me and Zuleica furtive (surreptitious, sectret) glances. Zuleica signaled us to move around. We were outdoors, standing in the middle of a glaring circle.
The ground seemed to be hard, dark rock, yet it reflected a great deal of the blinding white light, which came from above. The strange thing was, that although I knew, that the light was too intense for my eyes, I was not at all hurt, when I looked up and spotted its source. It was the Sun. I was staring directly at the Sun, which, perhaps due to the fact, that I was Dreaming, was intensely white. La Gorda and Josefina were also staring at the Sun, apparently without any injurious effect. Suddenly I felt frightened. The Light was alien to me. It was a merciless Light; it seemed to attack us, creating a wind, that I could feel. I could not sense any heat, however. I believed it to be malignant. In unison, la Gorda, Josefina and I huddled together like frightened children around Zuleica. She held us, and then the white, glaring light began to diminish by degrees, until it had completely vanished. In its place there was a mild, very soothing, yellowish light. I became aware then, that we were not in this world. The ground was the color of wet terracotta. There were no mountains, but where we were standing, was not flat land either. The ground was cracked and parched. It looked like a rough dry sea of terra-cotta. I could see it all around me, just as if I were in the middle of the ocean. I looked up; the sky had lost its maddening glare. It was dark, but not blue. A bright, incandescent star was near the horizon. It dawned on me at that instant, that we were in a world with two Suns, two stars (wrong, white Suns can't be stars, it's either one thing or the other! LM). One was enormous and had gone over the horizon, the other was smaller or perhaps more distant. I wanted to ask questions, to walk around and look for things. Zuleica signaled us to relax, to wait patiently. But something seemed to be pulling us. Suddenly la Gorda and Josefina were gone. And I woke up. From that time on, I never went back to Zuleica's house. Don Juan would make me shift levels of Awareness in his own house or wherever we were, and I would enter into Dreaming. Zuleica, la Gorda and Josefina were always waiting for me. We went back to the same unearthly scene over and over, until we were thoroughly familiar with it. Whenever we could do it, we would skip the time of glare, the daytime, and go there at night, just in time to witness the rise over the horizon of a colossal celestial body: something of such magnitude, that when it erupted over the jagged line of the horizon, it covered at least half of the one hundred and eighty degree range in front of us. The celestial body was beautiful, and its ascent over the horizon was so breathtaking, that I could have stayed there for an eternity, just to witness that sight. The celestial body took up nearly the entire firmament (sky, expanse of heaven), when it reached the zenith. Invariably, we would lie on our backs, in order to gaze at it. It had consistent configurations, which Zuleica taught us to recognize. I realized, that it was not a star. Its light was reflected; it must have been an opaque body, because the reflected light was mellow in relation to its monumental size. There were enormous, unchanging brown spots on its saffron-yellow surface. Zuleica took us systematically on voyages, that were beyond words. La Gorda said, that Zuleica took Josefina even farther and deeper into the Unknown, because Josefina was, just like Zuleica herself, quite a bit crazy; neither of them had that core of rationality, that supplies a Dreamer with sobriety - thus they had no barriers and no interest in finding out rational causes or reasons for anything.
The only thing, that Zuleica told me about our journeys, that sounded like an explanation, was, that the Dreamers' power to focus on their Second Attention, made them into living slingshots (catapults). The stronger and the more impeccable the Dreamers were, the farther they could project their Second Attention into the Unknown and the longer their Dreaming projection would last. Don Juan said, that my journeys with Zuleica were no illusion, and that everything, I had done with her, was a step toward the control of the Second Attention; in other words, Zuleica was teaching me the perceptual bias of that other realm. He could not explain, however, the exact nature of those journeys. Or perhaps he did not want to commit himself. He said, that if he attempted to explain the perceptual bias of the Second Attention in terms of the perceptual bias of the first, he would only trap himself hopelessly in words. He wanted me to draw my own conclusion, and the more I thought about the whole matter, the clearer it became to me, that his reluctance was functional. Under Zuleica's guidance during her instruction for the Second Attention, I made factual visitations to mysteries, that were certainly beyond the scope of my reason, but obviously within the possibilities of my Total Awareness. I learned to voyage into something incomprehensible and ended up, like Emilito and Juan Tuma, having my own Tales of Eternity.

14. Florinda

La Gorda and I were in total agreement, that by the time Zuleica had taught us the intricacies (convoluted, complex arrangement) of Dreaming, we had accepted the undeniable fact, that the Rule is a map, that there is another Awareness concealed in us, and that it is possible to enter into that Awareness. Don Juan had accompli-
shed what the Rule prescribed. The Rule determined, that his next movement was to introduce me to Florinda, the only one of his Warriors, whom I had not met.
Don Juan told me, that I had to go to her house by myself, because whatever transpired (become known, perspire, come to light, turn out) between Florinda and myself, was of no concern to others. He said, that Florinda was to be my personal guide exactly, as if I were a Nagual like him. He had had, that kind of relationship with the Warrior of his benefactor's party, who was comparable to Florinda. Don Juan left me one day at the door of Nelida's house. He told me to walk in, that Florinda was waiting for me inside.

"It's an honor to make your acquaintance," I said to the Woman, who was facing me in the hall.
"I'm Florinda," she said. We looked at each other in silence. I was awestruck. My state of Awareness was as keen, as it had ever been.
Never again have I experienced a comparable sensation. "That's a beautiful name," I managed to say, but I meant more, than that. The soft and long enunciation (diction, pronounce, articulation) of the Spanish vowels made the name fluid and sonorous (having sound, rich, impressive); especially the 'i' after the 'r'. The name was not rare; I simply had never met anyone, until that day, who was the essence of that name. The Woman in front of me fit into it, as if it had been made for her, or perhaps, as if she herself had made her person fit into it. Physically she looked exactly like Nelida, except, that she seemed more self-confident, more powerful.
She was rather tall and slender. She had the olive skin of Mediterranean people. Spanish, or perhaps French. She was old and yet she was not feeble (lacking strength, weak) or even aged. Her body seemed to be supple (readily bent, pliant, mentally flexible) and lean. Long legs, angular (regular) features, small mouth, a beautifully chiseled nose, dark eyes and braided white hair. No jowls (cheek, jaw), no sagging skin on her face and neck. She was old, as if she had been made up to look old. Remembering, in retrospect, my first meeting with her, I am reminded of something thoroughly unrelated, but apropos (appropriate, relevant, pertinent).
I saw once in a weekly newspaper a reprint of a twenty-year old photograph of a then-young Hollywood actress, who had been made up to look twenty years older, in order to play the role of an aging Woman. Next to it, the paper had printed a current picture of the same actress, as she looked after twenty real years of hard living. Florinda, in my subjective judgment, was like the first picture of the movie actress, a young girl made up to look old.
"What do we have here?" she said pinching me. "You don't look like much. Soft. Indulging to the core no doubt." Her bluntness reminded me of don Juan's; so did the inner life of her eyes. It had occurred to me, looking back at my life with don Juan, that his eyes were always in repose (rest). One could see no agitation in them. It was not, that don Juan's eyes were beautiful to look at. I have seen gorgeous eyes, but never have I found them to say anything. Florinda's eyes, like don Juan's, gave me the feeling, that they had witnessed all there is to witness; they were calm, but not bland (soothing, pleasant in manner, tranquil quality). The excitement had been driven inward and had turned into something, I could only describe as inner life. Florinda took me through the living room and out to a roofed patio. We sat on some comfortable sofa-like chairs. Her eyes seemed to look for something in my face. "Do you know who I am and what I'm supposed to do for you?" she asked.
I said, that all, I knew about her and her relation to me, was what don Juan had sketched out.
In the course of explaining my position I called her dona Florinda.
"Don't call me dona Florinda," she said with a childish gesture of annoyance and embarrassment. "I'm not that old yet, or even that respectable."
I asked her how she expected me to address her. "Just Florinda will do," she said. "Insofar (to such an extent), as to who I am, I can tell you right off, that I am a Woman Warrior, who knows the secrets of Stalking. And insofar (to such an extent), as what I am supposed to do for you, I can tell you, that I am going to teach you the first seven principles of Stalking, the first three principles of the Rule for Stalkers, and the first three maneuvers of Stalking." She added, that the normal thing was for every Warrior to forget, what transpires (become known, perspire, come to light, turn out), when the interaction is on the Left Side, and that it would take years for me to come to grips with whatever she was going to teach me. She said, that her instruction was merely the beginning, and that someday she would finish teaching me, but under different circumstances. I asked her if she minded my asking her questions. "Do as you please," she said. "All I need from you is your commitment to practice. After all, you know in one way or another, whatever we're going to discuss. Your shortcomings are, that you have no self-confidence and are unwilling to claim your Knowledge, as Power. The Nagual, being a Man, mesmerized you. You cannot act on your own. Only a Woman can liberate you from that.
I will begin by telling you the story of my life, and in doing so, things will become clear to you. I will have to tell it to you in bits, so you will have to come here quite often." Her apparent willingness to tell me about her life struck me, as being at odds with the reticence (restrained/reserved in speech/style) of everyone else to reveal anything personal about themselves. After years with them, I had accepted their ways so unquestioningly, that her voluntary intent to reveal her personal life was freakish (capricious, abnormal) to me. Her statement put me immediately on guard.
"I beg your pardon," I said. "Did you say, that you are going to reveal your personal life to me?"
"Why not?" she asked. I answered her with a long explanation of what don Juan had told me about the encumbering (lay too much upon, hinder) force of personal history, and the need, that a Warrior has to erase it. I wrapped it up by telling her, that he had prohibited me from ever talking about my life. She laughed in a high falsetto (very high notes) voice. She seemed to be delighted. "That applies only to men," she said. "The Not-Doing of your personal life is to tell endless stories, but not a single one about your real self. You see, being a man means, that you have a solid history behind you. You have family, friends, acquaintances, and every one of them has a definite idea of you. Being a man means, that you're accountable. You cannot disappear that easily. In order to erase yourself, you needed a lot of work. My case is different. I'm a woman and that gives me a splendid advantage. I'm not accountable. Don't you know, that women are not accountable?"
"I don't know, what you mean by accountable," I said.
"I mean, that a woman can easily disappear," she replied. "A woman can, if nothing else, get married. A woman belongs to the husband. In a family with lots of children, the daughters are discarded very early. No one counts on them and chances are, that some will vanish without leaving a trace. Their disappearance is easily accepted. A son, on the other hand, is something one banks on. It's not that easy for a son to slip off and vanish. And even if he does, he will leave traces behind him. A son feels guilty for disappearing. A daughter does not. When the Nagual trained you to keep your mouth shut about your personal life, he intended to help you to overcome your feeling of having done wrong to your family and friends, who were counting on you one way or another. After a lifetime struggle the male warrior ends up, of course, erasing himself, but that struggle takes its toll on the man. He becomes secretive, forever on guard against himself. A woman doesn't have to contend (fight, discuss) with that hardship. A woman is already prepared to disintegrate into thin air. In fact, it's expected of her. Being a woman, I'm not compelled (driven, forced) to secrecy. I don't give a fig about it. Secrecy is the price, you men, have to pay for being important to society.
The struggle is only for the men, because they resent erasing themselves and would find curious ways to pop up somewhere, somehow. Take yourself for instance; you go around giving lectures."
Florinda made me nervous in a very peculiar way. I felt strangely restless in her presence. I would admit without hesitation, that don Juan and Silvio Manuel also made me feel nervous and apprehensive, but it was a different feeling. I was actually afraid of them, especially Silvio Manuel. He terrified me and yet I had learned to live with my terror. Florinda did not frighten me. My nervousness was rather the result of being annoyed, threatened by her savoir faire.
She did not stare at me, the way don Juan or Silvio Manuel used to. They would always fix their eyes on me, until I moved my face away in a gesture of submission. Florinda only glanced at me. Her eyes moved continually from thing to thing. She seemed to examine not only my eyes, but every inch of my face and body. As she talked, she would shift in quick glances from my face to my hands, or to her feet, or to the roof. "I make you ill at ease, don't I?" she asked. Her question caught me thoroughly off guard. I laughed. Her tone was not threatening at all.
"You do," I said.
"Oh, it's perfectly understandable," she went on. "You are used to being a man. A woman for you is something made for your benefit. A woman is stupid to you.
And the fact, that you're a man and the Nagual makes things even more difficult." I felt obligated to defend myself. I thought, that she was a very opinionated lady and I wanted to tell her so. I started off in great form, but petered out (greatly diminished) almost immediately upon hearing her laughter. It was a joyous, youthful laughter. Don Juan and don Genaro used to laugh at me all the time and their laughter was also youthful, but Florinda's had a different vibration. There was no hurry in her laughter, no pressure. "I think we'd better go inside," she said. "There shouldn't be any distractions. The Nagual Juan Matus has already taken you around, showing you the world; that was important, for what he had to tell you. I have other things to talk about, which require another setting." We sat on a leather couch in a den off the patio. I felt more at ease indoors. She went right into the story of her life. She said, that she had been born in a fairly large Mexican city to a well-to-do family. As she was an only child, her parents spoiled her from the moment she was born. Without a trace of false modesty Florinda admitted, that she had always been aware of being beautiful. She said, that beauty is a demon, that breeds and proliferates, when admired. She assured me, that she could say without the shadow of a doubt, that that demon is the hardest one to overcome, and that, if I would look around to find those, who are beautiful, I would find the most wretched beings imaginable. I did not want to argue with her, yet I had the most intense desire to tell her, that she was somehow dogmatic. She must have caught my feelings; she winked at me. "They are wretched, you'd better believe it," she continued. "Try them. Be unwilling to go along with their idea, that they are beautiful, and because of it, important. You'll see, what I mean."
She said, that she could hardly give her parents or herself full blame for her conceit (too high opinion about herself). Everyone around her had conspired (act together) from her infancy on to make her feel important and unique. "When I was fifteen," she went on, "I thought, I was about the greatest thing, that ever came to Earth. Everybody said so, especially men." She confessed, that throughout her adolescent years she indulged in the attention and adulation of scores of admirers. At eighteen, she judiciously chose the best possible husband from the ranks of no less, than eleven serious suitors. She married Celestino, a man of means, fifteen years her senior. Florinda described her married life, as heaven on Earth. To the enormous circle of friends she already had, she added Celestino's friends. The total effect was, that of a perennial holiday. Her bliss, however, lasted only six months, which went by almost unnoticed. It all came to a most abrupt and brutal end, when she contracted a mysterious and crippling disease. Her left foot, ankle and calf began to swell. The line of her beautiful leg was ruined; the swelling became so intense, that the cutaneous (skin effect) tissues started to blister and burst. Her whole lower leg from the knee down became the site of scabs and a pestilent secretion.
The skin became hard. The disease was diagnosed as elephantiasis. Doctors' attempts, to cure her condition, were clumsy and painful, and their final conclusion was, that only in Europe were there medical centers, advanced enough to possibly undertake a cure. In a matter of three months Florinda's paradise had turned into hell on Earth. Desperate and in true agony, she wanted to die, rather than go on. Her suffering was so pathetic, that one day a servant girl, not being able to bear it any longer, confessed to her, that she had been bribed by Celestino's former mistress to slip a certain concoction into her food - a poison manufactured by sorcerers. The servant girl, as an act of contrition (feeling of guilt), promised to take her to a curer, a woman, reported to be the only person, who could counteract such a poison. Florinda chuckled (laugh quietly or to oneself), remembering her dilemma. She had been raised a devout Catholic. She did not believe in witchcraft or in Indian curers. But her pain was so intense and her condition so serious, that she was willing to try anything. Celestino was deadly opposed. He wanted to turn the servant girl over to the authorities. Florinda interceded, not so much out of compassion, but out of the fear, that she might not find the curer on her own. Florinda suddenly stood up. She told me, that I had to leave. She held my arm and walked me to the door, as if I had been her oldest and dearest friend. She explained, that I was exhausted, because to be in the Left Side Awareness is a special and frail condition, which has to be used sparingly. It certainly is not a state of power. The proof was, that I had nearly died, when Silvio Manuel had tried to rally (gather, assemble) my Second Attention, by forcing me to enter boldly into it. She said, that there is no way on Earth, that we can order anyone or ourselves to rally (gather, assemble) knowledge. It is rather a slow affair; the body, at the right time and under the proper circumstances of impeccability, rallies its knowledge without the intervention of desire.
We stood at the front door for a while, exchanging pleasant remarks and trivialities.
She suddenly said, that the reason the Nagual Juan Matus had brought me to her that day, was because he knew, that his time on Earth was coming to an end. The two forms of instruction, that I had received, according to Silvio Manuel's master plan, had already been completed. All, that was left pending, was what she had to say to me. She stressed, that hers was not instruction proper, but rather the establishing of my link to her. The next time don Juan took me to see Florinda, just before he left me at the door, he repeated what she had told me, that the time was approaching for him and his party to enter into the Third Attention (5th Level of Consciousness, LM). Before I could question him, he shoved me inside the house. His shove sent me not only into the house, but into my keenest state of Awareness. I saw the Wall of Fog.
Florinda was standing in the hall, as if she had been waiting for don Juan to shove me in. She held my arm and quietly led me to the living room. We sat down. I wanted to start a conversation, but I could not talk. She explained, that a shove from an impeccable warrior, like the Nagual Juan Matus, can cause a shift into another area of Awareness. She said, that my mistake all along had been to believe, that the procedures are important. The procedure of shoving a warrior into another state of consciousness is utilizable only, if both participants, especially the one who shoves, are impeccable and imbued (permeate, saturate, inspire) with personal power. The fact, that I was Seeing the Wall of Fog, made me feel utterly nervous, on a physical level. My body was shaking uncontrollably. Florinda said, that my body was shaking, because it had learned to crave for activity, while it remained in that state of Awareness, and that my body could also learn to focus its keenest attention on whatever was being said, rather than whatever was being done. She told me then, that to be placed on the Left Side Consciousness, was an expediency (self-interest). By forcing me into a state of Heightened Awareness and allowing me to interact with his warriors only when I was in that state, the Nagual Juan Matus was making sure, that I would have a ledge to stand on. Florinda said, that his strategy was to cultivate a small part of the Other Self, by deliberately filling it with memories of interaction. The memories are forgotten only to resurface someday, in order to serve as a rational outpost, from where to depart into the immeasurable vastness of the Other Self.
Because I was so nervous, she proposed to calm me down by proceeding with the story of her life, which, she clarified, was not really the story of her life, as a woman in the world, but the story of how a crummy (inferior, worthless, unpleasant) woman was helped to become a Warrior. She said, that once she made up her mind to see the curer, there was no way to stop her. She started off, carried on a stretcher by the servant girl and four men, on the two-day trip, that changed the course of her life. There were no roads. It was mountainous and sometimes the men had to carry her on their backs. They arrived at the curer's house at dusk. The place was well lit and there were lots of people in the house. Florinda said, that a polite old man told her, that the curer was away for the day treating a patient.  The man seemed to be very well informed about the curer's activities and Florinda found it easy to talk to him. He was solicitous (thoughtful) and he confided, that he was a patient himself. He described his disease, as an incurable condition, that made him oblivious to the world. They chatted amicably until late. The old man was so helpful, that he even gave Florinda his bed, so she could rest and wait, until the next day when the curer would return. In the morning Florinda said, that she was suddenly awakened by a sharp pain in her leg. A woman was moving her leg, pressing it with a piece of shiny wood.
"The curer was a very pretty woman," Florinda went on. "She took a look at my leg and shook her head. I know, who has done this to you" she said. "He must have been handsomely paid, or he must have surmised (made a guess), that you are a useless human being. Which do you think it was?"
Florinda laughed. She said, that she thought the curer was either crazy or was being rude. She had no conception, that anyone in the world could possibly believe,  that she was a useless human being. Even though she was in excruciating pain, she let the woman know, in so many words, that she was a rich and worthy person, and nobody's fool. Florinda recalled, that the curer changed her attitude on the spot. She seemed to have gotten scared. She respectfully addressed her as "Missy" and got up from her chair and ordered everyone out of the room. When they were alone the curer sat on Florinda's chest and pushed her head backward over the edge of the bed. Florinda said, that she fought her. She thought, that she was going to be killed. She tried to scream, to alert her servants, but the curer quickly covered her head with a blanket and plugged her nose. Florinda gasped for air and had to breathe through her open mouth. The more the curer pressed on Florinda's chest and the tighter she plugged her nose, the wider Florinda opened her mouth. When she realized, what the curer was really doing, she had already drunk the foul liquid contents of a large bottle, which the curer had put into her open mouth. Florinda commented, that the curer had maneuvered her so well, that she did not even choke, in spite of the fact, that her head was dangling over the side of the bed. "I drank so much liquid, that I was about to get sick," Florinda continued. "She made me sit up and looked right into my eyes without blinking. I wanted to put my finger down my throat and vomit. She slapped me, until my lips bled. An Indian slapping me! Drawing (taking) blood from my lips! Neither my father, nor my mother had ever laid a hand on me. My surprise was so great, that I forgot the discomfort in my stomach. "She called my men and told them to take me home. Then she leaned over and put her mouth to my ear, so no one would hear, 'If you don't come back in nine days, you asshole,' she whispered, 'you'll swell up like a toad and wish to God you were dead.' Florinda said, that the liquid had irritated her throat and vocal cords. She could not utter a word. This, however, was the least of her worries. When she arrived at her home, Celestino was waiting in a state of frenzy. Being incapable of speaking, Florinda was in the position to observe him. She noticed, that his anger had nothing to do with worrying about her health, but with concern about his standing, as a man of wealth and social status. He could not bear to be seen by his influential friends, as resorting to Indian curers. He was raging, shouting, that he was going to take his complaint to the army headquarters, have the soldiers capture the woman curer and bring her to town to be thrashed and thrown in jail. These were not just empty threats; he actually pressed a military commander to send a patrol after the curer.
The soldiers came back a few days later with the news, that the woman had fled. Florinda was put at ease by her maid, who assured her, that the curer would be waiting for her, if she cared to go back. Although the inflammation of her throat persisted to the point, that she could not eat solid food and could barely swallow liquids, Florinda could hardly wait for the day, when she was supposed to go back to see the curer. The medicine had eased the pain in her leg. When she let Celestino know her intentions, he became furious enough to round up some help, in order to put an end to the nonsense himself. He and three of his trusted men went on horseback ahead of her. Florinda said, that when she arrived at the curer's house, she expected to find her perhaps dead, but instead, she found Celestino sitting alone. He had sent his men to three different places in the vicinity, with orders to bring back the curer, by force if necessary. Florinda saw the same old man, she had met the time before; he was trying to calm her husband down, assuring him, that any one of his men would be back shortly with the woman. As soon, as Florinda was placed on a cot in the front porch, the curer stepped out of the house. She began to insult Celestino, calling him names, yelling obscenities at him, until she got him so angry, that he rushed to strike her. The old man held him back and begged him not to hit her. He implored (begged) on his knees, pointing out, that she was an old woman. Celestino was unmoved. He said, that he was going to horsewhip her, regardless of her age. He advanced to grab her, but was stopped cold. Six awesome-looking men came out from behind the bushes, wielding (handling) their machetes. Florinda said, that fear froze Celestino to the spot. He was ashen. The curer came to him and told him, that either he would meekly let her whip him on the buttocks or her helpers would hack (cut) him to pieces. As proud a man, as he was, he bent over meekly to be whipped. The curer had reduced him in a few moments to a helpless man. She laughed in his face. She knew, that he was pinned down and she let him sink.
He had walked into her trap, like the careless fool, that he was, drunk with his own inflated ideas about his worth. Florinda looked at me and smiled. She was quiet for a while.
"The first principle of the Art of Stalking is, that warriors choose their battleground," she said. "A warrior never goes into battle, without knowing, what the surroundings are. The woman curer had shown me, through her battle with Celestino, the first principle of Stalking. "Then she came over to where I was lying down. I was crying. That was the only thing
I could do. She seemed concerned. She tucked my blanket around my shoulders and smiled and winked at me. "The deal is still on, asshole," she said. "Come back as soon, as you can if you want to live. But don't bring your master with you, you little whore. Come only with those, who are absolutely necessary." Florinda fixed her eyes on me for a moment. From her silence I surmised, that she wanted my comments. "To discard everything, that is unnecessary is the second principle of the Art of Stalking," she said without giving me time to say anything. Her account had absorbed me so intensely, that I had not noticed, that the Wall of Fog had disappeared - or when. I simply realized, that it was not there anymore. Florinda got up from her chair and led me to the door. We stood there for awhile, as we had done at the end of our first meeting. Florinda said, that Celestino's anger had also permitted the curer to point out, not to her reason, but to her body, the first three precepts of the Rule for Stalkers. Although her mind was focused entirely on herself, since nothing else existed for her outside her physical pain and the anguish (extreme mental pain, torture, torment) of losing her beauty, still her body had acknowledged, what had happened, and needed later on only a reminder, in order to put everything in place. "Warriors don't have the world to cushion them, so they must have the Rule," she went on. "Yet the Rule of Stalkers applies to everyone. Celestino's arrogance was his undoing and the beginning of my instruction and liberation. His self-importance, which was also mine, forced us both to believe, that we were above practically everybody. The curer brought us down to what we really are - nothing.
The first precept (principle) of the Rule is, that everything, that surrounds us, is an unfathomable (too deep to be measured) mystery. The second precept of the Rule is, that we must try to unravel (separate and clarify) these mysteries, but without ever hoping to accomplish this. The third, that a warrior, aware of the unfathomable (too deep to be measured) mystery, that surrounds him, and aware of his duty to try to unravel (separate and clarify) it, takes his rightful place among mysteries and regards himself as one. Consequently, for a warrior, there is no end to the mystery of being, whether being means being a pebble, or an ant, or oneself. That is a warrior's humbleness. One is equal to everything."
There was a long and forced silence. Florinda smiled, playing with the tip of her long braid. She said, that I had had enough.
The third time I went to see Florinda, don Juan did not leave me at the door, but walked in with me. All the members of his party were congregated in the house, and they greeted me, as if I were returning home from a long trip. It was an exquisite event; it integrated Florinda with the rest of them in my feelings, since that was the first time she had joined them while I was present. The next time I went to Florinda's house, don Juan unexpectedly shoved me, as he had done before. My shock was immense. Florinda was waiting for me in the hall. I had entered instantly into the state, where the Wall of Fog is visible.
"I've told you, how the principles of the Art of Stalking were shown to me," she said as soon, as we sat down on the couch in her living room. "Now, you must do the same for me. How did the Nagual Juan Matus show them to you?" I told her, that I could not remember offhand. I had to think about it, and I could not think. My body was frightened. "Don't complicate things," she said in a tone of command. "Aim at being simple. Apply all the concentration, you have, to decide whether or not to enter into battle, for any battle is a battle for one's life. This is the third principle of the Art of Stalking. A warrior must be willing and ready to make his last stand here and now. But not in a helter-skelter way." I simply could not organize my thoughts. I stretched my legs and lay down on the couch. I took deep breaths to relax my midsection, which seemed to be tied in knots. "Good," Florinda said. "I see, that you're applying the fourth principle of the Art of Stalking. Relax, abandon yourself, fear nothing. Only then will the powers, that guide us, open the road and aid us. Only then." I struggled to remember how don Juan had shown me the principles of the Art of Stalking. For some inexplicable reason my mind refused to focus on my past experience. Don Juan was so vague a memory. I stood up and began to look around. The room, we were in, was exquisitely arranged. The floor was made of large buff-colored tiles; excellent craftsmanship had been involved in laying it. I was about to examine the furniture. I moved toward a beautiful dark-brown table. Florinda jumped to my side and shook me vigorously. "You've correctly applied the fifth principle of the Art of Stalking" she said. "Don't let yourself wander away."
"What is the fifth principle?" I asked.
"When faced with odds, that cannot be dealt with, warriors retreat for a moment," she said. "They let their minds meander. They occupy their time with something else. Anything would do. You've done just that. But now, that you've accomplished it, you must apply the sixth principle: Warriors compress time; even an instant counts. In a battle for your life, a second is an Eternity; an Eternity, that may decide the outcome. Warriors aim at succeeding, therefore they compress time.
Warriors don't waste an instant." All of a sudden, a bulk of memories erupted into my Awareness. I excitedly told Florinda, that I could certainly remember the first time don Juan had acquainted me with those principles. Florinda put her fingers to her lips in a gesture, that demanded my silence. She said, that she had only been interested in bringing me face to face with the principles, but she did not want me to relate those experiences to her. Florinda went on with her story. She said, that as the curer was telling her to come back without Celestino, she had her drink a concoction, that alleviated her pain almost instantly, and she also whispered in her ear, that she, Florinda, had to make a momentous decision by herself, that she should put her mind at ease by doing something else, but that she should not waste a moment, once she had reached her decision.
At home she stated her desire to go back. Celestino did not see any point in objecting, because her conviction was unshakable. "Almost immediately I went back to see the curer," Florinda continued. "This time we went on horseback. I took my most trusted servants with me, the girl, who had given me the poison, and a man to handle the horses. We had a rough time going over those mountains; the horses were very nervous, because of the stench of my leg, but we somehow made it.  Without knowing, I had used the third principle of the Art of Stalking. I had put my life, or what was left of it, on the line. I was willing and ready to die. It wasn't such a great decision for me, I was dying anyway. It is a fact, that when one is half dead, as in my case, not with great pain, but with great discomfort, the tendency is to get so lazy and weak, that no effort is possible. "I stayed at the curer's house for six days. By the second day I felt better already. The swelling went down. The oozing from the leg had stopped. There was no more pain. I was just a little weak and wobbly in the knees, when I tried to walk. During the sixth day the curer took me to her room. She was very careful with me and, showing me every consideration, made me sit on her bed and gave me coffee. She sat on the floor at my feet, facing me. I can remember her exact words. 'You are very, very sick and only I can cure you,' she said. 'If I don't, you'll die a death, that is not to be believed. Since you're an imbecile, you'll last to the bitter end. On the other hand, I could cure you in one day, but I won't. You will have to keep coming here, until you have understood, what I have to show you. Only then, will I cure you completely; otherwise, being the imbecile you are, you will never come back'. Florinda said, that the curer, with great patience, explained to her the very delicate points of her decision to help her. She did not understand a word of it. The explanation made her believe more, than ever, that the curer was a bit touched in the head. When the curer realized, she was not getting through to Florinda, she became more stern (grave, severe, grim, austere) and made her repeat over and over, as if Florinda were a child, that without the curer's help her life was finished, and that the curer could choose to cancel the cure and leave her hopelessly to die. Finally, the woman lost her patience, when Florinda begged her to finish healing her and send her home to her family; she picked up a bottle, containing the medicine and smashed it on the ground and told Florinda, that she was through with her. Florinda said, that she cried then - the only real tears of her life. She told the curer, that all, she wanted, was to be cured and that she was more, than willing to pay for it. The woman said, it was too late for monetary payment, that what she wanted from Florinda, was her attention, not her money. Florinda admitted to me, that she had learned during the course of her life, how to get anything she wanted. She knew how to be obstinate (difficult), and she raised the point, that there must have been thousands of patients, that had come to the curer, half dead just like herself, and that the curer took their money - why was her case different? The curer's reply, which was no explanation at all for Florinda, was, that being a 
Seer, she had seen Florinda's Luminous Body and she and the curer were exactly alike. Florinda thought, that the woman had to be mad, not to realize, that there was a world of difference between them. The curer was a rude Indian, uneducated and primitive, while Florinda was rich and beautiful and white. Florinda asked the woman, what she was planning to do to her. The curer told her, that she had been commissioned to heal her and then teach her something of great importance. Florinda wanted to know, who had commissioned her. The woman replied, that it was the Eagle - a reply, which convinced Florinda, that the woman was absolutely crazy. And yet Florinda saw no alternative to complying (be obedient) with the woman's demands. She told her, that she was willing to do anything. The woman changed her belligerent attitude instantly. She gave Florinda some medicine to take home and told her to come back as soon, as she could. "As you yourself know," Florinda went on, "a teacher must trick the disciple. She tricked me with my cure. She was right.
I was such an idiot, that if she had cured me right away, I would've gone back to my stupid life, as if nothing had ever happened to me. Don't we all do that?"
Florinda returned the following week. Upon arriving she was greeted by the old man, she had met before. He talked to her, as if they were the best of friends. He said, that the curer had been away for several days and would not be back for several more, and that she had entrusted him with some medicine for her, in case she showed up. He told Florinda in a very friendly, but commanding tone, that the curer's absence had left her with only two alternatives: she could either go back home, possibly in worse physical shape, than before, due to the strenuous trip, or she could follow the curer's carefully outlined instructions. He added, that if she decided to stay and start her treatment right away, in three to four months she would be as good, as new. There was, however, one stipulation (condition): if she decided to stay, she had to remain in the curer's house for eight consecutive days and had, perforce (by necessaty, willy-nilly) , to send her servants home. Florinda said, that there was nothing to decide - that she had to stay. The old man immediately gave her the potion, that the curer had apparently left for her. He sat up with her most of the night. He was reassuring, and his easy talk kindled Florinda's optimism and confidence. Her two servants left the next morning after breakfast. Florinda was not at all afraid. She trusted the old man implicitly. He told her, that he had to build a box for her treatment, in accordance with the curer's instructions. He made her sit on a low chair, which had been placed in the center of a circular area with no vegetation on it. While she was seated there, the old man introduced her to three young men, he said, were his assistants. Two were Indians and one was white. It took the four of them less, than an hour to construct a crate around the chair, where Florinda was sitting. When they were finished, Florinda was encased snugly (cosy) inside a crate, which had a lattice top to allow for ventilation. One of its sides was hinged, in order to serve as a door. The old man opened the door and helped Florinda to step out of it. He took her to the house and asked her to help him prepare her medicine, in order to have it handy for the time, when the curer would return. Florinda was fascinated with the way he worked. He made a potion out of plants with a pungent odor and prepared a bucket of a hot liquid. He suggested, that for her comfort she should immerse her leg in the bucket, and if she felt like it, she should drink the concoction, he had prepared, before it lost its potency. Florinda obeyed him unquestioningly. The relief, she felt, was remarkable. The old man then assigned her a room to herself and had the young men put the crate inside the room. He told her, that it might be days, before the curer would show up; in the meantime she had to follow meticulously all the instructions left for her. She agreed with him, and he produced a list of tasks. They included a great deal of walking, in order to collect the medicinal plants, needed for her potions, and her assistance in their actual preparation. Florinda said, that she spent twelve days there, instead of eight, because her servants were late due to torrential rains. It was not until the tenth day, that she discovered, that the woman had never left and, that the old man was actually the real curer. Florinda laughed, describing her shock. The old man had tricked her into actively participating in her own cure.  Furthermore, under the pretext (prediction), that the curer demanded it, he put her inside the crate daily for at least six hours, in order to fulfill a specific task, he had called the "recapitulation."
At that point in her account, Florinda scrutinized me and concluded, that I had had enough and that it was time for me to leave. On our next meeting, she explained, that the old man was her benefactor, and that she was the first Stalker, that the women of her benefactor's party had found for the Nagual Juan Matus. But none of that was known to her then. Even though her benefactor made her shift levels of Awareness and revealed this to her, it was to no avail. She had been raised to be beautiful and, that had created a shield around her so impenetrable, that she was impervious (no affected) to change.
Her benefactor concluded, that she needed time. He devised a plan to draw Celestino to Florinda's battleground. He made her see things about Celestino's personali-
ty, that she, herself, knew to be true, but had not had the courage to face on her own. Celestino was very possessive of everything, he owned; his wealth and Florinda ranked high among his possessions. He had been forced to swallow his pride over his humiliation at the hands of the curer, because the curer was cheap and Florinda was actually recuperating. He was biding (stay for a while) his time, waiting for a moment, when the cure would be complete, in order to seek revenge. Florinda said, that her benefactor told her, that the danger was, that her complete recovery was going to be too quick and Celestino would decide, since he made all the decisions in the house, that there was no longer any need for Florinda to see the curer. Her benefactor then gave her a potion to apply on her other leg. The unguent (oinment) was terribly pungent and produced an irritation on the skin, that resembled the spreading of the disease. Her benefactor advised her to use the unguent, every time she wanted to come back to see him, even though she did not need a treatment. Florinda said, that it took a year to be cured. In the course of that time, her benefactor acquainted her with the Rule and drilled her like a soldier in the Art of Stalking. He made her apply the principles of Stalking to the things she did daily; small things at first, leading up to the major issues of her life. In the course of that year, her benefactor also introduced her to the Nagual Juan Matus, whom she described as very witty and thoughtful, but still the most unruly and terrifying young man, she had ever met. She said, that it was the Nagual Juan Matus, who helped her escape from Celestino. He and Silvio Manuel smuggled her out of the city through police and army roadblocks. Celestino had filed a legal complaint for desertion, and being an influential man, he had used his resources to try to stop her from leaving him. Because of this, her benefactor had to move to another part of Mexico and she had to remain in hiding in his house for years; this situation suited Florinda, as she had to fulfill the task of Recapitulating and for that she needed absolute quiet and solitude.

She explained, that a Recapitulation is the forte (strong point) of Stalkers, as the Dreaming Body is the forte of Dreamers. It consisted of recollecting one's life down to the most insignificant detail. Thus her benefactor had given her that crate, as a tool and a Symbol. It was a tool, that would permit her to learn concentration, for she would have to sit in there for years, until all of her life had passed in front of her eyes. And it was a Symbol of the narrow boundaries of our person. Her benefactor told her, that whenever she had finished her Recapitulation, she would break the crate to symbolize, that she no longer abided (put up with, withstand, tolerate) by the limitations of her person. She said, that Stalkers use crates or earth coffins, in order to seal themselves in, while they are reliving, more, than merely recollecting, every moment of their lives. The reason, why Stalkers must Recapitulate their lives in such a thorough manner is, that the Eagle's gift to Man includes its willingness to accept a surrogate instead of genuine Awareness, if such a surrogate be a perfect replica. Florinda explained, that since Awareness is the Eagle's food, the Eagle can be satisfied with a perfect Recapitulation in place of Consciousness. Florinda gave me then the fundamentals of Recapitulating. She said, that the first stage is a brief recounting of all the incidents in our lives, that, in an obvious manner, stand out for examination. The second stage is a more detailed recollection, which starts systematically at a point, that could be the moment, prior to the Stalker, sitting in the crate, and theoretically, could extend to the moment of birth. She assured me, that a perfect Recapitulation could change a Warrior as much, if not more, than the total control of the Dreaming Body. In this respect, Dreaming and Stalking led to the same end, the entering into the Third Attention. It was important for a Warrior, however, to know and practice both. She said, that for Women it took different configurations in the Luminous Body to master one or the other. Men, on the other hand, could do both with a degree of ease, yet they could never get to the level of proficiency, that the Women attained in each Art. Florinda explained, that the key element in Recapitulating was Breathing. Breath for her was magical, because it was a life-giving function. She said, that recollecting was easy, if one could reduce the area of stimulation around the body.

This was the reason for the crate; then Breathing would foster (bring up, rear, nurture) deeper and deeper memories. Theoretically, Stalkers have to remember every feeling, that they have had in their lives, and this process begins with a Breath. She warned me, that the things, she was teaching me, were only preliminaries, that at a later time, in a different setting, she would teach me the intricacies (convoluted, complex arrangement). Florinda said, that her benefactor directed her to write down a list of the events, to be relived. He told her, that the procedure starts with an initial Breath. Stalkers begin with their chin on the right shoulder and slowly inhale, as they move their head over a hundred and eighty degree arc. The Breath terminates on the left shoulder. Once the inhalation ends, the head goes back to a relaxed position (the centre). They exhale looking straight ahead. The Stalker then takes the event at the top of the list and remains with it, until all the feelings, expended in it, have been recounted. As Stalkers remember the feelings, they invested in whatever it is, that they are remembering, they inhale slowly, moving their heads from the right shoulder to the left. The function of this Breathing is to Restore Energy. Florinda claimed, that the Luminous Body is constantly creating cob-weblike filaments, which are projected out of the Luminous mass, propelled by emotions of any sort. Therefore, every situation of interaction, or every situation, where feelings are involved, is potentially draining to the Luminous Body. By Breathing from right to left, while remembering a feeling, Stalkers, through the magic of Breathing, pick up the Filaments, they left behind. The next immediate Breath is from left to right and it is an Exhalation (breath out). With it Stalkers eject Filaments, left in them by other Luminous Bodies, involved in the event, being recollected. She stated, that these were the mandatory preliminaries of Stalking, which all the members of her party went through, as an introduction to the more demanding exercises of the Art. Unless Stalkers have gone through the preliminaries, in order to retrieve the Filaments, they have left in the World, and particularly in order to reject those, that others have left in them, there is no possibility of handling Controlled Folly, because those foreign Filaments are the basis of one's limitless capacity for Self-Importance. In order to practice Controlled Folly, since it is not a way to fool or chastise (punish) people or feel superior to them, one has to be capable of laughing at oneself.  Florinda said, that one of the results of a detailed Recapitulation, is genuine laughter upon coming face to face with the boring repetition of one's self-esteem, which is at the core of all human interaction. Florinda emphasized, that the Rule defined Stalking and Dreaming as Arts; therefore they are something, that one performs. She said, that the life-giving nature of Breath, is what also gives it its Cleansing capacity. It is this capacity, that makes a Recapitulation into a practical matter.
In our next meeting Florinda summed up, what she called, her last-minute instructions. She asserted, that since the joint assessment of the Nagual Juan Matus and his party of Warriors had been, that I did not need to deal with the World of everyday life, they had taught me Dreaming, instead of Stalking. She explained, that this assessment had been radically modified, and that they had found themselves in an awkward position; they did not have any more time to teach me Stalking. She had to stay behind, on the periphery of the Third Attention, in order to fulfill her assignment at a later time, when I would be ready. On the other hand, if I were to leave the World with them, she was exonerated (free from task, exempt) from that responsibility. Florinda said, that her benefactor considered the three basic techniques of Stalking - the crate, the list of events to be recapitulated, and the stalker's breath - to be about the most important tasks a Warrior can fulfill. Her benefactor thought, that a profound Recapitulation is the most expedient (appropriate to the purpose) means to Lose the Human Form. Thus it is easier for Stalkers, after Recapitulating their lives, to make use of all the Not-Doings of the Self, such as erasing personal history, losing Self-Importance, breaking routines and so forth.  Florinda said, that her benefactor gave all of them the example of what he meant, first by acting out his premises (proposition, logic), and then by giving them the Warrior's rationales for his actions. In her own case, he, being a Master of the Art of Stalking, acted out the ploy (tactic pf game) of her disease and cure, which not only was congruous (incompatible with surroundings) with the Warrior's Way, but was a masterful introduction to the seven basic principles of the Art of Stalking.
He first drew Florinda to his own battleground, where she was at his mercy; he forced her to discard, what was not essential; he taught her to put her life on the line with a decision; he taught her how to relax; in order to help her regroup her resources, he made her enter into a new arid (lacking interest) different mood of optimism and self-confidence; he taught her to Compress Time; and finally he showed her, that a Stalker never pushes himself to the front. Florinda was most impressed by the last principle. To her, it summarized everything, she wanted to tell me in her last-minute instructions. "My benefactor was the chief," Florinda said. "And yet, looking at him, noone would've ever believed it. He always had one of his Female Warriors as a front, while he freely mingled (mixed) with the patients, pretending to be one of them, or he posed as an old fool, who was constantly sweeping dry leaves with a handmade broom." Florinda explained, that in order to apply the seventh principle of the Art of Stalking, one has to apply the other six. Thus her benefactor was always looking on from behind the scenes. Thanks to that, he was capable of avoiding or parrying (turn aside) conflicts. If there was strife (discord, struggle between rivals), it was never directed toward him, but towards his front, the Female Warrior. "I hope, that you have realized by now," she went on, "that only a master Stalker can be a master of Controlled Folly. Controlled Folly doesn't mean to con people. It means, as my benefactor explained it, that Warriors apply the seven basic principles of the Art of Stalking to whatever they do, from the most trivial acts to life and death situations. Applying these principles, brings about three results. The first is, that Stalkers learn never to take themselves seriously; they learn to laugh at themselves. If they're not afraid of being a fool, they can fool anyone. The second is, that Stalkers learn to have endless patience.  Stalkers are never in a hurry; they never fret (worry, agitate). And the third is, that Stalkers learn to have an endless capacity to improvise." Florinda stood up. We had been sitting, as usual, in her living room.
I immediately assumed, that our conversation was over. She said, that there was one more topic to present to me, before we said goodbye.
She took me to another patio inside her house. I had never been in that part of her house before. She called someone softly and a Woman stepped out from a room. I did not recognize her at first. The Woman called my name and then I realized, that she was dona Soledad. Her change was stupendous. She was younger and more powerful. Florinda said, that Soledad had been inside a Recapitulating Crate for five years, that the Eagle had accepted her Recapitulation in place of her Awareness and had let her go free. Dona Soledad assented (expess agreement, concur) with a movement of her head. Florinda abruptly ended the meeting and told me, that it was time for me to leave, because I had no more energy.
I went to Florinda's house many more times afterward. I saw her every time, but only for a few moments. She told me, that she had decided not to instruct me anymore, because it was to my advantage, that I deal only with dona Soledad. Dona Soledad and I met several times, but whatever took place during our meetings is something quite incomprehensible to me. Every time we were together, she would make me sit at the door of her room, facing the east. She would sit to my right, touching me; then we would make the Wall of Fog stop rotating and both of us would be left facing the south, into her room. I had already learned with la Gorda to Stop the Rotation of the Wall; it seemed, that dona Soledad was helping me to realize another aspect of that perceptual capacity. I had correctly detected with la Gorda, that only a portion of us stopped the Wall. It was, as if suddenly I had become divided in two. A portion of my Total Self was looking straight ahead and Saw an immobile Wall to my right; while another larger portion of my Total Self had turned ninety degrees to the right and was staring at the Wall. Every time dona Soledad and I Stopped the Wall, we remained staring at it; we never entered into the area between the Parallel Lines, as the Nagual Woman, la Gorda and I had done scores of times. Dona Soledad would make me gaze every time into the Fog, as if the Fog were a reflective glass. I would experience then the most extravagant disassociation. It was, as if I were racing at breakneck speed. I would see bits of a landscape forming in the Fog, and suddenly I was in another Physical Reality; it was a mountainous area, rugged and inhospitable.

Dona Soledad was always there in the company of a lovely Woman (her Parallel Being, LM), who laughed uproariously at me. My incapacity to remember, what we did beyond that point, was even more acute, than my incapacity to remember, what the Nagual Woman, la Gorda and I did in the area between the Parallel Lines. It seemed, that dona Soledad and
I entered into another area of Awareness, that was unknown to me. I was already, in what, I thought, was my keenest state of consciousness, and yet there was something even keener. The aspect of the Second Attention, that dona Soledad was obviously showing me, was more complex and more inaccessible, than anything I had witnessed so far.
All, I could recollect, was a sense of having moved a great deal, a physical sensation, comparable to having walked for miles, or to having hiked on rugged mountain trails. I also had a clear bodily certainty, although I could not fathom why, that dona Soledad, the Woman, and I exchanged words, thoughts, feelings; but I could not pinpoint them. After every meeting with dona Soledad, Florinda would immediately make me leave. Dona Soledad gave minimal verbal feedback. It appeared to me, that, being in a state of such Heightened Awareness, affected her so profoundly, she could hardly talk. There was something, that we were 
Seeing in that rugged landscape, besides the lovely Woman, or something we were doing together, that left us breathless. She could not remember anything, although she tried. I asked Florinda to clarify the nature of my journeys with dona Soledad. She said, that a part of her last-minute instruction was to make me enter into the Second Attention as Stalkers do, and that dona Soledad was more capable, than she, herself, was, to usher (escorted) me into the Stalker's dimension. On the meeting, that was to be our last, Florinda, as she had done at the beginning of our instruction, was waiting for me in the hall. She took my arm and led me to the living room. We sat down. She warned me not to try as yet to make sense of my journeys with dona Soledad. She explained, that Stalkers are inherently different, than Dreamers in the way they use the World around them, and that, what dona Soledad was doing, was trying to help me to turn my head. When don Juan had described the concept of turning a Warrior's head to face a new direction, I had understood it as a metaphor, that depicted a change in attitude. Florinda said, that that description was true, but it was no metaphor. It was true, that Stalkers turn their heads; however, they do not turn them to face a new direction, but to face Time in a different way. Stalkers face the oncoming Time. Normally we face Time, as it recedes (moves away) from us. Only Stalkers can change that and face Time, as it advances on them. Florinda explained, that turning the head did not mean, that One Sees into the Future, but that One Sees Time, as something concrete, yet incomprehensible. It was superfluous (unnecessary), therefore, for me to try to think out, whatever dona Soledad and I were doing. All of it would make sense, when I could perceive the Totality of Myself and would then have the energy necessary to unravel (separate and clarify) that mystery. Florinda told me, in the spirit of someone giving a bonus, that dona Soledad was a Supreme Stalker; she called her the Greatest of Them All. She said, that dona Soledad could cross the Parallel Lines anytime. Furthermore, none of the Warriors of don Juan Matus' party had been able to do, what she had done. Dona Soledad, through her impeccable Stalking Techniques, had found her Parallel Being. Florinda explained, that whatever I had experienced with the Nagual Juan Matus, or Silvio Manuel, or Genaro, or Zuleica were only minute portions of the Second Attention; whatever, dona Soledad was helping me witness, was still another minute, but different portion. Dona Soledad had not only made me face the oncoming Time, but she had taken me to her Parallel Being. Florinda defined the Parallel Being, as the Counterbalance, that All Living Creatures have by the fact, that they are Luminous Beings, filled with Inexplicable Energy (Sun Energy of Balance, LM). A Parallel Being of Any Person is Another Person of the Same Sex, who is intimately and inextricably (too complicated to solve) joined to the first one. They coexist in the World at the same time. The Two Parallel Beings are like the two ends of the same pole.
It is nearly impossible for Warriors to find their Parallel Being, because there are too many distracting factors in the life of a Warrior, other priorities. But whoever is capable of accomplishing this feat, would find in his/her Parallel Being, just as dona Soledad had, an Endless Source of Youth and Energy.
Florinda stood up abruptly and took me to dona Soledad's room. Perhaps because I knew, that it was going to be our last meeting, I was taken by a strange anxiety. Dona Soledad smiled at me, when I told her, what Florinda had just told me. She said, with what, I thought to be, a true Warrior's humbleness, that she was not teaching me anything, that all she had aspired to do, was to show me her Parallel Being, because that would be, where she would retreat, when the Nagual Juan Matus and his Warriors left the World. However, something else had happened, which was beyond her understanding. Florinda had explained to her, that we had boosted each other's Energy and that had made us face the Oncoming Time, not in small doses, as Florinda would have liked us to, but in incomprehensible gobbles, as my unruly nature wanted it. The result of our last meeting was even more baffling.
Dona Soledad, her Parallel Being and I remained for what, I felt, was an extraordinarily long time together. I saw every feature of the Parallel Being's face. I felt, she was trying to tell me, who she was. She also seemed to be cognizant (aware, mental process to acquire knowledge), that this was our last meeting.
There was such an overpowering sense of frailty in her eyes. Then a windlike force blew us away into something, that held no meaning for me. Florinda suddenly helped me to stand up. She took me by the arm and led me to the door. Dona Soledad walked with us. Florinda said, that I would have a hard time remembering all, that had transpired (become known, perspire, come to light, turn out), because I was indulging in my rationality, a condition, that could only worsen, because they were about to leave and I would have noone to help me to shift Levels of Awareness.  She added, that someday dona Soledad and I would meet again in the world of everyday life. It was then, that I turned to dona Soledad and begged her to drive me out of my indulging; I told her, that if she failed, she should kill me. I did not want to live in the meagerness of my rationality. "It's wrong to say that," Florinda said. "We're Warriors, and Warriors have only one thing in mind - their freedom. To die and be eaten by the Eagle is no challenge. On the other hand, to sneak around the Eagle and be free, is the ultimate audacity."

15. The Plumed Serpent

Having accomplished every one of the goals, which the rule specified, don Juan and his party of Warriors were ready for their final task, to leave the World of everyday life. And all, that was left for la Gorda, for the other apprentices and for me, was to witness it. There was only one unresolved problem: What to do with the apprentices? Don Juan said, that properly they should leave with him by becoming incorporated into his own group; however, they were not ready. The reactions they had, while attempting to cross the bridge, had demonstrated to him what their weaknesses were. Don Juan expressed the feeling, that his benefactor's choice to wait years before gathering a Warrior's party for him had been a wise choice and had produced positive results, while his own decision to set me up quickly with the Nagual Woman and my own group had nearly been fatal to us. I understood, that he was voicing this not as an expression of regret, but as an affirmation of the Warrior's freedom to choose and accept his choice. He said, furthermore, that he had seriously considered following his benefactor's example, and that, if he had done so, he would have found out soon enough, that I was not a Nagual like him and noone else besides me would have been engaged beyond that point. As it was, Lydia, Rosa, Benigno, Nestor and Pablito were seriously handicapped; la Gorda and Josefina needed time to perfect themselves; only Soledad and Eligio were safe, for they were perhaps even more proficient, than the Warriors in his own group. Don Juan added, that it was up to the nine of them to take their unfavorable or favorable circumstances and, without regret or despair or patting themselves on the back, turn their curse or blessing into a living challenge. Don Juan pointed out, that not everything about us had been a failure - the small part, that we had played amidst his Warriors, had been a complete triumph in as much, as the rule fit everyone of my party except me. I fully agreed with him. To begin with, the Nagual Woman was everything the rule had prescribed. She had poise, control; she was a Being at war and yet thoroughly at ease. Without any overt preparation, she handled and led all of don Juan's gifted Warriors even though they were more, than twice her age. These Men and Women asserted (declare), that she was a carbon copy of the other Nagual Woman they had known. She reflected perfectly each one of the Female Warriors, consequently she could also reflect the five Women don Juan had found for my party, for they were the replicas of the older ones. Lidia was like Hermelinda, Josefina was like Zuleica, Rosa and la Gorda were like Nelida, and Soledad was like Delia. The Men were also replicas of don Juan's Warriors; Nestor was a copy of Vicente, Pablito of Genaro, Benigno of Silvio Manuel and Eligio was like Juan Tuma. The rule was indeed the voice of an overpowering force, that had molded these people into a homogeneous whole. It was only by a strange twist of fate, that they had been left stranded, without the leader, that would find for them the passageway into the other Awareness. Don Juan said, that all the members of my party had to enter into that other Awareness by themselves, and that he did not know, what their chances were, because, that was up to each one of them individually. He had helped everyone impeccably; thus his spirit was free from worry and concern and his mind was free from idle speculations. All, that was left for him to do, was to show us pragmatically (dealing with facts), what it meant to Cross over the Parallel Lines in one's Totality. Don Juan told me, that at best, I could only help one of the apprentices, and that he had picked la Gorda, because of her prowess (courage, daring) and because I was already familiar with her. He said, that I had no more energy for the others, due to the fact, that I had other duties to perform, other paths of action, which were congruous (incompatible with surroundings) with my true task.
Don Juan explained to me, that every one of his own Warriors knew, what that task was, but had not revealed it to me, because I needed to prove, that I was worthy of it. The fact, that they were at the end of their trail, and the fact, that I had faithfully followed my instructions, made it imperative, that this revelation take place, although only in a partial form. When the time came for don Juan to leave, he let me know while I was in a state of normal Awareness. I missed the significance of what he was saying. Don Juan tried to the very end to induce me to join my two states of Awareness. Everything would have been so simple, if I had been capable of that merger. Since I was not, and was only rationally touched by his revelation, he made me shift levels of Awareness, in order to allow me to assess the event in more encompassing terms. He warned me repeatedly, that to be in the Left Side Awareness is an advantage only in the sense,  that our grasp of things is accelerated. It is a disadvantage, because it allows us to focus with inconceivable lucidity (easily understood, clear, sane, rational, shining) only on one thing at a time; this renders us dependent and vulnerable. We cannot be on our own while being in the Left Side Awareness and have to be cushioned by Warriors, who have gained the Totality of Themselves and know how to handle themselves in that state. La Gorda said, that one day the Nagual Juan Matus and Genaro rounded up all the apprentices at her house. The Nagual made them shift into the Left Side Awareness, and told them, that his time on Earth had come to an end. She did not believe him at first. She thought, that he was trying to startle them into acting like Warriors. But then she realized, that there was a glow in his eyes, that she had never seen before. Having made them shift levels of Awareness, he talked with every one of them individually and made them go through a summation (act of adding), so as to refreshen all the concepts and procedures he had acquainted them with. He did the same with me. My appointment took place the day before, I saw him for the last time. In my case, he conducted that summation in both states of Awareness. In fact, he made me shift back and forth various times, as if making sure, that I would be completely saturated in both. I had been unable to recollect at first, what had taken place after this summation. One day la Gorda finally succeeded in breaking the barriers of my memory. She told me, that she was inside my mind, as if she were reading me. Her assessment was, that what kept my memory locked up was, that I was afraid to remember my pain. What had happened at Silvio Manuel's house the night before they left, was inextricably (too complicated to solve) enmeshed (entangled, involved) with my fear. She said, that she had the clearest sensation, that I was afraid, but she did not know the reason why. Nor could she remember, what exactly had taken place in that house, specifically in the room, where we sat down. As la Gorda spoke, I felt, as if I were plummeting into an abyss. I realized, that something in me was trying to make a connection between two separate events, that I had witnessed in my two states of Awareness. On my Left Side I had the locked-up memories of don Juan and his party of Warriors on their last day on Earth, on my Right Side I had the memory of having jumped that day into an abyss. In trying to join my two sides, I experienced a total sense of physical descent. My knees gave way and I fell to the floor. When I described my experience and my interpretation of it, la Gorda said, that what was coming to my Right Side Awareness was doubtlessly the memory, that had surfaced in her, as I talked. She had just remembered, that we had made one more attempt to Cross the Parallel Lines with the Nagual Juan Matus and his party. She said, that the two of us together with the rest of the apprentices had tried once more to cross the bridge. I could not bring that memory into focus. There seemed to be a constricting force, that prevented me from organizing my thoughts and feelings about it. La Gorda said, that Silvio Manuel had told the Nagual Juan Matus to prepare me and all the apprentices for their Crossing. He did not want to leave me in the World, because he thought, that I did not stand a chance of fulfilling my task. The Nagual disagreed with him, but carried out the preparations, regardless of how he felt. La Gorda told me, that she remembered, I had driven to her house to take her as well, as the other apprentices to Silvio Manuel's house.
They remained there, while I went back to the Nagual Juan Matus and Genaro, in order to prepare for the Crossing. I did not remember it at all. She insisted, that I should use her as a guide, since we were so intimately joined; she assured me, that I could read her mind and find something there, that would awaken my full recollection. My mind was in a state of great turmoil. A feeling of anxiety prevented me from even focusing on what la Gorda was saying. She kept on talking, describing what she remembered of our second attempt to cross that bridge. She said, that Silvio Manuel had harangued (tirade, speech) them. He told them, that they had had sufficient training to try once again to cross; what they needed to enter fully into the Other Self was to abandon the Intent of their First Attention. Once they were in the Awareness of the Other Self, the power of the Nagual Juan Matus and his party would pick them up and lift them off into the Third Attention with great facility - something they could not do, if the apprentices were in their normal Awareness. At one instant, I was not listening to la Gorda any more. The sound of her voice was indeed a vehicle for me. Suddenly the memory of the entire event surfaced in my mind. I reeled under the impact of remembering. La Gorda stopped talking, and, as I described my memory, she also recollected everything. We had put together the last pieces of the separate memories of our two States of Awareness. I remembered, that don Juan and don Genaro prepared me for the Crossing, while I was in a state of normal Consciousness. I rationally thought, that they were preparing me for a jump into an abyss. La Gorda remembered, that, to prepare them for the Crossing, Silvio Manuel had hoisted them to the beams of the roof, strapped in leather harnesses. There was one in every room of his house. The apprentices were kept suspended in them nearly all day. La Gorda commented, that to have a harness in one's room is an ideal thing. The Genaros, without really knowing, what they were doing, had hit upon the quasi-memory of the harnesses, they had been suspended from, and had created their game. It was a game, that combined the curative and cleansing qualities of being kept away from the ground, with the possibility of exercising the concentration, that one needs for shifting from the Right to the Left Side Consciousness. Their game was indeed a device, that helped them remember. La Gorda said, that after she and all the apprentices had remained suspended all day, Silvio Manuel had brought them down at dusk. All of them went with him to the bridge and waited there with the rest of the party, until the Nagual Juan Matus and Genaro showed up with me. The Nagual Juan Matus explained to all of them, that it had taken longer, than he had anticipated to prepare me. I remembered, that don Juan and his warriors crossed over the bridge, before we did. Dona Soledad and Eligio automatically went with them. The Nagual Woman went over last. From the other side of the bridge Silvio Manuel signaled us to start walking. Without saying a word, all of us began at once. Midway across the bridge, Lydia, Rosa and Pablito seemed incapable of taking one more step. Benigno and Nestor walked almost to the end and then stopped. Only la Gorda, Josefina and I arrived, to where don Juan and the others were standing. What happened next was very much like, what had happened the first time we attempted to go through. Silvio Manuel and Eligio held open something, I believed was, an actual slit. I had enough energy to focus my attention on it. It was not an opening on the hill, that stood at the end of the bridge, nor was it an opening in the Wall of Fog, although I could distinguish a Foglike Vapor around the slit. It was a dark mysterious Opening, that stood by itself apart from everything else; it was as big, as a man, but narrow. Don Genaro made a joke and called it "the cosmic vagina,"
a remark, that brought roaring laughter from his peers. La Gorda and Josefina held on to me and we stepped in. I felt instantly, that I was being crushed. The same incalculable force, that had nearly made me explode the first time, had gripped me again.
I could feel la Gorda and Josefina merging with me. I seemed to be wider, than they were, and the force flattened me against the two of them together. The next thing I knew, I was lying on the ground with la Gorda and Josefina on top of me. Silvio Manuel helped us stand up.
He told me, that it would be impossible for us to join them in their journey at that time, but that perhaps later, when we had tuned ourselves to perfection, the Eagle would let us go through. As we walked back to his house, Silvio Manuel told me almost in a whisper, that their path and my path had diverged from each other that night. He said, that our paths would never meet again, and that I was alone. He exhorted (urged, appealed) me to be frugal (sparing, not wasteful) and utilize every bit of my energy without wasting any of it.
He assured me, that if I could gain the Totality of Myself without excessive drainage, I would have the energy to fulfill my task. If I drained myself excessively, before I lost my Human Form, I was done for. I asked him, if there was a way to avoid drainage. He shook his head. He replied, that there was a way, but not for me. Whether I succeeded or not, was not a matter of my volition. He then revealed my task. But he did not tell me how to carry it out. He said, that someday the Eagle would put someone in my path to tell me how to do it. And not until I had succeeded, would I be free. When we got to the house, all of us congregated in the large room. Don Juan sat in the center of the room facing the southeast. The eight Female Warriors surrounded him. They sat in pairs on the cardinal points, also facing the southeast. Then the three male warriors made a triangle outside the circle with Silvio Manuel at the vertex (highest point, apex, summit), that pointed to the southeast. The two Female couriers sat flanking him, and the two Male couriers sat in front of him almost against the wall. The Nagual Woman made the Male apprentices sit against the east wall; she made the Women sit against the west wall. She then led me to a place directly behind don Juan.
We sat there together. We remained seated for what, I thought, was only an instant, yet I felt a surge of unusual energy in my body. I believed, that we had sat down and then immediately stood up. When I asked the Nagual Woman, why we got up so quickly, she replied, that we had been sitting there for several hours, and that someday, before I entered into the Third Attention, all of it would come back to me. La Gorda stated, that not only did she have the sensation, that we sat in that room only for an instant, but that she was never told, that it had been otherwise. What the Nagual Juan Matus told her afterward was, that she had the obligation to help the other apprentices, especially Josefina, and that one day
I would return to give her the final push, she needed, to Cross Totally into the Other Self. She was tied to me and to Josefina. In our Dreaming together under Zuleica's supervision,
we had exchanged enormities of our Luminosity. That was why we were able to withstand together the pressure of the Other Self, upon entering it in the flesh. He also told her, that it was the Power of the Warriors of his party, which had made the Crossing so easy this time, and, that when she would have to cross on her own, she had to be prepared to do it in Dreaming. After we had stood up, Florinda came over to where I was. She took me by the arm and walked around the room with me, while don Juan and his Warriors talked to the apprentices. She said, that I should not allow the events of that night at the bridge to confuse me. I should not believe, as the Nagual Juan Matus had believed at one time, that there is an actual physical passageway into the Other Self. The Slit, that I had seen, was simply a construct of their Intent, which had been trapped by a combination of the Nagual Juan Matus' obsession with passageways and Silvio Manuel's bizarre sense of humor; the mixture of both had produced the cosmic vagina. As far, as she was concerned, the passage from One Self to the Other had no physicality. The cosmic vagina was a physical expression of the two Men's Power to move the "Wheel of Time."

Florinda explained, that when she or her peers talked about Time, they were not referring to something, which is measured by the movement of a clock. Time is the Essence of Attention; the Eagle's emanations are made out of Time; and properly, when one enters into any aspect of the Other Self, one is becoming acquainted with Time. Florinda assured me, that that very night, while we sat in formation, they had had their last chance to help me and the apprentices to face the Wheel of Time. She said, that the Wheel of Time is like a State of Heightened Awareness, which is part of the Other Self, as the Left Side Awareness is part of the Self of Everyday Life, and that it could physically be described, as a Tunnel of Infinite length and width;
a Tunnel with reflective Furrows.

Every Furrow is infinite, and there are infinite numbers of them. Living creatures are compulsorily made, by the Force of Life, to gaze into one Furrow. To gaze into it means to be trapped by it, to live that Furrow. She asserted, that, what Warriors call Will, belongs to the Wheel of Time. It is something like the runner of a vine, or an intangible (not palpable, not material, not corporeal, not concrete) tentacle, which all of us possess. She said, that a Warrior's final Aim is to learn to Focus it on the Wheel of Time, in order to make it turn. Warriors, who have succeeded in turning the Wheel of Time, can gaze into any Furrow and draw from it whatever they desire, such as the cosmic vagina. To be trapped compulsorily in one Furrow of Time, entails Seeing the images of that Furrow only as they recede (move backwards). To be free from the spellbinding force of those grooves means, that one can look in either direction, as images recede or as they approach. Florinda stopped talking and embraced me. She whispered in my ear, that she would be back to finish her instruction someday, when I had gained the Totality of Myself. Don Juan called everyone to come to where I was. They surrounded me. Don Juan spoke to me first. He said, that I could not go with them on their journey, because it was impossible, that I could withdraw from my task. Under those circumstances, the only thing they could do for me, would be to wish me well.
He (Don Juan) added, that Warriors have no life of their own. From the moment they understand the nature of Awareness, they cease to be Persons and the human condition is no longer part of their view. I had my duty as a Warrior and nothing else was important, for I was going to be left behind to fulfill a most obscure task. 
Since I had already relinquished (give up, abandon) my life, there was nothing else for them to say to me, except, that I should do my best. And there was nothing for me to say to them, except, that I had understood and had accepted my fate. Vicente came to my side next. He spoke very softly. He said, that the challenge of a Warrior is to arrive at a very subtle Balance of Positive and Negative Forces. This challenge does not mean, that a Warrior should strive to have everything under control, but that a Warrior should strive to meet any conceivable situation, the expected and the unexpected, with equal efficiency. To be perfect under perfect circumstances was to be a paper warrior. My challenge was to be left behind. Theirs was to strike onward into the Unknowable. Both challenges were consuming. For Warriors, the excitation of staying put, is equal to the excitation of the journey. Both are equal, because both entail the fulfilling of a sacred trust. Silvio Manuel came to my side next; he was concerned with practicalities. He gave me a formula, an incantation for times, when my task would be greater, than my strength; it was the incantation, that came to my mind the first time I remembered the Nagual Woman:
"I am already given to the power, that rules my fate. And I cling to nothing, so I will have nothing to defend. I have no thoughts, so I will See. I fear nothing, so I will remember myself. Detached and at ease, I will dart past the Eagle to be free. Ya me di al poder que a mi destino rige. No me agarro ya de nada, para asi no tener nada que defender. No tengo pensamientos, para asi poder ver. No temo ya a nada, para asi poder acordarme de mi. Sereno y dcsprendido, me dejara el aguila pasar a la libertad."
He told me, that he was going to reveal to me a practical maneuver of the Second Attention, and right then he turned into a Luminous Egg. He reverted back to his normal appearance and repeated this transformation three or four more times. I understood perfectly well, what he was doing. He did not need to explain it to me and yet, I could not put into words, what I knew. Silvio Manuel smiled, cognizant (aware or mental process to acquire knowledge) of my problem.
He said, that it took an enormity of strength to let go of the Intent of Everyday Life. The secret, that he had just revealed, was how to expedite (assist, facilitate) letting go of that Intent. In order to do, what he had done (turned to Luminous Egg), one must place one's attention on the Luminous Shell !

He turned one more time into a Luminous Egg and then it became obvious to me, what I had known all along. Silvio Manuel's eyes turned for an instant to focus on the point of the Second Attention. His head was straight, as if he had been looking ahead of him, only his eyes were askew (to one side, crooked). He said, that a warrior must evoke Intent. The glance is the secret. The eyes beckon Intent. I became euphoric at that point. I was at long last capable of thinking about something,
I knew without really knowing. The reason, why 
Seeing seems to be visual, is because we need the eyes to focus on Intent. Don Juan and his party of Warriors knew how to use their eyes to catch another aspect of Intent and called this act Seeing. What Silvio Manuel had shown me was the true function of the Eyes, the Catchers of Intent. I then used my eyes deliberately to beckon Intent. I focused them on the point of the Second Attention. All of a sudden don Juan, his Warriors, dona Soledad, and Eligio were Luminous Eggs, but not la Gorda, the three little Sisters, and the Genaros. I kept on moving my eyes back and forth between the blobs of light and the people, until I heard a crack in the base of my neck, and everybody in the room was a Luminous Egg. I felt for an instant, that I could not tell them apart, but then my eyes seemed to adjust and I held two aspects of Intent, two images at once. I could see their physical bodies and also their Luminosities. The two scenes were not superimposed on each other, but separate, and yet I could not figure out how. I definitely had two channels of vision, and Seeing had everything to do with my eyes and yet was independent of them. I could still See the Luminous Eggs, but not their physical bodies, when I closed my eyes. I had at one moment the clearest sensation, that I knew how to shift my attention to my Luminosity. I also knew, that to revert to the physical level, all I had to do, was to focus my eyes on my body. Don Genaro came to my side next and told me, that the Nagual Juan Matus, as a parting gift, had given me duty, Vicente had given me challenge, Silvio Manuel had given me magic, and he was going to give me humor. He looked me up and down and commented, that I was the sorriest looking Nagual, he had ever seen. He examined the apprentices and concluded, that there was nothing else for us to do, except to be optimistic and to look on the positive side of things. He told us a joke about a country girl, who was seduced and jilted (rejected) by a city slicker. When she was told on the day of her wedding, that the groom had left town, she pulled herself together with the sobering thought, that not everything had been lost. She had lost her virginity, but she had not yet killed her piglet for the wedding feast.  Don Genaro told us, that the only thing, that would help us to get out of our situation, which was the situation of the jilted bride, was to hold onto our piglets, whatever they might be, and laugh ourselves silly. Only through laughter could we change our condition. He coaxed (urge, persuade, plead) us with gestures of his head and hands to give him a hearty ha ha. The sight of the apprentices trying to laugh was as ridiculous, as my own attempt. Suddenly I was laughing with don Juan and his Warriors. Don Genaro, who had always made jokes about my being a poet, asked me to read a poem out loud. He said, that he wanted to summarize his sentiments and his recommendations with the poem, that celebrates life, death and laughter. He was referring to a fraction of Jose Gorostiza's poem, "Death Without End." The Nagual Woman handed me the book and I read the part, that don Juan and don Genaro had always liked.
"Oh, what blind joy. What hunger to use up the air, that we breathe, the mouth, the eye, the hand. What biting itch to spend absolutely all of ourselves in one single burst of laughter. Oh, this impudent, insulting death, that assassinates us from afar over the pleasure, that we take in dying for a cup of tea . . . for a faint caress."
The setting for the poem was overpowering. I felt a shiver. Emilito and the courier Juan Tuma came to my side. They did not say a word. Their eyes were shining like black marbles. All their feelings seemed to be focused in their eyes. The courier Juan Tuma said very softly, that once he had ushered (leading) me into the mysteries of Mescalito at his house, and that that had been a forerunner of another occasion in the Wheel of Time, when he would usher me into the ultimate mystery. Emilito said, as if his voice were an echo of the courier Juan Tuma's, that both of them were confident, that I was going to fulfill my task. They would be waiting, for I would join them someday. The courier Juan Tuma added, that the Eagle had put me with the Nagual Juan Matus' party, as my rescue unit. They embraced me again and whispered in unison, that I should trust myself. After the couriers, the Female Warriors came to me. Each one hugged me and whispered a wish in my ear, a wish of plenitude and fulfillment. The Nagual Woman came to me last. She sat down and held me in her lap, as if I were a child. She exuded (make felt)  affection and purity. I was breathless. We stood up and walked around the room. We talked about and pondered our fate. Forces, impossible to fathom (determine), had guided us to that culminating moment. The awe (wonder, power, respect), that I felt, was immeasurable. And so was my sadness. She then revealed a portion of the Rule, that applies to the three-pronged Nagual. She was in a state of ultimate agitation and yet she was calm. Her intellect was peerless and yet she was not trying to reason anything out. Her last day on Earth overwhelmed her. She filled me with her mood. It was, as if up to that moment, I had not quite realized the finality of our situation. Being on my Left Side entailed, that the primacy (state of being first) of the immediate took precedence (priority in importance), which made it practically impossible for me to foresee beyond that moment. However, the impact of her mood engaged a great deal of my Right Side Awareness and its capacity to prejudge feelings, that are to come. I realized, that I would never again see her. That was unbearable! Don Juan had told me, that on the Left Side there are no tears, that a Warrior can no longer weep, and that the only expression of anguish (extreme mental pain, torture, torment) is a shiver, that comes from the very depths of the Universe. It is, as if one of the Eagle's emanations is anguish (extreme mental pain, torture, torment). The Warrior's shiver is infinite. As the Nagual Woman talked to me and held me, I felt, that Shiver. She put her arms around my neck and pressed her head against mine. I thought she was wringing (squize, compress, twist) me like a piece of cloth. I felt something coming out of my body, or out of hers into mine. My anguish (extreme mental pain, torture, torment) was so intense and it flooded me so fast, that I went berserk (deranged, destructevely violent). I fell to the floor with the Nagual Woman still embracing me. I thought, as if in a dream, that I must have gashed (long, deep cut) her forehead in our fall. Her face and mine were covered with blood. Blood had pooled in her eyes. Don Juan and don Genaro very swiftly lifted me up. They held me. I was having uncontainable spasms, like seizures. The Female Warriors surrounded the Nagual Woman; then they stood in a row in the middle of the room. The Men joined them. In one moment, there was an undeniable chain of energy going between them. The row moved and paraded in front of me. Each one of them came for a moment and stood in front of me, but without breaking the row. It was, as if they were moving on a conveyor, that transported them and made each of them stop in front of me. The Male couriers went by first, then the Female couriers, then the Male Warriors, then the Dreamers, the Stalkers, and finally the Nagual Woman. They went by me and remained in full view for a second or two, long enough to say goodbye, and then they disappeared into the blackness of the mysterious slit, that had appeared in the room. Don Juan pressed my back and relieved some of my unbearable anguish (extreme mental pain, torture, torment). He said, that he understood my pain, and that the affinity (likeness) of the Nagual Man and the Nagual Woman is not something, that can be formulated. It exists as a result of the emanations of the Eagle; once the two people are put together and are separated, there is no way to fill the emptiness, because it is not social emptiness, but a movement of those emanations. Don Juan told me then, that he was going to make me shift to my extreme right. He said, that it was a merciful,  although temporary maneuver; it would allow me to forget for the time being, but it would not soothe me, when I remembered.
Don Juan also told me, that the Act of Remembering is thoroughly incomprehensible. In actuality it is the Act of Remembering Oneself, which does not stop at recollecting the interaction Warriors perform in their Left Side Awareness, but goes on to recollect every memory, that the Luminous Body has stored from the moment of birth. The systematic interaction Warriors go through in states of Heightened Consciousness is only a device to entice (lure, attract) the Other Self to reveal itself in terms of memories. This Act of Remembering, although it seems to be only associated with Warriors, is something, that is within the realm of every Human Being; every one of us can go directly to the memories of our Luminosity with unfathomable (too deep to be measured) results. Don Juan said then, that that day they would leave at dusk and that the only thing they still had to do for me, was to create an opening, an interruption in the continuum of my time. They were going to make me jump into an abyss, as a means of interrupting the Eagle's emanation, that accounts for my feeling, that I am whole and continuous. The jump was going to be done, while I was in a state of normal Awareness, and the idea was, that my Second Attention would take over; rather than dying at the bottom of the abyss, I would enter fully into the Other Self. Don Juan said, that I would eventually come out of the Other Self, once my energy was exhausted; but I would not come out on the same mountaintop, from where I was going to jump. He predicted, that I would emerge at my favorite spot, wherever it might be. This would be the interruption in the continuum of my time. He then pushed me completely out of my Left Side Awareness. And I forgot my anguish (extreme mental pain, torture, torment), my purpose, my task. At dusk that afternoon, Pablito, Nestor and I did jump off a precipice. The Nagual's blow had been so accurate and so merciful, that nothing of the momentous event of their farewell transcended beyond the limits of the other momentous event of jumping to certain death and not dying. Awe-inspiring, as that event was, it was pale, in comparison to what was taking place in another realm. Don Juan made me jump at the precise moment, when he and all of his warriors had kindled (arouse, inspire) their Awareness. I had a dreamlike vision of a row of people, looking at me. Afterwards I rationalized it, as just one of a long series of visions or hallucinations I had had upon jumping. This was the meager (thin, lean, deficient, scanty) interpretation of my Right Side Awareness, overwhelmed by the awesomeness of the Total Event. On my Left Side, however, I realized, that I had entered into the Other Self. And this entrance had had nothing to do with my rationality. The Warriors of don Juan's party had caught me for an eternal instant, before they vanished into the Total Light, before the Eagle let them go through. I knew, that they were in a range of the Eagle's emanations, which was beyond my reach. They were waiting for don Juan and don Genaro. I saw don Juan taking the lead. And then there was only a Line of Exquisite Lights in the sky. Something like a wind seemed to make the Cluster of Lights contract and wriggle (twist, squirm). There was a massive Glow on one end of the Line of Lights, where don Juan was. I thought of the plumed serpent of the Toltec legend. And then the Lights were gone.